The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 01, 1905, Image 3

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DoYou Feel Chilly, Then
Feverish and Ache all Over?
Feci Worn-out, Bluo and Tired? Hovo You
a Fresh Cold, With Frequent Hacking
Cough? Sensation ot Soreness
In the Chest or Back?
Don't lot your cold run Into chronic
bronchitis or pneumonia. Thn very best
tonic nltarntlvo and body-builder at this
tlmo Is Dr. Pierce's Ooluen Medical Dis
covery. Mado without alcohol or dan
gerous drugs and It contains that raro
combination of roots and herbs that will
allay a cough (irons it out. as it woro),
restores tho circulation, assists tho anpo
tlto and digestion, and consequently re
stores tono to tho cntlro system. That is
tho reason peoplo look happy onco moro
after taking It thoy feel Ilko living, be
causo tholr liver Is active, tho blood in
their arteries is full of that life-giving
quality rich, red blood. Tho blood in
turn feeds tho nerves.
Nervousness and neuralgia aro only tho
indication that tho nerves aro not fed on
Invigorating blood. This "Medical Dis
covery" of Dr. Plcrco Is naturo's own
restorer. It tones up tho organism and
stimulates its' functions, furnishing to tho
body ono of Its necessary constituent
principles of which it is in need.
This preparation Is of ploasant tasto,
agrees perfectly with rebellious and scn
Bltlvo stomachs, and Is extremely effec
tive In restoring tono and vigor to tho
ontlro system. It cures gastric troubles
of tho stomach and at tho samo tlmo thq
blood-vessels aro given a stimulation
Say Plainly to Your Grocer
That you -want LION COFFEE always, and lio,
being a squaro man, will not try to sell you any
thing else. You may not caro for our opinion, but
What About the United Judgment of Millions
of LouBolioopors who bavo used LION COFFEE
for over a quarter of a century?
Is thcro any stronger proof of merit, than tho
. 0 3CS?5ftW3ao
o a
. o t$-
Lion-head on every packago.
Save thoso Lion-heads for valuablo premiums.
WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
b '.M- Tr. t mTf7T-ttta WiTOn
tA CHILD Can Use
with perfect safety It's proof against forcctfu1ncs, Ignorance, hired girls -tho Insurance
Companies have tested it to their full satisfaction every way they could think of. The
uuicic Aicai is simplicity itscit no wearine
of order nothlncr to turnout. It is made
and will last almost a lifetime and It will
as it uki me iirsi. Kitcncn woric is a aciisw wncn you nave a
for you never have to wait, even a minute,
Ditilnir hot. but vour kitchen is cool, for tho
wliero It oucrht to be. And thera nro no
dirt no bother just convenience, economy and safety, and your
dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up beforo you know it. Tho
Uuicic Meal is a etly convenience you ran nave anaoujrhl to
have. II your dealer doesn't carry it ask us we'll sell you.
VI 01 ID TOD LIKE A FRK8V!CTI We will Mnd joa omatMni mfu J-.ome-thing
you'll like If you'll. imply Ullu. yourde.ur'e ntmt and iy whtlhtr
ha rarrtci ialek My t. Sign your nm plainly ao It if 111 rt acb you aaftly.
Ringen Stove Co. 01., Maker. 416 N. 6th Sheet. SLlouU, Mo.
These Shoes
Grand Prize at St.
over stylish yet comfortable
uoouyear waits, wmen means noiiuie soles, wiin no mioriiom
to Irritate the foot. The MAYKLOWEIt HUOK for Women
Is made In weltaand band tarns. Is stylish, durable and comfortable.
abb. iuur uicr jur inou, si
write cs direct. They will please
cents to $1.60 per pair in prioes
tnis cnaracter.
H lEL5!S&h$E&
SBSstn l ej: j - -r- - . v
WW pfilll-1.
j: There Is No Better Plan for Securing a Home
A than is offered by the
5 of Omaha, Nebraska.
i Write us for particulars.
which throws off a cold. Ono very good
reason why it restores tho health of run
down, palo and emaciated peoplo is bo
canso it llrst throws out tho poisons from
tho liver and kidneys. It then begins Its
roconstructlvo work in building up flesh
and making good, rich, red blood.
"I h&ro been a sufferer from indication
for somo thirty roars, at times." writes Mr,
a Y. Mullenax. of Clrclorlllo. W. Vo., "and
httTo used medicine from soToral of our best
physicians, which ir&vo mo onir little tern
porary relief. Thoy said I could noTor bo
cured. Last winter I was stricken with tho
worst spell that 1 ever had. I suffered with
such sevoro imlns In tho pit of my stomach
that I could nolthur work nor sleep, and my
weight went down from ono hundred and
nlnoty-flvo pounds to ono hundred and sixty
pounds In about two months' time. I then
concluded that T would try Doctor Plorco's
Oolden Medical Discovery Hy tho tlmo tho
llrst bottlo was cone, 1 felt somo relief from
my sovcro suffering so cot .limed until I had
used four bottles of 'Oolden Medical Dis
covery.' lira truly thankful for tho great
bennllt which 1 haro received from your
medicine, and can cordially recommend It
to others."
It Stands Alone ."ftrSfi is:
; gradients, but
also as tho only modlclno for stomach,
liver and blood disorder, which abso
It Stands Alone sAcSt
cino, tho makers
of which tako their patients fully Into
tholr confidenco and toll them exactly
what they nro taking. This Dr. Plcrco
can nllorcl to do, because his "Golden
Mkdioal Discoveuy" is mado of such
ingredients and after a working formula
that has hundreds of thousands of cures
to IU credit, placing its merits abovo
It Stands Alone snA'a
euro for almost
all chronic dis
eases becauso tho earth supplies tho In
gredients, which aro as follows:
Goldon Seal Ilmlraatla Canadensis).
Queen's root (SUlUnyia Sylvatlca),
Stono root (Colllnsonla Canadensis).
Chcrrybark (I'rumis Vlrglniana).
Bloodroot (Sattgutnnrfa Canadensis).
Mandrako Podophyllum Pcltatum).
Constipation although a llttlo 111. bo
trots big ones If neglected, Dr. Pierco's
Pleasant Pcllots cures constipation.
Confidence of the People
and ever Increasing popularity?
OON COFFEE is carefully se
lected at tlic plantation, shipped
direct to our various factories
where it is skillfully roasted and
carefully packed In seeled pack
agesunlike loose coffee, which
Is exposed to germs, dust, In
sects, etc. LION COFFEErcachcs
you as pure and clean as when
it left the factory. Sold only In
1 lb. packages.
parts nomine to ciojr or (jet out
from hcavv sheet steel and brass.
do as food work tho last year
for your fire It's always
heat Is under the tellies.
klndllnirs no ashes no
were Awarded
Louis World's Fat?
Men is made from all leathers.
lasts, to at any root. Tbey arc
so uuoa But uauuio iudiq buuob,
yoa and yon will save from 50
usually charged tor shoes ot
recently added to the popular "Muellor"
pianos, mako them the greatest piano
value known.
Prom our factory to the home.
SAVES $75.00 to $150.00
Our Illustrated booklet freo for the
nsklng tells you why. Write for it
todny, we'll answer tomorrow.
Address the makers,
(Wq have no agents.)
1313 Fn rn urn St. OMAIIA, NED.
No. 1523 Douglas St.
I fcv B 4Hbb iWj I
r rK,"i'3rHr
Proof That Owner of Small Boy Never
Lacks Excitement.
Tho boll ranu, and Mj-s. Johnson
opened tho door to a roiiRh looking
man with n whip in ono hand and a
boy's cap In tho other.
"Got a llttlo boy?" ho raked, nnd
when sho assented, ho went on!
"This his cap?"
"It looks like It," said tho mothor,
beginning to feel alarmed at tho man's
"Well, ina'am, I'm awful sorry; 1
just don't know how to tell youthat's
tho truth "
Sho braced horsolf ngalnst tho door
and faltered:
"Toll mo tho worst 1 Is ho dead?"
"It wa'n't oggractly my fault; you
see tho llttlo chap run right'' squaro
under "
Sho pushed past him, crying back
"Whoro Is ho? "Whoro Is my poor,
murdered boy?"
At the gato sho met somo fifteen
lads In a bunch, nnd then sho was
suro thoy wore bringing In tho man
gled body. How sho had strength to
go among them sho nover knew;
but suddenly ono atom detached It
self from tho swarm and leaped
toward her. It wa3 hatloss, but It was
her William alive, at least.
"Mother," ho shouted, "a man's run
clean, plum over tho basket of eggs
you sent mo to get. I told him I bet
you'd mnko him sorry l Every last
ono of tho blooming lot Is smashed!"
Unknown Graves.
Bluo linng'i tho morning liazo on Lookout
Still (lows tho winding river to tho nen
Long years liavo shed ameliorative sun
shlno Since hung the battle's cloud on creHt
and lea.
Hero llo tho unclaimed dead of that grim
Unwept, and -without mark at foot or
Except tho great whlto post that ,cars
this legend:
"Hero slefp, in broken ranks, tno un
known dead."
Hero lie, mm hap, a youth from sunny
Who was a father's prldo nnd mother's
How Flowly dragged tho years, cro they
departed, ,
Vainly watching for tho coming of their
Horo, too. Is ono from out tho northern
Unto whom tho homing furlough never
came, . ...
Fond hearts had mourned, yet hoped
through many Beasoni
For upon tho list of "missing " was his
For them no organ penis, nor measured
No agonizing sobs nor friendly tears;
They died apart from homo and friends
and kindred,
And sleep tho unknown sleep through
passing years.
What matter what tho cause for which
they battled?
What matter now which army won tho
day? ,
Their earthly recompenso for manly
strugglo ...
Is found within this ridge of mother
Flow on to ocean home. O gentle rlvorl
Illso high above the mists, bold Lookout
hoadl . ...
Kind Nature, spread a coat of springtime
Oer all thoso lonely graves of unknown
A. L. Martin.
Shoemakers Once Were Well Paid.
Thirty years ago, when all shoes
wero made by hand, the shoemaker
earned a fair salary of from $12 to
$1G per week. Every shoo shop had
from flvo to ten shoemnkers working.
Shoes and boots cost from ?8 to $15,
and they received much moro repair
ing than do the shoes of to-day. Now
girls aro working In the factories and
hundreds of good shoemakers aro look
ing for something to eat. Over half
of tho shoemakers who formerly
worked In tho shops aro working at
other lines of business, and making
more money.
A Journeyman cobbler soldom makes
moro thnn $8 or $9 per week.
Ono may wonder why It Is that tho
cobbler nearly always finds a mean,
dirty hole to crawl into and to call
It a repair shop. Tho fact Is, ho can
not afford to pay much rent. In tho
average shoo shop In tho good seasons
spring and summer ho can do ?4
worth of repairing a day, and not
moro thnn $6 if ho works In the night
time. Four dollars per day and six
days a week mako $24 per week.
Love of Patriotism Instilled.
As an organization, the members of
the G. A. It. keep alive tho interest In
national anniversaries, such as Me
morial day, Flag day, etc. Tho pres
ence of tho veterans in tho schools
on such occasions keeps beforo tho
rising generations a love of country and
instils In their minds patriotism and
a love of the flag for which they gave
so much. A living history is more
inspiring at all times than a printed
Tho Woman's Relief Corps, which
would not exist if there wero no Grand
Army of the Republic, and which Is
composed of loyal women, nro proud
of the fact that they are enabled to
bring relief to tho sick, disabled and
wornout veterans, and have a share In
caring for the inmates of tho soldiers'
A Fish Story.
In the days of tho previous genera
tion many were tho singular names be
stowed by their parents on tho chil
dren of Cape Cod and tho nearby sec
tion. At Nantucket dwelt a family
named Fish, seafaring people. Ono
of tho sons had been dubbed "Pre
served." in his early childhood, and
now commands a fishing vessel. On
one of his voyages his bark was spok
en at sea.
"What Is the name of your bark?"
"Flying Fish."
"What Is your captain's name?"
"Preserved Fish."
"What did you say?"
"Preserved Fish." .
"D n ltj I didn't ask tho name of
your cargo."
Explanations ensued
8now In the Tropica.
Snow, even In tho tropics, never
melts, but remains continuously all
tho year round nbovo n height of 1C
000 foot; in colder cllmos tho "biiow
lino" Is much lower than this.
Lowls' 'Slnc:lo Ulndor" straight no oljrar.
Mado by hand of rlpo, thoroughly cured
tobacco, which Iniuros a rich, satisfying
Rmoko. You p.ty lOo for cigars not bo good.
Lowls' Factory, Poorla, III.
Forbid Use of Monocles.
If ono bolongs to tho German nrjny
ho can not wear a monocle. Tho sln
glo eyeglass has been forblddou to
officers and men as foppish and savor
ing too strongly of Anglomnnln.
Defiance Starch
should bo In every household, nono so
good, bosldos A ox. more for 10 cents
thnn any other brand of cold wutor
Japanece Chop Sticks.
Japanoeo chopsticks nro delivered
(o tho guost In a decoratod onvolopo.
i iiu uvg kuckb, niroauy snapou, lorm
ono tong-shapo pleco of wood and aro
broken apart by tho guest.
Why It Is the Best
Is because made by an entirely differ
ent process. Defiance Starch Is un
like any other, better and one-third
iuoi for 10 cents.
Don't Go Into Bondage.
Don't go Into debt; It Is remorse
less; It robs ono of sleep; it turns day
Into night, and it harasses brain and
body. Dettcr a fow things paid for
than many with debts.
"I Went Homo to I)lo from Grcl Trouble.
Doctora failed. Dr. PbtM Konnrdj'a a.iortte Ktmeilr
cured me." Kn. G. W. llrown, 1'eteraburir, N. Y.
To think wo nro nblo Is almost, to
bo so; to dotormlno upon attainment
Is frequently attainment itself. Thus
earnest resolution has often scorned to
havo about It a savour of omnipot
ence. Samuel Smiles.
All Up-to-Datc Housekeepers
use Deilanco Cold Water Starch, be
cause It Is better, and 4 oz. more of It
for same money.
A woman may declare that sho has
Implicit confidenco In her husband,
but sho will always carefully oxnmino
tho color of tho long hnlr sho happens
to find on his coat Chicago Nows.
Mr. vriimlow'H rmotlilng fly rap.
For children teeililnit , of tens Die Riirai, rnducci tr
Ilammatlon, allsya JIn, cures wind lollu. iiSoa bottle.
When a woman is unablo to crowd
her foot Into u small shoo sho is an
ndvoca,to of sensible footwear.
Save the Babies.
INFMT MORTALITY is something frightful. Wo can hardly realize that of
all the children horn in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent,, or nearly
one-quarter, die before they roach one year; thirtysevon per cent., or mom
than one-third, beforo they are five, and ono -half beforo thoy are fifteen !
We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would savoa ma
jority of these precious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of theso
infantile deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narootio preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, rotard circulation and load to congestions, sickness, death, Oastoria
operates exactly tho reverse, but you must see that it bears tho signature of
Ohas. H. Fletoher. Oastoria causes tho blood to circulate properly, opens tho
pores of the skin and allays fever.
I"l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TT-
AYcge table Preparation for As
similatlng thcFoodatulReouta
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful
ness and Resr.Contalns neither
Oprutn.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
JmyJhn St J"
Anil Set
ttfBWBr w
Aocrfccl Remedy forConstlDa
lion. Sour Stomach.Diorrhoca.
Worms .Convulsions.tcvenslv
ness and Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
new vonic.
K,e.VW,Thomp$ens Ey WtUr
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper,
Backache, "The Blues'"
Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in
Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief
Vci) Mrs. jolroesjfiM Ennna CotelvJtUr
How often do wo hear women say: "It
seems as though my bnclc would brenk,"
or "Don't speak to mo, I am nil out of
Boris?" Thcho significant remarks prove
that tho system requires attention.
Ilackacno and " tho blues" aro direct
symptoms of an inward trouble which
will sooner or later declaro Itself. It
may bo caused by diseased kidneys or
soma utcrlua derangement. Naturo
requires assistance and at once, and
Lydla E Plnkhntn's Vegetable Com
pound instantly asserts its curntlvo
powers in all thoso peculiar ailments of
women. It has been tho standby of
intelligent American women for twenty
years, and tho ablest specialists ngrco
that it is tho most universally success
ful remedy for woman's ills known to
Tho following- lotters from Mrs.
Ilolmcs and Mrs. Cotrcly nro among
tho many thousands which Mrs. l'lnlt
lmm has received this year from thoso
whom sho has reliovcd.
Surely such testimony Is convincing.
Mrs. J.G. Holmes, of Larimoro, North
Dnkota, writes:
Dear Mrs. Plnldmm:
" I havo suffered o crvthlnir with backacho
and Yiomb trouble 1 let tho troublo run on
until my rrsUsm was In such n condition that
I was unablo to bo about, and then It was I
commenced to ubo IiVilla K. rinkham's Vego
tablo Compound, If I had only known how
much Buffering I would havo saved, I should
havo taken it months soonerfor a fow
necks' treatment made mo t ell and strong.
My backaches nnd heudaelicsnro all gono nnd
I Buffer no pnin at my menstrual periods,
whereas beforo I took Lydla K. rinkham's
Vcgetablo Compound I suffered intonsopnln."
Mrs. Emma Cotrcly, 100 East IStli
street, How iorlc City, writes:
Ask Mrs. PInkham's Arhlcc-A Weaan Best Understands a Woman's Ite.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. A. P. Peeler, of St. Louis, Ma, soys : "I have prescribed your Castor! la
many catcs and have always found It an etudent and speedy remedy."
Dr. n. Down, of Philadelphia, I'a say: "I have prescribed your Castorla la.
my jimctlco for many years with great satisfaction to myself and bcneQt to my
Dr. J. E, Wareoncr, of Chlcaeo, III., says: "I can most heartily recommend!
Jour Castorla to tho public as a remedy tor children's complaints. I have trie
t and found It of great 'value."
Dr. Udward 1'arrUh, ot Urooklyn, N, V., says : "X havo used your Castorla la
my own household with good results, and hate advised several patients to use It
for Its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. n. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six yeans
firescrlbed your Castorla tor Infantile stomach disorders, I most heartily commend
ts use. The formula contains nothing deleterious to the most delicate of children."
Dr. C. Q. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castorla Is an Ideal medicine
for children, and 1 frequently prescribe ft. While I do not advocate the Indis
criminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castorla Is an exception tor conditions
which arise In the care ot children,"
Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., .ays: "Your Castorla bolds the esteem
of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprietary preparation. It
Is a sure and reliable medicine for Infants and children. In fact, It Is the universal
household remedy for Infantilis ailments."
Dr, II. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castorla Is one of the very finest
and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion vour Castorla
has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials
from this locality as to Its etUclency and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Oeer, of Cleveland. Ohio, says: "During the last twelve years)
I have frequently recommended your Castorla as one ot the best preparations of tho
kind, being, safe In the hands of parents and very effective In relieving children's
disorders, while the ease with which such a pleasant preparation can be administered
Is a great advantage."
Dr. F. II. Kyle, of fit. Paul, Minn., says : "It affords me pleasure to add my
name to the long list of those who have us-ed and now endorse your Castorla. Tho
fact of tho Ingredients being known through the printing of tho formula on tho
wrapper Is one good and sufficient reason for the recommendation of any physician.
I know of Its good Qualities and recommend It cheerfully."
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I n Use For Over 30 Years.
$100 Weekly Easily Made
writing hellh and cc!deaUoarnre, experience uq
necMirT.WrlM Butksn'XccMiat Co..De Homes. X.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 22 1905,
Dear Mrs, PinUliatn:
" Ifeolltmy duty totcllall suffering women
of tho relief 1 havo found in Lydla E. l'ink
ham's Vegetnblo Compound. Whon I com
menced taking tho Couiound I suffered
ovoryUilnij with backaches, headaches, men
strual and ovarian troubles. I am complete
ly cured and enjoy tho best of health, and I
owe It all to you."
When womon aro troubled with Irreg
ular, suppressed or painful menstrua
tion, weakness, leucorrhooa, displace
ment or ulceration of tho womb, that
bearing down feeling, inflammation of
tho ovaries, backaolio, bloating (or
flatulence), general debility, indiges
tion und nervous prostration, or aro bo
set with such symptoms as dizziness,
falntncss, lassitude, excitability, irrita
bility, nervousness. Blconlessness, mel
ancholy, "all gone" and " want-to-ho-lof
t-alono" feelings, blues and hopeless
ness, they should remember thcro isono
tried nnd true remedy, Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound at onco ro
movessuch troubles.
No other mcdlclno in tho world has
received bucIi widespread and unnual
fled endorsement. No other medicine
has such n. record ot cures of femalo
troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute.
Remember, every woman is cordially
invited to vrlto to Mrs. Pinkham It
thcro is anything nbout her symptoms
sho does not understand. Mrs. Pink
ham's address is Lynn, Mass., her
advlco is freo and cheerfully given to
every ailing woman who asks for it.
Her advlco and mcdlclno havo restored
to health moro than ono hundred' thou
sand women.
Signature of
I nest Cougb. fcljrup. Tutestlood. Use I
in time, poia dt aru&Tniis.
ii ki.
&-'. W