The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1905, Image 2

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W. 8. RAKER, Publisher.
I """"' -.11 i 1 ii
Brief Telegrams
Spotted fever in claiming many vic
tims In Now York.
Col. M. J. Burko, U. 8. consul nt St.
ThotnnB, Ont., dlctl ot pneumonia.
Tho Missouri legislature Is still
wrestling with tho matter ot selecting
a U. S. senator.
Republican leaders In tho scnato nro
in doubt na to proper course to purauo
with regard to Dominican treaty.
Negotiations nro now under way in
Berlin looking to tho placing of n Jap
anese government loan by Got man
Governor Penbody wins In Colorado
gubernatorial fight, but only after
signing agreement to resign, which
Eomo claim thnt ho will not kcop.
A dispatch from I'nlm Reach, Fla.,
reports tho death of Meyer Guugon
lielm, tho copper, capitalist. Death
was caused by pneumonia. Ho was 78
years old.
Benjamin F. Stevens of Boston, has
been connected with tho Now Englnnd
Llfo Insurnnco company for fifty
eight years and hn served as Its pres
ident for half a century.
By tho will or tho lato "William F.
Milton or New York ho has bequeath
ed all of his estate, valued nt over
$1,000,000 to Harvard university on
tho death of his widow.
Colonel Max Flelschmann ot Cjn
clnnatt, a millionaire,' will In tho sum
mer ot 190G mako a dash toward tho
North Polo with tho hopo ot reaching
tho furthest point north.
Two special Inspectors of tho gen
nl land office hnvo been ordered to
Nebraska and nro now engaged in
making nn Investigation of illegal
fencing of government lands.
Tho Wisconsin assembly hns passed
n bill for tho compulsory mutunllza
tlon of llfo insurance companies from
slock compnnlcs when a company has
acquired 120,000,000 of insurance.
With tho evacuation of TIo Pass
tho Russian army abandoned tho last
stronghold In Southern Manchuria and
definitely turned over tho section to
tho Japanese for tho campaign of
At tho Iowa stato sportsman's asso
ciation tournament, W. II. Hcor of
Concordln, Kan., ostabllshed a new
world's record for tho open trap shoot
ing by breaking 307 targets without a
William Pest, who lives at present
near Stanborry, Mo was tho first en
gineer to run a train between Phila
delphia and Trenton. Ho was born In
1811, and Is probably tho oldest living
I Postmnstnr General CorUlynu con
tradicts tho report .that ho has recon
sidered his determination to rostgn his
position as chairman of tho republi
can national committee and retain tho
A Cleveland, O., syndicate, it is an
nounced, has secured options on all
tho broworlcs in Portland, Oro., and
will shortly merge them under ono
management. Portland brewers deny
tho story.
ft dispatch from St. Petersburg to a
news- ngency reports that a bomb ex
ploded on tho tramway line close to
tho residence of M, Pebedonostseff,
procurator general of tho holy synod.
Nobody wns injured.
Oencrnl Joseph It. Hawloy, for near
ly twenty-four years United States
eenctor from Connecticut, died, in
Washington. Death came peacefully
after n stupor lasting with but slight
interruptions for several days.
A delegation of Uto, Indians from
tho Uintah reservation In Utnh ar
rived -in Washington. They nro not
satisfied with the provisions for tho
proposed opening of their reservation
nnd want to mako Inquiry about it.
Tho Colorado bouse paseed the sen
ate bill abolishing tho pillory in that
stato. An effort was mnde to repent
tho law which provides for tho whip
ping post, but It failed. The anti-pillory
l)IH now goes to tho governor.
According to nn ofliclnl statement
tho gold reservo In tho Stnto bank of
St. Petersburg totals $448,000,000 and
gold reserves held abroad $22G,500,000.
Tho total amount of credit notes is
sued is $485,000,000, which, according
to law, should bo covered by $301,500,
000 ot bullion on deposit In tho Stato
Minister Takahlra, replying to a
published statement asserting that
tho Jnpaneso aro planning to insist on
tho possession of tho Philippines ns
soon as convenient nfter tho conclu
sion of the war with Russia, declared
In an interview with a Washington
Post reported that such was not tho
Much uneasiness Is felt in Warsaw
and at Lodz In view of tho forthcom
ing mobilization of rosorves. Tho gov
ernment has requisitioned all tho
horses in the district,
Tho Japanese captured many pris
oners at TIo Pass and tho Russians
destroyed vast stores.
The French Cablo company has re
ceived a dispatch from Manager Brim
nt Caracas saying that a Judgment an
nulling the company's concosslon Is
expected March 20.
Lieutenant Francis Boone, whoso
conviction by court-martial was made
public, made a dwjporato uttampt to
escape from Vancouver barracks and
was shot by sentries Two serious,
though not necessarily fatal, wounds
nvere Inflicted.
Long Time Needed to Roast Outlook.
Although roasted wholo 'or twelve
hours over coko tiros, a bullock, cut
up nnd distributed nrnong 500 poor
pcoplo nt SundorUnd, lingland was
found to bo still uncooked.
Really Meant to Die.
During a murder trial nt Prague
tho prisoner becamo suddenly unwell
and later confessed thnt ho had nt
tempted suicldo by swallowing thrct
largo needles nnd twenty boot-buttons
First Domb Outrage.
Tho flrst'bomb outrogo occurred on
Christmas ove, 1800, when Salnt-Na-jant
tried to kill Napoleon. Moro thnn
130 pcoplo woro injured by tho ox
"Farther of All Devils."
Tho FIJI Islanders discovered In the
first motor car to Invado their priml
tlvo homo "tho father of nit devils.
Hides of Cow and Horse.
A cow'a hldo produces thlrty-flv
pounds of leather, and that of a horse
about eighteen pounds.
More Boys Than Girls.
Tho averngo blrthrato for Europe
shows that for every 100 girls lot
boys aro born.
An Ex-Sheriff Talks.
Scott City. Kan., March 20th (&po
clnl.) Almost every newspaper tells
of cures of tho most deadly ot kldnej
diseases by Dodd's Kidney Pills
Brlght's Disease, Diabetes, Rheuma
tlsm nnd Bladder troubles, In fact an)
dlseaso that Is of tho kidneys or cans
od by disordered kidneys is rcadllj
cured by this great American remedy
But it is In curing tho earlier stager
of kidney complaint that Dodd's Kid
ney Pills aro doing (heir grentCB'
?ork. They nro preventing thousnndf
of cases ot Brlght's dlseaso nnd othei
deadly allmonts by curing Kidney DIs
caso when It first shows its prosenc
In tho body.
Speaking of this work Ex-Shcrlt
James Scott of Scott County, says:
"I havo used eight boxes of Dodd'i
Kidney Pills and mufet say that the)
aro just tho thing for Kidney Disease
Wo havo tried many kidney medlclnei
but Dodd's Kidney Pills aro tho bos'
of alt."
Easily Explained.
"Why, Mary, hpw did you break
that protty plate?" exclaimed the
mother of n protty four-year-old to hoi
daughter. "Why, I'll show you, manv
ma, It was Just Uko this," and taking
up another bit of china from tho tnblt
sho gavo a practical demonstration by
lotting it dash into a thousand piece;
on tho hardwood Moor ot tho dining
Child's Appeal to Satan.
Dean Plgou tell? in Ills now book of
nnocdotcs tho story ot tho littlo girl
who was much upset by n maiden
aunt, and posted in n hole in tho gar
don n letter in these terms: "Dear
Mr. Satan Will you .kindly como and
take away Aunt Jnno? Sho is :i very
fussy person nnd does worry mo so.
Yours affectionately, Alice."
Fines a Dead Man.
A mnn arrested In Slnaporc, Ben
gal, died before his caso could bo
aeard, but tho local maglstrato never
theless tried nnd convicted nnd fined
.ho dead mnn, nnd then ordered tho
holrs, his ,nephows, to pny tho fine.
Tho High Court has reversed tho Judg
ment. The Ideal Maid.
Oh, do not paint her charms to me,
( know that sho Is fair; I know her
dps might tempt tho bee, and her
!orm's boyond cotnpnro. Such natural
Sifts I do not prize, my heart thoy
:annot win; tho girl I lovo has
iqulnty eyes but her father's got tho
Ways That Are Pleasant and Paths
That Are Peace.
It Is tho simple llfo that gives
length of days, serenity ot mind and
Do'dy nnd tranquillity ot soul.
Slmplo hopes and ambitions, bound
ed by tho deslro to do good to ono's
aelghbors, slmplo pleasures, habits,
food nnd drink.
Men dio long before their time be
cause they try to crowd too much Into
their experiences thoy climb too
high and fall too hard. A wlso woman
writes of tho good that a slmplo dlot
has dono her:
"I have been using Grape-Nuts for
about six months. I began rather spar
ingly, until I acquired such a liking
for It that for tho last threo months
I havo depended upon It almost en
tirely for my dipt, entlng nothing else
whatever, but Grape-Nuts for break
fast and supper, and I bellevo I could
eat It for dinner with fruit and bo sat
isfied without other food, and feel
much better tnd havo more strength
to do my housework.
"When I began the uso of Grape
Nuts I was thin and weak, my muscles
wcro so soft that I was not ablo to do
any work. I weighed only 108 pounds.
Nothing that I ate did me any good.
I was going down hill rapidly, was
nervous and miserable, with no ambi
tion for anything. My condition Im
proved rapidly after I began to eat
Grape-Nuts food. It made mo feel
Uko a new woman; my muscles got
solid, my figure 'rounded out, my
weight increased to 126 pounds in a
few weeks, my nerves grew Bteady
and ray mind better and clearer. My
friends tell mo thoy haven't seen me
look so woll for years.
"I consider Grapo-Nuts tho host
food on tho market, and shall never go
back to meats and whlto broad again."
Namo given by Postum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich.
Thare's a reason.
Look In each pkg. for tho littlo
book, "Tho Road to Wellvlllo."
The Movement Is Now Toward Harbin
The Muscovites Have Been Slight
ly Reinforced, but There Is Little
Hope of Their Escape.
TOKIO Tho Jnpaneso occupied TIo
Pass at midnight, March 10. Details of
tho occupation hnvo not yet been re
ceived at Imperial army headquarters.
An official bulletin reports the action
and that tho Jnpanese nro In hot pur
suit of tho retreating Russians, but it
does not mention any particulars nbout
tho fight
Ttie Japanese captured mnny prison
erB nt TIo Pass and tho Russians de
stroyed vast stores.
Gonoral Kuuropatkln nnd the rem
nants of tho army which was defeated
by tho Japanese on the Shakhe nnd
Hun rivers, and again around Muk
don nnd TIo Pnss, nro now in tho
mountains n few miles north of tho
southern entrance of tho Pass trying
to shnke off their pursuers, who appar
ently nro not going to repeat the mis
take of Lino Yniig and allow tho Rus
sian army to escape. Kouropalkln has
boon reinforced by the garrisons of
Tlollng nnd other northern towns nnd
a few new troops who were on their
wny from Hiisshi whon the battle of
Mukden began. .
But oven with these thero Is littlo
hope for lilm. True, bo has some thirty
or forty miles of hilly country extend
ing from TIo Pass to Fonghtntslon.
which might enable him to hold off
tho enemy for n time, but once out of
tho hills ho has before him nearly 300
miles of flnt, open country and Innum
erable rivers nnd strenms to cross.
This Is whnt is termed tho great val
ley of the Simgnrl, but is In fact an
immense plain, bounded on the enst
by high mountains and extending
lorthwnrd Into Siberia nnd westward
Into Mongolia. Ivirln, east of the rail
way nnd Ilnrbin, the most northerly
point on the railway where it branches
3ft to Vladivostok eastward and to
Siberia westward, nro the centers of,
this wonderfully rich country, resem
bling In many respects tho northwest
territories of Canada. From Tie Pass
tho railway runs over a hill known as
tho Divide of Kalyan, twenty miles,
then striking Into a valley, on either
sldo of which rise high hills, emerges
onto tho plain just northeast of tne
Important Chlneso city of Fenghuat
slen. From there to Harbin hardly a
hill can be seen from tho railway
train, tho lino running almost straight,
oxcopt whero nn occasional curve Is
necessary to reach n city or favorable
crossing of a river. Beside tho rail
way there Is a splendid wagon road
from TIo Pass to Knlyan, where it
branches, ono branch muking a detour
to tho westward, skirting tho moun
tains nnd running almost direct to ;
Harbin; tho other branch passes
through tho mountains to Klrln, from
which cente'r thero aro many roads,
Tho dlstanco from Tie Pass to Har
bin Is very littlo less thnn 300 miles,
nnd except for tho first few miles
every ncro Is under cultivation or sup
porting herds of cattle, sheep and
horses. So far ns tho commissariat is
concerned tho Russians need have no
fear. Hardly a pound of last yeqr's
crop of beans, millet or wheat left
tho country, tho Russians' buying It all,
but storing it in stations along tho
railway, Immense shelters being erect
ed for Its reception. They nlso pur
chased nil tho cattle nnd horses and
havo Cossacks herding them.
Trouble With 'Venezuela Coming to a
WASHINGTON France has official
ly informed the United States of tho
action of tho Venezuelan government
against tho French Cable company,
which sho regards as high-handed and
unwnrranted. Whllo Insisting that di
plomatic means will bo exhausted in
an effort to relievo tho situation, it Is
declared that President Castro is
rapidly exhausting French patience
nnd thereby forcing Franco toward
the limit of dlplomncy.
France has Invited tho attention' of
tho American government to tho Ven
ezuelan situation because of Its Inter
est In all American affairs and In or
der that It may obtain tho probable
course which this government will
take against Venezueln, It Is tho wish
ot tho French government to aim
ugnlnst parallel linos as far as prac
ti cable.
Theso developments In tho Vene
zuelan situation nre regnrded as the
preliminary step toward tho relief of
tho situation In Caracas which Europe
as well as tho United States has for
some tlmo rogarded with dissatisfac
tion. Dr. Harper Goes to Lakewood.
NEW YORK President William R.
Harper of tho University of Chicago,
who arrived from Chicago, left this
city for Lakewood, N. J., where he
is to take an X-ray treatment, r.
Indicts Adjutant General.
SANTA FE, N. M. General W. H.
Whlteman was indicted by 'tho grand
jury on Thursdny on a charge of ob
taining public funds under fills pre
tencos. He wns at onea time Justice
of tho New Mexico supreme court an.1
for tho past seven years was the ad
jutant general of the territory. He
was romoyed from office a month ngo
by Govomor Otero, against whom ho
filed charges accusing the executive of
tho misappropriation of military oiuiu
munt furnished bv tho United States
It Is Said Both Belligerents Want
WASHINGTON Whon tho czar
rails tho war council Tuesday ho wilt
be nblo to Inform his ministers that
tho Jnpaneso will welcomo peaco on
reasonable terras nnd will promptly
namo its conditions provided It re
ceives trustworthy assurances that
they will be seriously considered.
This, the emperor hns learned from
friendly chancellories in Europe, ns
welt as tho general terms acceptable
to .'apan.
These, It Is said. Include the reten
tion by Jnpnn of Port Arthur, n Jap
anese protectorate over Korea and
nn Indemnity.
From n high official tho Associated
Pros? hears that Russia has recalled
Its second Pacific squadron.
An nttnche of a Russian embassy
In Europe i quoted expressing the
belief thnt Kouropaikln's recent de
feat wilt foroe Russia to n3k for peace.
Briefly, these were tho reports cur
rent In the. diplomatic corps', and ns a
rosult of this important information
official Washington believes thnt Rus
sia and Jnpnn aro on tho verge of
peace If It be true that the second
Pacific squadron has been recalled
even the most optimistic of Russia's
friends admit that this is a strong in
dication thnt Oynmu's mighty blow
has made for peace.
Count Cassial, tho Russian nnibas
sador, is tho notnhlo exception in the
group of foreign envoys here. "How
ever generous tho torms which Jnpnn
might offer," the ambassador said,
VRusBlnn prestige is not among them
That is one thing for which tho war
will bo fought to tho end. Victory for
tho Russian nrms will nlono make
for peace. If not at Tip Pass, then nt
Harbin. Russia will assemble anothet
army mightier than before and with
thnt army It will settle tho Issue. It
mny be six months, n year, or per
Imps two years. Time will bo no con
At the Japanese leuntlon It Is do
clnred thnt St., Petersburg and not
Toklo is the cnpitol from which the
world must hope for peace proposals
Mr. Tnknhlra, the Japanese minister
said in tho most emphatic manner
that Jnpnn had not directly proposed
peace. Uo did not deny that neutral
powers, through their envoys from
time to time, had sounded Japan ae
to tho terms on which it would nccept
peaco, but these, ho said, necessarily
changed with the progress of hostlt
Itlos, the Intimation being that Russlo
could havo obtained better terms after
tho fall of Port Arthur than after the
capturo of Mukden.
If tho Jnpaneso government were
assured that peaco proposals would be
considered by Russia thero Is author
Ity for the statement thnt Japan would
respond Immediately, But It will In
sist that these assurances shall he of
the most positive character. Japan's
experience in the negotlntlons pro
ceding tho war, It Is- said, will make it
exceedingly cautious In the future It
will Insist that such assurances shall
como from the Russian government
and not from this or that party or
this or that friend of the emperor.
French Bankers Practically Refuse to
Loan Money to Russia.
LONDON The revolt of tho French
bankers is considered by the London
newspapers as the most hopeful and
Important news of the day, promis
ing on early conclusion of peace be
tween Russia nnd Japan. Apparently
the proposed loan has not been ab
solutely refused, hut only "postponed."
This, however, Is regarded as being
tantamount to a refusal, and Is ex
pected to speak louder to tho Rus
sian war party even, than Koiiropat
kin's reverse at Mukden. It is regard
ed that by the death of M. Germain,
the lnte governor of tho Credit
Lyonnals, Russia lost Its strongest
financial friend In France, and that
had he been nllve no difficulty would
hnve been experienced. With tho
American and English markets closed
to it, It is thought that Russia enn
only turn "to Germany, which is not
likely to bo much more responsive
than France, and the onlynlternatlvo
would seem to bo to make peace.
Agents of Federal Government Said
to Have Unearthed Them.
SALT LAKE, Utnh Special agenls
of the federal government aro report
ed to have been engaged for some tlm
past in Investigating public land
frauds In Utah. The Salt Lake Herald
states that hundreds of thousands ot
acres of valuable coal lands hnvo been
acquired by corporations by question
able methods. Vast tracts of coal Imtds
nre said to have been filed on nnd pat
ented as agricultural and grazing land
an then transferred to coal com
panies. In many Instnncos, It Is stated,
InndB have been settled upon as coal
lands under the law which permits
every adult citizen to nequire sixty
acres of coal land by purchase on
payment of ten dollars an aero for
such lands when situated more than
fifteen miles from any tullroad.
Twenty-four Miners K'lled.
CHARLESTON, W. Vn. -As a result
of the horrible explosion In the Rush
Run nnd Rod Ash mines near Thur
mond Saturday nlsht. twenty four
men .now lie stark in di-nth In tho two
mines. Ten of these vere killed in tho
ovploafbn Saturday night and the other
fourteen were a rcsruiux party which
nteml the mine Sunday morning to
tike from the mliiet the charred and
Ma"kened remnlps of their fellow
workmen Theso latter were killed by
a second explosion and tho afterdamp.
DOUBTLESS health la beyond
price, as it is tho royal road
to beauty. Wo will endeavor
to show you iiow this great blessing
may bo cultivated or ncqulred with
out wealth. What is it that makes
lorno of our young American women
bo attractive? Beyond doubt it is tho
buoyant nir of intense life and anima
tion. Plenty of sleep is most important;
a rest in the middle of the day, even if
only for n few minutes, on the flat of
tho back, perfectly relaxed. Simple
food. Plenty of water. And most
essential is fresh air. Get out in the
good fresh air and take some exercise
each day. Sunshine and ozone are
What a Mercer County (Ohio) Farmer
Received from One Year's Crop.
Extracts from an interesting letter
from P. H. Rynhard, of Starbuck,
Manitoba, Canndn, gives an excellent
Idea of the prosperity of those who
have gone from tho United States to
Canada. He says:
"I bought, August, 1903, 480 acres
of land, paying $12,000 for it. Wo
threshed 2,973 bushels of wheat, and
between 1,200 and 1,300 bushels of
oats and barley from 200 acres. But
part of the wheat went down before
tilling and was not harvested except
for hay. Tho crop was worth at
threshing time, ?3,000. Besides 120
acres laying Idle except a timothy
meadow, which is not Included in this
estimate. Counting tho valuo of the
product and tho increase of valuo of
land will pay mo moro than 25 per
cent on tho Investment. Two broth
ers In the same neighborhood bought
1G0 acres each six years ago. They
havo not done a singlo thing to this
land except to fence it and break and
cultivate about one-half of It. Har
vested last year 28 bushels wheat per
acre. This year 27 bushels per acre.
They can get any day $25 per acre,
These aro only a few of many hun
dreds of such chances. It looks like
boasting, but truth Is Justifiable and
tho world ought to know it, especial
ly tho home-seeker. I know of qulto
a few farmers that havo made for
tunes In from 10 to 20 years, retired
with from $20,000 to $100,000.
Writing concerning another district
In tho Canadian West, S. L. Short
"Dear Sir I havo to inform you
that I have Just returned from tho
Carrot River Country in Saskatche
wan, whero I located land of tho very
finest black vegetable loam, which I
am proud of, and will move in the
spring. Farmers aro still plowing
there. A mild climate and beautiful
country to behold. Cattle are fat and
running outside. Wood and water
good. Saw oats weighing 42 pounds
to bushel. Potatoes large and well
ripened; also 'wheat that brought
thero 82 cents. The country exceed
ed my expectations. Saw oats In
stock, thicker on tho ground than ap
pears in many of tho Illustrations
sent out in descriptive pamphlets. I
havo been in many western states,
but the soil excels any I ever saw."
The Canadian Government Agents
nt different points report that the en
quiries for literature and railroad
rates, &c, to Western Canada aro
tho greatest in tho history of their
United States of South America.
Argentina is the United States of
South America. It is made up of
fourteen states and nine territories.
The population is about 5,000,000.
Ttlts L&xalhe ilroinu yutulnu T&blci. All drnz
rUu refund the money If It fall la cure. K. W.
Urave'i tlgntiure l on eacn but. Sc.
First Newspaper Illustration.
The first attempt to Illustrate news
was made in 1G07. It depicted a flood
In Monmouthshire, England.
Sirs, tvlntlow'a Hoothlner rtyrnp.
For children teething, tot leai the gurui, reduce! h
flammaUon, alltjr pain, curei wind cello. Sic a bottle.
Largest Pontoon Br'dge.
Tho largest pontoon bridge in the
world is at Calcutta, and Is a per
manent structure-.
A woman who bestows compliments
rarely is taken at her real value.
Bf other Gray's Sweet Tonders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
tn the Children's Home in New York, euro
Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate tho
Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30.000
testimonials. At alt druggists, 25c. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Men dross wholly to suit their own
1 peculiar notions.
1 J jf
(l ) jfe I I
I&W 111
Xnl nr ft A "JHUllil I ' I I
If f NWP A
two of Nature's beautiflcrs, and thoco
who want to have clear skins, bright
eyes and rosy color will embrace oycry
opportunity of being in the open air.
More important than all of these, is.
that tho young woman or middle-aged
woman starts with a healthy womanly
system. If she is dragged down or
suffers greatly at stated periods, she is
bound to have that dragged-out, worn
out look which goes with womnn
weakness. Bui this is not difficult u
enre. because a physician, who makes a.
specialty of diseases of women, lias
given to tho world a medicine which is
absolutely a cure for these weaknesses.
Wo mean Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. It stands aloc na a raedicino
which has been tested and recom
mended for the last thirty-eight years.
It stands alono ns the only medicino
now on the market which is guaranteed
to contain no alcohol or narcotics of
any kind.
Dn R. V. Turner, Buffalo, N. Y.: ,
Dtar Str Vour "Favorite. Prescription
brouidit mo safely throng,? that difficult pe
riod called chnngo of life. J had hot and rolil
lluMii-s, sick headaches, became excited. flu-.-l
rated. nei ton and irritable. My appctlto
was fitful nnd for day I wns unable to cat a
fair meal. My aunt recommended me to try
Ur, I'lereo'i Kavoillo I'icsCrlptloii nnd It
mode a trrent clmntro for tho better. Within
two weeks tho unpleasant feeling had dlap
peared. 1 hnve a husband and eluht children
mi lino tho euro of n lanro family but 'tos.
ablo to attend to nn household duties with
out any dlflleulty nnd LasMxl tho period with
out any moro trouble 1 can recommend your
"FavoiUo Prescription" as n grand medicVno
for women. Mrs. Maut Ensminir, - .
3U E. Ankeny SU, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Tierce's Pleasanf Pellets clear tho
complexion and sweeten tho breath,
they cleanse and regulate the stomach,
liver and bowels and produce perma
nent benefit nnd do not re-act on the
eystcm. One is a gentle laxative.
" Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receintof 21 one-cent stamns. Address
j Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
ft Cures Colds, Coughs, Soro Throat. Croup
Influenza, Whoopinit Couith. Ilronchltls nn
Asthma. AcertnlncuroforConsumptlonlnllrnt
stages, nnd a suro relief ad vnneed staues. Ut-e
at once. You -will soothe excellent eflectaftct
tnklni; tho Urst dose. Sold by dealers every
wbcrc. Largo bottle 25 cents and DO cents.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 121905.
Every housekeeper should know
that If they will buy Deflnaco Cold)
Water Starch for laundry uso they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the Iron, but because
each package contains 1C oz. one fuU
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages, and the price is tho same, lf
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
n 12-oz. packago it lss because ho has
a stock on hand which he wishes tc
dispose of boforo he puts In Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch ha,
printed on every packago In large let
ters and figures "10 ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
nnd the annoyance of tho Iron stick
ing. Dcflanco never sticks.
Demand for Banana Skins.
Banana skins aro in demand In Eng
land, particularly at hotels, for th'o
cleaning of boots.
If you don't get the tilRRest nnd best
It's your own fault. Defiance Stiuch la.
for sale everywhere, and there is posi
tively nothing to equal it in quality or
quantity. Fast Growing Plant.
Tho quickest growing plant in tho.
world is tho kudzu, a species of bean.
It is said to have been known ta
grow sixty feet tn three months.
Dealers any that as soon as a cus
tomer tiles Defiance Starch It Is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can be used cold or
boiled. Brooding over troubles only hatches,
out new ones.
Smokers find Lewis' "Single Binder'
straight no cigur better quality than most.
lOo brands. Lewis' Factory, Peoria? 111?
It is a noble thing to dio, but it is
usually harder and more noble to live.
Catarrh of th lUnddprmicl KldneTTronhl.
Umedj. orld t .., for oi.r .1u year aUuftJ
No man who Is doing good work is
sorry to hear tho Master gomlng.
Storekeepers rvnort that the extra,
quantity. tOMthr- with the sutierfor
quality of Dnce Stnuh makes it
next tq Impossible to sell any oihe
brand. '
Nothing Is holy unless l Js helpful.
- -r- -hmw1 r-if1'-'