The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 7

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    i . p
'.j ) t"
As a Spring Tonic to Get the
System In Good Shape.
KI advise
ell Athletes
who are
about to go
in training'
to try a
bottle of
Tohn Glenister, Champion Swimmer and Only Athlete to Successfully
Swim Through the Michigan Whirlpool Kafids,
Renovates, Regulates, Restores a
System Depleted by Catarrh.
John V. Glenister, of Providence, R.
I., champion long distance swimmer of
America, has performed notable feats
in this country and England. He has
used I'ernna as a tonic and gives his
opinion of it in the following letter:
New York.
The Peruna Medicine Company,
Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen "This spring for tho
first time I have taken two bottles
of Peruna, and, as it has done me a
great deal of good, I feel as if I
ought to say a good word for its
"During the springtime for the
last few years, 1 have taken several
kinds of spring tonics, and have
never received any benefit what'
ever. This year, through tho ad
vice of a friend, I have tried Peruna
and It has given satisfaction.
"I advise all athletes who are
about to go In training to try a bot
tle, for It certainly gets the system
in good shape." Yours truly,
There are Many Imitations of
taker's Chocolate j
Dorft be
titled to
LooifenhaTwde-Muk Cocoa" or
K"VfcD M
Ml 1 m
I mil
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load
ing and the use of only the best mrterials which make
Winchester Factory Loaded "New Rivr.1" Shells give bet
ter pattern, penetration and more uniform resu'ts gener
ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used in making "New
Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading.
$100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accident insurance .experience tin
lfacetkary,WrUeBankera'Aeci4entGo.,Ies Homes, la.
"S'SSiM Thompson's Eyo Watei
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 181905.
UJ neat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. CM ?V
EtJ in time. Hold by druggists. J
ATHLETES realize tho importance
of keeping in good bodily trim.
The digestion must be good, tho cir
culation perfect, bleep regular and
enough of it.
If the slightest catarrhal condition of
lungs or stomach is allowed to remain,
neither digestion nor sleep will bo
Those who lead very active lives,
like athletes, with good muscular de
velopment, find the spring months
espec ally trying.
Athletes everywhere praise Peruna
because they, of all men, appreciate
tho value of a tonic that dispels phys
ical depression.
The vocation of some men may allow
them to endure the depressing feelings
Incident to spring weather, Lut the
athle'e must never a .low himself to get
'under the weather."
He must keep in tho "pink of condi
tion" all the time.
In order to do this ho must avail him
self of a spring tonic upon which ho
can rely.
Therefore athletes are especially
friendly toward Peruna.
Peruna never falls them.
misled by them J
Our trade-mark is on every
of genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, no
other chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker (P Co.'s is en
be sold as "Baker's
"Baker's Chocolate"
Storekeepers report that the extra
qunntity, together with tho superior
quality of Denunce Starch makes It
next to impossible to sell any other
The wise man shapoa himsolf ac
cording to his onvironmont, as water
ta the shapo of tho vessol into wh'ch
it is poured.
If you don't get the biggest nnd best
It's your own fault. Defiance Starch Is
for sale everywhere, and there Is posi
tively nothing to equal it in quality or
Bills by the Handfuls Handed Out to
Visitor In Chicago for a $20 Gold
Piece Prices to Stagger the Unin
itiated. Tho Very Rev. Doan Harris tells of
Uio peculiar monby scalo of Nica
ragua. When ,tho civil wnr In tho
United States was drawing to nn cud,
confederate hills wero worth from flvo
to ton cents n dollar, ho writes. It
meant to tho public that all hope for
Southern currency ever being ro
(learned was practically (load. When I
visited tho largo mnrkels In this city
tho amount of money and tho flguros
on tho bank bills surprised mo.
Dills of big denominations woro
passing from liuyor to sollor, from
hand to hand, and no chango asked or
given. 1 began to Inquire tho prices
ruling tho stnlls.
"Quainto valo" how much, I said,
pointing to tfio measuro of potatoes.
"Six dollars," tho woman in tho stall
"For all?"
"O, no, scnor, for n litro" n quart.
Tho prlco staggered me. Hico was ?5
a pound, onions four, Hour $G n quart,
and everything else In proportion. Wo
pay our butchers a pretty BtlfC prlco
for meat in Toronto, hut compared
with prices hero, it Is ridiculously
cheap. A sirloin Btenk at tho Leon
market costs $19 per pound, and a
turkey $160. Dut evcryono enrrics
piles of bills hero; their pockets nro
bulging with them.
While In tho market I frequently
saw tho vendors of fruit pull from
their pockets rolls of bills as large
and round ns a stein, and begin to
2ount off wads of twenties and flftVM
till I marveled at their wealth. Among
tho farmers, it Is said that money is
so plentiful that it is kept In largo
boxes. Silver Is rarely seen, and
small coins aro unknown.
Tho small farmers and peons of the
surrounding country when they como
iero to buy carry their money in
3mall bags or baskets. My bill at tho
restaurant for dinner was ?200, and a
Pnnnma hat cost mo ?G00. For a car
riage for one hour I waB asked, and
paid, ?30; and so for anything olso in
I have not yot paid ray hotel ac
count, but I expect to be nsked, and to
pay, $3,000. All this vould have been
heart-breaking If I had not called nt
tho bank on my arrival here. For a
$20 gold piece I asked for chango In
tho currency of tho country. The tel
ler looked nt my gold coin, weighed It
In his hand, put it to one Bide, nnd
began carelessly counting bills with
tho rapidity for which these young
men all over tho world are famous.
I waited patiently, watching rolls
pile up, and hoping when ho was
through he'd attend to me. You can't
hurry cashiers, so I sat down until ho
got through. Now, I thought, he'll
count mo out chango. Presently, he
opened the hinged wicket, called mo
over, and said politely In Spanish:
"Your change, Bcnor!" "How much,
sir?" I asked him. "Two thousand
dollars, sir." I borrowed from him a
newspaper, rolled up my money, and
went to my hotol, Toronto Mail and
Cupid, Recruiting Sergeant.
"Cupid Is one of tho best recruiting
officers that Unclo Sam has," confided
ono of tho sergeants attached to re
cruiting headquarters to a reporter
tho other day.
"Daclc of nearly every enlistment
toro is a woman In the case. Lovers'
..unrrels chase a lot of fine lnds Into
k porvico. Your romnntlc youth
,-r 'atos to tho recruiting office after
i serious break with his sweetheart
tfH Tturally as a duck takes to water.
"It seems to him the most fitting
way In which to sacrifice himsolf
when love's young dieam Is appar
ently dispelled. Way down In his
heart he nurses tho idea of making
his crstwhilo inamorata sad, and it's
tho army or navy, with tho possibility
of death In battle, for him.
"Again, other first-class material Is
recruited by tho deslro of young fel
lows to sport a uniform before their
girls. In such cases Cupid does his
recruiting through vanity. But In
both ways ho manages to fill up big
gaps in the ranks of Uncle Sam's
fighters." Boston Post.
A Fine Variety.
'I was eating my supper tho other
evening in a little Kentucky hotel,"
said A. B. Conway, at tho WJllard ho
tel last night, "when n neatly dressed
country girl, who was waiting on tho
table, camo up and asked if I would
have dessert. I Inquired what hind
of dessert sho had, and sho replied:
" 'Wo have pic.'
' 'You may bring mo a piece of pie,'
I said, and sho Inquired:
" 'What kind do you want?'
" 'What kinds have you?"
" 'Wo have threo kinds open-top,
cross-barred and klvered, hut they are
all apple, sho said, apparently very
proud of having so wide a variety for
me to select from." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Lawyer's Ready Retort.
Tho successful lawyer Is generally
prompt with a retort. For instance,
a multimillionaire In New York pro
tested against a bill for $500,000 put
in by his lawyor for services ren
dered,, but the lawyor insisted that
tho bill was reasonable.
"Well, I supposo I will have to pay,
but you'll never get any more of my
work," said tho angry client.
"I'll never need any more if you
pay," was the repl
Down at the Dyker Meadow Golf
club one day this week wns told a
story of an old tlmo caddie. A ccrtnln
member remarked to tho carrier:
'Sandy, I am playing against .
How does ho play?" "Cnnnn, play for
nltB," stolidly anawtfred Sandy. "How
mnny stroke can I give him?" cheer
fully porstatod tho player. "Yo ennna
filo him ony!" was tho laconic ro
ponso. Urooklyn Knglo.
"Tho AdlrnndncUs and How to
Roach ThGin" Is n nlco folder with
maps and rcforencos to localities, ho
tols, boarding houses, mountains and
rivers In tho groat wlldornoss of
Northern New York known ns tho
Adirondack Mountains. If you visit
this teuton onco, jou will ho suro to
go ncaln. A copy of "Tho Adiron
dack Mountains and How to Hench
Them" will bo mailed free, postpaid,
to any address, on rocolpt of a two
cent stamp, by Ooorgo II. Daniels,
Gcno-al Passenger Agont, Grand Cen
tral Statljn, Now York.
Where Polly Drew tho Line.
Whllo out for a walk ono bright
summer morning n well-known Chi
cago divine passed a houso whero a
parrot's cage was hanging In tho sun
shine. Noticing tho bird, In his usual
ly mild, oven tones tho minister said:
"Good morning, Polly." To his ttmnzo
mont tho parrot answered: "Well,
good morning, but for heaven's sake
don't ask mo if I want a cracker!"
What tho London Lancet cnlls n
now departure In tho preservation of
foods Is a method of sterilizing It with
carbolic ncld, invented by Randolph
Plso'8 Curo for Consumption U nn InfnlUblo
medicine for coughs mid colds. N. V. SAMUEL,
Ocean Grove. N. J.,rob. 17, 1000.
Somo men lose flesh Just by shar
Little Girl's Awful Suffering With Ter.
rlblo Skin Humor Sleepless
Nights for Mother Speedy
Cure by Cutlcura.
"My little girl had been suffering
for two yenrs from oczema, and dur
ing that tlmo I could not got a night's
sleep, as hor ailment was vory Bevrre.
I had tried so many remedies, deriv
ing no benoflt, I had glvon up all hopo.
But ns a last resort I was persuaded
to try Cutlcura. and ono box of the
Ointment nnd two bottles of tho He
solvent, "together with tho Soap, ef
fected a permanent cure. Mrs. I. B.
Jones. Atldington, Ind. T."
Remember that others aro striving
as hard as you to inako both cuds
$100 Reward, $100.
The reader of this paper III bo pleased to learn
that there. Is at least oue dreaded dlcae that science
In been able to cure In all lit stages, and that la
Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Cure In the only poMtlra
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a cunitlliitlunal disease, requires a omntUu
tlunal treatment. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure la taken In
ternalljr, actio? directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby dettrojlnir the
foundation of the disease, and glflne the patient
strength by buttdlHg up the cumtliutlun and iu-iI.C-Inn
nature In dulnir In work. The pr prletor hare
o much faith In Ita curative ponera that tliryoHer
One Hundred Dollar! for any cans that It tails M
cure, hcud furllitof testimonials,
Aridrr.t K. J. Ull'.N'KY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold bv a'l pruK-jtste, sc.
Take JiiUl'a ! auilly I'llla for constipation.
Wc Don't Grow Much.
Tho nvorago bight of a man Is
found by A. Dastro to have continued
the same for thousands of years, as
shown in primltivo man, prehistoric
and historic man. Tho great size of
ancient man is imaginary.
Help Servian Farmers.
Thoro aru no less than 510 agricul
tural societies scattered over Servla,
which distribute modern agricultural
machinery and Implements among tho
farmers. Theso societies have a cen
tral ofilco at Belgrade.
Oftentimes when a feller asks for
a girl's hand ho gets tho old man's
"Dr. Dnvld Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
rave ine prompt and romplele relief from dys jla antf
UTerderanKmeut."U.T. Trowbridge, Harlem IUI, N.
Charity certainly covers a multitude
of sins, but it doesn't remove them.
Save $10.- Per Cow
Over All Gravity Setting Systems
And S3, to S5. Per Cow
Over All Imitating Separators.
Novr is tho time to make this most
important and profitable of dairy farm
Investments. Send at onco for now 1905
catalogue and name of nearest agent
The De Laval Separator Go.
Randolph & Canal Stt. i
74 Cortlandt Strait
"All Signs Fall In a Dry Tlmo"
In ordering Tower' BUekert,
a customer writes: "I know
tfaty Hill ln all right If thty
liaie the 'FIM1 on them.
'llils ounfidetire is the out
prowl li of alxty-nlna yeara of
carelut luaiiufuf tuilng.
Highest Award World's Fair. 190J.
A. J. TOWER CO,B"1f"'ttIU'
Jloaton, U.S. A. reffflZftQ
Tower Canadian Co. :S5Sa
Toronto, 0naO ISlltSl
Hakr$ efWarranttd Wtt Wtalhtr Chthhg
Foul Smbatm0
Foul brtmth Is rntwd by foul stomnch
nttoiulod with torpid liver, bitter or lnd
taste, furred touciio. los of, or Irregular
appetite, lionvy or full bloated fwliiiR In
Miunarli, "water brmh." or sour eructa
tion!) of gnt, sick nr bllloua benilnclinq,
disposition to (Uwpondoney, or " tho
Wuos," Irrltttblo temper or peevlshiis
anil kindred symptoms. Xot nil of theso
symptoms uro present In oery caso.
To tone up nnd Invlirorntn both stom
ach and liver nnd Mart the digestive pro
etwees Into lienlthy action, there Is. to say
the leust.uoftiiiMTinrnKontto llr. Pierce's
Gulden Metlleiil Discovery. It Is prepared
without the uo of n pmtlrlo of alcohol,
from the active medicinal principles ex
tracted from tho root of unlive American
tilnntu, and Is an honestly ituxln. nf med
icine that any one may uUn without fear
of furmltn? an npotito for stimulant.
Itfl benefits nnd cures nre lusting and not
simply the temporary exhilaration some
times experienced (rout strong alcoholic
preim rat Ions.
Iso man Is stronger than his stomach,
therefore, when tho stomach Is weak It
should bti promptly toned up ami put In
order to the end that It may properly di
gest and prepnro for proper assimilation
tho food which otherwlso can not
strengthen tho IkxIv. You cannot find
a medlclno tint t w ill do this mnro promptly
nnd permanently than "Golden Medical
Discovery." A whole train of bodily all
monts result when tho stomach becomes
foul, torpid and weak, and, naturally
enough, when tho stomach troublo Is
cured thoy, bolug dependent thereon, dls; hence it Is that rheumatism,
blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous
sores, kidney nITectlons and various and
diverse appearing maladies yield to tho
potent tonic and alterative properties of
the "Golden Medical Discovery." Hear
In mind that tho "Discovery" Is an ac
tive, potent medlclno and not a beverage
to Iw taken for Its exhilarating effects.
It Is mado to curo disease, not to appoaso
a craving for stimulants.
Don't bo wheedled or over-persuaded
into taking something olso which may Iks
said to bo "Just as good." Take only
"Golden Medical Discovery" which has
more than a third of a century's record
embracing many thousands of well-attested
cures. As It has cured thousands
Le! Common
Do you houostly boliovo,tlmt
l.m .
O Q '
e,o II
Million of American HomcB wolcomo LION COFFEE dnily.
Tlioro is no stronger proof of morifc than continued and uierenB
ing popularity. "Quality survives all opposition."
(Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-heml on every package..)
(Save your Lion-hoads for vuluublo premiums.;
WOOISON SriOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
These Shoes
Grand Prize at St
Ths 1'ATltIOT HIIOI far
over Btjllth yet comfortable lists, to fit any foot. Tlicy aro
Goodyear welta, whloli meana flnxlble anlea. with do wax ortaelca
to Irritate tbe foot. The MAVi I.OWKll HilOIi for Women
la mads la welta ami baud lurna. la atyllsb, durablo and oorafortable.
Aalc Tour dealer for thom. It he doea not baoale tbeao ahoea,
write ns direct. They will pleaae 70a and 70a will aava from 60
cenia 10 i.ou por vir iu yrioea
ima ooaracier.
Quick Meal
Gasoline Stoves
ere absolutely the Innranet people hare
iested tbem 'irryuon to tbelr full atUfaot
on. Vou taks do oAaiwxa with a Quick Meal,
it's simplicity (('I turn a Talra -strike a
match aua you hio a blUterlaa hot tire In-
I'inilr ami It ((ill's thot way without varia
tion till you turn the Talreolf.
You can't do the vn-oao thins It's lmpowl.
bio with tbe Quirk Jual, li la safe, quick,
clssa and oouvsnleat.
And tho Intense, eren beat meana qutek,
ein laii and cooking and your kitchen
work doue before you know It. Ha wafts for
your nro to "come up," while the bread Urui
In ihoOTen.
i Cost only MorHi day for fuel think ot
It and no klndllniino coal no ashes no
soot nkot flro the iuttaut you want It and
belter still ut,clMtn.ooiufortabloV(rarn.
1 bo heat Is nader tho ", end the txikt
otrii, end HOKhtrc tUtou a yulek Meat.
Hotter see the dealer today, it tie
aorta 't carry ttio ijuuk jisur, lell
us tuid He'll sill ) 011.
Vo will send you
somt'thloM s ful
m iiKitiinK you'll like
our deal r iiumi
nud say whether or
no oi carriis v
Veal. rJlttu vour aamo
I'l'Untim the pretext
will Imi sure to ruach
you safely.
nmict ITOTK CO. Dl.
p35 n
It Is likely to curo you, If yon give It fair
trial for any of tho maladies for which
we recommend It
After Pli.tlclna Pall "Waco very" Cures.
Vn. It V. Pitmen, lliifTnlo. N. V.i
vir Sfr-AUmt two jcm rufo.I had an nt-
tack of tfrhuHi which lfl tno Irt very weak
ened romdlUiit My sldniitcllwns In liad
MiaiKti could nut eat n uienl without belnif
itreally dl'ltvsaed, and Hie takinir of food
was eminently followed la vomlilutforlooio
mMiif huwt'ls. Mad headache mid catarrhal
troubln. Had aihali-taii I .tit he did not linlp
inn. After I had lie n autlt'rtrisc like this for
some time, a man who I mil um.sI Dr. Pierce'
(lolden Mcdlcnl Dlitcotety, told me nbuut llio
medlclno aim! I iirwured n liottloof It I felt
a alight Improvement !v the lime 1 had uvxl
tho first 1 nit 1 1 ii. so fiilitliuipil the um of tho
Dlvorery" for several wetk. tun II I was
myself nualn. It Is tin excellent jircbara
lion and I am clad to tell how idhhI It K
l'lKDIAH V. M'liimiKit, .Main Street. IlutUlo, N. V.
(Manager of tho Knleinrlso Mllllntry.)
rtalarlal and Liver Trouble Cured.
Dn. It V. PiKitCR. Hurrah). N. Y.i
Dear Sir I was a victim of malnrla so corn
men In tho Houth and alw had llt-cr troublo.
Doctored for noino time but my condition
continued to crow woro and 1 betcan to des
pair of recovery. I'lnnlly Dr. Pierce's Onldcn
Medical Discovery was recommended and I.
am hauuy to aay that a eourv of treatment
with thin remedy was moat effectual. I soon
Ix-can to Improve, appetite returned, my
complexion became clear and brlcht. I ro
calned my rood xnlrlta and was mxii restored
to health. I cannot nay euouuh In favor of
your medlclno. Yours truly.
Miss Iaioilh Iikvak
S0C5 St Charles Ave,. Now Orleans. La.
Young marrletl people should read tho
"Common Sense Medical Advisor." Send
to Dr. U. V. Pierce, UulTnlo. N. Y 21
nno-cont Btnmps, for tho book In paper
covers, or 31 stamps for a cloth-bound
Dr. Pierce's fiWraS
tor of good
health, and good health Is lnrgoly a mat
ter of healthy actlv Ity of tho bowels, Dr.
Plorco's Pleasant Pellets euro constipa
tion. They are safe, suro and speedy,
and onco taken do not have to bo ttiken
always. Ono llttlo " Pellet" Is a gcntlo
laxutlve, ami two a mild
cathartic. Thoy never Dallxfj-c
gripe, lly all druggists. rCHC Lt?
Seese PseMe
cofTco boIi! looso (in bulk), exposed
to ttuBt, gorniB nnd insects, jnuianig
through many hands (soma of
tliotn not ovcr-elonn), "blended,"
you don't know bow or by whom,
18 fit for your ubo ? Of courso you
don't. But
TTTTaffcT AifrW?W?V7W?
Is another r.torj'. Tlic flrccn
berries, selected by Icccn
fudges r.t the plantation, arc
KhlHIully roasted at our fac
tories, where precautions you
would not dream of arc tahen
to secure perfect cleanliness.
uuvuiBUCUUtu aim uuuuihuij.
From the time tho coffee leaves
the factor; no hand touches it till
xt is opened in your Kitchen.
wero Awarded
Louis World's FoL
lion la mado from all leathers.
usually euargou iur auoea m
From Mnkcr to Vner.
Cut 011I Aicrulit' Profit.
Don't think of buying h piano with
out first getting our catalog, prices and
terms on tjio famous "Mueller" pianos
and 20 other makes.
rinno Makers,
Omnlin, Neb.
on the
Free Homestead Lands
Woatorn Canada
Carry ths bannerfor
yields of wheat and
other Brains for
100,000 FARMERS
recelre 153,000,000 a a result of tbelr Wheat Crop
Tbe returns from Oils, Barley and other graloi, ai
well as cattle and horses, add considerably to tht.
Secure a Free Ilotneitead at once, or purchase
from some reliable dealer while lands are seUlngat
present low prices.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imml
(ration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Canadian
Oorernment Aaenl "W. V. Dennett, 601 New Voile
Life BuildloE, Omaha, Nebraska.
riease say where you saw this adrertliement
1 r, 1
Kansas City, Mo., Omaha, Nb.( Bloox Palla, 0 J).
Bee nsareit dealer or write far circular.
r1 viiUJii 1