The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 11, 1905, Image 2

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W. 8. RAKER, Publisher.
News in Brief
Wm. Planklnton, ono of tho wealth
iest men In Milwaukee, died of heart
Chicago flro ngonclos show Increas
ing tendency toward consolidation and
Dos Moines has a population of
74,178 according to tho report of tho
Btnto consus enumerator.
Tho Now York bank statement
shows nn Incrcnso of moro than $5,
000,000 In tho surplus reserve.
Tho FltzhuRh Loo Monumont asso
ciation was organized at Richmond,
Va. Its object Is to oroct a monumont
to General Leo In Richmond.
Frank Graham, formerly managing
editor of tho Kansas City Times nnd
who was twlco elected city clork of
that city, died from paralysis at tho
homo of his sister In Kansas City.
Acting Secretary Loomls received a
cablegram from Mlnlstor Barrett at
Panama Btatlng that ho ospoctod to
bo ablo to sail for Columbia on tho
ICth Inst. .
Tho nowspapors of Pnrls continue to
coirimont most favorably on Ambassa
dor McCormlck's Bpooch on tho occa
sion of his presentation to Proaldont
Loubot on May 2.
After trials of Krupp's now 3.5 Inch
guns, lasting several days at Moppcn,
thoy nro roportcd to surpass In rango
nnd pcnctrntlvo power nil weapons of
equal cnllbro.
Miss Jano Gormon, cousin of Josoph
Jefferson, who llvos In Baltimore Is
tho last of tho old lino of Jofforsonn
and ono of tho old school of nctora
and actresses.
Gcorgo A. Wilbur, assoclato Justlco
of tho supromo court of Massachusetts
has resigned nftor serving as Judgo for
forty years and on tho supremo bench
over twenty years.
Hundreds of homesookora and pros
pectors nro flocking to tho Kiowa
Comancho country to select loascs of
tho pnsturo lands soon to bo opened
for agricultural purposes.
A tolcgrnm was rocolved at St.
Louis by nn employment organization
from Uio head of tho employers' or
ganization, Chicago, that no moro
strlko breakers nro needed.
T. M. Howell, a former newspaper
man, arrived In Denver with rich
samples of oro found near Yellow
Jacket Creek in Idaho. Ono pluco of
float assayod $72,900 gold a ton.
It is learned at tho Btnto depart
ment that negotiations with Gormany
for tho preparation of a reciprocity
policy will not bo undortnkon until
next fall, whon thoy will bo conducted
In Washington.
John Pearco, who now employs
1,500 persons In hla olghty-ono Lon
don restaurants, bogan llfo on n capi
tal of G2 cents and started his first
rosUiurant with a puBh-cart, a tin urn
nnd a llttlo crockory.
Wilhclm Doltz, who killed RubscII
M. Lindsay, a brother-in-law of Wil
liam Alien Whlto, tho author-editor,
near Kansas City, Kans., on April 29,
1807, has boon given an absoluto par
don by Governor Hoch.
Tho soal fishery for tho season In
St. Johns wntors has been completed.
Tho total catch of tho cntlro scaling
fleet of twenty-two Bteamcra aggre
gated but 170,000 seals, tho poorest
catch for ten years past
John Gordon, said to represent a
syndicate of Chicago bankers, has
purchased 4,000 acres of coal .and
right at Dollovllle, Christian county,
111. Another Chicago man Is snld to
havo purchased C.OOO acres of coal
land right at Henton, near Dollovllle.
A mlnlaturo Coxoy's nrmy Is form
ing among tho striking army boot
workers of Northamptonshire, Eng
land. It Is proposod to march on tho
war ofHco In London nnd lay tho men's
grievances In regard to pay, etc., bo
foro ofllclals.
The New York loglslatlvo commit
teo Investigating gas and olectrlc com
panies finds rntos chargod tho public
too high and recommends tho ap
pointment of a Btnto commission to
rogulato and maintain system of ade
quate Inspoctlon.
Second Assistant Secretary Adoo
left Washington for New York,
whence ho will sail on tho Lorralno
for Harvo. Ho will mako that tho
point of departuro on a blcyclo trip of
about 1,500 miles through central and
southern Franco.
Through Its ambassador In Wash
ington tho Gormnn government has
notified Socretary Taft that, at his re
quest. It has doslgnatod Mr. Tlnmnza
as tho Gorman member of tho board
of consulting engineers of the Isth
mian Canal commission.
Frod Yogel. Jr, was elected presi
dent of the First National Bank of
Milwaukee In place of Frank G. Bigo
low. the defaulting official.
Fire nt Home City, Kansas, destroy
ed fiftoen business buildings, leaving
only tho depot and two elevators
standing In tho city. Lose, $100,000,
Ono of tho chiranoys In tho oxecu
tlvo ofllcos of tho whlto houso caught
fire, but practically no damago ro
Tho sovorolgn who reigns over the
smallest monarchy In tho world Is the"
king of tho Cocos, a group of islands
near Sumatra.
Inereateo Coinage of Farthings.
Tho British mint 1ms boon busily
engaged In coining farthings. Until
vory rocontly tho farthing baa boon
almost an unknown coin In many,
porhnpa tho majority of tho British
possessions. They aro only coined to
oncourngo thrift In tho colonics. By
Introducing tho smallest coin of tho
realm a saving can bo effected on
purchaser of Btnall quantities of goods.
Wanted Medicine for Right Side.
"A woman enmo Into my storo tho
other day," remarked tho drugglat,
"and asked my assistant to givo her
Bomcthlng for a pain 6ho had In her
right side. Whllo tho young man
wns compounding tho mixture, tho
woman approached mo and said: Aro
you suro ho will glvo mo what I need?
Toll him to bo suro and mako up tho
mcdlclno for tho right side.' "
Ploneer'o Use of Quinine.
Tho Boldlors In our civil war de
pended greatly upon quinine. Tho
pioneers In our country whon It was
first settled and civilized had as hard
work fighting fovor and nguo In tho
thon swnmpy, malarial districts ns In
fighting Indians, nnd qulnlno was ovon
moro necessary than firearms.
A Tale of Suffering.
Oakloy, Mich., May 8th. (Special)
"I could not sleep or rest In any
place," says Florcnco Capen of this
plnco In a rccont interview, "I had a
pain In my back and hips. If I sat
down I could not got up out of my
chair. I was in pain all tho time. I
got poor for I did not cat enough to
keep a small child. I could not rest
"Thon I Bent for a box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills nnd went to taking
them and what do you think, that very
night I went to bed and I slept till
morning. I got up nnd thanked God
for tho night's rest nnd Dodd's Kid
ney Pills. I know that Dodd's Kid
ney Pills aro all that Is claimed for
This Is only ono of tho numerous
experiences that show tho way to
build up run down pcoplo Is to euro
tho kidneys. Thousands of pcoplo In
every state bear witness to tho fact
that Dodd's Kidney Pills never fall to
cure Uio kidneys.
( Link 8ausage Output.
A trado Journal has estimated, af
ter much figuring, that tho annual
output of link snusago In this coun
try nmounts to moro than 400,000,000
yards, or 227,272 miles. This la
enough to extond nround tho world
alno times nt tho equator but sau
sago will not kcop at tho oquator.
Landlord'o Abt-urd Prerogatives.
Tho duke of Portland has tho right
of taking up his abode in any of tho
tonnnts' houses on tho Wolbock oatato,
nnd Lord Balfour of Burleigh can
mako tho tenants on his property ns
scmblo onco a year bnrehoaded and
barefooted and acknowlcdgo him pub
licly to bo their lord nnd mastor.
Wickedness In Luverne.
Every body In Luverno knows tho
young ladles who lock arms with tho
dovll. "You can fool somo of tho pco
plo 8omo of tho timo, but you can't
fool all tho pcoplo all of tho timo."
Luverno Journal.
Harvard's Choicest Treasure.
Harvard collego is rich In treasures
of many kinds In Its vnst scries of
museums, but tho choicest of all Its
treasures, Is tho Waro collection of
Bloschkn glass models of plants In
tho Botanical museum.
Whon you go into mixed company
tho air you should carry with you
thcro is that of fearing no ono and
wishing to offend no one.
Very Plain In Some People.
A great many people go on suffer
ing from annoying ailments for a long
timo boforo they can get their own
consent to glvo up tho Jndulgenco
from which their troublo arises.
A gentleman in Brooklyn describes
his cxperlonco as follows:
"I becamo satisfied some months
ago that I owed tho palpitation of tho
hOart, from which I suffered almost
daily, to tho uso of coffee (I had been
a coffoo drinker for 30 yoars); but I
found It vory hard to glvo up tho bov
erago. "I roallzod that I must glvo up tho
harmful Indulgence in coffeo but I
folt tho necessity for a hot tab!o
drink, and as tea is not to my liking. I
was at a loss for awhilo what to do.
"Ono day I ran across n vory sen
slblo and straightforward presenta
tion of tho claims of Postum Food
Coffee, and was so Impressed thereby
that I concluded to give It a trial. My
experience with It was unsatisfactory
till I loarnod how it ought to be pre
pared by thorough boiling for not
loss than 15 or 20 minutes. After I
loarnod that lesson thero was no
troublo. Postum Food Coffee proved
to bo a most palatable and satisfac
tory hot beverage, and I have used It
ever since.
"Tho effect on my health has been
most salutary. It has completely
cured tho heart palpitation from which
I used to suffer so much, particular!
after breakfast, and I never havo a re
turn of It except when 1 dine or lunct
away from homo and am compelled
to drink the old kind of coffee because
Postum Is not served. I And that Poa
tum Food Coffee choers and invigor
ates whllo It produces no harmful
stimulation." Namo givon by Postum
Co., Battio Creek, Mich.
Thero's a reason.
Ten days' trial proves an eyo open
er to many.
Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to
1 vVeUville" in overy Dkg.
Vanguard 8ald to Be In Touch With
Ruslans at Several Polntt Torpedo
Boats Destroy Fishing and Sailing
TOKIO According to advices from
Manchuria, Flold Marshal Oyama's
extremo right and oxtremo loft havo
been materially advanced.
A Fenghushlong dispatch of May
6th says: Flold Marshal Oyama seems
ready to assume tho offonslvo on a
largo scalo and activity already has
begun against General Llnovltch's
loft. This may bo tho proludo to a
general battle. The Japanoso havo
concentrated heavy columns on tho
Lino river and their advance divisions
havo been In contact with Russlana
who nro holding tho main road from
Fakoman to Baahlonchen.
On Thursday tho Japanese cavalry
suddenly attacked tho Cossacks In
overwhelming forco, forcing tho latter
to retire. Then, supported by Infantry,
tho Japanoso advanced and drove tho
Russian Infantry out of tho vlllago of
A Russian rcconnnltorlng party
twenty miles further west ran Into an
ambush and nil the party except fivo
wero killed.
Four Tluslan torpedo boat destroyors
from "Vladivostok appeared westward
of Hokkaido off Subl yesterday. Thoy
nolzod and burned a small sailing ves
sel nnd lmprl8orod tho captain and
disappeared to tho northwest. Thoy
wore evidently returning to Vladivos
tok. There Is a possibility that thoy
havo destroyed other small craft, al
though no reports to that effoct havo
been received.
Tho object of their visit Is not clear.
It Is thought that probably they hoped
to torpedo tho Japanese patrol at
night nnd It Is nlso suggested that
tho Vladivostok vessels plan a diver
sion to assist tho fleet of Admiral Ro
Jostvcnsky. Noon Although nono has been
sighted. It Is believed the larger ves
sels of tho Vladivostok squadron ac
companied tho torpedo boats which ap
peared west of Hokkaido yostordny. It
Is douhtd that the torpedo boats
would venture across unescorted in
the heavy rca which was running
when they burned tho sailing vessel.
All of tho crow of this vessel ox
copt tho captain, who was captured,
succeeded In landing, but a steamer
dispatchod to tho rescue of tho burn
ing derelict was forced to return on
account of tho storm. Tho Russians
poured koroseno on tho deck of the
onlllng vessel nnd withdrew after hav
ing burned tho surface of tho oil. Tho
torpodo boats havo not boon reported
Say Two Russian SquadronB Will
Join May 0.
TOKIO Assuming that VIco Ad
miral Rojostvensky meditates a
peody Junction of his squadron with
VIco Admiral Nebogatoff's, It Is be
lieved hero that tho meeting of tho
ships may bo oxpected by Tuesday,
May 9, tho speed of Nebogatoff's divi
sion being only about seven knots an
hour. These ships aro believed to bo
In need of coal and Btorea and their
deficiencies in this respect probably
will bo supplied by VIco Admiral
Rojostvensky at some friendly port
ifter tho two admirals effect a
Tho future movements of tho Rus
sian Pacific squadron is a matter of
speculation hero, although tho dolay
of Rojostvensky on tho Indo-Chlna
coast has raised doubt ns to his pur
poso to movo northward nnd risk an
engagement at an early date.
Tho Vladivostok torpedo boat de
stroyers have not been roportcd and
It Is believed they havo returned to
Would Have New Commercial Ar
rangement Effective Thla Year.
BERLIN Tho foreign offlco offi
cials hopo that plenipotentiaries rep
resenting tho United States and Gor
many will meet early In the autumn to
negotiate a commercial treaty and
that tho exchange of preliminary pro
posals will take place somo timo into
In tho summer.
Although Germany's communication
of March 11 was altogether a definite
statement that tho tariff agreement
with tho United States of July 10,
1900, would termlnato by March 1,
190C, yet it is not called a donuncin
tton, which Is not nqcossnry before
Docombcr 1, 1905, or nfter throo
months' notice.
May Bet on Races at Track.
HOUSTON, Tox. Governor Lnn
ham has approvod tho bill which per
mits betting at race tracks on the day
that tho races are run.
Commanche Chief Quotes President
LAWSON, O. T. In a, speech to a
congregation of Comanche Ind'nns
and whlto people. Quanah Parker,
Comanche chief, stated that President
Roosevolt assured him that the
Kiowa-Comanche Indian pasture
lands of Oklahoma would remain tho
property of tho Indians for all timo.
Chief Parker asked that tho lands bo
allotted and tho president Is said to
havo stated ho would tako tho mattor
up with tho commissioner of Indian
affairs. He also askod that tho
Comanches bo paid $100 annuall".
Grcat-Grandfather Marries Woman He
Had Kn?wn as a Child,
ASBURY PAIIK, N. J. Still young
nt tho ago of 95 years, Georgo Schmidt,
a woalthy retired Newark butcher,
who spends tho greater part of the
year In Ocean Orovo, was married in
that city tho other day. Tho brldo Is
Mrs. Ellon Day Schwartz, who know
him In her girlhood days, making the
aecond matrimonial venture for the
groom and tho third for tho brldo. The
ceromony was performed by Rov. S.
H. C. Smith, retired, and was kept
secret for family reasons. Tho brldo,
young In appearance, nnd comely,
"I came to Oeoan Grovo In March,
whon the question was popped."
Concerning her husband, Bbo Bald:
"You would take him for C5. Ho has
novor smoked, chowed or drnnk, and
makes a porfect husband, and Is per
fect In mind and body."
Tho groom has two great-grandchildren,
nnd has novor known n day's
Rlcknoss. He walks without a cano,
and on meeting n frlond will somo
times daneo a lively Jig, onmng wtlh
tho remark: "Well, how's that for a
95-year-old boy?"
Had Interferred With Many American
Treaty Rights.
WASHINGTON Minister Allen, nt
Seoul, Korea, reports to tho state de
partment thnt a magistrate at Penyang
who was chargod with invndlng tho
treaty rights of many Amcrlcnns nnd
with extorting great sums of money
Illegally from the people, finally has
been removed from office. His pecula
tions, according to tho report, aggro
gated moro than $100,000.
Under dato of March 10, Minister
Allen writes:
"Americans in Penyang havo com
plained of tho conduct of tho magis
trate, Palng Han Chun, becnuso of his
oppression of tho people nnd because
of his Interference with American
treaty rights. When war broke out it
was supposod that this man iwould bo
turned down by the Japanese, but he
was clever enough to make himself
useful In securing lands and other
military requirements, for which ho
rccolved payment, but failed to hand
over tho money to tho natives. I was
obliged to complain of him because of
his conduct toward the Americans
and in September, 1904, spoke to tho
Japanese minister of my difficulties
and intentions."
America and England Accept Each
Other'e- Inspection.
WASHINGTON Formal notice
from tho British embassy haB reached
tho department of commenco nnd labor
that both tho government of Great
Britain and tno Dominion of Canada
havo Issued orders to accept Ameri
can certificates of Inspection of the
hulls, boilers, machinery and life-saving
npparatus of steamships. In ac
cordanco with nn agreement already
reached tho American government
will Issue a similar order to all ofilcors
at American ports with respect to tho
certificates of inspection carried by
tho British and Canadian steam ves
sels. This reciprocal arrangement will
facilitate materially tho clearance of
vessels at all ports of, tho threo coun
tries and will relievo from much em
barrassment and expenso tho owners
of American, British and Canadian
steamships, as tho only survey re
quired will bo ono to determine sim
ply whether the vessel Is equipped In
accordance with tho statement In her
Federal Grand Jury at New York
Looking Into Matters.
NEW YORK It becamo known
Friday that tho federal grand Jury for
somo time past has been conducting a
secret Investigation into certain mat
ters concerning tho American Tobac
co company and Its subsidiary com
panies. Tho investigation is being
mndo by Honry W. Taft, brother of
tho secretary of war, who has been
appointed a special assistant United
Statos attorney for that particular pur
pose. Mr. Taft is authority for the
statement that the investigation is be
ing made under tho anti-trust law.
Tho proceedings in tho grand Jury
room wero socret, but It became
known thnt E. F. Hale, an officer of
ono of the subsidiary companies, re
fused to answer questions whon be
was cnlled, taking tho ground that to
do so would tend to Incriminate and
degrado him and that tho answers
would be too voluminous. When tho
grand Jury filed a presentment In the
circuit court Halo was dirocted to ro
ply to the questions. It was through
Halo's refusal to answer questions
that tho Investigation becamo public.
Gets Five Years.
SACRAMENTO. Cal. Former State
Senator Harry Bunkers of San Fran
.ciaoo. convicted of accepting a bribe,
was sentenced to Ave years in the
penitentiary at Sau Quentin.
Taft Calls Davis to Wa -htngton.
WASHINGTON Secretary Taft
cabled Governor Davis t Panama to
return at once to the United States,
placing Colonel CSorpas In charge of
the administration of the canal zone
until the arrival thero of Governor
Magoon. Governor Davis is suffering
from malaria and his physicians ad
visod him to leavo tho Isthmus to re
cuperate. Ho has resisted thoir ap
peals, however, fearing that his sud
den departuro at a timo whon tho
health conditions on the Isthmus aro
jdvorso would bo misunderstood.
Report that Fourth 8quadron Has Suc
ceeded In Evading tho Enemy.
Mikado's Representative Insists Up
on the Observance of Neutrality.
jostvensky, according to a high naval
authority, has sailed south to meet
tho division of tho Russian Second Pa
cific squadron, commanded by Admiral
Tho admiralty has Information that
a Japanoso division of fast cruisers
and torpedo boat destroyers was sent
south for tho purpose, if possible, of
crippling or destroying Nebogatoff's
ships boforo they could effect a Junc
tion with thoso of Rojestvcnsky, and
thero 1b reason to believe that tho Jap
anese took up a position In tho Straits
of Sundy, through which Nebogatoff
originally Intended to mako tho pas
sago into tho northern sea. Thero is
.'so reason to believe that Nebogatoff
first approached tho Straits of Sundy,
but finding them too well guarded put
about and headed north for tho Straits
of Malacca, his division lacking tho
protection of fast cruisers and being
at a great disadvantage In meeting
torpedo boat attacks.
Tho admiralty expresses much grati
fication nt tho fact that Admiral Ne
bogatoff has successfully reached tho
China sea but appreciates that tho
composition of his division renders it
particularly vulnerablo to a swift ad
vorsary, especially as tho crews of his
ships havo not had tho training in
maneuvering or tho target practico
which Admiral Rojestvensky's crows
had whllo off tho island of Madagas
car and the anxiety here will bo com
pletely relieved when it is known that
a Junction has been effected.
Tho Russ today announces that Cap
tain Clndo has been mndo a staff cap
tain. Clado was Admiral Rojestven
sky's chief tactician until tho North
sea Incident. Ho recently was appoint
ed to special service In connection
with vessels navigating rivers In tho
theater of war.
Tho Russian armored cruiser Grom
obol, It Is announced, has left Vladi
vostok. C:30 p. m. Tho foreign office is
closod and It Is impossible at this
hour to ascertain whether Russia will
protest to tho government of the Ne
therlands against tho reported pres
ence of Japanese warships in neutral
waters of Dutch Borneo. Tho Admir
alty had Information to the effect that
Jnpaneso cruisers wore watching tho
straits of Sunda, lying in wait for Adi
miral Nebogatoff, and it is posslblo
that they made use of tho waters of
Dutch Borneo.
A FUND OF $100,000,000.
Harrlman's Proposition Carries Unani
mously at Salt Lake City.
special meeting of stockholders of the
Union Pacific Railroad company held
Friday In Salt Lake City the proposi
tion to issue $100,000,000 of preferred
stock was approved by the unantmous
vote of tho holders of 657.7C1 sahres
of preferred stock and 1,118,017 shares
of common stock. Tho total outstand
ing Is 1,000.000 shares preferred and
1,901,787 shares of common.
Judgo W. D. Cornish of Now York,
vlco president of tho Harrlman sys
tem, held proxies for all of the rtock
represented at tho meeting, with tho
exception of 841 shares. Joseph F.
Smith, head of tho Mormon church and
who is a director of the Union Paci
fic, voted one share. Tho remaining
840 shares wero voted by two Salt
Lako City newspaper men, who held
proxies for two stockholders.
Not ono word of protest against tho
1b" of now nrffrrpd stock was
heard at the meeting, nor was any ex
planation offered of tho purpose of
the proposod Issue. Ono of tho repre
sentatives of tho local stock asked
how tho proceeds of tho now lssuam-o
voro to bo expendod. HIb query was
entored on the minutes, but no reply
was given. With this one exception
thero was no reference to tho purpose
of tho management in providing for
this fund of $100,000,000.
Those Under Construction Nearlng
SEBASTOPOL Tho torpedo boats
which aro being built nt tho govern
ment yard here under tho general su
pervision of Lewis Nixon of New, York
nro nearlng completion nnd their trials
in tho Black sea will begin In a few
davs. In order to overcome the diffi
culty always oncountered In work In
n foreign country, Mr. Nixon provided
his own organization, with which lie
has pushed tho cm-structlon of these
boats to a successful completion.
Much Is expected of those torpedo
boats. The Russian admiralty already
has had practical evidence of the sea
worthiness of the Nixon boats in the
performance of the Gregory, which
crossed the Atlantic in tho face of
heavy weathor. But tho future pros
tige of the doslgner of tho American
battleship Oregon will dopend In Rus
sia upon tho result of tho coming tri
als, which will be much moro severe
than usual, to test certain advantages
claimed for them by their American
How n TVomnn TYns rrocil from Tronblei
Thnt IlndMnilo tlfo "Wretched for
Mnny Tnri.
Tho Immedinto causes of licadnchoa
vary, but most of thoni como from poor
or poisoned blood. Iu nnromin tho blood
is scanty or thlu ; tho nerves nro imper
fectly nourished nnd palu is tho way iu
which thoy express their -weakness. In
colds tho blood absorbs poison from tho
mucous surfaces, and tho poison irritates
tho nerves and produces pain. Iu rhen
mntism, malaria and tho grip, tho poison
iu tho blood produces Hko discomfort. In
indigestion tho gases from tho impnro
matter kept iu tho system affect tho
blood iu tho enmo way.
Tho ordinary hcadacho-cnrcs nt best
givo only temporary reliof. Thoy deaden
tho pain but do not drivo tho poisou out
of tho blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
on tho contrary thoroughly renew tho
blood and tho pain disappears perma
nently. Women in particular havo found
theso pills an unfailing relief iu head
aches cansed by anrcmin.
Miss Stolln Blocker recently said: "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills did mo a great deal
of good. I had headacho nearly all tho
timo. After I had taken threo boxes of
theso pills I beenmo outirely well."
"How long had you 6ufforcd?"she
was asked.
" For several years. I can't tell the
exact dnto when my illness began for it
camo on by slow degrees. I had becu
going down hill for many years."
" Did you havo nny other nilmonts?"
" I wns very weak and somotimes Ihad
fovor. Xy liver and kidnoys wero af
fected as well as my head."
" How did yon como to tako tho rem
edy that cured yon?"
" I saw in a southorn nowspaper n
statcmoutof somo person who was cured
of a liko troublo by Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. My physician hadu't done me any
good, so I bought a box of theso pills.
After I had takon ono box I folt so much
bettor that I kept ou until I becamo en
tirely well."
Miss Blocker's homo is nt Leandor,
Louisiana. Dr .Williams' Piuk Pills aro
sold by all druggists. Besides headacho
thoy euro nenrnlgin, sciatica, nervous
prostratiou, partial paralysis aud rheu
matism. If they are opened to tranquillity
nnd peace there is no quarter for dis
content. How's This ?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars rteward for any
taie of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ilall't
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENKY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the underalimed, hare known V. J. Cheney
for tlielnat 11 rear", and bfllero him perfectly hon
orable In all buftlneu tratuactlona and financially
able to carry out any obligation, made by hla Una.
Wholesale Dramclm. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 taken Internally, acting
directly upon tho blood and rnuoou, turfacei ot tha
ijnem. Tettltnonlala irnl freo. 1'rlco 73 cent pcx
bottle Bold by all nruEgtau.
Take Uall't Family l'llli for constipation.
Petrified people, llko petrified trees,
tako tho finish polish.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This is because they
havo a utock on hand of other brands
;ontaln!ng only 12 ounces In a pack
age, which they won't be able to sell
first, because Defiance contains IS
ounces for the same money.
Do you want 10 ounces Instead of 12
sunces for same money? Then buy De
fiance Starch. Requires no cooking.
Somowhero thero's a sin back ot
overy sorrow.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out: by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one-third moro for Bamo
Nowhere aro hearts so hungry as in
tho land of gingerbread.
Ml dru?Blto-byrnaU2Set.. amlMcU. Buyltto
Alabastine .
Typhoid Fever, Diphtheria,
Small Pox the germs of
these deadly diseases multi
ply in the decaying glue pres
ent in all kalsomines, and tho
decaying paste ander wall
Aladastjne is a disinfectant; it
destroys disease germs sad vermin;
is manufactured from a stous cement
base, hardens on the walls, and is as
enduring as ihe wall it-wlf. Alabas
tink is mixed with cold water, and
any one can apply it.
Ask for sample card of
beautiful tints and informa
tion about decorating. Take
no cheap substitute.
13 uy only In 5 pound packasa
Properly libeled.
Grant Ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich.
New York Office. 105 Water SLHBBI