The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 6

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    in Mi mrfeiinuim.Muiw rfiwWWWiwigwwmMr'
KM- HWtfH HM1 tffW- WrlJWrtBMlRJtBitaCW
McClure's for May.
MeClura'a for May offers a nreat
variety of good things. It's a. fjtr cry
from Lincoln Btoffon's story of how
Now Jorsoy camo to bo the haven of
tho corporations- and a mighty un
pleasant story It Is to William
James's delightful and, of courBO, dis
tinguished appreciation of ono of tho
truly great. men of our tlmo, Thomas
Davidson, then "Colonol Lumpkin,"
John McAuley Palmer's reformed and
satirical captain of Industry throws
light on tho street railway problem.
"Terrors of tho Sea" truo talcs' of
famous dorollcts nnd historic mys
torlos by P. T. Mcdarth opens up an
other field of human Interest, and a
description of "HanB, Tho Educated
Horso of Berlin," by a man who has
Boon him perform, adds another to tho
long list of varied articles.
Bishop Drooks at Now Haven,
Tho lato Phillips Brooks' ready wit
Is well Illustrated by tho romark onco
roado by him, as ho was starting for
Now Haven, In company with Dr Ed
ward Everett Halo, to witness a Harvard-Yale
football game. To a frlond
who mot him on his way to tho train,
and who Inquired whoro ho was going,
bo replied: "I'm going down to Now
Havon to yoll with Halo."
Under tho tltlo of "Law-Makers
Who Shamo tho Itopubllc" Rudolph
Blankouburg contributes to tho April
"Arena" ono of tho most Important
political papors of recent years. It Is
a masterly unmasking of amazing con
ditions of political corruption that
liavo markod tho rulo of corporations
through tho political machlno of Penn
sylvania In lato yoarB. Mr. Blankon
burg publishes fac-Blmtlcs of passes
Issued by tho Pennsylvania Railroad
company, and given to legislators and
othor public servants by that com
pany, somo of thoso as lato as 1005.
Ho shows that such distribution of
posses Is a clear-violation of tho con
stitution of Pennsylvania.
Named for "Grand Monarque."
When La Sallo cntcrod tho gulf of
Mexico In 1C82 ho founded tho fort of
St Louis and named It for Louis XIV
of Franco and tho surrounding terri
tory ho called "Louisiana." Tho In
habitants of this country originally
woro Fronch and SpanUh settlers,
and their descendants oven today arc
called "Creoles." .
Over tho wholo continent In tho
East, In tho mlddlo, In tho West
Graft has sot Its talons. Do you want
tho facta? Everybody's for May is full
of them; facts about Mr. Rogers nnd
Amalgamated; facts about tho land
thlovos; facts about tho Boot Trust;
facts about tho peoplo ruined by tho
Graft of Business by whatever name
It Is called. Tho May Everybody's Is a
strong numbor. Harold MacGrath, au
thor of "Tho Man on tho Box," has a
capital story of politics entltlod "Two
Candidates"; Zona Galo has a dollcato
story of sontlmont, "Tho Othor Two";
Rox E. Beach contributor a strong
Klondlko tale, entitled "Tho Scourgo";
VIncont Harpor tolls a capital Wall
Stroot story In "Tho Flurry In Bub
bles"; Miss Bcnsley continues her net
ual "Experiences of n Nursery Govern-noss."
I i iiiiitoi m --- '
The Happy Child.
There is nothing liko light-hearted-noss
to mako a child a favorite. No
ono likes tho cross, 111-tomporod boy
or girl. A ragged, barefoot boy sell
ing papers on tho street will ofton
attract ono Just because ho Is so jolly,
bo happy, although It might scorn as
though ho had much to grumble
about. Do not encourago tears and
bad temper, but rather smiles and
pleasant words.
German Silver'.
Gorman ullver derives Its ikiuo
from tho fact that It was first manu
factured at Hlldburghanson, Germany.
It Is an alloy of copper, zinc nnd
nickel. It la varlnblo In composition,
according to tho requirements of tho
manufacture but may bo stated for
general purposes to consist of DO
parts of copper, 30 of zinc and 20 of
Mr. Arthur lloober's nrtlclo In tho
May Century on "Tho Prize of Rome"
should havo special interest Just now,
following so closoly tho anuounco
ment that the American School of
Architecture in Rome has been re
chartered by Congross, endowed by
prlvato llborallty, and made secure by
a permanent and attractive homo
especially as tho newly chartered
American Institution is to bo conduct
ed much on tho lines of tho Fronch
Villa Medici, whoso workings Mr.
Boeber describes with much interest
ing detail.
Hero is Destitute.
Capt. Benton, an English sailor, 82
years old, who has saved forty-nlno
persons from drowning, Is to havo a
street organ bought for him, so that
he can earn a living.
For Rent or Sale, Two Ranches of
3,000 Acres Each,
Located In Custor county on South
Loup river; consists of 600 ncros good
corn land, GO alfalfa, 320 meadow and
tho balanco in pasture; good improve
ments. Inquire of Victor H. Coffman,
Omaha, Neb.
Emigrant Buys Pistol.
A man charged In a London police
court with carrying a pistol said ho
had bought it for "self-protection," as
he was "going to Amorlca." Ho va3
sympathetically discharged.
What is Bald to bo a solid mountain
of Iron has boon discovered In Styria,
Austria. The mountain Is situated in
the famous Iron mining district of
Josoph Jones, vico president of tho
bank of Utlca, died last week.
Over COO Lincoln people left last
week for tho beet fields of Colorado.
A debate took place at Beatrlco be
tweon representatives of Uio High
schools of that city and Lincoln.
Tho Soldlcra' Homo at Grand Is-1
land was Inspected last wook by tho
stato board of public lands and build
ings. Amos Burnett, an old veteran of
Plattsroouth, Is to bo furnished a homo
In tho National Soldiers' Homo at
Loavonworth, Kan.
Georgo Wostgato of York county
has returned from Kentucky with a
carload of driving horsos which ho will
dlspoao of In this stato.
Tho offering in tho Methodist
church at Osceola on Easter Sunday
for tho missionary causa was $451.33,
about doublo that of last year.
William Chatten pleaded guilty bo
foro Judge Taylor at York for tho kill
ing of four wild ducks, Ho was given
tho regular fine of $5 for each bird.
Earl Terwlllcrgor, a farmer, living
ono mllo south of Boo, nccldontnlly
shot himself through tho hand whllo
handling a target rifle. Tho wound Is
not serious.
Mrfl. Mnry Wagnor of Gago county
was adjudged Insane and ordered
taken to tho asylum. Tho woman Is I
but 34 years of ago and tho mother or
four children.
Tho dato for tho annual high school
foto at tho Stato university has been
.sot for May 19. It Is expected that
representatives from high schools all
over tho Btato will bo present.
Games Warden Carter has received
word from a special doputy in York
county thnt William Chottln and
Grovor Donbo were nrrosted with four
toon ducks In their possession. Chot
tln, tho older of tho two, was fined
$20 nnd costs, whllo tho younger, who
was a moro boy, was given his free
dom. A $90 deficiency item allowed tho
stato banking board has been left out of
ono of tho appropriation bills passed
at tho last session of tho legislature
and as a result tho board will bo kopt
out of tho money for another two
years. Tho error Is duo to tho negll
gonco of tho enrolling and engrossing
clorks. Tho ltom cannot bo paid for
two years.
Word reached Beatrlco that A. N.
Bronnoman, a former printer of that
city, but who Is now living at Bartola
vlllo, Mo., stating that ho has been
awnrdod a special prlzo of $C,000 In a
guosslng contest Tho guessing wns on
tho total paid attondnnco at tho
World's fair. Brenneman's guess was
12,80 4.G35, Just nine ehort of tho actual
pam numuer.
During tho recent heavy rains near
Mason City W. Z. Amsberry had two
cows drowned. W. D. Amsberry had
throo calves, eleven pigs and seventy
flvo chickens drowned. Georgo Mul
vanoy last two horsos, which floated
away. Tho approaches to every bridge
within flvo miles of Mason City nro
damaged and at least threo bridges
havo boon washed from their founda
tions. Bollovlng that Mrs. Lena Mnrgarot
LIllIo has boon unjustly condemned to
llfo Imprlsonent for tho raurdor of her
huBband, her friends nro planning a
sorles of petitions which will bo cir
culated among tho members of tho
women's clubs In all parts of tho
United Stntoa asking for her release.
When thoso nro Blgncd they will bo
presented to Governor Mlckoy asking
him for clemency.
Tho building by tho Groat Northern
of tho Sioux Clty-Ashland cut off has
stirred up consldernblo lntorest In
Northwestern railroad circles. Tho
Northwestern regards tho proposed
now lino as an invasion or its terri
tory and thoro Is much talk of tho
construction of a road from Hoopor to
Oakland to connect with tho Omaha
road, thus making n short lino for tho
system between Lincoln and Sioux
Lester C. Wlntorton, who was n for
mer Soward boy, met his death by ac
cident In Egypt whllo employed as an
oxport prospective driller for a ma
chinery company of Chicago. Ho Is
burled near tho third cataract of tho
Nllo river In Egypt. Of olght men eont
to tho gold coast of west Africa, ho
was tho only ono alive at tho end of
tho year of their going. Ho was 36
years of age and was married last No
vomber. Dopartmont Commander Herman
Bross in his Memorial day order, just
promulgated, calls attention to the
law enacted by tho late legislature to
prohibit baseball playing and horso
racing and such forms of amusement
on Memorial day and fixing a penalty
for violation thereof. As a matter of
fact, that law will not apply this year
and thereforo thero can bo no viola
tion of it. It was passed without tho
omergency clauso and thereforo does
not go Into effect until July 1.
Mrs. Paulino Andorson of York was
found dead In her bed. Sho was living
alone and tho neighbors not seeing
her during the day, thought something
was wrong, broke Into tho house and
found nor. Death was supposed to
havo como from heart trouble.
City Engineer Campon of Lincoln
has rando an examination of tho gaso
llno engines rovently built in Omaha
and now at Grand Island. Ho has
made a favorable ropc.t to tho Citi
zens' Railway company, which con
cern Is investigating the gasoline mo
tive powor for a local street railway
Recent Legislative Enactment Will
Go Into Effect July 1st.
LINCOLN After July 1 a whole
salo Bl-uightcr of coyotes, wild cats
and wolves Is likely to bo carried on
In Nobrnska as a result of tho now
wild animal bounty law which waa
passed by tho last session, of tho legis
lature. An appropriation of $10,000
was tnado by tho legislature to pay
tho stato bounties on wolves, coyotes
and wild cats. Western stockmen
claim that wild animals havo greatly
Increased on tho prairies slnco tho ro
peal of tho old law In 1903 and that
tho appropriation will probably bo ox
haustod on gray wolves alono. Thoy
osttmato that at least $30,000 worth
of county claims will bo mado in tho
noxt two years.
Tho bill was Introduced by Repre
sentative Douglas of Rock county, at
tho request of tho Hhcep and cattle
men of Western Nobraska. No emer
gency clauso was attached, and so tho
bill will not go Into effect until July
1. Tho mensuro provides that any
person in tho stato who kills any, wild cats or coyoto3 and who
presents tho scalps, with tho two ears
and tho faco down to tho noso, to tho
county clerk of tho county In which
tho animals woro killed, making oath
thereto, shall rccelvo bounties as fol
lows: Flvo dollars for every largo gray
or buffnlo wolf killed; $1.25 for ovory
common prnlrlo wolf or coyoto and $1
for every wild cat.
Tho county clerk must lssuo to tho
porsons certificates of bounties, and
when theso certificates aro filed with
tho auditor of public accounts tho nu
dltor must draw his warrant on tho
stato treasury against tho general
fund. Tho county clork, after giving
tho person a certificate of tho num
ber and kind of scalps accepted by
him for bounty, must dofaco tho
scalps by cutting them Into two parts
so as to separate tho two ears and ho
must keep a record of tho number and
kind by him destroyed.
If any person drives, baits, entices
or brings any such animals Into tho
stato from outsldo for tho -purpose of
procuring bounties on them ho shall
bo deomed guilty of a misdemeanor
and may bo fined not less than $25
nor moro than $100 for each such offense.
Small Men Intellectual.
Canon Klngsley, not long before his
death, drow attention to tho numbor
of short men who could bo Been In
a London crowd. Ho looked on it as
an indication of progress in intellec
tual linos at least, for many If not
most of the great men of history havo
beon men below tho medium height
Many Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Horae.New York, Cure Feverishness.Head
ache, Stomach Troubles. Teething Dis
orders.Break up Colds and Destroy Worms.
AtallDruRgists!,2Sc Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Worldly Joy is a sunflower, which
shuts when tho gleam of prosperity
Is over; spiritual joy Is an evergreen,
an unfading plant Racine.
856 guaranteed interest semi-annually on all
investments, in tropical plantation naif as
larpo as Uhodolsland,40prontablo products.
Activo malingers and agents wanted. E.
Moore, 211 Odd Fellows' Bldg.,St.Louls,Mo.
Tako caro of your pennies whllo
young and glvo somo chap a chanco
to bunko you out of your dollars when
you got old. Chicago News.
Bird. 'Wlnilow'B SootMnir fiyrrip.
For children teething, sot tcm the pura, reduces to
QunmaUon, allays pain, euros wind collu. 23c a botUo.
Never pronounce tho verdict of
guilty until given tho most positive
ovldenco of its existence.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water Btarch. It can bo used cold or
Somo men hustle almost as hard
for a Jobas somo women hustle for
a husband.
After Years of Experience, Advises Women In
Regard to Their Health.
Mrs. Martha Pohlman.
of 55 Chester Avenue,
Newark, N. J., who is a
graduate Nnrso from tho
Blocklcy Training School,
at Philadelphia, and for
six years Chief Clinic
Nurse at tho Philadelphia
Hospital, writes tho letter
printed below, bho has
the advantago of personal
experience, besides her
professional education,
find wlinf. nn linn tn nnv
may bo absolutely relied
Many other women aro
afflicted as sho was. They
can regain health in tho
samo way. It is prudent
to heed such advice from
such a source.
Mrs, Pohlman writes:
"I am firmly persuaded,
nf tor olght years of experience)
with Lydia R. Pinkham's
Vogotablo Compound, that It
is tho safest nnd best medlcino
for any suffering woman to
"Immediately after my
marriage 1 found that my
health began to fail me. I bo
camo weak and juile, with so
vere bearing-down pains, fear
ful backaches and frequent
spells, i lie doctors pro-
id forma, jet I did not
improve. 1 would bloat nf tr
eatine and frequently becoino
nauseated. 1 bad an acrid dischari
tains down through my limbs so I could
ardly walk. It wns as bad a case e
trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E,
Hundreds of denlers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of Do
fiance Starch Is fast taking place of all
other brands. Othprs say they cannot
sell any other,Btarch.
When tho proposition Is likely to
lnvolvo others glvo plenty of tlmo
to thought Philadelphia Bulletin. '
Don't you know that Defiance Starch,
besides being absolutely superior to
any other, Is put up 1G ounces In pack
ago nnd sells at same price as 12
ounco packages of other kinds?
Lewis' "SInglo Binder" straight 5o cigar,
made of extra quality tobacco. You pay
10c for cigars not so good. Lowis' Factory,
Peoria, IlL
Charity generally begins at home,
and with lots of folks never gets as
far as their front door.
Rumor Burlington Assessment
Be Reduced.
LINCOLN Will tho state board of
equalization lower tho assessed valu
ation of tho Burlington railroad 25
per cent?
Rumors aro In circulation that tho
figures will bo reduced at tho coming
mooting of tho stato board. For moro
than a year tho Influences looking to
ward a reduction of taxation havo
been at work and tho corporation
lobbies at the capital oxpect to seo
somo results.
Tho Union Pacific and tho North
western fenr a raise, but it has been
stated that these approhenslons aro 111
founded. It has leaked out that tho
figures will not bo Increased and tho
valuation of tho Northwestern may bo
A number of reports aro still to bo
filed. Tho report of tho Union Pacific
Is complete in every detail. Data is
lacking In nearly all tho othor reports.
Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound, however,
cured mo within four months. Sinco thnt
time I havo had occasion to recommend it to
a number of patients suffering from nil
forms of femalo difficulties, and I find that
whilo it is considered unprofessional to rec
oinmpnd a patent medicino. I con honestly
recommend Lydia 12. Pinhhnm's Vegetable
Compound, for I havo found that it cures
femalo ills, where nil other medicino foils. It
is a grand tnudicino for Eick women."
Money cannot buy such testimony as
this merit alono can produce such re
sults, and tho ablest specialists now
agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound i3 the most univer
sally successful remedy for all femalo
diseases known to medicine.
When women aro troubled with ir
regular, suppressed or painful men
struation, weakness, leucorrhoen, dis
placement or ulceration of the womb,
that bearing-down feeling, inflamma
tion of the ovaries, backache, bloat
inc (or flatulence), ccneral debility, in
digestion, and nervous prostration, or
aro beset with such symptoms as dizzi
ness, faintness, lassitude, excitability,
irritability, ncrvqusness, sleepless
ness, mclnncholy, "all-gone" ami
" want-to-be-left-alono'' feelings, blues
and hopelessness, they should remem
bur there is ono tried and true remedy.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound atonce removes such troubles.
No other femalo medicino in the
world has received suck widespread
and unqualified endorsement. No other
medicine has suck a record of cures of
femalo troubles.
Tho needless suffering of women from
diseases peculiar to their spx is terriblo
to see. The money whicli they pay to
doctors who do not help them is an
enormous waste. Tho pain is cured
and the money is saved by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ex
perience has proved this.
It is well for women who aro ill to
write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.
In her great experience, which covers
many years, sho has probably had to
deal with dozens of cases just liko
yours. Her advico is freo and confidential.
lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound SRccceds Where Others Fall,
Think Peach Crop a Failure.
fruitgrowers of this county have re
cently made an examination of peach
buds and found n number that looked
as If thoy wero alive, but upon putting
them to tho test of a powerful mlscro
scope the fact developed that In al
most ovory caso the buds that had a
thrifty appoaranco wero really In tho
gorm. This would lndicato that tho
peacl. crop for tho coming year is In
all probability a failure.
By-Laws Are Missing.
LINCOLN Stato Auditor Searle
said that tho by-laws of tho Royal
Highlanders, a fraternal order with
headquarters at Aurora, Neb., wero
missing from his flies and could not
bo. found. Tho deputies aro puzzled
over tho matter and much anxloty
White Collie for Mr. Bryan.
STELLA W. B. Williams, an ex
tenslvo breeder and shipper of Scotch
colllo dogs, shipped a pure white ono
to William Jennings Bryan. This Is
tho first puro whlto colllo Mr. Wil
liams has ever raised.
What is Castoria.
QAST0RIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea Tho
Mother's Friend.
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
chu& M'paij tSssia'Vssfiiii:-800 foB
r-.f ?-H?-ta.TJ.iA-. Klsengracber, of St. Tsui, Minn., says: "I hare used your
rinJnaf rPiMtBd,f ,,n a7 Prac,lce1 w't sood results, and can recommend it as in
excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
r.. . DF- P' " DenP's. or St. Louis, Mo., says : "I hivo used and prescribed your
Castoria In mj sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and And ft to
be an excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan. 0f Philadelphia. Pa., says: "I have used your Castoria la
the case of my own toby and And It pleasant to take, and haTe obtained excellent
XcBullS xrocQ its use
Dr. J. K. Simpson, of Chicago, III., says: "I havo used your Castoria In cases
of colic in children and have found It the best medicine of Us kind oa the market"
Dr. It. E. Hsklldson, of Omaha, Neb., nays: "I find your Castoria to be a
standard family remedy. It Is the best thing for Infants and children I hart ever
known and I recommend It."
Dr. Ik R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says:
merit. Is not Its ace. lti
many attempts to Imitate
Leave It to the mothers.'
11 m
Congressional Convention.
Tho First district congressional
convention will be held at Palls City
Juno 1st. Tho basis of roprosentatlon
will bo ono delegato at largo for each
county and ono delegate for each 100
votes cast for Burkett for congress.
Firebugs havo been operating
Broken Bow.
BROKEN BOW F. M. Currle, for
mor state senator from this district,
has purchased J. E. Adamson's inter
est in tho Central Tolephono com
pany, which, outsldo of a few shares,
includes the wholo plant. This pur
cliaso Is subject to an option held by
the Co-operatlvo Telephono company,
which expires Juno 1, of this year.
Tho purchase price, as offered to the
latter company, was $31,000. If they
do not raise the necessary amount ol
funds by that time, Mr. Currlo will
Immediately commoEOe making lnv
iinrnTii i? f iyv ' I'rm'm . . m 7m r. fi n i
Jj.MnT'l.Hh,? T'fiiiiH I f iflifiWiV Vital
,11 1 1,1 Mm ,'urrn,.ni',UMtmii,miiTT
Vegetable Preparation for As
simulating Uic Food and Reg ula
ting Ihc Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcsllon.Cheerful
nessandReslXontalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
fuaifhx SetJ
jttxSitnm JivAUUSJz-
CUnjCmi Jiifrr
Aperfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
"Tour Castoria certainly baa
Lr. u. it. nuuiuBuut ui oiihbu .j-j', ., o xuur uuionu certainly n&B
. Is not its age. Its continued use by mothers throuph all these years, aad the
attempts to Imitate It, sufficient recommendation! What can physician add J
Dr. Albert J. Weston, of Clereland, O., aaya: "I hare used your Castoria la
my practice for the past eighteen years with the ntmost success."
Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For Mitral years I hare
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to d 00, as it has luTartafcly
produced beneficial remits."
Dr. N. B. Blser, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. says : "I object to what are called patent
medicines, where maker alone know what Ingredients are put In them, but I know
the formula of your Castoria and adrlse Its use."
Bears the Signature of
I The Kind You Have Always Bought
En Use For Over 30 Years.
tolor mere ooodi crloMer and taster colors than any othi r dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool anr cotton equant-well and it Guaranteed to oi.e n.rfi ...
Uk tolei or will send poit paid at 10c a packsoe. Wri lor free booklet-How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Color.. tWAUOK uuCu CO.,VniS,tt&!i,Mll!