a.sJSR.-w.S'. t-i ",'3ifei!W,tiKgi;iSK-JnwSjje immiivtaKMfiKwmi!tms,-)xt! - 'iJOaj. A -i" ' - - "V M iu I i PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. RAKER Publliher Entered at the postoflice at Alliance, Nebraskn, for transmission through the mails, ns second-class matter. C3T Tun Herald is the Official Publica tion of Uox.Butto county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. Tub cwir of Russia lias asked the mikado of Japan Ins terms for peace, through the medium of tho United States and France. Toon's tendor solicitude for tho wounded Kojcstvonsky, is as admir able as was his aRgrosslvoncss to put tho Russian out of business. Tim state of Nebraska has lost ono of its oldest and best friends in the death of oxGovornor Robert Furnas and tho Statu Fair Association has lost its patron saint. Tubkw arc still a few womqii who should know better, Jhat porsist in wearing hats during entertainments at churah and elsewhere, to the annoy ance of tho gonoral public. Correct ctiquutta requires their removal. I'kUfahr now for a bin exhibit at tho stato fair from Hox Butte county. With tho present favorable condition this county can show tho state or the wotldhowto raise vegetables, grass, small Rrain, cattle and horses. Pre pare now, Tho Fair jb in September. Tun state postmasters' association meet at Lincoln next Tuosdas and Wednesday, and every postmaster should attend, as it helps to keep him up to date with Uncle Sam's improve ments in tho Dost managed department of the national government. Ai'Tim 550 ballots were taken, Far or E. M. Pollard, of Cass county was nominated for congress, last Saturday, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Congressman Burkett. Neb raska can feel certain that hereafter tho nccd3 of the farmer and fruit grow ers will' have ono champion from Neb raska that knows from experience what in needed. Pollard is a practical farmer and is one of tho largest fruit growers in tho state. A patent medicine advertising agent struck this office this week and asked our price for advertising. Tho follow nearly fell dead when our prices were quoted. He said wo evidently did not want his business and wo told him that we did not, so gave him a prohibitve price. This paper is not conducted as un adjunct to a patent medicine house and they can only use our col umns for respectable advertising and then at slightly higher rales than local merchants pay. The reading public appreciates a paper where they arc certain never to rim up against patent nostrum advertisements. If you are sick, sond for a physician, if not, let patent nostrums alone. The Former Thinks of Advertising. This Fillmore county farmer's view of it is worth something to every busi ness man, says the Fremont Tribune. Here is a bit of wisdom from him tha will do any merchant good: "The giass-hoppcr cats the farmer's grain, The hobo ste?ls his honey, The bed bug bites his juicy back And Sears & Roebuck got his money." Why do they get his money? Sim ply because they advertise in an intel ligent, up-to-date manner. They go into detail. They describe everything. They tell you what the article is for, how to use it and show you how it would be profitable for you to own it. And last, but not least, they name the price. How many merchants do this? They are mighty few. Most all of thorn are content, if they advertise at all, to say 'John Jones, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoos Etc., and then wind up with a notico that their establish ment is locatod four doors south of Funk's livery stable. If tho merchant in our home town doesn't know enough to advertise and price his waros in such a manner that a white man can make out something more than his location and that ho sells boots and shoae, we don't want to hear him belly ache because the farmer has sent off to Sears & Roebuck. If the local mer , ... r , , , , . . . annul warn wic .-unci a uaue iuv uim use me local papers, ten us wnai 111s stuff is like, name the price, and then see that his goods arc just as he ad vertises them. The average farmer had sooner buy his stuff at home and if the local mer chant advertised as persistently as the catalogue people and made the price a prominent feature, there would be no kick coming. , School Announcement. For the past numbor of years it has been tho ondoavor of those who. have the best interests of Nebraska nt heart to recognize teaching as an independ ent profession which must take upon itself the responsibility of education. To bo able to assume this responsibility it i3 ncccssrry for every toachor to have thorough professional training. The stnto cannot afford to risk the con sequences that may arise from putting children in charge of untrained teachers as material upon which they may prac tice. Tho educators have therefore urged the attendance of all in tho pro fession at some good normal school. That this may he possible, the stato at a heavy expense has placed normal schools in such in such places that all Nebraska teachers are within reach of one of thoin. It is noticonblo that the successful, earnest teacher h always found in at tendance at the normal. In order to keep tho teachers upon nn equal foot ing and for the boncfit of those who are not professionally intorrcstcd, to attend, the state has passed a law, making it necessary for everyone to have n certain amount of normal work credited them before they are entitled to a certificate. Now is the opportu nity for each and every ono to propaoo to meet the inevitable. The state nor mal is here at home. We need not bo among those who "arc weighed in tho ballauccand found wanting," but every one, who taught in tho past year should bo able te'eontinue the work, better qualified and prepared than ever be fore. Certificates to bo recognized by the state arc as follows: First grade niticteon studies com plete. Second grudo fifteen studies complete. Third gradeten studios complete. Ono third grade being all that is allowed to one person. Those not able to pass in all the studies will be issued a ccitiiicate of the next lower grade until examination is taken and blanks filled out. Normal training re quired for all. LUORA RtJSTlN, Co. Supt. Junior Normal enrollment. Alliance Junior Normal opened Monday morning with pood enrollment, 70 mem bers being enrolled the first day. Exactly the number enrolled on same date last year. ft it . ...... ine instructors arc W. H. Ham, prin cipal and business manager, Alliance; A. A, Reed, Superior; A. II. Staley, Friend; Roy Eaton, Wymore; C. S. Jones, Craw ford; Carrie Robertson, Ogalalla, and J. Q. Zuck, Chappell. The same instruc tion can be had here as at Peru as the Jnnior Normal is a branch ol that institu tion and the expense of travel is saved. In addition to the course of instruction a lecture course of five entertainments has been provided at a cost of $1.50 for the season. The dales of the lecture course as outlined to date are Juno 13, June 26, July 20 and August t. As an indication of the interest manifested we append the names of pupils registered up this morn ing: 1IOX UUTTK COUNTV. 1 Leah G. Kraemcr, Alliance. 2 Anna Nerud, Malinda. 3 G. M. Burns, Alliance. 4 Blanche MacDonald, Alliance. 5 Anna Reck, Alliance. u Mae Enyeart. Hemingford. 7 Myrtle Gray, Alliance. a Mrs. Lois J. Riley, Alliance. 9 Vera Baker, Alliance. 10 Anna M, Snyder, Alliance. 1 1 Anna Kennedy, Alliance; 12 Alice Johnson, Alliance. 13 My rot E. Homey, Alliance. H Winifred Enyeart, Alliance. !5 Mite Shrewsbury, Alliance. 16 Matie Kinsley, Alliance. 17 Anna Beaumont, Hemingford. iS Nellie Carter, Hemingford. jg Orah Clayton, Canton. so Myrtle Hroshar, Canton. 21 Jessie Leavitt, Hemingford. 22 Rosetta Civish, Hemingford. 23 Laveta Barnes, Alliance. 24 Mao Heath, Alliance 25 Victoria Kohrman, Alliance. 20 Dora Curry, Alliance. 27 Anna Bauer, Alliance. 28 Mabel Crawford, Alliance. 29 Aide McCoy, Alliance. 30 Beryl Rubottom, Alliance- 31 Grace Davidson, Alliance. 32 Lloyd Johnson, Alliance. 33 Frank Rumei. Alliance. 34 Chas. L. Bushnell, Hemingford. 35 William A. Paul, Hemingford. 3O Hans C. Hansen, Hemingford. 37 Guy Worley, Alliance. 38 Grazia Corneal, Alliance. o Elmer Mclntyre, Alliance. 40 Claude MacDonald, Alliance. 41 Alary nawos, Alliance, 42 Oscar Johnson, Hemingford. 43 Ulga Moe, iiemingiora. 44 Eva Wilson, Alliance. 45 John Moe, Hemingford. 46 Mrs. Ida Fernald, Alliance. 47 Maud Yanders, Alliance. 48 Bessie Whaley, Alliance. 49 Hazel Beck, Alliance. 50 Minnie Wanek, Lawn. 51 Susie Betzold, Alliance. 52 Pearl Mitchell, Alliance. 53 Amanda Fulloton, Alliance. 54 Nina Wilcox. Alliance. cs William Johnson. Hemingford. I5G Utnei .Nolan, Alliance. f nl.fl T) A.Lf.B.1 A 1 1 4 - 1 57 Maud Rodgers. Alliance 1 sa Jithei covait, Alliance, . - EUa Car,er nemingford Co Earl Mallery. Alliance. Gi Herbert Butler, Alliance. CHEYENNE COUNTY. 62 Edith M. Boon, Cleman. 63 Anna Gunderson. Potterr 64 Bessie Waitman, Reddington. 65 Alice Ridge, Rsdington. DAWKS COUNTY. 06 Annie Soester, Crawford. G7 Clara Johnson, Whitney. 65 Lena M. Williams, Crawford. 69 Beth I, Freeman, Crawford. Slot X COt'NTY. 70 Mary llickey, Canton. 9COTTS BLUPF COUNTV 71 F. G. Leavitt, Gering. 72 Frances Lackey, Scotts Bluff. 73 Margaret A. Fish, Sootts Bluff. 74 Mary Stewart, Mitchell. SlIEFIDAN COUNTV. 75 Kda Mastrude, Lakeside. 76 Cecil C. Wilkinson, Long Lake. 77 Jessie Hackor, Bingham. 78 Lottie Crowther, Lakeside. 79 1'lorico Cook, Lakeside. 80 Natolie Wilkinson, Long Lake. DUEL COUNTY. 81 Theresa Morgan. Lakeside 8a Sadie E. Campbell, Mumper,' 83 Mabol Campbell, Mumper. HOOKER COUNTY. 84 Mary Hemcnll, Hccla. KIMHALL COUNTY. 85 Anna Gotte. Bushnell. School Report. To tho Board of Education and patrons of the Alliance City schools: Find herewith appended a partial list for the month ending March 31st, igofi; Numlior enrolled fur tills inoutl fiM. Number of mnlo pupil SUS. Number of female pupils (R. Tot ill enrollment to date SRI- AvrrnKBilully attmidiiiirn lUfilil Avenue number Iwlotiitlns ni I.XI I'urci'titof dully nltt'iidntico 96.64 Numberof tarmn n. 1'or cent of punctuality SHUT Neither absent nor tartly for the month. .309. Minute lirtl by Umllm-is S8. Xiunhurpri'Mitit every day 15H. Numlwrof visitor 1 100. TeiU'luvlH allium u llluint wlilntltute x (half (laj'i) 0. Teachers absent with substitute (half il.) 1. Almoin, from teachers' meeting 0. TIiiius tardy f. Visits to patrons is. Tho Eighth grade will hold tho flag for the first month of school next year. The per cent of attendance and punctu ality for the last month is very gratify ing, and is evidence of tho pupils' in terest ill their work, but the transient habits of a. part of the city's popula tion is subversive of as good report as otherwise would prevail unJcr the effort put forth, but taken as a whole it can be said that the past school year has boon one of considerable "success, tho' not reaching our ideal of what it should bo. Very Respectfully submit ted, W. II. Baktz, Superintendent. Total number cif pupils rniollcil tills - jiur f'St Number f Ihi.vn , -H'.' NumlHriif clrls 45l Average dully attendance OIS.IH A verllKl' number Ix'lonnlliK (W! H'J I'eri'ent.ofitiilly lUtendanco Kl.fi Numliurof 1 11 rules IB I Per cent, of punctuality fi.OI Neither absent nor tardy for tho year.... 62 Total days nttomletl 11 WW Total days IrtonKlng.... 12I0H Tho following were neither absent nor tardy for the year: High school, Annie Kennedy, Sam uel Smyser, Lloyd Smith, Edna Bene dict, Nina Nation, Lizzie Phillips, Rav Clapp, Hazel Beck, Lee Basye, Fred Hadlcy, James Hewitt, Ada Simpson. -Eighth grade, Nettie Nation. Seventh grade, Irn Hillis, Josie Hampton, Hilda Mclntyre, Winnie Spacht. Sixth grade, Mabel Humphrey, How ard Reddish. Fifth grade, Walter Ashbaugh, May Graham, Hazel Ellis, Agues Elmore, Fourth grade. May Nichols, Ethel Graham. 1 Third grade, Avis Joder, May Na tion, Edmond O'Connor, J. W. Moll ring. Second grade, Lawrence Beck, Nor ris Fielding, Clinton John, Albeit Smith, Ralph Johnson, Walter Lembke. Fourth paiinary, Joy Ellis, Clara Renswold. First Primary, Delia Holsten. Emerson building: Geo. Milliken, Neva Brennaman, Vera Spencer, Alta Young, Marion Shepherd. Madge Phil lips, Hattie Renswold, Ireuo Mckinnoy, Albert Baker, Eddie Frcshla, Regina Cramer, Ralph Smith, Joseph Wolfe. Those neither absent nor tardy for two years; Lizzie Phillips, Nina Nation, Hilda Mclntyre, Hazel Ellis, Avis Jo der, Albert Smith, Lawrence Beck, Clinton John, Ralph Johnson, Joy Ellis. Those neither obsent nor tardy for three years: Hilda Mclntyre, Hazel Ellis, Clinton John and Joy Ellis. It remains to state that Hilda Mcln tyre has been neither absent nor tardy fcr six years. This certainly deservos special and honorable mention. Such punctuality and regularity of attend ance should bo a source of gratification and keen pride to Hilda. The Fifth grade in the Central school also deserves special and honor able mention in that the grade has a record of perfect punctuality for the nine months of school the past year, and those who are unaccustomed to school work it would not on first thought occur to thorn that to attain such a record requires great vigilance and interest on the part of the teacher, and also of each of the pupils in that grade to accomplish such result. Respectfully, W. H. Bartz, Superintendent. Notice to Property Owners. Property owners are requested to clean up their premises and the alley adjoining their property at once, and owners of live stock are ordered to keep their stock from running at large within the city limits. By order of mayor. Loi'is Bckciisunsiein. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, both one year for $1.50. Official Directory. statu nrricKiis. Hon. John 11. Mlokoy Oorornor. Hon. K. O. MeUlllon I.leiitoiinnt Oovornor. Hon. A. Uuluslin-Seenitiiry of State. Hon. K. M ttmrle. Jr. Auditor. Hen. Poter Mortensen Trensuror. Him. .1. 1.. MuHrten Supt. Public Inntrnetlon. Hon. Norrls Iirown Attorney floneral. Hon. 11. M. Kntoii -loui'r Public Lauds and Ilntttllncs. Hon. Hurry Lindsay Stnto Librarian. fmriuatn court. llon.S. A. lloloomb Ohlof Justice. Hon. Samuel II. tfcslRdwiPk Associate Justice, Hon. John II. Jlarnos Aisoelnlo Justice. coNonnsH Hon. J. It. Millunl-,17. S. Senate. Hon. K.J. Hurkett-U. S.Seuiito. Hon M.P. Kliikuld-CotiKrsssiiinliUixtliDlst. District. r. s. i.anu ort'iofi Ilruco Wlleox Itelstor. W It. AkersHecplvjur. .1. Hrlt. Hcttftt-Olorlc. i.toiswTUitr, Hon. 1'. M.Cnrry Itepri-sontntlveKtrd Plst, Hon. CI1H8. P. Ilresfo-Punator Htli lllit. IHSTMUT JUIMICS IBTlt lllSTltlCT. Hon. W. II. Wostover ltuslivllle. Hon. J. J. HurrliiKton-O'Nulll. COIIKTV OFP1CKIIH, IMIX 1IUTTK COUNTT. S. M. Sniyser-l'ounty (JlerU, Kecoriler, and Clerk District Court C. V. Ilrvntian - I'reanurer. Irn Koed-ShorllT t). 1C. Spacht Ctninty JihIkc. I .corn A. itnMlii Hupt. Public Instruction. Wllllnui Mitchell- County Attorney. .1. P. Hajjrd -County Stuvcyor. . A. S. Heed - Assessor. 11. V. Loer Coinuils'.lnuur, Chairman. I'rnnlt Cuba Connnlssloner. L. I'. Silth -Commissioner. II. II. Hollwor!. M. t). County Phjslclan. Dr J.K. Mooie-Coroner. htv tilTiai.u.H Louis llueclisennteiii Mayor. Kred W. Ilarils-i'ity Clerk. MtkoHliuy-Olitrf of Police. V. B. Hldimll-Polleo Judge, It. U. Nolemiin--Clt.V Attorney. Dr. 11,11, Itellwood-Physlolan. F, M. Knight City Truasurur and Water Commissioner. COUNCIL! IUf. Krcd Mollrlnir l ,,,, .,, S. A. Franklin f'""1 "'"" ' H. K. MacCray I u,.,.,.,i w,,. Mihlou Joder f Second Ward, Prcd lliunnau -Chief Klre Uapartmunt. Prof. W. II. It.uu-yup't. City Schools. ciiuiiciuw LPISCOPAL lleRiilar Sunday services 8 a,m. 11 a. m.; T.'.Uip. m.; Sunday school ut 10 a.m. Charles i). cuurr. Jtcctor. CATIlOLIC-ltectilar Sunday servlccs-8 a. in.; 10 n. m; h p. in.: Sunday school lit 7 p.m. I-iUher Julius Do Vos. MKTHODIST -ltesiilnrHunilsy servlco-11 u. in.: S p. in.; tUiniliij school 10 a. m.; Junior Leni;ito2.:t0 p. in.: Kpworth LeaKiio 7 p. m.; Prayer tiivetlim 'I'hur.sdajs, 7M p. in. Ilev. C. W. ltay. Pastor. FiltHT PUPiUlYTIiltlAN HcKular Sunday -orvico II a. in.; s p. m.; Sunday scIkki! in a. in.: CJii'tstlmi Kudciivor 7:15 p. m. ii. P. V. lloue, Pastor. L'NITP.I) PUKSUVTEKIAN -i:enlar Sunday M'rvlcB 11 a. m. 8 p. in.: Sunday hcIiooI 10 n. in.: Y. P. C. IT. T:ir. p. in. ltuv. McCon- nnll, Pastor. HaPTIST- HcKUlar Sunday service 11 a. m.; S i. in.; Sunday school 10 a, in.; Voiiiir People's mcetliu; 7:15. l'rayer mcctliiK Thursday, 8 p, in. Hew Ij. C. Jellcrs, Pastor. (1EKMAN LVTHKUAN lteitular Sunday ser vice II u. in ; Sunday school 10 a. m.; KveuliiK services twice each month. Kev. Otto ItoeliriK. Pastor. AI.I.IANCK SKCIIKT HOCIETItS. EASTKHN HTAK-lsi and 3rd Tuesday iilj,'hts. Mrs Anna DavK Worthy Matron ItEHECCAS-'Jnd and 4th Friday nlchts. Mrs Ueo i.eiily, . li DEOUEK OP IlO.VOU-lst and :ird Monday nights. Mrs A K Iteyuolds, C H ltOYAL NEIGHBORS-'nd mid 1th Wmlnes- duy nltthts. Mrs U N lloaklns, Oracle LOTM-Vnd and Itli Monday nU'lits. JIrs O II Itocky LADIES AUXILIARY II of It T-2nd and Itli Thursdays S p m Mrs U N HosMns MlstreHR LADIES AUXILIARY II of L E-Ist mid 3rd ThursdnjslJpm Mrs It L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXIL1 A RY It or L P 2nd and 4th Fridaj-B 2 t m Mrs W L Austin. ODD FEl.LOWS-Evory Tuesday iiisht. L T Poole, Noble Grand A F'H A M No. 1KI Thursday on or before full imxm. S A Franklin, W M IIEULA1I COMMANDERY No, 2il. lv T-2nd anil 4th Tuesday nljrhts. W E Zollinger. i;k It A M Nr. 54 -1st and 3rd Monday nights. S A Franklin, II P A O V W 2nd and Jth Moulay lilyhts, L lluicliseustclii, Master Workman M W A -1st and 3rd W.dnesday nlnhts. Ed Kar Martin, Y V, . KAULKS- 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2:30 p m M H IllclKfll, W 1 IC P-lst and 3rd Monday iilshu. J ! Mil ler, or . ROYAL 1 1 IOH LANDERS -Every Tuesday nlRht. R C StroiiB. 1 P 11 of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday 2 p lu S A Franklin, U E It of LF-Every Filday night. C W Tillctt, Master O R 0 Every Tuesday at 2pm JS An drews, C 0 It of R T-every Thursday nlf,ht. W A Man chester, Master A O O P Allluiico Harlxjr No.42 1st and 3rd Friday nlnhts, 1). W. Hayes, Com. K. C.-vory ttiTok. J. II. Kennedy, Grand ftniKiu. 11. P. O. i:. Every MlU-hcll. E. R. T.J Tuesday night. O'Kvefe, See. Wm. Raconteur. When Undo Jabcz makei n Joke, It's mighty haid to tell 'Jes what a felltr ought to do. Cause If you lautsif 'fore he seta through It riles him up n spell. An" then n drcadtul silence, cornea; It's minutes till It's broke. Taw holds his breath Bkeeied half to death. When undo makiM a Joke. When ordinary pcoplo toll us riddles, there Is fun. But when folks hnppcn to be rich It's hard to tell which thing Is which That's proper to be done. An' paw, lie sajs. If Jabez overlooks us wo 11 be broke. We must laugh right And be polite When uncle makes a Joke. An' so. In order not to take a chance, however small. Paw has collocted the whole lot An' told 'em ovor till we've Bot To know 'em one an' nil. An' now we laugh exactly when a certain word ts spoke. Maw needn't nudge, Paw needn't budge. When undo tells a Joke. Washington Star. A Silent Witness. "Thoro's a man over in Brooklyn," said Col. Horace Du Val, "who lins more or less trouble In keeping peace in the household. So fur as his neigh bors can Judge he and his ' wife arc quarreling half tho time. They nre strictly religious people, starting o.t to church each Sunday morning, lead ing their llttlo hoy by the hand, wth rather morn ostentation than Is nec essary. With their pastor was call ing on thorn tho otlior day this pre cocious son was taken to task for somo trifling misconduct. " 'How do you know 1 did it? retort ed tho llttlo fellow. 'You didn't see me,' '"No, my son; but God saw you said his father. "'Huh! sniffed the lad, 'I guesa God ain't going around giving away all He sees in this house.' " New York Press. Ijind Office Notices. rind Ofllcoat Alliance, Neb.. May 4th 1W3. Notice Is hereby rIvph that the following named settler has filed notico of bis Intention to tnako final proof In support f his claim, and that atd proof will bo made before Heulster mid Hecelvor at Alliance. Neb, on July lMli in, vlx EMOItY V. ahlhv of Hutnlnjrford', Ncbr. on II. K. No. 2057 for thn ncit of Section U town W t). rane ro w. Ho hainos the fidloirlm; witnesses to nwivo his continuous rosldoiice upon and cultlva tiouot said bind, viz: CleorK W. Loer,. Atvtn Jlobln. Orville Kldweli, Hobort Curry, all of Hemingford, Nebraska. ' ai-o HitucK Wnx-ox. lteslster. Divorce Notice. In tho dtxlrlct court of lSu llutto county. Nubraskii. Etta Mossholdcr, v. Mlchnut Mtisslioldnr. To Michael Mossholdcr, noii-resldfiit do- s iciiilnni: You are hereby untitled that on tho lot It day of May, IWti. Kttti Jlo.-Khohler. plaintllf, tiled it iM'tlllon against jnu In the district court of box llntte county, Nobmska. the ob ject mid prnjerof which are to obtain a di vorce from yon on the. Kfound that youliavo wilfully nbandnned the plalntllT villi out utiod cause for tlu icrtn of tut years last past. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the iutti day of June. l!si. ETTA MOSSIIOLDKlt, PlMntllT. Ily William Mitchell, her Attorney, S.'-l Lund Ofllconl Alliance. Ncbr., May 2fl, l'JOj. Notice Is herelir jriven that tho fiilluwtni; naiued settlor has llled notice of his Intention to make tliiul prvof In support of his claim, mid that said proof will lie made before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Nebr., on July 14th, 11H15, viz PETER MINT. of Homliisford. Nebr, on Homestead entrv No. Otmrt for the BW'M N WM, ' SWi, HE'i S '4. section 12, townsliln27 N-R 40 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove lilscdntliitious residence upon unit cultlMitlon of said laud, vlti Walter it. Kent, LonglaUt, NebrnsUa; Jamen Kiejcl. llov butte. Nebriis kiii August U. Dllling, Itox Hntte, NehniBUtit Wll lain Dllllng, llox llntte, NuhrasU. 240 liituci: Wii.fox, Register. "WiLLIAn MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LtlW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD 5c BARKER, ,. AttoriHiys f Lifv .. ALI.'ANCE, KCIlRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH P. TUTTLE. IltA R. TA U. tUTTLE & TASI1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NE11 v J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER lll.OCK, ALLIANCE, NEIL Calls answered from ofllce day or night. Telephone No. 02. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holsten Hollaing, - ALLIANJE, NEB C. C. BARR, PHYSICIAN" and SURGEON Calls answered day or nignt. IMfOXTC 201 HUM. i.- L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Oflico In First National Hank block, anco Nebraska. Alll DR. G. W. MTCHELL, Physician nno Surgeon Day and night calls. Oflico over lloguo Store. Phono 150. DRTGEcTliiANpi IIOAIKOPATIIIC" P II V S I U I A Jf A N I) SL'KGCO X Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phone U31 Ofllce over Alliance Shoo Store. Night calls answered from ollicc, FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 1118 ROX JIUTTj: AVENUE. Phono 25S, Calls answered in town or country. Guy Lockwood GRADUATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OP EMHAI.MING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214, Res 205 Expert l.udy Attendant.. Alllsncc, Neb, SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Noor tlks Mall Billiard ami Pool Hall FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. flanchester to .11 k .M llllllnrd Hull Thirst Quenchers . , Maple Frappe Orangeade Mint Freeze Selzer Lemonade Manhattan Punch Coco Cola ; ' at the Fountain nplJO C Prescription . I llIDLiC, Drufifiist what's in a man by looking1 at him, nor can you tell what's in a shoe by merely look ing at it. You must depend on the man who sells vou. We sell Selz Shoes. They are rjght inside and out. Git Into a pair of Royal Blues for $3.50. k Second-Haud Finite is cheaper than new. and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND-HANI) MAN. Phone 200. W.5.ACHES0N Hardware and Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN WHOLESALE AM) ItETAlL HANDLES Seed Wheat, .Spring Rye and Spelt. riione No. 71. Residence, No. 95. OOOOO:OO0 T&dttv ,. "EWrce. 5 -k Fire Insurance. 0 0 Hemingford, - . Neukaska. 0 Auont for tho Caledonian, of X Scotland, which Insnros tow,, O property only, unci tho Colum- 5 0 iiu, wiiii-11 insures town and farm property and llvo stock. Hoth nru reliable old lino com panies Nntai'ial Work, 0 KK0000OVO ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN.. FlounFeed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN BTUEET,. . I 306 lion finffe Ave. I lwoarg wwm wnigaaimiiiwi. MiiMiian amw I YOU CANT TELL I In. D. Nichols (, r. . TP