J I A QUICK RECOVERY. A Prominent Topeka Rebecca Officer Writes to Thank Doan'a Kidney Pills for It. Mrs. C, K. Bumgnrdner, a loeal ofn- cor of, the Itcbeccns, of. Topoka, Knns., Koohi 10. 812 Kansas Ave, writes: "I lined Doan'6 Kidney Pills during tho past year for kidney trouble nnd k 1 n d r o d nil ments. 1 was suffer. Ing from pains In tho back nnd headaches, but found nftor tho Use of ono box of tho remedy that tho troubles gradually disappeared, so that before 1 had finished a second package I wis well. I therefore hoarllly ondorso your remedy." (Signed) Mrs. C. 13. Dumgnrdncr. A FHEI3 TRIAL Address Foster Mllhurn Co., HufTnlo. N. Y. For sale by all doalers. Price. fiO rents. ' Fox Too Much for Dog. pno of tho fiercest fights 1 over wit nessed was between n vlllngo cure nnd n bis fox. Oho moonlight night this dog, In my company, fround Brer Fox rrtoiiHlng round soma 'corn stacks', nnd pinned him by his foreleg. They loup ed the loop together, nnd for some llroo it was Impossible to say whoro tho fox begun nnd tho dog left off IJut for my intervention tho dog would hnvo been killed. County Gen tleman. " FACE LIKE RAW BEEF. Burning Up With a Terrible Itching Eczema Speedily Cured by Cutlcura. '"fcujlcura cured mo of a torrlblo eczema from which I had suffered agony and pain for clght( years, being unnble to obtain any help from the best doctors. My scalp was covered with senbs and my face was like a plcco of raw beef, my eyebrows and lashes wcro falling out, nnd I felt as it burning up from tho tcrrlblo Itching nnd pain, Cutlcura gavo me relief tho very first day, and made n completo cure In, a Bhort time. My headj and face are now clear nnd well. (Signed) Miss Mary M. Fay, 75 West Main St, Vcstboro, Mass." The Ono Thing Needful. Sho doosn't care for operas, tho drama or tho play; sho doosn't care for dancing sho isn't built that way; she doesn't caro for housework, for flowers or for books, sho doesn't enre for poodles sho doesn't llko theli looks; sho doesn't care for- dresses for hats or fancy hose tho only thing she does caro for Is a man who will propose. $100 Reward, $100. Th Ttlilertnf lhta hannrwlll hjt nLiLilfiftiiii that there It it lout ono dreaded dtteut tbat ictencs faa been able tujeuro la all It itagoi, and tbai U Catarrh. Ilatl'a Catarrh Curo I tbs onlr Poilllro cure now known to the medical rrtlrnttr. Catarrh vriDK a coniiuuuonai oinraie, require! a ciniitu tlonal treatment. Ilall'r Catarrh Cure li taken ta ternally, acting directly upon the blood and tnucoui eurfacri ut the irttem, thereby dettrotlns the etrcnt-th ly building up the cunttltutlon and Mil-ting nature In doing Iti work. The proprietor bare o much faith In Its curatlre power that they otter One Hundred Dollar for any cuo tbat It I all to cure. Send for Hit nf teitlmontali,' Addrna K. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. bold by all l)ruKKlt.55c. Take ileal' Family rill for contllpaMoo. Discouragement to Be Avoided. It Isn't necessary to becomo vain Dn compliments any moro than It Is necessary to grow sour on criticisms, but it is better to run tho dangers of egotism on tho favorable notices than to' let the censor with a torpid liver ind a nlmblo pen prlclc your comfort nnd poison your happiness. Saturdny Evening Post. BUnko tn Your Shoes. Allen s Foot-Ease, a powder, cares pain ful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It'js the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain curo for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo Roy. N. Y. Proposal Made Plain. An old millionaire paid his address, os to ono of tho prottlest girls In tho placet. On asking her hand In mar riage, ho frankly said to her; "Miss C , I nm old nnd you nro vory young, will you do mo tho bouor to Income my widow?" Hard Either Way. ' "Somotlmos I wish," said tho very laiy man, "that I liked to work, so it wouldn't- bo so dlsagroeablo to me when I was compollod to do so. And then 1 got to thinking that maybo if I liked it I would bo nt it all tho time, and I can't bear the thought" Event Not Far Off. When you seo a young woman mak ing a fuss ovor a widowor's children, it 8 a sign tbat If sho doosn't soon acquire a right to correct thorn It won't be her fault. Exchange. Good Advice, Think twice before you speak. And even then, nlno times out of ten, tho world won't lose anything if you keep still. Somerville Journal. I am wr PIso's Curo tor Consumption saved rrij life ttirco years ago. Mas. Thoh. HoniUNS, Mar o Street, Nonden. JJ. Y., Fob. J7, 1900. "i 1 Fashion is only the attorapt to rea 'iza art in living forms nnd social in I rcourse. O. V. Ilolmos. A OIUKAXTKKI) CtJItK FOK 1'II.KS. Iu Woe. IMIiut, Weeding or l'rutru4Uic l'llo. Your diBBMt ttl refund tammy If 1-AZO OIXTMKJ.T 14 is caro jreu mown iuj, wc Tlu marriage cqrtlflcnte is equally dcidod betwoen husband and wife in Korea. ' LEGISLATURE of NEBRASKA A Synopsis oi Pr6cecdings of the Twenty Ninth Gens eral Session, SENATE Tho following bills wcro passed on tho 1-ith: Sennlo fllo No. 180, by Thomas Providing for tho ox errlBO of tho right of eminent domain by tho Omaha school board In ac quiring deslrnblo school Bites; 21 nycs and no nays, Senate fllo No. 127, by Epporson Requiring the taxing of costs in police court against tho etato or prosecution when tho Intter loses; 2D nycs, no nays. Senate fllo No. 152, by Could Requiring shipment of llvo stock nt eighteen mllcB an hour on main linos and nt twelvo mllos an hour on branch linos nnd on throo days In tho week known as stock shipping days; 30 nycs, no nays. Sen ate fllo No. 177, by Good Allowing pnrty who pays for notice by publica tion to select papor In which It shall be published; 20 ayes, no nays. Sen ate fllo No. 213, by Mosorvor-Author-Izlug probnto courts to Ulspenso with tho administration of certain estates ngalnst which there are no debts nnd to establish the heirs nt law; 2G nyes, 2 nays. Scnato fllo No. 51, by Cady, was slaughtered, Mescrvo leading tho fight. Tho bill, which was designed to romodol tho Inheritance laws nnd give widows half tho cstato of intoRtnto husbands, received 14 votes, whllo 15 wero cast against It. In tho commit too of tho whole, with Mockctt In tho chair, sennto fllo No. 210 was recom mended for passage. This bill, by Olflln, is for the rollef of Lincoln county. It Is alleged that taxes wcro assessed unjustly against tho county. Scnato fllo No. 187, by Gllllgan, a bill to allow tho Boyd county settlers to purchase tho lands upon which they settled, wns recommended for pns sago. Scnato fllo No. 140, by Epporson, nnd senate fllo No. 132, by Jennings, two bills to provent capital punish ment, woro tnken up under special order nt 3 o'clock. Tho bill of Epper son wbb amended after the Kansns law, and allows- tho convlct,to bo Im prisoned under death sentenco during tho pleasuro of tho govornor. Roth bills wcro killed. HOUSES Tho houso on tho 14th adopted n resolution by Fostor of Douglas fixing 9 n. m. ns the hour for convening for tho romnlndor of tho session. Tho following bills wero read for tho third time nnd passed: Fixing tho ntandnr.1 required to bo reached by osteopathic practitioners beforo bolng llconsed to practice. For tho transfor of $800 from tho board nnd clothing fund of tho girls' industrial school nt Geneva to tho furnlturo and repair fund. To allow constables $1 for each days' attendnnco on justice courts. To nmend tho law rolating to mill dam rights. To provide for tho salo of atnto lands within Irrigation districts. Extending for ono year tho terms of county roglstors of deeds now In ofTIco, In conformity with tho biennlnl elections bill. To provldo for tho Inspection of horses about to bo shipped or driven out of tho state. Re lating to proceduro In prnctlco boforo tho supremo court. Extending for ono year tho terms of county assessors now in ofllco. In conformity with tho biennial elections bill. To prohibit tho operation and maintenance of bucket shops. To glvo a purchaser the right to recover money paid on contracts of conditional salo of personal prop erty, after wavier of forfeiture vondor. To glvo tho district court Jurisdiction in enses of malfeasance by county ofllcerB. Appropriating $80,000 for tho malntcnnnco of tho experimental sub station at North Platte, and for other special stnto university purposos. To extend for ono year tho terms of county supervisors now in ofllco, in conformity with tho biennial elections bill. To extend for ono year tho terms of county commissioners now In ofllco. in conformity with tho biennial elec tions bill. To authorize South Omaha to voto and issuo $250,000 of sewer bonds. To provldo thnt township boards shall cortify tho amount of taxes required to bo raised for town ship purposos, tho levy to be made by tho county board, fallod of passago by just two votes,' thoro bolng 49 ayos to 40 nays. SENATE Those bills woro passed on tho 15th: S. F. 138. by Tucker To quiet the tltlo to land which has been platted and laid out In town lots. Tho bill rotors to towns of less than 5,000. S, F. 141, by Moservc To provldo for tho Issue of water bonds and erection of water plants in towns of 5,000. S. F, 191 Providing bonds for stato and county officers nnd reducing tho" bonds of tho deputy attorney general nnd deputy stato superintendent. S. F. 211, by Cady Cities not liable for dam ages by reason of dofectlve sidewalks unless tho town officials have been notified that tho walks aro dofective. Applies to small towns. II. R, 157, tho game law, was amendod so that quail can bo killed only between November 15 and 30, nnd recommended for pas sage. S. F. 171, tho trading stamp bill, to prohibit the uso of trading stamps, was rocommondod for passago with out tho omorgoncy clnus'o. S. F. 110, by Sholdon, providing the state levy shall bo limited to 5 mills, wns dis cussal but no action takon. S. F, 193. by Glffln. providing that poll taxos ba $3, to bo paid In cash, was indofinltoly postponed, but wns rosurrocted and placod on general fllo by tho senate, with nn amendmont making the tax $2 or two days' work. HOUSE A llvoly debate ensued on tho 15th on II. R. 330, by Voter of Cedar, and tho bill finally wns recom mended for Indefinite postponement In commlttco of tho whole. This bill pro vided for n codification of the Insur ance laws, appropriating $3,000 for tho work. Casebeer of Gage led tho op position. H. R. 340, by tho Insurnuco committee, the compromise fraternal Insurance bill, vesting nuthorlty In 80 per cent of the membership, camo tip next. Kyd of Gago offered nn ntnond mont substituting 95 per cent for 80. Kyd wns tho introducer of tho origin al bill, which provided for a 95 per cent government. MrMulIcn of Gngo then offered nn amendment to mako the per cont of government 100. A long discussion followed, culminating in tho amondment being lost. Burgess offered an amendment taking orders of less than 15,000 mombers from un der tho operation of tho act and It carried. Dodge offered an amendment to strlko out tho provision exempting fraternal Insurance orders from tax ation. Carried. On motion the bill "was ordered engrossed for third rending. SENATE These bills woro passed in tho sonato on tho 16th: S. F. 187 For tho rollef of the Boyd county set tlers. S. F, 210 Authorizing tho tieas urer to return to Lincoln county monoy paid to tho stato In excess of what tho county owed. Tho following wero ncted upon In tho manner indi cated: S. F. 27 Allowing tho gover nor to fill n vacancy In tho legisla ture during tho session, without a special election; recommended for passago. S. F. 241 The Omaha salary bill; recommended for passage. S. F. 255, by Hughes Providing that It Is necessary when a proposition is sub mitted to tho voters to movo tho coun ty seat to first secure a petition of three-fourths of ho voters, and If tho county sent has been In tho same town for ton years or moro It will require a petition of three-fourths of tho voters, ordered engrossed. S. F. 25G Allow ing agricultural associations to sell their grounds when It is desirable to remove tho location, Instead of allow ing tho land to revert to the county; ordered engrossed. S. F. 194 Does away with road overseers and makes tho county commissioners assume tho duties; was indefinitely postponed. S. F. 235 Providing how administrators may renew mortgages on real estato whon It will bo to tho Interest of tho estate; was recommended for passage S. F. 268 Provides for tho abolish mentmont of township organization; ordered engrossed. S. F. 278 Provid ing for tho lovy of a road tax and how tho monoy shall bo expended ; ordered engrossed. Just boforo adjournment Sheldon moved to reconBldor tho ac tion of tho senate In killing S. F. 109, a bill lo tax mortgages nnd tho mo tion prevailed. Tho bill will now como up for passago. In all twenty-flvo or thirty bills woro rushed through tho commlttco of the whole, most of which wero not discussed. HOUSE When the house convened on tho 10th tho following petition, signed by G. Cuscadon and fifty-six other citizens of Omaha, was read by tho clerk: "To tho Honorablo, tho Mcmbors of tho Nobraska Legislature, Now In Session: "Whereas, Charges bavo boon pre ferred ngalnst R. E. Stewart, superin tendent for tho Institution for tho deaf nnd dumb at Omaha, Neb., of gross ir rogularltlos in his official capacity and violation of tho statutes governing said Institution; nnd, "Whereas, Complaints have been mado of nbuso and cruel treatment of tho Inmates of snldvlnstltutlon, there fore, wo, tho citizens of Douglas coun ty, Nebraska, request your honorablo body to tako steps to secure a legisla tive investigation of tho charges, a copy of which is hereto attached, and malo report and recommendation on tho samo." Tho petition was referred to the commlttco on asylums. .In tho commlttco of tho whole tho claims npproprlntlon bill, aggregating approximately $40,000, was considered and passed on item by Horn. McLood of Stanton, Voter of Cedar and other membors successfully attacked print ing claims ot tho Stnto Journal com pnny, amounting to $4,429.73, and they wero stricken from tho bill. Tho argu ment was mado tnat tho Journal com pany Is defendant In a damage suit, brought by tho stato for $85,400, and that no monoy should bo paid tho Journnl by tho stato until that suit Is settled. Tho claim of Sheriff John Power for $2,075.80 for caring for stato prisoners was passed upon favorably, Casobeor moved a reconsldoratlon of tho action of the commlttco In reject ing tho Stato Journal claims, nnd that tho claims bo allowed, but that tho sate auditor bo Instructed to dofer pay mon until the court shall have passed on tho validity of tho state's claim against tho Journal company. This motion provallod. The item of $10,000 for Sarah J. Billlnoyor, of Lincoln, for injuries sustained from a fall, duo to a bad Bldowolk on tho c&pitol grounds, was reduced to $1,000. With these nnd numerous othor amendments of loss Importanco, tho bill wns ordered grossed to a third leading. on- SENATE iuor a somewhat spirit ed opposition the sepata on tho 17th passed the Cady railroad commission I bill, which was opposed in tho forum of debnto to the Sheldon bill. Tho Cady bill, llko tho other one, 1 a joint resolution for a constitutional amend- -mont providing for Biirh n commis sion. The commission shall consist of tho stato auditor, land commissioner and treasurer, varying in this partic ular from tho old law which placed tho secretary of stato on tho board. Tho following bills werb passed: S, F. 171 Tho green trading stamp bill, to- prevent their use. II. It. 157 Tho gnmo law nllowlng an open season for quail for two weeks In November S. F. 284 The county engineer bill H, R. 207 was Indoflnltoly'postponed. Tho following bills wero disposed of ns In dicated: S. F. 190 Land outside of city limits that Is to bo platted owner must show certlflento that no taxes are duo, and land must bo accepted by county commissioners. S. F. 245 To allow cities and towns to install heat ing plnnts. For passage. S. F. 185 Repealing the law allowing a 7-mIll lovy. For pnsBagp. This law Is now in operative. S. F. 247 To facilitate the collection of delinquent taxes. For passage. S. F. 261 To mako tho party voto apply on constitutional amend ments when the measures were en dorsed by parties. To pass. S. F. 237 Allowing telegraph and telephone" companies to condemn property for right-of-way. To pass. S. F. 254 Pro viding for the formation of cemetery associations. S. F. 271 Making scav enger statutes specific. To pass. S. F. 281 Providing for annual reports ol lnsuranco compnnles; was recommend' ed for passage. S. F. 202 A bill to al low tho people of Plattsmouth to reg ulate motor charges; was approved. S. F. 229 To limit senate employes to forty-eight; was recommended fot passago. HOUSE Those bills were passed on tho 17th: To establish a hospital for crippled? deformed children and thoso suffering from any disease like ly to mako them deformed; and to pro vldo for their education and for the location nnd government of the hos pital. Providing that when any real estato Is situated In moro than one township or precinct, or In moro than ono school, road or othor district, It shall bo listed separately for the pur pose of taxation. Disclaiming and re linquishing all claim of ownership or tltlo on tho part of Nebraska to any and all land In Iowa which horeafter shall becomo within tho boundaries of Nebraska by virtue of tho action of any commissions appointed by tho said states and the ratification thereof by said states and the sanction therof by tho national congress, or otherwise; provided, however, that tho land has bco"n for ten years or moro In posses sion or occupation of any persons or copartnership or corporation claiming ownership or title thereto. Tho defi ciency claims bill introduced by Stet son as chairman of the deficiency com mlttee, appropriating approximately $41,000. Granting to tho United States government rights-of-way for tho con struction ot Irrigation canals. Provid ing for the admission of foreign acci dent Insurance companies to transact business where the benefits do not ex ceed $200. Providing for tho purchaso of legislative supplies for each ses sion prior to its convening, limiting tho cost of such supplies to $3,000. Regulating the salaries of county com missioners. Defining tho purpose nnd providing for tho government of the School for flic Deaf and tho School for tho Blind nt Omaha and Nebraska City, respectively. Somo of tho names of towns upon which Tennessee bases claims for prestige: Barefoot, Botts, Leap Year, Chimney Top, Chuckaluck, Half Pone, Hanging Limb, Ipe, Marrowbone, Mouse Tall, Opossum, Parch Corn, Peanut, Rip Shin, Sweet Lips, Tom Brown, U Bet, Yum Yum, Buzzard, Roost, Fits, Mashmead, Peeled Chest nut, Shoo Fly, Skull Bono, Snall-lope, Tiger Tall and Wahoo. Washington Times. Not the Conductor He Wanted. Sousa, tho bandmaster, was await ing the departure of a train from a railway station, when a red-faced old gentloman rushed up to him and in a surly tone asked: "When does this train leave?" "I don't know," answor od Sousa. "Don't know?" said tho man. "Do you not? Whnt do you think you'ro paid for being impudent to passengers, eh? You're a conductor, aren't yoU?" "Yes, but only of a brass band." Tobacco Is Healthy. In tho course of my association with tobacco, about twenty-flvo years, 1 have known men ail this time, every working day, to bo Inhnllng tobacco dust or fumes produced In the process of manufacture. Uninterrupted good health is tho general rulo of all per sons engaged in tobacco proceedings of every kind, nnd gonerally of large consumers. Writer in London Lan cet. Knew Little of Country's History. In a recent examination. in history of French recruits ton out of tho twen ty exnmined confossod thnt they had nover heard of Napoleon. Joan of Arc was thought to bo a groat man who figured in sovoral wars. Louis XIV. was an officer who was guillotined. Bayard was a French king and Napo leon I. mado tho war of 1870 and war klllod In Algorla. Vast Forests In Northern Belt. Tho northern belt of forests is per haps greater In oxtant than all tho o'ther tlmbor bolts and reserves of Canada combined. It oxtends from the eastern part of T nbrndor, north of the fiftieth parallel hi a northwesterly dlrectipn to Alaska, a distance of somo 3,000 mllos, with an average width ot perhaps 500 miles, SCIATinpBTOBE PAIN BUFFERED BY MB. MAEST0N AB GREAT AB MORTAL 0AN STAND, Tot- Six Mnnllis lie Contil Not Turn In Uetlllo Tell of n Hrnicily Wlllcli IlntUheit I'rrroct Ilcllef. Tho ensa of Mr. Mnrston .shows that sciatica can bd cured, nnd no ouo afflicted by it should nllow himself to bo dis heartened. He wns first strlckou nbout n .year ago, mid for six months ho suffered pniu which ho thinks tho most iutcuso thnt any man could possibly stand. Asked nbout the details of his romark nblo recovery, Mr. Mnrston gavo tho fol lowing account: " I was attacked by n numbness or dull fooling just back of Iny right hip. I didn't know what tho mat ter wns, bnt thought it was simply n stiffness that would wear nwny in n short tiinn. It didn't, however, mid soon tho pain bccnpio so very lmd that every step was torture forme. When I finally succeeded in gottinghome, itv'as just ns much n I could do to roach my room and get to bod. "Tho doctor wnshentfor, and when ho had examined me ho said I hnd sciatica. Ho prescribed for mo, nnd ndviacd nionot to try to lcavo my bed. Tho advice was unnecessary for I couldn't get out of bed if I wanted to. It was impossible for mo to turn from ono sido to tho other. ITho moment I nttemptcd to movo nny part of my body, tho pniu beenmo so ex cruciating thr.t I would hnvo to lio per fectly motionless. " I snlTored this tortnro for six months without getting nny relief. Then I dis charged tho doctor, nnd on tho ndvico of n friend I bought n box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began to take them, thrco nt n dose, three times n day. I was de termined to givo them n thorough trial. "Two months after I began to uso them I wns nblo to leave my bod nnd wnlk nbout tho houso, nnd n mouth later I wns entiroly cured and able to go nbout my work ns usual. I think Dr. Williams' Pink l'ille aro tho best medicine I over used, and 1 heartily recommend them to inyrtno who suffers from sciuticn." Mr. Marston is a prosperous farmer and may bo reached by mail nddrcssed to Charlos P. Marston, Hampton P. O., Now Hampshire Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills hnvo cured other painful nervous iisordors, huch ns neuralgia, partial par- iivhi.H mm locomotor ataxia, xuey aro told by all druggists. Inventor in Doubt. "Is your invention a success?" "I don't know yet," nnswered tho me chanical genius. "It is such a simple and effective device that I don't know whether I can develop enough imagin ative eloquence concerning It to mako people subscribe for stock." Horse Commits Suicide. In a lawsuit Itv Aberdeen, Wash., over a horse, tho death of which in a flood tho owner attributed to tho care lessness of a man who had hired it, the court decided that the animal, which had suffered frorn melancholia for somo time, committee suicide. Don't you know that Defiance Starch, besides being absolutely superior to any other, Is put up 10 ounces in pack age nnd sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds? Tako caro of your living, and your dying will take caro of itself. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fnst taking place of all other brands. Others say they cannot sell any other starch. A stiff man Is not always a straight ono. TWMTtWWTB II" I ' in rBSjn.l. " I) Mi 4l.i .l ..ITT pSJP? &I&tfZ??im2; mmmmi mi-L t . MifeM 5 -3 ;ir .--r;..: x-iin:... .U.K ar..T, ...r ir.iiKim.6in. Afcfjelable Prcparalionfor As similating tlicFoodnntlRcguIa ling the S toinachs and Dowels of B tw yk w vWk mIIWfJ t nV. Promotes Digcsiion.CheerFul nessandltest.Contains neither Oirium.Morpliine norlincraL Tsox JARC otic . Jixye oftMDrSiMVELPnWER lnJcK Seal' AU Jaunt iaueSeft Jippentwit - ttmlui Sugar Aperfccl Remedy forConslirvi Fion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcveristv ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAtJfiER. ucm4 ii:w LUBES WMlit ALL LLhE f AILS, Ilct Cough Srrup. Taste Good. in uma. noia Dr unjffKiu. taJtPlj3flJiffiitltMCl?l IbflrtirgW ijH MM tm Wn Hint for Young Wives. The main thing is to realize that a mnit In na ho Is. You can't chftngOs him much. And tho sooner you lpavo oft trying to reform him tho sootier will you bo nblo to mako lum go through Ills' paces and do tho cuto tricks ho is cnnablo of. Indeed ho can bo made quite tamo by gentlo treat ment and, may In time learn Bomo or tho finer things of llfo from his mis tress. Tho nroDer study of woman kind is man. Syracuso Journal. An Old Offender. "There's nothing new under tho sun. Tho theory that mosquitoes transmit disease Is not a recent development, as many suppose. At n late meeting of tho Asiatic socioty, in Ceylon, Sir Henry A. Blnko, govornor of tho Island, nnnounced that Cingaleso med ical books of tho sixth century des cribed slxty-scvon varieties of mos quitoes and 424 Kinds of malarial fever caiised by mosquitoes. Child's Idea of Ollss. A small child had been promised that if she 'were very good sho should bo taken to a hotel with her father and mother. When there, some old ladles, with a view to Improving her mind, asked if sho wero n good llttlo girl, and if sho knew where good llttlo girls went to. "Yes," sho said; "they go to hotels." Law of Life Is Toll. If you want knowledgo,' you must toll for It; if food, you must toll for It; and it pleasure, you must toll for It. Toll is tho law. Pleasure comes through toll, and not by self-indulgence and indolence. When ono gets to love work, his life is a happy ono. Something Doing. This morning the sweet slumber of our peaceful and quiet town was arous ed by bang, bang, bang, like tho re port of firearms, about 3 o'clock, indi cating that a shooting affray was taking place in somo part of town. Monument Enterprise. Two Kinds of People. Somo aro all right all day If they bogln the day all right; but somo other people aro all right all day any way, because If they don't begin tho day right they jerk it into right. Or vice SIsson In "Short Talks." Million of Vegetables. When the Editor read 10,000 plants for 16c, he could hardly believe it, but upon 6ccond reading finds that, the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., than whom there are no more reliable and ex tensive seed growers in the world, makes this offer which is made to get you to test.Salzcr's Warranted Vegetable Seeds. They will send you their big plant and Feed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1,000 fine solid Cabbages, 2,000 riclf, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nutty Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 glonoubly brilliant Flowers, AIA FOB BUT 160 rOSTAOE, providing you will return this notice, and If you will send them 20c in postage, they will add to the above & package of fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. W. N. U. Police Recover Rich Booty. Half a ton of lace, stolen property, packed In ten sacks, was discovered by London detectives' a few days ago on tho premises of a tailor. , You cannot teach whero you do not v touch. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMIOtKTMJIt COMPANY. NCWVOftl COY. U imicua vim e.V. (Thompson's Eyi Watir ora BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CUREJS wtarrfruf 4he atorricbZ 1 Bears the I Signature jfAw 'm t M m I 11 J J fy fu 'TRMSsiWi