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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
J '; (:: ARMY CHAPLAIN GEVCrtE KIDNEY AND BLADDER TR6UBLE. rttJ I Afil H . - , ' r?Mft!&sMaWyZZ CHAPLAIN D.LJAYCOX. ,&Mfrm- 2P News in Nebraska J fc Mnwiwiiiintii at ;iy .3 3 prenr I lUnWffl ICrrons &SSSI&& v - .-a HALF OUR ILLS ARE CATARRH. tfrrf.?W$5' thousands of People Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It Is Catarrh. Mr. David L. Jnvcox. Chanlabi Clarindn, I. O. (1. T., nnd Chaplain H. A. R., 805 Broadway, Oakland, Cal., writes: "I am an old war veteran. I con tracted severe bladder and kidney trouble. I spent hundreds at dollars and consulted a hott of doctors, but neither did me any good. "Perunalins proven tlie bcstmedl fcjnc I ever used. My pains arc pone and I believe iny&olf to bo cured. I feel well and would not bo without a bottlo in time of need for ten times its cost" Hundreds of war veterans have kid ney and bladder trouble. Impure drinking water, sleeping on the ground, and all manner of expo sures to wet and cold weather produced catarrh of the kidneys and bladder. They liavo dootorud with Cvcry conceivable drug, havo consulted all schools of medicine. It was not until I'ern na came in to use, how ever, that these old k n 1 iH n i d found a remedy that would actually euro them. 'iorocases of catarrh of kidneys and bladder havo been cured by Peruna than all other medicines combined. Address Dr. S. B. ITartmnn, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, and ho will bo pleased to give you the benefit of his medical advice gratis. All correspondence held strictly confidential. There are Many Imitations of aker's Cocoa B and Baker's Chocolate Doitt be misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker f Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's LoekfottoTtUe-Muk Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate" Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co, Ltd. Established t780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America I isXauPb 1 1 1 1 i I IflLLlffl by Ha.nd Wear a. Lifetime Our Catalog explains how we enn sell our Superior "Mueller" pianos nt from $15.00 to 1150,00 below nil competition. ..Don't Buy Until Posted.. Write for full particulars, prices, terms and our 1803 special proposition. Wo Havo no Agents Address the linkers. SCHMOLLER. (Sl MUELLER. Kstalillshed 1SG9. 1313 I'AHNAM ST., OMAHA. Look for this brand on harness, collars, saddles, horse blankets, lap robes, etc. Mndo by Harpham. Bros. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Drop us a card and will mall you a souvenir. -THfcW Wi;P trWrHi? RWDlfrfcrltf ulflfcANPl wikuiciziut ?.. i-- r4n.pmz.E.! SWgg6 JaBWy WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING1 RECEIVED THE- HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT TH ST.LCUIS WORLD'S PAW. Send us the rt&mes of dealers In your towr who do not .sell our floods, bnd we will .send you & collection or pictures, in colors, of Tomous lowers or the world, kj A. J.TOVER CO, ESTABLISHED IMoV fee ATOM. IcUM vou. rut? AfU I TOWTR CANWIAN CO, LWtti. TORONTO CAN. DR. McGRE W For a) rears has made apecinlty Of JUKKASKSOI'MICN. Mtfht f o yar In Omaha JIU Home Treatment li permanently cured thousand! at amall cost. Save time ni.d mon-y by deacrib Inir your can, and wiito tor Free book n nd term of treatruuut, JIimI .clnewm in rvliln packarp. Ilox 1M1. Office J15 South Utu 8tretn, Oinahn. Xnraalta. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER .CURES catarrh of the stqrnnch. LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER StCliar better Quality thin most 10f Ci&ars Your Jobber or direct from Factory. 1'eorla, II' UJHfS WIKhrA.I "- ...... ... M.. COUtfUcump. TftlU'S itT wn wn txj la tue. WMK3&E!! iivtTiiis. rr flnm. TTue PSl rVIa bydruiwtita. sPMsKiHg Tho enrpentors and the imlntari ot I Incolu nro contemplating going On a etrlUo. There h continual evtsiuton ot rurnl routes In Gage county. Texas strawbcrrioi nro in the Oninha market nt $7 n crate. James Oleason, n former citizen of Beatrice, recently died nt Hot Springs, Atkanrns. Tlie Iloatrlco Driving association Is making preparations Tor an onrly spring racing matinee. Mr. P. S. Caldwell, of South Papllllon, fell down stairs, rocelvlng severe injurlo? about tho heid. Col Cody (Duffilo Hill) well known In till? state, failed to get n dlvorco from his wife In AVvomlng courts. John O. Busier, ti telephone line man, touched a live electric light wire at Fntrbnry and was seriously Injured. Plans for tho new T. M. G. A. build ing of Beatrice have lccn accented. Tho structure is to bo built this yenr. 1 Icense or no license to sell In toxicants Is gplnj? to bo tho.parnniGunt question in mnny Nebraska towns In the coming elections. Dr. John M. Johnson of Avocn was fined $50 and costs for prescribing medicine without a certificate from the State Board of Health. Creditors of Aloh Kadler, a retail hardware merchant of Howclls, hnvo asked that he be declared a bank rupt, giving his liabilities ns $1,000. Tho Methodist Episcopal church at Conid. has been reopened and dcdl cited after having undergone exten sive repairs and tho building of ti' large addition. A petition signed by George P. Gil more nnd others of Omnha was filed with the State Banking beard for per mission to organize tho First State bank of Mason. While William Kullman was helping Albert Dayton shell corn near Pleas ant Dale, Seward county, hl3 hand was caught in tho shellor and com pletely torn off. "Jack the Hugger," who has been performing In Wahco the past month, nnd who was Indicted by the grand Jury on two counts, was fined $100 nnd costs by Judge Good. Dr. Fletcher M. Siason, formerlv of Omaha, presiding elder of tho Nor folk district MethodlBt Episcopal church, has accepted an Invitation to occupy tho parsonage at Stnnton. Sheriff Bauman arrested Frank Middleton, n deserter from the Sixth cavalry at Fort Meade, at Fremont Ho ndmlttod that ho was a deserter and will be taken back to Fort Meade. At Valentine at a special term of tho district court. Judge Westover sentonced for burglary: John William Johnson, two years; John Payne nnd Snnford Smith, three years respec tively. Five pretty Norfolk girls havo left their homos to go with a show. They are Nora Dixon, Lrfjsslo Dixon, LI da Wheeler, Daisy Mayhow nnd Ger trude Austin. Nora Dixon -was n school teacher. They Joined a roper toite company which ployed In Nor folk for n week. They will do tho "la dles' band" stunt. Same Overton of Otoo county, has lost n number of calves from a dis ease which resembles hydrophobia. Tho animals dlo a few hours -after tho disease becomes noticeable. A short tlmo before they die they be come crazed and run Into fences or anything which happens to be In their path. Mr. Overton cannot explain the cause or origin of the disease. FarmerB In the eastern part of Sarpy county are experimenting with drags, constructed ipon tho advice ot D. Ward King, the lecturer upon the good roads question. Three men, well known farmers, August Leaders, J. M. Gates and Allen Frazeur, have made drags and are using them on the Toads adjacent to their farms and It Is said the earth, by such' exposure, Is bo packed that It readily shedi water. William P. Porter, ex-secretary of stato, has filed a brief In the supreme court protesting against tho action brought to comoel him to pay a trifle more than $1,000- Into the rtatc treas ury. Ho argues that tho old law reg ulating brands and feei was declared unconstitutional and void. If so, those who paid their money into the state treasury received nothing In return. Therefore ho argues that the state cannot ask In good faith a part ot tho money for which tho applicants re ceive no value. Will Shoemaker Is In Jail at Osceola nnd Vie Davis was fined ?10 and costs as tho result of an assault by the for mer upon William Vanhoosen with tho nld of Davis. Davis and Shoemaker were drunk at tho time. For some tlmo the officers of J, F, Reynolds post, ,Q. A. It., of Osceola, have had In a requisition to tho gov ernment for tombstones for tho veter ans that are buried In the Osceola cemetery, and nine of them have Just been received through the efforts of Colonel H. P. Dense. Every gravo is marked with n headstone except one, and that will soon bo marked. At Falrbury, John O. Burley, a line man, came In contact with a live wire, receiving serious and probably fatal Injur'. The plant and lines of tho Home Telephone company of Hebron has ben purchased by a number of Beat rice business men. Rev. P. W. Emerson of Bethany has begun a series of good citizenship meetings In Tecumsch. The opening lecture was rt the court house and was on tho subject, "The Greatest Thlctr in the World: or, What Makes i Man." The address Van eDeciaJ!y 'or men. Treating Wroisg Disease, 'ooopianisferiee." Manv tlmo women mil nn thnlr f.imllv physician, suffurtiig, n ihry lmnghn, one from dyspepsia, another from heart illrcnfe, another from liver or kidney dls rap. another from in rvou rhautfnu or prostration, another with pain hero and there, nnd In this way they all present nlike t: theinolvcs and their ens) -going nnd Indifferent, or over-busy doctor, se. nrnto and distinct discuses, fur which ho. ustiimlug them to be surh. ircscrltos hh pills nti'l potions. In reality they ro all only iMifoi)i enured b some wombdls fno. The physician, Ignorant of tho mir of suffering, encourages thl prac tice until huge hill are made, Tho suf fering patient gets no letter, Imt prol nhly worso, by reason of thodelav, wrong treatment and coiwiiienteompllcatlont. A propor medlelno like Dr. I'lerco's Fa vorite Prescription, dlnxiol to the cause would have entirely remoxed the disease, thereby dispelling all those, distressing sjmptoms, and Instituting comfort In stead of prolonged misery. It has been well suld that "a disease known I half cured." In caes almost Innuinnrablo, after nil other medicine had fulled to help and doctor had said there was no cure possible, tho use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorlto Prescription, sunpU'iftented when necessary by medical advice and counsel of Dr. Plerco, has resulted in a perfect nnd permanent cure, Tho genuineness of those cures Is nttestcd not only by tho entire disappearance of pnln, but by n gain of flesh, a clear complexion and a cheerful disposition. A Scientific Medicink. Dr. Plerco' Favorite Prescription Is u scientific med icine, carefully devised by nn experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to w Oman's delicate orgsttiisin. It Is purely vogotablo In Its composition and ior fectly harmless In Its effects in ui comfit ton of the kiWchi. It contains no nlcohol, opium, digitalis or other Injuri ous Ingjedlent. Da. It. V. riEitOE. TlufTolo, N. y s Vcar Sir I was very low. nnd our homo physician Kald I would never lie well until ( went to tho hospital. Knowlnir what I did ot jour medicine I concluded totrjiltnnrt felt suro It would euro me. To-day f thank God for Dr. Pierce's medicine iieiran kocpln? homo the Uth day of A pi 11 and was just atilo to crawl shout nnd In three weeks I could do all uiy own work, laundry and all. I haro taken six Iwtllrsof Dr Tierce's tnodlolno ard feel tvfcl rmu). but am not miltitr tit ttiint until am ittirr 1 am cured. 1 tell all m.vindj rrlcmls atiOtlt llr I'leroo'itwMidetful inedlcltie They all say, "how cixxliim are looklujr Mrs. Tay lor," nnd I answer It Is nil due to Dr I'lerco'S Invoritn Proscription. Thmtkhtir you once more for your klnd ness. I UMi.tiln. Yours Duly, Mlt!, K. 11 TAVMin. Ilox PI. Hprltitf Arbor. Mas. Ail honest denier will not urgo a substi tute In plnen of "Favorite Proscription" There I nothing In the world "Just a good," nltiinti'tli avaricious druggists w HI sometime say so for tho sake of tho greater prollt to bo made upon tho In ferior nrtlclo. shun all such. Every w so and careful Housewife recog nizes tlio value of a good home medical Ixtok. Dr. Pierce's Common fconso Med ical Adviser Is that kind of a Ixtok and tho lxt of its kind. It used to sell for per copy. Now a big edition Is bo Iiir given ttwity fiikr.' For pnpor-cov-ond copy, send 31 ono-ccnt stamp, to cover mailing onry. French cloth bind ing ton cents extra. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ASSIST NATURR, a little now and then, with a gentle lax ative, or, If need bo. with a more search ing and cleansing, yet gentle cathartic, to removo offending matter from tho stomach and bowels, to tone up and Invigorato the liver nnd quicken its tardy action, and you thereby nvold a multitude of derangements nnd dis eases. Of all known agents to accomplish this purpose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pol lets nro uncqtmlcd. Onco used they aro always In favor. Their secondary effect Is to keop tho bowels open mid regu lar, not to further constipate, as Is tho case with other pills. Hence, their groat popularity with suITen-rs from hnbltual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold da rannemonW. Tho " Pleasant Pellet" nre valunhln In all cases of biliousness, sick and bili ous headachn. dizziness, costlvonoss, or constipation of tho ttowols, sour stomach, windy belching, "heart-burn," pain ond distress after eating, and kindred de rangements of tho liver, stomach and bowoU. More rsnlrnn and fai mi r p Unttd to Am.dr-K. Th.nt l.ra.en fortius. We own oTr a,M acre for the pro- tjiicllnn'ef our wiirranten eeila. r in iniisro vou ui ,rf tifriii td make Jon the following uupr. i offer. Far 13 Omnia PmmtmmHI .InnoK.rlj. 41ratJI.l.f;altft inoo n J.lf lar.l-a. arimv tiiftniHY i.irrr. toon tiitk Knur uiioff. IIIOO Htn Ll lftlf looa bl.rl.itlf Brlllitat ntwtrt. Aboye n pcV(f contain foffl. ctrnt teetl to nrnw loom inif. iup nKlitntr ntiaiieia or uriiiians niiweraaniiuitiamiioinoitnoice cKtabli.toirthr with our area raialoir.tclllUKa 11 about Flovrrt. Itonet. Hiuall FnitU, etc., all for ICO inviainpa nun ? uia nniiro, Dlff ltw-l'aua caiaicif aionr,to. J0H A.8AUER 8EI0 CO, Ua VrQIBDl VID SOUTHERN G0NDITI0HS AND POSSIBILITIES. In no part of tho United States tin there bce such wonderful Commercial. Industrial nnd Aitrlcuirurnl development twnloniriho lines of the Illinois Central und tho Varoo ti MIssMlppl Valley Hallroads In tlto State of Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana, wltliln thepnst ten years. Cities nnd towns huo doubled their population. Splendid business blocks havo been erected. Form hinds hare more than doubled In value. Hundreds ot Industries hnro hern established nnd ns a result there I au unprecedented demand for Day Laborers, Skilled Workmen, and Especially Farm Tenants. Parties with small capital, seeking nn oppor tunlty to purchase a farm home; farmers who would prefer to rent for a couple of years befora purchasing and day Inherent In fields or fuc tnrle should ndtlress a postal card to Mr. J t Merry, Assistant Oeneral Piucnt!cr Aftent, Dubuque. Iowa who will promptly mnll printed mutter concerning tho territory ubovo do wrlbcd, und glvo spccltlo replies to all tuqulrlcs. The Secret of Good Coffee Even tho best housokoopora cannot mnho n good cup of coffoo without cootl jnatoiiaL Dirty, adtiltcratod nnd quoorly i blended coffee Btich ns unscrupuloiiH donlorn Bhbvol ov6r their counters -won t do. iiut taKo tlio puro, clean, natural uavorou LION COFFEE, the leader ol all package colfecs tho coffeo that for over a quartor of n contui-y lina boon daily welcomed in millions of homos and you will inako a drink fit for a king in this way : HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFE&. Use MON COFFEB, beranKO to get best results yon must mo tlio best coffee. Grind your LION COFFEE rather One. Vua "a tablcfpoonful to each cup, and oca extra for tho pot." Kirrt mix It with a little, cold water, enough to make a thick lte. and add white of en egg (if egg Is to bo uaed as a settler), then follow ona of the following rule : Int. WITTI BOILING WATER. Ad uoIIInn water, ana let It boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Ada a little cold water atS set aside tlve mlHUtca to nettle Serve promptly. 2d. WITH COLB WATER. Add your cold water to the paste and bring It to a boll. Then set aclde, add a little cold water, aad la live mlautca Ifs realty tie acrve. (Don't boll It too Ion?. . .... Don't lot Itstandmoro than ton minutes before serving. DONTS (Don't use water that has boon boiled boforo. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st With Ego. V9 pirt of the white ot an egg, mixing It with the ground LION COFFEE lieforeliolllne. 1 With Cold U'atcr fcettad cf eggs. After bollltig ndd a dash of cold water, and set aside for eight or ten minutes, then eervo through a strainer. I Insist on getting a package of genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according to tills recipe and you will only use LION COFFEE In future. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.) (Lion-head on every package.) (Savo iheso Lion-heads for viuuablo premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE "WOODSON 8PI0E CO., Tolotfo, Ohio. L itmMmjJUUJf Write for Keith's Free Furniture Catalogue No. 32 Conlalni 475 faithful Illustration! thowlog the bett choice of pattern! on ule In 1905. We offer an cnotnioujand varleditcckln itilctly reliable furniture. We pay freight anywhere, cuaranteelng rare antral at your railroad ititlon. Each and evrry piece ! cuaranlced to be exactly a! deicrlbed or money refunded. Everything we tell li of the Keith quality, itaad ard for more than 25 yean and ti fold on the Keith principle; an earort coniclenttoui effort toplcata and tatlify la all particular!. ROBERT KEITH Furnilurc and Carpet Company, Dcpt. 32, K&nias City, Mo. I WMk EXCURSIONS TO THE Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. Durini; tho months of March nnd April, there) will ho excursions on thovurlous lines i.-.' rati wny to tho Cunadlan West. Ilmidreds of tbousandt of acre of tho best Wheat mid. Ornzlnsr I.unds on tho Continent free to tho settler. Adjolnlna landMtnnrbo purchnaed f rom rnll way and lainl,compimlcH at reasonable prices. Kor inforraatlon na to route. cot of transpor tation etc., ttpply to Superintendent of Iminl Rrntton, Ottnwa, Caumla, or to authorized Can ndlnn Government AKcnt Vt. V. Uennett, bOl New York Llfo Uuildtnt;, Omaha, Ncbrasku. SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Cured AltO OTHER DCfOnMITIt. I Wrlto or call at office for free informer jiiuiicHi ciuiiiuiiiaisjroui prom I ptoticlana Con :tor. Nobraceaar , Treated auccet tfully fertence. nrtlunrlir.Mit. I UDtpt ISOZ. NCOlOIITfI. CAPITAL (.000.09. lOTOat ARLINQTON LK.. OMAHA. NLD. . m J vi -Vr- UUII I Mi lit 'npittlatesmon, ant i iVfMl rult lour IainllDtx D' JrSi ippllancci uied, K&rS'f-yy irmaii. oirvoarsex Insist on Getting It. -Some fjrocers nay they don't keep Dc Innce Starch. This Is because they nave n stock on hand of other brands lontntnlnu only 12 ounces In n package, chlch they won't be able to Belt first, oecuune Defiance contains 1G ounces for .he fame money. Do you nvant 16 ounces Instead of 12 unce8 for same money? Then buy De lunce Starch. Requires no cooking-. A maiden's blush doesn't always rymbolizo the pink, of propriety. Defiance Starch Is guaranteed blpr gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. MaOo $3.50 SHOES Man. JV. T. PnnrlaJ.mnke and sells more jiierrs :t.ou aiiixH uiun nnr olinr i?..niifnctiiier In tho iwirlif, (flii.OOO ?Ien'a 83.00 ahixM than nn: jimiiiiiiiuiuicr III III " iriii, o,..iiiiir SCHrAJU) to ujr cm viia tan Htf nm ult aUUmaat. TV. I Donxln fi.t.SO almea orr th ir-enU-atwlIira in tho uoild lieciiuao of their escf limit ktyle, rimy rlttliir; and auperlor weurino; junlltle. Tlmy aro Jittt o sriiml us tliOM) that coat from 3.0O to 7.t0. Tho onlr difference la the lirlce. V. Im DoukIii hi.l.flo aliiw coat more) to wake, hold their sliapo better, wear I oncer, ami are of greater i aloe than any ot her tjUJ.60 Kline on tlio market tolay. W. L. UoiikI.i Kuar- anteee thulr valuo by at.tiiiiilni; lila iiiiino n ml price uu tlio bottoiu of encli o. Look for it. Tako no aulotltute. Y. L. Dotlfrlnx H.'L.MI )nua ir anlil through hUmm re talUton-e In theprin clnal cltli-8, nml by aho dealers ev-rr- hero. No matter where rmt lite, V. 1 Doujflas alioes aro within your reach. EQUAL SB.OO SHOES. Vtart, aadtomldiT thtm (qua "t hare worn IK1 I. Divglu ISJM thou far tan. and eonMiti Ihtm mual ta nnv UJMi Va noia on fht murltt. mmtktvhate pirra rntlrt tatiif action." W,n. II. Andtrion. Heal JStlati Aleut, Aaiuai City, Mo. ' Boys wear W. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 hoes because they lit better, hold their shape and wear looser than other makes. l'.L.Dovgla$vie Ceroaa Coltiltn in hit ISM ihott. Corona C It i confuted to tt the Jtnett patent hathtr produced, Fast Color Eyelets will not wear Brassy. Vf. L. Douglas haa the Ureett hoe mall ordr huslnef! in the world. No trouble to get a at ui man. -s, enta extra prrpara Uellrerr. I you desire furllior Information, vrxttlor unrated L'atalogu $ino Style. W. L. D0IJ0US. Brockton. Man. III I THERES NO U ARGUING I Dc&anoc SUrca to tat wry la Sfuek auik H M Try tt once youneit. 5k rssrlrMBSssV H W guirarrttc nHtfirtton or mstvy btA. jKTmrIl rssl V .'t '-- - Bale J J aaj Ysa. unt tsae. mts3tkrl H DciUncc Starch to aSsokrtely rt treat tmtrrit. Wa-M&SE&. H beukcslhrdodic! look beiuWul and wlB not rot thaa. jKKiy3(SKS. H Get It of roar groctr. rs8"WwflgruHH H 16 ounces for 10 certs one-third sore dun fj( J5smn$Aprf3smA Kjj you et of any other brini. KR ifflWffltsaw sssssaTaU .rssssssssrsaW BaMBsssKlaiwM9RflRrlsssB SBBBBBBBBBsVaBTsaHBafllraSUSBflSSBBBBBBBBBBB JlissssssssslslaTsslBBBSsKBnrBssrBssrBssssrrBm CTtfssssHrBSsmrWaVflrBSSSSSSrBSSSsKrBsV . v WsBBBBBBBBSSarSsVsBCBrSBBrSBBarSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBf ssjsssssaaaarairBaaaaaaaaBBBBBjBBBBBBj INCUBATORS. BUy 5 6 xmrsxw5ip Th OLD THUSTV I.. cubatura are made by Joluuuu. the Inculiatur Man ubotuadxaauoiU) Tire tuti-utlUK hl OLD TRU8TY. Ajptj fiir-ltae.r hit h er forty dayt' free trial aii t a Ae yuar a KUaran-i .- for bin freo rata Indue .! poultry luu. trail. .nt mldren. M. M.JOHNSON CO Bo O. T.. Olay Center. FARMS For Sa'e pSymisa i nil III U j. MUUIAUU BitazHQtlr"lViriu YOUR C0-CAKT AND BABY C4RBMGES dlrrct fr m mauufnctuiir Wo will hell you retail at vliolr;ilo prl tia We carry tlie hest and tiiicttlluiiwebt i f I'lilcairo. Call or uoild fur i.ut.ilof ue. Omim Uced Rittia Horks. lilt Howard. Omaha, Notx W. N. U. Omaha. No. 131905. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mots good fcrlohtsr and teller cc'on thin anr otlii r ore ua ictitc or mo win ena pan paiaat we a paCMfie rolVroje. OnetOe paskstia colors silk, wool and cotton equill) wellsndliouaranlecdtooIyeDerteclreiulta. i. Wrl a Hi Irss botkltl-How to Die, Bleach nd Mix ta9n.MOSttttKUU0ut:iT,VuioMUl,rum