V z tttmmtmtmmt mum " mni'nmijwwni iiiniiiN-wiMimiiliMLaiiiiHWMt)'iWUWIiW' 3 ft GREAT M EDECiNE ERIiraS HEALTH TO THREE -IiERS OF SAME 1'AMILY. Cnri-a n Wlfr'n llrlillll)' After Mnlnrl.i, n llnktmiitl'n ltliimntlin, u llniiclilir'a Nmoii I'roatrallmi, " I have recommenced Dr. WilllntiiB' Pliilt Pills tu ninny iM-oplu," wild Mrs. Onixoit, "becnnso I lmvo won HituhgiHKl ruMilth, time nttcr time, right In my own fniiitly. There are threo of us who lmvo no donbt nbont t heir merits. Wo do not need to tulcu niiylMKly'n word on tho Mib jeel for our owji experience 1ms taught us how widl they deserve praise, " It wn just about ton y vitro ngo tlmt I llvht lead about Dr. WilllaniH' Pink Fills, and bought my Hrst box. I wan nt tlmt time nil run down, weak, norvotiH mid without amliitloii. I had been doc toiliiR all minituar for mnlnrin mid fltuiiinuh trouble. Kverybody thought I was going into consumption, ns my mother had died of tlmt diwnMO. "Thanks to Dr. WilllnuiM Pink Pills, I inn now nlivo and hearty. I begun to improve oh soon hh I began to tali o tiiom, nnd when I had takun three boxen I wain well woman. Kvcryonu wonders how I tuvi m woll nml am ablu to caro for my hopic and six children without help. Dr. WIlliaiiiH' Pink 1'ilN explain it. "My oldest girl's health began to fail v him sho was about fourteen. Sim was nervous, complained of nharp pains in her head, would get deathly biule and lmvo to lenvo tho Noliool room to get fresh nir to revive her. I gave soma pills to her. Sim took only u few boxen, but thoy cured ,li'r troubles, mid canned her to develop Inton perfeetpieturoof henllh. Thutnny litiKbaud took them for rheumatism Hud found that thoy would euro that too. Bo you heo wo lmvo all got great good from .'using them, mid that U why wo recoiii mend them to others." i Mrs. Minnie 11. Gossctt lives nt "UhrieliMville, Tu seam was Co., Ohio, and 3s Well known, as sho has resided in tho miuiu neighborhood for mnro than thir teen years. Her story shows that a medicine which makes tho blood sound nnd tho norvos strong, overcomes a vari ety of diseaes and should bo found in every household. Dr.Willinms'Pink Pills nro sold by nil druggists everywhere. They lmvo cured anaemia, nnd all forms of. weakness, also tho most stubborn c-hm-s of dyspepsia and rheumatism. They nro ludtapeiiwblu for growing girls. Mean Old Bachelor Again. It was nu old bachelor who said that It was futile to discuss tho question whether u gonitis would mnko a r,ood husband. No real genius, ho said, would ever marry. EFFECTS OF PR08PBRITY. lnthu six yenrs or tho country's srenlest piosperlty, from 1897 to 10011, average prices of broad stuffs advanced 5 per cent., meats 23.1 per. cent, dairy and garden products 6lf.l per cent, and clothing 24.1. All theso wero prod wets of tho farmer nnd stockman who tprofltod moro than any other clasB of the community by theso advances. Tho miner benefited 42.1 per cent by that advance In tho averago price of metals. Tho only decrease- in tho average prices of commodities in that .period was in railway freight rates -which decreased from .798 per ton mile In 1897 to .7C3 in 1903. n loss of 4.4 per cent. Tho roport of tho In terstate Commerce Commission shows "that tho average Increase in tho pay of railroad employes in tho period was a trifle abovo 8.5 per cent. ( I Dno out of every four persons who 'die la London dies "on public charity." 'Beware of Ointtnents lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a mcrrunr will turcljr dettrvjr the tenia of imtll --cad completely dfranna tba whole ayteiu wtin CDlerlnt It ibroiiKh the utucoiu lurucvt. Such anlclet hould netrr l lined eicept on prcrli ' Hunt from reputable ptijrilcUni. tba damaito tliey will du It ten (aid to ttiti itiMxt ji.u can puimbljr de JrUr trtim tbcui. Illl' laurrb Cure, uianufacitirrd '! V. .l.Cteney & Co.. Toledo, e contain no nivr-cui-jr, tod It uken lnternlly, acting directly upon Mbe Ulood and niucout aurfai-ea of tbo tyalein. In buying Hill' Catarrh Cur ha aura you Bel lu Jfuulne. It It laken liuerually nnd made In Toledo, hlo, by F J. Clieney & U letllmnnUla ire, old liv l)ruritl.i. Price. Tic. per buttle. TaU Haifa 1- tuilljr l'ait fur cuuttuaUuu. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully crery bottle of CABTOMA, a aifo and uro remedy for infanti and child ten, sua tee inai ii Heart the or 5T Signature la Ueo For Over 30 Year. Ttie Kind You Have Always Uought, Once tho sheepskin wns tho symbol of tho student; now It Is tho pigskin. Blother Grny'a Swoot Fowilen (or Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Uowels and Destroy Worraa. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample PKEE. Address A.S.01msted.Le Koy.N. Y. ly required for an agreement between two London railway companies. Write r'tiKene Moore, 210 Odd Follow' Bldp., St. Iuls, Ma., for full Information of 2b8,000 acre plantation. Stock for sale. ICaslest iHtymcnts. 8 dividends guaran teed. Aetivu Mauagera and Agouts wantod. Next to excellence is the apprecia tion of It. Thackery. Plso'h Cure ta the best medicine we ever used (or all affections of the throat and lunga. Vi'u, O. Esdslbt. Vunburen, Ind., Feb. JO, 1803. Experience is the extract of suffer ing. A. Helps. "Br. David Kennedy's FavortU Remedy. Ilandoul.it V.,rurdiai riouaklJnytroubit.lKloe WpouBda." a. WaxvltU, UurMilUe, N.J. VottlMtitu Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 5o cigar. Price to dealers 30 00 ier M. They cost some more than other brands, but uo'more than u good fie ctirar should cost. Lewis' factory, Peoria, III. 'The bast democracy is a theocracy. THE NEWS Cea IOWA rjRIGFS. lown Academy of Scloncc will hold meeting nt Qrlnnell, oponlng on April 20tli. MrK. Mnllnda RoRcrs, nsort 87, a prominent woman of Council Bluffs, died Inst week. At this wrltlnR tho Harrison county Jcill Ib raid to contain three Rons of preachers for various offonset. A son of Senator Oreon of Stone City died ns the roBttU of ampiitntlon of a log cniHhod tinder a train. At Nashua tho 5-year-old dntightcr of Mr. and Mrs. Ilorron wns seriously burned by fulling Into a pot of boll Ins Byrup. At tho end of tho current school year Superintendent V. I. Crane will close his connection with Marshall town public schools. Robert Berry, an octogennrlan, Is said to have boen .wnndorlnt? near Burlington with $!)0,000 In money on hl person; police nro looking for htm. Marvin Htighett. president of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway com pany, wns in Missouri Valley and in spected tho repair shops of the North woaturn. The Iowa supreme court will con vene April 4, nt which time enscs from the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nine teenth Judicial districts will be sub mitted. Tho first eight civil divisions of Ringgold county to have their popula tion reported by the assessors show a total falling off of 57-1 from tho cen sus figures of 1!)00. Articles of Incorporation were filed with tho secretary of state by the Sentinel-Post company of Shenandoah, which will publish tho Sentinel-Post and do other printing. Tho capital Is $25,000. Articles 'of incorporation have been filed with the secretary bf state by the Earllng Commercial company of Enrllng, Shelby county, to do a gener al mercantile business. The capital is $25,000. Tho Mllford Woman's club, a 'liter ary organization, petitioned the city council to pass an ordinance making It a misdemeanor to expectorate on the Bldowalk. The council has acceded to their request. Tho loss sustained In the Yotter Mercantile fire at Iowa City has been adjusted at $38,000 and tho salvage. Tho insurance amounted to $53,000. Tho loss on tho Coast building wns $2,700, with Insurance of $11.000.. T. K. Calvert, chief engineer of tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railway, gavo a. lecture In the engineering as sembly room of the Iowa State col lego on ( tho subject, "Maintenance of Way." Mr. Calvert had his subject well In hand and gave a very Interest ing and Instructive talk. A bold but unsuccessful attempt at Jail breaking was made at Marshall town by Al Harris and Ed Jones, two negroes held to tho grand Jury on charges of attempt to commit murder, and had It not been for another man In tho Jail at tho time they doubtless would have been successful. The first volumes of the annual re port of the Insurance companies, other than life, doing business in Iowa, were distributed last week. The report Is one of the most complete ever Issued by tho Iowa department nnd Mr. Roe Is much pleased with It. The book contains sixty pages more than the last report. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Jones of tho Iowa Humnno society Is planning a meeting of tho society to be held In April, when It will probably bo reorganized. An effort was mado at the last ses sion of the general assembly to get an appropriation from tho state and make It a seml-stato ofilce. This failed and now reorganization Is necessary. A. C. Sheetz of Lyon county, who was doomed to life Imprisonment for an assault on four little girls who wero pupils In his school, has asked a rehearing of tho supremo court. Sheetz's attorneys clnlm thnt in tho instruction given the lower court tho court took testimony ns a fact and stated to the Jury, thus making error. Though tho school census, says a dispatch, would Indicate a population of 82,000 for Des Moines, and the di rectory census would indicate 97,000, according to Information from tho as sessor's office this city Is liable to fall below 75,000. Tho figures are nearly all In and It Is evident there will not be as many as 80,000 and there are Indi cations that about 70,000 will bo the figure. Tho postofflcc census shows about 80,000. Tho aftermath of tho big fire In Sioux City camo when thirty-three fire sufferers brought suit against tho Pelletler Dry Goods company, P. M Pelletler and the Massachusetts Real Estato company for sums aggregating $48,231.30 as damages for personal loses In tho fire. Thirty tenants In tho building owned by the Massachusetts Real Estate company of Boston, in which the fire started, kava combined, bringing three suits. L. Hotchklss, engineer on the Rocky Mountain limited, which Eric Kutz leven Bays he wrecked near Home stead, died of Injuries received. Kutz laven will probably be held for mur der, pending an investigation of his sanity. When the board of supervisors next meet the officers of tho Ringgold Coun ty Farmers' Institute will go before the board and ask that a county ex periment station, under the supervi sion of the state experiment station at Ames, be established on the county poor farm. IN IOWA FOR FAST STOCK TRAIN. Superintendent Nutt of the Burlington Interesting Hlmt-ilf. Superintendent Nutt of tho Iowa -hipping department' of the Burling ton railroad Is on a tour through the ldtitliprn and southwestern sectio i of the stnte. At each station ho meets tho principal stock shippers by ap pointment nt the depot and confers with them on the shipping facilities. Ho has premised nt each place that n fast train will bo put on tho Bulling ton from CroVton to Chicago, making tho old time For the last two yenrs It hns taken nine hours longer than for merly to reach Chicago and the extra shrinkage- Is $3 u car per hour. Mr. Ames of Buckingham, president of tho Stnto Corn Belt Meat Producers' as lociutlon has accompanied him on tho trip. It Is believed that other roads will soon meet the Increased facilities of the Burlington. THE IOWA PRIMARY LAW. Gov. Cummins Giving Much Attention to Its Provisions. Governor A. II. Cummins Is giving much attention now to the provisions of tho primary law which he will re commend to tho next legislature. He has not worked out nil the main pro visions yet, but bolleves the conven tion should not be done away with ns has been dono In Wisconsin. He be lieves tho state convention should mnko the stnte platforms. The Ques tion of selecting a nominee by plural ity Is taking much attention and the governor may decide to recommend that tho cholco be by a total of the first and second choices. He would have each voter record his first nnd second choice and the candidate get ting tho greatest total of the two be declared the nomlneel SAGE QUITS CROP SERVICE Announces He Will Retire at Conclu sion of His Present Term. DES MOINES John R. Sage, who has hnd charge of tho Iowa Crop Bureau since It was established by the legislature in 1890, and has also been nt the head of the stnte crop service for the federal bureau for the same length of time, will retire from the position nt the end of his present term, which expires a year from now. Mr. Sage stated that his holding the oillce till the end of the term depend ed upon lib? health holding out'. He will retire nt least at tho expiration of tho term because of his health. Mr. Sago ha3 done a great deal for the crop service and recently completed a report of tho service since thelie ginning of his term on" which ho ex pended a great deal of labor. Has Passed the Century Mark. COUNCIL BLUFFS John Busha. residing at Twenty-fifth street and Avenue I In thlB city, has given his age to the census taker ns 112. Ills wife. Mary Busha, is 75 years old Busha asserts that he took part 1n tho Black Hawk Indian war in 1832, being then a man of middle ago. He was born In Tennessee when that Btato was a wilderness, but has been a resident of Iowa for twenty-six years. Ho has nearly 100 descendants, running to tho fifth generation. He has been blind for twelve years but still retains some measure of vigor. Claims Iowa Is First. John R. Sage, director of tho crop and weather service of Iowa, in an Interview states that the report of the federal government Is incorrect and that Iowa should lmvo first place with 423.000,000 bushels of corn, 20.000.000 bushels more than It has according to federal estimates. According to tho federal figures Illinois is in first place. Biennial Will Stand. It ts tho remark of tho people who aro familiar with tho working of tho supremo court that there will not be a dissenting opinion among tho mem bers of the supreme court bench from tho opinion handed down by Judge Evans and that the raeasuro will be sustained In every detail by the 'su-, premo bench. Iowa Man Wants Job Back. WASHINGTON Ex-Inspector Cum mlngs of Rolfe, formerly In the In dian, service, but let out some months ago on grounds he contends were not warranted, has come to Washington seeking to bo reappointed. Senator Dolliver has taken the matter up nnd Is endeavoring to get'hlm reinstated. Studentf to View Machines. IOWA CITY-r-Arrangements are now being made to tnke a party of en gineering students of the University of Iowa to Chicago April 12 to 18, which Is spring vacation week, to go through Borne f the different estab lishments there. Prairie Fire Near Onawa. ONAWA A prairie firs north and east of Whiting destroyed' over 1.000 tons of hay. A strip two miles long and one mile wide was burned over. Kent His Money Buried. MOUNT PLEASANT John Dah lean, a well known citizen of this city, who dlod very suddenly last Febru ary, left on his premises a fruit Jar filled with gold valued at $5,000. The house Is now being closely guarded wiille relatives from tho west come A CLAQH OF ARMO. Another Duel Between the Armies Looked For. ST. PETERSBURG Another duel between the opposing nnnki In Mnn cliurla may be on the program for the coming week. Tho Rtjsslnns. according to the Associated Press' Harbin cor respondent, aro now stiongly fottlfy ing their positions at Slplnghnt against which Japanese are reported to be gathering In force. The story of the Russian retirement from Siplnghat to Cliaotiminodzl wns Incorrect, duo to a telegraphic error in the confusion of similar Chinese names Cliaotiminodzl with Shuamtiynotszl, south of Slplng hal, whence the Russian advance force retired to tho fortified line nt Siptng hal. The Japanese followed to some extent, but a border of twenty miles af dcbatablo ground still remains be tween the two armies, over which the Inpanese probably will not advance until they are ready to attack. Equally Important news Is that a column of Jnpano.e Is moving against Kirln, perhaps with the Intention of turning tho position eastward and striking .nt tho 'Vladivostok lino of communication with the double pur pose of Isolating the fortress nnd sep arating General Linevltch's army from a valunblo base of supplies, the Ussurl district. Negotiations have been In progress between Paris and St. Petersburg. Even diplomats of tho highest tank have failed to obtain from M. Del-" ensse. the French foreign minister, the results of these negotiations, but It can be announced on tho same au thority that Count 1-arnsdorff. the Russian minister of foreign affairs, has within n week admitted that he had a general way outlined to M. Del casse the general terniB along which Russia might consent to consider peace. Advices from Europe tell of the fear prevalent there In certain quarters that the activities of Lnmsdorff nnrt Delcasse are directed toward an in ternational conference, to be held In some neutral European capital, such as Stockholm, where peace negotia tions might be conducted. It Is said thnt this move has been In a measure blocked by tho refusal of Japan to give nny indication as to tho pence terms she would accept until positive ly assured In the nime of the czar him self that Russia Is prepared to nego tiate In good faith for pence. Not only docs Japan insist upon this nssur ance, but she prefers to negotiate di rectly with St. Petersburg. With the United States, Germany and Japan opposed to an Internal ton al conference to end the war. the be lief Is strong in Washington that suc cessful peace negotiations will date from the day St. Petersburg communi cates with Toklo direct. The Wash ington government Is alertly watching for tho opportunity to assist Russia and Japan In getting Into diplomatic communication. WANT NEGOTIATIONS DIRECT. Washington Opposed to an Interna tional Conference. WASHINGTON Neither Russia or Japan have asked President Roose velt to assist them In ending the war. So far as the Washington government Is aware. Emperor Nicholas has not weakened In his announced decision, "to prosecute the war to the bitter end." The genuine wish of this govern ment for peace in the far east is not based upon selfish Interests. American financiers have not overloaded them selves with bonds of either of the belli gerent nations, Washington believes that It Is to the advantage of both belligerents that the far eastern war come to n speedy end. nnd anything that this government can do to bring that abot will bo done gladly. From the outset of the war the president lias taken the position, ns has been repeatedly announced by Secretary Hay. that he will do anything In his power to assist Russia and Japan to a pcacd basis which Ills services shall be acceptable to the belligerents. But it Is authoritatively stated that no offi cial of the Washington government Is ambitious to pose as the mediator ba tween the czar and mikado. It Is the feeling here that Russia and Japan should negotiate directly and avoid an International conference. This opinion also prevails in Berlin. IGNITES A MASS OF POWDER Explosion In Omaha Saloon Kills and Injures. OMAHA While taking a flashlight photograph In n saloon Albert Butler was Instantly killed and William Cof fee. W. J. Murray and . Levy were seriously injured by an explosion of powder used by the photographer. But ler had set his grip containing a large supply of power near the tripod and when he touched off the powder In the flash pan the light in some manner spree.3 to tho grip and the explosion followed. The force of the explosion irow Butler and his companions against a wall, the former's breast be ing torn tway. The injured men will recover. Deny Charges of Castro. WASHINrtTON Solicitor Penfleld of the state department said Sunday night conceiving the charges made in Venezuela against General Francis V. Greene and the nsphalt company of which he was the head, to the effect that he nnd the asphalt people bad aided the Matos revolution, that soma months ago General Greono had sub mitted to the ctate department a sworn denial of the truth of these re ports and had backed his denial by affidavits from responsible officers of the asphalt company. I MJor's Keen Comment. "Next lime you're lu the armory." nid the captain of Company G, proud ly, "tnk'e a look at our room. Wu've had it repainted nnd refurnished throughout." "I Baw It," replied the major, "and really, sir, your loom is better than your company." -Philadelphia ledger. But Did Joseph Know? Joseph T. Buckingham of Boston, one of the best writers and grammar! nns of his time, said thnt "not one scholar In a thousand ever received , the least benefit from studying tho rules of grammar before the nge of 15 years." Lynn ftom. Mythical Ancient History. Four days after his birth Apollo seized a lyre and nstonlBhed even Zeus with his playing. "Ho has Vog nor frayed clean to rags!" exclaimed his mother. Cleto, proudly. "Surely so," answered Hera. "He's doing rag time!" BABY ONE SOLID SORE. Could Not Shut Eyes to Sleep Spent $100 on Doctors Baby Grew Worse Cured by Cutlcura for C5. "A scab formed on my baby's face, spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot, followed by bolls, having forty on her head at one time, and moro on her body. Then her skin started to dry up and it be came so bad she could not shut, her eyes to sleep. One month's treatment with Cutlcura Soap and Ointment made a complete cure. Doctors and medicines had cost over $100, with baby growing worse. Then we spent less than $5 for Cutlcura and cured her. (Signed) Mrs. G. II. Tucker, Jr.. 333 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis." A straight party man frequently leaves u crooked trail. Ask Yonr Dealer (or Allen's Foot-Rase, A powder. It rests tho feet. Cures Corns, Bunions.Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 23 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Politics make a good test of piety. Bint. Inslnvr'n Suothlni; Syrnp. For children teethlnir, auf tent the Burnt, reduces Is. flamniallua.allayapalu.curcawladcullu. SScabnue. A selfish saint Is like a black sun, BAD STOMAeH Attended with tainted, offensive, or foul I breath, bitter tasu, especially In tho morning, furred tongue, sick or billons i headui-hesi. poor or Irregular anpctlto, , sour Mtoinueli, " water brusdi," constipa- , tluu with strong tendency to "the blues." I or despondency, are all relieved and rud-j leally cured by the faithful uo of Dr. i Plerce'j Golden Medical Discovery. Not man can Ik stronger than his stomach; ; when it gets out of order ho becomes bll-, ions, uyspepnc, iiypiK'iiiiiiurini-ni. fv iiii and "out of sorts"; ho feels languid, tired and "all fagged out." Nothing will moro speedily or perma nently Invigorate and tono Into action, liver and bowels than Dr. Pierco'a Golden Medical Discovery. It is compounded from tho active medicinal principles ex tracted from niitivo medicinal plants, without the use of alcohol, not n drop of which enters into Its composition. Thu benefit felt from Its use is not, therefore, due to alcoholic exhlllratlon, and conse quently of short duration, but is endur ing and tiornmnent. The great nn great majority of diseases have their Inception In a had stomach, hull ffostlnn, biliousness and Irapuro blood. Among these diseases are deadly con sumption, nerve-racking, brain-wrecking liervuus prostration and exhaustion, body -torturing rheumatism, Insanity breeding neuralgia, emaciating malaria nnd all manner of disfiguring blood and skin diseases. Dr. Pierce's doldcn Med ical Discovery Is a cure for all these dis eases, if taken In unythlug like reasona ble time. It is not a ctve-nll. but cures tho diseases mentioned for tho reason that thoy aro caused and aggravated by tho samo disorders. It makes the appe tite keen, the digestion pcrreot. the liver active, the blood pure and builds linn flesh and healthy nerve liber. Don't lw wheedled by a peuny-grabhiiig denier Into taking something olso said to lw "Just as good," only that ho may make a greater profit. There's nothing "Just as good" as "Golden Medical DNcovery," with its record of cures extending over a thlria of a century. A dreat Sufferer Cured. Dn. It. V. Piercb. Buffalo. N Y.: Dtar StrMy health Is baiter now than tt has been before for many years, arrt I owe to llr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a debt Truths that Tour grocer is honest and if ho cares to tlo so can tell you that ho knows very Jittlo about tho bulk eoffeo he sella you. How can ho know, where it originally cfimo from, In each packago of LION COFFEE you get one full pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the "Line (Lion head on every package.) fa ut" (Save tha Lion-heads for valuable nremlnm. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE THE STRAIN OF WORK. Best of Backs Give Out Under tho Burden of Dally Toll. Lieutenant George G. Wnrron, of No. 3 Chemical, Washington, D. C. says: "It's an honest fact that Doan's Kidney Pills did mo i great lot of good, and If It wero not true I would not recom mend them. It was tho strain of lift ing Hint brought 'on kidney trouble nnd weakened my tineli. but since us ing Doan's Kidney Pills 1 have lifted COO pounds and felt no bad effects. I have not felt the trouble come back since, although 1 had suffered for flvo or six years, and othor remedies had not helped me ut all." For sale by alV dealers. Prlco CO cents.' Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N.Y. Russia's Export Profits. Moro than half of Russia's profits from exports come from tho sale of grain. Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Definaco Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because It nijver sticks to tho iron, but becnuso each package contains' 1G oz. one full pound while nil other Cold Water Starches are put up In -pound pack ages, and the price Is the same. 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem icals. If yonr grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package It Is because ho has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts In Deflnnce. He- knows that - Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large let ters and figures "10 ozs." Demand De-, fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the Iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Sliver money 250 years old Is still In circulation In some pnrts of Spain. When Your Grocer Says he does not have Deflnnce Starch, you may be sure he Is nfrald to keep tt un til his stock of 12-ounce packages aro Fold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet ter thnn nny other Cold Water Starch, but contains 10 ounces to the package nnd sells for same money as 12-ounce brands. The genius works because he must; other people because they must eat. of irratitiide. J was.forsereral yearn. trouMed with uvro titumach trouble, sick head ache and nervousness. Could not eat any llduir without oxiK-rlenclriz the most aconU lnir pain. Had little appetite and was fre quently nau-eated. My sick headaches wero most violent and I could not real ulifhl or day. 1 iKvame emaciated and thoroughly dt'sjmlent. and no medicine that 1 could taku neerued to help me at all. It was my father who suffkrested that I try your medl elne and I am cratefut to say that I had been lakltnr "Ooltlen Medical Discovery" leva than tlve months when I was entirely cured, and can now eat anvthlmr without distress. MKs Hose Stanley. North Arlington. New Jersey. A stor A veil uo. Cures When liverythlhff Else Fall. Dn. R. V. I'iehcr. Huffalo. N. V.: Driir Sir- 1 am happy to ay that I haris fouud Dr. PIbix-b's Ooltlen Medical Dlscovtjry to le a most efficacious remedy for stomach trouble. For many years I could scarcely eat anything without lieinr dreadfully dis tressed at once, and was apt to vomit the food. I used various medicines without (rood effect. Later I bought a bottle of Dr. I'len-o's (Jolden Medical Discovery and tt proved so satisfactory that 1 bouitht several moru bot tles of the medicine and used tt until I was entirely well. That was about four months. You may count on me for a staunch friend to "Uolden Medical Discovery." also to your Sanitarium, which 1 know to be ouo of tu best in the country. Asa M. Williams. 308 Riley Street Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's looo-pago .Illustrated book. "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," Is sent free in paper covers, on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing; only. For 31 stamps the cloth-bound voluino will Ihi sent. Address Dr R. V. Pierce, Hutfalo, N. Y. Wf DI-v'- When tho "Golden Ur. FierCe S Medical Discov ery" Is not quito inxntlve enough, as In obstinate constlpa 1 tinn. tho littfe, pleasant, sugar-coated "Pellets" should be taken to aid tha " Discovery." One or two for a laxative, two to four for a cathartic. They alono 1 IlllVi luilall L'f Ifill'li ti iMIfii Tt-n it ImH .tti.. wit' .. aa iui w villi UtUIIJ uatl tQeU of stomach trouble, dyspepsia and indi gestion. They act on the liver and regulate tho bowels. Put up in glass vials, corked, therefore, always fresh &."- Pleasant Pellets. Strike Home 0f now ic wna blended -or With What or when roasted! If you buy your eoffeo loose by tho pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality t LION COFFEE, the LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, Is of necessity uniform In quality, strength and llavor. For OVER A QUARTER OF A CEffTURV.UON COFFEE has been the standard collec In millions of homes. LION COFFEE I- caretuUy packed at our factories, end until opened la your home, haa no chance of be lag adul terated, or of coming In contact with dual, dirt, germs, or unclean hands. wuusu.V SPICE CO , Toledo, Ohio. 4 3 aere to take charge. -u . ' io-W)..J