The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 13, 1905, Image 8

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    Men's black vici and
box calf foot form,
irood wearing shoes
Our special EXTRA
quality men's dress
and work shoes
A large assortment of
vici and velour dress
shoes, black and tan
Men's guaranteed pat
ent colt in all the lat
est styles in boots and
Oxfords 3.50
Men's black worsted suits,
all sizes, stouts and slims
Ladies' mohair shirt waist
suit, fancy trimmed
Men's well made cheviot
suits in blue and black
Men's Russian and
box calf shoes, an
extraordinary value
Ladies' nicely trimmedserge
blouse suits in brown and
Ladies fancy panama blouse
suits in blue, black and
20 styles in ladies' panama
and mohair, elegantly trim
med suits
The new Regina riding suits
Iin plain and fancy
1 Ladies' covert cloth walking
jackets, silk lined
Ladies' pongee silk jackets
for evening wear, beautful
ly trimmed
Ladies' full length black taf
feta silk coats, elegantly
A large assortment of ladies'
lawn and percale shirt
50c, 75c and 1.00
Ladies' all linen shirt wJst
. $6.50
Ladies' blue, black and
brown cheviot and serge
tailor-made suits
,OMMENCING THIS WEEK we place on sale the largest stock
of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes ever shown in Alliance.
Watch the statement-Mark the words!
We guarantee to show you more New Spring Styles in Men's
and Boys' Clothing, than all other merchants in Alliance COMBINED. '
The same statement applies to our Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Rcding
goat Suits, as well as our Silk, Panama, Linen and Mohair Shirt
waist Suits.
In Our Dry Goods Dep't
You will find the latest creations in both For
eign and Domestic Dress Goods, Silks, Velvct3,
NetliiiRB, I'nnnmas. Eoliunes, Mohairs, Shep
crcd Plaids, Swisses, Organdies, Lawn Linen
Linen Suitings and Shirt Waist Suit Materials
In Our Clothing Dep't
We are showing the latest productions in the.
New Fabrics. The most exclusive styles in
Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits, Top
Coats, Cravencttes, Rain Coats, Outing Suits,
Fancy Vests, Silk, Mohair and Percale Shirts
S3xHWBW9h fcBBfflH
Read the Prices in Squares Surrounding This Ad.
: ' "
!BB " - JP
W " Idijl
3v& Rumer Store J
I j Spring Opening Sale j I
9H . s4to
Our trade runners; 20 styles
cheviot, worsted and Scotch
All wool unfinished wors
teds and cheviots, gray,
black and brown
50 styles bond tailored, high
grade business and dress
suits, plain and fancy
An unlimited number of our
best bond tailored, latest
stvle suits ,
Men's full length waterproof
belt coats, all shades, latest
Men's 34-inch top coats,
light and dark coverts and
whip cords
Men's fine satin-lined dress fa
top coats
An elegant selection
ladies' linen, mohair it
silk shirt waists
$1.25 to 5.00
Our ladies' leader
good, serviceable foot
form shoes, extra value
Extra special ladies'
vici and patent dress
Our very best vici and
patent leather in shoes
and Oxfords
200 children's suits,
prices $1.50, 2.00
3.00, 3.50
large assortment men's out
ing suits
$7.50, 10.00 and 12.00
1 50 boys' and youths' suits
$2.50, 3.00, 3.50
(Exactly Like Cut.) HB5fe8jl"B
I Golden Elm Arm Rocker; eight fclE3
spindle, high back, rodded arms, ffJbassMa
saddle seat. Regular $3.00 value, m jl j)
Our special price g II ll
$2.19 I 1
1 c H
1 feagr-ggf I
now on, and to last until Thursday, April 20th.
"HIS IS THE FIRST CHANCE we have had to talk through the papers since getting that big car
L load of goods unpacked. It has cost considerable to get cuts of our furniture, but we realize the
advantage of showing people just what they can buy at our store. The chairs and rockers are exactly
as the cuts show. We bought in quantities too, so we are sure of not being out of these particular goods
when buyers ask for them. " .
(Exactly Like Cut.)
Dining Chairs; quarter saw
ed, golden oak polish finish,
solid seat. A very pretty
Our special price for set of
(Exactly Like Cut,)
Morris Chair; heavy quar
ter sawed, polish finish gold
en oak. Carved claw feet,
and patent adjustment.
Our special price,
(Exactly Like Cut.)
Solid Oak Rocker; finished
golden, deep cut carvings, cane
seat. Regular $2.50 value. Our
special price
PACE does not permit us quoting prices on all the new furniture we no"v
have on our floors. But we would invite you to come in and see the
. new creations in
We have never before shown such an extensive line. Kindly remember we
carry a large stock of I inoleums, in six and twelve foot widths, Carpets, Floor
flattings, Draperies, Couch Covers, Dishes, Glassware, Lamps, Tinware,
Enameled Ware, Stoves, Ranges, Refrigerators, Jewel Gasoline Stoves
and Ovens. Can furnish your home with everything you need.
Complete Housefurnisher.
Hamilton, Herbert and Ellington Pianos, and Hamilton Organs,
made by D. H. Baldwin & Co., of Chicago.
These well known instruments need no introduction to this community, hav
ing been handled here for the past six years. They are highly recommended by
the many people who have them in their homes. If you are interested in allowing
your children a musical education, come in and talk with us about a musical in
strument. Sold on payments.
Geo. D. Darling
Alliance, Nebraska