The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 15, 1905, Image 1

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    I'NroiN NED " 7n &
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Circulation in
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Introducers of Fashions
for Men and Boys
The Store that Sells
America's Best Goods at
the Lowest Prices.
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THERE is no short cut to permanent success. The safe road lies along- the line of common sense, integrity
'and enterprise, fortified by the faculty and the nerve to do the righ't thing at the right time. In starting this
Big Sale we know the time is ripe. Now is the accepted time to buy that 4th of July suit. This is a sale of Fine
Merchandise culled from America's Greatest Manufacturers, including such makes as Hart, Schaffner & Marx,
David Adler & Sons, and the well and favorably known Sterling Brands.
Over llOO Suits to Choose FVorm
The Grandest, Finest, Nobbiest Clothing Offer Ever Put Before the People I !
Smooth Young Crook Runs Amuck
the Low After Making Several
Hauls Among Business Men.
Men's regular $17, $18 and $20.00
fine suits at $15.00. Hundreds
to choose from. Hade up in the
newest models of single and double
breasted styles; novelty effects
Fancv Cassimeres, Tweeds and
Scotches as well as blacks and blues; trimmed and
tailored to perfection. June sale price $15.00.
Men's regular $15, $13.50 and rt
$16 values at$12.50. Superb- V
ly made; trimmings and lin- r
ings guaranteed; all the lat
est novelties in browns and
grays, during this sale $12.50.
This.offering consists of a hun
dred suits cut in all style mod
els including2-pie"ce suits with
belts. Some of these goods only
onlyoneandtwoof a kind that
sold for $12.50 and 15,00,
Come early and get the best selection.
Here you will find tempting values
for lean pocket books, 5 styles
including black cheviots, strip
ped cassimeres, lined withgood
Farmers' satin, $7.50, sale price
Cheap Suits
Boys' fine long pants suits; well
made of good Cheviots. Worth
$6.00, during this sale
Boys' Buster Brown Suits, well made
and trimmed, all colors and mixtures.
Regular $3 grades during this sale
1 50 pairs of Men's strongly made work
pants. All the well known, makes in
2.00, I.85. 1.75 and 1.65 grades; all
sizes from 32-42 waist. Choice during
this sale at 1.39.
200 ZFLA-ZEKS of the very finest $5 and $6 IOO ZE-A-XZEiS of fine Trousers, all
Trpusers made of ever)' kind of 1905 Vors- J nobby goods, bought for this 'summer's
teds and Cheviots, trimmed of the finest ( J J T business, worth 3.50 and 4.00. During
materials, iney an go in cms Dig saie at u kzs zf 1 our june saie at
Men!s furnishings
l7ancy Egyptian Balbriggan Un
derwear .50
Fine Gauze Shirts and Drawers .25
Fine Black and Tan Sox, 3 pairs .25
Fancy li Hose for men, 2 pairs .25
Wilson Bros. 'CombinationSuitSi$.25
Imported Silk Underwear, suit 3.00
The Best Black Satine Shirt 75
ilk Stripe Madras Shirts.... 1.00
..Fine Night Robes, 75c, 1.00,
f. . 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00
,50 doz. India Linen Handkerch'fs .05
Hundreds of Men's Fine Dress
. Shirts ranging in prices from .50
75c, 1. 00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and
2.00 each.
Every Man's Dollar Looks
Alike to Us.
Men's headgear
John B. Stetson's Novelties in
Hats ...$3.50
A regular 10.00 Panama, the
same grade sold for this money
last season, now 6.00
Only these are new shapes.
Imported J avansese Straws.... 2.00
CanvasHats 25
Big line of 1.50 Manillas 75
We have every new and de
sirable shape in Men's and
Boys' Fets and' Straw Hats
, ranging in price from 25c to 6.00
Boys' small wares
Boys' fine 75c grade Wash Suits .50
Bovs' Mexican Straw Hats 25
The genuine imported, not af
fected by rain or shine.
One Jot of Boys', Work Shirts 19
Boys' 35c Summer Caps 19
A few more of those Knee Pants .19
Boys' Cotton Underwear for
summer 25
Union, Suits, knee lengths, for
bovs 50
A fine line of new Shirts at..".. .50
Boys' Clothing at big reductions.
Prices ranging from 1.00 to 5.00
ME ASK YOUR patronage up
on merit alone. Oiir 3 years'
of square dealing, selling the
finest and best products of America's
leading mills at living prices, has made
us thousands of customers in Alliance
and surrounding country.
One Price and that One
the Lowest.
The Famous One Price Clothing; House, Alliance, Nebr.
2 doors south of postoftice.
Remember, the Big 15 Clothing Sale Begins June 16th. Herald Press
Local Market Report.
Eggs ,...'., i5C
Butter .-..., -.... 25c
Potatoes 25c
1 ' '
Another car of Puritan
flour, the best flour in
the city, at A. D. Rodg
ers v
V -
q999 (?) liats, 25c, Norton's.
Buy feed and flour at Pilkington's.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur
geon. Calls answered promptly day
or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi
dence 151. 12-tf
Dr. Allen, dentist, Opera house blk.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's.
Wanted A woman cook. Apply at
Hila Grand hotel. ?4-tf
Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros,
and hear it sung on the talking
machine. 23-tf.
For Sale: House and two lots, two
blocks cast of First National bank.
Enquire at the house or saloon W.
N, Corneal. 6-tf
Buy "America patent" flour at Pil
kington's. 25tf
If you want bargains, look at Miller
Bros', s, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 23-tf
For Sale or Trade.
A desirable aero of laud adjoining
the cjty of Alliance. See Win. James
the coal man. 244.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Wanted, a place tor a good boy to
work for board and attend Normal.
Apply to Mrs. Rustin. 55.1
"America patent" flour is the best in
town at Pilkington's, 25th
9999 (?) hats, 25c, Norton's.
nr A IS c- ftP of these
f i4illw JlM-4
to Portland.
with vou
Tin- old game of passing worthless
checks, was woiked in thta city the
past week by a smooth young fellow
by the nntnc of W. II. Burke, and
hailing from Watongn, Okla. Several
days ago Shorilf. Reed received a tele
gram from that place rcmicsting him
to take him into custody. For Bonic
time the follow kept aloof from the
officers until he happened into Simon
Spry's place and asked him if he could
cash a check at the same lime throw
ing tho chuck down upon the tabic
where Spiy ond Marshal Shay weio
bcatcd. The latter caught tho signa
ture of Burke, which served as n clue
to his arrest. On Spry's refusal to
cash the check, Burke started for the
door, tearing the paper into shreds
and throwing them on the floor. Mar
shal Shay at once phoned Sheriff Reed
and that evening as Burke was coming
from tho Harry boarding house ho was
arrested by Deputy Sheriff Keelcr and
Police Daugherty, and lodged in jail,
awaiting tho officer from Oklahoma.
Burke told many stories about hav
ing money at Broken Bow and other
places. lie had in his possession sev
eral letters that lent color to his stories.
Ho called at tho Palace, moat market
and wanted to buy out4 the business
from one of tho proprietors, stating
that he would soon receive money from
home. On the strength of his talk he
succeeded in securing between $40 and
$50 among tho business men of the
Sheriff McArthur, of Watongn, Okla.
arrived ftom Lincoln yesterday, where
he had secured requisition papers for
Burke and returned this morning with
his prisoner for the scanoof his mis
deed. Jurke is' charged wilh getting
money under false pretense. Whan
the sheriff read tho warrant, Burke
remarked that tho charge was u very
light one and that he was willing to
face the court at once.
Sheriff McArthur fouls thankful to
the Alliance officors for their assistance
in making the arrest of this criminal.
Short on Pants.
A hobo who evidently was in need of
a new pair of trousers, strolled into
tho Right clothing store yesterday and
while the clerk, Bert Laing was busy,
started off with a $4.50 pair of pants.
No doubt the weary Willie would have
made his get away if it had not been
for Dad Johnson, who had his eagle
eye on him. Marshal Shay went to
the stock yards where Happy Hooli
gan was quietly resting in tho arms of
Morpheus, and hind him to the city
bastile. For a while Happy objected
to go, but he changed his mind at the
request of the officer. Ho had his
trial today and was given a fine of $25
or 30 days at street work, by Judge
Ridgcll. Owing to the congealed con
dition of his finances, Happy chose
the latter. wwwwww-
Taken to the Asylum.
Edward and Frank Fenner, the two
brothers who wero taken into custody
last week on account of tho derange
ment of thoir mental faculties, were
taken to the state asylum, at Lincoln
last Friday by Sheriff Reed assisted v
Messrs. E. P. Sweeney, S. C. Boon
and Al Wiker. This indeed is a most
pathetic case, where the two brothers
were bereft of their minds nhnout sim
ultaneously. Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Fenner, the parents of the; unfortu
nate men, are weighed down by the
sad affliction that has overcome their
sous, and their many friends hope to
sec them return soon, sound in mind
Narrow Escape from Death.
County Commissioner Loer met with
an accident Wednesday of last week,
which injured him quite severely, but
luckily he escaped with his life. While
assisting in dipping cattle he was
caught in the cage in such a manner
that his head and right arm were bad
ly bruised. The fact that he escaped
instant death was miraculous. Mr.
Loer is in the city attending a session
of the county commissioners.
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RAISING the cover brings every
comer within reach without re
moving trays. Saves the time of
an ordinary trunk to pack or un
pack. Easy to operate. Nothing to
get out of order. Will stand all the
knocks and hard usage of traveling.
Costs no more than n common trunk,
; p5.U(J and up.
suites0. l:?::$2.oo to $is.oo
Traveling Hags, Satchels, Telescope
and other fetyles 25c to $3.00
Trunks $2.50 to $20.00
i'. i. kr1cam1ck, $
A. -t-
In Alliance 10-300! cvorymonth. C
" Office over Norton's ...!
'Phone 391.
Save Doctor Bilfs
Ice Cream Parlors
Last Monday evening n number of
tho young ueople attending normal
here, gave an in-door berenado on Mr.
and Mrs. Leavitt, who were just re
cently married. About foity people
met at the school iiousc and, accom
panied by the high school orchestra,
marched in a body to the home of
G. E. ,Leidy, where the young mar
ried couple are keeping house, and a
general good time was had there. Mr.
and Mrs, Leavitt were presented with
an elegant glass berry set, after which
the orchestia gave sovoral selections, a
number of recitations wore hoard aud
everyone did their part 111 helping to
pass an enjoyable evening. After con
gratulations were receied, Mr. Leav
itt, in a few words, thanked the nor
malites for the entertainment aud tho
present received, and hoped that oach
one present would, some day, have a
wedding of their own, w hich was much
cheered and applauded by the school
ma'ams. Mr. and Mis. Leavitt will
make their home in Alliance during
Fell Through The Roof.
A peculiar accidct occurred at tile
home of Win. O'Maia, near Hay
Springs, one day recently. The ranch
house is built in such a maimer that
the eaves are level with an adjoining
hill. A horse walked on to tho roof of
the building and fell through striking
Miss Middicott in its descent and
crushing the body quite severely. Mr.
O'Mara was in Alliance at the time
and hurried home to her assistance.
While the injured lady was quite bad
ly bruised, as a result of the accident,
she will not sustain any permanent
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