1 -r V STOP! WOMEN, AND CONSIDER THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACT Thnt In addressing Mrs. Pinlriinm you aro confiding .vour private ills to awomnn a woman whoso cxpcricnco with wo man's diseases covers n great many years. You can talk freely ton woman'whenit is revolting to relate your prlvato troubles to n man besides n man does not uuder stand simply because hols a man. Many women suffer-in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that thov ought to have Immediate assistance, butu natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them selves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult 11 woman 'whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Plnkliam's Standing Invitation: Women suffering from any form of female weak ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. I'inkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs Pinkhamnnd tho women of America which has never been broken. Out of tho vast volume of experience which she nns U) draw irom, it is more tiian possible, that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks noth ingln return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she docs not take advantago of this generous offer of assistance. Lydia E. I'inkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Macs. k Following wo publish. two lot tors irom n woman who accep ted this invitation. Noto tho result. First letter. " Dear Mrs. HnUinm: "ForeislityearsI have suffered something terriblo every month with my pel iotK The pains are excruciating anil I can hardly stand them. My doc-tor says I have oarian and womb trouble, and I mast co through an op eration If I want to get well. I do not nant Capitol Bt , nennlng P.O., AVashington.D.C. Second letter. ' Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "After following carefully vour advice, and taking Lydia E. Plikham Vegetable Compound, I am very anxious to send you my testimonial, that others may know their valueand what you have dono for me. I " As you know, I wrote you that my doctor said I must hae an oiHjtailon or I could not live. I then wrote you, telling on my ail ments. I followed jour iidviie and am en tirely welL I can walk miles without an ache or a pain, and I owe my life to you and to Ldia h. l'inklmm's Vegetablo Compound. I wish eery suffering woman would read this testimonial ami realize the value of writ ing to you and your remedy." Mrs. Mary Dimmlck, 6!)th and B. Capitol Streets, Ben ning P. O., Washington, D. C When a medicine has been successful in restoring to hculth so many women whose testimony is so unquestionable, vou cannot well say, without trying it, I do not believe it will help me." If you are ill. don't hesitate- to get a bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound atonce, and write Mrs. Pink ham. Lynn. Mass., for special advice it is free and always helpful. Baker's Cocoa . and . Baker's Chocolate Don't be misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en- (titled to be sold as "Baker's LookfiiTi!.Mt.k Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Cur handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established J 7S0 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America immmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmKmmmmmmmmmmmam M ill i TO till wmmm gp WmvSE. s 11 t CLjL vkJ wcmsTBit 'NEW RIVAL" BLACK PONDER SHELLS. It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load ing and the use of onlv the best materials which make Winchester Factory Loaded "New Rival" Shells give bet ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making "New Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading. BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. DEMPSTER IMPROVED STEEL WIND MILL NQ7 r -f 7 jo v" v nwrw Sll m cv!L0i!i!yL,M GEARi THEY STOP THE K0I51 AND LESSEN THE WEAR. IATE5T. STRONGEST. BE3T. FACTORY. BEATRICE, hm BRANCH HOUSES! Kinits City, Mo , Omaha, Feb., Eloux Palls, B.D. Eta nearest dealer or write for circular. m EXCURSIONS TO THE Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. During the months of March and April, there will bo excursions on tho various lincb of rail way to tho Canadian West. Hundreds of thousands of ncre. of tho best Wheat and ((razing Lands on tho Continent free to tho bettler Adjoining lands may be purchased from rail way und land companies at reasonable prices. Kor Information as to route, cost of transpor tation etc., apply to Superintendent of Iintnl Kratlon. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Cun ndlan Gcnernmint Agent V. V. llennett, BUI New York Lllo liulldint', Omahe, Nebraska. News in Nebraska Wh'-n answering advertisements kindly, mention this paper. fatty dollars nnd costa is what Thos. A. Tnchrr of Lincoln must pay for In sulting a woman while drunk. Modern Woodmen of America have Just eelehrnted tjie sixteenth nuntver wiry of the organization In Osceola. During n strong south wh-il n prairie fire south of Kluood destioyed tho ham nnd hay stack on tho McFnrlnnd farm. William Stoffen of Uentrlce left for Indiana and Ohio, where he wfll meet a colony of Mcnnonltcs nnd conduct them to Canada. The young Indies of tho Dawson Kvnngelii.nl church of llumholdt hnve organized a Young Women's Christian Temperance, union. .loe Sklllnsk, a school teacher nt Hutte. eloped with Knnjy Hlchnrdson. 15 jenrs of age, a daughter of Thomas Uhhnrdson of Grand Itnplds V uumhrr of York peoplo weio in the wuck which occuneil on the 11. & M. near Lincoln, most of them receiv ing a numher of bad bruises nnd cuts. Hev. W. II. McKce has nrrled from Wexford, Canada, to supply the Meth odist pulpit at Schuyler, vice Hev. T. C. Wehstcr, who litis taken up evangelis tic work. PrUnto Maxwell, colored, of tho Twenty-fifth Infantry, quartet ed at Fort Niohraia, committed suicide. Being jilted hy his gill Is supposed to he the cause. Fremont will have one of the best amateur hall nines In the stato lfprcs ent plnns mater.nllze. A scheme of raising ?500 to stnrt lt(wlth is in oper ation with good success. The pupils of the city schools of Ne braska City have donated ?40 to the Sisters of Chnrlty to usslst In building a new hospital building cast of tho picsent St. Mary's hospital. Miss Emma Holtz, aged 23, was prob ably fatally binned while assisting her father In putting out a Are In sonic stubble and weeds In a Held in tho eastern outbklrts of Grand Island. Discharges In bankinptcy have been granted to Tucker Hrothers, merchants of Lincoln; W. H. Dennett of Omaha; Harry Reese of Grand Island, nnd Samuel Dlarmant of South Omaha. Henry C. Mnhanna, for thirty-seven years an employe of the Northwestern road and for fifteen years superintend ent of the South Platte division, with headquarters at l-remont, died last week. t . The Falls City Tribune is defendant In a damage suit filed last week In the district court wherein Lawrence Sher bin asks for $1,000 on account of an article which the paper recently pub lished. Paul Walton of Omaha, ten years of age, was struck hy Uurlington passen ger train No. 28 nnd sustained injuries that resulted in his death halt an hour afterward. He was Btruck while play ing on the tiack. Morris McKibbon, a middle-aged man, who has been paying attention to Freeda, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Freese of Exeter, is said to have eloped with tho young lady, who Is but sixteen ears old. At Valentine Judgt Harrington sen tenced Moore, a colored soldier, to one year and $1 fine and costs, for forging n noto to which the name of Dr. Ira Hrown of Fort Niobrara was sidled. which he cashed at the First National bank of Valentine. The Ansley Business Men's associa tion of Ansley held a meeting and adopted a similar constitution and by laws to that controlling the Kearney association. Many good suggestions were made to promote the Interests and prosperity of Ansley nnd vicinity. Receiver Blglin of the defunct Elk horn Valley bank at O'Neill, Bays he has hopes of paying out n larger per centage on the deposits than when ho took charge of tne affairs, some months ago, and expects in tho near future to pay off at least a small portion. Mrs. Cody of North Platte, speaking of tho result of the divorce trial, says she is truly glad of the result, Inas much as she has been vindicated and she feels quite a load of caro lifted from her. She still says sho loves the colonel dearly and that reconciliation would ho the next great event of her life. While switching at Whitman, James R. Ryan, a Burlington brnkeman, was so severely crushed. between the cars that he died within an hour. Mr. Ryan was secretary of the local lodgo of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men, and was very popularly known throughout tho city and along the road. x A peculiar case of Insanity has de veloped in Cuming county. A man named Fritz Pnnconst was arrested and lodged in Jail His malady takes the form of a hallucination that he is about to build a railroad from this placo to the national capital. Before his arrost he ordered printing from a local ofilco sotting forth the advan tages of his scheme. Prosldont Suthorland of the Grand Island colloge and Hev. Pope of the First Baptist church, loft last week for tho east for tho purpose of raising $30,000 with which to put in a steam heating plant for the new and other collogo buildings. Deputy State Auditor Anthes com pleted an investigation which will re sult In a saving to tho state of about $2,100. Ho claims to have discovered that instead of the state owing Custer county $104.47 on account of insane pa tients, Custer county really owes the state about $2,100 HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED PELVIC CATARRH BY AID OF PE-RU-NA. Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh. Peruna Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. ? Mrs. Ll.lo nodding, 3134 11 Clifton Place, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I found after trying many different medicines to restore mo to health, that Perana was tho only thing which could he depended upon. I began taking it when I was in a decline, induced by female weakness and overwrought nerves. "I began to feel stronger during tho first week I took Peruna and my health improved daily until now I am in perfect health and enjoy tyfo as I no7or did before." -Lizzlo Redding. vm &m mw:- -..v. S 'T1R5. viable: .BRADFORD, I Mrs. Mnlilo Bradford, 11 Church street, t 11 . ?. l . ItM.l. !.... r . !.- ntirmiu)!!, i. , oeLTCUiry xnikiiur wriuvriu Society, wiitcs: "Peruna is certainly a wonderful medi cine for the Mis of women, I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many, and certainly my experience is well worthy of a good word. "I be?an to have severe tmins across mv I back about a year ago, brought on by a cold, ) and each subsequent month brought me pain and distress. "Your remedy was prescribed, and the way it acted upon my system was almost S too good to bo true. I certainly have l c- gained my health and strength, and I no longer suffer periodical pains and extreme lassitude, liable Bradford. H ifc V jktiJl m Thousands of Women Cured Every Year by Correspondence This is What Dr. Hartman Proposes to Do For You Without Charge. Women who suffer should read the evidences presented here. Wo have thousands of letters from grateful friends who tell the same story. Half the ills thnt are peculiarly woman's own arc of a catarrhal charac ter. Female eakness was not under btood for jnnny yenrs. Dr. Hartman deserves tho credit of having determined its real character. Ho has made catarrh and catarrhal diseases Including pelvic en jUirrh a llfo-long study. Peruna eurep catarrh, whether of tho tcivlc organs or any other organ of the human body. Pe-ru-na, a Natural Beautificr. Peruna produces clean, mucous mem branes, tho toa-sls of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. Tho women have not been hIow to discover that a course of Peruna will do mora toward restoring youthful beauty than all tho devices known to science. Many a girl has regained her faded beauty, many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance by using Peruna. In Peruna these women find a prompt and permanent cure. TfSS. UZZIE REDDING, Thousands of testimonials to this ef fcc't,icro received by Dr. Hartman every year. Tho good thnt Peruna has ac complished in this class of cases can scarcely bo over-estimated. VVwrti'WVVNAAffA; If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the mo of Peruna, write at oneo to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of your case, and ho will bo pleased to glvo you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman .Sanitarium, Colum bus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly confidential. Insurance on Ships. Tho ships of the world are insured for a total of 050,000,000. Try me Just once, anil T nm sure to come again. Peflnnce Starch. Llfo is n hurdle race in which a lot of peoplo Jump at conclusions. PLEASANT OCCIDENTAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA. LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Wo are prepared to make loans on improved real estato or for tho purpose of making improvements. Easy Monthly Payments. Liberal Plan. For full particulars address the Association, 1523 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. $ THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. U doctor Myt It U ntl on th ttnmith. Ilmr Dd kldnoji and U a pl.uant Ui.IIt.. TUi. drink ii mm. frnro !rhi. nrt I pr.ntrrri for tit M nil u tta. Ulicll.d ''l.nnr'n Ten." or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All drnrltorhjmllWrt indMcta. Bay It to i :. V0"1'" J.'nmllr .llrdlrlnr mtt thn lintrrla rarh Any. In mlr to l h.lhr thUU ntioaurj. AddM., O. F. Woodward, U tloj, N.Y. PommetStlcker Vn the Trait x followed the trail Irom Texa ..lll. -. Z7.C TJ to Montana with -Mtt rt j. iziurano n PISH BRAND Slicker, used lor an overcoat when cold, a wind cent when windy, rain coat when it rained, and for a cover at night If we got to bed, ad I wilt say that I have gotten mora comfort out of your slicker than any other QM article that 1 ever owned." CTb. nan. and addrrta tt tka writer of hla ouolJctttd Utter ma b bad on appUcaiiou.) Wet Weather Garment, for Riding, Walk tag, Working or Sporting. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR, 1904. A fnMimn -. tb BUn Of tea a B08TQ5. C.B.JL tJJlf f J TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited TOBOJfTO, OIHASA It 1 HMJ CHILD Can Use the QUICK MEAL fitrrct lately It's proof against forcclftilnosi, Iznorance, hired clrls-the Insurance ponies have tetlrd It to their full satisfaction every vray they could think Of. The 9 IB QUICK MEAL Evpotor GASOLINE RANGE for you never havo to wait, even a minute, for your fire It's always piping hot, but your kitchen Is avl, for tho heat Is under the ktttltt. w iLTO II ouirnr rn nn. Ann lhm ora nn l.in11lnry nn ... m dirt no bother just convenience, economy and lately, and your alslicg done and the kitchen cleaned up before you know It. 'Ihe uukinmi is a city convenience you con nave ana ought to have. I( your dealer doesn't carry It ask ut we'll sell you. U01-ID TOD Lilt a rRUITt-t -111 Mnd oa tcm.lhlDt tlful-tom.-IhloftM'lllifc.ifjoaUilBplrfclln.ro.rdMl.ra nam. od i.jr oaattat k. niM Voka Ml. Bljo joor nan, plainly to It will Mack j aaftlf Rlngen Stove Co. Oh., Makers. 415 N. 6th Street SUouli, Mo. TB1DI SURK ' M.de by Hand Wear a. Lifetime Our Cntnlofj explains how we enn sell our Superior 'Aluellrr" plunoa nt from 1C 00 to $150.00 below all competition. ..Don't Buy Until Posted.. Write for full parttculnru. prices terms and our 1905 special proportion. We Have no "AKerits Address the MuUcra, SCHMOLLER. (Sl MUELLER. Established 1S&9 1313 rAHN.VM Vl, OMAII1. St. Jacobs Oil Known the world over as the promptest, surest cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia PUTNA1YI FADELESS DYES Color nor ooodi brlohlcr and fatter colors thsn any oth( r dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to olve perlect results. Ask Jet ler or we will send post paid at 10c a package, Wn lor tree booklet- How to Die, Bleach and Mix Colors. MOXliu : VHVu CO., inlonviite, Miuuuri "'Virul. (Thompson's Ey Water W. N. U. Omaha, No. 141905. FARMS For'Ssie I nil III V J. wnUIALL Bit LUKS WHtUF Alt llsf Ellis. Ueat Cough djrup. TaateaOoud. Dae in lima, tola or aruKKiaia. i on orop nnvmertia J. IinMIAU. Elouz City, Iowa. iCMJ7iilWkTBa BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER i CURES catarrh of the stomach, j SC? fEJWr fgf M SPINAL CURVATURE Cn be Curtd ALSO OTHtH DCrODMITItS. Write or rail ut office for free Inform: uon. Highest testimonials fiom iroov uient statesmen, and physicians Con iult four Family Doctor. No braces or ippiiancesu&eo. t rcated successful j Jr'S'1, ,sl rs" experience. I be Blomqvlst Gymiattlc 5 Ort tepedlc hit. inoom.oh.td. ea.iraL a..oo oa. (mmrnu BT0 21 AHUNOTOf, l.K.. OMAHA. NCB.