The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1905, Image 1

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Publication of
Box Butte
Circulation of
any Alliance
itiijiivik I ijyiMi-i
Saturday, March 25
at Lockwoods' Opening
We have just received over 2000
pieces of Press Cut Glass. The
imitation is so perfect that it
takes an expert to tell the differ
ence between it and the genu
ine cut. The prices on these
goods are going to be cut right
in two. For instance:
A 4-pIece Table Set that
competition sells for
sale price
A beautiful 8-inch Berry
Dish, competitors'price
70cts., LOCKWOODS'
price '
Of course we realize the more
we sell of these goods at these
prices the more money we lose,
and we arg losing it as an ad
vertising medium, but they go
just the same at the above prices.
You will not have a week for u
day in which to shop. The hours
are between 2 and 5 o'clock
Saturday Afternoon
Remember, we give each person
who registers atour store Satur
day afternoon a Beautiful Pic
ture. We have engaged the
High School Oichestra tor the
entire afternoon, so all come
and see if we are not doing
things right.
who sell Furniture and all
House Furnishings un easy
Business Locals.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real
estate. rotf
Wanted: something we can't re
pair. Lockwood.
Just received a new car of Lexington
Flour. Geo. W. Young.
Pianos and Organs sold on easy
payments at Lockwood's.
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Have your furniture repaired and
pictures framed at Lockwood's.
If you want to sell your cattle be
sure and write to F. S. McCla'iu,
Lakeside, Nebr. 13-4
Dr. Allen, dentist. Crown and
bridge work a specialty. Office up
stairs opera ho'usc block.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
E. E. Barr.j Physician and Sur
geon. Calls answered promptly day
or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi
dence 151. , I2-tf
New Candies, New Prices, at
Mrs. J. B. Sigrist is prepared to do
dress making at 612 Box Butte Ave.
Work guaranteed; prices reesonable.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Nearly all the ailmeuls of the human
ace in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
The First National Bank of this
city, has the largest capital and sur
plus of any bank in Nebraska, located
west of Grand Island on the Burling
ton road. It is a safe place to transact
your banking business. Yours re
i3-tf S. K. Warrick. Cashier.
Wanted Farmers to buy their seed
wheat, spring ryo and spelt at Rowan's.
For sale Standard bred, 6 year old
otallion, weight .1250 pounds. Also
trotting bred young mares and geldings
at farmers prices. J. D. Patterson,
Lakeside, Nebr. I3'4W
All kinds of household goods for sale
at the mission. South of Fox rooming
house. ,wwwWWWww I-'4
House Cleaning.
Can supply the services of a thorough
and experienced man for general house
cleaning."- Phone 139. Geo. Darling.
John Payne and Sanford Smith Get
Three Years, Johnson Gets Two
llolloway Granted Divorce.
Sanford Smith aud John Payne were
sentenced to three yeais each, at hard
labor in the penitentiary, by Judge
Westovcr, Tuesday morning at a spec
ial term of the district court.
William Johnson was sent up for two
years for robbing the Eph Corneal
saloon of six ipiarts of whiskey.
All three of them are coloted men
and each pled guilty as chaigcd in the
information, and all three asked for
the lenience of the court. Payne had
on one of the shirts, stolen, when he
was sentenced. All three took their
sentences without grumbling. At the
lime the sheriff went to the jail to
bring the trio into court, they were all
engaged in a game of cards, and all
laid down their hands and followed
the sheriff to the court room. In less
than thirty minutes all had been sen
tenced and returned to the jail where
they picked up their respective hands
and resumed their card game where
they left off, all apparently in the best
of humor.
Henry C Holloway was granted a
divorce from Lucretia Holloway on
the grounds of cruelty. She was given
the custody of the child, an eight year
old daughter, Holloway to pay the
In the case of C S'. Morgan against
J as H. Skinner, a fotcclostuc case, the
sale was confirmed.
Firemen's Ball. -
One of the most delightful social
events of the season was the B. of L,
F. ball last Friday night at Zb'iulen's
hall. The halt was beautifully decor
ated in honor of the occasion and St.
Patrick, Music for the occasion was
furnished by Spacht's orchestra, and
Hany Sage, the Omaha prompter,
addpd much to the pleasure of the
occasion. A delightful luncheon was
seived on thu ground floor of the build
ing by tho ladies of the order.
The credit for the success of the
occasion was largel' due to tho follow
ing members of tho order who had
charge of tho arrangements: C, B. Gib
son, A. J. Cole, W. L. Austin, C W.
Tilletl and J. Pcjiderjjast. Tho chair
man of the floor committee was ohn
Wiker. The reception committee was
in charge of R. E. McCool.
Died of Pneumonia.
A stranger by tho name of C T.
Fitzmeir, died at the Fox lodging house
last Saturday aftempon of pneumonia
aftet an illness of six days The de
ceased arrived hero from Crawford on
42 Monday morning and on account of
illness lepaired to the above place, be
ing unable to continue his journey to
Denver, the home of his family He
was a cigar maker and had been at
work in Crawford for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Fitzmeir was made aware of her
husband's condition and she arrived
here Saturday noon, but too late to be
able to converse with the dying man
who was unconscious several hours be
fore the end. Besides the widow, two
children survive Fitzmeir. He was a
member ot the Woodmen of the World
in which he carried $1,000 insurance
and $500 in the cigar makers' union.
The remains were taken to Darling's
undertaking establishment and prepar
ed for shipment to Denver the follow
ing morning. The local cigar makers
and Modern Woodmen members attend
ed the deceased during his illness' and
assisted the widow in her trials.
Nate Cornell Dead.
Nate H. Cornell, the well known
traveling man, who made Alliance his
headquarters for several years while
making this part of the state, and who
had a wide circle of friends throughout
Nebraska died at his home, 2519 Ames
We have a corner lot in best residence portion
of the city that we want to sell quick, and we offer
it at an astonishingly low price. We only ask $50
down, and the balance can be paid to suit your
convenience. This lot is 50 by 1 50 feet, and is a
beautiful sight for a home. There is no better
vacant residence property in the city, and its pur
chase would be an excellent investment for anyone.
The terms and price make it the best bargain in
the city, andit will sell quick. The first applicant
gets it.
German Investment Company
avenue, Omaha last week. He leaves
a wife and two children, Harold and
Rachel to mourn his los9. Mr. Cornell
was known to his many friends as being
a man of rare gentleness aud refine
ment striving to treat every one right.
For the past year Mr. Cornell had
been at the head of tho Co-Lon-Co
Medical t'o.
Results of Primary!
Tho primary last Thursday night
was well attended and brought out
over 600 voters. D. C. Mclntyro was
elected chainnan and J. II. Ellis sec
rctarv by acclamation. The chair
appointed R. M. Hampton, Bruce
Wilcox and B. F. Bettlcheim as JudguS,
C. C. Barker, W. 0. Barnes and John
Ellis, clerks.
Each ward voted separately and bal
lots for school offices wore placed in a
separate ballot box as pait of the
school district is outside the city limits.
- . 1 , M 1 t li
jiimre uarmony prcvanen unu wjc
result of the ballots was as follows:
For mayor
Dr. L. W. Bowman , .... 313
C. Q AspenwaU- ....... V)$
For policu judge
L. A. Berry t p7
A. F. Baldridge. . -07
D. W. Butler ,.'..- tot
W.S. Ridgell f,
For city clerk 7
F. W. Harris ,197
F. L. Hoyt '161
For city treasurer- '
F. M. Knight ,. 222
R. M. Hampton..'. ui
For city engineer
J. P. Hazard 134
For councilman 1st ward j
V. H. Mollring noj
F. E. Holsten 84V
For councilman 2nd ward
II. K. MacCray... 10S',
II. H. I'ardey ;..... 37
For board of education
C. C. Smith.' , ... 2i7v
(.-. A. INowLmrry . . . . . , 174
Mrs. A. Mclntyro "98
L, H. Mosher 57
F. S. Reddish 04
The nominees of tho caucus will now
petition to go on tho ticket as there is
no provision in law to provide for a
citizen or 11011 partisan caucus. As
I practically all "the candidates had
picugcu inemseives 10 1110 same piat
fotm in advance. The result of the
caucus showed preferences for man
for each position; , -
Funeral of Mrs. Richard's.
The death of Mrs. J. F. Richards, of
this city last Sundav afternoon was
not entirely unexpected anxl jet it came
as a shock to" her friends. She had
been sick since last fall with a compli
cation of lagrippe and pneumonia. She
leaves a husband and six children to
mourn her loss. The funeral was con
ducted from the Baptist church of
which she was a consistent and devout
member, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Jeff
ers conducting the ceremony. Inter
ment in Greenwood cemetery.
New Iran to Guernsey.
Beginning April 9 the Burlington will
put on a new train to Guernsey, on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
alternating with the accommodation.
This will give the people on the Guern
sey line daily service for which they
have clammored for some time. With
the development of tho Pathfinder Irri
gation project in course of develop
ment there will bo still better train ser
vice on that line, as tho development
of the country will demand it.
Thank Offering Service.
Friday evening, March 24, at 7:30,
the W. F. M. S. will hold their first
annual Thank-Offering service. Good
music and a good literary program are
being piepared. At the M. E. church.
Everybody come.
TliOnrficst mid most complete stock of
Millinery In the city now 011 display at
Ucfian'.s, Opcrn House lilock. 11-2
Anderson and Duncan Found Guilty
at Sidney and Sentenced to
Penitentiary for Three
The cases of the state against Her
bert A. Anderson and Kirk Duncan,
charged with cattle stealing, were tried
at Sidney last wcok mid both parties
were found guilty and sentenced to
three years in the penitentiary. Scv
eial witnesses from Alliance wore at
Sidney hat Friday to testify in the
case against Anderson.
In speaking of the trials', tho Sidney
.Telegraph says:
"The case of the state vs Anderson
was taken up Wednesday njtcrnoon,
This is tho case whureiu dufendant H.
M- Anderson, living over in Box Butte
county north of Alliance, is charged
with having come down into Choyeimu,
'bounty on last December, and driven
oil suvoral hoad of cattle belonging to
Mrs. Ellen Dodge who lives at Grand
Island but who has a ranch in thu
north part of Cheyenne county in
charge of her brother, Mr. ,, Abbott.
The jury wu given the case just be
,foro noon, Friday, and after being out
but a few minutes, returned with a
verdict of guilty, fixing the valuo of
the soven cattle taken at St 50."
"Tho caso of tho state of Nobraska
vs Kirk Duncan was called ThutBday
morning. This is the case in which
defendant was charged with stealig a
steer from Miller Robison of Bridge
port. The case was given to the jury
on Wednesday afternoon and after re
maining out all night, they brought in
a verdict of guilty, and found the
value of the animal taken to be twenty
dollats. this is considered ipiitu a
victory for the state as the jury ut last
term of court could not agree, although
over half of the j.irois favored acquital
and it is' gonorally thought disagree
ment is almost equal to nu acquital.
The vordict seems to give general sat
isfactien." SI100I Report.
To the Board of Fducation and
of the Alliance City soliools:
1'itul lierewith appended a partial Jut
for the month coding March 3rd, igo'(.
Total nuuiber of implU enrolled this
month 1 .Tin
i2CurttlHirnf Vo.vs , Xli
WirflDBrnrpiriH .. ...3l
Tittul oiimIUsI 10 ditto .......... ,$m
erugf dill ly attoniliUH-o IBT.50
AvoruKonniiilh'rljfllijngliiK , 072.78
I'er o-nt.of dully uttwiiliuiue 1.IC
Nuinhor of tiinlk-s , hi.
IVr-vont. of iiiiuoiuiillty tfl.W
Neither at went nor tunly fur tlio month 2u".
Neither nhspiii nor turdy tu (late 77.
Numhur prusum evury day ,....:ru
N iinilwr of vlsl turn , ill)
Teiii'lier uWnt from school without
Mlliitltmo (hiilf days) !i
TeiifliiTs tardy ut suhoid 1
Tuiii'hum alitrnt with .substitute
lialfdtiys 27
Teachers iibucnt from H'uehoiV mwtliiK 1
Twicliun' vlolts to patrons '."J
Tenchrrs turdy nt Toucher's Mectlns.... 3
The High school retains the Hag for
another month. Can not one of the
grade rooms wrest the flag from the
High school next mouth? The follow
ing rooms were perfect in punctuality:
High school, seventh grade, sixth grade,
fifth grade, fourth grade, second pri
mary, all in the Central building, and
first and second primary room, and
third aud fourth primary, room in the
Emeisou building. It is due to the
fifth grade in Central building to state
that in that room there has not been
one tardy mark this year, though the
irregularity of attendance of a few of
the pupils has prevented the room
from holding the flag.
The maiii' expressions of satisfaction
made by the patrons of thu school with
reference to the school exhibit was a
source of gratification to the teachers,
and went far toward compensating for
the extra work entailed in the prepara
tion of the matter for the exhibit.
Should our contestant in the statu
contest come off victorious who
doubts it the Alliance schools and
city shall have ovary reason for felici
tations for the year's work in the
schools. Respectfully submitted,
W. H. Baktz' Supt.
Hill Home on Fire,
A fire started at the home of E. C.
Hill, caused by a home patent incuba
tor, was the event of quite a little ex
citement in this city last Sunday.
While the family was at church one
of their neighbors noticed smoke com
ing from tlie roof, and promptly gave
tho alarm. The department arrived
at the scene just as the fire was extin
guished, and found that one corner of
the room, where the incubator wns In.
,.. .. , . .. .... .v
catcd, had been afire and burnt through
the second tloor, but luckily had been
put out before much damage had been
Soil Culture Special.
Friday night at 6:50 the Burlington
soil culture special train will be iu
Alianco with representatives of the
State University who will lecture on
"Arid Land Soil Culture" to all who
are interested in tho subject. The
train will be provided with special
coaches to accomodate the crowd.
You simply go to the station at 6:50
and get on the car and listen to the
latest, best and moit approved methods
of producing crops in this territory.
If you expect to farm in this country it
will pay you to attend this meeting.
It is free, ft costs nothing to hear what
the most advanced farmers In the
country have learned. Then apply it
if it suits your case. There will he
plenty of room on the train for you,
The state is paying good money
every year to learn the best methods
of farming in every part of the state
aud the railroad company is helping
the good work along. Thuy know that
if you grow more ntul better crops
they will have more to haul and your
self, the railroad and tho state will
profit by it. By all moans go aud
hear it.
Ncls Ike of Seneca was in Alliance
Enginuor II. H. Beans wont over to
Denver thii week.
Boiler ilispoctor, M. U. Wells was in
Alliance yesterday.
Leo McCnuuick, of Omaha, is a
guest at the Lhtu'turs today.
F, A. I lively and E. C. McCiellan
spent last Sunday in Denver.
Mrs. J. L Hicks of Alliance is visit
ing frionds iu Denver this week,
Boiler maker J.J. Carlilc of Dead
wood was in Alliance this week.
Fireman F. Riser .and wife loft this
week for Billings to visit fiiemls.
Conductor W. S. Criiickshank is
laying off and has gone east on a visit.
Brakoman E. M. Gregg and family
loft this week to visit friends in Iowa.
Ex-difipalohor W. If. JolttiBod and
wife departed Sunday for tile east 011
No. 4-
On account of slack business two
freight crows were taken off at Alliances
thie week. .
Trainmaster' B. A. Campbell of
Sheridan was in Alliance the. first of
the week.
Conductor W. II. Kennedy of Alli
ance is laying off. and lias gone down
to Omaha. ,
rWcrrrwrr - JlWwl1lptf
and M. Moote of Ravenna have loft
tho service.
Conductor F. A, Dunning of Alliance
left this week to visit his mother at
Villisca, Iowa.
Firemen W. T. Waldron, J. C.
Sigrist and J. F. O'Rourke of Alliance
have left the service,
Brakeman J. J. Hull of Alliance has
resigned from the service and will en
gage iu the ranch business.
There were two sections of 41 through
Alliunce Wednesday, it being the cheap
rate day to the northwest.
C. N. Roup and J. N. Campbell of
the car department at Alliance went
down to uuerusey yesterday.
Conductor P. D. lohnson hns been
transferred to the east end as conduc
tor on the Kavenna-Scueca local.
There will be a hew time card out
April gth, and a train will be put on
between Alliance and Guernsey.
Engineer J. E, Hudson of Alliance,
hasxTcsigncd from thu service and will
go to Kansas aud engage in farming.
N'ight round house foreman, K. C,
Snntz of Allinncn is laviiiL' off and has
gone to Atchison for a visit of a few
I. E. Hawksworth. formerlv suner.
intendent of motive power of the Bur
lington, visited menus in Alliance
this week,
W. J. Jones, an expert electrician
was iu Alliance this week looking after
some repairs on the Burlington elec
tric light plant.
Brakeman E. B. Alicarn who hutt
been confined to his room for thu past
thirty days with typhoid fever, is able
again to be around,
The work of examining the train and
enginemen of the Deadwood line on
the book of rules and time card will
be commenced next week.
Conductor E. W. Stewart, of the
Dcadwood-Spcarfish line is laying off
on account of sickness and J. P.
Knowles is on the run in his place.
H. G. Burt formeily president of
the Union Pacific has been offered the
$100,000 a year position as head of the
building of the Panama canal. Mr.
Burt is recognized as one of the fore
most engineers of the country.
It is reported that conductor M. L.
Ronan of Sheridan is in a critical con
dition on account of an injured leg,
The leg was injured a short time ago
and blood poison has set in, Mr.
Ronan formerly worked out of Alliance
as conductor.
is the result of properly
fitted, neat appear
ing, serviceable foot
"The Flor3Heim"
original foot
xorm lasts in
sure a pro
per fit.
Grade materials make it look
and wear well. The exclusive
designs and individuality ot
this make are prominent and
desirable features.
We solicit your inspection
of this superior shoe before
making your next purchase.
YA W. Norton
xrt. rcLtiCAMicai,
In Alliance 10-30 of every month.
, Office over The Famous , . .
'Phone 391,
- Hampton Withdraws.
;tCriffi.fifoii"J,iff 'U&'ttn nw'o
tiqned as a petition candidate for eitv
treasurer, amiouueca that he will not
bo a candidate nnd will not allow Ids
name to. appear on tho ticket.
F. L. Hoyt who has been mentioned
as a petition candidate for city clerk
announces that lie will not be a caudt
date and will not allow his name to
appear on the ticket.
A. O. AspenwaU, who has been men
tioned as a petition candidate for
mayor, announces that he will not be (1
candidate and will not allow his name
to appear on the ticket.
W. S. Ridgell is out with a petition
as candidate for police judge.
A Treat For The Children,
So that nil the children may see and
be enlightened on the working of glass,
the Mitchell troupe of glass blowers
will admit all children to their cxhi
bitio on Saturday afternoon Mar. 2 5
from 2 10 5 p. in., for five cents and
each one will receive n present. Sat
unlay night is their last exhibition
here. 14-1
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is noreby given that the pait
nership heretofore oxhisting between
W. S. Acheson and J. E. Joder, uudo
the firm nume of Acheson & Joder, i
this day dissolved by mutual consent
J. E. Joder retiring from said firm, aim
W. S. Acheson continuing said bui
news, collecting all outstanding bills en
said firm and assuming all liabilities.
Dated Alliance, Nebr., March zi,
J. E. Joder.
W. S. Acheson.
For rent 160 acres pasture land,
the S. W. M of section 3, township 25
range 48, Box Butte Co., Nebr. "
Address W. M. Butler,
Durham, Kansas. 14-tf
Hats for the summer girl.
Morning hats.
Suit hats.
Tailor made hats.
Dress hats.
Hats for children.
Headquarters for all Millinery Mer
chandise. All new goods at very low
est prices.
14-2 Regan's.
All Hits week utUcguns. W-i
Garden seeds and onion sets at
Zbinden's. " ' 14-tf
i SL HaiB
Mk XflSk