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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1905)
I . i A JUOOE'S WIFE Sirs. Carries King, Darlington, Mo., writes: "I have suffered for years with biliousness, and kidney and liver trouble. " caught a little cold, tho pains were Increased and backache and headache were of frequent occurrence. "Ilowevcr, Peruna cured me twelve bottles made mo a healthy woman." mmi. l.j The Secret 'of Good Coffee Even tho best housekoopers cannot mako a good cup of coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and quoorly blondod coffco such as unscrupulous dealers bIiovcI over their counters won't do. But tako tho puro, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, the leader of all package colfccs-- tho coffco that for over a quarter of a century has boon daily wolcomod in millions of homes and you will moko a drink fit for a king in this way : i HOW TO MASSE GOOD COFFEE. TJse LTON COFFER, boennso to pet beat remits you must ure tho best coffee. Grind your LION CUFWE rathur flno. t'sa "a tablespoonful to each cr.p, and ono extra for tho pot." First mix it with a littlo colli water, enough to mako a tldck piste, and add whlto of an cgj; (if eg Is to bo used tu a settler), then follow ono of tho following rnlca : lit. WITH BOILING WATT3L. Aild bolllno water, anil let It boll TTIRCE MINUTTS ONLY. Add n little cold water and net aside live mtnutca to kcIIIc. Serve promptly. 2d. WITH COLIJ WATER. Add your cold waJcr to the paste and bring It to a boll. Then set aside, add a little cold water, and In live minutes it's ready to nerve. Q (Don't boll It too lonrr. Don't lot It stand more than ton mlnutQabeforosorvInff. BOOT'S (.Don't uso water that has boon boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st With Cans. Uea part of tho wUlto of an egg, mixing It with tho ground LION COFFEE before toiling. 3d. With Cold Water inatead of eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and get aside for eight or ten minutes, then serve through a strainer. H Insist on (jetting a package of genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according to tills recipe and you will only use LION COFFEE In future. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.) (Lion-head on every package.) (Save thcso Lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio. irrgrnT.ia;mwvra - MOST PROFITABLE FARM INVESTMENT. This Is what tho Cream Separator has proved to bo. Twenty years of experi ence upon tno part of hundreds of thousands of users in every coun try of tho world bear witness to tho fact. No ono disputes it. Thero never was a better timo to mako this all-important farm investment than tho nresent. Butter is tin. p-'cedentcdly high in price. It is most uuairablo that none bo left go to wasto, and that tho quality bo such as to command top prices. If you have cream to separate you ennrot afford to delay this investment a singlo day. If you haven't tho ready cash thq machino will earn its cost whilo you aro paying for it. The De Laval Separator Co. Randolph & Canal Sti. I 74 Cortland! Strut NEW YORK CHICAGO tffiVECfr '!$!$&!' "BUMP WATERPBOOr- RECEIVED THE: HIGHEST F05S1BLE AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'5 PAIR. 5end us the nwnes of dealers in your town who do not .icll our goods, and we will .send you o. collection of pictures, in colors, of famous towers of the vorld. sra A. J. TOWER CO, E3TAM.I3HED lojtf. BOSTON. NlWYCiM. CHICASO. 1 TOWCR CAHAMAN CO I t4. 70KOK FrTf?rTfflS! DR. IVlcC. RE W For SO rears lias made, n "peolal.y of jmsi:askmkmi:n. kuiu- een ym In Omaha, .lit Home Treatment baa pt-rminently cured thousands at small com. Save time and money by doaarlb lnr your cane, and write (or Free book and terms ot treatment. Md tclno ami lu plain pacltare. Doz T84. Omca 1S South UtE Street, Omaha. Nebraska. PAIN 1H THE PACK AND SIDE Quickly Cured by a Short Course of Pe-ru-na. Mrs. minnie e. McAllister, wifo of Judpo McAllister, writes from 1217 West 33rd street, Minneap olis, Minn., as follows: "I suffered for years with a pain In the small of my back and right side. It interfered often with my domestic and social duties and t never supposed that I would be cured, as the doctor's medl cine did not seem to help mo any. "Fortunately a member of our Order adviscn mo to try Pcruna and gavo it such hiph praiso that I decided to try it. Although I started in with littlo faith, I felt so much better in a week that I felt encouraged. "I took it faithfully for seven weeks and am happy indeed to bo ablo to say that I am entirely cured. 1 Words fall to express my gratitude. Perfect health once more Is the best thlng I could wish for, and thanks to Pcruna, I enjoy that now." Pain in tho back, or on tho right side IIow often a physician hears this complaint! x Over and over wo hear women say: "I have a paid in tho small of my back. I have a pain in my right side, just be low tho ribs." Thcso symptoms indicate pelvic or abdominal catarrh. They indicate that tho bowels are nob actlug properly that tho liver is out of order that tho pelvic organs aro congested. Pelvic catarrh tint is tho namo for it. Pcruna cures pelvic catarrh, when all of these symptoms disappear. Tho catarrh may bo all in tho abdom inal organs, when it would bo properly called abdominal catarrh. At any rate, it is one of those cases of internal catarrh which can bo reached only by a courso of treatment with Pcruna. Yo have on file thousands of testi monials similar to tho above. It is im possible hero to give our readers moro than ono or two specimens of tho num ber of grateful and commendatory let ters Dr. llartman is constantly receiv ing in behalf of his famous catarrh remedy, Pcruna. w.waTsxnsm-n Ycttre The Bishop's Timely Text. Ono of tho occasions when Bishop Brooks preached at Harvard a special musical servlco was given. Solomon , better known to the students as "Sol," again consented to sing for tho great proachqr. Ho sang a solo before tho sermon in fine voice and in a beau tiful way that touched his hearers. Tho irapres3lvo silence that followed was broken by tho famous bishop's toxt: "Saul, Eul, why psrsecutcst ihou mo?" Boston Herald. Ten a Penny. Let us ncvir forgot that tho best gift within our power to convey is Justice. Many a good giver falls to pay his full score, becauso of preju dice, narrowness, or personal antip athy. Lu Bruyoro. Charms of the Riviera. It has been pointed out that the tomperaturo on the Tllvlcra Is a very few degrees above that of tho south of England, but tho charm lies in tho almost constant succession of days of sunshine. For Rent or Sale, Two Ranches of 3,000 Acres Each. I.oeated In Custor county on South Loup river; consists of 500 acres good corn land, CO alfalfa, 320 meadow and the balance In pasture; good Improve ments. Innuiro of Victor II. CofTman, Omaha, Nob. Old maids ofton havo tho honesty to confess that thoy would havo mar ried had thoy boon glvon tho oppor tunlty. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood euros Uupturo by a new process. In a few weeks, with' out loss of timo or inconvenience Rectal diseases cured without tbo knlfo. Sond for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., 521 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omaha. It takos an empty bead- to rise tc tho heights of fashion. Defiance Stnroh is guaranteed bis i Best and best or money refunded. It I ounces, 10 cents. Try It now. ' THREE WERE KILLED Collapse of a Building With Fatal Results OMAHA Throo parsons woro klllod and six' Injured In tho collapso of tho four story brick building of tho Omaha Caskot compnny on flraco street, be tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streots, Wednesday nttornoon during .tho storm which came up about 4 o'clock. Nino persons woro In tho building at tho timo. Tho structure was reduced to a mas of ruins. Tho building was isolated from any protection from tho wind. The win dows woro all raised. Tho wind appar ently first lifted tho roof and as It was blown off It dragged on tho timbers of tho building and aided tho wind In demolishing tho main structure. The roof was flat. Tho first floor of tho building was used largoly as n store room of finished coffins and coffin ma terial. It was thcso grim objects that saved tho lives of most of those who escaped death, as they prcvontod tho floors from completely coming to. gother ns they foil. Tho south wall was razed to tho bottom nnd fell In ward, adding greatly to tho difficulty of rescuo, as tho brick almost covered tho wrecked Interior. Many of tho finished coffins that woro in boxes bo camo supports for tho wreck and cons trlbuted to tho cscnpo of those who wero on tho first floor. SIXTY-TWO ARE DEAD. List of May Day Casualties at Warsaw Increases Rapidly. WARSAW Tho May day death roll totalled sixty-two, Including ton per sons who died In tho hospitals during tho night. Probably 200 were wounded. Crowds gathered at tho Tenth dis trict pollco station in tho mornlnsr. whoro thirty victims, men and women nnd threo children, wero awaiting Identification. Somo minor disturbances occurred Tuesday In different sections of the city, but no casualties havo yet boon reported. All day long Infantry and cavalry patrolled tho streets, which wero crowded with people who did not sparo tholr criticism of what was gen orally termed unnecessary slaimhcr Tho popular Irritation could not be concealed. Tho soldiers evidently weer nervous and open outbreaks re sulting In a repetition of yesterday's torrlblo scenes were only averted by tho evident deslro of tho nuthorltlos to prevent a clash, coupled with tho fear Inspired by tho soldiers' bullets. Tho population Is most bitter ngalnst tho military and government officials oxpect many attempts at revenge on tho officers, nil of whom aro known. PAYMASTER BECOMES WILD C. S. West, Untted States Army Offi cer, Creates Trouble on Train. , CHICAGO Excitement In n trnln on tho Chicago, Mllwaukeo & St. Paul railroad was caused by C. S, West, a government paj master, until recently stationed nt Manila. Ho was returning to his homo In Now York on an ex tended leavo of absence becauso of III health. Fifty miles outsldo of Chicago, tho crew of tho train say, West became violent Ho attacked tho conductor, who attempted to quiet him, and In tho struggle several panes of glass wero broken In tho car. Tho men and women In tho car fled Into other coaches. Tho brakemon wero called In and after a struggle West was sub dued, Ho was carried Into tho bag gage car and kept under control until tho Union station was reached. From thero ho was taken to a pollco eta tlon, where ho Is being held. Ho was examined as to his mental condition. 2,000 TONS OF HORSE MEAT. That Amount Was Ut-ed In Berlin Last Year. WASHINGTON Horse flesh ns an article of diet Is rapidly becoming moro popular In Germany, according to a report mado to tho state depart ment by Frank H. Mason, United States consul general at Berlin. This Is duo, Mr. Mason enys. to tlio rigid meat lnsooctlon law recently passed in Germany, and which Is on eratlvo upon all meat Imported Into the country. In Berlin 13,000 horsos were killed for meat last year, and tho -1,000.000 pounds of moat which thoy yielded woro vontled In sixty-four shops. In Broslsu. tho pqnulntlon of which Is only 500,000, nsialnst 2 500,000 In Berlin, the meat of 3 800 horses was paten. Tho working people aro large consumers of horse meat. Rudolph Will Be Hanged. ST. LOUIS, Mo, James A. Finch, ono of tho counsel for William Ru dolph, who Is to bo hanged at Union, Mo., Monday for the murdor of De toctlvo Charles J. Shumacher, said Sunday night thtat ho had Interceded with Governor Folk over tho tele phono, but to no purpose. The gov ornor Informed him that ho would not further consider granting a commuta tlon of Rudolph's sentence Northwestern Issues Stock. NOW YORK Tbo directors of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company In a special meeting adopted a resolution for the issuance of addl tlonal common stock to an amount equal to 15 por cent of tho total pre ferred and common stork now out standing. Tho iseuo of stock has al roady been authorized by tho stock holders. The stockholders havo tho prlvllego of subscribing at par to the extent of 15 per cent of tholr holdings on June 1. The now Issuo of stock Is for Improvements and betterment Provided Handsomoly for Pet9. Quite a largo sum was lort by n Rajput prlnco eonio thirty years o"ro "for tho malntonnnco n comfort" of his three favorite olophnnts and n pet tiger. A curious provision was that Bpcclal trappings nnd cloths woro to bo provided for tho olophnnts, whllo tho tiger wns to bo rotated with a specially mentioned diet, nnd was to bo provided with a solid gold collar studded with a lnrgo number of pro clous stones. Cannot Reduce a Rate. It is stnted In Washington, that tinder tho Townsond rnto bill, if a rnto Is fixed by tho Commission It cannot bo lowered by a railroad. Should an omorgency arlso calling for a decreased rnto, Uio railroads or shippers would havo to appeal again to tho Commission, thero bolng no latltudo allowed, whatovcr tho cir cumstances, Hitherto n maximum rato has boon tho rulo, but no Btich concession Is mado under tho pro posed legislation. Poor Russian Peasants, So poor nro tho Russian peasants, says Dr. E. J. Dillon, hi an article In tho Nineteenth Contury, that ovon tho roach and black beotlo can not And sustcnanco In tholr huts. 6 gtmrantocd Interest semi-annually on all Investments, In tropical plantation half as lnrgo as HliodoIslatid.-tO profitable products. Actlvo managers nnd agents wanted. 13. Mooro,2HOdd Follows' fildg.,St.LouIs,Mo. Unique Jail. Tho town of Kcnnoth, Cal,, has no jail building. So It has put an Iron door at tho mouth of u mining tunnel, and tho tunnel makes a roomy and so euro calaboose. On tho borders between China and Russia, In Asia, is n good-sized town known as Marlnntchln, which Inhab ited exclusively by men. An old law forbids woman to llvo thero. Thero Is only ono moro exasperating thing on earth than a balky horse, and that's tho man who rofuses to bo con vinced when you havo presented plain proof that black Is white. Tho poor man has ono causo for congratulations In tho fnct that ho's always got ton times tho nppotlto of a millionaire. Farm Llfo. CITC Permanently cored. No ftnornerretirapnarter r 1 1 O lint diy'a u e of Dr. Kline's CI rent Nerve Kenton, or. Rend for l'ltKK H't.OU trial liullle anil treatlio. Vu. K. U. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch Street, I'hlludelptda, 1 Soul possessions nro tho only as sets that count In heaven. rr. Dnrlil KJIhipiIt's ravorlto Itonintty Is adapted to txOi sexes and nil aae Cures KMner and Llreriomplalut, and purine the blood, tlalluruttffliu. Tho richer tho llfo within tho Blm ?lor will bo that without. Mrn. TlnIntr' ptmtlilnsr Cyrnp. Tor children trelutne, tottem tho gmna, reduces tr Baminalloa, alia) i pain, cures wind collo. Sic a bottle. All power is born of pain. "IT SAVED iViY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadsen Tells How Sho Tried Lydla E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound Just In Time. Mrs. T. C. Willadsen, of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. l'inkham: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : " I can truly 6ay that you have saved my life, nnd I cannot express my gratitudo to vou in words. "Bofore I wroto to you, tolling you how I felt, I had doctored for over two years stnndy nnd spent lots of money on medicines Ix-slden, but ft nil fatlod to help mo. My raomhly po riods had ceased nnd I suffered much pnin, with fainting spells, headache, hackwho nnd bearine-down pain, and I wns ko tvenk I could hardly koop around. As a last resort I dscidftl to writo you nnd try Lytlfu E. Pink ham's Vccetablo Compound, and I am to thankful that I did, for after following your Instructions, whleh you bent tno freo of nil charpo, my monthly jwrioila fctartod ; I am regular and iu porfoet health. Hail it not boen for you I would bo in my grave tolay. " I sincerely trust tliat this letter may lead every sufrorfns woman in tlio country to writo you for help as I did." When women aro troubled with Ir regular or painful menstruation, weak ness, leucorrhoca, displacement or ul ceration of tho womb, that bearine; down feellntr, inflammation of tho ova ries, backache, ilntulcnce, general de bility, indigestion and nervous prostra tion, they should remember thero Is one tried and trim remedy. Lydla K, l'inkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other fomalo med Iclne in the world has received such widespread and un qualified endorfcotnent. Refuse all sub stitutes. Mrs. Pinltham invites all slclc women to writo hor for advice. She has glided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and fatter colon than any Atkietler or we will tend post paid at 10c a package, 9G.lT.$JrfU T 'III but ouuiv OH m 1X4 M IT Urta SIWWIICieAR ALWAYS RELIABLE v our jobber or direct irom factory, feorla, IU. ffiAlrxTCWiltadsen g lfia Joes Your Whnt's tho matter with you? It hodoos, tho chances aro ho tuny help you, hut many times womon call on tholr family physicians. u(Trlng, as thoy Imagine, ono from aysKpila, another from heart dlnoasd, another from llvor or kidney dis ease, another from ttorvtins exhaustion or prostration, another with pain horo and there, and In this way thoy all pro sont alike to themselves and tholr eusy going and lndlfToront,orovnr-busydocUr, Hepnrnto and distinct diseases, for which he, assuming thorn loliosiich, proscribes hl.s pills nnd potions. In reality they nro nil only sinipwnM caused by somo womb disease The physician, Ignorant of tho anise of 8ufTorlng. encourages this prac tlco until large hills aro mado. Tho suf fering patient gets no bettor, but proba bly worse, by reason of tho delay, wrong treatmont nnd cmisontioiit complications. A proper incdlcltia like Dr. Pierce's Fn vorlto Proscription, tllrcrtol to the cautc would have outlrcly removed tho disease, thereby disponing all thoso distressing symptoms, and Instituting comfort In stead of prolonged misery. It has been woll said that "a disease known, Is halt cured." In coses almost Innumerable, aftor all other medicines had failed to help and doctors had said Micro was no euro possible, tho uso of Dr. Plnrco's Fa vorlto Prescription, supplemented whon necessary by tho medical advice and counsel of Dr. Pierce, bus resulted In a perfect and erniaiient euro. Tho genu lnoness of those cuius Is nttested not only by tho entire dlsnmioarniico of pain, but by a gain of flesh, a clear coiuploxlon and a cheerful disposition. Cuiies OnsriNATi: Casks. "Favorlto Prescription" Is a posltlvo cure for tho most complicated and olwtluato coses of loucorrhaa, oxcosslve flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions and lrrogularltcs, prolapsus or falling of tho womb, wenlc back, "fouialo weak ness, " antoverslon, retroversion, bearing down sensations, chronic congestion, In flammation and ulceration of (ho womb, Inflammation, pnin and tenderness of tho ovaries, accompanied with "Internal heat." Rollablo doalers recommend "Favorlto Proscription." With tricky ones, some thing elso that pays them hotter will probably bo urged upon you as "just as Thcso Shoes Grand Prize at St. Tho 1'ATItIOT RIIOIC for Men is made from all leathers, over stylish yet oomtortablo lists, to fit any foot. Thoy ar doodyoar wells, which me an a floxllila aolen, with no wnx or taoka to Irrltato tho foot. Tlio MAVJFI.OtVKU HUOH for Woaon la mado In welts sod band turns. Is ityllah, ilurablo and comfortable A alt your ilaaler (or thara. If ha doea not handle thoae shoes, wrlta ns dlreot. They will pleaae yoa and yoa will sara from 60 cents to 1.(0 por pair In prloos uaaxlly ohareed for shoos ot this cbarsotor. W. L. DOUGLAS $3,50 & $309 QHOES MADE. W. f,. IliHiclna Sl.fiO ahoea nre (hn greittrat aellera lii tho world ltt-ctniar tlieli cf-tllcnt atvln, riiay II It I ns and aiijie rhir enrlnitfiimllllo. 'I'lii-v urw Jnat u unuil ua tlniau Ihut rnt ft-um S..!i liK7,00, 'i'lie only illtrureneo I (tin price V. I,. loiisl:ie fil.!.rtO aliova coat morn to mulct, hold lliulr ehiipe tiettt-t-. iveur lonsei-, mill iti-corerculor viilno tli.lti imy othi-rtfl.."Oalioo 011 llix oiiirUi-t (n-duy. W. 1,. Itoiiiiliia Glim--niiloea tlielr auliin iiy ataiiiiilnir til nikinc iitnl itrJi-a on tlio t.ottom olVneli alloc. Look for it. TilUn no ailliatlloto. V. I.. JloiiBlna4i:l..1 ahoea are aolit tlirouuti tilaotvn rotullatorea In tlurliirliiiil rlllea.nndliy loxKli'iilera uvery where. .o oiul trr wlit-i-uy on II vc,V.lj.loiijtlua ahuca are wllhliiyoiii'rvuuli. ItKTTCn TA.Y OTIWn UAKBS AT ANY P1UCB. "For thulatlthrrt vtart I hate worn W.t.DmQUiti.VlttuK'nrvlfoundUnot anlv ai ooort, but brlttr Hum nnv iho' that I ftfr hwi. reitrllrtt ofpHet." CAui. U fan-tit. Am. Vaihler Vir Capital .Vattonal llaut, liuiianapolu, nil. Boys wear W. X. Donylaj $2,50 and $2.00 shoes became thoy fit better, hold their shapo, and wear longor than other makes. W.LOOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. II. U DoiioIim uirt Corona ColltUn n hit f 3(0 thoet. Corona toll it conitjerttt to te the Jtnett patent leather produced.'HWltl.NOTWnAKllRASSr ..W. I- IlonuUi ha tho lamest ihoe mall order htialnraa In the world. No trouble to K't n (11 by mall. -,e. extra prepara dellrery. If you riealre further Information, urlte or llluttrated Catalogue 0 Spring Stylei. w.i .nnnntfls. RBoriiTnii uisaruiisrTTB WSBBBaaBiBasara-anasaaaBBsaaSBBHSiBBHBBSBBaBaBsaBaaBBaBBBBBaaBiBBasBBi 4 INTEREST. Have you money that is idle, or which should be invested ? Do you want a loan against your farm ? Write for circulars of the oldest Lnd strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. CITY SAVINGS BANK, 20! S. 16th St., OMAHA. MssssssrTfysgwBrmuiJ!! "siaikMaaiJgugL-irayy 'W (ftp , , JjoajHBpy- I 111 pi.aB- EUY YOUR 00-CAHr AND DADY CARRIAGES dlroi-t '.rom iiiuiui'netiircr Wo will soil you rutnll nt M lioleHiilu prl-ci-H. Wo currv tho bt'Ht and nncntltiiDwoat of C'lilcueo. Call or send foruaialofiiu. Omaha Rted & Rattan Works 1512 Howard Omaha. Nob, A CLEAR, HEALTHY SK1H Band&olm t Eetema and Bkla Remedy Purifies, Then Hoolo l'oltlToly cures Keiema, I'lmpler , l.rupilm. JnMt-t Hltea and all dla- en.emif theaklu. An ahulcte tura far Stodrutf v Scalp dlaie. H Ail: DrmrgUt or Baruer or send fur 78EEM naaru ana iiuutti,ci, write tu-ay. Pt. G. 5AWDH0L1I DRDQ CO., 1)M Hoi cm, la. ItC'i ' t pi, .rSJar r r i Mtotl; Ayr i 1 JP I liMHiij'jffi'aiJlui FADELESS DYES. olh r die. One 10c pacVass color ullt, wool a" rrticn cqja'ly well and It guaranteed to give perfect result: VVria lor free booklet-How to Die. Bleach and Uu Colors. MU.SHOJHila CO., Cnlonvlhe, Mimuri $100 Weekly Easily Made wrltlott health and acoldent tnioranre;experlenee nn neceary.WrltaBaakeri'Aca4entCo.,I)eMotn.Ia. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 191905. Boeiop Know good." Perhaps It Is for than, but It can't bo for vow. Da H. V. 1'iEnOR nufTida N. Y.t m Dear Sfr I ulTercd for four rears with fnlllntr of womb and trcneral fern uio weak ness, had terrible bAcknrhe and headache ami especially tllstn'silnu times at monthly periods. Our family physician prcscrlbou norc.ra! remedies but althouirli he was an old and excellent doctor ho wm unablo to rollova mo. Dr. t'lereo's I'avorlto Proscription was brought to my attention and upokon of o highly that I decided to chaniro medicine? and tako that 1 was Indeed .pleased to find that this remedy nillovcd my pains within two days, ami at tho next period, thoro was a itroat chnneo for iho better. After ten wcoka' uso of tho 'Tarorlto Prescription" I was not only cured but my general health was much lettor than It had iron for throo 3 earn. 1 took on nosh, my complexion be came smooth and clear, and I now enjoy tho best ot health, thanks to Dr. Plcrco's cfllclcut remedy. Mas. A. E. lloitTNcn, 106 Boventh Street, Portland. Orceon. Dr. Plorco's Favorlto Prescription con tains no alcohol, Is entirely vegetable and was tho llrst exclusively woman's tonlo on tho market It has sold moro largely lu the past third of a century than any other medicine for womon. All other compounds Intended for wom en only aro mado with alcohol, or alcohol Is a lnrgo component. This alcohol Injures tho nerves. Tho little red corpuscles of tho blood aro shrunken by alcohol. All such compounds, therefore, do hnrm. "Tho Peoplo's Medical Advisor" con tains several chapters devoted to tho physiology of women, with directions for self-trentmont which every womnn ougbfc to read. A paper-bound copy sent abso lutely freo on receipt of 21 ono-cent stamps to pay for mailing only! or cloth bound, ?l stamps. Address Dr. U, V. Plerco, UuiTalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's 8WS! tor of good health, and good health Is largely a mat ter of healthy activity of tho Iwwels. Dr. Plorco's Pleasant Pellets euro constipa tion. They aro safe, suro and speedy, nnd onco taken do not have to bo taken always. Ono little "Pellet" Is a gontlo laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Thoy never iJa,ttfxi-cL grlpo. Ly all druggists. KW-IIGUTj wero Awarded Louis World's FaJ Mil. PIANOS I'rom linker lo Viicr. Cut oul AbcuIh I'ront. SAVE A CLEAN 100 Don't tlilnlt of buylns a plnno with out 11rnt Kettlntr our cittalnK prices anil temiR on the famous "MuUler" piunoa and SO other niukcs. ADDnKSS SCimOlLEil MUELLER I'iiiiio SliiUrm, Oninlin, Neb. un i wib iiaiaw3a TWEHTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE Is tho rooord on tho Froo Homo etoad Lands of WostornCanada for 1004. Tile 110.000 farmer! fr,,m the United durinsr tho nat term ycara bare gouo to Canada I'arm ipaio in iou pruporiiy, The United Statca will soon become an Importer of wheat. (let a tree huuiealeatl or puroliate a farm la ) Western (. anada, und become ono of ttiote wtio will kelp produce It. 1 App'y f' rtuforniatlon to Superintendent of Ininil- pra'l ii Ottawa. ( anada, or lu auit rlaeil Csiiaillnn ( 'vernineiit Ak-ent-W. V. Ileenett, Hit New York Life UulIdlDg. Duiutia, Nebnuka. I'loate aar where you aiw tbli 4vertUBient. PIT & PITt.8SS SCALES. For Steel ami Voxxl rraiuca, 3S and up. AVrite us befoi e ou Ini v. We save you " money. Also l'umna and YiaA y.i.u BECKMAH BaQS., Oes Uolnei, Icwi, m I-. f. BA. iJJal J JtfcyjMft. lftHiv7 MC nest uoi Efc '" i nest Coustt Sjrup. Tasted GooO. pM in limn, zhjiq vt araiTBiaia. EEmSEg 4r J mm -tatS srn MllkllKtft "J I I UV