The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 29, 1905, Image 3

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Jr &s ' Tripoli VksMl ISf" ,
jtunce z.zraox
Sayajl Roo Known as Rockefeller of
It is belioved that Sayajl Roo. tho
rajah of Baroda, Is the possessor of
wealth equal If not superior to that of
John D. Rockefeller. Ho was educat
ed in an English university and his
peoplo arc well governed. Much of
his vast riches Is In tho for,m of pre
cious stones. His wife owns the most
famous diamond necklace In tho world.
It is worth $12,000,000 and is made up
of 200 stones, each tho size of a hazel
nut. She- also has a collarette of 500
perfect diamondst nono less than twen
ty carats. In the treasure chamber Is
n carpet four square yards in surface,
made up entirely of ropes of diamonds,
pearls and rubies. It required $4,
000,000 worth of gems and threo years
of labor. Tho long corridors of tho
palace are lined with marbles and
nyx of incalculable value. Tho pal
ace is steam heated and electric ele
vators are placed at frequent intervals.
Bronzes, paintings, statuary, all im
ported, and worth many millions of
dollars, are scattered throughout tho
royal dwelling.
Former Canadian Statesman Will
Stick to Journalism.
When Sir Wilfrid Laurier first
formed his government in Canada ho
made Mr. Tarte minister of public
works. Differences of political opinion
subsequently arose and Mr. Tarto
j-etired. Ho now devotes himself ex
clusively to his profession as a Jour
nalist and sits in tho reporters' ,al
lory of tho Canadian house of com
mons. Ho recently remarked: "I am
happy and prospering In my own
legitimato newspaper lino. I am free
to do and write what my brain and
conscience dictate. Tho salary of tho
governor general would not tempt mo
to shoulder again tho burden of a min
isterial portfolio." Mr. Tarto was at
one time tho chief organizer of tho
Canadian conservative party, but he
transferred his services to the liber
als, with whom ho is now out of touch.
Frederlca Vanderbllt-Webb to Marry
Ralph Pulitzer.
Tho engagement has been an
nounced of Miss Frederlca Vanderbllt-
Vzsy IZSZEV& mzzBszr ess?
Webb to Ralph Pulitzer, the wedding
to take placo early in tho winter. Miss
Webb Is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
W. Seward Webb and a great-granddaughter
of tho first Cornollus Vander
bllt, the Commodore. She was Intro
duced to society threo winters ago. Mr.
Pulitzer graduated from Harvard in
tho class of 1900, and has participated
In the chief social affairs of the last
lew years.
Crows' Gold and Sliver Nest.
A pair of crows havo constructed a
ncsi out of gold and silver spectacle
frames purloined from tho factory of
Messrs. Lawrence and Mayo in Bom
bay. The materials for this nest (of
which tho value was about 30) wero
stolen by tho wily crows during tho
luncheon hour. It was noticed that
the spectacle frames were disappear
ing from tho factory In a mystorlous
manner, but it was some time before
-the thief was discovered. Allahabad
Novelist Has Known Few of the Ordi
nary Struggles.
Mr. Barrie has recently passed his
forty-fifth birthday. It Is somo twen
ty years ago that ho went to London
to win famo and fortune by his pen.
Speaking of tho early days of his ca
reer at n banquet recently Mr. Barrio
said: "I wrote and asked the editor
who had printed Thrums' If I should
come to London, and ho said no, so I
went, laden with charges from my
mother to walk In tho middle of tho
street (they Jump out on you as you
are turning tho comer), never to ven
turo forth after sunset, and always to
lock up everything I who never
locked up anything except my heart in
company." Mr. Barrio's career reads
like a romance. Going to London with
a few manuscripts In his pockets and
countless stories in his head, against
tho advlco of his publisher, at 30 ho
was ono of tho most popular novelists
of tho day, at 40 ono of the most suc
cessful damatists.
George Westlnghouse Finds Llttlo
Need for Recreation.
George Westlnghouse of Pittsburg,
who has been chosen to act as trusteo
In tho Equitable society's affairs, con
trols fifteen great manufacturing com
panies, nine In the United States, ono
In Canada and five in Europe. Busl
nes Is his recreation, taking placo of
automobiles and yachts and raco
horses and picture galleries, which
other hard-worked millionaires find
necessary to rest their tired faculties.
As an Inventor ho takes high rank.
On ono occasion, while engineering a
largo financial movement in New York
city, an idea for a mechanical dovico
suggested itself. As soon as posslblo
ho took tho train for Pittsburg, busy
ing himself while en route by drawing
a sketch of tho proposed invention.
On reaching his destination ho drovo
to ono of his factories and, placing tho
drawing In tho hands of a master
workman, said: "Make that." Tho ma
chlno proved to bo a great success.
Gangs and Combinations a Thing of
the Past. f
According to a veteran New York
detective who hns just gone on tho
retired list after nearly forty years of
service, tho trust principle or com
bination of interests does not prevail
among criminals. In tho recital of
his experiences, which ho has Impart
ed to nn Interviewer. It Is set forth
that "gangs" aro by no menns as
common to-day as they were when ho
first took to sleuthing, nnd that "pals"
anjl "partners" aro growing few. Tho
modern criminal prefers to do his
work alone. Ho Is tho lndopcndont
laborer, tho Individual operator, and
having no associates runs loss danger,
for tho saying about honor among
thioves has little to rest on. "Pals'."
nro easily "pumped when thoy do not
anticipate tho need tof tho process by
"squealing." Another thing that tho
retired detective has noted is that
criminals nro better educated now
than they wero In the early 70's. Ho
thinks that crimes which demand in
tho perpetrator a fair education and
considerable knowledge of tho way of
finance and tho ways of tho world aro
more common than they wero.
Value of Hard Work.
All tho records of history and all
tho facts of common experience sup
port tho statement that men do not
die of hard work, but that hard-working
men who shun dissipation and
avoid all wasto of vitality live tho
longest. It was said of William Pitt
that ho died of old ago in his forty
seventh year, worn out, not by hard
work, though ho worked hard, but by
by Inattention to his health nnd by un
phllosophlc worry and chngrin. Presi
dent Roosevelt today in his forty
seventh year displays tho exuberant
energy of youth, not because ho leads
an easy life, but because, while work
ing harder probably than any other
officer of tho government, he pays, as
ho has always paid, close attention to
his health, and avoids tho means of
weakness and debility. Boston Globe.
Good Advice as a Tip.
Melville E. Ingalls, former president
of the Big Four railroad system, tolls
this story of a waiter's tip. Ho was
lunching alone in a Cincinnati cafe.
Near by sat a dignified gentleman who
casually asked his waiter: "How is
business?" Tho man 6ald ho was hot
doing well, upon which tho dignified
Individual expressed regret, saying:
"Personally, I havo always treated
your craft in this house generously."
The waiter was assiduous in his atten
tions nnd helped tho guest on with his
coat. Tho dignified man laid his hand
on the waiter's arm and said: "Young
man, you seem to bo discontented with
your lot and I am going to givo you
tho best tip you over received. Get
Into somo other business." And ho
strolled away, leaving the waiter
Easily Explained.
Ex-President Grover Cleveland tells
a story of a Sunday school teacher
who was explaining tho lesson to tho
children in his class. Ho read im
pressively from the Bible:
"And tho last state of that man
was worse than tho first." Then ho
- "Can any llttlo boy tell mo what
thlB means?"
Up popped a tiny lad In tho rear
seat, who piped forth:
"Please, sir, tho man moved to Jer
sey." -New York Times
Russia Has Able Man In This Student
of Foreign Affairs.
Frederick DaMartens is Russia's fore
most authority on foreign nffalrs. Ho
has been n permanent member of tho
council of the ministry for foreign af
fairs since 1SC9. Ho accompanied
Prince" Gortchakoff nt tho congress of
Berlin and has represented Russia at
many diplomatic congresses and con
ferences at Brussels, Paris, Rome, Vi
enna, Geneva, and The Hague. Ho
was tho Russian plenipotentiary at tho
peace conferenco at Tho Hnguo in
1899. Ho was president of tho court
of arbitration in Paris In 1899, which
settled tho controversy between Great
Britain and Venezuela, and ho has
served as arbitrator between France
and England; England and Holland;
United States and Mexico. Ho is now
a momber of tho permanent interna
tional court of arbitration at The
Bishop Charged With Libel.
Rt. Rov. Robort Codman, Protest
ant Episcopal bishop of tho dioceso of
Maine, is not worrying much over the
fact that ho has been Indicted for
criminal llbol. Tho plaintiff is W. H.
Gardner, a business man of Camden,
Me., who avers that the bishop, in a
letter to a certain rector, called him
"an excommunicated member of the
church." Mr. Gardnor admits that ho
Is no longer connected with tho
church, but denies that he was ex
communicated. Tho bishop regards
tho accusation as potty, though tho
grand Jury of Lincoln county evi
dently agreed with Mr. Gardner.
The "Man's Page."
"An Impatient Correspondent"
wants to know "why there Is no man's
page in tho Sunday paper." Ho com
plains that there is a "woman's page"
and a "children's page" and he indig
nantly insists that man should have a
page. We do not desiro to give out
the impression that helpful sugges
tions are not always welcome, but It
seems to us that "An Impatient Cor
respondent" has worked himself into
a foolish state of excitement. Or do
his boys take the sporting page before
he rta a chana at it?
As a man thlnketh beforo breakfast,
so is ho.
Rovoronco Is tho foundation of last
ing lovo.
Llfo loves best those of hor children
who laugh.
Rlghtoousncss 1b a lot moro than ro
Bpcctablllty. A smooth tongue has caused many a
man to slip.
Killing tlmo Is a suro way of spoil
ing character.
Tho sense of duty is a sign of tho
dlvlno in man.
Tho sonso of duty Is a sign of tho
dlvlno in man.
Ho was n cynic until ono day ho
met a lfttlo child.
Hatred often comos from only know
ing half of a man.
Hatred often comes from only know
ing halt of a man.
No words of faith havo forco until
thoy become floah.
Ardent lorora don't always mako
amlablo husbands.
It is hard for tho look to goo why
peoplo prefer tho lily.
Tho only suro thing about a Ho Is
that It will nover die.
If you havo horso sense you Bhould
know when to say neigh.
Womon should tnko tholr cuos
from Cupid and bo blind.
Whoever heard of a man being sor
ry for what ho didn't toll?
Christ's yoko Is built for two, and
bo becomes n bond for him nnd you.
When his goods aro his chief good
a man is Ilkoly to find llttlo lasting
When Lovo tnkos up tho harp of
llfo tho nolghbors still complain bo
causo tho airs aro all sontlmontal.
Now Orleans Picayune
Caused by Sores on Neck Merciless
Itching for Two Years Mado
Him Wild Another Cure
by Cutlcura.
"For two years my nock was cov
ered with sores, tho humor spreading
to my hair, which fell out, leaving an
unsightly bald spot, and tho soroness,
Inflammation and merciless Itching
mado mo wild. Friends advised Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment, and after a
few applications tho torment subsided,
to my great Joy. Tho sores soon dis
appeared, and my hair grow again,
ns thick and healthy ns ever. I shall
always recommend Cutlcura. (Signed)
H. J, Spalding, 104 W. 104th St., Now
What threo women know tho wholo
neighborhood knows.
Storekeepers, Hotel-men
and all householders will bo interested
in Acotylone Apparatus Mfg. Co. an
nouncemo,f ' '' I'ln-r,
Nover hit a mnn when ho is down,
(lit him when his friends aro down.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York, dis
covered a pleasant herb romody for women's
ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAr. It is tho
only certain monthly regulator. Cures
femalo weaknesses and Backacho, Kidney,
Bladder and Urinary troublos. At all Drug
gists or by mall CD cts. Samplo mailed
FREE. Address. Tho Mother Gray Co..
Leltoy, N. Y.
Why it is impossible for any barber
to work on any man's face without
working on his own?
More Converts
Every Year
Every day in every year
that comes, more housewives
are giving up their cxhorbitant
.oUMCEsUJ3 priced Baking Powders and
( LW J - .
turning to is. u, the honest and
Reliable, which lias stood so well
the test of years. They are find
ing out that
costs one-third the price of
Dowder nnvvprtir ninr T C.
quality, and makes better, purer, more
neaiunui oaking. a ounces for 25c.
Seud postal for "Book of Pretend,"
Chicago, III.
..-. ".,
Truths that Strike Home
Tour grocer ia honest and if ho cores to do bo can toll
you that ho knows very littlo about tlio bulk coffoo ho
soils you. How can ho know, whoro it originally carao from,
how it was blended or Wltn wmi
or whon roasted? If you buy your
coffeo looso by tho pound, how can
you expect purity and uniform quality?
LION COFFEE, the leader of
necessity uniform In quality,
strength and llavor. For OVER A
has been the standard eoltec In
millions ol homes.
LION COFFEE carefully packed
at our factor lea, and until opened la
your home, lias no chance ot being adul
terated, or ol coming in contact with dust,
dlrt,oerms,or unclean hands.
In each packago of LION COFFEE you got on full
pound of Puro Coffee. Insist upon getting tho genuine.
(Lion head on ovory package.)
( Save tho Llon-boads for valaablo premiums.)
"WOOLSON SPIOE CO,, Toledo, Ohio.
J ' mmiw win .ir. , -mnipj
This Is What fzzzm
Catches Me! iBS f
I60S6.- Ono-Tlilrd More Stnrcli. triaipGr v
I MXv&K. wmw a...
I vlw
wmmw i
I Mm
I l&l
w a 7V" u f!ifi2SS3l!'lri
Lytllm Em Plnkham's
Vrngotsthlm Compound
Is a positive cure for all those painful
ailments of women. It will entirely
cure the worst forms of Female Com
plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflam
mation and Ulceration. Falling and
Displacements of tho Womb and con
sequent Spinal Weakness, and is
pecu iarly adapted to tho Changs of
Life. Every timo it will cure
It has cured more cases of Leucor
rhooa than any other remedy the world
has ever known. It is almost infallible
in such cases. It dissolves and expels
Tumors from tho Hterus in an early
Btago of development. That
BaaHng-tlown Fooling,
causing pain, weight and headache, is
instantly relieved and permanently
cured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or Painful I,Snstruation,
Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion,
llloatiug, Flooding, Nervous lrostra
tion, Headache, General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Falntnmss,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and
" want-to-be-lef t-a?tno " feeling, excit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the
blues," and backache. These nro
sure indications of Female Weakness,
somo derangement of tho Uterus. For
Kidney Comnlalnts
K?SS2Ss?f ui'S.'Sd!118 Vcffeta-1 MOLES and WARTS REMOVED il
You can write Mrs. Pinkham about
yourself in strictest confidence.
No premiums, but onesihird
more starch than you get of
other brands, Try it now, for
hot or cold starching it has no
equal and will not stick to the iron
Mueller Pianos
Ar Sent Free
to responsible people on trial. If you
don't say they are $100.00 better than
any piano you havo seen, box it up,
send It back at our expense.
Our Prices Are Way Down
because we have no agents or travelers.
Our terms are cash, or 120.00 down and
JB.00 monthly. Write today for cata
log and prices.
Address the makers,
Established, 1S5D.
The Occidental Building & Loan Association
of Omaha, Nebraska,1
will furnish money to help to build homes, which can be
repaid in monthly payments. Anyone desiring a home
should write for information as to our plan of loaning
money. Address, 1523 Douglai St., Omaha, Nebraska.
MDU E. riS Sills HEti. CO,, traa, Sail.
Without piln and without leaving mark or soar)
Ol'AiusTKieo rnuiANrsT. 11.00 per bottle by .
mai:. Mlllor Manufacturing Co.. Uncoln.Neb. I
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 261905.
Boat Cough Sirup. Tutu Good. Ufa
in urns, sola or aruKiriftia.