i- T t!S'' lrtUSIttfiPr KttCKhlfcm ', ... KPk Jffel MARSLAND. l HEMINGFORD. IKolth L. PIcYcc Is fully nuthorlrcd to licit tutncrlpttons and Joli work and collect Md receipt for name, unci tninoict nil other kulncv fa connection -with lit ixnltlun M nil ftOcreUltoO renwnUitlvt of till a pnper. Mrs. Enyeart went cast Thursday night. T. Kubottom, of Point of Rocks, was in town Monday. Fence post; at cosf, to otoie otit. At H. It. Green's. ifr4 Mrs. Carvey camo dp from Canton the first of the week. ' Mrs. Hroshar will spend a few weeks with Mrs Sherwood, i Vlldy'A ladies spring stills, skirts and bonnets are now nrrivlng. 15-1. One two disc plow used one year. Lacrosse make. O. F. Fosket. 15-2. 5 per cent paid on interest certificates. First State Dank, Hemingford, Nebr. Frank Llska. from Hay Springs, has been visiting his father, John Llska, for a few days. RRev. Kntbree will deliver a series of Bible lectures beginning a week from Sun day in the evenings, The best lino of implements known to the farmer, tho Celebrated Deere goods, for sale by Antou Uhrlg. 15-3, 1 have a few implements carried over from lat year, which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. Anton Uhrig. 153. Karl Forrslrom's baby fell from a win dow Tuesday and injuied its head so that jt lay unconscious for sotno tlnio. Tho Utile daughter of True Miller had her hand badly injured Monday by getting it into ibo cogs of a washing machine. Lawrence Ford returned from a very pleasant and profitable term of school at tho Fremont Normal tho first of he week. It you want n cultivator or corn planter, such as give the best results known to any practical farmer, coll on Anton Uhrig. 15-3. Mrs. Rustin came up from Alllanco Tuesday and wont out to the McCandless ranch to spend a few days with her grand mother. On April 5th the local creamery station will receive milk twice a week thereafter, Wednesday and Saturday, until weather gets warmer. Harry II. Pierce ha3 two second hand cream separators almost ns good as now for sale. See him at otlco if you want a fine article cheap. Insure your stock now against fire and lightning. $t 80 per $100.00 for five years. Covers increase aud nil, actual value, K. L. Pierce, agent. Mrs. Norbert Frohnapfel went to Alli ance the firs( of the week to have some dental work done and to spend a few days visiting her friends thcrs, C. A. Powar bought a now windmill In Alliance and took it out homo Saturday to put up in the place of his old one, which blew down in tho high wind of last week Mrs. Holdredge, the milliner of Alliance, will have a stock of millinery nt Phronap fel's store in time for Easter. Watch this column for further announcement. 15-2. The social nt C. A. Rowlands mentiojed last week Is on the iirsUilay of April in place of the third as stated. 'The error came in receiving the message over the 'phone. Xoticc Anyone having claim of indebt edness agalust Fred Uhrig, deceased, will please present same to Anton Uhrig at once. All claims must be in by May 1st neit, Anton Uhrlg. 15-3. The safest, best, cheapest way to Mend money away is by bank draft (money order) New York drafts always wanted by all mail order houses, first State Hank, Hemingford, Nebr. Droits under $5. 3 ceuis; under $15, 5 cents; $15, to $100. to cents. Cheapest, saieit, best ay to remit money. Get n bank money order. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. Mr John Wlldy and family are here the guests of C. J- Wildy. This is especially pleasing to their daughter, Miss Lena Wildy, who is making her home here for the present on account of her health, F. II. Johnston, from Columbus Junc tion, Iowa, is heio with a choice lot of bulls and stallions. He was here last fall and bought up several loads of feeders. He has local advertisement in this column. Simon Iverson is laid up with a broken arm. He was in a stall with rfn unbroken horse and the horse in his awkwardness turned around and caught his arm between itself aud the partition and snapped it off, Mrs. Grant returned to Whitcwood Thursday, after spending several days on her farm southwest of town. Hur daugh ter. Miss Susie Grunt, will remain here for bomutinia as the guest of Mrs. K. L Pierce. 11. R. Groen and Rev, Burleigh installed a nuinbor of 'phone for the members of tho Heminglord telephone, who have recently biujt a new line in from the south west. Tlnsre are about 02 'phones in con nection now. The pupil of -the Hemingford ichools gave an entertaining program at the school house last Friday night. It con sisted of phi) s, music, recitations und-so-forth and was a credit to both the teachers and the pupils. We have a carload of fine short horn bulls for sale at Hemingford, from one to three years old. Also one good imported Percheron stallion registered; and one good Shire stallion, registered. Terms to suit purchaser, Johnston Bros. 16-3 The many friends and neighbors of Mrs. Ford surprised her last Friday at .the school house where she was just closing a term of school, by all bringing their din ners and spending the day with her, Mr. Posvar brought his band along and enter tained the company with some fine music. There were'thirty-five persons present and all spent a pleasant afternoon. Notice. We hate for sale on terms to suit-purchaser the following second hand imple ments; One three-disc gang plow. One combined lister and drill. One two-row listed corn cultivator. One broad cast seeder. One Barlow corn planter with sod at tachments. One Carsady sulky plow. One disc barrow. Also one three disc rotary Dutchman gang and one two-disc rotary dutebman. Clark Olds & Co. J3-tf Hemingford, Nebr. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niece took 41 San day for Harrison Carpenter Iiravae has gone to tho ranch for a few days. Ulmcr Squibb is moving to his home stead in Box liutte county. Mrs. Mary Hushes and son, John, are in Denver visiting relatives." C. A. McGogy. E. T. Gregg and J. C. Wood each loaded a c-ir of hay on Satur day. Ben Miller is furnishing posts to C. H. Richey wlli which he. will fence his livery btrn lot. A great many said amen, when the dis patch came that Buffalo Bill was beaten in his divorce suit. Bycrs & Zintmcrman caused a rattling of dry bones last week, and the bone pile js smaller by one car load. Mrs. Gallbralth, of South.Dakota, spent a few days visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs Lemon, at the Hughes ranch. Dr. Bcllwood, of Alliance, and brother, were in this place recently to purchase young horses for their ranch, James Tollman, who has received the appointment of deputy assessor in this precinct, will begin work soon, II. G. Turman vaccinated six hundred calves last Friday and Saturday. So far ho has lost but one from black leg. Luther Clark and George Squibb havo moved their well drill up to the Whistle Creek country and are at present drilliug at tho Nicholson ranch. Miss Ada Ream is training a choir of boys to sing at tho social on 1 riday night. Miss Ream and Miss Beatty will also furn ish a rare treat in music. The Misrcs Pierce, of Belmont, caaio dowp on Saturday and were accompanied home by Miss Ream, who remained till Sunday coming down on 4O, Charley Bacon, a former Marstander who entered tho water service of the U.'& M., has been promoted to water inspector on tho Deadwood division. Miss Beatty, who has been teaching a six months' term of school iu district 72, will finish the term on Thursday aud return to her home at University Place. Tho two daughters of Rev. Burleigh accompanied him to his appointment at this place on Sunday evening. The young ladles sang a very pleasing duct at the church terviccs, Charley HUusaker left on Tuesday of last week for Lakeside The pump work which he had been doing having been added to the agent's work, Charley found himself without a job Wm. Thomas has moved his fence to the new line of survey, and H. G. Furman will begin moving his soon. According to the new survey all parties will move to the north, soma more, some less. Wo were informed too late for publica tion last week that there will be u box social at the Commercial Hotel on Friday night March 31st. Ice cream and cake will also be served, under the auspices and for tho Presbyterian church. A line rain began falling on Monday afternoon, which soon developed into a young 'blizzard. Snow continued to fall till Tuesday morning, which disappeared almost as fast as it tell. The grouud is well soaked as a conscqueucc. Mr. Huwins, of Chadron, was fn this place a couple of days last week looking after some cattle which aro supposed to have been stolen from him. lie identi fied the stock but the parly who brought them here is nut in tho country at present. Peter Allison, of the O. U. ranch, has made what promises to be a good find on his place. During the past feu months ho has been pumping from one of the wells on his place quantities of sand in which there was the appearance of gold. Experts in the vicinity said it was gold and advised Mr. Allison to make a more thorough investigation of the matter. He sent a small quantity of tho sand to Denver, where it was assayed aud proved to be gold indeed, and also a copper mixtue. Mr. Allison purchased a drill and is at work at otlier places on his ranch. Who knows but that we, have a gold mine right in our midst. LAKESIDE LIGHTS. Lakeside is to indulge in a medley fan dango tonight. Tho photographer who visited our town Monday met with a etormy reception. What is the matter with our hunters? Visiting sportsmen are carrying off all the game, , Tho pupils of tho Lakeside school, with the schoolmaster, had their pictures taken Tuesday morning. Wosley Dennis made another trip to the Antelopo valley neighborhood last week, returning last evening. Mrs. C. II. Tully and Mrs. L. II. Car steriMjn were passengors on 41 for Alliance today ou a business trip. Mrs. J, B. Broun returnid from Alliance on 42 last Saturday morning having had a very pleusant visit aud bus n-jss trip. A daughter of Rev. Bur u h, of Hem ingford, is expected on Friday's passenger to visit in the home of John uunsford. Mrs. Estes has gone out to her brothers, Theo Thompson's, where she will be engaged in sewing the rest of the week. John Luosford is working on and bring ing into life a new invention, Which when perfected promises. to dispense with much extra help, and to be a boon to ranchmen in this land of a scarcity of men, during the haying season. L. A. Lyons will return to his old haunts in Sioux City, Iowa, on 42 Friday morning. He is a broom sewer and an opening has been proffered him with Sioux City Broom Works and he has concluded to accept it. The best wishes of his friends will go with him. Train No. 41 ran into and killed a cow east of the station last Friday p. in., drag iug the carcas upward of 400 feet and run ning over it. So mangled was the animal that at last reports it had not been decided as to the ownership. The brand was almost wholly destroyed. J. A. Crowther will move back to his ranch near Lakeside Friday of this week, nothing preventing. It is not known at this writing who will succeed him in the hotel at Ellsworth. Miss Lottie, who is teaching the Ellsworth school, will remain at that place till her term closes, which Spring: av& Summer Styles it a JL(PL - Boys' . Youths' Little Gents' Shoes No. 96838 Boys Velours Calf Tan and Black $2.75 XjHlfegjfjUJplHfltN P No. 96835 4 Boys' Pat. Colt Blucher Styles $3.00 Same in Youths' $2.50 Little Gents2 No. 90841 Boys' Box Calf Lace and Blucher Styles $2.50 No. 06840 Little Gents Vici Kid $1.85 Same in Youths' $2.25 and in Boys1 ,$52.50 No. 96835 Boys' Heavy Elk Leather Double Sole $2.50 These Shoes are made to do business and will stand any amount of thumping and kicking. WISH YOU'D LET YOUR BOY TRY A PAIR. THE ALLIANCE CASH SHOE STORE MlMlllilMlMIIHItilH IMI 1 Mil H J J itrjGiaH Hosiery Week! APRIL 3d to 8th. COPYRIGHT 1905 BY CRQUSE& BRANDEGEE.UTICA.NEWYORK, YOU WANT A SU8T LBKE THIS? OUR SPRING SUITS ARE HERE Just came, new neat, well-tailored suits. Just the kind vour tailor would make, onlv WE sell them for' about HALF THE MONEY. GOOD, NEAT, STYLISH SUITS qs cheap as you have been buying- cheap cloth ing. Come in and see before you buy. VV. W. NORTON, the Clothier will be about May 1st. And then wo think o! the use made of the handcar, and how handy it is. . S. Adanis some days since disposed of a valuable pair of in ires with a trotting pedigree for the sum of $450.00. Mr. Adams brought the mares in from the pasture yesterdav and today anticipates getting btarted witn them to Denver, Colo, where he is to deliver them. Rev, Lyons spent the day last Friday at J. II. Lunsford s having repairs made on his buggy, which had become sadly in need of smith work. Mr. Lyons also started Saturday noon on his regular visit to Luella, returning Sunday evening He reports lagrippe as still afflicting the fami lies of C. C. Joy, Whit Green and W. C. Barber. Miss Ilattie Ash, who is attending school at Alliance, came down on 42 Sat urday morning to visit at home over Sun day, returning to Alliance Monday noon, She was accompanied by an old Iowa friend. Miss Anna Vorphal. MissVorphal started on her journey to her Ion a home. A number of the friends of Miss Ilattie went over to the Ash home Saturday and helped make the visit of the young ladies joyous and pleasant. Form For Sale. The northwest quarter of section 19 township 27 range 49, joining corporate limits of Hemingford, Nebr. Seventy acres under cultivation, 10 acres ash tim ber, best well in county. Irrigation reservoir stocked with fish. Good invest ment throughout. Will be sold cheap for cash. li. E, Olds, 13-tf Hemingford, Nebr. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAPER HANGING DECORA TING ht See us before you contract lot spring iiuubcticumnti. J. L. E. COOK JL l Puintcr for tho People r V ALLIANCE - - - NEltAUSKA r LOT 1 f LOT 2 Men's Fancy, worth 25c 1 Women's Imported 1 IfSW Maco, worth 35c, 1 15c J J ' 25c I LOT3 I LOT 4 I Women's Special, Men's Fine Black, I 20c, for MBBBI worth 15c 1 15c I 9c I These are Our "BIG 4" Leaders. We will offer other bargains in Fancy Lace or regular goods, white or black feet. wwKMwmmm Have you seen our pring Goods P We are showing the LATEST NEW YORK NOVELTIES in Silk or Cotton doods. Finest Line of Ribbons ever brought to Alliance. i le Horace Homo 51 X1 re TRADE WINNERS. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing call on 1. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. - - v-vAsvt,A Second Hani Furniture is cheaper than new, and often just what yon want. Or, we S trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest clsh P"ce tor second hand goods. See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND HAND .MAN. M c ? & "f I 'A i." U' J& m