K PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. RAKER Publisher Entered nt the postoflico at Alliance, Nebraska, far transmission through the mails, as second-class inntter. ST Tun Hrrami is the Official Publicv tion of Dux Hutto county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display) per single column inch per month ... . ... jo Business locals, per lino first insertion io Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. -v Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. Gut ready to celebrate the 4th at Alliance this year. Prebideni KooshvhLt is in the mountains of Colorado, on n hear limit and hnd bagged two cinnamon bear up to noon today. Mayor Huhciihknstkin built the city hull, n lasting monument to his admin titration. Now let htm provide for n sewerage system, nnd nil Alliance will rise up and call him blessed. And he'll do it, tool DTiih RubsianJap war is progressing by hind and scu, hut just now all the world is expecting a naval battle in the Indian ocean, where both the Jap and fttmsian fleets arc. Hero's two to ono on the Jnps. Tim city council turned down an or dinance to build new hoard sidewalks, and have under advisement the passage of an ordinance to make nil sidewalks and crossings permanent. A good movu if they just put it into effect. The Elks have set n good example for homo patronage. Every dollar's worth of fumitutc nnd fixtures is pro vided by homo dealers. Darling and Lockwood each get about half the fur niture, Norton nnd McCltifc get the carpets' and Boguc the curtains and draperies, Fred Brcnunn the plumbing, Judge Ridgcll the painting and decorat ing, nil homo merchants. If Alliance is going to celebrate tho Fourth this year, and sho isl It's none too soon to get busy and perfect an organization to do it right, 10,000 people tributary to Alliance want to cotue here to cclcbtntc tho Fourth, because wo have the livltcst town on the map, and its time to get ready to entertain them, say after tho fashion of two years ago. The IIhkald is in tcceipt of a letter from the Denver Chamber of Com merce asking for information in addi tion to that given in the 1Ii;hau about Alliance and asks: "Have you a com mctcial organization in your city. If so what is its namo and who is its sec retary?" Is there any further argument necessary for the reorganization of a Commercial Club in Alliance. Tho scramble for Senator Burkctt's shoes in thu first district is getting warm and a special election is likclv to be called in time to elect his successor before tho next session of cougiess con venes. Among tho Lincoln statesmen whoasphc, aic state chairman H. C. M. Burgess, Judge Holmes, Hon. Paul Clark and Judge Frost. The latter insists that direct primaries designate the man, which is eminently fair. In the 'meantime the First District's affaiis are being looked after by Sena tor Bnrkett. We should never bo so short sighted as to think thnt we save nioncv by sending away for goods that we might as woll havB bought at home. It is the business of tho town that gives it life. Take awny the employment of the woikman, the shop keeper or tho mer chant, and the town will soon become a dead place. When the town disap pears, tho schools deteriorate, farm val ues in the neighborhood become les sened, and all this at tho cost of tho people of thocommunity, and the build ing up of some other place. Thu civil ongiueer who was hero ft Jin Lincoln recently, says that seven and ono-fourth milos of sow or pipos will covar the entiro city nd can be put in at an average cost of $5, 000 per mile. This would include tormiuals or outlets. His plan is to build the main sower oast and west on Cheyenne avenue and lay the other mains north and south to connect with it, and put those in the alleys, as all alleys north and south. Another plan necessitate much additional pipe no bettor results. The ways moans will be taken up as soon as new city council get in motion. run will and and tho We don't hear much politics these days and yet every once in a while we have an object lesson that is worth repeating. The Sheridan Post has this to say of the wool industry, which ---- The City of H LMANCE is a thriving city of perous and glowing prospects of Omaha, 236 miles north of western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city hall and Are engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two largo school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000 school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Hanks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities aro the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington from cither Chicago or Ht. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It 1st the Division headquarters for1 western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Rhodes having been recently located here. The western division shops are located here and more than Coo railroad men arc employed here. Its people arc hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her borders Letters'ofjnquiry addressed to the Alliance Hkrald will be answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more than we could write you in a month. -. - needs no comment and applies' to Nebraska as well ns Wyoming: "In the halcyon days of the sheep business in Wyoming under the high McKinlcy tariff in 1892 Wyoming wool sold for 20 cents a pound. Under the free-trade Wilson law in 1897 the same wool sold for7'i cents a pound. After thp enactment of the Dinglcy tariff law the price of wool again began to advance and there has been a steady increase from year to year. Today prices arc back where they were before the democrats began tinkciiug with the tariff. Tim Kinney of Sweetwater county, one of the largest sheep own era in southern Wyoming, has just sold his wool clip, which amounts to several hundred thousand pounds, for 20 ( cents a pound. This is said to he the highest price ever teceived for Wyom ing wool. Mr. Kinney runs an aver ago grade of range sheep, and this piicc is a fair indication of the average value of Wyoming wool this year." Need Tor Reform. The free-and-easy night hawk rabble is becoming all together too brazen and forward. It has been the complaint of those rooming and residing in tho business part of lower Box Butte ave nue that nightly there is a carousing, drunken gang of men nnd prostitutes from the houses, holding high catnivnl of the vilest character. People who had business at the depot last night when 42 arrived, weie horrified to witness a brute of a man, at tho Rod gcrs corner, inhumanly heat and kick ono of the unfortunates from one of the houses, till she wept nnd begged for nicicy. The great big degenerate dog had his Kveak victim at his mercy and did not hesitato to knock her down. How long is this debauchery to con tinue in the prominent parts of the city? The Hospital Site. Recently Mr. J. R. Phclau outlined a plan whereby the city should or could sell the City Hall to tho hospital asso ciation and with the proceeds begin the building of a sewer system. While the plan may have merit the Herald could not advocate such a move. If the City Hall had not been built and the money had been used for sewerage, that would have been another matter, but now to dispose of City Hall, No! By all means, no! Tho city needs the city hull, the city jail there is necessary. The fire department must have quart ers, and more than all that would not-bc .1 proper location for a hospital. Too close to the heart of town, too much noise, not enough room, no chance for lawn or ttces, and not an inspiring landscape. The environments of a hospital must bo congenial to get tho best results. Let us have a hos pital and a city hall too, and sewerage will no doubt soon be provided for. Would be Senator F. J. Neidring houscn, of Missouri, who was recently within four votes of being U. S. sena tor, went to Butte on No. 41 today. Insurance We aro General Agents for Aincrkrii Central Insurance Co. Title Guaranty Ji Trust Co. We are Local Agonts for Royal Insurance Co. Olenns foils Insurance Co. ProvidentWasliington Ins. Co. United States Fidelity A Guaranty Co. Fidelity C Casualty Co., of Sew York. RELIABLE FIRE LXSURANECE SURETY llOS'nS OF ALL KIXDS German Investment ALLIANCE. NCBR. Co. ------- Alliance it ' -n a 1 more than 5000 population, pros t for the future. 400 miles west Denver. It is the metropolis of jfrH.K --4fr-.jk A WOW ON MOTIII'.KIIOOI). Umnhu Dally News. Be it Iipvel or palace, a "shack" on the prairie or a ' brown-stone front," it is home until a man places thcicin the ono woman of all tho world to him. And when sho holds the scepter of motherhood, theirs is a kingdom hound ed by the infinities. , If I were to go into that branch of politics called "Women's Rights," I should try to make a "split in the party" in short older. "Woman's Rights" means too often children's wtongs, when a woman places outside duty between homo and herself; rob bing childhood of its "gold" to pay the "price" of worldly ambitious. A woman has the divine right to the sel ection of those to whom she intrusts the education of her children: a voice in limitation of vice and intemperance, and the unhampered disposal of "lier share financially in the firm of Home Be Co. I am very glad the "free njid ciiti.il" clause in our constitution does not include women. But if a woman really wants it. let her take her place shoulder to shoulder with the men she desires to imitate; bear arms in time of war; go down in the mine; stand with her hand on the throttle, and sail by the same chart. If she wants the "fieedom" of man, let her "stand treat" with the boys; carry her own 2 a. in. latch key; bet against her husband at lioise racing and poker, and compaic brands of cigars with him become an unscxed monstiosity. The relaton af cause and effect be tween Women's Rights and "Wrinkle Removers," "Complexion Reneweis," "Shape Reformers" and "Hair Restor ers" is clear. -Woman once craved ad miration at home, individually; hut in her ever-widening circle, she now de mands it collectively, and builds to suit the varied tastes of her audience. We nil cling to youth; and it is our own prerogative to keep its legitimate charms so long as we may, when the passing years filch them from us one by one. But there will come a time when the hair is white; the fnco graved deep with lines; the eye too dim to see beyond the threshold; when we must each write "finis" over tho grave of our bur ied youth. Beautiful above all women, then, is one whose image is shrined sweetest and fairest, and fadeless in the hearts of husband and children, who "rise up and call her blessed." Another result: thus read the daily papers: "Rooms for rent no children;" "Fine flat for childless couple;" "House to rent to parties without children." There is room for the inhumanly human parrot; the family cat and her progeny curled unmolested in a cosy cor ner; my ladies dog nestles unrebuked against her silken skiits; but The Madonna, mother of the twen tieth century, Avith her babe at her breast, seeks shelter in vain; and once again there is no room at the woild's inn for these "babes of Bethlehem." Weaif gieat on statistics; and one yearly item on the list states that tho common ben, caterer for and martyr to gross, material man, ranks in money value away up in the millions far above everything elbe in this great and glorious U. S.- us. And I wonder, if it could he estimated in good round dollars, how much tho mothers are worth to the nation? But wo have no "protective taiiff" upon that source of production, and mothers and children aro below par in "governmental stock" quotations. These commodities the bone and smew, purity and truth, honor and integrity are sold upon the block of political party to the higest bidder. And when we are bankrupt in all these; the treasury filled with spur ious coin and base counterfeit, we will awake to the fact that we havs been building "without straw," and the despoilor is upon us. Residence Not Itcquircd. The question of residence has been uskod so often, whether people who had made final proof, and who had filed on contiguous land under the Kinkaid law, must move to the new lands, that we give the following ex tract from the law as forwarded to Judge Kinkaid from the commissioner of the general land office. This provides that homesteaders who have proven up and taken adjoining laud to their home stead need not move onto the new land, but may continue to live where they have lived. It would appear that the privilege of entering additional land under section 2, above quoted, was given alike to entrymen who had made final proof on their original en- I tries and to those who had not perfect- ed title to tho land formerly entered, if such entryinun still owned and occu pied the land so formerly entered, and in case final proof had been made the party would not be required to move from the hind originally entered to that embtaccd in his additional entry, but continuous residence on the original entry for five years after date of the additional entry nnd the placing of per manent improvements on the laud em braced in such additional entry of the value of not less than Si. 25 per aero for each ncro included therein would bo sufficient, if satisfactorily proved with in the statutory life of the entry, Time Table Alliance, Nebr. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, iiih) tilt points east south. PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, nnd till points west and Trails Lkave as I'oixows, Mountain Times No. 41 PnsscnRor iltilly. Dcadw khI, Hillings, till point! north and west 12:60 i.m. No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln, Onmhti, Chicago nnd till points cast 3HSu.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogdcu.Sult lAUe, Son Kran clsco und ull intermediate points, departs ut 3CUii.m. No. 303 1'nsseiiKor dally from Denver nnd nil Intermediate points, arrives ut 10:45a.m. No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursday, Satur days, points south and vest, departs 8:00n. a. No. 300 Tuesday. Thuiwluya. Satur days, south and west, nrrlves.0:2jp. m. Bleeping. dluliiK und tvellnlnc chair ears (seutR free) on throniih trains. Tickets hold nnd ImiTKaRe checked to any iolnl in the United States or Oumtda. For information, tlmo tables und tickets call on or wrltu I 8. Saor, Agent, or L. W. Wakelev, Gen oral I'uxKcuKur Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. I.nnd Office Notices. Land Office at Alliance, Neb,. Mar. 13, 1)5. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to tnako Until proor In support of his claim, and that nald proof will be made before Register and itccelver ut Alliance. Neb., on April SI, 11XJ5, viz CYIUTS C.JOY f Jess, Nohiiska, on II. I. No. 201 for thp ne'4 of so1 section 10 town fll n. range 44 w. He names thu following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: 1! II. fiourne. of Kush ville. Nchr,.lilid James Keeler, H. M. Stnyser, it M. Hampton, an of Alliance Nebr. 1:1 n 1111ULE it.co.x, liegistcr. Land OIHcu at Alliance, Nebr., March 30, 1P05. Notice Is hereby phen thut the following iiuuu-d settler has filed notlto of her Intention to niako final proof In supimrt of her claim, mid that said proof will be mnde before Keg ister and Kocdvor at Alliance, Nebr., on May 10, 1003, viz: MANY BUSS of HemltiKford, Nebraska. cm homestead entry No. 3100, for lot nnd tVi NW't section 1, lot 1, and SEi NEjf section -', ton nshlp 25, N. range 50 V. Shu names tho following witnesses to prove lior continuous reslilcnco upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: Allle .Miihln, lloburt ('urn. Ucorgit V. Loer, William F. Walker, ull of llemlngford, Nebr. 15-0 Uuuce Wil.cox, Receiver. Land Ofllco nt Mlliuieo, Nebr., Apr. nth. 1W3. Notice Is hereby giMtn that tho following named settler has filed notice of his Intention 10 malto llnal proof In support of his chilm. and that said prtxf will bo mado before Register und Receiver at Alliance, Nebr., on Juno UUh, 11X13, viz lllOlIARI) 8, 1IEVAN, of Hemlngford, Nebr, on Homestead entry No. 21 1 for tho North East U section 31 township SO N-R 50 W. Ho initncs the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenco upon mid ctilthntlon or said laud, viz: L)uv!d A. l'uul, l'eier K I'hrlstensen. John Mlchuelson and Frank llevan, ull of llemlngford, Nebr. 17-0 lliiucc W11.COX, Register. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that William King lias filed his petition ns required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and viuous liquors, in the building situated on lot 7, block 22, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him' on the second day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. William King. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. Notice of, Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that Ed J. Barry has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous und vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 5, block 21, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the First ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Kd J. Barry, Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905 Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that Simon Spry has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated' on lot 2, block 21, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the First ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May. 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, I905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Simon Spry. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that F. J Bet zold has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell mait, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 17, block 27, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 1906, and that he w ill ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the citv of AUianci, Nebraska. F. J, Betzold. Dated AllianceNebraska1 April 6, 1905. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that W, N, Cor neal has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 9, block 27, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebr., for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the 2nd day of May, 1905, being I McCluer I zss m - & . Easter Dress Goods Ladies' Easter Furnishings Easter Novelties X SEE OUR EASTER WINDOW '1 Forest Lumber Company I'HONi: LUMBER WOODEN DIPPING Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. forsalebyF.LHOLSTEN the regular meeting of the city, council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. V. N. Corneal. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 013 HOX HUTTK AVENUE. Phono 258, Calls answered in town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.ivrciiru iji.ock, ALLIANCE. NKI1. Calls answered from olllcc day or night. Telephone No. (U, H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, llol.stcu lluildlng, - ALLIANCE, NED L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllco in l'lrst National Hunk block. Alii anco Nebraska. R7G?LmTCHElA Physician ano Sargcon Day and nl;htcalls. Ofllco over llojjuc Store. l'honol&O. DRTQETlANlSi II O M E O I A T II I C I II V S I C I N A NO SUHGKO N Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hoh nftul University of I una. Phono 231. Office oitr Alliance Shoo Btorc. Night calls unsweted from olllce. Guy Lockwood . . GltAIHJATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OK E.M1IAL.MING - Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert I.ndy Attendant .. AlllQIlCe, Neb. BOYD & BARKER, A.tt6i'iijyK t: Hiiiv .. ALLIANCE, NEI1RASKA. Collections given prompt Attention. SMITH V. TUTT1.E. IKA E. TA n. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., ALLIANCE. NEIL Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Uox llutto county, Nebraska. April 7, 1W3, In the mutter of the citato of William J. Ilrlttuii, (lccoaM'd. To tho creditors of bald ostAtc: 'ou aro horoby notified, that 1 will sit at tho County Court lloom In Alliance! In s.ild county, on tlio 10th day of October, 1MB, tore celvo and examine all claims against bald estate, with a view totliclr adjustment and allowance. Thu tlmo limited for the pres entation of claims against said estate Is lx months, from tho 7th day of April, A 1), 1005, und thutlmo limited for p.oment of debts is one year from said ,th day of April 11KG. Witness my hand and tho seal of said county court, this 7th day of April, 1005. (A True Copy) I). K. Shacht, seal 18-4 County Judge. Local Market Report. Eggs 15c Butter 20c Potatoes 15c I 7! AND COAL TANKS VATS SCSI WALL PAPER ! nmE; want to show ,'ou our new line just ar rived. Every pattern new. We know you would buy if you saw our patterns. That's why we're so anxious to show them to you. TThiele Prescription Druggist 306 Box Butte Ae. HOUSE AND SIGN aWa PAINTING T : PAPER HANGING DECORATING 1 V See us before you contract for spring housecleaning. L. E. COOK Pnintcr for the People ALLIANCE. - -1 NLIlAKSKA Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. LEE Jos. Carey & Co. For bouse moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . ALLIANCE, KEBRARKA F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . Phone No, i-Young's grocery, Alliance. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. WiLLIAn MITCHELL TVTTTTVVtTTTTTYTtT WTiSMlBY ALLIANCE. . . . NEBRASKA.' f s r i a ' ast's fK.iwtf t "liJkl