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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
!3SWB!K ,4ftfaMtCSI. -JftCi3SS(-. 5ffl(JCaia ,-, J. - 1l.t- k j.-m-4 - PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. RAKER Publisher Entered at the postoflico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. ' " - - ' i " f3T Tub Herald is the Official Publica tion of Box Dulta county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month............ -50 Business locals, per line first insertion . 10 Each subsequent Insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. l . ' ' ' -f "-I -t.t; .....,..?...J.A..AA.J.A.t..,..,..,..,.' ,'XUA X T l The Herald Again !' 3 Recognized. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday, Tin: Herald was designated as the official publication A of the City of Alliance for printing and advertis- & for the ensuing year. x v The Herald appre- y. ciates this, as it is a rcc- X ognition of its superiority X in the newspaper field. a.:..:..:...:.a.x.:..:..x..:.:..:. Tun Nan Patterson caso linn gone to the jury. lloro is hoping she is acquitted. Tun liumano society could fiud some thins to occupy its time if it just kept its eyes open. QuttsTioN? Why wns work on the city well stopped so suddenly when tlio well machinery i3 idlo on the track here. Its ai,i. right to talk about getting a starch factory here, but what is needed now is a commercial club to act in the matter. A tornado in Laredo, Texas, killed a hundred people last Saturday, and in jmed twice as many more. Now is the time to remove to Nebraska. Ip the rains continue in western Nebraska as they have so far this sea sou, this range country will be ti ans formed into a farming country. Tun teamsters strike in Chicago is nssuming serious proportions and the police have so far fnilcd to quell the rioting. This morning the business men have made joint request tor state or federal troops to quell the riots. Are we to have another display of Grover Cleveland war in Chicago? Tun now celebrated Lillic caso of David City has again sprung up. Like Banqtio's god, it will not down. Mrs. Lilliu is now said to be insane, and an elfort is being made to have her releas ed or pardoned. There is only this about it; if Mrs. Lillio killed her hus band she should be hung, if she did not, she should bo released. But if she is crazy, she should be in an asy ylutn. Wo have never believed her guilty. And now comes Mexico and goes on a gold standaid basis. The last of the great nations to adopt the single mone tary 3tandatd. They have at last dis covered that there can 00 nut one standard of vnlue. For years that country has quoted two prices on every article of merchandise, the gold price and the silver price, and at last they have discovered that fiat is not money. Some of our silvor-tongued advocates of the white metal will now quit quoc ing Mexico as the leading nation of the earth. Tub row that is on with the Equita ble Insurance company may result in disaster to the company, but it will give tho lnsuriug public an opportunity to kuow what has long been refused them, that is, how the affairs of the company orwhioh they are members aro man aged, and will result in great good to those few conservative old line com panies organized on a purely mutual basis, like the Northwestern of Mil waukee or the Mutual Benefit of New wark, N. J. Policy holders in those companies today have cause for rejoic ing, as those are the companies that return the surplus to policy holders annually, instead of disipating them in reckless extravagance. Let the inves tigation of the Equitable continue, it's a good thing for companies properly conducted. . - - ' The City of H1 LLIANCE Is a thriving city of perous and glowing prospects of Omaha, 236 miles north of western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its tooo school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Danks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington from either Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It is the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Rhodes having been recently located here. The western division shops are located hero and more than Goo railroad men are employed here. Its people are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce ments for men of capital. cnlerprise and push, to locale within her borders. Letters'of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Herald will be answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand some twenty-Your page Illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more than wo could write you in a month. jjjjfr -Xi-4!r At the- Theatre. TUU8IMY KVnNINO MAY 9 Stanford Dodge will be here next week two nights. Tuesday May 9 and Wednesday May 10, Presenting on Tuesday night "Franccsca Da Riin'mi," one of the greatest classic dramas of the age. The play tells how Land otto, the Hunchback, mat tics Fran cesco, the beautiful lady of Ravenna, for state reasons, who afterwards falls in love with Paola, Lauciotto's hand some brother. WEDNHGUAY MAY 10 He will put on Shakespeare's immor tal tragedy of Macbeth. No wot da of explanation 01 commendation arc nec essary rcgai ding this great dramatic masterpiece. The fact that Sanford Dodge presents it is a sufficient guar antee of its succoss. Mr. Dodgo is surrounded this season witli a better supporting company than ever before. The date of tho performance hero will bo Wednesday May 10th. You cannot afford to miss this great dramatic engagement. Tim Columiiia Opera Company. The Columbia Opera company's two night engagement hero last Saturday and Monday night, was perhaps the best comic opera company that ever visited Alliance. On Saturday night the caste was "Ermine" and Monday night "Said Pasha," and lovers of opera wcte well repaid for their attend ance. The opera company 13 perhaps the very best now in the west, and Alliance theatre goeis were afforded a treat. The entire caste of sixteen peo ple were artists in their line and it would be hard to find a company with so much musical talent. When the Columbia company return they will be tendered an ovation. Commissioners' Proceedings. Alliance, Nkhk., April 21, 1905. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Geo. W. Loer, chairman, and L. F. Smith, member, and S. M. Smyscr. clerk. Board consumed the day in investi gating tho work being done by tho road grader, for which a contract had been previously entered into, and tho work being satisfactory, the grader was ac cepted. Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 o'clock a. in. G. W. Lour, Chairman. S. M. Smysuk, Clerk. Am.iancu, Nkiik.. Apiil 22, 1905 County board'met pursuant to order of adjournment. Present: Same of ficers as on the first day of the meet- nig. Upon a petition therefore, V. S. Ridgcll waa appointed a justice of the peaco in and for the second wanl pre cinct of Alliance. The official bond of W. S. Ridgcll as such justice of the peace was examined and approved. Board adjourned sine die. G. W. Loer, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. Organize Stock Company. The following from the Kearney Hub is of especial interest to Alliance peo ple. "Articles of incorporation of the Greer & Mollring Merchantile com pany have been filed in the office of the county clerk. The principal place of business of the new incorporation is to be the city of Koanioy and the general nature of the business to be transacted shall be the purchase and sale at wholesale and retail of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, hardware and all other arti cles generally carried in general stock of merchandise. Tho capital stock of the company is $10,000 divided into 100 snares 01 ?ioo each, of which sixty per cent shall be issued and fully paid up at the time of commencement of business. The balance is to be issued when authorized at a meeting of the directors. The corporation shall T Alliance more than 5000 population, pros for the future. 400 miles west Denver. It is the metropolis of X - K-------Hk--HC-. begin business April 24, 1905 and con tinue for ten years. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall subject itself at one time, shall not exceed one half of the paid up capital stock. The articles of incorporation are signed by R. R. Greer and Ed Mollring." LAND ENTRIES. The Herald will hereafter give a cor rect list weekly of land entries made at the Alliance land office. We also wish to call your attention to the fact that Tub Herald is now prepared to publish your final proof notices. When you wish to prove up on your claim come to The Herald office, We have blanks for that purpose. Beginning with April 1, 1905 entrios to date are as follows: It. Neilson. Clordon, Neb. 25 A. L. ('raiidou, Eviiustou, III. 2;)-:jo M. Schomuueher.Mliiularo Null 18 I. I). Cover, (lordon. ' .1. E. Wllrmi, Hayiird " 1'. Kearney. Lakeside " U the 31 31 23 31 41 51 Kl 41 23 H1 23 21 31 24 S3 21 23 31 2-2 30 21 111 30-20 31 24 33 o 27 21 20 2(1 20 34 31 :i5 35 ) iio 21 21 25 21 21 20 21 21 . 23 27 27 32 23 24 34 SS 23 23 r3 41 55 11. Karr. SciitUblutr H. U. Thompson, Alllunco . Wanboiirno, (ioulon J. . lrit, Mitchell .1 l Scott, Haynrd I V.. Splutllcr, lliiynrd 1 1. Tliomiixoii, Sohuyler .1. W. Splndler, Hajard I, it. Toilet hoii. Mitchell W. 8. Keno, White Clay, O. V. Itacan, Alllunco, Andrew Cox, Houfth, T. W. Wutklns, lliiynrd, in :i H :i 17 .10 31 80 IS 111 ffii 35 3 31 2-3 61 41 50 52 62 40 iV! 611 45 60 50 61 50 60 64 41 45 52 45 43 64 51 61 41 44 4K 50 53 65 5X i'. 11. wiiimuo, umuiia L W. KolllbuUKli, Maryland IK". UI11C J. C. Hrety, Ardt.ioro. H. D .i.i'. ureiy.A I'. 11. Mollrln 1U It. Alliance, Nebr5-R-I! hvlllo, " S2 J. Masuk. Kub Kern Stilts'. Mlualaro X). V. Albright, Luellu, " 11. M. I'ox, Lt'wollyn " I). .Sullivan. Ft. Itoiitnson " V. A.SIiltIII, VI. Hoblnson " .1 8. Jones, Kt IIoIiIiihoii " L. llowernmn. Woodbine, lit .1. lions, I'inu, H. 1). II, Schrndor, Chndron, Nob T. Myers, Chadroii, " V. K. lllauey, Mlnatiire, " J. Much, Harrison, " A. M. Harney, ltutt, Wy llessie Colo, Morrill, Neb J. O'Koefu. Alliance, " 21 3 o 11 4 13 33 20 8 11 11 25 23 58 50 43 40 41 61 61 44 53 54 51 50 51 40 62 57 60 41 Ij. 'i.'. 'i iiomiisuii, bonuyier 31-31 20-20-x; 11. A. Thompson, P. Kollor. l'litcr. 13 C Caspursen, llavid City " K. V. Luiiuuu, ' " H, WrJttht, Lukestdo " K. E. Johnson, lleutli '" .1. Bainnv. Hcmlnufoid. " 3 23 20 34 35 18 5-8 35 30 31 1 MH II. N. Shepherd. ' " W. 0. 11 .wnrd. Whitney J. 1. Smith. Mlnatare " (.V. l.iunlHsrMiii, Alliance, V. C. Mold, Crawford. ' .1. Stovons.Mltehell, " K, W, Mct'orklu, Lincoln. ' M. Dougherty, Alllauco City Council Meetings. The old city council met Tuesday night and finished up the business of the year. Franklin, Mollring, Snow and Mayor Bowman present. Report of city officers as follows: Treasurer, bal on hand $723.19 Water com. rents collected 433.82 Police Judge, fines collected 109.35 Marshal fees ., 42.00 151.35 Claims Nos. 237 to 256 inclusive as follows, were, read and approved: L. W. Bowman, sal. mayor 50.00 F. M. Knight, sal. treas 10.00 F. W. Harris, sal. clerk & pstg 10.75 S. C. Boon, sal. marshal 75.00 B. F. Gilman, sal. attorney .25.00 25.00 S. A. Franklin, sal, councilman. M. O. Joder, C. A. Snow. F. II. Mollring, W. S. Raker, printing A. Hill, sal. water commissioner C. A. Anderson, labor 25.00 25.00 25.00 1.40 C5.00 0.50 II. J. Ellis, printing 1 i.qo A. F. Breunan, plumbing 26.15 R. J, Lawrence, water and light.. ..515.00 Forest Lumber Co., lumber 106.05 C, C. Tasb, haul hose cart. ....... 1,00 Uarrctt & Son, street labor 12.80 P. Farley, " 1,00 A. Cardwell, night marshal 58.70 This concluded the official action of the old board and they adjourned sine die. NBW CITY FATHERS. The new couucil was immediately called to order by Mayor Buechscn- I stein, and in a brief speech promised to give the city as good an administration as he was able to. The following committees and offi cers appointed by the mayor and rati fied by the council. Finance and purchasing, Mollring and MacCrae. No purchase of any kind to be made without first being approved by this committee. Fire and water, Mollring aud Joder. Ordinance, Franklin and MacCrae. Street and alley, Joder and MacCrae. License, Mollring and MacCrae. Printing and claims, Mollring and MacCray. Health, Franklin and Joder. President of the council, F. H. Moll- ring. Attorney, R. C. Nolcman. City Physician, H. H. Bellwood. City scavenger, Nathan Taylor. Marshal and street commissioner, M. A. Shay al a salary of $85.00 per month, to look after the water com missioner's duties, except the collecting of rents; accepted by Shay. Night police, James Daughcrty. Sal ary to bo $55.00 per month. Mayor appoints City Treasurer F. M. Knight ns water commissioner to receive all records and funds now in hands of outgoing official and to collect water rents. "The Alliance Herald" was desig nated as the official publication for printing and advertising. Bonds of city clerk, city engineer and police judge presented and approved. Petitions for liquor license were pre sented, approved, and license grunted to William King, Simon Spry, W. F. Betzold, Ed. J. Barry and W. N. Cor ncal. Each paid ?r,ooo license, $700 of which Sjons to tho school treasury and $300 to the city treasury. Druggists permits were issued to II. F. Thicle and Fred E. Ilolsten. Board adjoin tied to meet May. iG. Do You Wont To Dip? The Pleasant Hill dipping company will commence dipping about the 12th or 15th of May. Would like all parties who want to dip to apply to George Zdbel, secretary, in good time, on the A. H. Grove property seven miles N. W. of Alliance. Ciias. Bcnjamin, Puns. iq tf Gkokgu Zoiu'.l, Sec. Official Directory. statu omcKim. Hon. John 11. Mickey Gou'rnor. Hon. K. tl. Medllton I.leuuniint Governor. Hon. A. Uulushu Secretary of Stnte, Hon. F- M Seiirlc, Jr. Auditor. Hon. I'ctur Mtirtunscn Treasurer. Hon. .1. Ii. Mcllrlen Mipl. Public Instruction. Hon. Noirls Iirown Attorney (lenerul. Hon. II. M. Kiitou -I'om'r Public J.iuuls and Hutldlngs. Hon. Hurry Lindsay Statu l.lbiurliui. St'PUKMK COURT. Hon S. A. Holeotnb Chief Justice, Hon. Snniuul II. Hediniwif k Associate Justice. Hon Jolii 1). llurnes Ahsoclato Justice. COMlnKSS Hon. J H. Millurd-tl. S. Senate. Hon. K. J. Ilurkott-U. H. .Semite Hon. M .P. KlnkitldConKrubMnan 8ixthl)lst. District. U. S. I.ANII OKPIOK. Ilruco fyllcox Iteclstcr, W. K. Akers Ilecelvur. .1. II. H. Howott-Clerk. LEaiHlATUUK. Hon. V. M. Curry Itoprescntntlrn 53rd DIst. Hon. Ohns. V. llrcsco Senator 14th Hist. UISTRtCT JUIH1K8 15TH DISTniCT. Hon. W. It. Westover-ltushvlllo. Hon, .1. J. Mnrrlugton-O'Kelll. COUSTV OFFIOF.IIS, llOX 1IIJTTE CODNTY. S. M. Smyser County Clerk, Hccordor, and t'lerk District Court (l. V. llrennnn TreiiBurer. Ira Uced-Hhurlir. 1). K. Spiicht-County JikIkp. lH?orft A. Hustln Supt. Public Instruction. William Mitchell County Attorney. .1. P. Hazard County Surveyor. A. S. Ileetl A lessor. G. V. I.ocr Commissioner, Chairman, Kriink Calm- Uouunlxsloner. Ij. b Smith Commissioner. 11. II. Itellwood, M. . County Physician. ur. o. i.. fliooro -coroner, CITY OFFICIALS Dr. T,. V. How man Muyor. Kred W. Harris-City tjlork. S. C. Hoon-tihief of Police. I A. Hurry Police JikIkc. 11. V. Qllinan- Cltv Attorney. Dr. II. H. Hellwood-Physlclaii. Abel Hill Water CommUsloucr. I'OU.NCHIKX. Fred Mollrlni? I r.f ... , S. A. Franklin f l,rt,t "MlU Churles A. Sucw I u,i vi,.i Mahlon Jodor 1 oecona V,im, Kred Hrennan -Chief Flro Department. Prof. V. II. H.irtz Sup't. City Schools. cnaiicius KPISCOPA I. - IteRular Sunday ser Ices 8 a.m. 11 a. m.; 7:;t0p. m.j Sunday school ut 10 a.m. Charles I). Coerr. Hector. CATHOLIC lteKular Sunday services fc u. in.; 10 a. in ; 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school ut 2 p. m. tather 11. F. (Salvia. MKTHODI8T -ltegnlur 8undiy hervlco-11 a. in.; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday w:hool 10 a. in.; Junior League '2.30 p. 111.; hpwortli Iairuo il.'lil .. n. Pr.11 IT v. C W. meeting 1 iiursiajs, 7:30 p. m. Itev Kay, Pastor. F1UST PKESHVTUIUAN-Kegular Sunday service II a. in.; 7:30i. m.j Sunday school 10 a. 111 : Christian Knlnuor 5:45 p. ui. Ci. P. V. Hogue, Pastor. UNITHI) PIIESHYTKKI AN-I!eular Hunduy norvIcH--11 11. 111. 7:30 p. m.; Sunday nchooi 10 a. m.; Y, P. C. U. 0:3J p. m. Itev. McCon ncll. Pastor. lUITIST-lteguIur Sunday scrvico-ll a. in.; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m.; Young People's meeting 0:43 Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 30 p. 111. Itev. U. C. Jcflen., lasior. OF.UMAN LUTHKUAN-Iteguhif Sunday ser vice 11 11. m j Sunday scliool 10 11. in ; Hveiilng services twlcoeaeh month. Itev. Otto ltoehrlg. Pastor. AI.I.IANCB SECIICT SOCIRTIES. KASTKKN STAK-lst and 3rd Tuesday nights Mrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron IlEHKCOAH Uml and 4th Friday nights. MmUcoLcidy, N U , DKOKRK OP HONOll-lst aud 3rd Monday nlghtR. Mrs A i: Iteynolds, C H KOyALNUKIHHOKS 2nd and 4th Wednes day nights. Mrs U N HosUlns, Oracle L O T M -2nd and 4th Monday nights. Mrs O 11 ItocUy LADIES AUXILIAHY H of It T-Snd and 4th Thursday S 11 m Mrs U N HosUlns Mistress r..vnins AUXILIAHY nnf L E 1st and 3rd Tiiursuajssp in .ursii l. warns, i-resi-dent LADIES AUXILI A ItY II of L F-2nd and 4th FrldajH 2 11 m Mrs W L Austin. ODDFELLOWS -Evory Tueaday night. L T Px)le, Noble Grand A V k A M No. 13 Thursday on or before lull moon. S A Franklin. W M HF.ULAH COMMANDEHY No, SO. K T-2nd and 4th Tuesday nights, w K Zollinger, OE It A M No. 54 1st and 3rd Monday nights. 8 A Franklin, II P A O U W 2nd und 4th Monday nights, L Hutchseiistein, Master Workman M W A 1st unit 3rd Wednesday nights. Ed gar Martin, V C EAHLEB-2ndand 4th Sundays, 2:30 p in W S Kidgell. W I' IC V 1st and 3rd Monday nights, J U MIL ler, O O KOYAi. IliailLANDEUS-Every Tuesday night. It U Strong, 1 1 n of L E 1st uud 3rd Wtslnesday 3pm S A Franklin, C E 11 of L F-Every Friday night. C W Tlllett, Master O II C Every Tuesday ut 2 p m J N An drews, C C II of It T every Thursday night. W A Man chester, Master A O O P Alliance Harbor No.42-lst and 3rd Friday nights, D. W. Hayes, Coin. w OUR $3.50 SHOES t t T . T .. ijt f 1 TRY OUR $3.50 MEN'S SHOES AND YOU'LL SAY that they are the best $3.50 shoes you ever had on j your feet. Put them beside any' shoe you ever ;; saw they're right up in style ahead of most of them. X Grace and stvle at n.o expense to service. You ; ' may have them of patent straignt or swing lasts, new toes, vn tne appear- - ance, style and durability of a regular $5.00 shoe. ' p And still we are asking for them onry $3.50. ff "SVve ALLIANCE CASH SHOE STORE fa l.nnd Office Notices. Land Olileo at Alliance, Nebr., March 30, 1IX)5. Xotieo Is hereby Riven Hint tho following named settler has Hied notice of her Intention to make Ilnal proof In support of her claim, and that said proot will bo made lieforo lleu ixtornnd ttecclverat Alliance, Jt'obr., on May 10, 1W5, viz: MAUY HLISS of HemliiKford, Nebraskn.on homestead entry No. 3100. for lot 4 and UVU XW'f section 1. lot 1, and SKU NKU sections, township S3, N. nmjto 50 W. She names the following witnesses to provo her continuous resilience upon and cultivation of .said land, viz: Alllu Mnblu. ltoliert Curry, (leuren W. Loer, William F. Walker, all of Hemlnpford, Nebr. 15-0 IlnuCE Wll.CO.X, IJecelvur. Land Ofllcont AUIuuco, Nebr., Apr. nth. l!K)5. Notice Is hereby given that tho following named .settlor has tiled notice of hi Intention to malio Html proof In support of his claim, mid thai said proof will bo made before Iteglsteraud Hecolvor at Alliance, Nebr., on Juno lOtli.lCOS. viz 1UCIIAKD 8. HEVAN, of Hcmlngford, Nebr, on Homestead entry No. 'J10O for the North Kast li section 31 township 20 N-K 50 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of bnid land, viz: David A. Paul, Peter K. Chrlstenscu, John Mlchnclsnn and Frank Ucvau, all of llemlngforil, Nebr. 17-0 HnccK Wilcox, Iteglstcr. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Hox llutto county, Nebraska. April 7, HX)3, In tho matter of the estate of William .1. Ilrltton, deceased. To tho creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 will sit at the County Court Itonui In Alliance In said county, on tho 10th day of October, 1P05, to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with n vluw to their adjustment and nllOAiinco. Tlio tlmo limited for the pros dilation of claim against said estate is sW months, from tho'tli day of April, A D, 10O., and tho tlmo limited for payment of debts Is one year trom saiu it 11 any or April 1005. Witness my hand and tho seal of said county court, this 7th day of April, lPOo. (A Truo Copy) D. K. Spacht, si:al1 18-4 County Judge. Time Table Alliance, Nebr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points east and all points west und south. TitAiNS Leave as Follows, Mountain Time: No. 41 Passenger daily. Dcadwood, Hillings, all points north uud west K:50p.m. No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omaha; Chicago and all points cast 3:5a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denvur Ogdcn.tialt LiiKP. San Fran cisco and ull luturinediato points, dep-irts at 3:1X1 a.m. No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, arrives at No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursday, Satur days, points south and west, departs 8:00 a. m. No. 300 Tuesdays. Thursdays. Satur days, south and west, urrtves.0:25p. m. l-l.i.l.ii ,ll..1.,i. ,iwl wsl I ltt.. ,lial. , 2 (seals free) on throiii;li trains. Tickets sold .....1 1 ..1.....1....I .n ...... ..r.1... t.. .1...' United States or Canada. For information. tlii'O tables and tickets call 011 or write L. S. SAor- Agent, or L. W. Wakklkv, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. Tours in the Rocky Mountains. The Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande Western offer to the tour ist and the trans-continc.tal traveler the choicest resorts and the grandest scenery in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. This route has two separate and distinct lines through the Rocky mountains, all through tickets being available via, either. The direct line to Cripple Creek, the greatest gold camp on earth. Three traius daily with through Pullman palace and tour ist sleeping cars between Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, and Chicago, St. Louis and San Fran cisco. The best line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Waghington via. the "Ogdeu Gateway." Write S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo., for illustrated descriptive pamphlets. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 18 BOX I1UTTE AVENUE. Phone 253, Calls answered In town or country. 3: colt, vici or box calf, in f E want to show you our new line just .ar- Every pattern We know vou rived, new. would buy if you saw our patterns. That's why we're so anxious to show them to you. Prescription Druggist 306 Box Butte Are. esseoaeas HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTI N G W& Y PAPER HANGING DECORA TING t f V See us before you contract for spring housccleaning. L. E. COOK IP I'alnti r ALLIANCE Painter for tlio I'coplc - - NEHAIiSKA Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery. Alliance. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. WKLLIAn MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, AttoriteyH at Law ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attentiou. SMITH I'. TUTTI.E. IHA E. TA U. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. ! WALL ! ! PAPER! ! e 'North Main St., . ALLIANOE.NEnt s ,v ;'