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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
l W i -t," k ;: OBSTINATE GASES Of loucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful periods, prolapsus, or falling ot womb, attended by weak back, bearing-down sensations, ulceration of womb, pain and tenderness of ovaries, aro almost always cured by a fairly persistent uso of Dr. Fierco'B Favorite Prescription. If in any case it should, in duo time, not seem quito adequate to meet every phaso of somo complicated criso, Dr. Pierce always stands ready to offer valuable suggestions based upon years of varied experience which often proves of inestimable value. This ho docs en tirely free of charge to thoso using his medicines. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. It. V PiKKCn. nuffalo. X. V. : Dear Sir I once thouclit t should novor enjoy irood health ncaln. What I sufrerod with womb disease words cannot express. Had distressing bcarlnsr-dowii pains, painful monthly sickness, bacltaclio. constipation, also cold hands and foot at all times. Wat All run-down, and there was nothing left of mo hut n shadow. After 1 had taken cltrht bottles Dr. IMorro's Kavorlto Proscription, two of his "Compound Kxtract of Smart weed." also somo of Dr. I'lorce's Pleasant Pellets. I was entirely cured. I always Hcep tho remedies on hand now. and recommend them to all my friends. Yours truly, Mrs. John Howeiis, 033 4th Street, nenssolaor. Albany, N. Y. There is no opium, cocaine or other narcotic in "lMioritc Prescription." Neither docs it contain alcohol, wh'sky or other intoxicant.' It often happens that childlessness is duo to conditions which may bo cor rected. Many women have found that tho vitality and vigor imparted by Dr. Piorco's favorite Prescription to the womanly organs, has been tho one thing needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood. This famous medicine is not a cure-all, There are Many Imitations of Bak er's and Baker's Chocolate Don't be titled to Lookfonhi.Tudc.Muk Cocoa" or (3 UvMpk Witf fI-JL4 H II 1 1.1 m u mm Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1760 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America Conviction Follows Trial "When buying looso coffoo or anything your grocor happens to liavo in his bin, how do you know what you are getting ? Somo queer Htoriea about cofleo that ia sold in bulk, could bo told, if tho peoplo who handle it (grocers), cured to speak out. Could any amount of more talk have porsuaded millions of housokoopors to uso Lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a contury, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purify, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? This popular success o! LION 'COFFEE can be due only to iniiereni racru. mere Is no stronger prool ol merit than con tinued and Increasing popularity. U tbe verdict of MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS docs not convince you of the merits of LION COFFEE, ft costs you but a triUe to buy a package. It Is tbe easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. MOtf COFFEE is sold only In 1 lb. sealed psckages, and readies you as pure ana clean as when ft left our factory. , . Lion-bead on erery package. Save theso Uon-beaiU or valuable premium. SOLD BY GROCERS FVERYWHERF WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, ? BUY YOUtt G0-CABT AND BABY CARRIAGES direct from manufacturer Wo will KOll you retail nt llOletiHl prl com. We curry tht lxt mid ttlll'StlllK'lVOHt of C'ldcaci. Call or hciiJ fur Catalogue Omitsi Bred & Rittia Work! 1512 Howard. Omaha, Nob. rrmnM.mMii;mii-.9 DUKtS WHttic AIL USr. JAILS. Beat Couiih byrun up. jaaiea uo faateaQouO. Dae B In time. Hold by diwirtata. but n specialist's prescription, having as a single aim tho euro of dlsoascs peculiar to women. Reliable dealers recommend "Favor ite Prescription." With tricky ones, something clso that pays them better will probably be urged upon you as " just as good." Perhaps it is for them; but it can't be for you. Somo saving may bo made by purchasing our medicines in half-dozen quantities. If you are convinced that tho "Fa vorite Prescription " is tho medicino you need, doMiot be cajoled into ac cepting something else. Tho attempt to induco you to do so is an insult to your intelligence, Turn your back on the one who offers tho affront. DR. PIERCE'S PLUASANT PELLETS Curo biliousness, sick and bilious head ache, dizziness, coEtivancss, or consti pation of tho bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour stomach, windy belchlngs, " heart-burn," pain and dis tress after eating, and kindred derange ments of tho liver, 6tomach aud bowels. Persons subject to any of these troubles should never be without a vial of tho " Pleasant Pellets " at hand. They aro always adopted as a household rem edy after the first trial. Put up in glass vials, tightly corked, therefore alwnj's fresh and reliable. One little " Pellet" is a laxative, two are cathartic. They regulate, invigor ate nnd cleanse tho liver, stomach and bowels. As a "dinner pill," to pro mote digestion, take one each day. To relievo tho distress arising from over eating, nothing equals one of theso little "Pellets." They're tiny, sugar coated, anti-bilious granules, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. Doctor Piorco's great thousand-pago "Common Sense Medical Adviser" will be sent for the mere cost of mailing ; paper-bound for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. It is a grand and useful book. Addresi Dr. It. V. Pierce, 003 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Cocoa misled by them J f h Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Cb.'s is en be sold as "Baker's "Baker's Chocolate" Ohio. DR. McQRE W For 30 yearn liaamadea npeclalty oriUHEABKHOKMEN. Elfhf tHn yam In Omabo. HI Home TreutnitMit li a a perinuuently curnd thouautiila at amall eost, Save time aud money by deacrlb In your cane, and write (or Free hook and trrtns or treatment. Mod li'lne Bf nt lu plain paekare. Dor TM. Office Jl4 Soutb lttfi Street, Omaha Nebraska. 'HauywhofonncrfysmoitdlOfDIars nowsnols LEWIS'SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHTS CIGAR Your jobber or direct from Factory, l'eorla, 111. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. W s I Nebraska News A third bank Is soon to bo started In York. Tho mayor-elect of Lincoln Is going to rIvo Bnloans In tho vicinity of tho now postofllco building Just ono year to hunt now locations. Tho Burlington is spending u largo nmount of money for riprap work along tho cast bank oi tho Missouri river, opposite l'lattsmouth. Debaters havo been selected at tho stato university to represent tho uni versity In tho interstate debates with Iowa and Missouri. Tho Standard Boot Sugar company will incrcaso tho capacity of its fac tory at Lcavitt beforo the sugar sea son opens next fall from GOO to 1,200 tons per day. Tho "burn belonging to Frnnlc San dnlls of York was burned to tho ground, togethor with several hun dred bushels of whoaf, feed and buy. Only $300 insurance Kllpatrlck Bros, of Beatrice havo a largo forco of men and teams at work on the Mnrysvillo-Topeka cutoff of tho Union Pacific, and work is being pushed ns fast as possible. General Manager Mohlur of the Un ion Pacific says that the trackago facilities nt Omaha nt tho Union sta tion will soon bo Increased to provldo facilities for handling Increased traf lie. S. C. T. Dodd, chief solicitor of tho Standard Oil company, Issued a vehe ment defense of John D. Rockefeller in connection with tho controversy over tho nccoptanco of the $100,000 gift by the American board of foreign missions. Following 1s the mortgages record for Gngo county for the month of March: Number of farm mortgages filed, CO; amount, $134,988; released, 73; amount, $128,887; city mortgages filed, 37; amount, $10,733; released, 32; amount, $22,407. William 13. Ingrnham, one of tho best known men of Goring and vicin ity, died at his ranch in Mitchell val ley as a result of tho kick of a horso. Ho was ono of tho earliest settlers of that section, coming as a cowboy In the early eighties. School superintendents and teach ers aro considering tho plan" of organ izing the Eastern Nebraska Teachers' association, to Include tho teachers in Colfax, Butler, Dodge, Saunders, Sar py, Burt, Washington, Douglas and Cass counties. Henry Paper, a prosperous young farmer living seven miles southeast t)f Leigh, sold his 195-acro farm to Alex Marolf of tho samo neighbor hood for $14.G00. Five years ago Mr. Paper purchased tho farm for $0,100, and has made no improvements. Tho Union Pacific has not yet, ap pointed a superintendent to succeed Mr. Deuel, who Is to become general manager of the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific. It was stated at headquar ters that the general superintendent had not yet made his recommenda tion. Tho record of mortgages filed and released for Polk county for tho month of March shows: Twenty-eight farm mortgages filed, $04,290; twenty nlno fnrm mortgages released, $39, 900; eight town mortgages filed, $4, 988.75; seven town mortgages releas ed, $G,731.3G. Joseph Marsh, a carpenter of Nio brara, shot another carpenter named WilLDavis during aquarrel, in which tho injured man is said to havo been tho aggressor. Tho bullet from Marsh's revolver entered Davis' right hip, just below the groin. Ho will probably revocer. Kacinskl Gurt, an Austrian who was captured near DeWItt by a posso after It was discovered that ho wa3 suffering from hydrophobia, commit ted suicide in tho DoWltt-jail by mak ing a hanghan's nooso with his belt nnd suspenders. Gura wn& 28 years old and leaves a widow and threo children in Austria. Tho supremo court has reversed tho decision In tho damage suit of A. E. Langdon against James Edward Clarko of Paplllion and the case must bo tried over ngaln by tho district court of Sarpy county, tho lower court de termining just how many dollars worth of Injuries Langdon received when he was knocked down by Clarke. Miss Marlon liny tho 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. W. L. Ray of Tecum seh, was the victim of a very peculiar accident, Sho was sitting on tho back of tho family cow, which is very gen tle and which was lying down, when a playmate struck the bovine i:nd caus ed her to rise very suddenly. Miss Marlon was precipitated to tho ground, with tho result of a broken arm. Tho contract for tho leasing of con vict labor at tho ponltentlnry for tho present blennlum has not been award ed by tho state board of public land3 and buildings, but probably will bo considered at a meeting of tho board to bo held soon. Bids for tho con tract must bo submitted sealed. But ono contractor so far has notified tho board of his Intention to bid for tho labor. Minnie M. Carlton has filed a peti tion for divorce in tho district court of Seward county from James "W. Carlton, on tho grounds of clgaretto smoking, drunkenness and failure to support. Carsten Schrum, an omployo of John Hughes at Grotna, met with an accident that came near proving fatal. A team hitched to a riding plow ran away on Main street in Gretna. Tho young man fell out and was dragged Dy ono foot, which had become fas tened In tho plow, until ono of the wheels broke, thus releasing him. Find Skeleton" of Murderer. While excavntlng a trench for drainage in n rond nt lSnstbourno. England, workmon enmo upon a cof fin containing a skeleton, the skull of which was separated from tho othor boiros nnd lying botweon tho shoul ders. It proved to bo tho bkeloton of a wlfo murderer, who wob executed 240 years ago. Tho wife's body lies In an adjacent church ynrd. Human Hair Industry. Tho humnn hair Industry is a very nctlvo one In Franco, tho, departments most frequently visited by tho hnlr merchnnts being thoso of Correzc, Crcuse, Alllor, Uhcr,, Dordogno nnd Hauto Vienno. Tho average prlco gtyen for a full, long head of hair Is from 2 shillings to 25 shillings for tho very best quality nnd color. A Street. Scene. Tho teamster was not boating his horses, but ho wns using pretty vig orous lnngungo. "This cruelty to ani mals," declared tho woman with throo birds on her hat, "Is dreadful." And Blip vented hor Indignation by giving a street urchin that Jostled her a crack that sent him on his wny whlm porlng. Houston Post. i Thickness of Skin. Tho skin of tho men nnd women ot pome nations Is much thlckor than that of othors, particularly In hot countries. Tho Central African nogro has a skin about half as thick again as that of a European. That of a no gro is thickest over tho bond and back evidently to form n protection from tho sun. Woman Had Poetic Talent. Miss Carolina S. Orne, who recent ly died nt Cnmbridge, Mass., wa3 a friend of James Russell Lowell nnd Henry W. Longfellow. Tho latter spoke highly of hor poetic talont. imamaMBmsmmai iVTtfNTHi'M.fJl frJaUULU!J AYegctablePrcpnnilionTorAs sirnilating Ike Food nndRcdula ling the Stomachs ard Bowels of nnaimMiHrJWnWPnvnH IP Promotes Digcslion.Checrfui ness andRest.Contnlns neither Opium,Morpliin.e norUncral. KOT H ARC OTIC . jv oroujsiKuamewR JlxJmM fJirrpSrtjl- Jl Wjvwi VWcr: A perfect Remedy forConslipn Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea ami Loss of Sleep. FacSlmilo Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRABHER. v; f.ASTORlA jKi J '""'gggg AN OPENING FOR YOU Tbero li an opening for rim In tbe Soutuweitt o U there for nf enerKetfc, wMctwalte man. Tne Suutnwett U lu uerU of KOTIIISd but cnersetlc men to deielup Ita wonderful reauurco. 1 here aro rait area of unimproved lauU In Indian Tcrrltorr, OkUbouia and Texaa uUmg tlir line of ttie M. K. A; T. Itallwaj .oiiljr waltluK for men like jou to make tltcm yield the ttoudrriui cropa of which hey am capable. Thero are hundred of town where new bu!neca AUK At'ri'AM.Y MIKIIKO. To make them aucrexful you hale only tu eitabllih them and ue ordinary bnalneaa Judgment In con aurtlnKtbem. There ore opeiilnira formula and manufacturlni: plant, amall Korea, newapapen. lumber yarda and many other hranchea of trade. The oil aud ira nelda of Kamaa, Indian Territory ana Oklahoma ara new and oiler wonderful opportunity fur del elopment. NOW IS THE TIME! The M. K.&T. Ilallwar haa no land for ale. but IT 18 lntereted In bulldlns up thl wonderful, rlea country. We believe the Houthweat haa brighter protpecta than any other aectlon of country we are SUHE of It. If you will Inreatlgate, VOL' will alto be BUItK of li. On April 4th and 18lh. you will hare an opportunity to Inrentlitata at a amall eprne. On thoae date, excunlon ticket will be told Tla tho M. K. & T. hallway to Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Texa, at Less Than One Fare mux S2 YEAR5 CELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of We Have but ship anywhere for ex amination and approval, guaranteeing cry. You are Ine If not style, quality and price. We make 200 styles of vehicles and KliSbJSit?fioai'x"J " 65 styles anck teat and la. ruUxt ilrra. Price n- . apUwF.0. AagoodatMlh Oar larja forlMsxxe. ruui. Elkhart CarrUrfe CD. llarneasi PVTNAM Color mors ooodi briohter and latter colors than any Ak teller or wo will tend pott pjJd at 10c a pacUse. PE-RU-NA MEASURES UP TO THE 'fwfelM llPlaSW Win Mil llmmwM it Bmwu Sa 11 I'RfSwlW UNCLE SAA1 "A High Standard is Required oi Any Catarrh Remedy That Has Been Endorsed by so Many Trustworthy and Prominent People,1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMf OtNTMl OMPCHT. NIW TORI CITY. For The Round Trip. Bears the . i wvf III 1 of Aw 8 Af n Take advantage of thli opportunity and are the South well for jourelf. Wa are In ouHlon or all aorta ot Information valuable alike to tba Inveator and homnvtker. If you ate lnterratd, tall ua what you want, how much you have to In! nt and wa will Kladly furnlab tba Information. Write to-day for a copy of our book "Tbe Coming Country." It'a free, jtddreu croud aomox, a. r. ir.i., u -u, u. . a. w. siliu, a, f. a., ai r,tu b.iwi.j, tiiof., in. It. r. BOHSIUH, U. r, A., 40 TraMlM KalMlac, U..I...U, UkU. T.8.rOUkkRLT,ll.r.A., (II tlllwa Sail Bank KI4(., lira KalaM, Una. vehicles and harness in the world sell ing to consumers exclusive!). No Agents VEfEZSSSZZS aafe ileliv out noth tatlafied as to of harness, .. . . Catalocaa U He. 1T Caoopy Top Sutrry Prfcc compute Baaarnrlt. ail Mfrf. Co.. Eltehstrt. Indiana, a. gw ai Kiik lof 1 19 mtttt - ISM.M lKMtMIMJSfc A FADELESS DYES otht r die. One 10c packaot colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and It guaranteed to oive oertect reiulta. WrU lor Iree booklet-How to Ore. Bleach and Mix Colon. UOXUUKUUVu CO., VniQntlUtMluouri STANDARD WE DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION. K anyone offered you & good dollar for an imperfect one would you take it? If anyone offered you one good dollar for 75 cents of bad money would you tcke it? We offer you 10 ounces of (he very best starch made for 10c.' No other brand Is to good, yet all others cost 10c for 12 ounces. Oui b a business proposition. DEFIANCE STARCH is the best and cheapest We guarantee it satisfactory. Ask your grocer. The DEFIANCE STARCH CO, Dmaha. Neb. SOUTHERN CONDITIONS AND POSSIBILITIES. In no part of tho United States has there been such wonderful Commerclnl. Industrial ami Aurlcultural development tmiluugtha lines or tlicIllinoirttVntrulandthr Yuzoo i: Mississippi Valley Kitllroudu In tho Mules of Tennessee,. MlHstviimil und rouUlatm. within thenast un yeurn. cuius und towns huvo doubled their population" Splendid business blocks havo been elected Farm lnmls huvo mora than doubled In ulue Hundreds of industries huvo been catublishod nnd as a result there Is ua unprecedented demand for Day Laborers, Skilled Workmen, snd Especially Farm Tenants. Parties with small capital, pet-kin an oppor tunlty to purchase a furm home; farmer who would prefer to rent font oouple of years beforo purchasing; and day laborer In fields or foe torles should addrc-ot a postal card to Mr J F. Merry, Assistant General l'aenKer .A Kent, llubuque. Iowa, who will promptly mall printed) matter concerning the lurrltorv above" do- 1 bcrlbcd, und five spcclMu replies to all Inquiries. I ' " ' EXCURSIONS TO THE Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. i During the months of March and April, thera , will be excursions on tho various lines of rall j way to tbe Cunadtau West. ' Hundreds of thousands of acres of tbe best i Wheat and Grazing Lunds on the Continent free to tho settler AdJoInliiK lands may be purchased from rail way und laud companies at reasonable prices. For Information ax to route, cost of transpor tation cte , apply to Superintendent of Immi gration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorised Can lulun t;ovtrnment Auent W. V. Hennett. SOI New York Ulu Uulldiue, Omalir., Nebraska. A CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN Bandholra's Etxaraa and Skin Kimedy Purlfias, Then Heals. ramiliraly rurca tuema, Pluplea, Kruptlima Inaect Ullea and all ilia- e of thn aklu. An abculute cure fur Dandruff or fiialp dttcaas. Sl.00 Per Bottle. Sand for FEGES00KLET8. Aik jour drukvlt or barber or send to 8AWDH0LM DRDO CO., De Holaes, lows. 3sasssaBCBBWSBSHBHHHHaWMBSHasjalsa W. N. U. Omaha. No. 15 190S. W$$fe