The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 27, 1905, Image 7

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W. 8. RAKER, Publlther.
Tho torpctlo boat dostroyor Kljl
was launched at Kuro.
Governor Higglns of Now York
signed tho stock transfer bill,
Secretary Hay's oflorta on behalf of
Roumanian Jowb has greatly Improvod
their condition.
Plans for tho financial reform of
Macedonia will probably bo terrain
ntcd at tho ond of April.
Bjc-Sonntor Thurston of Nebraska
has gono to Portland, Oro., to defend
Senator Mitchell in tho land fraud
Fredorlck K, StooB, nntlonal sccro
tary of tho Patriotic Order Sons of
America, died at his homo in Philadel
phia, Mayor Diiiuio lias sont a telegram
to President Koosovelt Inviting Him in
behalf of tho peoplo of Chicago to
visit that city.
Tho Itov. Stowart Dingwall Fop
dyco Salmond, principal of tho United
Free church college, Is dend at Aber
deen, Scotland.
Word received from Hot Springs,
Ark,, where Dlshop Spalding Is now
staying, Is to tho effect that ho ie
rapidly recovering.
About 2,U0 strikers of tho Putlloff
works, St. Petersburg, wero dispersed
Tjy mounted pollco who woro pelted
with pieces of Iron.
Governor Pennypackor Blgnod tho
Greater Pittsburg bill, which provider
for tho consolidation of tho cities of
Pittsburg nnd Allegheny City.
B. Heaton, principal of tho English
civil engineering collogo of Calcutta.
Is travollng in this country. His ob
ject is to study tho educational
mothods observed in American
Col. D. W. Emmons, foundor of
Huntington, W. Vn., nnd ono of thd
most prominent citizens of West Vir
ginia, was stricken' with npoploxy
while soatod at tho breakfast tablo
nnd, died within a few minutes.
Santiago Igleslas, tho local organ
izor of tho Amorlcan federation of la
bor, at San Juan, P. II., confirms tha
atatomont that tho Amorlcan flag was
not Insulted or torn when tho pollco
dispersed tho Ponco gathering April
Tho naval authorities aro unani
mously of tho opinion that tho re
mains of John Paul Jones should be
burled in tho comotory nt tho United
States Naval acadomy at Annapolis,
bocauso ho was a distinguished naval
Total exports of spcclo from tho
port of Now York for four day woro
$480,037 gold and $208,361 silver; im
ports of morchandiso, $11,870,020: im
ports of dry goods for five days $2,
848,287. W. S. Sands, former socrotary of
legation at Korea, and adviser to tho
Icing, hns been appointed secretnry of
tho Amorlcan legation nt Panama to
succeed Mr. Loo, who becomes coun
sel gonoral thero.
Tho Hamburg-American lino steam
er Amerlka was launched at Belfast
In, tho presonco of thousnnds of peo
plo Including Walter Long, chief sec
rotary of Ireland, and Lord London
derry, nontenant of County Down.
On tho retirement of Major General
G. L. Gillespie, In June, Brigadier Gon
oral George M, Randall will bo made
major general and assistant to tho
chlof-of-staff. Colonel Arthur L. Wag
nor will bo promoted to bo brigadier
general to succeed General Randall.
IT. U. Mudgo, gonoral manager ol
tho Atchison, Topeka & Santa To
railroad, confirmed the dispatch to the
effect that ho had resigned to accept
tho position of second vice president
of tho Rock iBland system, effective
May 1.
Tho control 6f tho Ann Arbor rail
road company, which has been In the
hands of tho Gould Interests during
tho past threo yenrs, has been ac
quired by Rudolph Kleybolto & Co.,
according to n statement Issued by
that firm.
Something of a sensation in news
paper circles of tho Twin cities was
caused when tho St. Paul Globe, the
only democratic morning paper In that
city, announced that on May 1 It
would ceaso publication nfter nearly
thirty years of exlstonco.
Tho Daughters of tho Revolution
dedicated Memorlnl Continental hall
In Washington with appropriate cere
monies. Tho United States supromo court
holds that tho Now York law regulat
Ing tho tlmo during which laborers
may work, Is unconstitutional.
Secretary of State Hay's physlcIanB
roports that Mr. Hay has rocovorod
his health.
Tho Equitable Mutual FIro Insur
ance company nnd tho Mercantile Mu
tual Fire Insurance company, both of
St. Paul, Minn., wero declared Insol
It Is learned that tho Japanese gov
ernment Is about to raise anothor do
mestlc loan of $50,000,000.
Dr D. K. Poarsons. the noted' phil
anthropist, celebrated his eighty-fifth
birthday and announced his Intention
of devoting tho remainder of his life
to giving away his money.
Albert F. Flete. a letter carrier,
whoso home Is In McGregor, In., was
arrested in Geneva, III., charged with
stealing money orders.
Secretary Taft has concluded to
vlttt Tokio on tho occasion of his
Philippine trip and pay his respects to
the Japanese foreign office officials.
Brief Telegrams
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Dcflnaco Cold
Wntor Starch for laundry uso they
will save not only time, because It
novor sticks to tho iron, but becauso
each package contains 10 oz. ono full
pound whllo all other Cold Water
Starches nro put up in -pound pack
ages, and tho price Is tho same, 10
ccntB. Then again becauso Dellanco
Starch Is frco from all Injurious chem
icals. If your grocer trios to soil you
a 12-oz, packngo It Is because he has
a stock on hnnd which ho wlBhes to
dispose of before ho puts In Defiance.
Ho knows that Dcflanco Starch hns
printed on overy packago In largo let
ters and figures "1C ozs." Demand Do
flnnco and save much tlmo and money
nnd tho nnnoyanco of tho Iron stick
ing. Dcflanco novcr sticks.
Epigrammatic Description.
A forostor stood ono day at a lum
ber camp In West Virginia to Inqulro
his way. Tho "strawboss," or assist
ant foromnn, a lumberman from Min
nesota, told him the road ho must
tako, but warned him that It was "so
rough a wildcat couldn't travel It."
Soolnir tho look of perplexity on liln
face, ho qualified his Btatemcnt thus:
"I reckon he might get over It, but
not tho way tho wildcat would llko
to go."
Heights and Depths of Man.
Tho moat selfish nnd Ignoble races
that over flow through tho air or
swam In the sea never availed them
selves of tho accidental possession of
power to establish orders of patrician
nnd plubolnn, or of lord and common
er, and thus to doom ono portion of
their number to perform all tho toll
and bear nil tho burdens of tho tribe,
whllo thoy themselves monopolized all
Its letsuro und Its luxuries. Horace
Real Old Irish.
A letter bearing tho following ad
dress took four days In dellvory:
"Bean nl ghl abralm teac-osdn prlotn
hntdech radharc an chuain, Kllronan,
Aran Island Gnlway." This Is not a
Joko. Translated, it Is merely this:
"Mrs. Gouran, Private Hotel, Harbor
View, Klkronan, Aran Island, Gal
way," and It represents an offort to
rovlvo tho Gaollc langungo In Ireland.
Better Than Moral Suasion.
"Tommy," said tho teacher to a pu
pil In tho Juvenllo class, "can you toll
mo what capital punishment Is?"
"Yes, ma'am," answered Tommy. "It's
when a fellow Is naughty and his
raothor locks him up In tho pantry
whoro thero Is lots of cako and Jam."
X nm sure PUo'b Curo lor Consumption saved
ray llfo thrco years ago. Mas. Tnos, HoimiNs,
Mop'o Street, Norwich, N. Y., Fob. 17, 1000.
Rights of German Landlords.
Numbers of tho largo Gorman ter
ritorial mngnntes enn compel tholr
tenants to work for them In a number
of different wnys. On soveral estates
In Germany tho tenants who aro
trndcs-pcoplo havo to glvo tholr ser
vices to tholr landlords for nothing
whenovor ho may roqulro them to do
BIT1 Pwraanentlr cortd. No (Its or nerrramot arte
I 1 1 0 lint ilay'i oa of Dr. Kline (lrrt Krre Hcotor
er. Rend for I'HKIJ S'J.OO IrUl bottle and tmstl.e.
VO. U. U. ULUK, Ltd., Ml Area Btrctit, 1'tiiUdolpbU, 1-&
British Leaven.
Tho British empire outsldo of tho
United Kingdom only contains somo
8,000,000 of people of British descent
that Is to say, only ono in forty
of its total population.
Perfect Timing Device.
In Australia thero is used nn cloc
trie clock which Is so porfect In Its
work as to mako It Imposslblo for tho
tlmors to olthor dccelvo or Innocently
mnko a mistake.
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Btnrcli, not nlono
because they get one-third more for tho
same money, but nlyo becauso of supe
rior quality.
Religious persecution Is tho effect
of an exaggerated vanity rendered fe
rocious by tho best Intentions.
When you notice a vaguo accusa
tion you glvo it n reality and turn a
shadow Into a substance.
Tho "marriage collar" so many hus
bands wear Is, nnturally, one of tho
"turn down" variety,
A lloatlng debt is a poor thing to
keep a man's head above water.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starch" does not plcaso
you, return It to your dealer. If it does,
you get one-thin! more for the -same
money. It will irlvo you satisfaction,
and will not stick to the Iron.
Trust to luck If you want to go
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow?
Then use Defltinco Starch: it will
keep them white 1G ounces for 10
It doesn't tako a headstrong fel
low to butt In.
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best; 16
ounces for 10 cents. Once used, always
To love moro than onco is a feat
oaslly accomplished by both sexos.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOMA,
n ufa and rare remedy for Infanta and children,
and see that it
In Uec For Orer 30 Yeara.
Tho Kind Yon n&TO Alwari Bought.
Values of commodities depend on
whether you want to buv or sell.
Body to Be Taken to Buzard'a Bay,
Mass., for' Burial. Nation Will
Mourn the Loss of a Widely Known
seph Jefferson, tho omlnent actor,
died at his homo, "Tho Reefs." at
Palm Beach nt G:1G Sunday ovonlng.
Tho ond came after a day of uncon
sciousness and nftor n heroic struggle
of days which had exhausted his vit
ality. At his doathbed wero his wife,
his Bona, Charles B. and Frank Jef
ferson; his nurse, Miss Mabel Bing
ham; Dr. R. U. Potior and his faith
ful old Borvant, Carl Kottlor.
Tho ond was not a surprise to his
family. Ever slnco his last sinking
spell, which chmo nftor a rally on
Thursday morning nnd was followed
by an apparont Improvement until
Friday, tho family has been -wnltlng
for tho end. Mr. Jefferson's condition
Saturday night grew steadily worse
and tho family, which had retired, was
summoned and Dr. Porter called. Tho
patient's condition continued to grow
worso all through Sunday and tho
brief bulletins from tho bcdsldo con
tained no words of encouragement.
Tho sickness of Mr. Jofforson
which onded in his death, was con
tracted, It is believed, whllo on a
recent vlst to his son, Charles B. Jof
forson, at Hobo Sound, a fow miles
above Palm Beach, whoro ho went to
meet his friend, former President
Cleveland. It Is believed that from a
slight Indiscretion in his eating lib
suffered an attack of Indigestion.
Slnco his return to his homo his con
dition grew worso, with slight rallies,
until tho end.
Tho body of Mr. Jefferson -will bo
taken to Buzzards Bay, Mass., leaving
hero Monday afternoon, accompanied
by all his family who aro hero. It will
reach Now York Wednesday.
It was on April 1 that Mr. Jefferson
went to Hobo Sound to meet Mr.
Cleveland and other friends nt tho
homo of his son, Charles B. Jefferson.
Tho rarty spent about a week thero
and during that tlmo thero wero fre
quent fishing expeditions. During thnt
timo Mr. Jefferson appeared active,
but as Jio had been resting at his
homo at Palm Beach anil had almost
recovered his strongth from tho Ill
ness which pulled him down last
spring, ho was over-confident and
over-oxorted himself. It was at a sup
per thero ono night when ho nto
something which it Is thought brought
on tho attack of Indigestion. When
Mr. Jofforson boenmo 111 ho returned
at onco to Tho Reefs and was taken
to his room on tho second floor of the
cottage, which la only 100 feet from
tho ocean, where ho could watch tho
sea. Tho weather was favorable
throughout his illness1. Dr. Porter, tho
family physician at tho Florida homo,
lived thrco miles from Tho Reefs and
went occasionally to tho bedsido of
his patient, feeling that his patient
might survive. But when the first
critical period occurred ho spent
most of his tlmo thero and called Dr.
Worloy, a specialist of St. Augustine,
for a consultation. Dr. Worloy went
to Palm Beach, arriving thero- last
Mondny and leaving thero tho follow
ing Monday, thinking that Me. Jeffer
son might recover. It wns tho heroic
fight tho veteran actor wns snaking
against death nnd his great determin
ation to survive In order that ho
could reach his northern homo that
resulted In tho fow temporary changes
for tho better.
Announce Backing by Gould.
SAN FRANCISCO Tho local pro
motors of tho Western Pacific Rail
way company mako a formal an
nouncement that Georgo J. Gould and
tils overland railroad system aro be
tilnd tho road, which will bo con
structed without delay, from Salt
Lako City to San Francisco.
March Compares Favorably With Any
WASHINGTON Tho March henlth
report of Colonel W. C. Gorgns, chief
sanitary ofllcor of the Isthmian canal
zone, received hero, shows n steady
Improvement In conditions there.
Thero wero about 9,000 employes of
tho commission at the end of the
month. The sick In hospitals number
ed 153, and the total deaths for tho
month woro only eleven. This Is oqual
to a rate of fourteen per 1.000, n
rate which Colonel Gorgas says would
bo considered favorable unywhore.
In the thirty days onded with
March thero had boen four cases of
yellow fever throughout the whole
isthmus, of which ono was in Pana
ma. In tho previous thirty days there
had been twolvo ense. Each house
In Pannma City has been fumigated;
a groat many of thorn soveral times.
Fete for the German Emperor.
MESSINA, Italy The Gorman Im
perial yacht Hohen-Aollorn was pro
fusoly decorated with flowors and
plants on Sunday in colebratlon of
Easter. Dr. Goons, tho Gorman court
j chaplain, enme from Berlin exprossly
to perform servlcs in the chapel of
the yacht In the presonco of Em
peror William. The Imperial family
and their suites and tho staffs of tho
German ships at present in this har
bor. At the conclusion of tho ser
Tico tho emperor delivered a sermon
expounding a text from the bible.
Actor's Pleasant Ways Endeared Him
to Townspeople.
BUZZARDS BAY, Mass. Tho prog
r'oss of Joseph Jefferson's last Illness
was followed anxiously In this, his
Capo Cod home, and tho announce
ment of hlB death was received with
genuine sorrow1 by tho townspeople, to
whom he hnd becomo a familiar fig
ure during fifteen years of summer
rosldcnco hero.
Tho usual 8prlng preparations at
tho Jefferson summer cottage, at tho
head of Buttormllk bay, havo been in
progress for somo weeks, It being Mr.
Jefferson's custom to tako up his resi
dence hero about tho middlo of May.
The hauso which tho distinguished
actor occupied is tho second which
ho built hore, tho first having been
destroyed by fire April 1, 1893.
Mr. Jefferson's pleasnnt ways en
deared him to tho peoplo In every
part of Capo Cod, who woro always
proud of his residence among them.
His sons, Thomas and Joseph, built
cottages here and Mr. Jofforson nlso
built a cottngo horo for his daughter
So popular was Mr. Jofferson on
Capo Cod that ho had served for
many years' as president of tho Old
Colony club, the summer driving club
of tho cape, whoso annual reports,
principally of clams and other sea
food, havo been attended by many dis
tinguished mon.
With former President Cleveland ho
enjoyed many fishing excursions down
Buzzards Bay and along tho brooks of
Bourno and Sandwich. Hs principal
pastime, however, was painting. He
took deep Interest In tho affairs of
tho town.
Rule That Will Apply to Rojestven
sky's Squadron.
ed Press Is Informed that no repre
sentations havo been mado to Russia
through the French embassy hero on
tho subject of Admiral Rojestvensky's
stay nt Kainranh bay. Thero Is no
direct telegraph lino to Kamranh bay,
and the fact of a violation of neutral
ity would havo to bo established be
fore any definite response could be
given to Japanese or French repre
sentations on tho subject mado to
Russia. Admiral Fo Jonquiercs, tho
French naval commander at Saigon,
has already sailed from thero for the
purpose of Investigating tho matter.
Tho following statement on tho sub
ject was mado :"If Rojestvcnsky Is
still at Kamranh bay, or contemplates
remaining there until Nebogatoft Joins
his ships, he will remain outside tho
three-mile limit, as ho did during tho
long stay off Madagascar. Naturally,
Japan will filo a caveat, just as sho
would file ono with tho United States
It Rojestvensky should approach the
Philippines. Japan's protest is in the
nature of a warning. Tho facts yet re
main to bo established."
German Doctor Compares Longevity
of Germans and Americans.
WIESBADEN "Americans aro
shorter-lived than Germans," was tho
conclusion reached by Dr. B. Laquer
In his paper on social hygiene in tho
United States, submitted to tho Inter
national Congress of Medicine, now In
session here.
"Although moro temporate In tho
use of alcohol thnn tho Germans, and
working an average of 10 per cent
shorter hours, the Americans are,"
said Dr. Laquer, "exhausted earlier in
Tho doctpr gave theso figures for
each thousand of tho population: The
number of persons from 50 to CO
years of age are, In Germany, 179; In
Amorlca, 170; persons over 80, In
Germnny. 78; In America, 05.
Dr. Laquer did not undertake to
explain the facts. He simply gave
them as tho result of Inquiries which
he made during a visit to tho United
States in 1901.
Can Travel 100 Miles en Three Gal
lone of Gasoline.
ST. PAUL. Minn. A practical test
of tho railroad automobile as an in
spection car has been made by Assist
ant Genoral Superintendent Brown of
the Great Northern road, Chlof En
gineer Davis. Superintendent Jenks of
tho road's northern division, and Di
vision Roadmaster I.ockland. They
traversed tho northern division with
a car, which is now in tho St. Paul
union depot yards. The now moans
of transportation enables the Inspect
ors to view tho tracks and roadbeds
nt closo range, to vary tho speed of
the car on short notice, and to look
with equal ease In all d'reettons.
So satisfactory was the test that
Assistant Superintendent Brown will
heneeworth use the car during all his
lnspoctlon trips. Four persons can be
accommodated on tho car It can make
much more than thirty miles an hour,
although that rate Is considered best
for practical purposes. It can travel
100 miles on three gallons of gasolino.
No News of Russian Fleet.
LONDON Beyond the report that
from Kamranh bay the Russian boc
ond Pacific squadron proceeded
northward, thero Is no further news
of any kind nor confirmation of tho
reported firing off Kamranh bny.
There have been rumors recently that
a portion of Rojestvensky's squadron
was at Hainan, near the promontory
of Llencham. If these rumors aro
true it is supposed the whole squad
ron may reassemble there and en
deavor In Chinese waters to continue
A Man Peculiarly Representative of
New England Ideas Funeral Will
Probably Be Held on Tuesday, April
WASHINGTON, Conn. United
States Senator Orvlllo Hitchcock
Piatt of Connecticut, died at his sum
mer homo in this, his nativo town, at'
8:53 Friday night from pneumonia.
Tho end camo almost unexpectedly,
tho immediate cause being tho break
ing of the abscoss which had foimcd
In the .right lung and which produced
strangulation. Only a few minutes bo
fore, Dr. Ford, tho family physician,
had prepared a bulletin from tho sick
room to tho effect that If tho patient
did not have anothor sinking spell,
such as had como to him during tho
foronoon, ho would probably llvo
through tho night
Tho funeral will probably bo held
next Tuesday, though tho dato has
not been conclusively fixed.
By both temperament and feeling
Senator Pjatt was peculiarly tho rep
resentative of New England ideas and
of tho old Puritan Integrity and con
science. Senator Piatt's last public utteranco
was nt tho state capltol on March 21,
when beforo tho general assembly ho
delivered tho eulogy over Genoral
Hawley, whoso body lay In state In
tho corridor below. Ho spoke as If
from a heart that was overflowing
with grief and In words that touched
deeply all who heard him, telling of
tho personal side. of his long relations
with General Hawley, rather than of
tho political battles thoy had fought
with varying fortune for the party to
which they both had life-long adher
ence. At' the tlmo It was noticed that
Senator Piatt seemed to bo of impair
ed health and this was attributed to
his arduous labors in tho sqnato and
added responsibilities thrown on him
by tho recent death of Senator Hoar.
Senator Piatt succeeded Senator
Hoar after the latter's death as chair
man of the Judiciary committee of tho
United States senate. Later ho was
mado chairman of the special commit
tee of tho sennte appointed to conduct
the Swayne Impeachment trial and
this was followed by his appointment
as presiding officer of the senate, sit
ting as a court during tho Impeach
ment trial. That was his last high
public duty beforo returning to his na
tivo state to assist in paying honor to
tho memory of his late colleague In
tho senate, General Hawley.
Ho was elected to tho senate In
1890 to succeed Senator W.H. Bar
num, a democrat who had been elect
ed to tho vacancy caused by tho death
of Senator Orris Ferris. His last re
election was In 1903.
Senator Piatt was born heio July
19, 1827, and was nearly 78 years of
Resignations Called for by Cprnmis
sioner Warner Are Accepted.
WASHINGTON Nine of tho ten
pension oxnmlners constituting tho
Board, of Review were separated from
tho government service. Commission
er of Pensions Warner referred tho
tho nine resignations vto Secretary
Hitchcock with the recommendation
that they be accepted, and Mr. Hitch
cock took the desired action without
delay. Tho resigned examiners nssprt
that representation woro made to
thorn, purporting to come from tho
commissioner, that should they hand
In their resignations matters would bo
relieved and restorations would be
made at somo date in the near future.
Commissioner Warner, however, mado
no such representation to tho secre
tary. Tho difficulty Involving tho
Board of Review was Its approval of
several pensions to applicants whose
only claim was enlistment in a Penn
sylvania and a New Jersey regiment
of volunteors for service in the civil
wnr, but tho services of whom wero
never availed of by the government.
Steamship Manchuria Sails for the
Mall steamer Manchuria sailed for
China and Japan via Honolulu. It
Is understood sho will stop nt Mid
way Island for advices regarding the
war situation in tho orient, as she
carries a largo quantity of machinery
and other freight for Japan, which Is
alleged to be contraband.
Among her passengers aro W. W.
Rockhlll, formerly assistant secretary
of state, who succeeds B. E. Conger
as m'nlster to China. He is accom
panied by Mrs. Rockhlll nnd her
daughtor and Captain Henry Leonard
of tho marine corps, who goes as
military attache of tho legation.
President Sends Regrets.
WASHINGTON. Conn. A message
of condolence and expressive of his
grief over the death of United States
Senator Orville H Piatt camo to Mrs.
Piatt from President Roosevelt Sun
dny afternoon. It was sent from
Glenwood Springs, Colo. The mes
sage also contains an expression of
regret at the Inability of tho presi
dent to attend the funeral. Tho text
of the message will not bo given out,
in accordance with tho wishes of Mrs.
Piatt, who also says the body will not
lie In state.
Dyspepsiajf Women
Canted by Uterine Olsorders and Cured by
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound!
A gTcat many women suffer with a.
form of indigestion or dyspepsia which
docs not seem to yield to ordinary treat
ment. Whllo tho symptoms seem to bd
similar to those of qrdinnry indiges
tion, yet tho medicines universally pre
scribed do not Bcoin to restore the pa
tlent's normal condition.
Mrlm. Wright jj
Mrs. Pinkham claims that there is a
kind of dyspepsld. that is caused by rt
derangement of the female organism,
and which, whllo it causes a disturb
ance similar to Ordinary indigestion,
cannot bo relieved without a medicine
which not only acts as n stomach tonic,
but has peculiar uterine-tonic effects
As proof of this theory wo call at
tention to tho caso of Mrs. Maggie
Wright, Brooklyn, N. Y., who was
completely cured by Lydla E. Pink
ham s Vegetable Compound after every
thing clso had failed. She writes :
"For two years I suffered with dyspeptia
which so degenerated my entire system that I
was unable to attend to my daily duties. X.
felt weak and nervous, and nothing that I ate
tasted good and it caused a disturbance in my
stomach. I tried different djspojeia cures,
but nothing seemed to help nto. I was ad
vised to givo Lydla E. Piukham'g Vegetable
Compound a trial, and was happily surprised)
to flnl that it acted like a fine tonic, and in a
fewdays I enjoy and properly digest
my food. My recovery was rapid, and in
fivo weeks I was a well woman. I have rec
ommended it to many suffering women."
No other medicino in the world has
received such widewread and unquali
fied endorscment.or has such a record of
cures of female troubles, as has Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Tho mechanical Cream Separator has
become a vital feature of every homo
dairy just as of every butter factory.
Its uso means much moro and much
better cream and butter, as well as
saving of water, ice, timo and room.
Tho difference in resultsia not smnll
but big. Few cows now pfty jvithout a
separator. Dairying is tho'inost profit
able kind of farming with one.
0356 of the creamery butter of tho
world is now Hnade with Do Laval
machines, and thero nro over 000,000)
farm users besides.
Send for catalogue and name of nearest
local agent.
The De Laval Separator Co.
Randolph & Ctnal Sit.
74 Cortlandt Street
4WB3yiK9 DO MM PI r iritnt
I ''W. M0S MEN'S $3 90 SHOES THAN ? 75?
AW 'PO0O REWARD to aoTcnt wbo
"Lr-no"&" 8-1.80 lioc nrn the
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Fair Color Eyelet will not wear brassy.
W L. noiiRlaiasthel3rKrta!inem&llurilir
It tou delre further Tnfnriiiitlon ,
-" ". Hrocktoa. Mm.
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