Vi 4V; , . ' :s ', V .Oj NEW SIRRING GOODS AISD PRICES ON THEM TO SHOW THAT IT WILL SURELY PAY YOU TO FOR See Fred! DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &C. COMPLETE LINE OF NEW WASH GOODS New Ginghams for children's jC dress and aprons at "2 10c Madris Finish Ginghams. . . . 36-inch Red Seal Ging- sy 1 n hams 1-2 New Dress Percales. 9c New Figured Sateens. 15c 10c Sheer India Linens for. UsooLand.Nan" 10 to 25c Victoria Taffeta, the new goods for Shirt Waists and f Q -, Suits, at lOV' Toile Voile, a Beautiful Silk '"JOz-r Finish Goods aVSiKS, VC Pongee Japan, a Neat Figured Goods for Kimonas and s-ytZsv Gowns, at -v Silk Finish Dot Swiss. 25c Curtains and Bed Room Swiss Decorations At 10 to 35c Bigger and Better Line of Muslin Underwear r fWw A AT IKICr.S THAT SAVE AND TI1K GOODS THAT SUM. A good cambric, neatly trimmed Corset Cover for 25C A fine muslin, high, suarc-ncck Corset Cover for 3SC A fine cambric lace and insertion trimmed Corset Cover. . . . 50 tO 75C Ladies' open Muslin Drawers, trimmed very neat, from.. ..25C tO $1 Ladies' plain white Muslin Skirts and Trimmed Skirts.. 50 tO $3.50 Ladies' Nightgowns, a beautiful line, running from 50 tO $4 gNevv Lace and Tap3stra Curtains CAM. AMI SKi: Til KM ! BWlMMTr" S'tl-UT-'Mi GOOD SHOES Elkskin Shoe for working boys and men; you can take it straight from me that you will wait a long time before you will find qrrs anything nearly as good for the coin tHpj.sCJ Boys' Hardknock Shoes. Boys will be fia boys, and this is the shoe vIp " The Regent Shoe for men; try a pair for a neat dress shoe, made of Vici Kid, Patent Calf, Box Calf, made by skilled workmen, $2.50 to $4.00. H HMMHHMM IH wmmmmmammmmmmaajma sold close to buy more shoe business I II lllll IMIIWIK IMMUMIMWlWIIHlMiW NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY TO BE SOLD CLOSE TO GET YOUR TRADE YOURS RESPECTFULLY, FVeci TVlollrim ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WKST SIDK MAIN STREET.. If m. James, HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Tlrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. 'Phone 421. Exclusive Dealer in COAL & .. WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and GRAIN WII0LK8AI.K A.NII KKTAII, HANDI.K& Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 93. For Sale: Bakery ajid confection ery in good Colorado town; 6000 peo ple. Steam heat and light. Two wagons. Sales last year $14,256.32: .price $1,800.00. For full particulars call at Tufi Hkkald office. G-tf. t W i --Xj , W. M. FOSKETT -A-"U-ctIorieer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. K3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or seil rancii prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Nun. , HEMINGFORD. , Until I I'litvn is fully authorized to -licit Miiim rli.tloiit. ntul Jwb work nud rullvct Ivid ro. ipt fur name, nml tnuiwiei Hit alitor jusiih s-. in i-onmvlloil with lilt position iimtu iuvnu tcii riirixi(iitHttviiuf tlili mut ! !-. L 1 prett went to Alliance Tuelay I V Lorkwood was in town Wednes day. I Mrs. K L. PiarCe was uillo sick FriJ day Lou Hood was up from Canton Wed nesday. lvnimett Johnson was in Hemingford Wednesday x H H, Gceu was an Alliance visit or Wednesday. Revival meetings are still in progress at the Methodist church. Frank Nagolschneider has entered the employ of A. II. Pierce. Jas. Barry has 1-ascd his farm to M. II. Goodenough for this year. 5 per cent paid on interest certificates. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. Miss Annie Nerdness and Hans Hansen will be married Thursday of this week. Charley Bushncll returned from Alliance Saturday and has gone to clerking for his father. Mrs. B. E. Johnson has spent the last three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mc Candlcss. D, J. O'Kcefe has rented his 200 acre farm north of the It. K. track to II. F. Goodenough. Mrs. Ward came up from Alllanco Tues day to assist in caring for her mother, Mrs. McCandless who Is quite sick. Mrs. Elmer Rowland came home from her extended visit with friends and rel atives at her old homo iu Iowa, Sunday. Gasoline motors for bicycles are coming into use rapidly, and a number will be ordered by bicycle riders here this spring. The village election will take place early in April. Three trustees will be elected for two years and two for one year. Mrs Rustin missed 4G Thursday and 42 Friday morning and as a result, had to stay here on Friday oue of her office days. Insure your stock now against fire nnd lightning. $t 80 per $100.00 for five years. Covers increase and all, actual value. K. L. Pierce, agent. Omer Rowland and wife have contract ed to work for H. L. Bushnell this sum mer on the Elmore farm where Mr. Bush nell will plant 300 acres of potatoes, W A. Spice, a farmer from Iowa, who located a claim under the Kinkaid law in the Furman neighborhood, arrived from Iowa the last of the week, and will tako up his residence on the new ranch at once. Drafts under $5. 3 cents; under $15, 5 cents, $15. to $100. io cents. Cheapest, safest, best way to remit money. Get a bank money order. First Stato Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. The safest, best, cheapest way to send money away is by bank draft (money order) New York drafts always Wanted by all mail order houses. First .State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. A dipping association has been formed by the ranchmen south of town, A mod ern tank and the other requisites will be secured and their dipping utensils will bo kept on the Barney Shepherd ranch. SCHOOL NOTES. Miss Jennie Walker was out the first of the week with a gathering in her head, but w as able to be at school today. Examinations are in order. Some of the eighth grade pupils have received sev eral sets of teachers' and county examina tion questions and are "cramming" for the final ordeal. I wonder why' Be on hand March 24th at 8 p. m. pre pared for a good laugh. The High school will play "Hans Von Smash," a comical Dutch play of two acts and ''No cure, no pay." Something too silly and funny to be described. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Proceeds to go to our School Library, Rnnm nf tli IipqI tnlftnl In rlinnl i In nnr scheme to swell the Library fund and you will get the worth of your money. Come. Do you like PAN- CAKES? Oriental Pan Cake Flour will suit you Oriental Coffee & Tea Co. JOHN A. IIUNZICKER, Agt. Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders delivered anywhere. Phone 448 Alliance, Nebraska For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon V. N. Corneal. c-tf Torm Tor Sale. The northwest quarter of section in tounship 27 range 49, joining corporate limits of Hemingford, Nebr. Seventy acres under cultivation, :o acres ash tim ber, best well in county. Irrigation reservoir stocked with fish. Good invest ment throughout. Will be sold cheap for cash, E. E. Olds, 13-tf Hemingford, Nebr. Fence postr at cost, to close out. At H. K. Green's. 13-4 A Big Deal. I have bought at bankrupt sale a stock of men's fine clothing. I will offer same to the Hemingford people in the I'ostoflice room at less than the cost of the raw material. Sec my advertisements. Sale begins Satur day March 18. J. B. 13-1. Notice. We have for sale on terms to suit pur chaser the following second hand imple ments; One three-disc gang plow. One combined lister and drill. One two-row listed corn cultivator. One broad cast seeder. One Barlow corn planter with sod at tachments. One Carsady sulky plow. One disc harrow. Also one three disc rotary Dutchman gang and one two-disc rotary dutchman. Clark Olds & Co. 13-tf Hemingford, Nebr. A BIG DEAL. JZ) 'iimn5 Watches, .Gold Jewelry, . . Souvenirs Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Brandies. ww "" attended to. 9 A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. HAVE YOU SEEIS BILL ? W&&& Stirring Plows Breaking Plows Disc Plows Steel-Tooth Harrows Disc Harrows Wntking Cultivators Riding Cultivators End-Gate Seeders Disc Seeder Attachments Potato Cutters and Planters Call and See them. Fanning Mills Feed Grinders F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN" Drugs and , Perfumes Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper FIR8T NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. Alliance, Nebraska. sttSto. - t FltOM TO Nothing is moro interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of UuUdlna Material. CALL AND S1JK US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Co. Why Suffer with a Headache? -GET- Holsten's Headache Tablets They are safe and sure and leave, no bad after effects. F. E. Holsten's Drug and Jewelry Store fmumxasxSsagfSf For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. 1 ry Dlerks' Lumber and Coal Co. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid & Loan Asso. ' I'houe 32. IVJCLSOIN XJUICXOI-XISUfc FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hurt ford I'lro Insuraiico Comniiny. Noitli American of I'hllauVliilnu. Plioenlx of Ulooklyn. New York. Continental of Now VorkOlty, Columbia Flro Insurance Company, i.iiiM.iii, 1 mi juiuruiiv-u iiiupnuy. i-iii!iiuuiimi;i unuurwnicrij. New ork Underwriters, New York. J'lioeulx Iss Co., llurtford, Conn. Commercial Union Assurance Co., -London I Office L'p-Stairs.FIctclicr lllock. I Liverpool. London and (Jlobe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., Now York. Karuiurs and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139. w fiiS HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goodst S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store thea in a nice, dry and coq! place and pack and ship tliem wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city, S. A. miller. IS 3, X XI. Palace Livery 8. II. D12.SOII, Prop. ONK JII.OCK WKST OIJ flnr1 turnmits. etrirr nffpnlinn fn nnr hiisinpsa. and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronaue wo enjoy. Trv us. TUT. NT.W ZHINDKN IUI1.DIXG. 'Phone, I have bought at bankrupt sale a stock of Men's fine clothing. I will offer same to the Hemingford people in the Postoffice room at less than the cost of the raw material. See my advertisements. Sale begins Saturday March 18. J. 15. Miller. BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the U, S. AM am sole agent for this high grade CoHee and recommend its use. I am not going to make a display of cheap bar gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap premiums. Come to the store, I have the best goods that money can buy and these will be my bargains to my customers. For your patronage I thank you. Why! Bless my Soul! Ifs White House Coffee. DWINELL-WRIQHT CO., BOSTON. CHICAOO. James Graham W est of Alliance National Bank.