The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 06, 1905, Image 3

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    1 ft
Women Obtain Mrs. Plnkham's
Advice and Help.
6he lias Guided Thousands to Health.
now Lydia E. MnkhMn'a Vegetable Com
pound Oared Mrs. Fred Scydel,
It is a trrcat
. satisfaction lor a
woman to feci that
1 sho can write to
i another telllnrrhor
Itlio most privato
land confidential
details about her
illness, and know
thuther letter will
bo seen by a wo
man only, a wo
man full of sym
pathy for her
sick sisters, and
abovo all, a woman who has had
more experience in treating femalo ills
than any living pcrsqn.
Over one hundred thousand cases of
female discuses come before Mrs. Pink
ham every year, somo personally,
Others by mail, and this has been go
ing on for twenty years, day after day.
Surely women are wise in seeking
advice from a woman of such experi
ence, especially when it is absolutely
Mrs. Pinkhnrn never violates tho confidence-
of women, and every testimo
nial letter published is dono so with
tho written consent or request of tho
writer, in order that other sick women
may bo benefited as they havo been.
Mrs. Fred Seydcl. of 412 North 64th
Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes:
Doar Mrs. Pinkham:
"Over a year ago I vrrotoyoualctter asking
advice, as I had femalo Ills and could not
carry a child to maturity. I received your
kind letter of Instructions and followed your
advice. I am not only a well woman in con
sequence, but havo a beautiful baby girl. I
wish every suffering woman in the land would
wito you for advice, as you bavo dono so
much for mo."
Just as surely as Mrs. Seydel was
cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham'o
Vegetable Compound euro every
woman suffering from any form of
femalo ills.
No other medicine in nil tho world
has such a record of cures of female
troubles as has Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound. Therefore no
prudent woman will accept any substi
tute which a druggist may offer.
If you are sick, write Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass , for special advice. It is
freo and always helpful.
For Preserving:, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands.
Cullcnra Soip comblnn delleata jntdklsd andtmoU
llent propei-Un ntrlrtd from Cutlcura, tha srttl Skla
Curt, with tha purnt of cluulnc lorrMllenti aad tha
naoit rclmtuDg 01 flower odon. Tvj fioapi in ono at oae
prlta niroUT, a Utdlclual and Toll Feip tot Ua.
totter prcii Chun. Corp., Sol. IVop,., Bo, ton.
tor ilal&d Irca, "All Aiwut tai bkia, Seal p, andlUlr.
$100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accident tntnranca -.experience on
eceuary.Wrltt Bankera' Accident 0o..Oe Mome,!.
$r gMO Cream
I - Separator
P0RS25.Q0 wm " ,h
ealabralaiTbuNDEe CREAM
SEPARATOR, raparlty. ICO
J pounda per houri SMpoandiea
aij ltr nour tor 9zy.uui
1 Dounda eanac llr Mrluur for
834.00.- Ouaranlead tha
qual at itparatara that RE
3TS.00 U SI 18.00.
our offer, rr.",:
rater an our SO dara' free trial
alan. with tha binding under-
standing and agreement If 70a
. ao not nua ur companion,
teat and uae teat It will aklm
cloaer, aklm colder milk.
aklm eaaler, ran Ug-nterand
aklm onanalf mora milk
(nan anj puicr 1 roam Dvpa
the Separator to ua at eur
xpenee and we will Imme
distal? return anr manor
chafee ar uierwla. Cut
thia ail. out at once and mail
r to ua. and you will rocete
tr return m, free, postpaid, our LATEST SFECIAU
Big offer and our t rm trial propoeltlon and you will re-.
Pa (Xi
Majority of Inhabitants erf
Warsabw Oppose "Russian "Rule
With the people of Russia generally
in n slate of unrest presaging a revo
lution, with open revolt in s6mo sec
tions of the Czar's domains, and with
fresh disasters caused by tho war in
the East, tho autocracy of Russia Is in
a critical condition.
That tho war must bo ended soon to
prevent a genoral revolt against tho
government ennnot bo doubted, Dis
patches from nil parts of Russia nro
all of this tonor.
Tho Internal situation grows graver
daily. Each loss of n lifo at tho hands
of Cossacks Increases tho hatred of
tho people toward nil that tho govern
ment represents. Reports of fresh dis
orders nro coming from Russia ns fast
as the censor will lot them out. Tho
.news of tho riots has been minimized
by ofllclaldom; no one can guess their
real extent.
Tho red flag of revolution was hoist
ed at tho masthead of tho Knlaz Po
temklno, Russia's most powerful bat
tleship in the Black Sen. The captain
and most of the officers wero mur
dered and thrown overboard In tho
open sen and tho ship was completely
hi tho possession of tho crew and a
few officers who threw in their lot
with tho mutineers.
Tho guns of tho Knlaz Potemklno
tT-hfr-' . . ' .
JFtf.&j ":,j--"
,., .i5r?). THE Affi?W JW&VZT Z.QDZ
.jrijap itvasiiMHJljpi:A'Bii'ti 't , ,'i'': '? .ra3(.j
. nMswsffr , " . ?.1f'tars
.jt- ry .jw1 jwjht d ' ' 't q w 'cTCiv
Drivers are frequently beaten by policemen for Insubordination.
wero trained on tho city, and In tho
streets masses of striking -workmen,
who previously had fled before tho vol
leys of troops, wero inflamed by tho
spectacle of open revolt on board an
Imperial war ship and made a bold
front against tho military.
Tho next stop of tho mutineers, It is
believed, will bo tho seizure of Sevas
topol, where vast quantities of muni
tions of war of all kinds aro stored.
Poles Long for Overthrow of Hated
Russian Rule.
Warsaw should bo seen before tho
rest of Russia, not after It. It Is tamo
to those who aro coming from tho
East. But to tho traveler from tho
West It contains amplo evidence of
a novel civilization that Is, of tho
Russian Empire. Warsaw lies on tho
border-line between tho Occident and
tho Orient. Tho Poles, properly
speaking, belong to tho Western
world. They havo our calendar, our
religion. Waraaw is full of old pal
aces and churches that aro Italian in
style. Its railways small matter
aro part and parcel of those of West
ern Europe; it Is only east of tho
Vistula that tho Russian gauge be
gins. But tho Russian Colossus has
set Its heavy foot on Poland, and tho
lot of tho Poles honceforth will bo
to holQ up tho torch of Western civ
ilization in an cmplro that Is un
friendly to It
That the Poles are aware of their
pitaslon no ono who has watched
them can doubt. With them, as In
Ireland, religion and patriotism aro
synonymous. What crowded church
es! We went Into one of them In tHo
afternoon, on an ordinary week day;
the seats and aisles were almost full.
tfo priest was visible, but a crowd of
people pressed, expectant, patient,
Eaulvocal Welcome.
When tho young King of Spain was
in London ho one day saw a banner
pf welcomo bearing these words In
tolerable Spanish up to tho last
word: "Quo vuestro relnado, senor,
sea largo y fllez," which was Intend
ed to mean: "May your rolgn, sir,
bo long and happy." But that last
word throw him Into fits ot laughter.
It should havo been "follz.' As It was
It meant nothing In Spanish, while In
French, a language with which his
majesty Is familiar, it Is equivalent to
tho American "get out,"
against tho altar rails. In tho body
of tho church a munbor of men, seat
ed In pows on otio sldo, sang, and
when they had ceasod, tho women on
tho other sldo took up tho strain. In
another church tho doors nro loft
open at all times, but an Iron-barred
gato shuts off tho lntorior from tho
porch. Yet at any hour of tho day
women rind men may bo soen kneel
ing there, and those by no moans tho
poorest In tho town. What dofllng of
hats, too, In tho act of passing a
church! Wo saw a dozen men rnlso
their hats simultaneously.
Language Is a symbol, n plcdgo of
At S&fctt SaV i ' JRL ""
11 rSna'r-'r t-w irfriJi'ir'aijv ji unt j-j .
1 1 brVmjj' affi vr !M4 :u.j- 1 srj w f
II WT'rtiUt -. JrasrW PaaVlLw-. TtaH . . .flUafJ I 1 I 'JJ . . --a
i,j wm ? a
wnmkm&m.ysimim c&j&
mmxmmm oft xf
vSPmfira-vy V&&Z&P
l VBaVBBBBrV.n kkt.. bKBbV Jt iVHi.naHBBBB M I la . TT C
P7 m
nationality. The Poles cling tena
ciously to theirs. In tho restaurants,
in tho shops, enter and speak Russian
to them. They reply in Polish; you
persist In your Russian. It becomes
essential to tho bargain that you
should communicate In a common
tongue. - Then reluctantly tho Rus
sian comes, but not a word more than
is necessary. For most of them know
Russian. It Is taught In tho schools.
'And on every shop, wherever there
is an announcement of tho kind of
thing on sale, or the name of tho oc
cupier, both are written side by sldo
the name In Russian letters as or
derod by law, tho Polish narao In
Western characters.
Nowhere Is tho clash of rival
creeds more conspicuous than "here.
No doubt most of tho churches aro
Catholic, and many of them, Gothic
or Renaissance, aro by no means
wanting In morlt. But If you will
stand on tho bridge across tho Vistula
and look upon tho hills on which tho
city is built, dominating all thero is
a mass of scaffolding with three gilt
crosses on tho top. It is a new Rus
sian cathedral, which is being raised
by means of subscriptions from Or
thodox Russia, and when it has its
domes and cupolas it will bo tho most
striking object in tho town. Some
times, however, tho process is re
versed, for tho Orthodox nro not
numerous in tho Polish capital. In
tho Praga across tho river aro two
high Gothic towers, upllfter far abovo
tho roofs. And opposlto it, fair and
small, Is a tiny Russian church, with
Its refulgent silver crosses. Is It be
causo Warsaw Is tho capital of con
quered Poland or because it is near
to uermany that tho streets are alive
with soldiers? Tho attention Is ar
rested Incessantly by a company of
big-limbed fellows, who slouch along
In white blouses and black trousers,
Statesmen Live Ton uir,u
According to Dr. T. L. Macd'onald,
the prosperous and strenuous mental
llfo, combined with gorging, explains
the frequency of Brlghfs disease in
high official circles at Washington. Ho
says that overeating is tho germ of
nophrltls. Montal activity and phys
leal quiescence nld In its production
and carklng caro and worry nro also
causative factors. Brlghfs disease Is
prono to attack tho lnteljectual and
tho anxious. Alcohol, ho thinks, Is not
as potent a causo as Is gnorally believed.
or in tunics of rough wool. Tho gar
rison consists of 80,000 mon. Tho au
thorities nro quick to suppress mani
festations of national feeling. An
Englishman told mo that ho had .In
vited somo ladles to ' his room ono
evening, and after supper ono of them
Bang n Polish patriotic song. Noxt
day he rccolved a call from tho police
Do tho Poles speak bitterly of
Russia? Wo asked ono ot thorn in
tho crowded waiting room of tho sta
tion if they wero contented with their
lot, and ho replied: "Such things
must not bo tnlked of horo."
Another reply of another Polo to
O.Wt r
rCi- i.i.rj..rtTTrrrY
vnm i- 1
L fr
the samo question was: "My only
wish Is that my business may pros
per." Correspondent London Pall
Mall Gazette.
Government Clerks at Washington
Have Regular League.
Washington boasts of a "Depart
mental Baseball League" composed ol
teams representing tho various do
partmonts. Several cabinet officials
make a point of attending tho games,
which aro played almost every after
noon on tho big circle In tho rear ol
tho whlto house. Secretary Motcall
Is tho most onthuslastlc rooter of the
lot, though Socrotary Moody Is a close
second. Ono of tho most faithful at
tempts at tho professional games ol
ball In Washington Is tho Chinese min
ister. Sir Chontung was n famous
pitcher while a student at Amherst
Ho could havo made big money as a
professional had ho cared to tako up
baseball Instead of diplomacy.
Graeme Stewart, Dead, Also Promi
nent In National Affairs.
Graomo Stowart, one of Chicago's
leading merchants nnd foremost citi
zens, died June 20, two weeks nfter
a stroke of apoplexy. J
Graomo Stewart was born on Aug.
30, 1853, three years after his father,
William Stowart, an Ayrshlro Scotch
man, settled In Chicago.
From 1900 to 1901 Mrf Stowart was
a member of the Republican national
committee, succeeding Thomas N.
Jamlcson as tho Illinois member. Ho
served the entlro four years as a
member of tho executive commltteo
of tho organization. In tho campaign
of 1900 ho was the contral figure in
tho management of tho campaign In
tho west, tho headquarters bolng In
Chicago. Ills genius for business ad
ministration mado him an invaluablo
co-worker with Senator Hanna, Hen
ry C. Payne, Harry Now, and R. C.
Kerens In tho financial conduct of the
campaign. Mr. Stewart and Mr.
Payno wero tho two leaders upon
whoso judgment President McKinley
rolled Implicitly In matters pertaining1
to tho administration in tho middle
Perpetual Boycott on Work.
Jose Rodriguez, a Mexican resident
of El Paso, Tex., is 98 years old and
never did a day's work In his life.
While yet a small boy Joso decided
that ono could get along very well
without working, and ho has managed
to exist over since without turning
his hand to anything more arduous
than chicken-fighting. For nearly
three-quarters of a century ho has
been known far and near as a pro
moter of such battles, but Is careful
to explain that this Is not work
1 rf
J drv --VA
I SR???ooSairlBPsBMi Of vt4
.WMi I, 1W
,. ;,rtfWRraKSSS,!85fiW V2t i"!"!.
f h? :&& 33 m'?. &wHPtanmm?sxo-
II IIIIIHT iVIWiY INA. Wv"W ViVV1V ,SVr a-a-ata-a-aMa-aar- -.Mbbt-JJ" Mgi
"'IjsVWI ssssKv M Mt9fjr.fT?
KV 1L---j-WL.
I merely recreation.
The Patriot.
A resident of Avn, N. Y., was talk
lng about tho lato Hiram cronk, Uio
last survivor of tho war ot 1812.
"At tho ago ot 100," said tho Avn
man, "Mr. Cronk still had an alert
mind. Abovo all things ho was e. pa
triot. Ho boltovod firmly In tho su
premacy of our republic,
"An English travolor, out of curios
ity, camo to Ava to bco Mr. Cronk ono
day. Tho old patriot praised America
extravagantly and condemned" Eng
land ns an outworn nnd dying nation.
"Tho Englishman stocll this talk as
long as ho could. Tbon ho said, hotly:
"'Supposo our superb fleet wero to
land 25,000 British marines In Now
York what would you Yanks do
"'Dot' said Mr. Cronk. 'Why, dcrn
It, our pollco would arrest lUeui.'"
Now Orleans States.
Profits of tho Packers.
Thero has been a great deal of dis
appointment becauso tho Garfield re
port shows that tho profits of tho
packing Industry only amount to
about two por cent of tho volume of
business transacted. Thero Is no
doubt, howovor, that tho report Is cor
rect. Tho census reports compiled by tho
government In 1000, beforo tho agita
tion regarding tho "beef trust" began,
throw consldorablo light on this ques
tion. It appears from tho census that
tho packing Industry Is conducted on
n smaller margin ot gross profit than
any othor Industry in America. Tho
gross margin ot profit ot 871 flour and
grist mills In Illinois, In tho census
year, was nearly sovon per cent on
tho volumo of business. Tho gross
margin ot flfty-ono wnolcsalo slaugh
tering and meat packing establish
ments In Illinois was only about one
third as large, or a llttlo moro than
two per cent on tho volumo of busi
ness. Tho millers havo not been accused
of bolns In a "trust," and combina
tions would scorn impossible In a. busi
ness whero thero nro several thousand
mills in tho United States competing
actively for tho flour trado, but It ap
pears that tho gross profits of tho mill
ers aro larger than tho gross profits
of tho packers, it may turn out that
tho agitation regarding tho packing
Industry will show tho samo result as
tho devil found In shearing tho pig:
"All squeal and no wool." American
Ill-Natured London Journal.
"Americans," says a London Journal
"aro coming over In greater Bwnrma,
than over and soon tho streots will
bo full of curiously quiet-looking men
in wiord coats with padded shoulders
ondlng on tho hips, long boots blobby
at tho tips and straw hats wit no
roots, and women with brown faces
nnd oyos with Very whlto whites,
green veils floating In tho breezo and
acconts that sots ono's teeth on odgo."
Important to Moth era.
Examine carefully orery bottle of GASTOWA,
a afo and euro remedy for Infants and children,
and too that It
Sears tho
la TJeo For Orer 30 Years.
Tho Kind You Uuto Always Bought.
"Wo suffer most from ills that never
happen. Gascolgno Proverb.
Thoce Who Havo Tried It
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch, has no equal In Quantity or
Quality 10 oz. tor 10 cents. Other
brands contain only 12 oz.
If canes wero to go out of fashion
somo young men would havo no vis
lblo means of: support.
I am suro Plso's Cut . or Consumption saved
my iff o three years ago. Mus. Tuos. Hoijdins,
Mop'o Street, Norwich, N. Y Fob. 17, 1900.
Ono kind word a day is somo men's
NO matter how blir the bird, no matter finix ri.ntftf lt nlnmaim n, butIO tt
?.'fchtt. you :"n br,.n& ". to bB with a lone, strong-, ,traieht shooting
Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Remits are what count. They always
give the beat results In field, fowl or trap shooting, and aro sold within
reach of everybody's pocketbook.
FREE: Stnd nomi an J adlrits
Will fl l every foot la yoar family, and the
iwinr iw iwuar wri Bare style ana snsp. oik ruur uvuer to saow jua too fuuij"
Une. It be does not handle It write to cs direct and we will see tbal you ara asppUed.
IWtH an mMi I lHrtkWln!
A Great Family Newspaper.
Tho American Homestead. An ideal
family newspaper. Sorlnl nnd short
stories. All tho important nows,
Homo, farm, and agricultural depart
ments conducted by editors of no
tlonal reputation. Regular prlco $1.
Special rnto of 10 conts por yoar for
30 days. Address
Omaha, Nob.
to know tho groat morltsof Alobastlno, tha
Sanitary Wall Cooling Not a hot or cold
water ll8cao-broodlug kalsomlne, bearing
a fanciful muno.
Wrlto forournrtlitu' frro color pinna different
vaerta for different tooraa In wtilto, dellcalo
eraxi, grccni, pinks, tilnes, nnil ycUovri, ualrg
afeHuALaEla 1 1 BV17ZfWBWMMM
A Rock Gcmint Ksoranddl8Cv0
mln; doos not rub or scale No washing of
walla after otieo nppllod. You can brush
Hon mix with cold water. Other finish
cs, mixed with cither hot or oold water,
do not hnvo tho contenting proper
ty of Alnunstlno. Tuoy aro Btuclc on
with rIhc, or other animal mnttor
which rots, feeding tlliicaso germs,
rubbing, scnllng, and spoiling
vrnlls, ctothlng,oto. Such finishes must
bowashedoffovory year costly, filthy Work.
Hur AlnhnMlnn onlf In fl lb, p'k'Bfi. prop
r-rlr lalirli-d. rrettr wall and cclllne tlealgn.
"Uinta on XJccurattnff'' and tint card, freo.
Ormnd Rapid, Mich., or JOB Water St., N. V.
follow the Flier y ery
jW LRoud
South and Southeast, ono fare plus
Hot Springs, Ark., dally $23.00
St. IyOuis, Mo., dally $18. GO
Clmutiuiqun, N. Y., July 28... 34.00
Detroit. Mlcli, Aucunt 13th
and 11th 21.G0
I'lttsliurfr, Pa., Aug. 17th
and 18tli 25.25
nichmoml, Va., Sept. 8th to
11th inoluslvo 33.75
Philadelphia. I'n., Sept. 14th
to 10th, inclusive 32.75
Long limits, Htopovcrs nnd othor
features ottered In connoctlon with
tho nbovo rates.
All Agents can soil you through
tlckota and routo you Wabash.
All tickets rending over tho Wa
bash from ChlcitKO oast aro op
tlonal with pnssonRor via Lake- or
Hall, cither or both directions.
Call at Wabash City omco, 1C01
Parnam St., or wrlto and lot mo
frlvo you all Information, maps, de
scriptive matter,- folders, etc.
a. A. P. D. Wabash It. II., Omaha,
trontjleA with ills cecnllar to
their eez, used as a, douche it marvelouiTy suc-
stops discharges, deals Inflammation nnd local
toreness , cures ltucoiiHaea and nasal catarrh .
l'axtlne Is in powder form to be dltsolred In purs
water, and is (ar mora cleanilng, healing, eermlcidat
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggtits, CO cents a box.
Trial Box and Hook of Instructions Free,
THF MICV PI V I'll I W ?tro7iatl th.nia.and
IllhUniUI ILI nibkblll
mlTnn1mtnnitnrt In.v.n
boma In dlnlns-room, ile.plng-rouin and place, wher.
wea am ironDia
Jure anything.
Try them once,
you will nercr l
without them. It
not kept by deal.
era, aent prepaid
forlOe. llanM
Kw.,r, 181.E1
t '" -aj"' 'Ti'TniPT ' I
c3r.,Tyyj?iii.u.T KINDER
STBAIGHI5CIGAR always reliable
lour jobber or direct lroia Factory, l'eorla, ill.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 271905.
on a poilal card tor oar tare Illustrated catalopit.
7lBBh f
iVLueller Pianos
Are Sent Free
to responsible people on trial. If you
don't say they are 1100.00 better than
any piano you have seen, box It up.
Bend It back at our expense.
Our Prices Are Way Down
because- we havo no agents or travelers.
Our terms are cash, or $20.00 down and
J5.00 monthly. Wrlto today for cata
log and prices.
Address the makers,
Established, 1850.
price will please yon as walL Thty are made of