The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1905, Image 5
U P?v ' U ' ,. 'J II BKgCTgM P These are no baits. You can buy as many or as few as you like. I simply think it good business to sell goods on a slim profit HTo Buy More Business .SZZl D... "nwS. . i 4 ".W'iMw . ff " Sze 5 by 12. for . $$$$$ Turkey Red Table Covers Turkey Red, 10-inch border Damask: Remnant Sale Turkey Red and Indigo Blue Table Cloths from 2 to 5 yards in piece, at Better and Cheaper Laces and HHIHSJHMWnMHMKlaNHHHBaMnUHHH H - Ladies' The best values ever shown. A very good Per cale Wrapper in black, blue and red figure, f E trimmed collar and yoke with full flounce.. C Another New Line of Wash Goods Just Received v consisting of fine Ginghams, Percales, Lawns, Wash Voiles, India Linen?, Shirt Waist Suit Materials. Everything new and up to1 date. I invite you to call and see them. , IFr c ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour 16 Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. vi:st biui: MAIN STKEDT. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls sriswercd promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. 'Phone 421. A.itiJ. HIN DRY GOODS See Fred! r i ..- r. Vtr"&CU LtlMiVIl I HUIC -lUL US Fine Mwalityi pure linen, with fancy s&S&fc: Sze 8 bv 70, for A Beautiful Line at Popular Prices LADIES" SHIRTS and VAISTS Fine White Linen Shirt Waists in neat O ?C o-irh H Efh figures and plain Oft 10 LOU Ladies' Mohair Brilliantine Waists, in colors, at . Ladies' fine Swiss Embroidered w?-Lacwimmed 1 00 tn ? White Waists JL - V J 11 rapper's YOURS RESPECTFULLY, eciTWollrim Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone 'No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. J. ROWAN . DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, ' HAY and G-RAIN WIIOLUSAM! AND NKTAII. jUANDI.Ua Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 93. For Sale: Bakery and confection cry in good Colorado town; 6000 peo pie. Steam heat and light. Two wagons. Sales last year $14,256.32: price Si, 800.00. For full particulars call at Tin:. Hit K.u.i) office, G-tf. 5SS3SBHn5HHB$l fl- drawn work $1.85 2.10 95c 1.35 Qfhfi - KJU a yd. Embroideries black or oo EssSS Do you like PAN CAKES? Oriental Pan Cake Flour will suit you Oriental Coffee &- Tea Co. JCHN A. HUNZIChEU, Agt. Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders delivered anywhciu. Phone 448 Alliance, Nebraska Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELEK, . Proprietor. Pcrcheon Stallion for Sale. ,1 have a 4 year old Percheon stalliou dark gray almost black, that will be sold cheap before Apiil ist. He is broke to work. If you need a good horse come and see him ac my lancli 7 miles southwest of Alliance. Fiunk McCoy. For Sale: Houso and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon' W. N. Corneal. e-tf $2.2$ 1 I 1 1 HEMINGFORD. i'm ill I. I'lorou l fully luiilmt-Ui'il to so-it- it -itsrrltillont ind Jui work find collect ml r rip! for nnt, unit imiwi't all ntlior bus , ss In ootinpctlou with lilt imtUltfti hhhu 11 ! rtuiuti rvptTwntiiilM' i'f thU 1 m per. J 1 I'nu t forget the school ontertainment. I Mrs Hamilton Hall lias bem quits sick. It L I'atinar was in Hemingford Tuw da W ildy s is the onl plac. for ,1 find unit int.nvn. i.-tl Mis Delia Itad was up from Alliance ednesdriy. 1 f nee potr at oost, to close out. At II U. Groan's, ' 13-4 A J Dunlin Is the father of a girl, born hist weak. A 1). Minor was up from Alllnncu tho first of tho week. Tom l'ringlc came down from the hills the lirst of the week. Grove atid Byron Foskott came up from their ranch Tuesday. An I. O. O. V. lodge will be instituted here in April or early May. Alwajs sceWildy, if you want to see your Inst. girl, for 11 spring suit. 14-tf . Potatoes are away off In price. They aro now paing 18 cents for thorn. Ira Heed has been summoning jurors in this part of the county this week. Will Mounts and wife were up from Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday. Theodore Johnson has been marketing his last year's grain crop this week. 5 per cent paid on interest certificates. I'irst State Dank, Ilcmlngford, Nebr. C has bislcy, from near Alliance, was up from his farm with grain Tuesday. Mrs Grant nnd Garnuy moved out to their new homesteads the fir3t of the week. It looks now as though the potatoc acre age around here would be quadrupled this year. A photographer is sojourning here a few (lavs He seems to be doing quite a Hour ishiag business. Otto Strcator, an engineer from Chnd ron and an intimate friend of Frank Olds, was down to see Frank married. Insure your stock now against fire and lightning, $1 80 per (100.00 for, five years. Covers increase and all, actual value. K L. Pierce, agent. Wildy's spring clothing flag is out, the style, quality and price makes the fellow feel dubious, who paid for a shoddy bank rupt or second hand suit. 14-tf Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hedgecock aro visit ing his parents southeast of Ilcmlngford for a few days, also Mrs. Jay Nelhery, who with her husband have returned from Great Bnttian, is at home visiting. The Ladies' Aid society of the Congre gational church will give a social at the residence of G. A, Kowland on Friday eve ning April j, 1905. Everyone invited. Drafts under $5. 3 cents, under $15, 5 cents, $15. to $100. 10 cents. Cheapest, safest, best way to remit money. Get a bank money order. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. The safest, best, cheapest way to send money away is by bank draft (moDey order) New York drafts always wanted by all mail order houses. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. Mrs. Htkner gave a reception in honor of Miss Almcda Koskct on Thursday last. An elegant luncheon was served, the tables being tastefully decorated. Fifteen ladies were present and a pleasant afternoon was spent. At noon on Wednesday, March 22, 1905, Frank E. Olds and Almeda M. Foskett were married at the residence of the bride's parents in this city. The ceremony was performed by Kev. Chas. Burleigh in the presence of telatives and a few friends The beautiful ring ceremony of the M. b. church was used. Miss Oorgan, of Chad ron, played the wedding march. After the marriage ceremony an elaborate din ner was served. Frank E. Olds the groom, is well known here, having grown up in our midst He woiked here for sev eral years, but is now employed in Chad- ron in the train service. He has a host ot friends here and in Chadron. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daugh ter of Wm Fosket -and also claims Box Butte county for her home. 'All tho world they say loves a lover i.nd each of this happy young couples' many friends trust and hope that their matrimonial bark, so auspiciously launched may sail safelv through all the coming time. Mr. and Mrs. Olds expect to make their home in Chadron after May first. Richmond-Settles Wedding. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Margaret Settles arrived from Missouri, and was met at the station by John Richmond of Hemingford. By common consent they proceeded at once to the office of County Judge Spacht and procured a marriage license. The wedding was to have been deferred for a week be cause the groom was clad in overalls, but the matter of fact woman 3aid "clothes do not make the man" and the ceremony was performed at once. The witnesses were a handsome boy and girl, children of tho bride. The luppy quartette immediately started for their ranch home northeast of Hemingford. Farm Tor Sale. The northwest quarter of section 19 township 27 range 49, joining corporate limits of Hemingford, Nebr. Seventy acres under cultivation, 10 acres ash tim ber, best well in county. Irrigation reservoir stocked with fish. Good invest ment throughout Will be sold cheap for cash. V.. li. Olds, 13-tf Hemingford, Nebr Notice. We have for sale on terms to suit pur chaser the iQiiowing second hand tmple nwnts; ' One three-disc gang plow. One combined lister and drill, . One two-row listed corn cultivator. One broad cast seeder. One Barlow corn planter with sod at tachments. One Carsady sulky flow. One disc harrow. Also one three disc rotary Dutchman gang and one two-disc rotary dutchman. Clark Olds & Co. 13-tf Heming(ord, Nebr. "Diamonds, Souvenirs 00 Repairing in all its Branches. A. 0 Barries, Jeweler and Optician. HAVE YOU SEEN BILL ? ftlVWrM DOi5i?.siiSi,i!kWv T:o",N7sr:B:E:K:Ei3,3r n Stirring Plows Breaking Plows Disc Plows Steel-Tooth Hat row a , Disc Ilnrrows . Wntking Cultivators Riding Cultivators End-Onto Seeders Disc Seeder Attachments Potato Cutters nnd Plantcts Call and See them. Fanning Mills Feed Grinders F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALCRS IN" Drugs, Perfumes W and Paints, Oils and Wall Paper ?TCS&TVvAto(v.3 Ca?vV$Wyi ComowfvAcvV. FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLOOK. -zsasaBSSKfiftviN: Why Suffer with a Headache? Em Holsten's Headache Tablets They aro safe nnd sttro nnd IcaVo no bad after effects. RE. Holsten's Drug and Jewelry Store IJHwrrrVMBMprgggga, NKLSON XfJL, I0XOI1 3S It FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOW1NQ INOUflANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Tiro Itisiirunco, North AtnPrlcttnof riilU(lnlilila, I'lioeulx of lllooklyn. Now York. Continental of New York Otly, NluK'um Urn Iusuraneo Company. New York Underwriters, Jovr York. Commercial Union Assurunco Co , Loudon Dray and Transfer Line. w m Phone 139. Palace Livery Barn S. H. DESOII, Prop. om: wlock wist OF Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: Ni: ziiindkn , an,i courteous treatment to all has won for us the utll.MNG. 'Phone. excellent patronage wo enjoy. Try us. Why! Bless my Soul! Ifs White House Coffee. DWINELL'WRIQtiT CO., DOSTON. CHICAGO. Watches, Gold Jewelry, o . Hail orders promptly attended to. Toilet Articles. Alliance, Nebraska. 1I0M TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing irrthe line of tiulldlna Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Co. 6et- For that small repairing- we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk haying", fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Try Dcrfs' Lumber and Coal Co. Also agents for Neb Cen. B.d. & Loan Asso. ' I hone 22. Liverpool. London nnd (JIoImj Jnw. Co. Ueruiitii Amorlcaii Jus. Co., New York. I' armors and , Lincoln, Columbia iviro Insurance Company. I'ldludulpldu Underwriters. I'hounlx Ins. Co., H.irtford, Conn. Office L p-StuirM letchcr Itlr ck. WHEN VOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store thera 3jg in a nice, dry and cool plate and pack and ship w,w them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city S. A. Miller. BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the U. S. I! AM am sole agent for this high grade Coffee and recommend its use. I am not going to make a display of cheap bar gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap premiums. Come to the store, I have the best goods that money can buy and these will be my bargains to my customers! For your patronage I thank you. James Graham XV est of Alliance National Bank. l 1 -rJl W&" difflF-' 4k