The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 11, 1905, Image 8
Y o u r S p D e e o r a t i o n s ring YOUR, good clothes for Spring-' are here waiting, forou to put on. J If you are a man of judgment in clothes, you ll have a chance to exercise it this season, in comparing our suits and overcoats, as made by America's best manufacturers including Sterling, Adler and i Hart S chaff n er & Marx with clothes produced by other makers You'll say that the styles are better, the- tailoring, the fit, the quality. We positively guarantee every . garment bearing our F A M CT U S LABEL. 'r Our guarantee means something. It's a money-back proposition whenever our clothes go wrong. If we have an opportunity to clothe you, you'll be satis fied with'your looks, and with our prices. i Guaranteed Suits from $10.00 and up to $25 Hats, Shoes and Furnishings from America's leading manufacturers are the only kind sold by us. T h e Famous OtlHllf louse A STORE FOR MEN! We have a line of cheap suits, well made. at $3.95, $5.00 and $6.oo. ' t Copyright tqo bv Hart Schafrner & Marx MARSLAND. Mrs. C. H, Richey is much improved in health. A, P, Athcrton has sold his homestead to August Rhodes. Tom Spencer, the grocery man was in town on Saturday. True Miller and family were down from the ranch on Saturday. A. E. Byers and Hoy Hichey made a trip to Crawford, Friday. A. McLaughlin had a valuable horse run Into a vire fence and kill itself. Mrs. Mary Hughes was transacting business in Crawford on Wednesday, George Gregg has purchased a potato planter and will put in seventy acres of spuds. . L. T. Poole and son. Smith, of Alliance, spent Sunday at the T. J, Poole home, east of town, L. Snow and daughter Fern, and son Lynn, went to Alliance, Friday night re maining till Sunday. Will Nicholson lost the first joint of one of his lingers by letting a barrel of cattle dip come down upon it. Miss Monkres, of Chadron, who had been visiting at James Tollman's for a few days took 41 for Crawford on Friday. A Mr. Eegerton and family of Crawford who were en route to Lincoln Co., were storm staid at the Commercial, four days last week. Mrs. A, McLaughlin came up from Alli aucoon4i, Suuday having been down to consult Dr. Bellwood regarding her throat and neck trouble. H. G. Furman lost fifteen head of cat tle last week, presumably from taking cold during the storm, altera vetrinary opera tion had been performed. Mr. Baden of Denver, an eye special ist, was at the Commercial a few days re-1 ccnuy. 1 nose who nau incir eyes irsieu and glasses fitted were Mrs. Robert Niece and Mrs, E. T. Gregg. S. P. Tuttle was in town Saturday with the fine imported jack owned by a com pany ot ranchmen west ol town, it was imported from the Catlin Islands, and the purchase price was one thousand dollars. lakesideTights. Our hotel hasdhanged hands once again, also rates. , Rev. Lyons and family made a business trip to Alliance, yesterday. They will return today. Everybody in Lakeside has been in vited to a big program and box social at Reno Friday night, May 12. A night cap social at the school house, with ice cream and cake, Thursday night, is the present social event. R. A. Cook is on a business trip to Alli ance and visiting his family in that place. He is expected home tonight. Rev, Lyons expects to make his initial appearance and address at the Foster school house next Sunday May 14, 3 p. m. Mr. Down our new section foreman, for some cause was suddenly and unexpected ly let out of his job. We trust he soon be reinstated and get to work again. Miss Bertha Burleigh of Hcmingford, is visiting old friends here. Miss Bur leigh lead the devotional meeting of the Epworth League last Sunday night. Miss Loemma Swoyer has resigned her school at Schill and accept&d a situation ; with tho Spade ranch. At present she is j visiting friends in a,nd around Lakeside. I Ex-Hotel Proprietor Tyler has moved his family to a ranch southeast of town while the owner, Mr. Ashburger has moved to their ranch two miles southwest. George land Henry Ashburger have been very busy rcpapering and otherwise repairing the hotel for the new landlord, Mr. Bristol. You probably think it funny THAT WE WOULD USE THIS VALU ABLE SlACE TO SAY TABLE OIL CLOTH. THERE ARE DIFFERENT GRADES OF OIL CLOTH AS THERE ARE EVERYTHING ELSE. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF THE BEST ONLY. WE NEVER BUY A SECOND. 5!Cs:iy5CySiC5535V ( ZK iDorace UBogue Store. In the days .of seventy -six the people could not enjoy luxuries at the price of actual necessities. In the present year of our Lord, nineteen - live, 'TIS DIFFERENT. Look at this full-sized iron bed, designed on good lines, made on honor, finished as it should be, and priced phenomenally low. No one else ever offered you an iron bed Such as This for You can get one of us if you'll but say the word. i (Exactly Like Cut.) The same applies to this elm, golden-finished wood seat,.braced-back rocking chair. Did any one else ever offer you a rocking chair to equal the one shown here in this cut, for the small sum of $1.41 THAT'S THE PRICE. 'Phone us, No. 139, or call at the store. We will deliver promptly. Please bear in mind the fact that we have everything to furnish your home. (Exactly Like Cut.) Geo. D. Darling, Housefurnisher ALLIANCE,, NEBRASKA 1- -a