The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1905, Image 4

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W. S. IUKJ2K Publisher
Entered At the postoflico at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
K3? Tub Mkram is tho Official Publico
tioa of Box IJiitio county nnd its circula
tion ib nwily twuo that of any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per singlo column inch per
month..... 30
Business locals, porline first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal notices nt statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in ndvancc.
--' ,fm :ii ; ,' , ' afc
Do vou prefer a party caucus, or
docs the non partisan caucus suit you?
Now id the time to push the erection
of the new hospital for Alliance,
A t'Kv more visits from Judge West'
over nnd Alliance will bo rid of nn un
desirable population of burglars:
Put in a few acres of potatoes now
nnd then cultivate them nnd your re
wnrd is sure, better by fnr than to lay
around waiting for n job.
Tim only objection that has been
advanced against the nonpartisan pri
mary, C011108 from those who ndovcato
that parisan primaries should pre
vail that would always give "voters a
chance to vote for two candidates.
Govkrnok McDonald of Colorado.
Sounds good don't it. After months
of turmoil, both Pi-ahody and Adams
hiivo been thrown out and Licutcnat
Governor McDonald elected. Will the
citizens of that state ever learn to be
In riii-KU was a doubt in the minds
of any citizens about the advistbility of
the direct primary system, that doubt
was dispelled last Thursday night when
over 600 voters cast their ballots for
the men of their choice for public
SilHKiOAK, Wvo., is just completing
n new S2o,ooo Cainogie library. They
are no more entitled to one than is
Alliance. Why not ask the millionaire
philanthropist, for one and do it now.
No hotter placo could bo suggested to
pass nn hour or two, by a large class
of our population who now have no
place to go hut to a saloon.
Iptiiukr is' to bo any change in the
primary system used hero last Thurs
day night, by nil means lot 11s get
nearer to the Australian system, and
make every voter use a blank ballot
furnished him by tho judges of election
and thetcon write their choice. Those
who cannot write, or who have not
sufficient interest to go and make out
a tickctishould uot vote.
Wiu.iam Warner is the name of the
now republican U. S. senator from
Missouri, and ho is old enough to be
chloroformed, and his election was
accomplished as a compromise meas
ure twenty minutes before the Missouri
legislature adjourned. For two months
tho legislature of that state has neglect
ed business to wrangle over who should
bo senator. Is there any more argu
ment needed to convince the public of
the necessity of direct vote legislation.
Somu morning the people of this
town will wake up and find an epidemic
of typhoid fever has struck tho town
and many lives will bcost for want of
sewerage. Today tho condition of tho
numerous cess pools in the city make
the water in the porous soil nil contam
inated. You may not know it but the
chemical analysis of the water of the
town prevents its use by the railroad
company, on the dinitig cars for fear
of danger from bacteria. Even though
it docs cost something, let us have
sewerage and let us have it at once.
Tuu Chadron Journal says; One of
the official acts of Hon. Moses P. Kin
kaid of the big Sixth, which has been
bomewhat overlooked in this section of
tho state no far, was in the matter of
the retaining of the army post at Ft.
Niobrara and his influence with the
Department of tho Interior in having
set a part in addition to the military
reservation already at the post oight or
ten miles square of rough land unfit
for homostoalliug on the north side of
the Niobrara, river, to be used ns a
field for the national military manocu
vers, which take place somotime the
coming summer These military ope
rations, in which thousands of soldiors
from all oyer the United States take
part, will be a great event to this part
of the btate aud it is said that the
Northwestern has under way a project
to put in a temporary yard at Thatcher,
a few miles east of Valentine, for the
storing of several hundred sleepers
used in bringing troops to the field of
Mrs. Julos Zhindon is undtir the
doctor's care
If you oujoy music go to I.ockwood's
opening Saturday.
J. K. Johnson has sovotod his con
nection with the MoCltlor tlofo.
Anton Uhrig, the HnrulMRfott hard
ware merchant was in the city today.
Mrs. J. I. Hicks left for Danver the
first of tho wcok to visit relatives for a
Mrs. F, W. Sharpo is onlertainiug
her mother, Mrs. W. C. O'Marn, of
Miss Ruth Curtis entertained her
friend Miss Edyth Boon, of CIciiiaii,
this week,
Mrs. F. F. Iiadgley entertained tho
ladies Kensington St. Patriots day in
the afternoon.
Miss Mattie Harris is slowly recov
ering from injuries sustained in n fall
some two weeks ago.
G. R. Broun of Grandin, Mo. is at
the Forest Lumber company to learn
the retail lumber business.
Mrs. J. E. Hudson entertained Miss
Laura Wilson and Mrs. W. A. Miller,
of Crawford, the past week.
Frank G. Simmons, district orgnui
zcr of the A. O. U. W., was in town
.this week on business for the order.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John D. Carmichcl
returned from nn extended visit to Hot
Springs, Ark., the first of the week.
Warren Waldren, of northeast Alli
ance, will remove to a ranch near Mul
len in the hope of improving his health.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curry, living cast
of Hciningfotd were in this city Mon
day and made this office n pleasant
Miss Owens, who lias been visiting
with Miss McDermott for several days,
returned to her home at Chadron
Judge Hamor of Kearney was an
Alliance visitor Friday, cntoute to
Crawford where his practice takes him
frequently, .
J: R. Phclan went west Tuesday to
meet Ex-picsidcnt Perkins of the
Builiugton system, who went east
Wednesday morning.
Miss Ella McCullouuh, of the W. D.
Kiimcr store, is homo from New York
City, where she has been buying goods
for the spring trade.
Miss Pease, Mrs. Fred Ilovt and
Mrs. Dr. Koous will give a "Lenten
Tea" at the home of Mrs. Koons next
Tuesday p. m. from four to six.
W. E. Lolspeicli and little son came
up from Bingham Sunday to visit rela
tives and to transact business before
tho land ofiice. They returned home
Monday night.
Miss Bcssio Perrin is spending her
spiing vacation in this city. She is
attending, the medical college nt Boul
der, where sho will graduate a full
Hedged physician next year.
County clerk Sam Smyscr leaves for
a shooting expedition today. He goes to
Ellsworth and from there south to. the
lakes. The only companions he will
have are his gun, dog and whiskers.
J, A. Mallcry loft last week for
Pueblo, Colo., where he goes to see
Mrs. Mallery's brother who has been
in frail health for some tunc. He will
also visit at Denver and other points.
Tho "Queen Esther" society will
give a measuring social at the home of
Miss Laura Millikcn on Friday even
ing. Everybody and all their friends
are invited, aud all will be "uieasined."
Lockwood's furniture store has a
handsome new delivery wagon on the
stieets that is an Alliance production.
Albert Renswaldt is tho nuuiufactuier
and William Zchrung did the artistic
R. L. Sharp, representing tho Inter
national Correspondence School of
Scranton, Pa., was in tho city from
Deadwood Tuesday on his way to
Scottsbluff and other points along the
Guernsey line.
Beryl and Karl Rubottom returned
from York Monday, wheie they have
been attending college this winter.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Susan
E. Fisher, Mrs. Rubottotn's sister, who
has a claim in Scottsbluff county on
which she will reside.
Judge Westover came down from
Rushville Monday evening accompa
nied by his two daughters.who arc
the guests of Miss Mitchell. The
J udge came to convene a special term
of the district court, '
Harry Barber and wife arc here from
Hot Springs, S. D., where he has dis
posed of his baiber business and came
here on account of his wife's health,
If the climate hero agrees with her
they will remain horo permanently.
The pastor of the baptist church
announces as the subjects of discourse
for Sunday's sormons, as follows:
Morning, "The Second Coming of
Christ." Evening, "The Insanity of
The finishing touches are being put
on the Norton block opposite Tint
Herald office, which will be occupied
by Gleasou and Franklin April first as
a confectionery and ice cream parlor,
their present quarters being entirely
too small.
Geo. W. Clark has sold his interests
in the Forest Lumber Company to the
company and retired therefrom, A. T.
Hemingway has succeeded him in the
management. Mr. Clurk has not indi
cated what he will do aside from the
management of his extensive private
Interests. Mr. Hei'iitigwav nai Ijth
connected with the coinpam hero fui
two eat and is too well known to
require an introduction. G. R. Brown
of Grnndin Mo., mirceeds Mr. Horn
ingwny as book keeper.
Miss Anna Bloom of Evautlon, III.
nrrived In Alliance yesterday and will
rotlda on her claim adjoining that of
John Lenran. about aighteoti miles
west of this city. Miss Bloom is a
sister to Mm. Letizon.
The finals in tho billiard tournament
wore played Saturday between Roy
Beckwithnnd L. S. Ellis, the latter
winning bv n narrow margin. They
wilt get tho first and second prizes. A
box of cigars and n handsome cue arc
tho prizes.
Mrs. Dr. Bogue entertained the
. .
kLadics Union on St. Patrick's day in
the evening. The gentlemen were also
permitted to bo present on this occa
sion to learn the ways of the Union. A
mtisicatc and literary program added
pleasure to the occasion.
E. C. McCluer returned Monday
from a week's business tiip to Omaha
and eastern markets, where he went to
purchase all the new creations in the
dry goods market. They will begin to
arrive this week, and consists of nil the
very newest nnd best the market'
affords in the dry goods line.
Simon Spry who went east for n
month's visit at West Baden and Ex
celsior Springs a week ago, returned
last Monday. He says when you arc
looking for a health resort or the best
town on the map Alliance is the place.
Simon Spry says Missouri doesn't look
natural since it went republican.
In another column we publish a
dissolution notice of the firm of Ache
son and Jodcr, Mr. Joder retires from
tho firm and Mr. Acheson will con
tinue the business. This firm of hard
waie dealers has been doing a success
ful business for some years in the
opera house block and Mr. Jodcr has
decided to rctiie.
S. G. Reck, the contractor received
word today that plans and specifica
tions of the new proposed court house
in Douglas, Converse county Wyo.
would reach here for him to figure on
their proposed new structure. Mr.
Reck is one of the best contractor in
this part of the state, nnd his work
gives universal satisfaction.
Sabbath moining at U. P. church,
Ladies' Missionary society will render
a "Thank-Offering" program. Subject
of discourse at 7:30 p. in. "God's build
ing." Tho T. M. S. will meet Wed
nesday at 2 p. in.- with Mrs. Feinald.
Prayermeeting at church Thursday
at 7:10 p. in., after which the regular
annual congregational meeting will be
held. A full attendance is desired.
St. Patrick's day was noticeably ob
served in Alliance a:id the wearing of
the green was general. Not only the
sons of Erin manifested their appre
ciation for the good saint, but many
who did uot hail from the Emerald
isle, joined in observing the day. High
mass was celebrated at the church of
the Holy Rosary at nine o'clock by
the pastor, Father Galvin, which was
largely attended.
A surprise party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Viker in honor
of their daughter, Mabel, whose birth
day occurred on last Tuesday.
The deep laid social plot was arranged
by a number of the young lady's
friends and Miss Wikcr's surprise was
complete. About thirty guests
enjoyed the affair. It is said that the
victim of this occasion was tho recipi
ent of many tokens of love and esteem,
the most noticeable of these was a
Dcautitul diamond ring. 1 He evening
was enjoyably spent with the popularly Aiinl.D., OIll10uoo;$fte
game of flinch aud in musical selections.
As usual at gatherings of this kind,
dainty refreshments were served bv
Mrs. Wiker.
Mrs. Frank Broome entertained a party
of her friends at her home yesterday after
noon. Mrs. M. Cusiclc, wife of Engineer Cusick,
of Newcastle, came down on 42 yesterday
for a mouth's visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Frank McCoy, she was accom
panied by her three children,
American Order of Protection initiated
about twenty-five candidates at the I O.
O- !. hall last night. The ladies serving
refreshments. The charter will be held
open until the uext meeting next Wednes
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark left this
morning on 42 for an extended visit in
the east, to be gone several weeks. They
will go to Kansas City and other points.
This is Mr. Clark's first recreation for
almost twenty years and as he says he feels
like a fish out of water.
A special telegram from Sheridan
this afternoon says that the verdict of
the court was that Cody be refused a
divorce from his wife, there being no
evidence to warrant a decree.
"Tho Little Outcast."
Saturday night Mar. 25 lovers
Drama will be served a treat
of the
at the
Pholan opera house in the production
of "The Little Outcast" by Carpenter
Dramatic Company, one of the best
companies on the road. Hettor secure
seats in advance if you nope to get in.
Married ut llemingford.
On Thursday March 16th, the Norwe
gian church, north of Derea, was the scene
of one of the prettiest weddings that has
taken place this season, when Mr, Hans
Hansen and Miss Annie Nordness were
united in the bonds of matrimony, The
church was decorated in a tasteful manner
and the ceremony performed by Rev.
Schultz, of the German Lutheran church
of llemingford, in English, was both sol
emn and impressive. The bride, robed in
shimmering white silk with veil and orange
blossoms, was accompanied by the Misses
Tillie Logan andOlga Moe as bridesmaids,
while Messrs. John and Will Johnson sup-
ported tJ proem The music was led bv
Mr Hen I'anjolson Seldom has a marri
age ceremony been surpassed in bcautv
and solemnity, while notwithstanding the
inclemency of the weather, the church
was crowded with the friends of the bride
and groom. After the services at the
church the wadding party adjourned to the
residence of Mr. Hansen's brother-in-law,
Mr. Andrew L Johnaon, where a bounti
ful wedding dinner was served to all.
After dinner all enjoyed themselves with
music nnd dancing. Many costly and
beautiful proaents were presumed to Sir.
and Mrs Hansen by their friends, so
numerous in fact that space forbids their
mention individually, Ifut nil attested the
friendship felt for these young people, who
will be pleaded to meat their friends and
acquaintances in the future nt their cozy
ranch home, three nnd one-half miles
southeast of llemingford.
Official Directory.
KPlBCpl'AJV- Itej-ntar gutiday servlccs-8 u,m.
11 11. tn.t 7:.K)p. in.) Humlny vihooliU 10 11.111.
(.'ImrK's U. I'oerr. Hector.
CATHOLIC -Itesmlnr Sunday services fe 11.
in.: 10 a. mi 7:30 p. in.. Sunday school ut
2 i. in. 1'Dtliur 11. F. Uiilviu.
METHODIST -UcKiiIar HuiuUy ftcrvlco-ll 11.
m.; 7:. TO' 11. 111.; Bumlay itL-bool 10 li. 111.;
Junior League -J 30 . In.; Korth Ix-nKUO
reilO p. in : Prayer mooting Thursdays,
7:30 p. m. lluv. C. W. Kay, Pastor.
I'lllHT IMtr-HllYTKItlAN Kemunr Sunday
11 n. m.: 7:.toii.
in.; Hiindnv school
10 11. Ill
1 C'hiiRiliiii Kmltuvor 5:43 p. rn.
ft. I. V. Howie, inttir.
UNITIM) 1'UKtfUYTEUlAN KenuliirSnnclay
Borvlen--!! n m. T:.'l0 p. m.: bunilsv school
10 n. m.; Y. 1. C. P. 0:30 p. m Itov, MoCoti
nell, Pastor.
llAlTIST-Itegular Bumlay srrvlco--ll a, m.;
7:30 p. m. Miinriuy school 10 ti 111. ; Young
People's meeting 0:45 l'rnjor meeting
Thursday, 7.30 p, tn. He v. lv C. Jen"urs,
QKItMAN LUTHERAN -Ucgulur Sunday ser
vice 11 11. ni j Humlny si-hoot 10 11. in.;
Evening ser vtci'H twlfooaeh month. Iter.
Otto Kuuhriff, Pastor.
Land Office Notices.
Lnndonicont Alliance, Neur., Feb.ihtli. 11)03
Nollco Is hereby kIvbd Hint tho following-
named settlor lias Hied notice ot his intention
tn make Html proof In support of his ehilm.
und that km Id proof will ho mnuV before
Register and Receiver at AHliince, Nehr., 011
April 10. UKXVviz
of Hemlngford, Ncbr, on Homestund entry No.
2314 for the Booth Eust section 'J4 township
20 N-R 50 W,
He imtiics the following wltnossen to proto
his continuous residence upon nnd eulthutlou
of said laud, viz: William Holllurake, John
Klnsblln. William llotllurnl.c, Jr., . llol-
linrnke, all ol Hemlugford. Nebr.
11-0 UitucE Wilcox, Register.
Lund Olllcont Allinnce, Neb., Mar. 13, 11X15.
Notlco N hereby given Hint tho follonlng
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to ninku hem! proof in support of his claim.
11 11O that Kiild proof wltl he inado Ik-fori
Register unit Htt't-iver at Allinnce. Neb., on
April tfj, llX)j, vr.
of .Toss, Nobaska, 011 H. E. No. OZifor tho'
110W of sou "m'tlon 10 town L'll 11. range 41 w.
Ho tiuim-s tho following witnesses to proe
his eoutluuous residence upon and ciiltlvu
t'onof said laud, viz: R II. Emmie, of Rush
ville, Ni'hr..uuil Junius Keeler, 8. M. Smy-,er,
It M. Hamilton, alt of Allinnce. Nubr.
lii 0 linuoi: Wilcox. Register.
Special Master's Sale
Docket V. No. ail.
In tho Circuit Court of the United States, for
tho District of Nebraska.
James N. Clarke, Receiver of tho Nebraska
I 011 11 & Trust Co., complainant, vs. Henry
Tomllnson, oivl., defendants -In chancery.
ruiti:cM)st,itE or mortoaiiu.
Public notice is hereby given that In pursu
ance und by virtue of a degroo entered In the
iiNivo cuuaooU the 3rd day of September, 11X14,
1, Q no. II. Thummel, Special .Master In Chanc
ery of tho Circuit Court of tho United Stales
fortlio Dlslrictof Nebraska, will, .n the Urd
day of April. 1003, at the hour of 3 o'clock
(iiioiinufn time) In the afternoon of said day,
at tne ironi uoor or me itox isuito county
rourrhouso building In the City of Alliance,
v. state ami district or no
braskn soil nt public auction for easli the fol
lowln--described imioertv. to-ttlt
Lots three and four ahifthecast half of the
southwest quarter of section thirty-omi 01' In
township twenty-eight (isi north and rungo
fortj-ninu (40) west in Rot Itutto county,
Nebraska. Oko. II, Thummel,
Bpcclul Master in China-cry.
John M. Rauan,
Solicitor for Complainant. ll-5
Sheriffs Sulc.
No. 1350.
Uy virtue of an order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Rox llutto coun
tvNebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court In favor of I'red C. Audiusen, plalntlll',
and nguiast John Arkfeld, Mrs. Anna L. Ark
felcl. wife of said John -Arltfold, Leo Ohms
Andresen Hardware Co., John JJoe, real nnmo
unknown defenuants. 1 win, on tno .id day
court housu In Alliance, In said county, soil
tho following deserlixHl real esiute, 10-wit:
Tho northeast quarter of .section i'rt. In town
ship 28. north of ruugo 47. west of the sixth
principal meridian, In Rox llutto county. No
brasku, at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of eiilo in
tho sum of $221.10 and Interest, costs un
accruing costs, sublect to all uup.iid t:ius.
Sheriff of said County.
Smith 1. Torm',
Attorney for Plaintiff. 11-5
When you buy candy
buy the best.
f 4Huyler's j
We have the exclus
ive agency. Every
package guaranteed
Prescription Druggist
306 Box Uuttc Ac.
Moving Household Furniture
and Trunks a specialty . .
Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance.
The Alliance Herald and
Nebraska State Journal,
the leading weekly, both
one year for $1.50.
ncoiuer s $
ave just bought the swellest
line of Dry Goods and Ladies'
Furnishings ever seen in Alli
ance. They will begin to arrive
this week.
Ths Very Latest
is -It -tt t ,! ! ' w ik
.ti .4, , l, ' xi il li tii iCiititii.i'ii,iiiiii(i,ii'ii,iif4fe
iiia k. msiiNi.i.i.
Propilctors of the iff
I Palace Meat Market!
Choicest Fresh and Salt Heats
Always on Hand $
Your patronage solicited.
7T "
i Diniin If, irnnr nrrtTK Wp IlllX'f
X. First door north of Post Office.
ti WftV 1 tftk t- AV Wfr ftw l t f- 9$ 2(v
ois nox juitti: avknui:.
Phone 2SS,
Colls answered In town or country.
J. E. MOORE, M. D.
i'li:tciii:k iii.ock,
ali.ianci:, ni:ij.
Calls nnswered from ofllce day or night.
Telephone No. 02.
Uolstcn llulIdiiiK, - AhLIANJS, NKn
Ofiice in I'lrst National Hunk block. All!
unco Nebraska.
I'liyslclau ane Snrgeou Day and nlghtcalls.
Ollleeover Bogue Store. I'honolSO.
1 II Y S I V. I V N A N 1) SUHG ij O N
Xormerly Interne llomeoiinthic Hos
pftul University of Iowa.
1'hono SjI. Olllee oer Alliance Slioo Store.
Night calls answered from olllco.
Guy Lockwood
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones Office 214. Ues 205
Expert Lady
Attendant.. Alliance, Neb,
,. .A-ttoi'iioyK ut, lLiii-v ..
Collections given Prompt Attention.
North Main St.,
SEj Jos. Carey & Co.
For house moving, well horing
making and cleaning cesspools
moving box cars, ete ....
Plumbing, Steam and hot water
'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB.
Things in Laces
i.Ni:sr c. olday
Give us a trial
thp aiMffS Mill will dfllvfr tllpltl aJUi
PHONE 131 Jk.
2. f- - it'' 't4- fe.1' 9V t A it'- dL
For a Full
J Line of...
Best Co Ices,
1 Finest Teas,
That Can't be Beat
In Town,,,,
-, Queensware,
1 Tlnwnr .
" "' Enameled ware
The Spring Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying-.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
The hen that lays
Is the hen that pays
And here you have them. They lay
more eggs than the Leghorn, and being
Buff in color, they are not a prey for
hawks. Come and see them and be
convinced. Remember, the Buff Wyn
dotte is not the Buff Cochin.
- Eggs Si. 50 per 15, $2.50 per 30.
L. A. SUPRISE, Alliance, Nob.
1 See us before you contract
ior spring Jiousecleaning.
I'aintcr for the I'coplo
Al.LIANCK ... Ni'ii.tncif ,
rriP"" ?