The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 30, 1905, Image 4
w jj M WW ' Ww A w. wm -,. M$$MS PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. HAKEU PublWior Entered nt tlio pottoflica nt Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through tho quits, m soconil-claw matter. S3 Tim HkraLd is the Official PtililtCff lion ol Box Butte county and its dnrolo tioa is boarly twtio that ol tiny olhar Al liance pspor. ADVERTISING UATBS: Display, per single rolnmn inch par month............ 50 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance, ' " '"' ,"" .:;:,i,n: ',) rw, .-i-st Tim Legislature close up shop today. Poace bo to their aslioe. Gov. Mickky today signed tho Dip sotnahinc hill, Whttn you got ornay drunk now you gt to tho auylutn where you bolong. Butter intiko n t;ood donation to tho Hospital enterprises now, for without scwomge wo are sure , to need it and need It .goon. A cakhpuj- reading of tho IIuiiald advertising columns will prove profitable nnd entertaining. The men who waut and get the business nru the mon who tuo tiie columns of the Herald us nn advertising medium and tho way it is patronized is proof positive that it is profitable. Turks is joy in the court house today ovet the Warner biennial election bill by tho legislature yesterday. This means that the present bunch of county officials will hold over another year. If the legialatuie did nothing else, this one act is commendable, as it avoids the strife incident to annual election, la the ttuant school law being strict ly enforced? Tbcte appears to be many childtcu of school age on the street during school hours. Others are employed when they should be iu school. Soon it will be to late for these children to attend school. Tho school board should insist on punctual and tegulur attendance. A KISOROANIZATION of the BusincS3 Men's club into a Cohiiucrcial club would bo a desireablemoveat this time. Alliance busiucss men could do more and belter work for tho city, get closer together and work in hauuony better if this could bo done. The comtuctcial interests of Allllauco need the stimulus of an active Commercial club, with reg ular weekly business meetings. Marc G, Perkins, president of tho Telegram company1 at Coltinibns. and business partner of Edgar Howard, is a candidate for grand receiver of the A. O. U. W. in Nebraska. He isconi: petenl and worthy and the press of the btatc should be a unit in advocating his electiou. Every newspaper man knows Pel kins and if each will tequcst his home lodge to send delegates to So. Oumlin, May gth, instructed to vote for Perkins, it v ill be done. Cassik Ciiadwick has been sentenc ed to ten years imprisonment for wrecking tho Oberlin bank, and by good concuct she can reduce it to six years. It is ically too bad that a woman of Cussie's capacity as a finan cier, could not have directed her ener gies in legitimate cluumels. She would have- been in the Morgan Rockefeller Hill class then. But its too late to cry over spilt milk, and when' she gets out bhe will be too old to try now tricks at finance. Appeal To Philipinos. W. R. Andrews, of Grand Rapids, Midi., at a recent toast got off the following appeal to the Philipinos but it sounds much like our o n E. " Benjamin AnJrews. "You Philipinos dou't know what you are missing by not wanting to become citizens of this proud country of ours. There isn't anything like it under the sun. You ought to send a delegation over to See us the land of the free. A land where we can get a good bible for fifteen cents and a bad drink of whiskey for five cents; where we have a man in congress with three wives and a lot iu the penitentiary for having two wives; where we put a roan in jail for not having tho means of support and on the rock pile for asking for a job of work; where w e have a congress of 400 men who make laws, and a supreme court of nine men who set them aside; ,vhere good whiskey mates bad men and good men nuke- bad whiskey: where proffessors draw their convictions from the same place they do their sal aries; where trusts "hold up" and pov erty "holds down" where men vote for what they do not want for fear they will not get what they do want by voting for it. Where niggers can vote and women can't: where a girl who goes wrong is made an outcast and her male partner flourishes as a gentleman; where women wear false hair and men "dock" their horses' tails; where men vote for a thing one day and cuss it 364 days; where we have prayers on tbe floors of our national capital and whis key in the cellar; where we spend $500 to hurt n. statesman who is ricli and J!to to put tut ay n uauprr who js poor; where to be virtuous is to bo lonototna and (o be honest is to bo a crunk? where wo sit on tho wifety valve of energy and pull wide open thu throttle of conscience; whete w6 pay $1500 for a dog and fifteen cents a dozuu to poor woman for waking ( shirt; where wo put n. matt in jail for slocllnn a loaf of broad and in congress for stealing a railroad. Colno to us, Pillion! We'vo got tho greateat nggitignti of good things nnd bad things, hot things and cold tliiiiRB, nil sizes, Varieties and colors, over exhibited under one tent." t-w-v- "v? I RANDOM THOUGHTS. Tho Hon. Mika I.ce, of Omaha, is wasting his talents in Nobraaka, Now York is as native to him as water to a duck. What an oasis "Tie I'nsa" is iu the long and hearibreakitfg lilt of geograph ical names with which we havo wrestled during the present unpleasantness be tween Russia and Japan. Not being a member of the legislature our means of transportation sives the name "tie pass" a homely association. And now the Nebraska sonate by its august decree has declared and ren dered Doc. Bbtby nothing more nor loss thnu a long whiskered populist. Ponce to tho remains of the spotted cowl Ono counot think ,-of the burning blusboa of the cowboys who attended the Roosuvelt inauguration ball, and saw for the first Onto n fashionably Eownaxl lady, without feeling the living toalilm of the expression, "the effete east." The dread question nrUos, will thn Atihufisar Busoh supplant the green emblem1? If tlforo ever is a time witou popular opinion would cheerfully override tho UtiwrittQit law against a third term it will boat the close of Toddy's present incumbency. On the whole tho legislature lias not done so very much damage scTfat. Now that tho "Vitchcs" have due recognition iu Russian military circles wo may at least expect increasing diffi culty iu tho recognition of the different distinguished war figutcs. General ICuropatkin'o memory may be faulty but it never failed him when the time came to run. Potato Improvement. Why not breed or improve potatoes as well as corn? Farmers living in corn districts are becoming inteiested in com improvement, why should not we who live where potatoes do well try to improve our potatoes? It is possible to improve them so'lhat there may bo greater yields. We have been plant ing too many small potatoes and sell ing off all tho larger ones. Suppose our stockmen Mtould select only their inferiot stock for breeding purposes they would soou havo only herds of scrubs. Professor Girard is quoted as saying that farmers may send off and get their seed potatoes and get a good crop the first year, the second year there will bo considerable disease in yield, whilo iu the third year his imported seed will not yield as well as tho native grown seed w by? Because the best potatoes were sold iu the market and the Email and inforior ones were planted- We reap what we sow. If wo constantly plant poor seed we may expect our potatoes to run out and finally become inferior in quality and quantity. Now that we havo a reputation of produc ing good potatoes, let us seek to keep up that reputation by improving our potatoes. It is easy to do. Let us go into our potato bins and select the very best tubers of fair makctable size, cut into good sired pieces, plant on best ground and cultivate well. When up several iuches high go through the patch with a hoe and cut out all puny looKiug vines; only allow strong vines to grow. Note any especially stiong looking vines, and at digging time bee what they have on their roots. This is the breeding or improvement patch from which seed is to be obtained for next year's planting. Out of this patch select the very best seed of marketable size to plant another im provement patch next year. Keep up this practice every year. Marked re sults will surely follow. Think, study. Luther Burbank says: "The best thing in the world is to make other people happy. The next best thing is to make them think." Send to the Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. and get "Farmer's Bulletin Nr. 35, Potato Culture." It is free. Potato Grower. Spcclnl .Muster's Salo Docket V, No, 801. In tbe Circuit Court of tlio Vntlod Ptutos, for mo 1 mm net 01 aoorasica. Junius K. Ciarkij, ltsvlr" nt tlje Nobranka bun Trust Ci. cnmiilhiuiit. rs llnni-tr Tonilluson, et )., dufviutanui in ciuiu, orj . lOniXI-OSUltK OK" MOltTOAOK. Public Uutice Is hereby given that lu pursu ance und bx virtue of u degroa entered In tbe ubo 0 fuum on tlio 3rd d of September, loot, I, Geo. II. Tbumrael, bpm.U Mnstor In ('Initio cry of the Circuit Court of tbe Uulted Mutp.s forthe District of Nebraska, will, i.ii tlio Jrtl day of April. 1005. at tlio hour of 3 oVlock. (mountain time) lu thu afternoon of suld day, ut the front door of the Uox llutta county court bouso building In tlio City of Alliance, Uox liutte county, statu and district of Ne braska oll at public auction for cash the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Loi.s three and four una tho ens t halt of tlio boutliwe&t quurter of section thirty-ouo (311 In township twenty-eight uao north and range forty-nluo (40) wot In Itox liutte county, Nebraska. Qco. II.Tiicmmeu .. Special Master la Chancery. Jons M. IUoan, Solicitor tor Complainant. 11-5 ( LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The County Commlfwiouar were in mmIoii today. M. II. Hngtrly, of Osltkosh, was an Alliance visitor yesterday. Miss Inoz Hell wood has been on the siok list for tho past week. Auctioneer Fosket of Ileinintrford was in tbe city this morning. Mrs. Jackson, 'wife of Ttaininastar lackson is under the doctor's care. Tile Lsdies Union will meet with Mis. Hunter nextaWednesday afternoon. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Robert May, a daughter on Monday March 17th. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Green a daughter oti Tuesday March 28, 1905. Mrs. McCandlasB of Daren, aged 83 is recovering from a sovuia attach of pleurisy. Tho social hour club will meet at tbe home of Mrs. A. Wiker on Friday afternoon. Tbe M. W. A. drill contest and forester ball will bo held April s5 at Zbindpn's ball. District deputy Hamilton went over to Morrill last Fiiday to institute a new M. W. A. lodge. R. 1. Lawrence of the electric light company made a business trip to Alli ance this morning. II. CAtkin of Bayard was in town Satin day on a visit with his brother-in-law, sheriff Reed. Miss Bessie Peirin has returned to Boulder Colo, to losume her studies ut tho medical college. Miss lues Beck is home from tbe Wosleyan University at Univorsity Place on a short vacation. , Mib. L. A. Sage cnlortained ft, bunch of her friends at a mush and milk luncheon last Sunday yvening. C. M. Lotspeich returned from Bing ham today, where he has been looking over his rancli and visiting his brothers. Miss Ella McCullough, of the Rumcr store, has been under the doctor's care for the past week, hut is rapidly improving. Tho best show that has appeared at tho Phelan opera house this season was Carpenter's "Little Outcast" last Sat iu day night. E. L. Everett, the barber and B. E. Johnson, thu tallest man in Box Butte both of Hcmingford were Alliance visitors yesterday. The little four year old daughter of Mrs. Volney Richards is suffering with a severe case of diphtheria and the house has been quarantined. Oscar R. Globe of tho Lockwood store is happy over thu arrival of bib wife who will take chaige ot the drap- ery department at Lockwood 8. W. W. Not ton and wife left Sunday morning for a week at Chicago and other eastern markets where busiircbs and pleasure ill be combined. A couple of hobos stole the bection men's handcar at Dalton ycsteulay and rode it into tew 11 and now the pair are in the hobo cage at the city jail. The friends of F.innie Frey, sister of Dr. Fiey, the osteopath, gave her a farewell biirpnse party 1 uesday night. She will leave for her old home this week. , Sheriff Reed, assisted by J. S. MeKiuney took the three colored bur glars to Lincoln Saturday night to com mence work on their three and two year sentences. Herb Anderson and Kirk Duncan who were convicted of cattle stealing at Sydney, were taken to the pen last Saturday to begin their three yeais service for tho state. G. D. Woods, who has been cm- ployed on The Herald force for tbe past year left for Clarks yesterday, where he expects to engage iu the news paper business on bis own account. Claude J. Kem, a son of the notor ious Omar M. Kem, was in the city Monday iu the employ of the national census bureau, collecting statistics ot manufacturing industries iu Alliance. J. V. Gorman of the German In vebttiient company was called to Mem plus a week ago on account of the ill ness of his daugher. He returned Tuesday and today made a busindbs trip to Crawford. Myrtle Karlson went to Lincoln the first of the week where she visited the Misses Young and 13ell, returning home Thursday accompanied by Miss Bell, who recently graduated from the Lin coln Business College. Mrs. Dr. G. W. Collins, formerly of this city but now of Pawnee City, stopped over for a short visit with her son. She leaves in the morning for Lead, where she will visit for some time with her sisters. G. B. Carr, the manager for the local telephoue company is on the street again after a week's serious ill ness, during which time the electric light wireinen took care of the '"trouble" for the telephone company. Sam Smysor returned from his hunt ing trip Monday afternoon saud witched in between four big Canada geese and a dozen mallard duck until only his big white hat was visible. As a nimrod, Sam shines with the best of them. Bert Jessie, the popular ranchman was in town Saturday, and while dis cussing tbe price of beef with Frank Olday in front of the Palace Market, leaned up againt the large plate glass so emphatically that he wept through and fell inside. He was rescued from bis perilous position by Dr. Bellwood and others who happened neat at tho time and aside fioin tbe broken glasn no damage was done. ' V Thu comitv commissioners closed a contract wuli Lee Arnrtt yesterday for a wheel road jjtader of latest pattern, that will be heic as soon as it can bo shipped. It is the fit At gtader the county ever bought anil has long been needed. Mathies, the tailor has moved into the quartet es recently vacated by the Glraaun tid Ftanklin Confectionary and now has his stock displayed iu good Btjle, his former quarters were too Small to accomodate bis growing business. Mrs. R. K. Latigson, widow of thu late Dr. Lsugson of Ctawford, stopped over in AHianco yesterday, while en ronto to Broken Low, where she will make her home with her mother and sislor. A car loaded with her house hold effects preceded her. Subject of the morning discoutse ot tho U. P. church is "Mudorii ideas coucorning Cbiist." Evening suhject "St. Paul's autograph." Prayer meet ing Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at Miss Bell's. The T. M. S. monthly lea will be at the home of Mrs. Harry Hamil ton, Friday evening. M. B. Quivoy came over from Mitch ell Saturday to clobe up bis affaits hoie preparatory to removing to his new home. ' Sunday morning accompanied by Mrs. Quivcy, they left for Mitchell, having btored their household effects until a suitable place can be found in their new town iu which to move. G. L. Moffat has bought an interest in borne Casper, Woming, saloon property and loft heie tint morning for that place, liis family will follow at an early date, having tented their home to .Matcus Finnkle. Mr. and Mrs, Rich ard Watkins will occupy . their own home that has been occupied by Mr. Fiankle. R. J. Johnson, Newberry's pumpman pounded bis finger with a hammer Saturday attenioon and broke the bono between the hand and second joint. Johnson was afraid it would hurt to havo a doctor repair it and decided to take chloroform; but just then the pain was so intense that he fainted and when he came to the doctor had the injured linger done up in splints. l.nnJ Office .Notices. L'kiiilufllioat Mliuuec. Nubr., fob. 2sth. 1003. .Nollco is liuroln ulveu that thu followlnii- nniiKHl buttlurlinilllLcl notice o( lus Intention to uuiUu Until proof lu Mippurt of Ills cliilin, mid tluit Mlu proof will bu mndo buforo KogMurnncl Itocelvcr ut Alliance, Nobr., on April 10. lOOJ, vU U EOIlQi: V. HATCH, of Homlnsforil, Nubr, on Ilomi-bteml entry No. 25 M for tlio booth Kust 4 bection -1 township 2t A -It WW. Uu names tlio follow iii)- witnnsvB to proto )ii continuous rositlcnco upon and cultivation orsiiid luml. vU: Will lain llollluriiko. John Klnsolla. William Iiolllnmke, Jr., .latu"- Hol 1 1 11 rake, ul I ol tlfinliiRfoid. .olr. 1 1-0 lliiucn Wilcox, HcgUtur. band Onico nt Alliance, Neb., Mir. 13, 1P05. Notice Ixlioioby given that tlio follonlm; tmincd settler bus illcil uotlco of bis Intention to mnko lhml proof In support of bis claim, unit that B.itd proof will bo nuuli1 ixifore Kt-Klstor ami Hveciver at AlUnure. Neb , on April at, 1005, viz ' . CVmS(.JOY of .! N'ebusloi, on II. K. No. 2023 tor tlio ui'Uor subsection 10 t,.,vn Si! 11. raiigo Al w. Ho names the following witnufixos to proo bis continuous residence upon timl cultiva tion of Mild land, vU: it Jl. Botirno. of Itmli UU Nt'br..iind .lames Krcler, 8. M MnjsUf, U. At. Hampton, all of Alliance Nubr. l:i 0 llliuci: U.COX. KesUttr. Land OHico nt Alliance, Nubr., March 30, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler bus filed notice of her Intention to mnku tlnal proof tu supKirt of her claim, and that Mild proof 111 bo made before istor and Hectlvor at Alliance, Ntbr., on May IU, 1005, Iz: MAltV 1ILISS ot Hcmingford, Nebraska, 011 homestead entry No. 3100, for lot 4 and tW1 NVM section 1. lotl, and SEU N Lit boctton 2, township 5, N. rango5iV- bin) names tho following witnesses to prove Her continuous residence upou ami cultivation of said land, vl.: Alllu .Mubln, Kobcrt Currv. (IeorL-o W. I.oor, William I Walker, ull of llunilugruru, we Dr. 15-0 HmjCB Wilcox, Itecclver. Slid if rs Snlc. No. 155'J. By virtue of an order of bale Issued by the clork of tho district couitof Box lluttocoun tyNebraska, upon a decree rcndoied by said eourt In fu7or of V red C. Ahdrescn, plalutllf, and against John Arkfeld, Mrs, Anna L. Ark fold, wife of Mild John Arkfeld, Loo Ulass Audresun Hardware Co., John Doe, real uamo unknown duftndanLs. I will, on tho 3d day of April, A. O. 1905, at 10 o'clock u. in. on said da) at tlio went front door of tho court bouse in Alliance, lu said county, bell tho following descrllied real ostiitu, to-wit: Tlio northeast quarter of section 'M, in town ship 28. north ot ruugo 47. west ot the sixth principal meridian, in Boy Butlo county. Ne braska, ut public miction to tho highest bid der for cash, to sutlsfy said order of ealo in thu sum of iiii 10 and Interest, costs an accruing costs, sublect to ull unpuld taxes. I It A ItHKD, Sheriff of said County. Smith 1. Tutti.f, Attorney for Plaintiff. 11-5 Official Directory. CIIUIICIIKS KI'ISCOPAIi Itegular Sunday torlres-8 11 a. 111.; 7:.U)p. m.; Sunday school ut 10 a.m. Charles 1). Coerr, Itvctor, CATHOLIC Kcgular Sunday services 6 a. m.i 10a. m : 7:30p. ni., bunday echoul ut 2 p. ni. iMithor B. I Oalvin. METHODIST -Begnlnr Rundny borvlco-ll a. in.; 7;: p. in.; Sunday school 10 u. in.; Junior League i 30 p. in.; Eoworth League 0:30 p. m : I'rujer meeting Thursdajs, 7:30 p. 111. Itov. C. W. Kay, I'astor. FIBST PUnSHYTUItlAN Itogular Bunday service 11 a. ni ; 7:30 p. m. ; Hiinuay souooi 10 it. in ; Christian Kndcuwir 5: 15 p. in. n. I. V. Bogue, Tastor. UNITKD rRUSBYTEBIAN-npHular Sunday RUrVICU 11 u. ill. t;ou l. III. ouiiiinj' Bviiuui 10 a. ni.; Y. 1. C. U 0:30 p. m Bov. McCou- nell, I'astor, BAPTIST Regular Bunday serlco 11 a. m.i 7.3ip ni.; Minduy school 10 a, ni.; Young !'eop.o meotlng 043 Pnijur meeting Thursday, 7 SO p. iu. Rev. O. C, Jelters, I'jsuir. ar.BMAN LUlHUItAN Regular Sunday sor- vico J,t a. ni ; Sunday school 10 a. m ; rvtmlus Mrvices twice oaeb aionth. llov. OtW foftjIifU. P4s'.vr. 1 ALMAICE StfET SOCICTIK8. E.V&TERN STAR-lst and 3rd Tuosduy nights Mrs Anna Davla, Worthy Matron ItEBECOA8-2nd and 4th Friday nights. MrnOooLeidy, NO mXJRF.K OP HOXOK-lst und 3rd Monday nights. Mrs A V. Reynolds, C H ROYAL NKiaUBOR3-2nd and 4th Wednes day nights. Mrs U N Hosklns, Oracle LOT M 2nd and 4tU Monday nights. Mrs O H Rocky LADIES AUXILIARY It of R T-2nd und 4th Thursdays 2pm Mrs U N Hosklns Mistress LADIES AUXILIARY B of L E-lst and 3rd Thursdays 2 p rn Mrs It L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXILIA nY B of L F-2nd and 4th r'rldajs 2 p m Mrs W L Austin. vtT yvioci ft ft V ft ft SPfcave Jst bought the swellest ft line of Dry Goods and Ladies' ft ft r ft. & ( . Furnishings ever seen in Alii- ' since. They will begin to arrive this week. Tfas Very Latest Things in Laces - ! J i t" " i) ' tfi-tf . .ti '4" TELEPHONE The Palace $ For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast A Fresh Fish or . . . "" A Soup Bone If you haven't time to cook them, we can send vou a Steak, a Chop or some Ovsters QUICK! ft Phone 131 V7 J FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. ni8 llOX JIUTTi: AVKNUK. I'liono 23S. Calls answered lu town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.i:TCiii:it block, ALLIANCE, NEB. Calls answered from ofllco day or night. Telephone No. . H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holstcn Building, - ALLIANJG. NKB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. . , Offlce In Tirst National Bank block. Alll anco Nebraska. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician anc Snrjtoon Day und night calls, Ofllco over Boguo Store. Tliono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, UO At EOPATII'IC I II Y S I C I V N AND SUItGEO N Formerly Interne floineojmtlilc Hos pital University of Ioiwi. 1 Phono 251. Oltlco oer Alliance Shoo Store. Night calls answered from odlco. Guy Lockwood GRADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OE EMBALMING - Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lndy ' Attendant .. AHianco, Neb. WilLLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. .AttonioyN nt Lu-vv .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. SMITH P. IOTTI.E. I II A E. TA 11, TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main SL, ALLrANOE. NEB. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating, 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. f ft ft 1 Al' 9 s ! ft ft tjr ft ft ft ft t ttf 't '1X 'I ' 'f ft Heat Market t BUSH IS ELL OLDAY. ft 1 'f WALL PAPER ! 9 W; E want to show 'ou our new line just ar rived. Ever' pattern new. We know you would buy if you saw our patterns. That's why we're so anxious to show them to you. a Prescription Druggist 306 Do Butte Ale. 5 For a Full Line of... Staple AND I Iancy Groceries n n 3 I Superior ours, That Can't be Beat In Town..,, Queensware, Tinware attt Uiuuuicica ware 4 CALL ON. "DcaWwri, A. D. RODGERS. 49- imHMimtttT BUFF WYANDOTTES The hen that lays Is the hen that pays And here vou hnvi timm ti,.. !.. more eggs than the Leghorn, and being uu iu uoior, mey are not a prey for hawks. Coma and see them and. be. convinced. Remeinlmr ii nnii iv.... dotte is not the Buff Cochin. ggs !Jt.5o per 15, ?j.5o per 30. L. A. SUPRISE; Alliance, Neb. l3-8v. F. M. WALLACE DBAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. 1 n r T