The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 06, 1905, Image 4

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5i3-iS5S "?"
-I !
T. J O'KEKFE Publisher
Entered at the postoflice nt Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through tha
malls, as second-clans matter.
B3T Tint Hhrald is the Official Publica
tion ol Box Butte county and its circula
tion is nearly twlco that of any other Al-
Itatfce paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month..... .50
Business locals, per lino first Insortlon .to
Each subsequent insertion, per line .03
' Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, J1.50 per year in advance.
Tim colored btiiul played nobly.
Wm.i., wo all had a gobd lime Tiles
drifv, cvoti if it did rain.
Tim Crawford ball players bad tho
gntno of their life horo.
It wns a quiet day for the police
force of "Alliance tho Fourth.
Will Gen. Tnft bo tlio noxt secre
tary of tato ? That's tho question.
Nor one arrest among tho 10,000
people in this city Ihc Fourth. A
second JJion City to bo euro.
With war in Manchuria nnd in
Poland and prospects of war in Finland
tho oaar of Russia ought to welcome a
peace conference.
If nil the navies in the Black son
join in the pursuit of the mutineers of
tho battleship Kniaz Potemkino there'll
bo a lerriblo tempest in n tenpot.
li' red fire, skyrocket, canon fire
crnckcr and every other noise imagin
able is a criterion of n community's
patriotism, then Alliance takes the
whole bakery.
Is the new cigarotto law going to bo
a dead one ? That's the way it looked
in Alliance tho Fourth, wheio every
other boy was pulling at a little
poisonous paper roll.
Tun republican state convention is
set for September 14. This is con
sidered too Into by ti majority of the
party leaders, and there's liable to be n
row in the camp as a. result.
Tiik death of Secretary of Stuto John
Hay, ici'iovcs 0110 of tho strongest
members of the president's cabinet. In
somo instances not wise in his admin
istration, but always fearless.
1 1' tho senate irrigation committee,
which passed through Alliance last
Saturday, had visited here long onough
n committee of citizens would have
waited on the distinguished body and
given .1 practical illustration on irriga
tion in Washington.
Tun IIbkald did intend to publish a
list of those from out of town who
came to Alliance to celebrate the
Fourth, but owing to the fact that there
were so many and tho time required to
get tho names in type limited, we are
compelled to omit them.
Gknukal Mtur.s and Secretary Wil-
.son are kept busy these dayB denying
the rumors that they tire to be, married.
While such denials. must"$be accepted
ns putely diplomatic both men must
take care that theyvdo not carry their
jdiplomncy too far. ' It vill be too late,
"some day. ,
An attempt will be made by the state
board of health to compel physicians
to follow tho 1 ule laid down for their
Iowa brethren, that of shaving off
mustache and whiskers. This may be
a. preventive for the spending of dis
ease germs, but think of the number of
homely mugs that will appear in the
Jons D. KocKurELLLK announcos
that ho docs not wish to be considered
a " saltish monopolist." Now that thoy
know John D's. wishes the pulflic will
doubtless agree to rogard him ns u
philanthiopic monopolist and it is en
tirely possible .that Commissioner of
Corporations Garfield will give him a
certificate to that offoct.
A financial crush struck Topokn,
Kans,, last Monday, whan the First
National bank of that city closed its
doors. The shortage is estimated at C, II. Devlin, ono of the
principal stockholders and supposedly
the richest man in Kansas, is said to
have caused the financial wreck through
speculation. Devlin is said to havo
turned over to the bank securities, real
and personal, worth $700,000, and insur
ance policies, having cash surrender
value of nearly as much more.
- 4 - 1 -
The City of
. '
LLIANCIi is a thriving city ot
perous and glowing prospects
of Omaha, 236 miles north of
western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lightt. a three story city
hall and fire engine bouse, first class fire-company and apparatus. Two"
large school buildings; employs twenty teaohora t6 educate its 1000
school children. Seven churches U. S. land, offices, Court bouse, two
National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residencies. Its
railroad facilities are the best. It is on the piain line of the Burlington
from either Chicago or tit. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It
is tho Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da
kofa and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Phelan having
been recently located here. The western division shops are located
hore and more than 600 railroad men are employed here. Its people
are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and
invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce
ments for men of capital enterprise and push, to locate within her
borders. Letters of inquiry addressed to the Alliance IIkrald will be
answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand
some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more
than we could write you in a month.
A. M. Miller is down from Homing
ford today.
John Lylo is enjoying a visit from
his sisters of Broken Bow.
Mrs. Silk went to Spearfish, S. D.,
Saturday to visit her daughter.
C. G. Hollibatigh of Mnrsland has
business nt the land office today.
Dr. ,Hnnd is onjoying a visit from
his father who reside at Hay Springs.
Mrs. Freeland arrivod yesterday
from Kavcnna to pay her son Bert and
family a visit.
John Snllt-nbergur, the sage of Mars-
land, is chatting with old-time friends
in the city today.
Mrs. Kate Davis arrivod today from
Kansas to visit her brother Judge
Hcwett and family.
W. B. Tagg was in Alliance yester
day coming here from Scottsbluff whero
be spent the Foutth. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Crawford
wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Mitchell on the Fourth.
Bates Copelatid came down from
Newcastle to celebrate. Alliance has
a particular attraction for Bates.
Miss Mamie Ready arrived today
from Detroit, Mich., and will spend a
month with hor sister Mrs. John Brcn
nan. Cash for butter, eggs and'' cream at
Zbiudcn Bros. feed store, by V. E.
Spencer, agent for Harding Cream
Co. 30-4W-
James B. Gray was at Hot Springs,
S. D., the Font th, enjoying the plunge
baths and scenery surrounding that
C. F. Kroll has opened a meat
market in the building formerly occu
pied by W. A. Manchester as a billiard
Miss Mary Maycock arrived yester
day from Omaha to take up her resi
dence on a homestead. She is a sister
of Mrs. Henry Hier.
Boyd & Barker have moved their law
office to the opera house block, now
occupying one of tho rooms vacated by
tho Business Men's club.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loomis, formeily
of this county but now residents of
Custer, S. D.. are happy over tho birth
of a son, their first born.
The game of ball between Heming
ford and the Alliance team last Sunday
whs rather lopsided or sideways. The
score being 15 to 5 or thereabouts."
Jerry Rowan has installed a larger
engine and feed grhidcr in his establish
ment and is now prepaied to grind any
thing and everything in the feed line.
M. V. Eaton, wife and two children
and Mrs. Eaton's sister who had been
visiting their cousin, H. T. Carey and
family loft last Thursday for Pottlatul.
Mrs. M. Cusick and children of New
castle, Wyo., arrived Tuosday morn
ing to spend a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. McCoy,
ilios. Kuuottom and lanuly ami a
sister of Mrs. Rubottom who is visiting
here drove to the Pine Pidge Tuosday
for an outing and picnic under the
J. O. Wilson of Custer county spoilt
the Fourth with his brother J. E. at
Allianco and will visit W. G. another
brother at Reno before returning to his
The Pathfinder dam reservoir con
tract was let to W. C. Bradbury for
$3f4i94(. This is the greatest piece
of construction work in the government
Miss Edna McLood of Lead, S. D.,
arrivod in the city Monday morning for
a visit with friends. Miss McLcod is a
daughter of R. McLuod, a pioneer
- itwE-Mfr-y 1
. ...
more than 5000 population, pros
for the future. 40a mllM west
Denver. It is the metropolis of
-- -. --------..
merchant of this county, who is well
known to old settlers.
Jas. Barry, an old resident of this
county, came down from Hemingford
last Sunday evening to transact busi
ness and to spend the Fourth in the
Rev. Father Lecker of Crawford
spent the Fourth with Father Dcvos
and nophow from Spaulding. Yester
day they returned to Ciawford to make
a visit in the Pine Ridge.
L. M. McCoy of Crawford was in the
city Saturday transacting business at
the land office. Mr. McCoy made Tint
Hbkald a visit and had his name en
rolled on our subscription list.
.. 11 ...
llio Kiglit doming store Had a
very appropriate window decoration
on the Fourth in the way of trophies
from the Philippine Islands. The dis
play attracted many sightseers.
Barney A. Znrn was over from Craw
ford the Fourth to celebrate. He com
bined business with pleasure on this
trip, having business before the land
laud office in which Attorney Mitchell
assisted him.
J. D. P.ittison of Lakeside celebrated
in Alliance. Mr. Pattison returned tho
latter part of the week from Iowa where
he was called on account of the illness
of a brother whom he left on the way
to recovery.
A change occured in tho manage
ment of the 'Palace meat market the
first of the mouth Ira Bushnell and
Ernest Olday selling to H. L. Bush
nell who will continue the business with
Ira as manager.
Dr. Balfe went to Denver the first of
the week where she will meet her
mother. They expect to visit vai ious
places in Colorado and her 'mother
may visit Alliance before returning to;
her home at Toledo, Ohio.
T. F. Ackcrman came. down from
Crawford to celebrate the Fourth. He
expects to finish one of his u lastering
contracts at the Fort in about three
weeks when he will return to Alliance
to harvest his hay crop.
H. J. Wilson of St. Joseph, Mo.,
was here Monday to look at some Box
Butte county land with a view to in
vesting. He was very favorably im
pressed with the country and said that
Alliance was the best town for its size
he ever saw.
Postmaster Tash has received an in
quiry from Kansas City as to relatives
of J. V. Paiker who is lying at the
point of death in that city. "Vic", as
he was familiarly known, at one time
published a paper at Hemingford and
later icsidod at Lead, S. D.
Mrs. B, J. Fogle and infant son of
Lenanon, Kans., arrived Sunday to
visit lelatives and enjoy the celebration.
Mrs. Fogle reports severe storms in our
neighboring state but says ciop pros
pects are good, but with all she prefers
the invigorating, cool atmosphere of
Box Butte county her old home.
Box Butte County Scores Second.
According to statistics compiled by
the Bureau of Labor and Industrial
Statistics which was given out yoster
day, Box Eutte county is credited, with
the shipment of 96,500 bushols of po
tatoes for the year 1904. This loads
every county in tho state except Sheri
dan which is credited with 100,500
Shakrsnrs' Blrrtidar Ct-lrbmttKi,
TheGermanSbakespoare gesellsi haft
relebrated tho blrthdns ot the groat
Rngllsh poet at Weimar with all th
customary enthusiasm. Horr Von
Possart the manager of the Davarlan
court theater at Munkh gave a lec
ture upon "Scenery" In Shakespeare's
time, which was Illustrated with a
model of tho primitive Elizabethan
stage. The meeting, at which se fer
al English and American guests wora
present, was presided over by tho ven
erable Dr. Oschelhauscr, one of tut
founder of the society, who Is now la
Ms eighty-first voar.
They Killed One of Tholr Hunters
After a Deoperate Battle.
Tho Maritime Alps of eastern
France have long boon noted as being
the haunt of tho most ferocious and
powerful breed of eagles In existence
Children innumerable havo been
carried off by them, and thor oven at
tack adults On occasions, sometimes
with dire remilts.
A postman named Gustavo Sllva,
who carried tho malls on foot between
tho villages of Sospollo and Pugot
Thenlers, was set upon while cross
ing tho pass by threo large birds, and
frightfully Injured.
Ho innnagod to drive off Ills winged
assailants with the aid of his alpen
stock, nnd eventually reached his des
tination with his bag of letters. But
his case was from the first regarded
ns hopeloss by tho local doctors, and
nftor lingering In Indescribable agony
for six days be succumbed to his
Meanwhile two young French tour
ists, Messrs. Joseph Monanjl and An
tolno Noyssel, went up Into the moun
tains to try to kill the blrdd that had
done tho damage, and were savagely
attacked In their turn. Both men
were armed, but the sudden onslaught
of tho huge-winged creatures com
pletely unnerved them, and after fir
ing only ono shot they tried to escapo
by running.
Tho birds, however, struck them
down ero they had gone many yards,
and they would have doubtless been
both torn to pieces where they lay
but for tho opportune arrival of a
party of shephords.
These succeeded In rescuing Mr.
Noyssel alive, but terribly injured, ho
having sustained no fewer than ton
sovere wounds in the head and back,
besides Innumerable minor lacera
tions and abrasions.
His companion, Mr. Monand, was
killed outright early in tho fray, and
his body, when recovered, presented
a most shocking spectacle. Mr. Neys
sol recovered after six weeks in bed,
but la disfigured for life. Stray
A Child's Idea of Riches.
A little street waif was taken once
to tho houso of a great lady and tho
childish eyes that had to look so
sharply after dally bread wero daz
zled by blgns of splendor on every
"Can you get' everything you want?"
tha child asked the mistress of tho
"Yes, I think so," was the reply.
"Can you buy anything you'd like to
Tho lady answered "Yes."
And the child, who was of a medita
tive turn of -mind, looked at her half
pityingly and said wonderlngly, "Don't
you find It dull?"
To tho keen little mind accustomed
to Hvo blrd-llko from day to day and
rejoicing ovr a better supply with
the dolight born of rarity, tho aspect
or continual plenty and desires all
gratified by possession contained an
idea of monotony that seemed almost
Exploring the Sea.
The French naval engineer, Renaud,
calls attention to tho fact that a cap
tive balloon rising to a certain height
may bo employed to discover the pres
ence of rocks beneath tho surface of
the water. Every sailor knows -hat
In ceitaln parts of tho seas shallows
can be detected In time by the color
ing of the water so that they can bo
avoldod. From certain heights shal
lows are shown still more plainly, ns,
for Instance, from the hill surround
ing tho entrance to Brest. From this
it follows that from a captive balloon
at a certain height above tiro water,
especially in waters containing chan
nels, shallows can bo located with
tho eye, and better still through pho
tography. Pat's Lesson In Golf.
Pat had been holplng the greens
keeper construct several tees at the
new golf links, and during the noon
hour had been given a few lessons in
driving. A day or two later ho was
telling his friend Casey about it.
"Faith, Casey," he said, "this game
they call golluf do bo a funny game.
Yez have a little white ball an' a long
stick wid a knob on the ind nv it, an'
yes put tho white brll on a llttlo hapo
av sand. Thin the game is to haul aft
an knock tho ball so far yez kin nlver
find ut ngln."
"An' did yez hit "the ball whin jez
tried?" asked Casey.
"Did 01?" said Pat. "Thofs the fun
ny thing about golluf. Shure, tho first
tolmo 01 hit ut, Ol nlver touchod ut!"
Sympathy Misplaced.
Edward L. Adams, representing the
Unttod States as consul general at
Stockholm, Sweden, was for several
years editor of the Rochester Demo
crat and Chronicle. While occupying
that position he wrote an obituary no
tice of a neighbor's child, whoso
trousers had caught lire during a
Fourth of July celebration, burning
the little fellow so badly that he died
In consequence. Mr. Adams ended
his article with the statoraont that
the sympathies of friends would go
out to tho berenved parents. His
shock tho next day may possibly bo
Imagined when the typos made him
say that "the sy-'pathlos of a largo
circle of friends -111 go out to the
burned pants."- x' v York Times.
Cigars K :
In a case b:
Mass., to declare
Wood void becau
for tho offlco he ti ,
1 Bribe.
t at Haverhill,
lection of Mayor
''ng his canvass
d to cigars, and
was, therefore, guilty of bribory within
tho meaning of tho law, the grand Jury
of that city has found that there is no
oauso for action as cigars canuot bo
Leld to bo "a valuablo consideration."
Time Table
Alliance, Nebr.
and nil points tnst ntul all txiluts i"t nnd
Thaixs Leavi: as i'oixows, Mountain Times
No. 41 Passenger dally. DwmIwhkI,
Hillings, till points north unit
wost l2:M)).m.
No. 42 I'usswiper dally. Lincoln.
Uirmlui, Cliteutto and nil
points etui 3:l!a.m.
No. 301 )'Hseiwr ilnlly. for Denver
Kduii.vnlt Luke, Sun rrwi
Cisco anil all luturntediule
points, departs at 3 "JO n. in,
No. 30:
ssi-nuor dntlr from Denver
nml all Intermediate points,
arrives at
No. 305 Tupsdnys. Thursday, Slttir
dtij.. points south iintl west,
Nu. 300 TueMlajs , Thursdays. Satur
days, Miutli and west, nrrlves.0:25p. m,
Sleeplnp, dlnlim and twllnlne chnlr cum
(rpntx frer) on tlironcli trains Tickets Mild
iiun 1 ni 1:1:11 ciicciti'ti to niiv point. 111 1110
t'nlttil Stmt' ot Cnmida. For information,
tin o tables and tickets cull on or write
L. & Kmik, A pent, or L W. Wakri.f.v. Gen
eral I'lifeem-tr Ape it. Oninh.1. Nebraska.
Oflicml Directory.
Hon. .Tnlin II. Mickey liovet nor.
Hon. 1". O. Mrllllloii Lleututiant Governor.
lion. A. fiulusliu-Sccruiiii-y of State.
lion. K. SI .-n:irlf. Jr. Autfltor.
Hon. l'eter .Murlen-en Treasurer.
Hon. .1. 1,. Mi'llrleti -topi. Titblto Iiitnictlon.
Hon. Noirln I iron n -Attorney (Jeneral
Hon. II. SI. Kiitoii l 0111'r Public Lund and
Hon, Hnrr Lindsay fetuto Librarian.
Hon S. A. Ilolcomb-Chlef Justice.
Hon. Patnuol 11. Hedfrtiwiek Associate Justice.
Hon John II. Unrnes Associate Justice.
Hon. J II. Mllliinl-IT. S. Sonato.
lion. li..'. Hnrkett-U S.t-onuto.
Hon. M .1'. Klnltnld Cousrossuian SixtliDlst.
v. s. land ornoE.
ltruce Wilcox HcKlster,
W It. AUer.s Itecolver.
.1. II. H. Howett-t'lotk.
Hon. P. M. Curry-ltupresuntatlvoMrd Dlst.
Hon. Ohas. I'. HnweSuniitor 14th Dlst.
Hon. V. H. Wostover-ltiishvllle.
linn .1. J. Hnrrliieton Oolll.
coi'ntt nmrr.ite, nox licrrn cocktv
. M. Mmscr- County Clerk, Iteoordnr. and
Clerk District Court
('. W. Ilirnnim Treasurer.
Irn Iteed- Shet lu
ll. K. biinclit- Count Ju!w.
1,00111 A. Ituttln Supt. Public Instruction.
William Mitchell County Attoruej.
J. P. Hannl County Surveyor.
A. S. Heed Assessor.
O. W. Loec Commissioner, Chairman.
1' runic Culm- Commissioner.
L. P. Smith Commissioner.
II. II. lrllod, M. I) -County Physician.
I Ir. .).!; Moore Coroner.
Louis ltuecbsciiBtelti .Mayor.
Kred W. llnrrls-City Clerk.
Mike Bhuy-Ohlef of Police.
W. S. IIIUbuII Police JudKe.
It. O. Kiilemnii--Clt.r Attorney. '
Dr. 11. II. I!fillvood-.l'hyleIuti.
F. M. KniKht City Treasurer and Water
Stt'ilii ! '.
I'red Ilrennaii -Chief I'lro Dopartmunt.
Prof. W. II. Hart. Sup't. City Schools.
KPISCOPAIj--ltCKnlar Sunday hi)rvlcsHn,in.
11 a. in.; 7::;0p. m.; Sunday school ut 10 11.111.
Churles 1). Coerr, Hector.
CATHOLIC IlcKiilar Sunday services fc 11.
in.; 10 11. m ; 8 p. m.; Sunday bcIiooI ut
7 p. 111. rather Julius Do Vos.
MKT1IOD1ST -Itecuhir Sunday servlca-ll 11.
ni.i H p. in.; Kuntloy .school 10 u. in.;
Junior League) 2. 30p. m.; Epworth Leaiuu
7 p. m.; Prujcr mcctimr Thursdays,
7:30 p. m. ltev. C. W. Itay, Pastor.
FlItST I'KESHYTEMAN-HeRuhir Sunday H p m.: Sunday school
10 n. in.; CluUtlnu Endeavor 7:15 p. in.
n. r. v. isukuu. tMstor.
aenliv II 11. 111. 8 p.m.; Sunda) HCliool
10 a. m.; V. P. C. l 7.1S p. m ltev. MoCoa
nell, Pastor.
ItAlTIST-ItCKUhir Sunday soviet)- 11 n. m.;
s p. m.; i-unihty !ehool 10 n, in.; Youtn-
People's meeting 7:15. Pmier meeting
Thursday, h p. in. Itev. O. C. JcHurs,
Pastor. LUTHKUAN-Keeiilur Sunday her-
vlco It n. in.; Sunday school 10 a. m.;
Evening services twice each month, liuv.
Otto Kouliriir. Pastor.
EASTEItN STAK-lst nnd 3rd Tuesday
nlghtB Mrs Anna Davi. Worthy .Matron
KEHECCAS -nd and 4th Friday nights.
Mr Ueo Leidy, N C!
DF.GltEK OF HO.VOIJ-lst and 3rd Monday
nlghtx. Mrs A i: Itejiiolds, C H
UOYAI.MnrillHOUS-nnd and 4th Wednes
day nlnlits, Mrs U N HosUlns, Oracle
L O T M 2nd nnd 1th Monday nlKhts. Mrs
O II Kooky
Thuisdays -J p in Mrs U N llo-.Mii-,
LADIES AUXILIUiYfl of L E-lst mid 3rd
Thursdays ;.' p in Mrs It L Harris, Presi
dent LADIES AITXILI A ItY 11 of L K-2nd and 1th
FrldiijHlim Mis W I. Austin.
ODD FEI.LOWS-Every Tuosday night, L T
Poole, Xohlu Clraud
A F V A M No. lW-Tlmrsdny on or" before
full moon. S A Franklin, V M
and 4th Tuesday nlghtc. V K Zollinger.
It A M No. 54-lst add 3rd Monday nights. S
A Franklin, II P
A O U W-2nd nnd Jth MonJny nights, I,
Ilu6chseiihtelu, .MuMor workman
M XV A- 1st mid 3rd Yalnesdny nights. Ed
gar Martin, V C
EAiLES-2nd and 4th .Sundays, 2:30 p in W
S ltldgell, W P
IC P-.Ist and 3rd Monday nlghto. J II Mil.
lvr, U U
KOYAl. IliailLANDHHS-Every Tuesday
night, it C Strong. 1 1
11 of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday 2 p m S A
Franklin, C E
II of LF-Every Friday night. O W Tiliett,
O It C-Evory Tuesday at 2 p 111 J X An
drews, CC
11 of It T every Thursday night. XV A Man
chester, Master
A O O P Allianco Harlxir No.42-Ht and
3rd Friday nights, D. W. Hajes, Com.
K. C. -Evisry2d week. J. II. Kennedy, flruiitl
II P. O K.-Eery Friday night Win.
Mitchell. E. It T..I. O'Keefo, fee.
2 TR.eYi ,. "Stevce. i
Agent for tho CsliMlonlun. of
Nxitinnu, win
nronorty only
and, which Insures town V
1. or x
only, ituu tno coluin- l
bin. which 1 ros town und
farm property and live stock.
Hoth lire reliable old Hue, com
panies Notarial Work, -
O t OfOVO00000?
Funeral Director and
Office phone 139. Residence phono 207
Maple Frappe
Mint Freeze
Seller Lemonade
Manhattan Punch
Cocq Cola
at the Fountain
306 fJo.t Onffc Ate.
Tirst Floor Elks liall
Billiard ami Pool Ikll
W. A. Hanchester
Successor to M A. M llllllnrd Hall
.. Attorneys nt JL.ii-v ..
Collections given Prompt Attention.
North Main St., - ALLIANCE, NEB
J. E. MOORE, M. D.
Calls utiswurt-d from oflice day or night.
Telephono No. (S.
Holstcn Ilulldlng, - ALLIANJE, NEB
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls answered day or nignt.
Phone 201 Res.
Ofllco in Klrst National Bank block. A III
anco Nebraska.
I'hjhiciiiii une Surgi-ou I)ny und nlglitcalls.
Ofllco over Uoruo Htoro. l'liono 150.
l II V S I 0 I v N A X I) S U H G E O N
Formorly Intorno Ilomeoiuthlc Hos
pfttfl University of Ioa.
Phone 231. Ollli-e over Allianco Shoo Store.
NiRht call answureil from ofllco.
l'liono 258,
Culls answered In town or country.
Guy Lock wood
Funeral Director and Embalmer
j-nones -utnee 214. Res
Espcit Ludy
'""'" Alliance, Net,
Pluinbiug, Steam and hot water
'Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB.
1 f.
' :
. --