The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 11, 1905, Image 5
RUMER' cut-price sale all next uv PL Ladies' Tailorflade Suits, Spring Jackets, Silk, and Mohair Skirts, Kimonas, Wrappers, Muslin Underwear, Children's Gingham and Percale Dresses. WE WANT YOU TO SEE OUR MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ff, Our New Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Lace Curtains, Lawns, Table Linens, Napkins, Hosiery, Underwear, Traveling Bags, Men's and Boys' Hats, Neckwear, Shirts and Gloves, as well as our . Men's, Ladies', and Children's Shoes W. D. RUiWER ALLIANCE BICYCLE: NEW and SECOND-HAND Bought, Sold or Repaired. Have just opened a new shop. New stock. New prices. Cheaper than walking. Let us repair your old wheel or sell you a new one cheap. W. L. BASKINS, - - the Old Bicycle icycle Man S if jw III J IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO N. FROHNAPFEL The llcmingford Merchant WHEN YOU WANT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING Baarawflarangmg'W'gKM In Everybody's -Mouth! Newberry's Line of Buggies. Prices lower than ever before. Style and finish unsurpassed. Road wagons from $28. to S85. Top buggies from S40. to Sioo. Spring wagons from S50. to Sioo. Freight on buggies from Omaha to Alliance is $1.51 per 100 lbs. And from Chicago to Alliance it is 52.71 per 100 lbs. . We are prepared to meet anj and all prices on the best as well as the cheapest buggies. Sec them at -lNEWBERRY'S FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford I'iru Insurance Company, North American of I'hlladelphia. I'tiocinlx of Ulooklyn. New York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara lire Insurance ('omiviny. Now York Underwriters, Now York, Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ixmdon Liverpool, London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. Farmers uuU Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance- Company. Philadelphia Underwriters, l'hoonlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office L'p-Stulrs.rietchcr Mock. Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139, w HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Goods , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir them wherever desired. Charges reasonable, The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. HEMINGFORD. (Kellli L. I'lprco Is fully authorized to so licit subscriptions and Job work and collect and receipt for same, and transact nil other business In connection with lil.s position as an accredited representatlo of this paper. Tim Morribsey was in town Monday, A ball team has been organized at Dun lap. Dick Kcnner is working for Claude Brown. Mrs. Jo Carey went to Alliance Wed nesday. John Smith went to Alliance Tuesday evening. A dance occurred at Dunlap last Friday evening. Ed, Hollinrake has a daughter, born May 1st, 1905. Miss Edna Katen visited in town the first of the week. Norbert Frohnapfel went to Lead City on business Wednesday, Mrs. Rustin visited schools in the Davig neighborhood Thursday, The band is planning, to give a concert and dance on May 19, 1905. C. A. Burlew joined the K. of C, in Alliance Sunday afternoon, A. M. Miller and A. C, Kenner went to Alliance Tuesday evening". Dr. Koons, dentist, in Hemingford Fri day and Saturday, May 12 and 13. 21-1 N. Frohnapfel is building a commodious warehouse in the rear ol his store. Miss Jennie Katen visited with her par ents at Dunlap the first of the week. Dentist Koons, of Alliance, will be in Hemingford Friday and Saturday May 12 and 13, , 21-1 Mrs. Tshacliur is getting along nicely after the severe operatiou she uuderuent last week. this column, but was unable to get Mr. Raker to accept his resignation at this time. Having secured the services of a young lady as an item hunter, the present correspondentwill continue the wont here. Quite an exciting horse race occurred here Tuesday between George Hedge cock's saddle horso and N Frohnapfel's driving horse, N. Krohnapfel's horse won. The stakes were $5.00. They are planning on having a most excellent social at the Dunlap school house on the 18th of May in the evening. Ice cream and cake aud a program will con stitute the entertainment. The Dunlap people arc preparing for a large attendance and many will go from here. The Hem ingford scribe hopes to be among the num ber. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The imported Percheron stallion, Crim ardeur, a five year old, weight 2000 pounds, imported in September 1903, will make the season of 1905 at the A. H. Pierce livery barn in Hemingford, Nebr., beginning April 30th 1905. May be found there every week day. Terms to insure colt to stand and suck $12 00, to insure in foal Sio.oo, single service $6,00, not responsi ble for accidents. Privilege reserved to reject any undesirable mares. II. II. Pierce. l.nnd Office Notices. to Alliance to have Tuewiav, returning Lnwl Ollieent AHInnco, Neh., May 4th 1003. Notice U hereby Blveii that tint following named settler has liled notice of hi intention to make final proof In .support tit his claim, mil1 vliat said pnxf will he made before lU'Klstur and Kect-Ivcr ut Alliance, Nol) , on July 15th HUB, vU KMOHY 1'. AIILKV of IleuilliKford, Nebr. on H. V.. No. L'037 for tho 110)4 of section II towy 'M 11, range W w. He names the following to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vii tioorce W. Lnor. Alvin Mabln, Orvlllo Kidwell, Itobert Curry, all of HernliiKford, Nebraska. -1-0 Iluuuii Wimtoc. IteKlsler, Mrs. Kuhn went dental work done Wednesday. Mrs. Dan O'Kcefe aud Miss Hennings were passengers from Alliance on jj Wednesday. Wildy's celebrated Mack Hambletonian "Hoy Van Wilket" will make the season in Hemingford. zx-z Miss Nellie Carter has just closed a school more than usually successful in the Nonpareil district. Insure your house, barn and livestock now. Lightning season just beginning. K, L. Pierce, agent. Miss Hebb'is pupils gave an entertain ment Wednesday evening that was well attended. All the numbers on the pro gram were well rendered. I have for sale at Hedgecocks' pharma cy, sulphur in any quantity wanted. Special prices on halt ton lots or over. G, F, Hedgecock. There are many complaints on account of the present cold wave. Crops are not doing well and weak stock are being lost more than is usual for May. W. S. Raker, editor of The Herald, paid Hemingford a visit Monday. The Hemingford correspondent desired to be relieved of his duties in connection with Land OHIcoat Alllaocti, Nebr., Apr. llth. IMS. Notice Is hereby uivon that the folIuwliiR nanied settler lias tiled notice of his intention to mako limit proof In support of his claim, and that bald proof will bo inndn before ItesdMorand Itecuiver at Alliance, Nebr., on June lith. Uioj, viz KICHAHD 8. HKVAN, nf Heflitlitfforri Nitlir. on Hotiuistntirl iiiitrt Ki ! 'J 1 11 for the North Last h ooctiou 31 township Ho names tlio following witnesses to prove liU continuous residence upon and cultivation of aul laud, viz: David A. l'aul, l'oler K. Chrlsteuseu, John Mlclinelsnu and Frank Hevan, all of HcmluKford, Nebr. 17-0 IIinrcK WiLwMt, IloKister. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Hox llulto county, Nehnibku, April 7, l'.WJ. In thn matter of the estate 0 William J. Ilrlttou, deceased. To the creditors of Mild estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 will sit at the County Court ltooiu In Alllauco In said county, 1111 the 10th day of October, JfO.", to ro ceivo and examine all claims against bald estate, with a view to their adjustmetit aiid allowance. The time limited fur tlio pre.-t untallon of claluiB ngaliint hold estate Is six mouths, from the 7th day of April, A I, l'.)i, and tho time limited for payment of debts Is ono year from said 7tb day of April JUOj. Witness my hand and tho seal of bald county court, this 7th day of April, 1005. (A True Copy) I), K. Spacht, hkai.1 18-1 County Judge. ; ?PfSS S(I i For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Try , Dlerks' Lumber and Coal Co. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Tbono 22. The First National Bant of this city, has tho largest capital and sur plus of any bank m Nebraska, located west of Grand Island on the Burling ton road. It is a safe place to transact your, banking, business. 13. tf 3&" TELEPHONE The Palace ileal Market sr For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast ..... A Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Bone s If you haven't time to cook them, we can send you a Steak, a Chop or -some Oysters QUICK! & $ Phone 131 BUSH1SELL d? OLD AY. 4 tijfe i Palace .HL. i tt e r 37 Bain s. Tr. xjcscii, Pi-op. . oni: ni.ocic wkst op Good turnouts, strict attention to ourbusiness, Tin: NIJW ziundkn , anj courteous treatment to all has won for us the nuii.niNG. 'I'lionc. excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Forest Lumber Company PllON'K 73 LUMBER AND COAL WOODEN TANKS DIPPING VATS Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. FOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN