The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 1
.OTiSs Soctc.; THW VOLUME Xfl. vlfi ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, 9 NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905, . NUMBER 20 - ' . '" " " 1 i ' mml ' I K t i I ! PIANOS AND ORGANS We are Agents for the Marshall & Wendell Habart M. Cable Emerson Steger Schultz and Kingsbury Pianos. These are all high-grade pianos and known to every one in Alliance. Call and see our late shipment of pianos. Terms and prices reasonable. 42&!&!te.3&.l& A . aN Qokwoota Vl WWWWWWWW THE HCUSEFURN1SHERS who sell Furniture and all House Furnishings CHEAP. ICE CREAM aaanBULK OR BRICK WE are now ready to furnish the pub lic with Ice Cream in all colsrs and flavors. Wo have the latest equip mcntifor manufacturing and our prices are right. Let us bid on your wants. . Delivdrcd to all parts of the city. (1011 BOYER & HARRISON, Props. 'phone 356. Business Locals. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answered promptly day or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi dence 151. I2-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. . Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your monej. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's. Lost Brown curly dog, "Bill" with white spot on breast. Return to Frank Beeson and get reward. 20-1 For Sale Cheap Relinquishment to desirable G40 acre homestead; cuts about 80 tons hay; close to station. T. J. O'Keefe. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon V. N. Corneal. 6-tf ..5vs. Suits, for Boys Moderately priced. AU new. This season's goods. Choice of all the new "Eatons" and "Buster Brown" Suits at $1.21 5vfc 5&moxs n THIEVES ARE ACTIVE Barry's Saloon and "Tito Right" Clothing Store Broken Into and Pillaged No Ar rests So Far. Sunday morning about 5 o'clock the sound of breaking glass was heard in the rear of Ed Barry's saloon, but no attention was paid to it. But on Mon day morning when the place was open ed, it was found "that some miscreant who had no regard for the Sabbath or the property of Mr. Barry, had broken into the place and tapped the till, tak ing S12.40 in cash. No other goods wore missed and it is believed that the thief only wanted the casli in the reg ister. Barry has the man "spotted" who he thinks did the job and it will bo well for the fellow to fight shy of Bar ry's place. The thief broke a glass in the rear of the place through which he came and went. THE RIGHT" STOKU KOMIUM); At an early hour yesterday morning, thieves broke one of the big windows in the rear of "The Right" clothing store of Beckwith and Brcsee and carried off enough goods to start a habberdashcry store. No positive clue has been found to the perpetration of the crime, but it is believed that a trio of traveling "yeg men" were the fellows who did the job. Entrance as well as egress was effect ed through a rear window and the stuff carried off was of such a natuie to lead to the belief that it was a bunch amatuers who took only what they needed in their business. Among the stuff taken was one new red fiber tele scope, suit-case style, one dark plaid cravenettc rain coat, size 3G, one dark dim plaid cravenettc rain coat, (heavy) size 38. Also quantities of men's wool ribbed underwear; black half hose, fancy tips; fancy arm bands; 4-in-hand ties, drab, brown, etc; ascot ties (wine color); brown diiving gloves, silk lined; drab suspenders, men's dark tan belts; collar and cuff buttons; two pairs men's vici blucher shoes, sizes byi and 82 ; a quantity of patent bachelor buttons; one stick pin (key); one stickpin (revol ver); probably one or more Stetson hats, Graeco style. A reward of S25 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of one or more of the parties, has been offered. It i3 only little more than two months since the sams store was broken into and a quantity of goods taken, but in less than twenty-four hours Sheriff Reed had a pair of colored men arrest ed who confessed the crime, and are now doing a term at the pen at Lincoln. Three suspicious characters were on the street here Tuesday, who may have been implicated. All three were short, stout, smooth shaved young fellows, and if apprehended there will be more new recruits to join the Box Butte county contingent of burglars now doing time in the pen at Lincoln. Father Galvin's Successor. While we regretted yery much to chronicle the fact that Father Galvin was to leave this parish to be succeed ed by Father Devos, of Spaulding, we are more than pleased to quote from the Spaulding Enterprise the following extract: "The news fell like a thunder clap from a clear sky a few days ago that Father Devos would be changed from this parish to some other in the diocese and that the Bishop had already made the order. To say that the people were surprised and disappointed would be putting it mildly, and all kinds of stories have been afloat as the reason of this sudden decision of the Bishop. So great was the excitement and so anxious were the people to try and do something that would bring about a change in the conclusion reached by the Bishop that a meeting was at once held and a committee consisting of nine of the representative members of the congregation weie selected to go to Omaha and have a conference with the authorities of the diocese and, if possi ble, bring about a recision of the order. A petition .was also prepared and circulated which in a few hours was signed by nearly ninety-five per cent of the members and residents of the parish, but up to this time it seems as though the wishes of the people are not to be taken into consideration. Father Devos is an able and zealous priest. He came here when the coun try was new and helped the people fight the battles of pioneer life. He, with them, braved the storms of winter and the hot winds of summer to the end that a prosperous and progressive community might be established hero, The storm was never too great or the night never too wild for him to go to the bedside of the sick or to bring suc cor to those in want. For twenty years he has battled with the elements and against hard times and a scarcity of money in a new country and has built up a parish hero that is second to none, and has done it too without dis tressing anyone but himself. For years he lived in a basement in the old house on the corner above the school, part of the time sick nearly unto death, and did it uncomplainingly. He, more than anyone else, is responsible for tio fact that we have one of the best towns in the state for its size, and had he, under the providence of God, been per mitted to remain here he would have lout his energies and time to have made it still better. We have a Brothers community and school thnt is a credit to any parish and we have one of the finost Sister's academics that any town can boast of, and we now have Hearing completion a church that every rosi dctit of this pait of the state could and would be proud of, and these things could not have been accomplished had it not been for the indomitable zeal and untiring cffoits of Father Devos. No man, within whose bosom beats a heart that throbs in sympathy with his fcl lowmau, could have listened to the words of this good priest on last Sun day announcing the fact of Jiis depart utc without the deepest and most sin ceic sorrow. Father Devos will bo missed from this community as no other man would be, and no matter where he goes, ho will carry with him the blessing and devoted affection of a host of peonlo of all classes and de nominations." Elks Organize Saturday. The Elks hall is about ready for the initiation Saturday night. The parti tions arc in, the plastering done, the painting about completed and the plumbing done, the furniture nearly all here and the paraphenalia is here. The cominittee on entertainment and recep tion have all arrangements made to meet the incoming trains Satmday from the cast west and south. The hall w ill be used on Sunday for the installation of tho Knights of Colum bus and a big delegation is expected here for both events. The colors of the Elk order are purple and white and the city will be decorated in those colors in honor of the occasion. The K. C. Order to Organize Sunday. All arratvements for the organiza tion of the Knights of Columbus in this city have been perfected and the work of iniation will take place Sunday afternoon and evening. This will take place at the Elks' hall. The banquet, which promises to be an important affair, will be held at the opera house. The speakers at the feast have been selected from among the most eloquent ttmber of the order throughout Nebras ka and as a result those present will undoubtedly have tho pleasure of feasting intellectually as well as physi cally on the best to be secured. Tho ladies of the Holy Rosary parish have charge of the banquet and will see to it that nothing is left undone. About sixty lambs will be shorn on this occa sion and the price of wool will, no doubt, fluctuate materially after Sun day's organization. C. H. Vincel, the barber, left for Fullertop this morning, where he ex pects to engage in business on his own account, if the place suits him. Old KinCol was a merry old soul Old King Cole was such a merry old soul because his throne was covered with one of Richardson's Superlative Carpets. fj jTf rrgjb w?zL fan nSsStSsf PHELAN BANQUETED The ticwly Appointed General Super intendent of the Wyoming Division in the Hands of His Friends. The reception and banquet tendered Mr. John R. Phclan, who has recently been promoted from Division Superin tendent to General Superintendent of the Burlington here, was never equalled. Over 60 of tho most prominent citizens weie at the banquet board when the distinguished guest ni rived, and he was cheered to the echo when eiitoting the banquet hall, while tho orchustra played "Hail to the chief." Covors wore laid for Go and every place was taken. A seven course liiumi was served while Miss IJartz and her or chestra discoursed sweet music. After tho cigais had been served and the chumpaign had born poured, tho toast master, Mr. F. M. Knight, proceeded with the oral cntortainmont of tho eve ning. He delivered a touching address among other things ho said; "Fellow citizens and Gentlemen: Wo have assembled this evening for the purposo of offering congratulations to one of the most prominent gentleman of the west. He has lived in our midst for the last 15 years and has been identi fied and personally interested, not only in the progress and welfare of our own state, but also in the development of the resources of other states: Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Mr. J. R. Phclan, our honored guest at this gathering, has ever been known as the practical and methodical busi ness man, and has proven himself to be absolutely loyal in the minutest detail, to the various interests intrusted to ' his care. I think I may venture tho assertion that his recent promotion to the GoncralSuperintciidi cy of the C. B. & Q. Railroad system will result in many benefits to this corporation and likewise materially aid in the development of the resources of the tributary country which this great system traverses. Mr. Phclan baa been a prominent factor in the substan tial growth of Alliance, His residence among us practically dates back to the very beginning of tho city. During the intervening years we have found him, not only instrumental in getting cap italists to invest in Alliance, but also have found his counsel and judgment wise and conservative in the direction of city affairs and the advancement of our city schools." The applause had not subsided when Mr. Phclan, the guest of honor, was requested to respond to the toast, "Alliance." After which following in the order named the following gentle men responded to the toasts assigned them. J. R. Phelan, Alliance. G J. Burke, Politics. E. C. McCleur, Ladies. F. M. Broom, C. B & Q. R. R. E. H. Boyd, The Babies. V. A. Hampton, Cuba. C. C. Barker, The Professions. A. T. Hemingway, Business of Alliance. Prof. Bartz, Opportunity. S. M. Smyser, Keep your eye on the top, or The best method of lu.ndling a No 2 shovel. D. G. McFarland, Railroading. Captain Akers, Banquets. Dr. Thos. Allen, Citizenship. Judge Berry, Elements of success. Dan Burke. Wild Bill. Wm. Mitehell, Richardson's Superlative Carpets and Rugs . ore the "OLD RELIABLE" kind. ffrl JW 4j3 Wo are showing all the newest patterns and latest colorings in Carpets for Parlors, Sitting Rooms, Dining Rooms and Bed Rooms. Also Portiers and Lace Curtains. We recommend Richardson's Linoleum For the Kitchen. Lock woods TltC ItOVSE fVRNJSHERS Mayor Bowman, Fred HoUten, C. A. Newberry, R. A. Smith, Supt. of motive power, V. W. Harris, F. J. Krcamer, L. H. Moslicr, W. S. Raker, J. Kridlebaugh, Dr. Bcllwood, The only man who failed to rcsbond was Division Superintendent Birdscll, appointed to succeed Mr. Phclan, and he was too much overcome with emo tion at the glowing compliments paid him and his chief to make response and a "silent" toast was drank in his honor. Space prevents our giving in detail the glowing tributos paid to the guest of honor from ench, but oepecial men tion should he made of the oratorical eloquence of Capt. Akers, W. A. Hampton, Win. Mitcholl, Dr. Allen. Piof. Boitz, Sam Sinysur, C. C. Bark er nnd A. F. Hemingway. Any ono of tiicsc and a dozeirmore arc past mas ters nl after dinner speeches and tho banquet hall resounded with cheers after each toast. But it wns to the guest of honor to make the most touch ing speech of the evening. In respond ing to the call for a history of his rail road career, lie began by reciting his railroad service from a boy of 17 con tinuously in various capacities from building n grado to tho position lie now holds. But the climax came when he referred to tho barefoot days of hid boyhood on an Iowa farm when he drove his mother to church on Sun days in the fnrin wagon behind n pair of white oxen, and when he told of hav ing only that day received n letter from that dear old mother congratulat ing her boy on his promotion, his cmo tion overcame him and tears filled tho eyes of most present. It was a touch ing scene and will be treasured in tho memory of all who witnessed it. The affnirvag a complete and pro-. uouueed success and was duo largely to tho committee in charge: E. C. McCleur and Dr. Knight, assisted materially by tho exceptionally fine music furnished voluntarily by Miss Bartz and her orchestra. Among the prominent railroad men present were: J.Kridclbaugh,agent at Omaha, R. D. Smith, Lincoln. Superintendent of Motive Power west of tho Missouri river, E. W. Fitt, Assistant Superin tendent of Motive Power, Lincoln, D. F. Mcrarland, Division Superin tendent, Sterling, Colo, and B. S. Marvin, trainmaster, Sterling, Colo. Storm Rages In The Hills. Passenger train No. 44 of yesterday, in charge of conductor McDonald, is stuck in the snow eight miles this side of Deadwood. Train No. 43 in charge of .Conductor McClellnn is laid up at Hill City on account of snow. The worst blizzard of the season is raging in the Black Hills. Snow is from two to three feet deep and drifting badly. Church fair at Luella. Tho Ladies Aid Society of Luella, Ncbr., will hold their annual social and fair at the M. E. church on Friday evening, May igth 1905. Basket sup per. All are cordially invited. 20-2 Base Ball. The Black Hills towns, Lead, Dead wood, Rapid City, Hot Springs, Spear- fish and Bclfoucho havo organized a base ball league and have invited Alii ance to furnish a team and join tin league. Nate Hart is at the head of tho organization up there, Where are all you base ball kranks, now is the time to get busy. Alliance should have a base bail team by all means, and should join the league. Church fair And Jap Wedding. The ladies of the First Presbyterian church will hold a sale and fair in the church Thursday and Friday evenings, May 11 and 12. A Japanese wedding and Japanese drill by the children each evening, Admission 10 cents. Ice cream and light refreshments will bo served at usual pricos. 20-2 House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. Garden seeds Zbindcn's. and onion sets at 14-tf fjft,ixit.) UNION MADE W. W. Norton Exclusive Agent. See our line of men's and ladies' Oxford Ties H in all colors, WAIT FOR THE GRAND OPENlHG GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S NEW Ice Cream Parlors SATURDAY, MAY 13. El Dish of Cream served FREE Q to each lady. A package ot delicious candy free to every fifth lady as long as they last. New, Clean, Fresh, Cool and'Invitiug. Wcwant you to see our new home. Don't forget the date. Local Market Report. Eggs 15c Butter...,. '. 25c Potatoes ..... .. 23c .;.:xxx:w:x:xX"::x 'i DBITTIST I V A v In Alliance io-3oofevery month. X T Office over Norton's , . . 'X 'Phono 391. xx-xxx-:--xxx-xx-x. Special Sale of Boys' Wearing -Apparel- Bib Overalls - - - - 13c Black bibbed hose 12jc Knee Pants - - - 17c Summer weave - - 19c Tan Shoes - - - $1.66 Shirts - - - - 19c This Sale Lasts Until Saturday, May 6. 5ei famous wmii wwwwtwwww mi iwfi 1111WW wwraien I www ',r