The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1905, Image 7
f PE-RU-NA CONQUERS CATARRH THE WORLD OVER News in Nebraska i($ t 1 h , I' if V , ,.A ft S4M' u ' WOMEN NOT TRUTHFUL This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made, Because Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By Male Physicians. B .bbveA Mft3HBBL.4nk -bbLv aaB aB ia i tJiBanwjlkBaBaBJkiaBu w VaWaBaW An Pmltionf 1tTctitnV Ai I 'Women tire not truthful; they will lie to their physician " This statement should bo qualified; women do toll the truth, hut not the wholo truth, to a male physician, but this is only in re card to those painful and troublesome disorders peculiar to their sex. There can be no more terrible ordeal to a delicate, sensitive, rcilnedvoman than to bo obliged to answer certain questions when those questions are asked, oven by her fumily physician. This is especially the case w'lUi un married women. Is it any wonder, then, that women continuo to suffer and that doctors fail to cure female diseases when they cannot get the proper information to work on ? This is the reason why thousands and thousands of women are now corre bpouding with Mrs. l'inkhnm. To her they can and do give every symptom, bo that she really knows more about the true condition of her patients, through her correspondence with them than the physician who personally questions them. If you suffer from any form of trouble peculiar to women write at onco to Mrs. Plnkhpm, Lynn, Mass., and Bile will advise you free of charge. The fact that this great boon, which is extended freely to women by Mrs. Pinkham, is appreciated, the thou sands of letters received by her prove. Many Mich grateful letters as the fol- ij""H mis tuuai.iiii.ij pouring in Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advicc-A Woman I There are Many Imitations of I Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate Don't be package titled to uokfonUTrwieMuk Cocoa" or Qn tfafet YV 1 1 , ,11 9imKS Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dortrhester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America ArOtind the "World A small stone has been lodged In "I have ued your Flh the British museum; it is somewhat Snufe mSSuiMaESS of " mystery. It has been named the 2iH0U.l!.1.the?J Vteionly semakulr. It Is a native of Finland, 'SEwIn thu count"? and the Finns tell tho weather by it. 'iui,o"lyourtco2u."'gret Tho exPlan"tiQn Is that tho stone (nutton jpuctw) changes its appearance through ab- HlflnESTAWARPWuiD'SFAIRJflOi TeZfrX EFi?i$l. The world-wide reputs- tlon of Tower's Water- Mnn The Handy Encyclopedia. ESUrVStfiftFS SESmZl "" houBohold ought to have an the potltlve worth of liT- encyclopedia," observed the profes- ttto EiK thVFUlu WWm1 sor. "I think so. too," responded Miss a i TuvKD m n it c i Flutterhy brightly. "They are so A. J. lUWtKtu., uosion, U.S.A. handy t0 a crumpled riubon3 anil TOWER CANADIAN CO., LIMITED flowera and lettera and tWng8 Toronto. Canada. Putsburg post When St. Jacobs Oil Tho old monk cure, strong, strigd, Sure, tackles Hurts, Sprains, Bruises a jrv. mmtmmm ii jAniwi-tiiiiiW The muscles flex, the the soreness dies out. 1 t ii ii iiiii i nHVSBaBBnBBMEBBKHBBWHPr Mrs.Ella Lee, Frankford.Ind., writes; Dear Mrs Finklinm: " I want to t limit you for what your niedN cino has doiio for me. "Throe yenrsnpol had Inflammation of the ovaries and ulcers on my womb. I wiw under the doctor's care for about tlireo months, and tho only time I Mas not in ikiIii -nos when under tho lnllupnco of morphine. Tho doctor finally said 1 never Mould lx better, mul would be an invalid the rest of my life. I had given up in despair, but ono evening I camo across ono of your advertisements and decided to write you for advico. I did so and com menced to take Lydla E. I'inkham's Vego tnblo Compound. 1 began to improvo at onco, and to-day I am a well woman, and I know it is all duo to your adt ice and medicine Mrs. J. II. Farmer of 2809 Elliott Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I cannot thank you enough for what your advice and medicines havo dono for mo. They havo dono me more good than all the-dot-tore I ever had. "For tho lturt eight years I have suffered with fomalo troubles; wag very weak; had nervous prostration, and could not do my work; but I am happy to say Lydla E. I'ink ham's Vegetablo Compound has mode a different woman of me. I am in perfect hoalth and have gainod in weight from 03 jwuuda to IS3 pounds." No other medicine in tho world has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement. No other medicine lias such n record for actual cures of female ills as has Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetablo Compound. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to Avrito her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, jynn, mass Best Understands A Woman's Ills. misled by them j Our trade-mark is on every of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker &P Co.'s is en be sold as "Baker's "Baker's Chocolate" kinks untwist, Price 25c. and 50c. I An nntl-saloon ticket will bo put up nt Falls City. Somo now cases of smallpox havo developed at Beatrice. Lands In nil pnrts of Soward county Is increasing in value. A new lodge of Hen Hur hag hcoc organized at Kenrner. Indonendent tolonhnno conin.inleR are seeking tin entrance Into Omaha. Sumuol Damon, the oldest oxsoldior in Mtullson county, being 90 yenrt old, died last week. The Norfolk asylum Is now ready for occupancy nnd patients are about to he romoved there. Thieves entered the hftrdwnro storo of Fritz Kees nt Boatrlco and slolo $100 worth of goods. In n wreck nt Overton Conductor Herln was fatally injured and Biako man Codollo seriously. City Nlv;ht Watchman Tom Ham ler of Geneva, fell nnd broke a leg while attempting to board a moving freight cnr. Lars Olson llviinr near Chndron. slid off of n load of hay In such a manner that the hack wheel of tho wagon crushed his head and arm. By order of the couit the York au ditorium nt Yorlc Is to bo sold nt sher iff's sale on Anrll 21. Tho building has been In tho hands of a receiver for sovornl years. IS. F. King has tondored his resign ation n3 sheriff of Stanton county, and Omer Van Ilousen Iiub been appointed to fill out his term. Mr. King is re moving to North Dnkota. Tho village hoard of Shelby haT passed an ordinnnco fixing liquor licenses at $1,500 per year, $1,000 for tho benefit of the village fund and $500 for the school fund. There was no loss of stock, snys a Chndron dispatch, In this part of tho slate, to mention, during tho sevcro weather. The frost is out of tho ground nnd tho farmers are beginning to plant smnll craln. At Nebraska City a range exploded at tho home of It. B. "Wclier nnd wrecked tho kitchen. Fortunately the girl who had lighted the fire went out In tho yard nnd thus escaped boing killed. The range and tho kitchen woro a total wreck. Senator Millard has word from tho war department that men will bo sent to disinter the remains of soldiers who were burled nt Fort Atkinson now called Fort Calhoun at tho timo that tho post of Fort Atkinson was in existence. 'The hones will ho taken to Fort McPhorson for final inter ment, Thomas Williams, a well known farmer of Gage county, was severely injured while working on the farm of, his brother. He was sorting seed corn near a cornshelier, nnd caught his "arm In the flywheel of tho shcller, which threw his hand between tho cogwheels of the machine. Tho hand ivas badly lacerated. The women of Falls City met and organized themselves into a woman's club. Tho club will bo divided into different departments, such ns litera ture, music, art, household, etc. Mrs. William Wilson was chosen president and Mi3s Sallle Schoenheit was chosen secretary. The departments of music and art are all that have been taken up as ret. Tho twelfth annunl session of tho Southeastern Nebraska Educational association will be held in Beatrice March 29 to 31. An Interesting pro gram has been arranged. On Wednes day evening. March 29, the Inter- high school debate will be held, par ticipated in by the schools of Paw nee City, Wilber, Falls City, Hum boldt. Crete, Wymore, Nebraska City and Beatrice. George Craig, of Omaha, who as saulted E. It. Morgan because ho saw the latter talking with his intended bride, was taken to tho penitentiary by Sheriff Power to finish out a flr-teen-year term, of which ho had served five. Craig was out on parole, and after his assault on Morgan his paroio was recalled by Governor Mickey. Ho was convicted on, a charge of statutory assault. At Chndron County Judge C. Dana Sayers married Lewis Jones, a full blooded negro, to Mary Lamotto, a full-blooded Indian of tho Sioux tribe. The bride is a relative of Black Horse, White Cow and Red Cloud, honce bo longs to the nobility. The braves ore an disgusted, and ono of them claims Mary is already his squaw, so there may bo a "war of tho races" in that locality. County Superintendent Arnot of Dodgo county has made arrangements for a corn growing contest to bo con ducted under tho auspices of the schools throughout tho county tho coming summer. Ho will furnish se lect seed corn and tho, pupils will plant this. In tho fall district con tests will be held. The winners at these will exhibit at a county contest held in connection with tho county farmers' institute In tho winter. A number of prizes ranging from $5 to $50 in value will bo awarded. Ed Hughes, a young farmer from northeast of Humboldt, had a small piece of steel embedded in his right eyo and tho same was removed with difficulty. Tho splinter camo from n file which Mr. Hughes struck with a hammer while at work. Georgo Cramer nr Snrcae has been oonf-cj H ihc count Jnll at Lincoln for many woeks on Jie complaint of his wife, who declared that hor huB-' band threw plates at her because shd nto pork. The mantis thought to bo insane, in spito of his reiterated de clarations that he is ooL The Population of ihc Earth is 1,400,000,000, One Million Die Annually of ' Catarrh. Jt. known and used for catarrhal disotiBcs. Tho rerun a Girl has travolcd 'round tho globe. Hor fiico is familiar ovory whero that civilization reaches. Ualvcnalty Praised. Prom Africa to Greenland, from Man churla to Patagonia, tho face of tho 1'oruna girl Is familiar and tho pralsos of Peruna as a catarrh remedy aro heard. Succetiful la North and South. Poruna crossed tho Equator soveral years ago, to find in tho Southern Homisphcro tho samo triumphant suc cess that has marked Its carcor in tho Northern Hemisphere. A Standard. Poruna Is a standard catarrh remedy tho world over. It cures catarrh by eradicating It from tho system. Permanent Cure. It obviates tho necessity of all local treatment and Its reliof is of pormanont charnctor. Without a Peer. No other remedy has so completely dominated tho wholo earth as Poruna. la Every Tongue. In all languages Its glowing testi monials aro written. in all climes tho domanda for Poruna Increase Let Common Sense Decide Do you honestly boliove, thaf; coffeo sold looso (in bulk), exposed tt ts opened in your cilcieti. tblm baa made LION COFFEE the LEADER OP AIL PACKAGE COFFEES. Millions of American Homes welcomo LION COFFEE duily. There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and incrona- ing popularity, iuuaiiy wiuvivuo u(iucm.u (8old only In 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package.) (Bave your Lion-heads for valuable jiromiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE f ENTRANCING ..Tonfe Qua.lity.. pure and mellow. UlgllriKUlsh our hnnd made "Mueller" pianos from tho ordin ary makes. THE SOUNDING BOARD in built on the violin principle, ullowlnir free vibration. Other Items of interest In our new catulog, sent free for the uaklng. Address tho Makers, SCHMOLLER. a MUELLER. Kstabllshed I860. 1313 l.'AHNAM ST., O.IIAHA. THE LINCOLN IMPORTING HORSE CO., u Tbo laricoit and oldest importer In all the went of lVrcberon, Hhire. Belgian and G rruan Coach Htalllons. ProepectiTu buyers Hhould vUit our barna or write iw for llluatratod cat lour of our latest Importation Itumeinber. we iiay buyer's It K. fare and can veil you a atall Ion at our Iwrna fqr one ht tl.e riionny It would cwt j-oa If we uhlppud hlin out and or iranUed n comiMiny Wedofy iwnivj'-ltli" ' In ijuality and prif"- 'i-ti tuttu at car ruua (' l r . i ' . tiarn. TltU ad onl v mni one timo feO cut It out" A. I., t'L.I.IVA.N, .llgr. wW' FARMS or Sale gsifts! PUTNAM toloj mora good brlchler and Inter color thin anr felt teller or e -nil tend pott paid at 10c a MCUB. v....v.-7,rai'i r V-..-.V.V 'AJfcf itKmiZiH & vuftCV V..I..11. . m i ! . - mo r'.iT.'n'.i . f . lsllf v&r ?k mr$mf 7 :".; v-yr v kSS'EI CLl ''' -cV 0 ff WW4 J:!ih .-vvWilw -Tr.ov:o:o jfFfflmm wwm&&&MiMm wmwvm Aa Extensive Laboratory. To supply this remedy to tho wholo world (axes to the utmost ono of tho host laboratories in tho United States. A Word Prcta Australia. Waltor II. Woodward, Bomadior Royal Australian Artillery, Hobart, Tasmania, writes: "I Suffered for several years with a distressing condition of tho head and throatcaused by continual colds. "My head and nostrils wcro slopped up most of tho timo nnd thcro was a discharge, and my sonso of smell was affected badly. "After two wcoks ubo of Poruna I found this condition qui to changed, and so I continued to uso this romarkablo medicino for over a month. "I am very glad to say that at tho ond of that timo I was cured and felt in flno health gonorally, and am pleased to give Peruna my honest endorse ment." to uuat, germs ami JiiKOcts, passing through many hands (somo pf them not over-cloun), "blended," you don't know how or by whom, is lit for your use 1 Of courso you don't. But LION COFFEE ts another story. The green berries, selected by keen Judges at the plantation, arc skllllBlly roasted at our fac tories, where precautions you would not dream of are taken to secure perfect cleanliness, flavor, strength and uniformity. Frovi the time the coffee haves the factory no hand touches it till "WOOLSON 8PI0E CO., Toledo, Ohio. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. I aE la Tll Li-fllttlllllIffCj ' 4 aH AJ ' ' inn-u'FT-wM ri-"M '-f I B( I 'Villi.111 I ' l ' 'MHaMaraMMiaM FADELESS DYES oth r ijt. Ona 10c pnekao celort silk, wool and cotton euuallr well tnd Is ouaranlf d in ni.o n..i ..,(. Wri lor tree booklet- Kui to Oje. Bleach and 1uMoVtMHwiSitl!iSSlSSl " ;7 ft it if Prom Hawaii, Prlnco Jonah Kalaulanaole, delegate In Congross f rom Hawaii, writes from Washington, D.C., as follows: , . "I can choorfully recommend your Peruna as a very offectivo romsdy for coughs, colds nnd catarrhal trouble." A Cuban Minister. Scnor Qncsada, Cuban Minister to tho United States, writes from Washington, D. C, as follows : "Poruna I can recommend as a very good medicino. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and is also an oflleacions euro for tho almost unlvorsal complaint .of catarrh." Gonzalo Da Quesada, Prom All Quarters o the Qtobe. Wo havo on fllo thousands of testi monials like thoso given abovo. Wo can, givo our readers only a slight glimpso of tho vast number of grateful letters Dr. Hartman Is constantly receiving from nil quarters of tho globs in behalf of his famous catarrh romedy, Poruna. Salzei?'s National Oafs Grratrat oat of thd Mnwrr. il.iuni in wmu ,oi. in aiivu. 11. In &1o.2A.aridIii N. IfcikntA 31U ba. per acre. You can beat tuat record In MB. For 10c aad this sellec we mall yoa frt lots o f farm iffd am pits ana ooi uu cawiog, iriu log an aixmi una oat wonaer ana toouaaaaaoi Dinar anaa. J0HNA.SAIZERSEE8C9., ... CfM, J)EMP5TER IMPROVED VSTEEL WIND MILL THEY STOP THE N0I5E AW) LESSEN TrlC WEAR. LATEST. 5TROCE3T. BEST. FACTOfir. BEATRICE NEB. BRANCH HOUSES! Kaniai City, Ho., OmabaHtb., Eioux TUi, B.D, Sea aearett dealer or writ for circular. EXCURSIONS to the: Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. Purine the month of Murch and ApiSl. thera will bo fxcurhlont on the various liiu-sof rail, way to tho ( anudtuu Wot. Hundreds of thousands of acres of the best Wheat and (inizlnt; Lands on tho Continent free to the aettlcr Adjoining landB may bo purchased from rail way and and compunIe at reasonable prices. - J-'or Information as to rouU cost of transpor tation et , unnlr to Superintendent of Inunl. i ration. Ottawu, Canada or to authorized Can adian Government Agent W. V. Ilenuctt, Ml i New York Llfo UuilJiut', Omaha, Nebraska. . B NCUBATOR9, I Th nfTITBllBTV l. cubtor ale mtila by ' JutitnoD. tbe lnruliilor , JIari, KliotiiaJefiuuuiibr ( fiiru ImentlUK LI OLD A pay f.i tr. Forty d aodanvs IAUO, . )7 furlltelt batch- DTI ojt ir trial : .uu 9 1110 yvmr m icnaran ' tji. Kor blif frfe cata- l.'nue. M puuiiry iliu- uniiiias, auurrsB M. M. JOHNSON CO., B m O. T Clay Center. Kob.- iSPlNAL CtftV'ATURECanbe Cured lSO OTntH OIFOHMITItS, 4 IWriteo. rail at officoforfisolnforaia iiuii. iiunoiiawiuuiniaitirouiproui fit i4n.Mnen. aim pnyticiau. Con. I( )oue I aimlvOoclnr Nn Iu.m.m ri-iMpiuiicrauMU, treated sc(iul;j I!.'?'!!."1 J"'tar''jiiUiie. .-i - - wwY. la-ci aaim&ToN air. . omaha. neb. yvvvT'i frapjj r VTE.,ucr 4ui I inn vjj . i Twin :-LslU3taJ A-jfcrf