The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 18, 1905, Image 3
t i: - t O fr V f Seeing California. Tho avcrago custom tourist Tvhcn Tlsltlng California enters tho state ut Los Angeles, takes a few rides on tho various radiating electric lines, hus tles onto tho train for San Franclsc", visits tho Goals, and hastens north or cast nmrralng that ho has "seen Cali fornia" but has ho? True, ho has Boon sights to which his eyes voro not accustomed, eaten various frult3 and vegetables strangers to his palate, and broathed tho wondrous air, but to see Cnllfornla understanding ono must visit tho mountains as well as tho valleys. Probably no other sec tion Is richer In scenes noted for their beauty and grandeur, places made famous in literature than is Tuolumno county, In tho Sierra Nevada foothills of California. S. II. Smith in Sunset Magazlno for May. """" It'3 a wlso man who can turn off his wife's vocabulary. When Your Grocer Sayo ho docs not have Defiance Starch, you may be bujo be Is afraid to keep it until his stock of 12 oz. packages arc sold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet ter than any other Cold Wutcr Starch, but contains 1G oz. to the package and sells for same money us 12 oz. brands. NATURE'S ESSENCE. Extracted From Forest Plants Nature's laws aro ncrfoct If wo obey thorn, but dlseaso follows disobedlonce. Go straight to nature for tho euro, to tho forest ; thero aro mysteries hero that wo can fathom for you. Tako tho bark of tho wild-cherry trco, tho root of man drake, stono root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal, mako a scientific, non alcoholic oxtract of thorn with just tho right proportions and you havo Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It took Dr. Pierce, with tho assistance of two learned chemists, eight years of hard work experimenting to mako this vegetable oxtract and altcrativo of tho greatost efllcioncy. Just tho sort of spring remedy you need to make rich, red blood, ana euro that lassitudo and feeling of ncrvo ex haustion. Dr. Plorco's Golden Medical Discovery bears tho stamp of rtniLio ArrnovAi. and has sold moro largely in tho past forty years than any other blood purifier and stomach tonic. Tho refresh ing influenco of this extract is like Nature's Influenco the blood Is bathed in tho tonic which gives llfo to tho blood tho vital fires of tho body burn brighter and their Incrensed activity consumes tho tissuo rubbish which has accumu Trafe fliat Strike Hc Tour grocer is honest and if lio cares to do bo can tell you tli at ho knows very littlo about tho bulk coffoo ho Bolls you. How can ho know, whoro it originally carao from, In each packago of LION COFFEE you got one full pound of Pure Coffeo. Insist upon getting tho genuine. (Lion head on every packago.) ( Savo tho Lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE "WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio. The Occidental Building & Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska,' will furnish money to help to build homes, which can be repaid in monthly payments. Anyone desiring a home should write for information as to our plan of loaning money. Address, 1523 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebraska. Ut ly iMWi,yiii-iui miuiLimJBiup tawjy QUICK RESULTS. W. J. Hill, of Con cord, N. C, Justice of tho Poacc, says: "Doan's Kidnoy Pills proved a very efficient reme dy in my case 11 i ubuu ilium lur f disordered kid neys and back ache, from which I had ox- nnrlnnroil n. s; great deal of a troublo and pain. Tho kidney secretions were very irregular, dark colored and 'full of sediment. Tho Pills cleared It all up and I havo not had an acho in my back slnco taking tho last dose. My hcatth generally is Improved a great deal." FOSTEIt-MILBUItN CO., Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by nil dealers, prico 50 cents per box. Ten years ngo In England tho church communicants numbered only ono In eighteen of tho population; now tho proportion is ono in fifteen. lated during tho winter. Doctor It. V. Pierce, tho founder of tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, and a phy sician of largo oxpcrlonco and practice, was tho first to mako up an alterative extract of roots, herbs and barks, with out A l'AltTICLK OF ALCOHOL Olt NAK- coTtcs, which purifies tho blood and tones up tho stomach and tho entire system in Nature's own way. Tho "Golden Medical Discovery" is Just tho tissuo builder and tonic you require whon recovering from a hard cold, grip, or pnoumonla. No matter how strong tho constitution tho stomach is apt to bo "out of kilter" after a long, hard winter; lu consequonco tho blood is disordered, for tho stomach is tho labor atory for tho constant manufacture of blood. Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Dis covery strengthens tho stomach puts It In shapo to mako pure, rich blood helps tho liver and kidneys to expel tho poi sons from tho body. If you tako this NATUHAt, 1JLO0D PURIFIER AND TONIO you will assist your system in manufac turing each day a pint of rich, arterial blood, that is stimulating to tho brain and ne.ry,?s' . Tho weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many ncoplo oxpcrlonco at this tlmo of tho year Is usually tho effect of poisons In tho blood; It is often indicated by pimples or bolls appearing on tho skin, tho faco be comes thin you feel "blue." Dr. Pierco's Goldon Modical Discovery cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes ono vigorous, strong and forcoful. Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery stands alone as tho ono mcdlclno for stomach, liver and blood disorders that has tho Ingredients printed upon tho wrapper of ovory bottlo leaving tho great laboratory at Buffalo, N. Y., which cures in nature's own way; not only does it stand alone in respect to Its Ingredients but also as tho only spring tonic and reconstructive which absolutely contains 710 alcohol. "I was taken with a sovero couch, weak ness in my back, a 'glimmer over tho eyes, had a bad brnatli. and stomach was out of order." writes II. Gaddls. of 1423 South Xanna Avenue. Tacoma. Wash. r felt Hlu&-rtsb. did not caro for anything, had no life. It was ? 2?0.Sit t?UiW to wove, appctlto very poor. A.TS?". ,lJcrcos, Common Henso Medical Tr&i'.a,H,J.f0,?.1 had taki-n all of ono bottlo r v, i i .. " U1IJ """"i mo trutn or this testimonial they may write to ma" Dr. Pierce's Pellets Cure Constipation. rrev fllirfuf ess n now it was blondeu or Witn Wnat or whon roastod? If you buy your ( coffeo looso by tho pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality? LION COFFEE, the leader of ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, Is ol necessity uniform In quality, strength and flavor. For OVER A QUARTER Or A CENTURY, LION COFFEE has been the standard coffee In millions of homes. LION COFFEE 1 carciuliy packed at our factories, and until opened In your home, lias no chance ol being adul terated, or ol coming In contact with dust, dirt, germs, or unclean hands. PIANOS Kroin .tinker 10 Uner. Cut out Agents.' I'roflt. SAVE A. CLEAN $100 Don't think of buvlncr a nlano with out flrst getting our catalog prices and i terms on the ramous "MuvJler" pianos and 20 other makes. ADDKES3 SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Piano Makcra, Omaha Nab. ALFONSO AND HIS MOTOR CAH. King of Spain Dndly Afflicted With the Craze. Joromo Hnrt tolls of tho tinthusinsin shown by King Alnhonso of Spain for tho automobilo: "Ho Is nffectod with an acute enso of motormanla. Ho spends most of his tlmo. botli nt Ma drid and at San Sebastian, in wildly carcorltiK across tho country In motor cars. Ho owns seoral high-power Trench automobiles, and when In thorn, llko Jehu tho son of Nlmshl, he drlvcth fnsl and furiously. In fact, so reckless is his driving, so numorous aro his nccldcnts, that tho queen moth er recently becamo alarmed and urged him to abandon his dangerous sport. Failing in this, sho got a member of tho cortos to father a law imposing limitations on tho king's speed. This did not mean limitations as to spcod on tho king's highway It meant limi tations on tho speed of tho king on tho king's highway. But tills projected law aroused tho indignation of some courtly legislators in tho cortos, and they opposed it bitterly. The king, tbey said, is above the lnw, thoroforo, to pass laws lovolcd nt tho king would bo against tho law. Before this puzzlo tho perplexed cortos recoiled and the law was not passed. "Tho young king only recently suc ceeded In so far overcoming thoquoon mother's repugnanco to motor cars that ho porsuaded her to accompany him in a little drive. It was unfortu nate that on her flrst experiment with him as a motorist tho king should havo had ono of his frequent mishaps. But ho did. He carao a cropper, and It was a royal cropper. "His enormous machine, going nt high speed, skidded and capsized, hurl ing its royal freight somo dlstanco into a ditch. Tho queen-mother was badly scared, her roynl feathers and royal temper wero much rumpled, but otherwlso she was unhurt." Cost and Time of Trip to a Star. "Lot us supposo n railway to have been built between the earth and tho fixed star Centaurl'," said tho lecturer. "By a consideration of this railway's workings wo can get somo idea of the enormous distance that intervenes be tween Centaurus and us. "Supposo that I should decldo to take a trip on this now aorlal lino to tho fixed star. I ask the ticket agent what tho fare is, and ho answers: '"The faro is very low, sir. It Is only a cent each hundred miles.' "And what, at that rato, will tho through ticket ono way cost? I ask. " 'It will cost Just $2,750,000,000,' ho answers. "I pay for my ticket and board tho train. Wo set oft at a tremendous rate. "'How fast?' I ask tho brakeman, 'are wo going?' " 'Sixty miles an hour, sir,' says ho, 'and its a through train. There aro no stoppages.' " 'We'll soon bo there, then, won't we?' I resume. '"We'll mako good tlmq, sir,' says tho brakeman. . "'And when will we arrive?' "'In Just lS,r.C3,000 years.' "Phila delphia Bulletin. The Best of Life. Not till life's heat la cooled, Tho hondlong ruah slowed to a quiet pace, And ovory purblind passion that ho ruled Our noisier jqars, at last Spurs us In vain, and, weary of tho race, We caro no more who 16sos or who wins Ah, not till all the best of life seems past Tho best of llfo begins. To tell for only fame, nandclnpplnjjB, and the fickle gusts of praise. For place or power or gold to gild a numo Above the ETae whereto All paths will bring us, were to lose our days: We, on whoo ears youth's passing bell hns tolled. In blowing bubbles, even as children do. Forgetting wo grow old. Cut the world widens when Such hope of trlvnl guln that ruled ua lies Broken among our childhood's toys, for then W'c win to elf-control! And mall ourselves In manhood, nnd theic flso Upon us from the vast and windless height Those cleaner thoughts arc unto the soul What stars aro to tho night. Tho Spectator. She'd Rather Loop the Loop. "My dnughter got mo to loop-the-loop at tho park last summer once " said the woman with thp vinegar visage as sho stepped from tho main elevator of a big office building, ac cording to tho Kansas City Journal, "but that's a baby's swing to this when it comes to mixing one's vital organs. "Tho troublo is that tbo elevator boy changes his mind oftenor than a woman. I never came down yet that he didn't decldo on n different speed in transit. When ho did that quick stop at tho fourth floor Just now 1 simply toloscopod Inside. My heart's in my mouth yet, and I can't locate ray stomach. No; no luncheon for nio until I get over this scrambled feel ing." Though Fifty-five. It all turns on will and exercise. Bo fore going to sleep a few exercises should bo gone through with open windows, inhaling tho good fresh air. A stop ladder to run up and down is a great lncontlvo to health; wind ex orcises, rotatory motions, all keep tho body lissom, and provont stoutness. Thon diet has to bo considered; too much liquid should never be taken with meals; too much moat la bad. There Is nothing bottor for tho flguro than household work. It takes a great deal to persuade an ordinary woman that It is continuing theso things that make a success of It, not starting them and then leaving them to fate. Chicago Post. Either Loved or Loathed, nod hair is either loved or loathod. Artists from Titian dowuwnrda ox press a proforonce for painting it; but. then, nrtlsta aro uncertain guidon as to human beauty. They havo boon known boforo now to admlro cream cheoa complexions, blousy hair and clothoa which looked as if thoy had been mado in a machlno for chopping turnips and put on with a rake. Tho Queen. in n Pinch, Uso ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smarting, nerv ous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho age, Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c, Trial packago FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo Ror, N. Y. Air In Vein Causes Death. Air getting into a voln whllo ho was undergoing an operation In St. Thom as' Hospital, London, was tho causo of tho death of Krodorlck Thomas Kennedy tho other day. A verdict of "accidental death" was rcturnod. 8 guaranteed Interest semi-annually on all Investments, in tropical plantation half as lnrgo ns Rhode Island, II) prolltablo products. Actlvo managers nnd nconts wanted. M Mooro, 811 Odd Follow' Bldg.,St.Louls,Mo. Regarding Honesty. "Honesty is tho best policy," re marked a plaintiff in tho court of Judge Addison, of London. "May ho," replied the Judge, "but I know some peoplo who seem to havo got along very woll without It." LowU' "Slnglo Binder" straight Co cigar. Tho highest price ro cigar to tlio dealer and tho highest quality for tho Binoker. Lowis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Happiness Isn't confined to tho hill tops, but is often found in tho violets 3f tho valloys. Atlanta Constitution. Bird. ITInglow'H footlilnff Nj-rnn. For children tcethlnit, toficna the Huron, rnuucoa b Qamnintloa, allayi pitn, curct wind collu. !Uo a bottlo. It is truo thnt tho roan who in vented tho gold brick is dead, but a now purchaser is born every minute. "Ilr. Dnvld Konnodf'a Vnrorlto Rninedy tared mr lire! I liad drif tprU and kidney dlaraso. El Senator Albert Merrill, l'ark l'laco, .N. Y. II a bottle. Dvery man may havo his price, but it differs greatly from what his neigh aors think ho is worth. Try me Just once nnd I nm sure to come ncaln. Defiance Stnrch. An ordinary hypocrlto Is ono who lust cau't help being so, and who wouldn't If ho could. To tho housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things of everyday use in tho market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest thnt a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch bo made at once. Not alone because It is guar anteed by the manufacturers to bo su perior to any other brand, but because each 10c packago contains 10 ozs while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is snfe to nuy that tb6 lady who once usen Deflancu Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. Is it possible wo nro not to havo a dramatized version of tho Chadwlck caso? wmmm Afcgcfablc Pr epatalioniorAs- siirwating uicrooaandKcciua ling thcSloinachs andBoweis of Promotes Digcslion.Clieerfiir nessandRcst.Conlains iteilltcr Onium.Morpluuc norIiivcral. NOT XA11C OTIC . jdftofoujirSiiicamcHm JlxSnut Jiffitrmul -liiCaiatakSciai HaiHjTrtd uznAtdAifnr llhlnyrmt nann Aperfccl Remedy rorConsUpn non, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcnsh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. L EXACT COPY aF WRABfiER. i elf! m'jMZbz 'Ktft!a-ju fRtr PrS S L3L7kKJ9BPnSKHHE8iol These Shoes were Awarded Croud Prize at St Louis World's Fau Tbo I'ATIIIOT S1IOK for Mon 1 mailfl frrtn all lathi,M. oyer atrlUb yH oomfortablo lists, to Ct sny U-t. Titer a Gooilrear lro'H, which meana flexilila aolea. vrl.ti po wsxortsci to Irruato t 9 foot. Ttoa ALVYfLOWiilt hllO.": fir YWnii I la raailo la welts ami hand tarns. la atjllab, durable ai"t m i. for"a' . Aalc Tuur dealer (or them. If h does nit bannio th-a - , trrltn ni direct. Tuist will rjluam von and tvu will i"t trm tl cents to $1.60 per pair ia prices uauailr charted fr shoo f mis onaracier. MOTHERHOOD Actual Sterility in Women Is Very Rare Healthy Mothers and Children Make Happy Homes. Many women long for a child to bless. muir iitJiiu-3, uui, ueeauso ot homo de bility or displacement of tho femalo organs they aro barren. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydla K. Plnklmra's Vegetable Compound moro successfully thnn by any other mcdlclno, because It plvqs tone and strength to the entire female organism, curing nil displace ments, ulceration and inflammation. A woman who is in good physical condition transmits to her children tho blessings of a good constitution. Is not that an lncontlvo to prepare for a healthy maternity V If expectant mothers would fortify themsolvcn with Lydla K. Plnkham's Vcgotnblo Compound, which for thirty years hna sustained thousands of women in this condition, there would bo a great decrease In miscarriages, In suffering, nnd in disappointments at birth. Tho following letters to Mrs. Pink ham demonstrate tho power of Lydla 15. Plnkham's Vcgotnblo Compound In such cases. Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice-President of Milwankco Business Woman's Associa tion, of OH Orovo Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Flnlchamt "I was marriod for sovoral yoars nnd no children blessed our homo. Tho doctor said I hiul a complication of fomalo troubles and I could not have any children unle I could bo cured. For months I took his medicine, trying in vain for a euro, but nt last mr hus band becamo disgusted and Busrirostod that I Many Women Have Bcca Benefited by DEMPSTER IMPROVED STEEL WIND MILL NO 7 ROtLEgmHCEARl THEY STOP THE NOISE AND LESSEN THE WEAR. LATEST. STRONGEST. DEST. FACTORY. BEATRICE, km BRANCH HOUSES: Kaiui City, Ua., Omaha, Neb,, Blsux Falli, 6.1). B'e nearest dealer or write for circular. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of VHi eiNTMin loaMNr, Naw vork city. vvVfi -"ffc 5rrJWv -gzm Spvsa VMltcN MB V 'TY IfnY ff3. J I Vflll VJ the i M ise si For fher Thirty Years I try Lydia E. PJnldwm's Vegetable Com. pound; this I did, nnd I improved steadily in litviUh, nnd In Ipsa than two years a beautiful child eamo to blesn our homo. Now wo have pomotlilng to livo for, and all tho credit it dae to Lydla E. Piukliam's Vegotablo Com pound." Mrs Mno P. Whnrry, Secretary of tho North Shoro Oratorical Society, Tho Norman, Milwaukee, Wis., writes. Dear Mrs. l'lnklmmt " I was married for five years and gav birth to two premnturo children. Lydla 13. l'inkliatn'g Vegetable Compound was rocom mo, and Iunw gkui I took it, for It changed mo from a wenk, nervous woman to a strong, happy ami healthy ono within seven months. Within two years a lovely littlo girl was born, which ii the prido and Joy of our household. Every day 1 nlets mil E Pinkham't Veritable Compound for tho light, liealth.and happiness it brought to our home." Jf any woman thinks bIio is sterile, or has doubts about her ability to carry a child to a mature birtli lot her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lyun, Mass., whoso advico la freo to all expectant or would-bo mothers. Sho hnH helped thousands of women through this anx ious poriod. Women Buffering with Irregular or painful menstruation, loucorrnoca, dis placement, ulceration or inflammation, of tho womb, that benrlng down feel ing or ovarlnn trouble, backache, bloat ing or nervous prostration, should re member that Lydla E. Plnkham's Vcge tablo Compound holds tho record for tho greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills, and accept no substi tute. Mrs. PInkhaM's Advice and Nedrclae. Comfort Economy A Cool Kitchen NoklrnUlrjititochonnorUrt-orulakltshrn ns comfortitbla R tlio lilting room thnt'i VuIcAj Mtalmlj Jtut turnllm t1tb itrlke a initcb adJ Ton Iiut liuuullr a ril hot tiro BiiillnnoKnwririiakftvt lurxmlr. AndltooeU nimoiinoiAinif lor tocpur, thut'f all. It'aiuet in Impln unJ a bate ae an oraioary KctrtMurio It ! built Broonllna lo tli euranc peopla'a iuoaa tbejr IHilU IJiO QUICK ME (Evaporator) GASOLINE STOVE v In rer7ol6''raTto liipir xaii ftdiiiraeuon. Tlin Oulnk Mnl tavnn liAlf un holir'fl lbn nvnrr mnrnlnff anil fiftir o much tlinadurinuatlar. You can mil It In. to four Dlulna Itoom. It jou profor-wbercr you ulha Quick Mral. rour room remain clean, cool ami coiuforUVlo. Vim Lould baro a QuUb ileal la Your kite lion. If jronr dealer doeaa'tcarrr It, ttll ua, and wfu aali you. Would You Like a Present? ,Wa will aeml jou onUilna wru'-wne. thing ron'll Itki If you'll linplr tell o jour iruuK mKK ..u.., huu mmt nupuirr u. f not no came ymc. juimi. hikrv i VTnmoptaulinoliiotrt3enr I will be sura to reaoh you aaielr. Elects Star Co., Sir. Uaker 415N. OlaSt-, H(.I-ool,Mo. 'follow thtriJo!1 fer, weauy 4ra, Meed Rates Round Trip Niagara Falls, N. Y., tickets sola July 17, 18, 19. Toronto, Ont., tickets sola June 18, 19, 21. 22. IniHanRUOlla, Intl., tlokets sold Juno 19 20 21 22. Asliury 'l'ark, N. J., tickets Bold Ju'ie a, 29. 30, July let. Baltimore, Md tlckots old July 1, 2. 3. nuttulo, N. Y tickets sold July 7, 8, 9. I.onjr limits, stop-overs nnd many other jonturea can bo offered In connection with tlio above dates Vrlto mo and lot mo fcend you mniiH, dobcrlptlvo matter, folders, ratos from either Omaha ot Chi cago and all other Information. ItAltllY U. MOOllCS, G. A. 1. D AVnbanli It, It., Oninlin, Xelir. Greatly MIXED FARMINQ nk... ..., a...ib ti.A -wain ihnwn ipnni1rnt reiultt ivi the Free Horaettead Lands of n ettcra Canada thli year, Uacnlflcen t climate farmers plowing la their ihlrt (leeve In the middle of No ember. "All are bound to be more than pieasedwlth tho Chil re.u"' if the pateaua'a harvest." Extract, Coal wckJ. water, har tn abandonee. Bchools, chun.uoa, msrcU convenient. Apr y t"r l"f 'nratlon to Saperlntecdeat of Imml frail, n Ottawa t'anida, or to auiuoruod Cauadlaa li ner.-Ti.t A.iwit V. V. lletinett, Wl Hew VorlC L fe Uui.Jmi;. Ou.aha, Kebranka, rieoac say w.'Cte yja saw this adrertltemeot. When AnS' Advertisements Kindly rVcit'on This Paper. V. M. U. Omaic. No. 201905. U) L'JlIh" WkarrLTtill lleat t ttTlLii 1 j.-7ei l-ih r?l lc titax hrdrutfctt- jump. Tm m & v? ttri tMVJf0SB at mms f i KrAjW'? IS 'I "rwtn0mm' wmm Wsmu WHEAT mma MImm tL UMm vm3&sm3S2&