The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 22, 1905, Image 3

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    '"'"""" " " mm
Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Aro Uaunlly
Due to Uterine Disorder
Perhaps Unsuspectod
Can wo dispute
Uio well known
women are ner
How often do wo
lienr tho expres
sion, "I am so ner
vous, it seems as If
I should fly : " or,
"Don't speak to
inc." Littlo things
annoy vou and
make you irritable; you can't sleep,
you nro untiblo to quiet and calmly
perform your daily tasks or caro for
your children.
The relation of tho nerves and pcn-i
crativo organs In women is so closo
that nine-tenths of the nervous pros
tration, nervous debility, tho blues,
sleeplessness and nervous irritability
arise from so'mo derangement of tho
organism which makes her n woman.
Fits of depression or restlessness and
irritability. Spirits easily affected, so
that one minuto she laughs, tho next
minute weeps. Pain In the ovaries and
between the shoulders. Loss of voico;
nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry
at tho least provocation. All this points
to nervous prostration.
Nothing will relievo this distressing
condition nnd prevent months of pros
tration and suITerlngso surely as Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. M 13. Shotwell, of 103 Flatbush
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes:
"I cannot express tho Wonderful relief I
havo experienced by taking Lydia E. 1'lnk
haru's Vegetable) Compound. I Buffered for
a long titno with norvoui prostration, back
ache, headache, loss of npjK'tito. I could
not sloop and would walk the floor almost
ovenr night.
"I had throo doctors and got no hotter, and
lifo was a burden. I ivu advised to try
Lydia 13. Pinkhnui's Vegetable Compound,
and it has worked wonders for mo.
" I am a well woman, my nervousness Is all
gono and my friends say I look ten years
Will not tho volumes of letters from
women mado strong by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegotablo Compound convince
all women of Its virtues ? Surely you
cannot wish to remain sick and weak
nnd discouraged, exhausted each day,
when you can be as easily cured as
other women.
Tbe opportunity for tbo tnin with little meana
li probably better to-day In. tbe prairie itateaof
tbe Southweit than ever before In tbe blitoiyof
tbe nation. To be lure, there la not tbe vast
open cholc of land fur tbe homesteads that ex
lated In tbe '70s. Tbe land! then taken up under
Government laws are now prosperous farma and
ranchea. There la need of more bandi to develop
tho country. In the Southwett.Indlan Territory,
Oklahoma and Teiai.are rait areaa ot unim
proved land not yet producing the eropa of whleh
It li capable. Practically the tamo thing la truo
of tho towni. Few Hues of business are ad
equately reprcientcd. There are opening of all
aorta for wide-awake men. Aro you one?
If you are Intcreited, tell ua what you want,
how much you hm a to luveit, and we will gladly
furnlth tbo Information. Write for a copy of
of our paper, "Tho Coming
Conntry." It'afrec. Addreaa
BOX 911.
troubled with ills peculiar to
their sex, used as a douche is marvelously inc.
..ttl 'Thnrntif.hltrr'lpiins Irflf jlA9r ovm.
stops discharges, heals inllammatlon and local
soreness, cures leucorrhcea and nasal catarrh.
I'axtlne is in powder form to be dissolved in pure
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal
end economical than liquid antiseptics for air
For sale at druggists, 00 cents a box.
Trial Dox and Hook of Instructions Free.
The n. Paxton courxtit Boston, Uaso.
and Wood Frames. r25 and up. Write
CC us bef ore you buy. We save you
ppT" inuucy. Also iiiinps anu wiau
BECKMAN BROS.. Dei Molnei, lows.
Let Libby
Serve Your Soup
(I W? ' ?r h)
1 JaW If
I W w T ml
. .,,?m,0vJu"enne LOMommt, (.talcken, Mull ratawnev or Oitall will nlrau tl. mn
faitidloua. Vbey are quickly prepired-d.licioua to e5wa MtWicIorj.
lobby's S1 Food Products
Corned Beef Mash
Ox Tongues
Your Urocerihat (hem
rlbby. MoNolH tt Libby. Choatfo
K..J ?.af bt J?r5fnV222?f 'am". nd tbe price
iibV nh.Vn..;i k.i "." Ji " anap. a iirar uw o anow you too runny"
line. It ha does not handle It write to u direct and we will fee that too aro euppUed.
Enter the Bell Horse.
Tho adoption of rubbor shoos foi
horsos nnd tho popularity of gum
tlrod vohlcloa havo resulted In the ap
plication of befls to tho harnosa ol
tennis for private equipages. Thi3 in
traduction Is comparatively now in
this city. Heretofore It has been tho
caso that It was tho oxcoptlon to an
nex tho Jlnglors to carriages. Now,
however, It la fast becoming tho rulo
Wabash Special Train for teachers
and their friends to Asbury Park, N
J., leaving Chicago 2 p. in., Juno 29th,
going via Detroit, stopping at Niagara
Falls, Albany, steamer down tho Hud
son to New York and Salt Water trlr
to Asbury Park. All agent3 soil via
Wabash from Chicago. Harry 13
Moorcs, G. A. P. D. Wabash It. 11.
Omaha, Neb.
When a man goon out without an
umbrella and gets caught In a rain
ho acts as if ho ought to bo allowed
to silo the government for having a
weather bureau. Now York Proas.
Opportunities In Cuba.
Now la tho time to rccuro land In La Gloria, tho
first and largest American Colony In Cuba. Kay
term. Money In fruit ratMng. Largo profile on small
Investments. Wrllo for freo Illustrated booklet.
Cuban Land & Steamship Co., S3 Broadway, K.Y. City.
A man feels cheaper about swearing
off than for being locked up In n
police station for not doing It
Mr. tTlnelcm's Soothing flyrnp.
llaminatlon, alia js pain, curea wind collu. 230a, bottle.
Hope Is nn airship, but It Bhould bo
supplied with a parachuto attach
ment to let a man down easy.
Cntnrrli of tlioTtlnilrirrnnil Kidney Trouble)
Absolutely cured by Dr. l)tld Kennedy's FaTortte
Ueinudy. World famous for over SO years. llabotUe.
Duty Is a prickly shrub, but Its
flower will be happiness and glory.
M. F. Tupper.
More Flexible and Lasting,
Wftn'r slinkf nut nf Hlnw mi. 1v nolnt.
Tinflnnro RfnroVi vmi nhtnln l.nttA.
suits than possible with any other
uranu anu one-tniru more for samo
Generosity is based on moods and
dispositions. Justice is based on print
School Houses
and Homes
ought to bo decorated and mado beautiful
and healthful by using
A Rock Cement !?f?Wgs
not rub or scale. Destroys disease Barms and
vermin. No washing of wills after once np.
plied. Any ono can brush it on mix with
cohl water. Plain tinting and whitening, and
tue most elaborate relief, stencil work and
frescoing may bo done with it. Other flnisbM
(bearing fanciful names and mixed with hot
water) ilunot luivo tliuct-nicntliipropertr
or Alabnatiiic. They are stuck on with
Blue or other animal matter, which rots,
feodltip rilftonso irernis, rtibhliiir, scaling
nnd spoilliic walls, clothing, utc. Such
finishes must bo washed oft every year cost
ly filthy work. Htiy Alnlmtlno only In
Uve-pouiid .nckago. properly labeled.
Tint card, pretty wall nnd celling, dosign,
Hints on Decorating, nnd our artists' Ber
Vices in making color plans, froo.
Grand Rapids, Mich., or 105 Water St, N. Y.
THE DAISY FLY KILLER ?f"fr?f" --ls
home-In dlnlnn room, aleeplng room anil places whf r
iiiea are irouuio
Jure anjtlilnir.
Try them once,
j on will nerer be
without them. If
not kept by deaU
ra, sent prepaid
for 20a Harold
Somen, 110 llrkalb
$100 Weekly Easily Made
wr(tuiR health and accident Insurance ;cxperlence nn
neceuary.WrIteIJanker'AccWentCo..I)eMoinei.Ia. Chicken
Vienna StjLUsarJe
nam ioa
Jhi tmW amW 1 alM W m -
will pleais yoa a well. They re made of
m " - 1t dr
aasf J? K tlSt'GStrvSMnjlAMg kHk'v.V
Owners and Union Teamsters Form
Clofs Corporation and Advance
Prices. More Serious Offenses Than
Bribery and Conspiracy.
CHICAGO Tho Brontcst scnmlnl
Chicago has over saon, accorrtlng to
States Attorney llwtly, Is to follow tho
dlBclosuros ninile Friday before' tho
Rrand jury by . C. Drlncol), when the
former secretary of tho Associated
Building Trades and Coal Team Own
ors association revenled tho entire hl
tory of tho dealings between employ
ers and union labor leaders, particular
ly that branch of union labor rflju'ev
sonted by tho Chicago Teamstem'
State Attorney Healy said:
"Moro serious offenses havo been
committed than bribery and conspir
acy nnd the evldoneo presented to th
Jury has been of an oxtremoly sensa
tional ehnractor. It Is very Important
and will load to startling results. Tho
names mentioned by tho wltnossos aro
thoso of prominent men on both sldes.
If I thought there would bo no results
from tho Investigation I would call a
halt Immediately. I bollevo tho pres
ent line of Inquiry will occupy the
Jury lor tho remnlndor ot this week
and a portion of next week, but If
necessary all the docket casos will be
Bldetracked because of tho great Im
portance I attach to tho result's of tho
present Inquiry."
Today will witness the gathering
before tho grand jury of twenty or
moro of tho prominent business men
of Chicago, together with leading
members of tho liar. Subpoenas for
them have-been placed In tho hands of
private detectives.
Johhn C. Driscoll wns tho chief wit
ness before tho grnnd Jury nnd related
what ho called the dealings betweon
the employers and union labor. Dris
coll told how the coal teamsters and
coal team owners had mado tho first
Joint trade agreement, which provided
that the owners should employ only
members of the Conl Teamsters'
union, nnd that members of tho union
should work for no employer not a
member of tho Coal Team Owners' as
sociation. Tho effect of this arrange
ment, tho witness declared, was to
forco every coal wagon owner Into tho
Coal Team Owners' association and
every coal wagon driver Into tho
teamsters' union. Tho owners behind
this provision that barred union driv
ers from working for men not mem
bers of tho association and prevent
non-union drivers from driving coal
wagons, raised tho cartago rates of
coal from 30 cents to 50 cents a ton
for short hnuls nnd to as high as $1 a
ton for longer hauls.
ship, at tho Instance of tho council of
ministers, hns issued a blanket order
forbidding newspapers to mention or
to publish tho proceedings of any con
gress or meeting hold without the per
mission of tho govornmont. This step
was advised by General Trepoff.
Some Wealthy Men Are Sent to
SEATTLE, Wash. F. M. Barrett
and P. W. Bone, wealthy business
men of "Whenton, Minn., pleaded guilty
In tho federal court to complicity Jn a
conspiracy to defraud the government
by Inducing Italians to take out tim
ber claims near Kallspell, Mont., and
wero sentenced to one year In the
United States penitentiary and the
payment of a fine of $1,000 and the
cost of tho action. Judge- Hanford
mado caustic remarks on the moral
turpitude which was Involved and
which was condoned In a letter Intro
duced by tho defendant Barrett from
a cousin, who Is a Judge of the su
preme court of Maine. II. J. Schoul
nnd G, L. Brokaw of Spokane, who
are also defendants, refused to plead.
Tho caso against Shoul may be dis
missed. Looks For Another Battle.
LONDON Tho practical certainty
now that peaco negotiations cannot be
gin for another month leads to the
conviction that another battle will be
fought In the Interval. According to
the Dally Telegraph's Tien Esln cor
respondent, a Japanese forward
movement has already commenced In
spite of tho rainy season.
Kills Her Four Children.
DUBUQUE Mrs. Paul Klass has
killed her four small children and com
mitted suicide at her homo noar
Kielor, Wis., eight miles east of Du
President Approves Findings of Two
Courts-Martial In Officer's Case.
WASHINGTON Tho president hai
approved tho Undines in two trinic r
Captain George W. Klrkman of the j
iwenty-imn miantry, sentencing him
to dismissal from the army and con
finement In tho ponltentlary at Fort
Leavenworth, Kan., for throo year.
Klrkman was conoctod with tho sensa
tional caso resulting In tho sulcldo or
tho wlfo of Lieutenant Chandler at
Defeat of Rojestvensky Foregone Con
elusion, ,
VLADIVOSTOK A porles or Inter
views which the correspondent of tho
AnKoi-lated Press has had with naval
onicers who survived tho batllo of tho
sra of Japan hns developed a most
sensational story of th catisos ot tho
KusHtan disaster and tho eomploto de
moralisation which followed tho sink
inn of tho ilngshlp Knlnr. Souvarorf
and the wounding of Admiral Itojest
vensky. It is explained that a slnglo
of the Meet knew the commnndor-ln-chief's
plnns. The admirals In com
mnnd of divisions know no moro than
the sublieutenants, nnd had to rely
only on the signature slgnalR of tho
Ilngshlp. Admiral Nebgotatol?,. upon
whom tho command devolved, had
seen UoJestvensky onco aftor tho
Juncture of their squadrons and then
ov'y for flftoen minutes. AH tho stories
of "xtPiMlvo tarnet practice In Mada
Ri'iar, It seems, were false. During
the e-if-r voynge thero practically
wn not training in gunnery worthy
of the name, nnd the big gun prnctlco
uis confined to throo shots per vosscl.
PARIS President Roosevelt's sue
c(st in opon'ng a way for pence ne
gotiations between Russia and Jnpnn
In tho absorbing themo hero nnd
franco has forgotten her own troubles
with Germany over Morocco to Join
in t'lithuslnstlo approval of the Ameri
can In'tlulivc. Portraits of President
Rnoscvelt, Ambassador Moyor, Minis
ter Tiikahlra and Ambassador Cnssl.
ni appear In all tho Jotirnnls, with pic
tures of tho White Houso as tho sceuo
Nation's Capital Selected for the Peace
WASHINGTON Official announce
ment Is mado 'that Washington has
been selected as tho location of tho
peaco conference.
Tho announcement came In tho
form of nn, official statement Issued
by Sccretnry Ixeb by direction or the
president. Tho statement follows:
"When tho two governments wero
unnblo to ngreo upon cither Cho Fog
or Paris, the president suggested Tho
Hague, but both governments havo
now requested that Washington bo
chosen as tho placo of meeting nnd
the president has accordingly formal
ly notified both governments that
Washington will bo so selected."
It is suggested nt tho Whlto houso
Informnlly, that after meeting and or
ganizing tho" plenipotentiaries of tho
two governments, If It should bo found
to bo uncomfortably hot In Washing
ton, might adjourn tho meeting to
some summer rsort In tho nirth,
whoro they mny continue their sittings
until such tlrno as tho weather In
Washington will bo more comfortable,
Minister Takahira of Japan called
Dt tho Whlto houso at 10:i5 o'clock
and was shown directly Into the office
of tho president.
Mr. Tnknhlra's visit laHtod ono hour
nnd twenty-five minutes. Ho declined
to divulge any of tho details of his
talk with, the president. The confer
once was had during tho busiest part
of tho oxocuttve day and everything
else wns In abeyance during that
time. Naturally It Is to bo prosumed
that it was of rather moro than usual
Mr. Tnkahlra. on leaving tho Whlto
house, when asked whether a decision
had been reached as to tho location
of the peace conference, said: "Oh,
no. It Is a long Journey." moaning
probably that It might take consider
able time to determine tho matter.
WATERLOO, la. W. J. Schrock, a
prominent fanner near Waterloo, on
roturnirlg homo found the charred
body of his w!fo In tho ruins or tho
coal shod. Tho trunk had been wholly
consumed. A coroner's Jury was un
nblo to solve tho mystery, but tho
theory Is generally entertained that
tha woman was tho victim of tramps.
Denver Wants the Pow-Wow.
DENVER, Colo, Mayor R. W.
Spoor telegraphed to President Roose
velt n formal Invitation to tho Rus
sian and Japaneic peaco plenipoten
tiary to hold their sittings In Denver.
GUNSHU PASS, Manchuria Tho
Japanese havo forced the advanco
posts of tho Russian left beyond tho
Knocho river and aro occupying the
heights north of the river. A heavy
forco seems to bo behind this move
ment. Field Marshal Oyama is ready
for a gonoral. offensive.
Llewellyn Has More Work.
WASHINGTON The postmnster
genoral has ordered the state of Iowa
detnehod from the St. Louis division
and mado part ofthe Omaha division
of the rural free delivery borvlce ef
fective July 1, 1905.
Wyoming Sheep Herder Shot.
BUFFALO, Wyo. E. F. Mattoon. a
s.heep herder, wns shot and killed near
hire. Although details of tho shooting
are not yet known, thoro Is a strong
suspicion It may bo tho preludo to an
other stockmen's war.
.ANfcfjclablc PrcpnralionrorAs
slmilntlng llieFood ntulKcgula
Ung ihcStoinndB ntttlBowcls of
Fromotcs Digcalion.Clieerfitl
ncssnntincsl.Coiitninancllhcr OnUim.MorphJuc nor Mineral.
Not "Naiic otic .
IIBtkryrmn. riant;
Apcriccl ncmctly rorConslip,i
Tlon.SotirStomnch.Uinrrluicn Worms .Convulsions, Feverish
ncss mut Loss of Sleep.
FacSlmilo Signature of
I il 1 1 Mil n HIM
The Secret of Good Coffee
Even tho boBt houBokoopors cannot malco a good cup of
coffoo without good material. Dirty, adulterated and qucorly
blondod coffeo such as unscrupulous dealers shovel ovor their
counters won't do. But tako tho puro, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader o! all package colfees
tho coffoo that for ovor a quarter of a century has boon daily
wolcomod in millions of homos and you will mako a drink fit
for a king in this way:
Ugo LION COPPER, bcnnso to Ret boat reanlla you muet uo tho beat coffee.
Grind yonr MON COFFKIC rather One. t'eo "n tahlcaioonful to each cap, and ono
extra for tho pot." Flnt mix it wllh n little cold water, enough to mako a thick Mile, Mil
add white of an cits (If CKK 1 to bo used aa a settler), then follow one of tho following rules :
Int. WITH nOIMNO WATER. Add bolllnfi water, and let It bell
TTIREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a Utile cold water and net aside five
minutes to nettle. Serve promptly.
Sd. WITH COLD WATEH. Add yonr cold water to the panic and
lirlnrj It to a boll. Then set aside, udd a little cold water, aud la five
minutes It's ready to serve.
Q (Don't boll It too Ions. . . . .
- Don't lot It Btnntl morothnnton mlnutoBboforooorvlnff.
DONVS (.Don't ugo wator that has boon bollod boforo.
Int. Willi Eags. Uso part ot the whlto of an egg, mixing it with tbo ground LION
COFFEE taforeliolllnR.
Id. Wllh Cold Water Inttc.vl of egg. After boiling add a dub. of cold water, and ect
aalde for eight or ti-n minutes, then eerre through a atralner.
Insist on flcttlnfj ti pncltarje of flcnulnc LION COFFEE
prepare It according to this recipe and you will only use
LION COFFEE III luturc. (Hold only in 1 lb. scaled packages.)
(Lionlicad on every packiio.)
(Soto theso Lion-hend3 for vnluaMo premiums.)
WOOLSON Sl'TOE CO., Tolodo, Ohio.
mMMMM-mmmmmmmTl. BBBBa
fpppp ' mmWmwLWm
m fr S
I s?K -lis f
(J " fc f :i it
wmmmmwmmtmsnxTTT-J: i umu
mkwmsm mtokm wii
(I -
.w ,000,000
Vour Jobber, or direct from factory, I'eorU, lit
mmnm S
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
laundered with
never crack nor becomo
brittle. They last twico
as long as thoso latin-
dered with other starches and
glvo tho wearer much better
satisfaction. If you want your
husband, brother or son to
Il look dressy, to feel comfort
able and to bo thoroughly
happy use DEFIANCE
STARCn in the laundry. It
is sold by all good groccra at
10c a package 10 ounces.
Inferior starches sell at tho
samo price per package but
contain only 13 ounces. Note the differ
once. Ask j'our grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH. Insist on getting it and you
will never use any other brand.
innipgiiiDn Omaha., Klsfec
Alueller Pianos
Are Sent Free
to responsible people on trial. If you
don't suy they aro J100.00 bettor than
any piano you have seen, box It up,
send It back at our expense.
Our Prices Are Way Down
because we havo no agents or travelers.
Our terms aro cash, or $! oO down and
15 00 monthly. "Write today for cata
log and prices.
Address the makers,
KNtiibllMicd, IPSO.
OMAHA, xun.
Best Cough 6rup. 'fwuuQooa. Uw I
in lima, ssold br drusrffitu.
Bears the t
Signature jrA W
QlHlairs and
wmwiaii n H(i li7BammammmaaKktmUKammmamMamwk9mmMimmu
fr HM.'MiWPN