The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 29, 1905, Image 2
The Alliance Herald T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. D Brief Telegrams Flvo thousand tin plato workers In Pittsburg want an Increase In their wages. Tho trial of Senator Mitchell for complicity In Oregon land frauds has comraonccd. Governor Magoon at Panama, has roportcd four now cases of yellow fever on tho Isthmus. Tho nppolntmont of Benjamin Moss, man as chief clerk of tho Union In dian agency at Muskogee, I. T., was officially announced nt tho Interior de partment. Mr. W. A. Shoomakor, secretary of tho Cincinnati, New Orleans & Toxafl Pacific railway has offered his re signation. Additional pay of $1 a month to en listed men In tho army who qualify ns "export riflemen" Is offorod In gon cral orders Issued by Gonoral Chatfco, chief of staff. Tho united Norwegian Lutheran church convention closed at Minne apolis. Tho question of uniting with tho other Lutheran churches was left to tho trustees. Eight candidates for membership on tho Vandorbllt university football team for tho coming season left Nash vlllo, Tcnn., to work In tho harvest Holds of tho west. Counsel for tho plaintiffs In tho fa mous Hoyt will caso, who aro trying to break tho will of Mrs. Hoyt, which gives $100,000 to Judgo Dunn, closed their sldo of tho case. At San Francisco, after holding 1,000 persons nt bay for two hourB In Eddy street, shooting nlno pcoplo and defying tho police, Thomas Lobb, a maniac, killed himself. Arthur Ford Mackenzie, tho cele brated choss player, problemist and author, died at Kingston, Jamaica. Ho was about 45 years old and had been nn Invalid for many years. Desslo Abbott, tho American singer of tho Paris Grand Opera house, will mako a concert tour of America dur ing tho coming season under tho man agement of Honry Wolfsohn. Tho call for tho sixteenth annual meeting of tho truns-MIssIsslppl com mercial congress to bd held at Port land, Ore., has beon Issued. Tho moot ing will bo bold August 1C to 10. Prlnco Wlndeschgratz, of tho royal liouso of Austria, arrived in San Fran cisco from tho Orient, on a tour of tho world. Ho Is traveling with Flold Marshal Count Huebner, of Austria. Tho Moxlcan Contrnl Railway Com pany, which Is a Massachusetts cor poration, filed with tho secretary of state a certificate of an tncrcaso In Its capital from 548,875,000 to $100,000,. 000. Tho stato department has been in formed that tho Chlneso government has conferred upon Minister John Bar rett, of Colombia, tho Order of tho Doublo Dragon, second class, first grade. Tho St Louis & Snn Francisco Rail road company announced that a spec ial train will bo sent on a Southern tour for tho purposo of educating lnrmers In tho raising of wheat and other grains. An extra dividend of tho unusually largo amount of 120 per cent, in ad dition to tho regular quarterly divid end of 25 per cent, has been declared by tho directors of tho Fifth Avenue bank, New York. Formor Congressman Goorgo Fred "Williams of Boston, Mass., who ar rived at Havana, Cuba, from Mexico, on his wny to Now York, was taken from tho steamer suffering with erysi pelas of the right leg. A dispatch to tho London Telegram Exchange company from St Peters burg says tho commission appointed to Investigate tho capitulation of Port Arthur finds that tho surrender of tho fortress was Justifiable. Tho directors of tho suspended Merchant's Trust company, Now York, voted to accept tho offer of $850,000 made by a syndicate for tho Hudson Valley Hallway Company stock which Is hold by the trust company. Orders have been given by tho navy department to place tho cruiser May flower lu commission by August 1, after certain repairs nro made, so that sho may bo available for uso in the entertainment of tho peace en voys of Russia and Japan. Postmaster General Cortelyou Is sued an order amending tho postal regulations so as to provide that no postmaster, assistant postmaster, su perintendent of delivery, assistant of superintendent of delivery, clerk, let ter carrier, or any employe at any postoffice, shall act as collector or agent for any firm In tho solo or manufacture of letter carriers' uni forms or any portion thereof. Lightning struck a great oil tank et Lima, O., and 33,000 barrels of naphtha were destroyed. A new and more searching investi gation of the Equitable Is to be start ed under orders of Paul Morton, tho newly chosen chairman of board of directors of tho society. The pope has Issued on encyclical encouraging Catholics to participate jln public affairs. Tho New YorK Herald is out in a 'bitter attack on tho department of 'agriculture, which, It declares, Is a power unto itself with which no one dares meddle. THE NEWS IN A NEBRASKA MAN DIES AT ACE OF 102 FULLERTON Orren W. Sherman, tho oldest citizen of Nanco county and presumedly tho oldest man in tho stato, died of cancer at his homo In this city, and was burled In tho Ful Jorton cemetory.' Rev. Mr. Vnllow, pastor of tho M. E. church officiating. Mr. Sherman was born in Wlndom county, Connecticut, October 10, 1802, and was 102 years and eight months and seven days of ngo when death's summons camo to him. H's boyhood was spent on a Bmall farm In his natlvo stnto whero ho un derwent tho hardships incident to farm llfo of that day. THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Secretary Bassett Issued. Circular cf Importance. Office of Stato Board of Agriculture, Lincoln, Nob. Tho following circular has boon issued by Secrotnry Bassott: "Somo misunderstanding has arisen in regard to tho provision in tho Ne braska Btato fair premium list relat ing to what nro termed "senior calves." Tho provision reads six months and undor ono year (not per mitted to havo nurso mother.) Tho board of managers rulos that during tho stato fair such calves aro not permitted to nurso but ono cow; sucn Cow may bo tho mothor of such calf or not; In either event during the week of tho stato fnlr such calf to nurso but ono cow. "This provision In regard to "not to havo nurso mothor" was Inserted at tho suggestions of tho secretary of tho Illinois stnto board of agriculture and applies to sonlor calves only, that 1:j, six months and under ono year." "Tho classifications In retard to senior and junior calves In tho beef breeds was mado nt tho request of breeders of beof cattle and was not In tended to apply to tho dnlry breeds. "In both 'exhibitors herd and 'brecdors herd' In class B-Cattlo, tho premium list provides for animals 'under ono year' and mnkes no men tion of 'nurso mother;' therefore in exhibitors herd and breeders young herd an exhibitor can show animals under one year regardless of whether they havo nurso mothor or not. In dairy breeds, class B-Lots 8 and 9, premium numbers 175, 179, 191 and 195 should rend 'under ono year' in stead of 'under six months.' "Tho secretary's office has been moved from Brownvlllo to Lincoln, and S. C. Bassott appointed to fill vacancy. "For premium lists or other Infor mation In regard to stato fair matters address S. C. BASSETT, Secretary." HAIL AND RAIN DAMAGE THE CROPS NORFOLK Reports of tho hall and ralnstornl which visited northern Ne braska Indicate that tho area of the disturbance was general in tho sec tion extending west to Long Pino tmd north to tho Neoraska-South Dakota coundary. Hall fell with terrific forco In mnny localities, literary pounding tho crops that It struck Into tho earth, stripping fruit trcos, cutting tho limbs from ordinary trees and shattering windows. .. Fatalities In Fire at Elkhorn. ELKHORN Fred Paash, a Ger man farmer residing near here, la dead and his wifo seriously burned as the result of an explosion, of coal oil. Mr. Paash started to light a firo in tho stove. After igniting tho fuel he poured oil out of a five-gallon can on tho flro. Flames were Immediately communicated to tho can, which ex ploded, covering tho unfortunate man with burning oil. His wlfo camo to his assistance), but obuld do nothing to savo him and ho fell to tho floor in nn unconscious condition, burned from head to foot His wifo, Buffering from burns and tho flesh falling from her body, which was then practically nude, walked to tno homo of a neigh bor, where sho was given such treat ment as could bo administered. Sho is in a critical condition. Promotions on Elkhorn. NORFOLK By n change In tho Northwestern railroad headquarters, E. O. Mount, chlof train dispatcher for Nebraska and Wyoming, Is promoted to trnlnmaster of tho lines out of Nor folk, tho territory of Trainmaster Roach of Fremont Is diminished, nnd E. Sly Is promoted to fill tho vacancy made by Mr. Mount Discouraging Fruit Prospects. NEBRASKA CITY Fruit growers are authority for tho statement that a less amount of fruit will bo raised In thl3 county than for many years past. The cherry and peach crops aro a total failure. There will be a few early apples, but the late apples have all fallen oft the trees. Great Northern Right of Way. FREMONT Tho right-of-way of the Great Northern south of tho rail road In this city will tako about sev enty-flve lots on which there aro houses, and some activity in real es tate In that vicinity Is therefore look ed for. Sheepman Killed by Lightning. KIMBALL Thomas DInsdale, a prominent sheep owner living in tho southern part of this county, was in stantly killed by lightning on his ranch. NEBRASKA OVER THE STATE. Tho Commercial club and business men of Beatrice aro contemplating an excursion to Omaha in tho near future. Tho store of R. F. Dovel at Howe, was broken into and a quantity of flour, candy, canned goods and cigars stolen. Bon Harper, a bachelor and wealthy farmer, living thrco miles northeast of Humphrey, committed suicide by hanging. Money is declared to bo easy by tho bankers of Nebraska, and deposits, loans and reserves havo increased ma terially during tho Inst four months. At tho city, council meeting of Ne braska City an ordinance was passed prohibiting spitting on tho Bldewalks and provides n penalty for its viola tion. As far ns known, McCool Is tho only plnco In York county that will cele brate July 4. It has not sent but pro grams, hut will soon ndvortlso tho celebration. Henry Nue, ono of tho leading farm ers of Berlin precinct, Otoo county, was arrested on complaint filed by Mrs. Lllllo Comstock charging him with assaulting and beating her. Captnln and Mrs. W. S. Mapes, for merly of Fort Niobrara, Neb., loft Norfolk last week for the Phlllpplno Islands, where the captain goes to tako charge of a company of scouts. During a neighborhood quarrel at Beatrlco a woman named Nelson threw a can of concentrated lyo Into tho faco of Mrs. Martin Ossowskl. Tho woman was badly burned on tho face and arms. C. D. Scholl and wife nnd child aro In Beatrlco from tho Phlllpplno Is lands for n visit with Mr. Schell's parents. Tho former Is employed by tho government as a teacher at Sanls ador, P. I. News has been received at Platts mouth of tho death of Mrs. Illlsana MIckelwalt. which occurred recently at Joncsborough, Ark. Mrs. MIckelwalt was ono of tho very earliest residents of Plattsmouth. Farmers In tho vicinity of Beatrlco sny that tho last rain has practically Insured tho wheat crop and, while tho yield will not bo heavy, It will bo of flno quality. Oats Is looking well and corn Is fully up to tho standard. At Leigh at an adjourned meeting of tho vlllngo board a special election was called for the purpose of voting $8,000 bonds for tho purposo of erect ing a system of water works. The olectlon will bo held on Tuesday, July 11th. Sheriff Trudo of Gngo county left for Denver, armed with requisition pa pers, and will bring back Oscar Shores, who Is wanted on a charge of alleged criminal assault, preferred by May Hurless of Adams. Shores Is un dor arrest In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Penso were visiting tho homo of her parents l:i Harvnrd when their child, 2 years of age, found a box of Paris green, tak ing qulto freely of tho contents before discovered. Prompt work by a physi cian saved tho child's life. .Claude Sutton, 21 years old, was In stantly killed nt Silver Creek. Sutton was crossing the Union Pacific tracks and was struck by No. 10, tho east bound fast mall. Both ho and the team wero killed outright. Sutton was thrown high In the air and fell about sixty feet from whero he was struck Crop conditions for Banner county wero never better thnn at tho present time, although about two weeks late. Tho stand of corn Is good, and all kinds of small grain are looking flno Tho Hessian fly has mndo Its appear anco in several places, but no fears aro entertained that they will greatly damage crops. A live pig in tho haystack for foui months without food or drink is the unlquo experience of a beast that bo longs to E. M. Martin at Fairfax, R D., Just over tho Nebraska lino. The pig disappeared during a snowstorm in January and had not been found since. Ho was discovered in a little cradle that ho had made for hlrasell right In the center of tho Btack. Gorald Lammers, a boy 11 years old of West Point, was tho victim of a self Inflicted accident, which Tesulted In his death a few h.ours later. Tho lad found an old toy pistol In the after noon, and by some means ho secured a 22-callbro cartridge which ho In serted In the barrel of tho pistol and proceeded to discharge it by beating It against a stono with tho barrel pointing Into his face. Manager Fcrrar of tho American Beet Sugar company, Grand Island ro ports the condition of tho beet crop ns having materially Improved In the last few weeks. In somo places, In lowei lands, much work will have to be done to catch up with tho weeding and thinning process and the crop is still a trifle late, but with the moro encour aging weather the prospects for a suf flclent crop nro now regarded as excel lent Bustles have been put to a new use In Pierce county. A farmer from Os mond last week walked Into a Pierce millinery store whero he seen bustle on display. Ho bought twenty of them and took them homo to muzzlo hit calves. Tho board of managers of the Sew ard county fair held a meeting and do cided to hold a stock Judging contest for ycfuug men under 20 years old, un dor the supervision of an expert Judge from tho stnto farm. The object of this Is to stlmulato 'this branch of farm work. Liberal prizes will be given the winners. ADDS TO SPLENDOE MEN OF BUSINESS RECOGNIZE ADVANTAGES OF ACETYLENE. Famous Summer Hotel, the Grand Union of Saratoga, Has Installed This Best of All Artificial Lights Means Increased .Comfort and Health. Saratoga, Juno 27. Tho very name, "Saratoga," brings to every mind health-giving springs, unsurpassed hotels and beautiful drives. It has been for many years tho Mecca for all who admlro nature, enjoy good living, and aro searching for health, or are simply taking a va cation. Tho Grand Union, tho largest sum mo r hotel in tho United States, set among green trees with Its long wings enclosing a court with fountains end flowers, grass and trees, music and light, Is throughout tho season throng ed with guests. With tho progressive spirit always shown by Its manage ment the Grand Union has again add ed to Its attractiveness by Introduc ing acetylene gas to mako still moro brilliant tho ovcnlng hours. Tho go nial proprietors believe in furnishing their guests with tho best of every thing, and now, after Investigating and finding that Artificial Sunlight can bo had, they havo installed a com plcto acetylene gas plant to produco It, and havo connected upwards of six thousand acetylene burners in and about tho house and grounds to this Httlo gas plant. Llko many discoveries of recent years, which aro coming Into popular favor, acetylene, ono of tho most re cent, Is very Blmply produced. It Is adapted for uso wherever artificial light Is needed and tho necessary ap paratus can bo understood and oper ated by anyone. Tho generator in which Acetylene Is produced by the automatic contact of carbldo and water might bo termed a gas plant, as it performs all of tho func tions of a city gas plant Tho acet yleno generator can bo purchased for a few dollars and In any size, from ono adapted to furnish acetylene to ten or a dozen burners for a cottage, up to tho largo but still simple ma chine such as Is now furnishing Acotyleno for six thousand burners In the Grand Union. Outsido of largo cities tho use of Acotyleno Is qulto common. The owner of tho country home now de mands running water, gas and other conveniences which a few jears ago wero considered a3 luxuries, and acetylene gas has mot his require ments, and gives him a better and cheaper light than is ordinarily fur nished in cities. It is well known that rooms lighted with Acetylene are moro comfortable, because cooler, and more healthful be cause tho air Is not vitiated. Why Butter Is Eaten. Thero aro generally scientific rea sons for dietetic habits. Butter is eat en with bread, tho Dietetic and Hygi enic Gazette explains, because while bread is rich in starch and contains a fair proportion of proteld, It has not tho fat which tho body craves. Milk Is taken with rice pudding to mako up tho deficiency of proteld which rice lacks. Giving Away a Secret. A Birmingham church warden, says tho London News, was reading at a vestry meeting a list of subscriptions to tho parochial funds. Tho list be gan ns follows: "Tho vicar, a guinea; Mrs. , half a guinea; an anony mous donor, myself, twenty-five shil lings." Quicksilver Mining. In tho Alamaden (Spain) quicksilver mines tho miner cannot work more than four and one-hnlf hours a day and cannot work more than seven or eight daj'3 a month without seriously Injuring his health. Alligator for Dinner. After promising to get somo fish for dinner, Max Hnrtmann, having gone mad, went to tho Hamburg Zoo, re moved a young alligator from a pond and took It homo for his wlfo to cook. Of Wide Interest. Breed, Wis., June 2C Special Chas. Y. Peterson, Justice of tho Peaco for Oconto Co., has delivered a Judg ment that Is of Interest to tho wholo United States. Put briefly, that Judg ment is, "Dodd's Kidney Pills are tho best Kidney medicine on tho market to-day." And Mr. Peterson gives his reason for this Judgment Ho says: "Last winter I had an aching pain in my back which troubled me very much. In tho morning I could hardly straight en my back. I did not know what it was but an advertisement led mo to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. After taking ono box I can only say they have done moro for me than expected as I feel as well now as ever I did before." Pain in the back is ono of the first symptoms of Kidney disease. If not cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills it may develop into Brlght's Disease, Dia betes, Rheumatism or some of the other deadly forms of Kidney Disease. Colorado's Forest Reserves. Tho forest reserve system In Colo rado now includes near 7.000,000 acres, nearly doublo the amount found in any other stato In tho union. Church Trustees should Investigate Acetylene Gas. See ad of Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co. In this paper. The great thing is not so much to get people Into the church as to get Christ into the people. FRANKNESS NOT ALWAYS WISE Why One Woman Has Determined Henceforth Not to Commit Herself When Advice Is Asked When tho wise woman Is asked uy tho friend of her heart, "How do you think this gown fits?" sho edges away from the precipice which yawns nt her feet and tnkes refuge in platitudes. "It's a beautiful gown," sho says, and then, wltli nnlmntlon, "Aren't we hav ing lots of strawberries this year, and tho fruit people Bay the crop of peaches will be abnormally large," says tho 'Baltlmoro News. Tho wise woman has learned how to answer such questions by sad, sad ex perience. There was a time when sho would have replied, aftor much thought: "Why, the sonm which should go down the middle of your back Is a little awry, and one armholo Is larger than tho other." "Sho remembors the time when sho was Innocent and thoughtless, and she did this for tho benefit of her denrest friend, who had Implored her to be perfectly frank. Sho remombers that tho friend gave her one look of scorn and swept from tho room, remarking frigidly as sho did so: "Thero certainly must be something the mntter with your eyes, for this gown was made by tho smart est cutoulrore In tho city, and I think It Is qulto tho prettiest and best-fitting I have seen this season." This page, knowing these things, came tho other day upon a friend In her boudoir wearing a new and tip tilted hat and an absorbed and anx ious expression. ORIGIN OF FLY FISHING Sport Dates Back to Classic Times, as Shown in Greek Writings of Third Century- Probably few fishermen are aware that fly fishing dates back to classic times, says Forest and Stream. A mlnuto description of tho artificial fly as used by Mncedonlnn anglers Is given by Aellan, a Greek writer of the third century A. D., as follows: "Between Berea and Thessalonica thero flows a river, Astraeus by name, and thero in It fishes of a spotted col or; but by what name the people of those parts call them It Is better to ask Macedonians. At any rate, these fish live upon the native files which fall Into the river, and are like no flies' of any other part; one would neither call them wasplike in appearance, nor would ono reply to a question that this creature Is formed like what we call the bumble bees, nor yet like the honey bees themselves. It has really tho proper fashion of each of tho above. In audacity It Is like a fly, in slzo It might bo called a bumble bee, In color It rivals tho wasp and it buzzeB llko the honey bees. All com mon creatures of this sort are called horso tails. These pitch upon tho stream to seek the food they affect, but cannot help being seen by the flsh, which swim underneath. "So whenever one of them sees tho fly floating ho comes softly, swimming ANTIDOTE FOR SNAKE BITE Fluid That Is Used by Mexicans and Sup posed to Be Secret Remedy of the Moki Indians Supt. B. F. Daniel of the Territori al prison, who has been In the city for tho last three days, says the Ar izona Republican, told while here of a certain euro for the bite of the rat tlesnake. He had heard of It while he had been engaged in mining in Mexico, and since he became superintendent of tho prison ho has seen two or three Mexican convicts who had been cured and who had the scars to show that they had been bitten. On the hand of ono of then! was the trace of a cen tipede, whoso poison also yields to tho remedy. Its existence, however, Is not widely known, even In Mexico, and Is supposed to be entirely un known out of that country. There Is In every rattlesnako a small sac, about the size of a Mexican bean, attached to the Intestines; This is filled with a brownish or black fluid, and that fluid Is tho cure for the bite. If It Is applied Immediately the patient will not even isuffer any swell ing and will entirely avoid pain. Many Mexicans carry tho fluid with them at all times when they are In tho mountains or on the desert. These Mexicans kill all the rattlers they can find, and most of them store the fluid CALLED WIZARD OF JAPAN Inhabitants of Mikado's Empire Honor Shimo nose. Inventor of a Most Powerful Explosive Tho story of Dr. 31an Shlmonose and his wonderful gunpowder Is told by Yono Noguchi, in "Success." Tho following brief quotation gives an idea of tho great Japanese Inventor and his work: Japan is honoring Dr. Gian Shlmon ose the Inventor of the Shlmonose gunpowder which the Japanese navy is using in the war with Russia. Rub sla herself frankly admits the power and effectiveness of the Japanese balls. Dr. Shlmonose Is 4G years old. He married when ho was 2C. He is the father of ono son and one daughter. His wife Is said to bo remarkable for her sympathy with her husband's work. The Japanese sentimentally call him one of tho great Inventors of the world,,not merely of Japan. He was born poor and without any tsupport for his education,. While at "Come in, como In I" said tho friend when sho observed tho woman'B page looking at her; "you aro tho very per son I most wanted to see. Glvo mo your red-hot ldens about this hat. I have had it sent up on approval, and so I don't havo to take It, and I'm not qulto satisfied with It myself. Toll mo what you think." The woman's page imagines she is wise In her generation, and she hedg ed gracefully. "What lovely roses," she said enthusiastically, "and how artistically they nro placed." "Nonsense! What do you think of tho hat." persisted her friend; "tell me the real truth, for I must decldo to-day, and I really believe I could get something prettier, don't you?" Thus conjured, the pago dropped her wonted caution. "If you really want to know what I think, I will tell you that, In my opinion, tho hat Is too large for you; n smaller one would be moro becoming." "Well, this one suits mo," replied tho friend, tersely. And to a maid pass ing the door: "Mary Anne, telephone Mme. Browne and tell her I will take the lint sho sent up." The vocabulary of tho woman's page was not large enough to meet the occasion, but she anathematized herself by everything she knew, and made a new and unbreakable rosolvo never to speak her mind again about the possessions of a friend. under the water, fearful of disturbing tho surface and so scaring away his game. Then ho comes near the shady side of the fly, gapes and sucks him In Just like a wolf snatching a sheep from the fold or nn eagle a goose from the yard. This done, he disappears be neath the ripple. The fishermen un derstand these manoeuvres, but they do not mako any use of these files for a bait for the flsh; for If the human hand lays hold of them they lose their natural color, their wings fray and they become uneatablo to tho flsh. So for this reason they make no uso of them, disliking them because their nature forbids their capture. So with angling craft they outwit tho flsh, devising a sort of lure- against them. They lap a lock of reddish wool round the hook, and to tho wool two cock's feathers which gr6w under tho wat tles, and are brought to the proper color with wax. Tho rod Is from six to ten feet long, and the horse hair line has the same length. They lower the lure. Tho flsh Is attracted by tho color, excited, draws closo; and judging from its beautiful appear ance that It will obtain a marvelous banquet, forthwith opens its mouth, but is caught by the hook, and bitter, I indeed, Is the feast it has, inasmuch as It Is captured." in a bottle made of a rifle cartridge shell which Is tightly corked. In anatomical descriptions of tho rattler no mention Is mndo of this particular sac, though air sacs aro members of the snake family. But there Is no doubt of tho existence of It, for Mr, Daniel snld he had seea Mexicans remove It frequently." It may be that this fluid Is the se cret of the Moki Indians, and accounts for the Immunity that they enjoy from the poison of tho rattler. Those who have attended their annual snake dances and have seen dnncers bitten have wondered" that tho bites wero not fatal. At any rate, the secret of tho Im munity Is one of the most carefully guarded secrets of the rites of the Molds and Is kept within a select or der of the priesthood. Dr. J. Miller for years annually attended these dances and made a study of tho cer emonies. The Indians formally adopt ed him, not only Into the tribe, but advanced him in the priesthood. Tho doctor wanted chiefly to learn tho se cret of tho poison antedote, and ho was" told j'ear after year that tho next year ho would be put In possession i of the secret. But he died without it homo ho studied English under Fumlo Muratn. who studied In London. In his eighteenth year ho left home for Tokyo on foot. At that time Japan had no railroad and no steamers ran regularly. From Hiroshima, his na tlve province, to Tokyo, Is some 600 miles In Japanese measurement When he reached the capital ho went through the examination and was suc cessfully admitted to the Imperial uni versity. From scantiness of money ho was often compelled to go without food. He borrowed text books from a fellow student and copied them. It Js said that ho could not raise money even for hl3 hair cutting or a bath. After graduation ho found work In a printing office. His first waeos worn r small, but, like many successful Amer icans, ne always had an Ideal in mind and toward this Ideal he con stantly worked. He Is clven m-Pt J oredit for the victories over Russia v k M . , i -