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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
'.I Q ? h'"k ' Avs NEW SPRING GOODS 3EC FOR DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &C. COMPLETE LINE OF NEW WASH GOODS New Ginghams for children's r dress and aprons at J2 Madris Finish Ginghams. ... "" wwiwwiiipwr wmin m i.i w mp maw 36-inch Red Seal Ging- jj n hams lA2 iaMMMMUaHMPMniNMHnMIMMlIBainMHawnpJBMaM New Dress Percales V k New Figured Sateens Jw Sheer India Linens for... fl" DismooLam.rNan: 10 to 25c HOES Elkskin Shoe for working- boys and men; you can take it straight from me that you will wait a long time before you will find q- rys anything nearly as good for the coin iPw.5 Boys' Hardknock Shoes. Boys will be sg boys, and this is the shoe & I zrC The Regent Shoe for men; try a pair for a neat dress shoe, made of Vici Kid, Patent Calf, Box Calf, made by skilled workmen, $2.50 to $4.00. FrecJ TWollring LAKESIDE LIGHTS. Lee Arnold has built an office to the south side of his livery barn. Once again the baling machine is in operation at Theo. Thompson's, Hr. Travers living about 12 miles south of town is slowly recovering from a seige of pneumouia. J. B. Brown and wife who have been quite sick for some little time are now be ginning to mend. C. H. Tulley is moving into his new house. Mr. Tulley and all Lakeside are juatly proud of this new residence. Ed Estes has accepted a position with the De France Cattle Co.. as carpenter and woodworker in general at a sa'ary of $50 per month and board. Mrs. Ciscoe, Mrs. Lee Arnold's mother, who came to visit with her daughter two months ago went to Alliance last Saturday to visit with a son for a few days. Ira Skiles and family and School-master Judson drove out to the Morgan ranch Friday evening and visited over till Sun day, bringing Miss Morgan home with them. Revival servides were begun at this place Sunday morning Rev. Lyons preach tbe prelimary sermon. Rev. Geo. D. Eg ner of Crawford arrived and will assist in the meetings. Oscar Braman took a load of household goods overland to a farm near Oskosh last v,eek returning yesterday evening. He expects to take his new made bride to the above place the latter part of this week. With the appearance of the duck comes also the incipient nimrod, and likewise consternation among the migratory feath ery tribe. That all these would be mighty hunters are not failures is attested to by A1SD PRICES ON THEM TO THAT IT WILL SURELY PAY See Fred! Tictoria Taffeta, the new goods for Shirt Waists and -t Qn Suits, at Oi Toile Voile, a Beautiful Silk 'TKHky Finish Goods JMS&c WWIM ! I mi H ! H - I TTT11IT 1 IIIIIMIBIMI Pongee Japan, a Neat Figured Goods for Kimonas and K-r Gowns, at JiDL Silk Finish Curtains and Decorations At Bigger and Better Line of Muslin Underwear AT I'KICES THAT SAVE AM) Till! GOODS THAT SUM. A good cambric, neatly trimmed Corset Cover for , 25C A fine muslin, high, square-neck Corset Cover for 35C A fine cambric lace and insertion trimmed Corset Cover. . . . 50 tO 75C Ladies' open Muslin Drawers, trimmed very neat, from. . ..25C tO $1 Ladies' plain white Muslin Skirts and Trimmed Skirts.. 50 tO $3,50 Ladies' Nightgowns, a beautiful line, running from 50 tO 4 ;New Lace and Tapastra Curtains; CAM. AM SI'.E Rliin lMvumr wwm nhiimi sold close to buy more shoe business NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY TO BE SOLD CLOSE TO GET YOUR TRADE YOURS RESPECTFULLY, our preacher who says; "If you don't be lieve me, come ,over to dinner tomorrow and see." And now the ever popular "hen egg" is coming to town in large numbers Mid sizes. Ever come thou festal fruit, thy numbers still increasing; that when Easter comes thy moneyed flavor be found de creasing. Rev. Lyons spent last week visiting among his parishoners at and near Luella. He reports the Luella Aid as making prep arations for their annual fair and festival, which will be held the Luella church about May 4, Later announcement will be made. A box social as announced was held at the Lakeside school hoube last Friday evening. On account of the dark night there was not a very large turnout. How ever those who were present enjoyed the the occasion. The League realized $G 50. Mrs. H. J. Thompson started last' Sun day for an extended visit among friends and relatives in Iowa. She went to Al liance and from there took the train for Iowa City thence to Cedar Rapids, She will attend the wedding of a niece at the latter place. MARSLAND. E. E. Horner transacted business in Crawford Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S.J.Wooton visited friends at Pide Ridge, Sunday. Kendric Bros., A. McLaughlin, and C, A. McGogy are shipping baled hay. Mrs, Hopkins of Neleigh is here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bagley. Mrs. Frank Moore and children are at the Commercial for a few days visit, , Mrs. David Hunseake has been quite ill the past week, but is now improving. WIM SHOW YOU TO 25c Dot Swiss. Bed Room Swiss 10 to 35c THEM I Mrs. Chisek of Chadron sister of Mrs. Wanek of Lawn, came down recently for a visit. E. E. Rrott and son Rufus, and Will Packard came down from the Ridge with wood Monday. August Rohde, Fritz Hoflman and J, Sullenberger have been putting in wheat the past week. C. A. Minic cashier of the First Nnilnn. al Bank at Crawford, was in town on uusiness rriaay. T. J, Poole was in town baturday, for the first time in three mouiiti. His health is much improved. The city water works are ugaiu fn ope ration, a newDemster windmill and a new tower having been erected. Mrs. Hughes went to Crawford Thurs day to transact business and do some trading, bhe returned on Friday, Hundreds of bushels of potatoes are be ing received at this market, the most of which will be shipped to Oklahoma. Mrs. Hodley presided at the organ at the Presbyterian church Sunday night in the absence of the organist, Miss Ream. Pete Watson who is known throughout this valley as a judge of a good horse went to Alliance Friday to be in attendance at the hone sale Saturday. Mrs. Mary Hughes is desirous of get ting someone to move her house, recently occupied by Mr. Lemon's folks, to her homestead south of the river. The Miller boys are bringing in cord wood which finds a ready sale. There was scarcely a two inch pole left in the town when the cold snap ended. Harry and Charley Gregg and Jack Swain have taken a section each of Uncle Sam's land in Sioux county on the Routh side of the river, fifteen miles west of this place. 1 m mmm We ore glud to see our own Iwys improving the hut opportunity lor obtaining - land free gratis. Mr. and Mrs. George Gre have mov ed to the ranch south of the tiver. They have sent for an incubator and expect to raise fine poultry quite extensively. Mr. nnd Mrs. Octavo Harris oelobrated thefr twentieth wedding anniversary the evening of the 7th Inst., with a china wed ding. Many guests were present nnd all report a pleasant time, Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg wore Hem ingford visitors Thursday. George wont to see the doctor, who pronounced the in cission on his neck caused by removing an abcess, ns healing nicely. Miss Fender of Whitman arrived recent ly and will assist in the Commercial hotel. SI10 Is an experienced and capable dining room girl nnd will cater to the wants of the traveling public in n very competent way. David Lach left for Marysvillo Mo. Sunday night to remain with his children indefinitely. The old gentleman is in very feeble health and may not long survive. C A. McGogy rented the fnrm and will look after things during his abseuce. HEMINGFORD. (Keith U. riiwo Is fully iiutliorlwl to so iled suhvcrlptlons and Job work ami culloot and receipt fur same, and transact all other bustm'v. In connection w ttli hN position ns till accredited reiircsontuilve of tills paper.) I pay cash for hides. C. Donaghuo. See Wildy for lumber and coal. otf A. M. Wildy went to Alliance Saturday. Theo. Raos was up from Canton Mon day. Insure your houso, your stock, your life. K. L. Pierce, Agt, H. G. Furmnn and wlfft were in "llein ingford Wednesday. C. 11. Burleigh returned from the sand hills the first of the week. Bessie Slietlur closed n school in tho Johnson district last week. The Methodists are conducting a revival meeting at their church this week. Karl Prochaska has bought the Alexan der farm owned by Mrs. Alexander. Tho cheapest time to insure your cattle is now when the number is low. K, h. Mrs. Wm. O'Mara died of pneumonia Tuesday morning. She has been sick quite a while. C. j. Davison has joined the Heming ford telephone company and now has a phone installed. Two new lines of telephones from the west are assured and one from Canton is being talked up. We pay 5 percent on six months or year interest certificates. First State Bank, Hemingford, Neb. Glen Miller from Alliance was in town Wednesday trying to find a buildiug in which to place a stock of goods. Have some fine spelts seed for sale at market price, also millet seed. Stf H. L. Bushnell. I have a choice lot of rye hay for sale at reasonable prices. Enquire at my store in Hemingford. 11. L. Bushnell. Stf On March 22, will occur the wedding of Miss Almeda Fosket and Frank Olds. The invitations were out the first of this week, E. S. Wildy returned from an extended trip through Colorado Suturday, He vis ited his old friend G. W. Duncan of Al liance for a short time while gone. Liquozone has cured several persons here, will give references. We handle it. See large ad in all papers. Heijgecock's Pharmacy. Am selling underwear very cheap. Have reduced my prices on overshoes, leg gings and felt boots to a very close price No trouble to show goods. -H. L. Bushnell. Mrs. Manian, accompanied her mother Mrs. O'Mara to the Sister's hospital at Grand Island Thursday. Mrs. O'Mara is an aged woman who has been afflicted with blindness for several years. At the meeting of the stockholders of the Hemingford creamery it was decited to compel the Beatrice creamery company to live up to their contract to operate this as a skimming station until the coutract ex pires which is not for some years yet. A number of good stallions were pur chased at the sale at Alliance Saturday, by our stockmen. Potmcsil Bros., pur chased one, and Hall, Roehey, Snider nnd Armstrong bought in partnership, Jno. llarnsted and Karl Fostrum also invested. The entertainments that have been go ing the rounds among our Norwcigian neighbors was added to last Saturday evening. March 4, by the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fodness, on the com pletion of their new and commodious resi dence three miles north of Berea. Music was furnished by Lewis' orchestra assisted by Andrew A. Johnson. Lunch with cof fee was served at midnight. Mr. Fodness now has one of the cozyiett residences in Box Butte and the deep double windows on the south and west will be a pleasure the year round. Fred Uhrig died Saturday rrom an ac cidental faU while working on his granary, It is not known whether he slipped and fell or was stricken with paralysis. He was also badly cut by the wire fence which he fell against. He was found some time after by his niece, Miss Nagelschnie der. He was taken to the home of his brother Anton the same evening, Friday, and expired the next morning without re gaining consciousness. Mr. Uhrig was 59 years old and had never married. He leaves a brother, Anton Uhrig, and one brother and two sisters in Germany, Mrs. Nagelschneider now deceased was his sister. He was born in Nassau, Ger many, and learned the trade of a cabinent maker. He workdd at his trade in all the principal cities of the United States and finally on account of ill health settled in this county and took up the occupation of farming. He was a courteous and up right citizen, a good neighbor and a stead fast friend. He attended the Lutheran church. Rev Schulz preached the fun eral Sunday, following which he was in terred in tho Hemingford cemetery. a'sigHdeal. I have bought at bankrupt sale a stock of Men's fine clothing. I will offer same to the Hemingford people in the Postoffice room at less tjian the cost of the raw material. See my advertisements. Sale begins Saturday March 18. J. B. Miller. J"")iamonds, Souvenirs . Repairing in nil its Hail orders promptly Branches. -w " attended to.- - XAI. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician, HAVE YOU SEEIS BILL ? SMrSSiSJK D0iKY HEnKTBIEEEEEB-X" maw Stirring Plows Breaking Plows Disc Plows Stcol'Tooth Harrows Disc Ilnrrows Walking Cultivators Hiding Cultivators Kiul-Gnto Sccdura DIbc Seeder Attachments Potnlo Cutters ntul Planters Call and see them. Fanning Mills heed Grinders F. J. Brennan & Co..,. DEALERS IN' Drugs, Perfumes -"Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK, msmez- ZMm. j Why Suffer with a Headache? Holsten's Headache Tablets They ate safe and sure nnd leave no bad after oifects. F. E. Holsten's Drug and Jewelry Store MrftAW ' imwoSila&iftvr . ivjoxsoiv in-ici'd licit FIRE INSURANCE AGENT HEPHEBENTR THE FOLLOWING. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurnuoo Comniuiy. North American of Philadelphia. I'lioenlx of Illooklju. Now York. (Jufitlucnukt of New York Olty. NluKiiru Flro Insuninco Cutnpuny. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Dray and Transfer Line. W them The only spring Phone 139. Palace Livery Baxri' S. TI. DISSCI-I, l?i-op. one 111.0CK west of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, the neu ziiinden' , aiuj courteous treatment to all has won for us tho ltcil.niNG. 'phone. excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. Why I Bless my Soul! Ifs White House Coffee. DWINELL-WRIOHT CO., BOSTON. CHICAQO. Watches, Golcl Jewelry, Alliance, Nebraska. l.'ltOM TO Nothing is mora interesting than tho manufacture of high grade lumber. Wo buy only of the host manufacturers and hence can assure you tho best of every thing in the line of Uulldlnsi Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Co. -GET-r- For that small repairing1 we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying-, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. I ry Merits' Lumber and Coal Co. Also agents for Neb Cent. Hid. & Loan Asso. ' I'bone 22, Liverpool. London and Olobp Ii. Co. German American In. Co., Now York, runners and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Klro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters, rhoenlx Ills'. Co., Hartford, Conn. . Office I'p-Stolrs.nctchcr Illoek. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship wherever desired. Charges reasonable. dray line in the city S. A. Miller. BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the V. S. I AM am sole agent for this high grade Coffee and recommend its use. I am t not going to make a display of cheap bar-. gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap premiums. Come to the store, I have the best goods that money can buy and these will be my bargains to my customers. For your patronage I thank you. James Graham West of Alliance National Dank. Siiii.