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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
J)iamonds, Watches, OttSh. . Vv f- Tn S I t5ta JL JL n Wrtrfd IL ijl JILL Ss, 1 IN OR 5 These are no baits. You can buy as many or as few as you like. 1 simply think it good business to sell goods on a slim profit TTq Boy iVlor Business mr?i Fringed Linen Table Cloths m$k ikX . lf 8PB&;$ s2e s y 0 for ; $ "r sze a by 12. tor . .:j::3.:,.j:.(:, 1 ui Turkey Red, Remnant Turkey Red and Indigo Blue Table Cloths j l a from 2 to 5 yards in piece, at 011 Ct jkl Better and Cheaper Laces and Embroideries A Beautiful Line at Popular Prices Fine White figures JL,a.clIs' Wrappers The best values ever shown. A very good Per cale Wrapper in black, blue and red figure, f Ky trimmed collar and yoke with full flounce.. fC' Another JSew Line of Wash Goods Just Received cousistiug of fine Ginghams, Percales, Lawns, Wash Voiles, India Linens, Shirt Waist Suit Materials. Everything new and up to date. I invite you to call and see them. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALEKS IN. - Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WEST BIIU: MAIN x STUEET.. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. 'Phone 421. mm j fPnv tws vV Vyyfvf "V OOOD: 3mS5!KaBS3 fWlS&Hin,aSE3B8ai2aSSSH2H5H3 ee ! Fine luaM" Pure Uuen, with fancy nc tu j autc tuvc a, 10 - inch border LADIES' SHIRTS and WAISTS Linen Shirt Waists in neat O SC f-f ( 1 &) and plain OO LU .0't, Ladies' Mohair Brilliantine Waists, in colors, at Ladies' fine Swiss Embroidered and Lace Trimmed 1 QQ fx White Waists . . . , I W O YOURS RESPECTFULLY, cJTVlollriner Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD JPhone JSo. 5. Allianc'ef Nebraska. J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN WIIOLKSALK AND JtKTAIl. ' UAKDr.KS Seed Wheat, Spring .Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. -95. For Sale: Bakery and confection ery in good Colorado town; 6000 peo ple. Steam heat and HghL Two wagons. Sales last year $14,256.32: price Si, 800.00. For full particulars call at The Hrkald office. 6-tf. drawn work i $L85 z.iu . .t, . .35 brack or $2.25 f)0 U 1 Do you like PAN CAKES? Oriental Pan Cake Flour will suit you Oriental Coffee & Tea Co. JOHN A. HUNZICKER, AKt. Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders delivered anywheie. Phone 448 Alliance, Nebraska Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES HEELER, . Proprietor. Pertheon Stallion for Sole. I have a 4 year old Percheon stallion dark gray almost black, that will be sold cheap before April ist. He is broke to work. If you need a good horse come and see him ac my ranch 7 miles southwest of Alliance, Frank McCoy. For Sale: House and two-lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloonV. N. Corneal. 6-tf ;: RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. X .'. .J. ;-xx:M-MM-:t"M"X"MW":"w- Mm. (1. E. Davis left this vuk far Pnnlir function. Mi-s Myrtle Cnrlton' vinHctl friends in Lincoln this wotfc. Lnmneri I). C. Tnvlor left tliii week to friends fit' Crete. Engineer J. Wolvortpn and wife weiituvpt lo Denver this week. EnKiiiPsr G. L. MUHkun nud wtfo went uxor to HuyAftl yoelerdnv. EiiRinccr G. M. Johnson is InyittgofT and has gone down to Oiiluha. 1' it eman O. F. Johnson is laying off and 1ms gone down to Knvanna. Hrakcumn C. H Hutch, of tho Deadwuod line, has left thu service. Conductor M. L. Wright, of Hillings, visited friends in Alliance this week, Assistant Auditor C. II. Sampson, of .pninha, was in Alliance last Friday. Flagman E. F. Hottolhaiui left this week for lirookuold, Mo., to visit rela tives. Grading. on the locnl yards horo is in pi ogress, which will double tho capacity. F. W. Irish and wife visited relatives in Denver tncouplc of days tho first of the week. . , Stotckccpcr' J. II. Ellis, of Alliance, made a business trip to Denver the first of tho week. V. H. Downs has boon transferred from tho Sheridan division to Lakeside as tection foienmn. Chief Dispatcher II. C. Holtoway and Agent L. S. Sage made a business trip to Lincoln this week. Engineer S. G. Tillett, of tho Dead-wood-ypearfish run, was in Alliance this week visiting his mother. Mrs. 13. A. Campbell and children of Sheridan visited her parents, Capt. A. Hill and wife in Alliance this week. F. F. Davis, cashier at Lead, has resigned from the service and accom panied by his wife has gone to Stark, Iowa. K-5 engine 8oi arrived in Alliance fiom Havclock this week 'mid will run between Alliance and Newcastle on 41 and 42. H. C. Mahauna, for a number of years superintenJent of the Elkhorn at Fremont, died in that city this week of heart disease. Engineer Sam facobv and wife left this week for Hurlington, Iowa, being called to that place on account of the serious illness of a relative. Mastermechanic Kracmer was confined to his home on account of slight injuries caused by being struck by a cabin while assisting in re-railing an engine tank in Alliance yards first of tho week, Governor Folk, of Missouri, this week signed the bill recently passed by tho legislature prohibiting railroads in Missouri to work train and engine men more than sixteen hours without rest. C. N. Constable, clerk in tho office of Superintendent Phclan, made a bus iness ttip to Edgemont and duster Monday. Mr. Constable expects to give up clerical work aiid will enter the track service on the Dcadwood line some time the coming mouth. Roadmaster D. C. Mclntyre will leave April ist, for Toluca, Mont., where he goes as roadmaster of tho Burlington line between that place and Cody, succeeding T. M. Hocnshcll, who will bo transferred to Alliance. Mr. Mclntyre has been roadmaster at Alliance since October i8g3 and prior to that time was in charge of Alliance section for four or five years. He has many friends on the Alliance division who regret to see him leave this part of the country. His family will remain in Alliance until later in the spring. Mr. Hoenshall was in Alliance this week and made arrangements to take up the duties of his new position about the first of the month. Time Table Alliance, Nebr. HHbhHh lincoln, denver, omaha, helena, chicago, butte, st. joseph, salt lake city kansas city, portland, st. louis, San francisco, una ul I ixjluts east uud ull points west una south. Thains Leave as I'olmiws, Mountain Time: No. 41 I'HsstjiiKor dully. Dendwrxxl. UlllliiBs, ull paints north una west f., 12:35 u.m. No 42 I'ufcsunger dully, Lincoln, Omuhu Ohlcugo und nil points oust JM5ft.m. No. SOI I'usscnKor (Lilly, for Denver ORden.t-ult JiUKu, San Frun elbco und ull Iniurraediuto points, diiparts ut 2:15 u.tu. No, 302 1'askuiiL'ur dully from Denver und nil Interaiedluto points, arrives at No. 30JMjlly, vxeep ilmluy. for points south und west, do parts 12:50 No. 300 Dully, except Suirtluy, from south uud west, arrives 4:55p.m. KleepIiiK. dining und roclluluc chair curs (itoutR free) on throuuh trulns. Tickets sold und bucKiigo checked to any point In thu United Suites or Uauuda. For information. time tubles und tickets nil! on or writu I. H. frAUE, Agont. or It W Wakelkv, Ocu. erul l'aenouk'er Ajjout. Onmlia. Nebraska. Burlington March Bulletin. Cheap one way rates to California, Pugct Sound and the northwest country, daily until May 15. Eastern trips. If you are contem plating an eastern trip this spring bet ter write for information. We will probably be able to offer you money saving suggestions. L. W. Wakely, General Passenger Agent, Omaha.Neb. L. S. Sage, ticket agent. 'W Souvenirs e 000 Repairing in all its . Branches. -s " lAo 00 Barnes. Jeweler and Optician. HAVE YOU SEEN BILL ? ftWrM! BOit:?.IIiffiWv ITEWBBKteT KBHrt Stirring Plows Hrwtkitig Plows Dlso Plows Stool'Tooth farrows Disc Harrows Walking Cultivators Riding1 Cultivators litld-Gnto Seeders f Disc Seeder Attachments - Potato Cutlers and Planters ' Call and See them. - Fanning Mills . Feed Grinders F. J. Brennan & Co.... Drugs, Perfumes -"Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper m FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLOCK. Forest Lumber Company 1MI0NT. 7I LUMBER WOODEN DIPPING Why Suffer with a Headache? GET Holsten's Headache Tablets They aro safe and suro and leave no bad after effects. F. k Holsten's Drug, and Jewelry Store ivicLsois xr-JLicxcrnsre. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Flru InimruucoOoiiiimny. North American of I'lillmli'lpliln. I'lioonlx of lllooklyn. Now York. Ooiittnuntul of New York City. Nliitfiiru Klro Insumnco Company. Now York IJnUurwrltow, New York. Commercial Union -Assunineo (Jo., London Dray and Transfer Line. IV tnem The only spring Phone 139. Palace Livery .Barn S. II. DESOH, Prop. one 111.OCK WKST of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: nijw ziHNhiw , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the nuil.niN'G. 'Phono. excellent patronaKe we enjoy, Try us. Why! Bless my Soul! ies White House Coffee, DWINELL'WRIOHT CO., BOSTON. CHICAGO. .Gold Jewelry, Hail orders promptly attended to. cu DEALERS IN"- "S3 Alliance, Nebraska. AND COAL TANKS VATS For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying-, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. 1 ry Dlerfrs' Lumber and Coal Co. ' Also agents for Neb Csnt. Hid. & Loan Assjo. 'Tbone 22, Liverpool. Loudon und Ololx; Ins. Co. Germuu American Ins. Co., N? w York. Farmers anil Slrrelmius Inn. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insuranoo Company. I'hlladelnlilu Unilurwrltcru. I'hoenlx las. Co., llunfonl, (!unu. Office Up-.Stolri, lllock. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. . S A. Miller'will take charge of them; store tbea in a nice, dry and .cool place and pack and ship wnerever desired. Charges rftasonable. dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the V. S. I AM am sole agent for this high grade Coffee and recommend its use. I am not going to make a display of cheap bar gains as it takes cheap goods (or cheap premiums, Come to the store, I have the best goods that money can buy and these will be my bargains to my customers. For your patronage I thank you. James Qraharrr W est of Alliance-National Bank.