. nfrjggvinimii wtm. mmut' ym.j ny il 3! TENT TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOUS INSANE Superintendent of Largo Eastern Hospital Has Demonstrated Its Efficiency A. B. Macdonald, L. L. D., M. P., modlcal Buporlntondent of tho Manbat tan Stato Hospital, East, gives a graphic account of tent llfo as tried under his direction for a largo number of Insane consumptives. Tho follow Ing oxtrnctB aro from hlB paper In tho Directory of Institutions and Societies dealing with "Tuberculosis In tho United States and Canada": That consumptive lnsano patients may bo kept, and treated, to their ad vantage and Incidentally to tho ad vantage of their fellow-inmates, in canvas tents, and throughout tho Bev erol seasons of tho year, has boon demonstrated In tho recent history of tho Manhattan Stato Hospital, East. Tho experiment upon tho success of which this claim Is advanced has cov ered a period of forty months. Tn all hospitals for tho insane tho In mates aro classified according to tho form of mental disturbance. To tako from all theso classes any suffering from tuberculosis and put thorn to gether in ono tent was a serious prob lem. This, however, has been very successfully done. Tho original plan was to uso tho camp only about flvo months during each summer. Tho camp first established consist ed of two largo dormitory tents twonty by forty feet onch containing twenty beds, with smaller tonta of different shapes, about ten by ten feet, for tho accommodation of tho nurses, tho caro of tho hospital stores, pantries and a dining tent for such patients as wero ablo to Icavo their bods and tents, and go to tho tablo for their meals. Running water was se cured by means of underground pipes, and tho safo disposition of wasto and eowago was also provided for. As has been said, It was expected to contlnuo tho camp only through tho Hummer and as far into tho autumn as favorable weather might render Justifiable. But when In tho Into au tumn It was found that tho favorablo oxperlenco continued, it was docldcd to attempt to carry tho experiment, on a modorato scalo, into, or 'oven through, tho approaching wlntor. Tho camp, as first established, had been placed upon an elovated knoll adjacent to tho rlvorsldo and purposely exposed to tho full forco of tho summer breezes. For tho winter experiment Its slto was removed to tho center of tho Island, whero trcos and buildings Interposed to act aa a wind-break to tho sovero storms from tho east and northeast which aro to bo oxpectod in that locality. Tho numbor of patients wns reduced to twenty, thoso in whom tho dlscaso was most active being re tained and tho others being returned, for tho tlmo being, and much against their will, to tho buildings. Ono largo tent Eunices for tho housing at night of tho reduced number of patients, and ono was set apart as a sitting room for day use, with tho accessory tonts beforo mentioned, and largo stoves wero placed in them, hero and thero, with wlro screons surrounding thom to protect tho patients, and a liberal uso of asbestos and other fire proof material and arrangements for tho prevention of flro. To make a long story short, It has remained In continuous use, not only throughout tho first winter, but through tho two succeeding winters and Intervening seasons, up to tho dato of tho present writing. Tho scopo of Its employment has been gradually enlarged until all patients in whom thero aro actlvo manifestations of tuborculosls nn average of forty throo out of a total census of about 2,000 aro Isolated therein, and thoro has been parallel enlargement of tho elements of tho plant. Tho Isolation of tho tuberculosis pa tients has reduced to a minimum the danger of infection of othor patients and of employes. Tho pntlcnts them selves have suffered no injury or hard ship, but Jiave, on tho contrary, been unmistakably benefited. This Is shown, among other ways, by a decrease In tho death rato from pulmonary tuber culosis, both absolute nnd relative, and by a marked general Increase In bodily weight, amounting In tho caso of ono patient to an actual doubling of tho weight from elghty-thrco to ono hundred and slxty-slx pounds In four teen months of camp residence. iTcntal improvement has as a gener--al rule been tho concomitant of physi cal, not only among tho patients In too tuborculosls camp, but also In tho others, and In tho former class this has beon somewhat of an anomaly. My experience, and I think that of others, has been that when phthisis nnd lnsnnlty coexist they are apt to alternate as to tho prominence of their several manifestations tho mental symptoms being more pronounced whilst tho physical aro In abeyance, nnd vice versa. Undortho tent treat ment wo have found a general dis position toward accord in tho manifes tations, Improvement In both respects proceeding concurrently, and wmo of the discharges from the hospital which nave most satisfaction to us at tho tlmo, and most assurance for tho pa tient's future, wero of Inmates of tho tuberculosis camp. It was apprehended that noi only might the patients themsolvos rosont their transfer, but that similar objec tion might como from tholr relatives nnd friends, since innovations, even progressive ones, aro apt to be frownej upon by thoso who constitute the majority In the ollentelo of a pub lic hospital In a cosmopolitan city. Even at tho outset, however, tho pro tests, whether from patients or their friends, wero surprisingly fow, nnd latterly thoy havo been more apt to arlso, If at all, over tho patient's re turn to tho buildings when that be came necessary. Tho question of medication may In tho present writing bo dismissed with n very brief reference. It has been found unnecessary to extend it great ly, and it has beon limited mainly to tho treatment of symptoms. Stimula tion alcoholic and tho like has been found of but llttlo demand or use, nnd tho quantities consumed alwayB un der individual modlcal prescription havo been insignificant. On tho other hand, tho dietary has been made as liberal as tho Imposed restrictions of tho Stato Hospital schedule havo per mitted, both In tho way of regular diet and extras, nnd in tho leading es sentials milk and eggs prlvato do nations havo supplemented tho regular supply. Hut dependence, after all, has boon mainly placed upon tho rigid isolation and disinfection, and upon tho unlimited supply of fresh air. As an interesting incidental fact it may bo mentioned that not only tho pa tients, but also tho nurses living In tho camp havo enjoyed almost complctp Immunity from other pulmonary dis eases. Not a single caso of pneumonia has developed In tho camp In Its ex lstenco of over three years, though It causes 131 deaths In the hospital prop er In that time. Tho "common colds" so frequent among their fellows living upon tho wards, or In tho Attendants' Homo, havo been unknown among tho tont-dwellers. Tho popular Idea that tho consump tive is n doomed man unless ho can at onco abandon homo and family and business nnd bctako himself to somo remoto roglon would seem to bo nega tlvod by our Ward's Island oxperl enco. Tho Ward's Island camp is but a few feet above tho tide-water lovol, Its slto Is swept In wlntor by winds of high velocity, coming over tho Ice bound waters of tho rivera and tho sound which surround it, and It Buf fers ns much as, or moro than, nny othor part of tho city of Now York from tho trying changes of tompora turo nnd humidity which nro so char acteristic of its cllmato. If, In splto of all thoso drawbacks, what has been dono can bo done, and that for lnsano patients, what may not bo hoped from tho oxtonslon of tho samo methods to tho ordinary consumptlvo of sound mind, anxious for recovery and capa ble of giving Intelligent asslstanco In tho strugglo? SOME HEALTHFUL RECIPE8. soup Crcntn Harley Entrco Savory Lontlls Vegetables Mashed Potatoes String Beans Lettuco with Nut Butter Dressing Roasted Sweet Potatoes Breads Salad Sandwiches Corn Puffs Dessert Bananas In Syrup Cream Barley Soup. Wash a cup of pearl barloy, drain, nnd Blmmer slow ly In two quartB of water for four or flvo hours, adding boiling water from tlmo to tlmo as needed. When tho barloy Is tender, strain off tho liquor, of which thero should bo nbout three pints; add to It a portion of tho cooked barley grains, salt, and a cup of whipped cream, and serve. If pre ferred, tho beaten yolk of an egg may bo used Instead of cream. Savory Lentils. Tako equal parts of cooked brown lentils that havo been rubbed through a colander to removo-tho skins, and bread crumbs. Moisten with a llttlo cream, season with salt and n very llttlo powdered sage, pour Into a baking dish, and bake In a moderate oven until well browned. A meal prepared by rub bing chopped English walnut meats through a colander, added to tho sa vory lentils In tho proportion of ono cup of nut meal to a pint of lentils, Just beforo putting Into tho oven to brown, makes n very palatable dish. When tho nut meal Is used, water may be used to moisten tho lentils. When dono, slice and servo with tho following: Cream Tomato Sauce. Rub stewed or canned tomatoes through a colan der to rcmovo all seeds and frag ments. Heat to boiling and thicken with n llttlo flour. Add n half cup ot very thin cream and ono teaspoon ful of salt to each pint of tho liquid. Lettuce With Nut Butter Dressing. Prepare tho lettuco as for salad. Ttub two slightly rounded tablespoon fuls ot nut butter smooth with two- thirds of n cup of water. Lot this cream boll up for a moment Ramovo from tho stove, add one-half teaspoon ful of salt and two tablespoonfuls ot lemon Juice. Cool, nnd It Is ready for use. If too thick, It may be thinned with a llttlo lemon Juice pr water. Moro lemon Juice may bo added If de sired. Pour over tho lettuce, and servo. The Spring Pageant, llnve patience still: Spring yet shall all her Joyful tasks ful fill She) tarries long. But all Is ready; each bird knows his song, IJach llouaT has got by heart Its fair or fragrant part; And glvon th word, Unch hud nnd bird Will proudly bring the lovely pageant on. Have patience; sweeter, sweeter far i-ong-nopeu-ior treasures are Than any we may have without such waiting won. Ella Futler Maltland. THREE YEAR3 AFTER. Eugono E. Larlo, of 761 Twentieth avenue, ticket sellor In tho Union Sta tion, Donver, Col., says: "You aro at liberty to repeat what I first stated through our penvor papers about Doan's Kidney Pills in tho summer ot 1899, for I havo had no reason In tho interim to change my opinion of tho remedy. I was subject to sevoro at tacks of backache, al ways aggravated If I sat long at a desk. Doan's Kidney Pills absolutely stopped my backache. I havo never had a pain or a twingo since." Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by all druggists. Prlco GO cents per box. A girl's idea of a crazy young man is ono who doesn't attempt to kiss her when ho has a chance. Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Deflanco Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will savo not only time, because it never sticks to tho iron, but becnuse each package contains 1C oz. ono full pound whllo nil other Cold Water Starchos aro put up In --pound pack ages, and tho prlco Is tho samo. 10 cents. Thon again be'eauso Defiance Starch Is freo from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. packago it Is because ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo of beforo ho puts In Deflanco Ho knows that Deflanco Starch has printed on every packago In largo let ters nnd figures "10 ozs." Demand De flanco and Bavo much tlmo nnd money and tho annoyanco of tho iron stick ing. Deflanco novor sticks. DON'TS FOR BUSINESS WOMEN Don't always navo a headache. ' Don't speak In n listless volco. Don't act abused oven If you feol so Don't affect a mussy stylo of hair dressing. Don't accept social civilities from your employer. Don't wear your wornout evening blouses to tho ofllce. Don't wear long skirts to the ofHco oven on pleasant days. Don't wear overtrlmmod and fussy clothes. Wear plain clothes with ap proprlato blouses. Don't try to bo mannish either In dress or manner. Tho mannish busl noss woman Is out of fashion, for tunatoly. Don't forget to pay debts, oven the most trifling ones. If you borrow car fare from other girls noto it and ro member to pay hack. Don't complain of your health. II you aro too 111 to work say so and gc home. So long as you aro ablo to work keep allont about your aliments, and you will gain moro sympathy and ad miration by your courago than by nny amount of groaning. New York World. ALL TRUE. A wlso man has tho money ho itods, but a fool never has enough. Ho who has never traveled has cad but ono chapter In tho book of Jfo. Thero Is no hope for a man who wastes his tlmo arguing with women md babies. Many a man, after laying down tho aw to his wife, Is compelled to pick tlmsolf up. When somo men meet a creditor hey either tear up tho street or turn town an ally. FEED YOUNG GIRLS. Must Have Right Food While Grow ing. Great caro should bo taken at tho critical period when the young girl is Just merging Into womanhood that tho diet shall contain all that Is up building and nothing harmful. At that ago tho structure Is being .'ormed and if formed of a healthy, sturdy character, health and happi a ess will follow; on tho other hand jnhcalthy cells may bo built In and a sick condition slowly Buperveno which. If not checked, may ripen Into a chronic disease and cause life-long suffering. A young lady says: "Coffee began to havo such an effect on my stomach a fow years ago, that I was compelled to quit using it It brought on headaches, pains in my muscles and nervousness. "I tried to uso tea In Us stead, but found Its effects even worso than thoso I suffered from coffee. Then tor a long time I drank milk nlono at my meals, but It never helped me physically, and at last it palled on mo Y?X A friend camo to tho rescue with the suggestion that I try Postura Cofteo "I did so, only to find at first, that 1 didn't fancy It. But I had heard ol so many persons who had been benefit ed by Its use that I persevered, and when I had It brewed right found It grateful in flavor and soothing and strengthening to my stomach. I can And no word3 to express my feeling of what I owo to Postum Food Coffee! "In every respect It has worked a wonderful improvement the head aches, nervousness, tho pains In my sldo and back, all tho distressing symptoms yielded to tho magic power of Postum, My brain seems also to share In the botteraent of my physl cal condition; It seoms keener, more alert and brighter. I am, In short, in bettor health now than I ever was before, and I am sure I owe It to the uso of your Postum Food Coffee. Name glvon by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. N EBR ASKA STATE NEWS NEBRASKA BRIEF8. Steps nro being taken at Humboldt for organization of a swimming club. Wood Rlverltes havo decided to havo a good celebration on tho 4th of July. Columbus Is planning to do honor to Indopendenco day by a grand cele bration. County assessors of Otoo county find an excess of $25,000 over that of last year. Tho saloon element has won out In Table Rock and ltcenso to ono saloon will issuo. Thoro Is talk at Fremont of taking stops for tho suppression of baso ball games on Sunday. Tho ordor of Eagles, Nobraska City, aro making arrangements for cele brating tho Fourth. Tho city council of Columtms has reduced tho pay of policemen of that city $5 a month nil around. News was received in York of the drowning of Clarence Pago, a former York boy, whllo out In a sail boat near Eugono, Ore. Tho ministerial institute of the east ern Nobraska conference of tho Uni ted Brethren church will be held in Boatrlco Juno 14 to 18. Charles West, who was knocked off tho Union Pacific tracks by tho west bound flyer ono day last week, died In Schuyler from tho effects of his In juries. John Steele, who has been flagman at tho Randolph street crossing In Weeping Water for moro than ten years, was run over by a switch en gine nnd killed last week. Tho summer Bchool will open in Broken Bow under tho direction of Professors Bi B. Hawtorne and C. I. Mohler. Many students aro already in tho city, Tho Bchool closes July 21. Robbers entered tho meat market of William Stah at Beatrice, blew open tho safo and secured amout $200. Bloodhounds wero put on tho trail of tho robbers, who escaped. James E. Rlckard, a farmer living near Marlavllle, in Rock county, died at his homo from tho effects of an In Jury received whllo playing ball at Marlavllle a few days beforo. Robert A. Hook has begun suit In district court against tho Lincoln Ice and Cold Storago company for $10,000 damages for Injuries nlleged to have been suffered by a fall Into a ditch dug by tho company In an alley. Stato Superintendent McBrlen said that tho awaken.ng in rural school matters Is ono of tho most remarkable things In tho recont history of the state. Ho estimates that fully 2,500 young people will bo graduated from i-e country schools this year. About two-thirds of thom aro girls, and the average ago Is 15. Whllo playing about a farm home, Helqn, tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrens of Grand Island, was severely bitten by a dog. Tho llttlo one, strango to the country, saw a dog kennol and looked In. Tho an imal within, though never beforo vi cious, was aroused by tho procedure, and dashing out, bit her in the cheek nnd over tho eio. Tho stato board of public lands and buildings has awarded a contract for tho lighting of tho Norfolk asylum for tho lnsano to n prlvato corporation. Tho stato now lights somo of its own institutions, but at Norfolk there Is no appropriation for that purpose. Tho contract was let to tho Norfolk Elec tric Light and Power company for a period of two years. Ex-Senator C. H. Dietrich of Hast ings expects to enter tho hotel busi ness. Ho is ono of tho incorporators of.tho Hastings Hotel company, which has filed articles of Incorporation with Secretary of Stato Galusha. Ono of his associates is John Mines, tho own er of tho Bostwick hotel, luo other Incorporators are Ireno Mines and Gertrudo Dietrich. Tho capital stock Is $75,000. Governor Mickey ha3 honored n requisition Issued by tho governor of Kansas for tho extradition of A. Smith, who Is under arrest In Fill more county on tho charge of dispos ing of mortgaged property. Smith is charged with borrowing $77.50 from a bank and giving a chattel mortgago on some horses and then selling the property without tho consent of the money loaner. Georgo Holden, a farmor living across tho Platte river in Butler coun ty, Is suffering from a snake blto which ho received In a very peculiar manner. Ho was plowing corn and stopped to romovo a bunch of morn ing glories which had clogged ono of tho shovels. Ho at first thought ho had pressed his hand on a wild roso briar, but ho withdrew his hand nnd found clinging to it a small green snnko about ton Inches long with Its fangs deeply imbedded in tho lower part of his right palm, and also found that It was dead. It had been cut In two by tho shovel and had bitten him in Us death struggle. Tho body of Gothard Beckstrom, who was drowned whllo boating on tho Mississippi at Mollno, 111., a week ago, Sunday, arrived in Oakland nnd was Interred In tho cemetery at that place. Mrs. W. J. Bryan's offer of $500 of a fund left under tho Phllo S. Bennett will was accopted by tho board' of trustoos of Wosleyan university. Mrs. Bryan has a fund of $10,000 left to her for distribution undor tho Bonnett will and tho monoy Is to bo distrib uted among various educational insti tutions. Sho offers $500 to the Wes leyan unlvorslty. ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN DEFENDS ELECTION LAW LINCOLN Attorney General Brown assisted by flvo lawyers, has sub mitted a brief to tho Judgo of tho su premo court supporting tho biennial election law. Ho argues that tho Perry-Warnor act In no way contravenes tho con stltution. Ho nssets that tho terms of ofllco aro not extended to vlolato tho organic law. Ho was assisted in the preparation of tho brief by LyBle-Ab bott, J. J. Sulllvnn, F. I. Foss, Roscoa Pound nnf W. B. Rose. The biennial bill was designed to do away with tho odd year elections. Recently O. B. Polk, for tho purposo of testing tho law, sought to compel tho secretary of stato by mandamuB to placo his namo on tho ballot for re gent of tho Stato unlvorslty. This chal lenges tho constitutionality of tho law and Attorney General Brown filed his brief defending tho position of tho legislators. Tho biennial law will bo como operative July 1. LINCOLN ASYLUM CROWDED. Hospital Has 148 Sufferers More Than Capacity of Building. LINCOLN According to tho Btato mont of Dr. J. L. Greene, superintend ent of tho Lincoln hospital for tho In sane, ,tho conditions of tho patients in that Institution is deplorablo in the extreme. Thero nro 148 moro patlonts In tho building than tho epaco at tho disposal of Dr. Greeno and his assistants will accommodate For a time, at least, thero will not be any relief, by tho re moval of tho patients to tho Norfolk institution. Dr. Greeno said: "It's a good thing that all tho pa tients aro not disposed to bo seated at tho samo time. Wo haven't enough seats to go around. Because a greater or less number aro standing when not asleep, thoso who want to be seated aro accommodated. "Twenty-threo women patients now sleep on ticks and mattresses laid on tho floor for them in tho day rooms. Thoy havo no room for beds, nnd in tho company of attendants, who re main with them all night long, aro as comfortably camped and well cared for as possible. "Thero Is no other way," said Dr. Greene. "Such Us they nro, tho floor beds aro very good. The patients do not complain, but tho condition Is get ting serious. If the Norfolk Institution Is ready In a month It will give us great relief by taking 150 patients. That Is Its capacity at present and wo can well sparo tho number. When tho proposed wing to tho now Institution Is completed, which may bo In Janu ary, tho numbor can ho raised to 22G. For this wo are grateful ; wo have not been compelled to deny any caso. Somehow wo make room. Tho patients now In large number eat from tables sot In tho halls whllo somo, Including tho help on tho promises, eat in tha kitchen, for lack of room." Prehistoric Relic Unearthed. PLATTSMOUTH An Interesting relic of prehistoric times was unearth ed by Henry TImmermann, a farmer residing on tho Iowa bottom near this city. It Is a pipe bowl that no doubt belonged to somo aborigine of quality. Mr. Timmorman had plowed over his fleld for twelve years before ho dis covered this relic. Will Go to Penitentiary. RED CLOUD Samuel Erwln, tho man arrested In Clay county for horse stealing, pleaded guilty before Judgo Adams, and was sentenced to a term In the penitentiary of four yearo. WORK SOON'BEGINS ON IRRIGATION CANAL L G. Leavltt, according to advices from Scott's Bluff county, will inau gurate work on tho Farmers' Irriga tion canal within a few days, despite the recent report that an effort was being mado to compromlso tho differ ences between Leavltt and tho Inter ior department by offectlng a deal to supply his land water. Tho farmers' ditch will supply nearly 100,000 acre3 with water. Found Some Gudgeons. BEATRICE A pair of well dressed and smooth swindlers visited Blakely township tho other day, representing that thoy wero soliciting pupils for music lessons, and that the music, books, etc., wero to como from Dal las, Tox. They explained tho necessity for collecting tuition In advanco, and In this way succeeded In getting $35 each from two residents of tho town ship. Thoy tried others In tho same neighborhood on this plea, but their scherao wouldn't work, bo they took their departuro presumably for other fields. Farmers' Protective Association. AUBURN Farmers In tho vicinity of Peru and Brownville have decided to form a farmers' protective assocla tlon as a means ot ridding the neigh borhood of potty thievery and horse thieves. For somo time past tho farm ers of this particular locality have been greatly annoyed by frequent rob berles and sovoral horses havo been stolen. Tho bluff roglons" along tho Missouri river affords protection tc tho guilty parties and pursuit Is al most Impossible, owing to tho easo of vosslng the river. GAS AND WATER IS ONE A3 NECESSARY A3 THE OTHER? Citizens of Largo Cities Say It Is, New York, Juno 13. In tho recent agitation here about the price of gas, tho demand for lower rates was bud ported by tho argument that tvery resident is as dependent upon a sup ply of gas as upon a supply of good water. It has come to pass that tho day laborer uses gas as his only fuel for cooking, because of economy, and tho rich man uses gas on account of lta convenience. Gas for lighting, with, modern Improvements In burners, is cheaper, better and moro satisfactory than any other kind of light. Ga3 sells at $1.00 per thousand cubic feet In largo cities nnd from that to as high aa $3.00 In smaller towns. Tho consumer of gas In tho country uses Acetylene (pronounced a-3et-a-lone), and each user makes his own gas and Is Independent of Gas and Electric Companies. Acetylene 13 a moro perfect illumlnnnt than tho gas sold by tho big gas companies In tho cities, and tho cost to tho smnllest user is about the equivalent of city gas at 85 cents per thousand. Acetylene is the modern artificial light, tho latest addition to tho many inventions that havo becomo dally, necessities. Tho light from an acetylene flamo Is soft, steady and brilliant, and in quality is only rivaled by tho sun's rays. If water and a solid material known as Calcium Carbide aro. brought into contnet, the immcdlato result is tho making of this wonder ful gas. Tho generation of acetylene Is so simple that experience or even apparatus Is not necessary to mako It It It Is desired to mako It for prac tical lighting, and to keep It for Im mediate use, then a small machlno called an "Acetylene Generator" Is employed. There are many response bio concerns making acetylene gener ators. In practice, this gas is dis tributed in small pipes throughout buildings, grounds, or entire cities and towns, In tho samo manner as ordinary city gas. Acetylene Is tho only satisfactory means of lighting Isolated buildings located In tho coun try or suburbs at a distance from city gas or electric plants. Habits of the Salmon. 1 An English writer, Mr. Hodgson, who Is by no means convinced that salmon fast during their sojourn in fresh water, thinks they tako tho min now for a wounded flsh, and dash at 'it, owing to tho impulse which makes most animals attack a cripple. RAILKCAO RATE LEGISLATION. Testifying beforo tho Senate Com mittee at Washington, Inter-Stato Commerce Commissioner Prouty said in discussing the proposition to glvo to that Commission tho power to regu late railway rates: "I think tho railways should mako their own rates. I think they should bo allowed to develop their own busi ness. I havo never advocated any law, and I am not now in favor of any law, which would put tho vato making power into the hands of any commlsion or any court Whllo It may bo necessary to do that somo time, while that Is dono In somo states at the present time, whllo It Is done In somo countries, I am opposed to It. Tho railway rato la property. It Is all tho property that tho railway has got. Tho rest of Its property Is not good for anything un less It can charge a rate. Now It has always seemed to mo that when a rate was fixed, If that rato was an un reasonable rato, It deprives tho rail road company of Us property pro tanto. It Is not necessary that you should conflscato tho property of' a railroad; It Is not -necessary that you should say that It shall not earn threo per cent or four per cent. When you put In a rato that Is Inherently unreasonable, you havo deprived that company of Us rights, ot Us property, and tho Circuit Court of tho United States has Jurisdiction under the four teenth amendment to restrain that. I havo looked at theso cases a great many times, and I can only come to the conclusion that a rail road company is entitled to charge a fair and reasonable rate, and It any order ot a commission, If any statuto pf a stato legislature takes away that rate, tho fourteenth amendment pro tects tho railway company." For Hoarseness. For the young woman who sings and who occasionally finds herself hoarse at a critical moment, tho rem edy used by a famous prima donna Is suggosted tho whlto ot an egg beaten to a stiff froth. This Is much better than tho oft-prescrlbod lemon Juice, tho effect of which Is but tem porary. Blso's Cure Is tho best aicdlctno wo ever used to? nil aflcctlons ot tho throat and lungs. "Wit. O. Endslkt, Vunburcn, Iud., Feb. 10, 1800. Where the Editor Scored. A subscriber who complained to tha publlshor that his paper was "damp rocclvod the reply from tho patlenl nnd long-sufforlng odltor that perhaps It was because thoro was so nucb "due" on it. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It rests the fcot. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Foe and Ingrowing Nails. At all Druggists and Shoo stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Allen & Olmsted, LoKoy, N. Y. An ounce of action Is worth a pound of threats. i ti- N