fr 1 h ' i -f &., &V i. v it if i si p- y s . . ft "Vi' SI2C COAS and an ) i will make more dollars for you than eight or nine cows without an Empire and save you "a whole lot of work and bother. There's no question about it, for the EMPIRE RuSq CREAM SEPARATOR is the sepatator that makes the most dollars for you. Wo don't ask you to take our word for it, but vc DO urge upon you the fact that when you buy a separator, you owe ittoyomself to get the ono that is going to give you the best service. The perfect simplicity of construction of the Empite makes it worthy your careful consideration, for simplicity moans few parts, little friction, easv lunning. little wear, no breaks, few repairs, little oil, no trouble, long life, bigger profits, the most uowats tor ou. ion can't alford to buy a separator until you have investigated the biupjhe !m Those who have it, wouldn't give it up; those who know of its merits want it: those who investi gate it, buy it. That's why the Empire is rapidly outstripping all other separators in sales and popularity; thirty times Us many Empires were sold in 1904 as "wore sold four years ago and whet ever it is known it be comes the most popular separator in the community. That moans something TO YOU. You want the separator that is proving its worth and value in actual every-day use. All we ask is a fair imesti gation and to try an Empire before buying. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. W. E. SPEftCER, Agent ALLIANCE, NEBR. Cream received Wednesday and Saturday of each week at Xbinden I'ced Stoie. BICYCLES NEW and Second-hand Bought, Sold or Repaired. Have just opened a new shop. New stock. New prices. Cheaper than walking. Let us repair jour old wheel or sell you a new one cheap. W. L. BASKINS, - - the Old Bicycle Man IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO H. FROHMPFEL The ilcmingford Merchant WHEN YOU "WANT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING In Everybody's Mouth! Newberry's Line of Buggies. Prices lower than ever before. Style and finish unsurpassed Road wagons from $28. to S85. Top buggies from 40. to $100. Spring wagons from $50.0 $ioo. Freight on buggies from Omaha to Alliance is Si. 51 per 100 lbs. And from Chicago to Alliance it is 32.71 per 100 lbs. We are prepared to meet any and all prices on the best as well the cheapest buggies. See them at -fNEWBERRY'S as Nebraska stock Grower a Association. (Incorporated ) A. M. Modlnptt president, Uuslivlllot It. M. Hampton, vleo-iiresldeal, Alliance; i:. M Scurlo jr., seerettiry-tteiisuror, OriiIuIIu. Executive committee 13, I', Mjpis, J.oim: It. It. Kliiciild, ltliiKliiiui; John Urunimn, AllIiim-cj.T. It. Vaiillosklrk, Allliinco; H.T. Lowe, Hjannls; John M. Ailnms, Totter: H. M. Allen, Ames It. I.Uco, Tjodgcpolu; Evert Eldred, Orlando; U. C. Hurrln, Cliadron; U. W. Ulrk.cll, Kimball: Koburt Grnhatn, Al liance; John Comuiy, Dnimlnt;; J. II. Cook, ARHtn;A. S. Hoed, Alllnucu POINT-OIMIOUKS RANOll. john o'lcnun: . sons. Alliance, Neb, Cattlo branded OK on left Hide; also ok und ok on left Stile. k I jlFfcx "Ji rfi j JT II. A jteJSj'- ' "T" mMMzsJih. tWT f ir tr la 1 f I ri K maiun, Hemlnafoid, :cb Cattlo branded llylni? horiuihoo ou light lilp.ns Incut. Homo r.mcli sec. "j-'J7-5(1 MorMj ranch in 20-49. WIPING. Uox Uutte. Neb I attlo branded uj I) out on left hip, alho with the bur ovor Instead nf under brand. Alsoonleft Mile It'nclmwM section 17. In township -i, rango 40. m II A. ALLISON. Lakeside, Neb. Qattlo branded Jf on 'lght hip. lt.ingo In Twp. 26, range 45, Slier dun county. ISJCLSOIV ITX.ICTCIIIiilfc FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Kiro Insuranco fompany. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulooklyn. New York, Continental of Now York City. Niagara Klro Insur.inco Company, New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial I'nlon Assurunce Oo , London Liverpool. London and Globe Jin. Co. German American Ins. Co., Now York, runners and Jlercliants Ins. Co , Lincoln. Columblu Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Umltrwrllcrs. Phoenix Ins. Co., ilurtford, Conn. Office Lp.Stalrs.l'Ictclicr lllock. M OS LRU & TCLLY, Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139. w HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Goods , S, A. Miller will take charge of them; store their in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbif them wherever desired. Charges reasonable The only spring dray line in the city. 5. A. Miller. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. Phone, No. 356! ALLIANCE. NEB. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. DR. J. G. BRENIZER nui:i:ii:i or Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, Si Straight, Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers 90 breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land, Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U, S. Come and see me. (ao-fini) Jess, Neb Stock branded as shown on cut on either sldo. Alsod-O on eith er side. Towiihhtp 20 and rane 43 CUHItAN IHIOS., Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Orovs II Orussl onleftMdo. Also HI on left IhiKh. Ondiirslopu ou tuft ear. Horses branded sumo ii8 cattU on left Jaw and u on lefttdioulder. 1 J l5 3i cT.iifar-ci;f iicii sfaov aajasar limp '" M" " ' w .1 Down, Ltt igiqvii Wi3SCMJ',.K arfjtsvuaaafaao Alliance, Nob. 3 5 connected any place on left side. Ilango on head of Pine Creek, Sucrldau unty. laaHffl J g XV f bCIIILL nitos., Schlll, Neb. Cattlo branded on rleht thlh or XV on rlKht side. Township 27 range 45,ShurIdan county. Stockmen Coming Juno 1st. The tqnth nutiunl meeting of the NchiAskn Stockgrowors' association Mill meet in the opcrti housont Allinnco rhutuday and Friday, Jnno i and 2, and a merry bunch if expected. A number of 'musical attractions have bron arranged, as the following will show : Music by All Saints' Quartette lnocalion Rev. C. W. Ray Music Vocal Solo Mrs. Wm. Crulckahank, Alliance Address ot Welcome R. C. Noleman, Allianco Response J. L, Mcintosh, Sidnoy Music Vocal solo . . . .Miss Inez McCorklc, Alliance. Address by president John M. Adams,... Potter. Report of Secretary. .U. M. Uarle, Jr., Lincoln. Report ot Inspector. .C. L. Talbot, S. Omaha. Music....... Quartette The South Omaha Market... . ...Uruco McCollough, Udiior Jour nal Stockman. Appointment of committees President Adams. Adjournment. sbshion. Those who miss the compllmontnry concert at the opera houso, Thursday evening, Juno tsl, will miss a tttmt. The South Omnha contingent has ar tanged the following musical program ot concert, Piano duet "Maztirkn" Ncvin Miss Porlerfiuld and Mr, Si nun 11 Quartette "When Mabel Sings" Oley Speaks bolo "The Dream R030" Shelley Miss llarr Solo "The Two Grenadiers" Schumann Mr. J. II. Simms Quartette "Kathleen Mnvonrneen" Crouch "Ma Cruiskcen Lawii" Old Irish J-olo "May Day" Walthew Miss Porterfiold Quartette "Annie Laurie" Scotch Jsolo "The Last Flagon" Newton Mr. C. S, Haverstock Duet "When the wind blows in from the sea." Smart Miss Barr and Mr, Simms Quartette "The Miller's Wooing" Fanlng FRIDAY, 9:30 A. M. JUNK 2N't). I'OR MBM lll'.RS ONLY. Roll call. Remarks by President Adams.' Secretary's report. Report of auditing committee. Report of nominating committee, General discussion. Remarks by C. L. Talbot, inspector. AFTIJKNOON SESSION, 2 V. M. Music by Quartette. "Experimental work," ....Prof. E. A. Burnett, State Univ. "Transportation of live stock to market J. C. Birdsell, Supt.. B. &M. Alliance. Music Solo Mrs. E, S. Jackson, Alliance. "Disease of Animals" Dr. V. A. Thomas, state veterinarian. "The relation of the commission man to the stock-grower ..J. A. Hake, South Omaha. Music Quartette. "The West's growing needs". . . , . ,..Dr. A. T. Peters, State University. "Government Inspection Dr. L. Clark, Chief Government in spection, Denver. FRIOAY EVENING. Stockmen's ball. Following committees were appointed. Arrangements R. M. Hampton, F. M Knight, M, Frankle, Fred Mollring, W. W. Norton. Press H.J Ellis, F. M. Broome, W. S. Raker. Reception Mayor Buechsenstein, J. R. Phelan. Wm. Mitchell. F. W. Harris, W. D Rumer, C. A. Newberry, W. O. Barnes, R. H. Watkins, S. K. Warrick, A. T. Hemingway. F. E. Holsten, Robt. CJra ham. F. M. Raymond, Dr. H. H. Bell wood, Ball E. C. McCleur, Geo. Darling, Harry F. Thiele, H. K. Schars, G. G. Hampton, Geo. J. Burke. After the meeting the special cars of the South Omaha contingent will be attached to the Guernsey train and the whole bunch will visit every town in the valley, returning to Alliance in the eve ning. They will Btop enroute and dis tribute horns to the citizens along the line, asking each to "toot" for South Omaha market. A Dangerous Question. Assistant District Attorney Wllllarii Rand Jr., of Now York, was talklug about tho dlallko that women liavo to tolling their ago In court. "As a rule," ho Enid, "a woman, not withstanding her disinclination, gives1 hor ago civilly. Now and thon, though, sho makos some caustic comment that strlltOB with unpleasant force tho lawyer questioning her. It Is always dangerous to ask a woman how old sho Is. "In a New York court I once heard a lawyer examining a maiden lady Ho was by no means young, but ho strove to conceal his years. Ho woro a wig and bis mustache waB dyod. When ho asked tho lady her ago bho hit her lip and frownou at him. ' '"Your ,.ge, raadnm' ho repcatod. "Sho eoutlnued sllont. She frown ed harcer than over " 'Really, madam,' said tho lawyer 'I trust InsUt upon jour answering in) question. Obatlnncy Js useless horo. How old aro you?' " 'Forty-threo she said savagely.' 'How old nro you, you fool? You look about ninety,'" STORM LAKH RANCH, ROHEttT OUAflAM, Clonidii, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O onleft Jaw. y?rtaMMMMM'. Old Age Pension Scheme. Tho British consul at Calais tells In his annual report of an effort to deal with old age pensions. Twenty threo years ago M. Chatolus formod u society, tho rules for membership be' lng a monthly paymont of a frane, all tho funds to be invested, and at tho end of twenty years tho intorost on capital to be equally divided among mombcrs, and In each succeeding year those who had been members for twenty years to recelvo their equal sharo of this Interest. The present rate of pension Is 14 18s. a year. Tho membership now stands at 347.951, with a capital of more than 1,-Kfonon 'auction SALE il On Saturday, July 1st The STANDARD CATTLE COHPANY will sell at Mullen,Neb.,10:30a.m. at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash, aproximately the following-: 300 Head of Horses and Mares which include the company's best haying-teams for mow ers, sweeps and rakes. Saddle horses and some mares with colts by their side. This number will also include about 6o head of young" native mares and geldings (by pure bred Percheron stallion), raised on the company's ranch and running from yearlings upward. Also their best wagons, mowers, harness, and a large assortment of various kinds of farm machinery. In addition to the above auction sale, the Standard Cattle company will hold the following sales: At Pass Ranch, Friday July 7th. At Big Creek Ranch, Monday,-July 10th. At Carve Ranch, Wedndcsday, July 12th. At these sales they will offer for cash to the high est bidder all of their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. W. E. Hite, assisted by George Tracewell, will conduct the Mullen sale, and George "Tracewell the three sales on 7th, 10th and iatji of July. 22-8W J A Big Come-down in lumber is not at all likely, unless tho unexpected happens. Prices aro more likely to go up. Wc carry a full line of LUMBER AND COAL Utrtnl Dlcrks' Lumber and Coal Co. V. WATERS. Huur. Also agents for Keb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Phone 22, 45 TELEPHONE j-j-ii.; The Palace Heat Market For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast A Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Bone If you haven't lime to cook them, we can send vou a Steak, a Chop or some Oysters QU1CK1 ins- Phone 1 3 1 BUSHNELL & OLD AY. I ) iarnonds, Watches, Vt Gold Jewelry, . . Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches.. Hail orders promptly attended to.- 1A7. CX Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep- Dipping Vats -cattle Wo make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices are right. New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. ,4nkimBtafina. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST I Every Gallon Guaranteed.. FOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN