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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
DERANGED NERVES DISTRESSING TROUBLES LEFT BY ST. VITUS AND GRIP. Woumti A fillet r-tl for Yrnm lijr Klrnnce .Spelt nf NtiiiilmrM nml Wrnknras Itocotrra Perfect Hrnllli. Yiicubiio wns fonrteeit years old, MrH, Ida L. JJrown Jmd 8t. Vitus' ctnucc. She finally rrot over tlio most tioticcnblo fentnrcft lf tlio (.trntigoniliiionr, but wim still trrmfolmt by very uncomfortable M'li baIi'oiim, which hlio recently described ns follows : " Olio limiitf half rf my faco, nnd linlf of my I on gun would tret cold nml numb. Tho fecliiiKH would coiiio oil, Inst for about ten niiiiutux, nml then go nwny, Kovornl times n tiny. Bcnidcs I would Imve palpitation of tlio lnfnrt, nml my strength would get so low tbnt I could hlinlly breathe. Ah t into went on tlir-Mt spells kept coining olteuer nml growing worfre. Tho numbness wonldsoinot lines extend over Imlf my body." " How did you get rid of them?" "It fcectned for n long time iib If I novrr could got rid of them. It wiin not until nbouthixyenrHngothiit Ifouud nromedy tlint hnd virtue enough in it to rench my ewe? Tlmt whs Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills for Pnlo People, nnd they luivo hineo en tirely cuml inc. J' Did ir. take- long to effect n cur? " 'No I I'lmdu't tnkeii the wholuof tlio first box before I saw n great Improve ment, So 1 keptou using them, growing bet ter nil tlio t iinc.un til I hnd tnkeii eight boxes nml then I wns perfectly well, and I Imvo roninined in good hcnlth ever Hineo with'ono exception." WhntwiiHthnt?" " Oh that wna when I hnd tho grip. t wns in bed, under tho doctor'n enre, for two weoT;, Wllen I got up I had dreadful nttncknof dlz.inesH. 1 hnd to grnsp hold of something or I would full right down. Iwns just miserable, mid when I wnv Hut doctor wns not helping me, I begnu to tnko Dr. Williams' Pink lilln iiguiii. In n short time they cured mo of tlmt trouble too, nnd I hnva never ind any dizzy HpoTIs Rluce." Mm. Ilrown lives nt No. 170,"DoWitt street, Mnttoon, Illinois. Dr. Willlnms' Pink PUIh nro without nn cqunl for tho rnpiilnml thorough euro of nervous pros tnlt toi. They expel tho poison left in thg fcvstem by nuejh dihensoK us grip nnd nro jlw lie..r of tonics in nil enses of wenk, They nro sold by every druggist. Prince wirsky, Russia's reform Btmusmnn. attributes much of IiIb sue. cost In public life to Ills brilliant wife. Knrllml (3rren Onions, The John A. Kslzer Seed Co., n Crosse, Wis., always have Homcthititf new, Home thing valuable. Tin year they offer among their new money making vege table, an Ksrlicst Orccn Kitting Onion. It ,'s a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! JDBT BEND THIS NOTICE -tD ICO. and they will send you their big plant 'and seed caUlog, together with enough seed to grow 1,009 fine, solid Cabbages, 2,005 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,00) blanching, nutty Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery lUuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, ',1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. In all over 10,000 plants this great offer is tnsde to get you to test their warranted vegetable needs and ALL FOB BUT IGO rOSTAOE, -providing you will return this notice, and if you will send them -Cc in postnge, they will add to the above a big package of Salter's Fourth of duly Sweet Corn tho earliest en earth 10 days earlier than Cory, Peep o' Day, First of All.ctc. IW.N.U. A dreamy tho devil. religion nqver disturbs YELLOW CRUST ON BABY Would Crack Open and Scab Causing Terrible Itching Cured by Cutlcura. "Our baby had a. yellow crust on his head which I could not keep away. Wllen I thought I had succeeded In getting his hoad clear, it would start again by tho crown of his head, crack and scale, and cause terrible Itching. I then got Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment, washing the scalp with the soap and then applying tho Ointment. A few treatments made a complete cure. I have advised a number of mothers to use Cutlcura, when I have been asked about tho samo ailment of their babies, Mrs. John Boyce, Pino Bush, N. Y." Piety does not turn a man into putty. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by a new process, in a few weoks, with out loss of time or inconvenience. Rectal diseases cured without the knife. Send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., 521 N. Y. Life Bids., Omaha. No man climbs to heaven by tall talk. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers Bay they don't keep Defiance Starcb. This is becauso they have n stock on band of other brands containing only 1.2 ounces In a pack age, which they won't bo able to sell first, becauso Dellance contains 1C ounces for the same money. Do you want 1C ounces Instead of 12 ounceR for same money? Then buy De fiance Starch. Requires no cooking. The world will uoi bo saved by stainod glass saints. Mother Grnj's Sweet Fowders for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse, (n the Children's Homo in New York, euro Constipation, Faverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate .the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address A. S.Olmsted.Le Roy.N.Y. One man's hypocrisy does not ex cuso anothqr'a indolence. 11) INAV6VRAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Short Speech Delivered by Chief Executive After Taklntf tho Oath of Office Our Duties a Nation to tho World and to Ourselves. After takirg the oath of ofilcc dur ing tho Innugurnllon ceremonies tit Washington March 4. PrcBltloot Koose volt delivered the folldwlng epeach: My Fellow Citizens: No peoplo on oarth liav? more, mtiso to bo (hnnkful than ours, "and this l fnld rovefently. In no spirit of bonftfulneis In our own strength. but with gratitude to 'tho Giver of Goml. wlio lias IjIosrpii uk with t'.ie conditions which bnvo onnblrd us to nchltvo so largo n mcritftiro of well beliiK nnd of liapplifess. To us ns n propif It linn lyoen gran'ed to lay the foundations of our national Ufa In n row continent. Wo nro the heirs of Him ngofl. nnd yet wo have hud to pny fpw of the pemiltlcH .which In old Cftirtrles nro exitdorl by tho dend blind of n bygono civilization. We linve not been obliged to fight for oil! oylMfnco ngalnst any alien race; mid et our life has called for the vigor nnd effort wltljout which the innnlfer and hardier virtues wither nwny. Under such condlllotiR It would bo our own fault if wo failed; nnd tlio succesK which we hnve had In the past, the success which wo con fidently bellevo the future will bring, should causo In us no feeling of vain glory, but rnthor a deep nnd abiding realization of all which life has of fered tin: n full acknowledgment of tho responsibility which Is ours; nnd a fixed determination to show that under n freo government n mighty people enn thrive best, alike ns re gards tho things of tho body nnd tho things of tho soul. Much has been given to us, nnd much will rightfully bo expected from tin. Wo havo duties to others nnd duties to ourselves; nnd wo can shirk neither. We havo become n great na tion, forced by tlio fact of Its great ness Into relations with" tho other na tions of tho earth; and we must be huve ns beseems a people with such responsibilities. Toward nil other nations, largo and small, our attitude PRESIDENT Inaugurated must be one of cordial and sincere friendship. Wo must show not only in our words but in our deeds that wc aro earnestly desirous of secur ing their good will by nctlng toward them In a spirit of just and generous recognition of all their rights. But justice and generosity in a nation, as in an individual, count most when Bhown not by tho weak but by tho strong. While over caroful to refrain from wronging others, wo must bo no less Insistent that wo aro not wronged ourselves. We wish peace; but wo wish tho peace or Justice, tho peace of righteousness. Wo wish it because wo think it is right and not becauso wo aro afraid. No weak nation thnt nets manfully nnd Justly should ever have causo to fear us, and no strong power should ever bo able to slnglo us out as a subject for insolent ag gression. Our relations with tho other pow. crs of tho world aro important; but still moro Important aro our relation's among ourselves. Such growth in wealth, in population, and In power as this nation has seen during the con- Thinks "Ben-Hur" Great Book. Ayad A. Ghnzull, an Egyptian, on gaged in the work of tho medical de partment of tho University of Cincin nati, has applied to tho publishers of "Ben-Hur" for permission -to trnnslute tho work Into Arabic;. Mr. Ghazull has translated a number of works, in cluding Sponcor's "History of Philos ophy." It is his opinion that there is need for just such a book as "Ben Hur," which ho doscrlbos as "one of the most Instructive and intoroBtlng books of this age," in tlio Egyptian church of which Uo is n member. Inrv nml n mtnrlnr nf IlK nnllnnnl 1lfo Is Inevitably accompanied by n llko I growth in the proiiiems which are over boforo every nation that rises to greatness. Power invariably means both responsibility and danger. Our forefathers faced certain perils which wo havo outgrown. Wo now face oth er perils tho very, existence of which It was impossible that they should I lornsoe. aioiiern mo is ooin compiox nnd Intense, and tho tremendous chnngos wrought by tho extraordinary industrial developments of tho Inst half century nre felt In every fiber of our social and political being. Never before have men tried so vast nnd for midable nn exporlniont as that of ad ministering tho affairs of a cohtlnent under the forms of a democratic re public. Tho conditions which have told for our marvelous material well being, which have developed to a very high degreo our energy, self-reliance, nnd Individual initiative, have also biought tho care and anxiety insepar able from tho accumulation of great wealth In Industrial contors. Upon the success of our experiment much dt-pends; not only ns regards our own volfnre, but as regards the welfare of mankind. If we fall, tho cause of freo self-government throughout tho world will rock to Its foundations; and therefore our responsibility Is heavy, to ourselves, to tho world ns It Is to day, nnd to tho generations yet tin br.rn. There Is no good reason why wo should fear the future, but there Is. every reason why wo should faco It seriously, neither hiding from ourselves the gravity of tho problems before us nor fearing tc approach these pioblcms with the unbending, unflinching purpose to solve them nrlght. Yet, after all. though tho problems nro new, though tho tasks set before Mb differ from tho tasks set before our fathers who founded and pre strved this republic, the spirit In which these tasks must be undortnk- I' ROOSEVELT. March 4, 1905. on nnd these problems' faced, If our duty is to bo well done, remains essen tially unchanged. We know that self government Is difficult. Wo know that no people needs such high traits of character as that peoplo which seeks to govern its affairs aright through the freely expressed will of tho free men who compose it. But wo havo faith thnt we shall not prove false to tho memories of the men of tho mighty past.- They did their work, they left us the splondld heritage wo now enjoy. Wo in our turn have an arsured confidence that wo shall bo able to leave this heritago unwasted and enlarged to our children nnd our children's children. To do so wo must show, not merely in great crises, but In tho everyday affairs of life, the qualities of practical intelligence, of courage, of hardihood anil endurance, and above- all tho power of devotion to a lofty ideal, which made great tho mon who founded this republic hi tho days of Washington, which mndo gieat tho men who preserved this republic in the days of Abraham Lin coln. Everybody "Practical" Now. "We live In a practical ago," re marked a West Philadelphia!!. "For years I've noticed tho sign or a man who advertises to do practical liorso shoelng. Now, n Woodland Avenue barber has himself down ns a practi cal hair-cutter. Napoleon always shav,ed himself. I alwas thought it provod him- oltbor ovor-susplcioua or ccwardly; but perhaps it because those who wielded the razor were not practloul In those days. The sign of the practical toothpullor lg yet to ap pear." Philadelphia Record. FHOM MISErtY TO HEALTH. A Prominent Club Woman, of Kansas City, Writes to Thank Doan's Kid ney Pills for a Quick Cure Miss Nellie Davis, of 121G Michigan Avenue, Kansas Clt, Mo., society leader and club woman, writes; "1 cannot sny too much In praise of Doan's Kidney Pills, for they effected a com plete cure in a very short time when I wns suffering from kidney troubles brought on by a cold. I had severe pains In the back and sick headaches, and felt miserable all over. A Tew boxes of Doan's Kidney PIUp made mo a well woman, without an acho or pain, and I feel compelled to recommend this reliable remedy." (Signed) Nollle Davis. A TItlAL FREE Address Foster Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, DO cents. Adulteration cf Coffee. A German review contains nn ar ticle by Hertnrelll on a new adultera tion of coffee. The roasted beans are plunged In a five per cent nolutlon or borax and then left to dry. The borax makes them shine and absorbs tfater, thua'ndding to the weight of the cof fee. The way to discover this Ingenl ous fraud is to dry tho coffee and If It loses over 4 per cent In weight thero has been n fraudulent absorp tion of water. London Glob. Believed Smallest Shetland Pony. A Hlackburn (England) man owns a Shetland pony which !h believed to be the smallest In the United King dom F.our years old, fully grown, jet black, with a long, shaggy coat, It Ih only twenty-seven nnd one-half inches high, or one-half Inch short o' sfaven hands. Tobacco and Deafness. Tobacco has been discovered to have a selective action upon tho au ditory nerve. Moderation In the use of the drug, nnd avoiding It altogether where deafness has already begun, or where there Is a family history of such troubles. Is advisable. Curious Weather Vane. An Englishman has erected a curi ous weather van on his house along side the road near Westerhnm. It depicts a motor car running over a pedestrian, while at the nrrow end of the vano Btands tho avenger a po llceman with uplifted nrm. What London Spends on Cabs. A statistician has arrived at the conclusion that $25,000,000 Is speni yearly by the public of London on cabs. He also estimates that of that great sum perhaps ?7,500,000 repre sents tips and overcharges. 4 At the government sallon Lulea, k Sweden, experiments tiro being made to secure varieties of plants not like 'y to be Injured by frost. Unlike the human being, the horse with the biggest "pull" does tho most of the nulling. THE TRICKS. Coffee Plays on Some. It hardly pays to laugh before you aro certain or facts, for It Is some times humiliating to think of after wards. "When I was a young girl I was a lover of coffee but was sick so much the doctor told me to quit and I did but after my marriage my husband begged me to drink it again as he did not think it was the coffee caused the troubles. "So I commenced It again and con tinued about C months until ray stom ach commenced acting bad and chok ing as If I had swallowed something the size of an egg. Ono doctor said it was neuralgia and indigestion. "Ope day I took a drive with my husband three miles In the country and I drank a cup of coffee for dinner. I thought sure I would dlo before I got back to town to a doctor. I was drawn double in the buggy and when my husband hitched the horse to get ma out Into the doctor's office, misery came up in my throat and seemed to shut my breath off entirely, then left all in a flash and went to my hea--t. The doctor pronounced it ner vous heart trouble and when I got homo I was so weak I could not sit up. "My husband brought my supper to my bedside with a nice cup of hot cof fee but I said: 'Take that back, dear, I -will never drink another cup of cof fee It you gave me everything you are worth, for it is Just, killing me,' Ho and tho others laughed at me and said: '"The idea of coffee killing any body.' "'Well,' Isald, 'It is nothing elso but coffee that Is, doing It.' "In tho grocery one day ray hus band was persuaded to buy a box of Postum which he brought home and I made it for dinner and wo both thought how good it was but said nothing to tho hired men and they thought they had drunk coffee until wo laughed and told thorn. Well we kept on with Postum and It was not long before tho color camo back to my cheeks and 1 got stout and felt as good as I ever did in my life. I havo no moro stomach trouble and I know I owo it all to Postum In place of coffee. "My husband has gained good health on Postum, as well as baby and I, and wc all think nothing is too good to say about It." Namo given by Postum Co,, Battle Creek, Mich. iH . II jaai:.i 1 Words Which Fr3"-e L' '-n. The number of English words ab sorbed Into tho French language 'dur ing recent yents without any employ ment of italic typo or quotation marks. Is considerable. In a rapid skimming of one number of a Paris dally paper, an editor came across the words "Interview," "meeting." "dockers," "steeplechase." "handi cap," "editorial," "wagon," "clown." and "tramway," Worth Remembering. It made tho air shine nfler the sound hnd died away, and yet It was Just the remark of a young man who walked past mo one day arm-in-arm wl,th a companion: "Depend upon It. Tom, St. Edmund of Canterbury wasr right when ho said to somebody, 'Work as though you would live for ever; live ns though you would die today.' "Exchange. Close Prisoner for 21 Years. Twenty-one years ago a peasant in the village of Jaennersdorf, near Ost prlegnitz, placed his fou In a small building, nnd, nfter walling him in. kept him there. Food wns handed in through a Rmall opening not many Inches In diameter, which wns tho only 'channel for light and air within. Tho peasant is now aged DO, his wife 8G and tho eon 4G. Promptly Fixing the Blame. Miss Thrce-Y ear-Old was obliged to remain Indoors because of a severe cold. looking out of the window, she saw her favorite boy playmate with another little girl. They were having a fine -time In the snow. Turning to her mother, the cooped-up exclaimed: "I nerer did llko that girl." Dealing with Burning OH. To extinguish burning oil do not throw Water on the flames, for U will only spread them by causing tho oil to floaL The right plan Is to throw on flour, earth or sand. Any of these tilings will soak up the oil generally paraffin from an overturned lamp and quickly extinguish the fire. Every housekeeper should know that ir they will buy Deflnace Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because It never sticks to the Iron, but because each package contains 10 oz. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in vi-pound pack ages, and tlio price is the same, 10 cents. Then ngaln becauso Heflnnce Starch is freo frohi nil injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you n 12-oz. package it is because ho has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "10 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the Iron stick ing Defiance never sticks. Love leaps over the grave. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully erery bottle of CASTOTtlA, a life and euro remedy for infants aud children, and ace that It Bears the '" C&k&ffi&cJ&l. Signature i la Use Tor Over ao Yean. The Kind You llaro Always Bought. You can only sell honor once. It Cures Coldff, Doughs, Soro Throat. Crouri, InHuunza, AVliooplriK Cou,r)i, Uronchltis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption In 11 rM ttageK.andn&urerellPtlnadrani'etfhtagrs. Vt at once. You will tho excellent effect nf lei taking tho Urst dose. Hold by dealers every where. Lar;o bottles 25 cents and 60 cents. u,c.V'i.,0i.Thomi8eri Eyt W-ttr Say Plainly to Your Grocer 1 That you want LJON COFFEE always, and lie, being n Bquaro man, will not try to Bell you any thing else. You may not caro for our opinion, but What About the United Judgment of Millions of housekeepers who have usod LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is thero any stronger proof of merit, than the Em ftlk Lion-head on every package. Savo these Lion-beads for -valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON 8PICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. It Is the Inrkniptt who pray "Give un our debts and wo will forgive our del tore." aeMassaocsssscaots&attxrocv v For Cupboard Corner St. Jacobs Oil Straleht. rtrtmir, sura. Is Ilia bst household remedy fcr Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains Lumbago Bruises Backache Soreness Sciatica Stiffness Price, 25c. and 50c. lieiieg9tt9 BEST BY TEST "I have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from alj kinds of weather." (The nime tni icMrcit cf ihe wnier of thu unwlicitrd letitr my b luj upon rplicuon ) A. J. TOWER CO. TheS'snofiheFnh Boston. U. S. A. CfWERS TOWER CANADIAN :MM: CO.. LIMITED " ' - -.." Toromo. Cuud. WHWS Maktrt of Warranted W$t Wtathtr Clothing Mi VERY FEW. IF ANY, CIGARS SOLD AT 5 CENTS. oOST AS MUCH TO MANUFACT URE. OR COST THE DEALER AS MUCH AS . CREMO 99 IF THE DEALER TRIES TO SELL YOU SOME OTHER ASK YOURSELF WHY? ChicksWellHatched Are Half Sold To be praStabU an Incubator matt huteh vhleka to aTcrac H& or ri-rtlle ?a-fft t rBf, htklthr ebUlit that will lire una crow to malar It. That's what tho SURE HATCH INCUBATOR to.?xSSd0onbaT, TUIAL, with IO,O00.0O& V,sra lli.rnm. Operoteiwltu hatrths oil acd halrtho traukla other da Utah poroontags hitehe. hatched early, that IWeand crow, ranks money. Ud cblcaa aro n losa. Tho bet brooder can't ?e pnorlrhatchad cbli ken. Our KO.KUU INCUliATOlt, complete with nil Or ture. delivered, all charge prepaid to anr C1(t plactt-riutof the Iiockjr Mountain., foronlr lJSAVS Write for freo catalogue today and learn war Hare Uatcbee make money while other lose money. RUUE lla.Trll INCUIIATOH I OUI'AMY. Clay Center. Neb. lud'UnapeUa.Iad. NIXED FARMING WHEAT RAISIH& RAHCNINQ Threo prcut pur.'iiltr hate again abown wocderfnl roiulu on the Free Haiueatead Land or Weitera Canada thli year. . Macnltcent climate farmer plowlnc In thelriblrt slee ei In the middle of Muvetuber. "All are bound to be more thia pieated with the final reu'- w the paataeaion'n harvet." Ki tract. Coal, wood, water, hay In abundance, bchoola, churcbea, market convenient. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or toautborlted Canadian (loernmenl Agent V. V, Bennett, sot New YorB Life Building-, Omaha, Nebraska. rieaie aay v rere yju taw tbla advertisement. FARMS FOr 8aI pSyrSetftS I ttll III U j. KULHALL, Bio!ttOily"l.wa: aUH Confidence of the People and ever increasing popularity? LION COFFEE Is carefully se lected at the plantation, shipped direct to our various factories,. where it is skillfully roasted and carefully packed In sealed pack agesunlike loose coif ee, which Is exposed to germs, dust, In sects, etc. LIONCOFFEEreaches you as pure and clean as when It left the factory. Sold only In 1 lb. packages. i r sa ,ir-ig-