The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 22, 1905, Image 5
I . f&r 1- H c ;h vV- ; W fy ' v ' ' ,'.'" N (?: &: II -w r r r Thirst Quenchers Maple Frappe Orangeade Mint Freeze Selzer Lemonade Manhattan Punch Coco Cola at the Fountain THIELE, Prescription Druggist 306 Box Butte Ac. ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Tloor Elks Hall Billiard and Pool Hall FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. Hanchester Successor to M l M Millard Hall ;aGm3S2ze2KXassssj WALLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT L&.W. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. Attorneys a Lsi-w .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH P. TCTTLE. IIlA E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NE11 J. E. MOORE, M. D. flu rciir.u iii.ocK, ALLIANCE, Ni:il. Calls answered from Telephone No. tH, olllce day or night. H. H- BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holbtcn IJuildlnR.' - ALLIANJE, NEB C. C. BARR, PHYSIOLVX and SURGEOX Calls answered day or nignt. I'HONK 21)1 IlKS. ini - L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OQlco In First National Hank block, ance Nebraska. All! DR. G. W. MITCHELL, i'liyslclan ano Sarseou Day and nlRhtcalls. OITlcoover HosueBtore. Phono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, II O .M I I 11 Y S I C I A N O I A T II I C A N I) Sl'IIG 15 O N Former! Briy Ii pit al Interne Homeopathic Iloa- University ji Iowa. Phono 351. Olllco over Alliance Shoe Store. NlRht calls answered from oflicu. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 018 IlOX I1UTTK AVENUE. Phone 25S, Calls annwered In town or country. Guy Lockwood . . GHADL'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EM1IAI..MING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert I.ndy Attendant.. AlllanCC Neb. SEE Jos. Carey S: Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, eto .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. ITime Table Alliance, Nebr. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, iiihI nil Kltits east atid all points vest and south. Tit.uss Lkavk as Follows, Mountain Timik No. 41 l'nien?r dully. Dertdw.yd, Hillings, nil iKifnts north null west 12:50 )).tu, Mo. 4! Passenger dully, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago iintl nil points (Mist... ,1:15 a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Oitdon.Salt Ltike, bii l'mn clsoo find all intermediate point, departs at SSOn.m. No. 302 Pavsemror dully f rum Denver anil all Intermediate tolnts, arrives at No. 306 Tuevlnys. Tlmr-day, Satur days, points smith and wost, departs s;00a. m. No. 300 Tuecdnys, Thursdays. Satur days, south and west, nrrlvos.DiSop. in. Sleeping, dining nnd reclining chair ears (seats free) on throtnth trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in thu t'nltod Mates or Canada. For itifurinntlon. t lino tallies and ticket call on or wrlto L. H. Saiik. Agent, or L. V. Wakrlby. (Ion. oral Passenger Agcit. Omaha, Nebraska. Ofiicial Directory. BTATK Ol'riCtiHO. John 11. Mickey flovornor. , E. 15. MefSllton LlcuUmant (lovornor. A. Onlusha Secretary of Stale. Hon. Hon. lion. I on. I.. M.Smlt r. Jr.-Audltor. Hon. l'etur Mortonsen Tieasurer. Hon. .1. L. Mollrleii Supt. Public Instruction. Hon. Norrls Itrown Attorney Uoiun-i.1. lion. H. M. Eaton Com'r Public Lands and ItlllldillgS. Hon. Harry Lindsay State Librarian. srritBMr. coritT. Hon. S. A. Holcomb Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel II. Sedgawiek Associate Justice. Hon John Harnos- Assoclnto Justice. cosonnss Hon. J H. Millard-r. .. Senate-." Hon. E.J. HtirKntt U. S. Senate. Hon M.l Klnktilil-CoiiKrusMiian Sixth Dlst. District. it. ri. land oman. Rruce Wllcov Register, i W K. Akors -ltocelior. .1. II. H. llowott-Clork. I.LOISLM'IIIIK. Hon. 1 M. Curry-Representative Mnl Dlst. Hon. Chus. 1. Hrosee Senator 14th Dlst. tllSTMOT JtllHlBS 15th uihtiiict. Hon. W. II. Wostovcr-ltushvlllo. Hon. J. J. Harrington O'Nulll. COUNTVOlTICI.lll, UOXIIUTTK COUNTY. S. M. Smysor- t'ounty Clerk, Recorder, and Clelk District Court O. W. Hrcnnan -Treasurer. Ira Heed-Short II I). K. boat-lit- County .lodge. Leora A. Hnstlu Supt. Public Instruction. Wllllnni Mitchell -County Attorney. J. P. Hazard -County Surveyor. A. S. Heed -Assessor. G. W. Loer Coinnilsslnncr, Chiilriuan, Frank Calm- Commissioner. T. If. Smith Coinnilsslmior. II. II. Itcllwooil, M. D.-County Pliystulnn. Dr. J. K. Mooro Coroner. CITT CIPtlCIAI.S Louis IIuechsuiiBteln Muyor. Fred V. Horrls-City Clerk. Alike Hhay-llhlof of I'ollie. W. S. ItlilKoll -Follce.ludKe. It. C. Noletnan--'.lty Attorney. Dr. II. H. IIollwoiul-IMnhloliiii. P.M. KnlKlit Cit 'lieasnrer and Water Commissioner. COU.SOILMIJN Fred.Mollrlngl Klrs, u.,,rl ' S.A. Franklin fIrat"ttI "' H. 1:. Maci;ray un , tv-inl Mfthlon .loder fH"-:0"11 Viira Fieil Ilrennan -Chief I'lro Department. ProL V. II. Hurt.-Supt. City Schools. C1IDIIC1IES EPISCOPAIi Hegnlar Sunday services 8 a.m. 11 a. m.j 7:.!0p. m.j Sunday school at Charles D. Coerr, Hector. CATHOLIC Keeular Sunday services j 11. 111.; 10 a. 111 ; S p. 111.: Sunday school nt 7 p. 111. I-atlier Julius Do Vos. MKTHODIHT-KeKiilar Sunday servlco-li a. in.; h p. in.; Huuilny school 10 a. in.; Junior Lvuituu 2 30 p.iu.; Epworth LnaKue 7 p. in.; Prayer lueeliiiK Thursdays, 7:30 p. in. Itev. C. XV. Kuy, Pastor. F1HST l'HESHYTEUIAN-Itesulur Sunday .service 11 a. in.; H p. in.; S11ud.1v school 10 a. 111 : CliilHtlan Endeavor 7:15 p. 111. ti. P. V. lioKUB, Pastor. UNITED PnESItYTEKIAN-Heuular Sunday BiTVlco 11 a. m. 8 p.m.: Bundsy nchool 10 r. in.; Y. P. C. lT. 7:15 p. m. Kov.McCon nell. Pastor. llAPriST-ltCRUlar Sunday service 11 a. in.; S p. m.; bunday school 10 a. m. ; Yoiiuk People's meetlnK 7:15 PraM-r meeting Thursday, S J), in. Kev. U. C. Jellers, P.isior. GEIIMAN LUTHEUAN-lteKularSunduy ser vice 11 a. m ; Sunday school 10 a. m.; Evening services twice each month. Iter. Otto Koolnig. Pastor. Ai.MANCi: seciii;t rociktius. EASTEUN HTAH-lst nnd 3rd Tuesday nlKhtH JIrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron REHECOAB-SihI and 4th Friday nlKhts. .Mm Ceo Leidy, N t! DKGHEE OF llOXOK-lst and 3rd Monday lilKhts. Mrs A F. IteynoIUs, C H ROYAL NEKlIIHOK"-2nd and 4th Wednes day nights. Mis U N Hosklns, Oracle L O T M 2nd and 4th Monday nights. Mrs u 11 lioci.-y LADIES Al'XILl Alt Y H of It T-2nd and 4th Thursdays 2 P 111 Mrs U N Hosklus Mistress LADIES AUXILIARY Rot L E-lst and 3rd Thursdays:! pm .Mrs K L Ranis, Presi dent LADIES AUXILIARY R of L F-2nd and 4th Frldas2 prn Mrs V L Austin. ODD FELLOWS -Every Tuesday night. L T Poole, Noble Grand A I" fc A M No. Ih3 Tliursdny on or before full moon. H A Franklin, W M REULAH COMMANDERY No. 20, Iv T-2nd mid 4th Tuesday nights. W E Zollinger. L L It A M No. 34-lst and 3rd. Monday nights. S A Franklin, H P A p U W-Sml and 4th Monday nights, L Hueclisenstolu, Master Workman JI W A 1st and 3rd Wednesday night. Ed gar Martin, VO EAOLES-aul and 4th Sundays, 2:30 p in W 8 Rldgell, W I IC I 1st and 3rd Monday nights. J II Mil- lor. G C ROYAl. I1IGHLANDKRS-Evry Tuusday night. R C Strong. I 1 II of L E 1st and 3rd Wilni)sd(iy 2 p in S A Franklin, C B II of L F-Every Friday nigUt. O W Tlllctt, .Master O R C Every Tuesday at 2 p in J N An drews, U C R of R T-ovury Tliursilay night. W A Man chester, Master A O O P Alliance llnrlxjr No.t'i-lst and 3rd Friday night. 1). W. Hayes, Com. IC. C ory uek. J. R. Kennedy, Grand Hniuiii. II. P. (). ' i:. Every Tuesday night. Wni, iry Tuesday night. . J, O'Koefo. Hoc. Mitchell. E. R. T I.and Olllco ut Alliance, Neb., May 4th IP06. Notice Is hereby given that the following named sot Her Ims tiled notice of his Intention to mako final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will . bo made before RogUtor and ItocMver nt Alliance, Nob., on July 15th 1W5. vU EMORY F. AI1LBY of Hemingford, Nebr. on II. E. No. 3057 for thn noli uf fcectlou 14 town id 11. rungo Ww. Hunaiiiui thu following wltnoseos toiirove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vir.; Goorgtt W. Iier, Alvfh Mabln. Orville Kidwoll. Robert Curiy. all of HetalnigfoMJ, Ndbrtishtt. 21-6 liHuci: Vn.uox, Register. HEMINGFORD. llCelth U. Ploivo Is fully uutlKiriwd to tUtit Miw.i.fiti.MiM Mittl ttili work nnd csill1 tv wt Mid receipt for iim. and tmnnct I1 other bUMnws fn connwlloii with his posltloH ns an nccrtHlltert nprentulle ot tin pH!r. lnsur6Bf tiouM, bnrn and llvafttock now. Lightning saason just beginning. K. L. Pierce, t.Rent. First Smte Unnk; Safe, conservative and reliable. Thu bot pine to deposit your" idle funds. We carry burglar insur ance. Notics All those knowing themselves indeptetl to me will please call and settle same with John Anderson in the Millet pharmacy. I have sold out and wnnt to collect all outstanding debts'at once. tf Gbo. F. IIrdokcOck. For sale Red tliree-yonr-old bnll, weight 1, goo pounds. Price $35. Ranch is 0 mi. north nnd three mi. west of Ham ingford. Frit Quade. a02 Ira Ueetl was in town Wednesday. her home now Mr. Sriggs is in from Aalriirook's ranch today. C. W. Kennorand son left Sundfiy night for Neligh. Miss Helen Philips enmc up from Alli ance Sunday, J. F. Whelan lost a steer by lightning Monday night, J, S. Mekinney was in this part of the county Monday. Mis1! Mirnh liaker left for her homo in Iowa Sunday night. ' Mrs. Jack Carey has been quite ill but is recovering slowly. Mrs. Orville Kidwoll has been very ill with erysipelas but is improving now. Mrs Will Fosket and daughter Blanche started yesterday for Portland, Oregon. Rev. Hmbree has gone to Btttto where he was called by the serious illucss of his son. , Andrew L. Johnson took his son to Alli ance the first of the week to attend the normal. Isaac Rockey was a delegate to the as sociation nt Crawford and left for that place Tuesday. Dollie Pierce returned to her home in Hemingford, having visited friends in Lin coln and Aurora. Mrs. Buchman and daughter Ina and Mrs. Shindler and Mrs. Green and Elsie went to Alliance Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood went to Craw ford Tuesday to attend the ministerial as sociation of the Congregational church. The L,ndies Progressive club will be held at the home of Mrs. A, II. Pierce Sat urday. All of the club members are re quested to be present. Wm. Mitchell, II. II. Bollwood. Tom Pool, S. Franklin, Gregory Zurn and J. Pilkington were among the Odd Fellows up from Alliance Saturday. The Hemingford baud will go to Dun lap to celebrate the 4th. There will be quite a number from" here attend the., cele bration there as it seems that the talk of celebrating here has been dropped. Frank Nagelschneider will go to Hecla tomorrow and get his cattle and take them to Snake creek where his brother Fred will take care of them. Ole Hedgecock will work in his place on the dray while he is gone. DH. C. Bristol of Chadron 'brought "a couple of men over from there, to take the train for Portland and visited a few days with W. D. Johnson and a few other. He has a nice ranch near Chadron and states that land is advancing rapidly in that part of the state. MARSLAND. Everybody is dipping cattle'theso days. Will DeWitt purchased a new harvester of A. K. Bvers Monday. H Mrs. Cox returned home from Nebraska City the latter part of the week. J Peter Allison of O. U. ranchwas trans acting business in town Monday. Mrs. II. L. Richardson and little son returned to their home at Cheyenne last Monday. Mrs. John Ilickey and daughter were in from the ranch and spent a few days with Mrs. Byers. Mrs. Hughas is building is building' a house on her homestead south of the river. Otis Caruthcrs is doing the work. Mrs, Kate Walbridge nnd (laugher took their departure for their home at Ardmore Monday, having been here thre mouths during the severe illness of Mrs.'C. H Richey. Miss Jandt, daughter of the late Frank Jandt was down from Sioux Co. recently, looking after a bunch of horses which arc being kept at the Kendric ranch. She was accompanied by an uncle. f TfottYv . Twee, o -k 0 0 0 0 X Fire - Insurance. HnMiriGFORU, - Nebraska. Agent for the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insurus town property only, and the Colum bia, which Insurus town and farm property and live stock. Roth aro roliubleold line com paulus 0 Notarial Work.,, 0 -00OOOO00 THE HARDINE93 OF TREEB. Snld to Dopend Largely on Wher Seeds Come From. An expert mirepryninn snys the hardiness or iionliardlnesn of treus de pends Inrpnly upon where tho soods from which tho troes in question sprang cuino from. Satisfactory re sults tiro seldom experienced by planting a Rood obtnlnod from tho Sunny South, sny. By planting seeds gradually furthor north, howevor, trees may ho nt length hnrdoncd and Rccllmated until a seed from such a tree may bo reasonably expoctod to thrlvo nnd mattiro Its fruits. Trees, llko people, acquire tholr habltn from tho ollmnto In which thoy live. Tho northorn treo Knows In stlnrtlvoly whon tho time has como to rlpon Its fruit. Tho southern treo follows tho same Instinct, holng In no hurry, as thcro Is ltttlo likelihood of real cold. With trnnsplantlnga furthor north its habits changes. Tho great tiouble with most pooplo Is that thoy want to Jump a tree from South to North nt ono move. This saino Idea Is evident In tho at tempt to bring various fruit trees from Russia to the northern United States. Applos and plums from tho land of tho Grent White Czar havo taken kindly to tho below zoro conditions of tho gontlo Daltotas. FOR ECONOMY ON RAILROADS. Effective System Recently Introduced by James J. Hill. James J. Hill has Introduced a new oconomy on tho rnllroads which ho controls. Ench englno has a tab kept on Its dally employment and against It Is charged ovory cont used for oil, fuel, ropnlrs nnd operation, Thus If englno 200 is found to be costing moro llinu onglno 230 thu engineer of tho former Is askod to oplaln. Tho samo plan Is to bo extonded to ovory car on tho system. Then tho conductors and cnginemon who mako tho host show ing aro to havo bonuses. Tight Clothes Cause Distress. Some of tho most eminent physi cians in tho world dcclaro with em phasis that tight gloves, shoes and clothing havo a tendency to causo colds and a great deal of suffering during the winter, no matter how warmly a person may bo clad. Ho says: "Tight shoes on anyono'e feet will arrest tho circulation, and whllo, of course, tho foot might not freeze, It has no chance to get warm, and thus Invites tho cold, with a good pos sibility of pneumonia stopping In to chargo up more trouble to tho tight shoes. The same thing is true, though In a lesser degree, 6f tight gloves on tho hands, nnd a tight collar or tight neckband on a shirt Is apt to causo a cold In tho head by Interfering with tho veins In the discharge of their dutlos. Shoos nnd gloves that fit snugly ought to bo worn In tho win ter, but thoso that aro tight are abso lutely dangerous, extromoly so bo causo tho general public knows so little about It." - The Seven Ages of a Racehorse. First, tho foal, AVobbly, and nurs'liiff at its mother's side: Artid then tho whinnying colt, with gentle . eye And noftly lloatlng; mAne, frisking in pad. dock, Nlbbllnr luscious green. Then comes tho .fiddle. Fiercely fought at first, with many a kick, Hut later borne with grace. Then dally trnlrlng. Months of pampering caro, and trials on a trcclt, Trnvellng, and taclnp under clover bands, Kager to rccorda mako or break. Win cup or land fat purse. And then a mishap Tendon strained, and as n "selling plater" bartered; His days of money earning nipped In bud, For him no moro the soft carers of hand. And ho has played his part. The sixth ngp shows The hor:e of gentle breed docked, and drawing cab With weary stride, eyes bulging and mark or wnip On his shrunk shank; and the full, deep breath. Once drawn in measure strong, labors And whistles In Its sound. Last scene of all Thot ends this strange, pathetic history, For which 'twere mercy to implore ob livion. Sans tall, sans sight, sans strength, sans everything. Florence M. HIair in Rider and Driver. Algerian Wheat. Practically all tho wheat grown In Algeria Is hard wheat. Tho total product In 1902 was 21.000 metric tons. Of tho annual crop all but a very small portion Is consumed in Alcorla. The native population uso only tho Algerian whoat, which Is made Into broad, semoulos and cous cous. Tho latter Is a dish highly esteemed by the Arabs and very ex tensively used. Tho flour used for breadmaklng and other cooking pur poses by tho European population Is Imported. The Really Clever Pose. Thero Is much moro Intellectual cleverness among the girls of to-day than thore was fifty years ago. A flippant cousin says: "It does not pay for a girl to bo clever; men aro afraid of you If you are, and the other girls hato you." Tho really clovor women aro thoso who dlsgulso tholr learn ing, and poso as amlablo and charm ing Idiots. Ladles' Field. Use American Money. United States money Is extonslvely used In the northern part of Colombia, and In many storos prices are quoted in American gold. Best Hated Man In Ireland. The lato marquis of Sllgo onjoyed tho roputntlon of being one of tho most hated mon who owned ostatos in Ire land. 2 Lord Mayor's Valuable Badge. The badge worn by tho lord mayor of London Is stJdrled with diamonds to the value of 120.000. 0 AUCTION On Saturday, July 1st The STANDARD CATTLE COHPANY will sell at Mu!ieii.Neb.,f 0:30a.m. at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash, aproxi mutely the fol lowing1: 300 Head of Horses and Mares which include the company's best haying teams for mow ers, sweeps and rakes. Saddle horses and some mares with colts by their side. This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings (by pure bred Percheron stallion), raised on the company's ranch and running from yearlings upward. Also their best wagons, mowers, harness, and a large assortment of various kinds of farm machinery. In addition to the above auction sale, the Standard Cattle company will hold the following sales: At Pass Ranch, Friday July 7th. At Big Creek Ranch, Monday,) July 10th. At Carve Ranch, Wedndesday, July 12th. At these sales they will offer for cash to the high est bidder all of their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. W. E. Mite, assisted by George Tracewell, will conduct the Mullen sale, and George Tracewell the three sales on 7th, 10th and 12th of July. 22-Sw if TE LEPHONE ' The Palace Heat Market For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast A Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Hone If you haven't time to cook them, we can send vou a Steak, a Chop or some Oysters QUICK! Phone 131 "Piamonds, U Souvenirs m Repairing in all its Branches. - A7. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU x WOODEN TANKS AND sheep- Dipping; Vats -cattle Wo make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices are right. New list just out. Semi for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. rORSALEBY F. E. HOLSTEN SALE! A Big Come-down in lumber is not at all likely, unless the unexpected happens. Prices aro moro likely to go tip. IV'e carry u full line of LUMBER AND COAL Dlerks Lum6er and Coal Co. D. WATERS, Mngr. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Phone 22. 0 BUSH1SELL dc OLD AY. i& Watches Gold Jewelry, e Hail orders promptly attended to.-