The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 02, 1905, Image 4

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Entered at the posloilice at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter,
C3T Tits Herald is the Ollicial Publicn
lion of Box Uutte county and its circula
tion Ib nearly twice that of any othor Al
liance paper.
Display) per single column inch per
month 50
Buiinew locals, per line first insertion 10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .05
Legal neticos at statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
Our Campaign Policy.
Tub lIiiHAi.i) linn hcn askad who it
would support for mayor tit the coiniiif
election. Tlio only reply Tun Hnu.w.n
Iiiib to make is this: Wo have no
prof 01 once in cundidatou bo long is
thoy bo men of lecojjniiod integrity
and ability and will stand for ccitniu
principles or policies. Tin: MitiMi.n
onroa not who tlio man is, tlio "policy"
is what wo sliuul for'
l'irst tlio man must stand for the
construction and maintnirioncc by tlio
oitv of nn adeiiato scwcra(o system.
Ho Must Btnnd for parinnnnnt jiido
valks nnd croRsitiKs. Ho munt Btnnd
to lop off the hond of at lonnt two
officer now drawing pay from tlio city,
and for which salary the city does not
get returns on the money. To be spo
cifioatc, tlio duties of the water com
missioner, street commissioner and one
of the marshals can all bo done ami
done caisly and well by 0110 man, by
letting the police judge receipt for
water rents as n part of bis duties.
He must stand to suppress gambling
and for high license, and prompt and
efficient tcgulation of tlio saloon. He
must agree to opposo granting of fran
chises to privato concern of public
utilities. He must favor the incorpor
tion of all the outlaying suburbs of tlio
city into one solid corporation for mu
tual protection and economy, to the
end that law breakers cannot step
across the street and bo immune from
arrest by tbo city police. Ho must
stand for tlio extension of the fire and
water limits, and for the rigid enforce
ment of existing laws.
Such a man will receive the support
of Tim IIkrald regardless of his re
ligion or politics, as they should not
enter into municipal affairs.
If Tim Hkkald is satisfied that the
candidate for mayor whoever bo may
be will adopt this platform and carry
it out, be will have its support and we
believe tlio support of the largo ma
jority of the citizens of Alliance who
liavo the interests of the city at heart.
Have you anything better to suggest?
Wiiu.N and where will the city pri
maries be held, and who calls them?
It is only a little inoic than a month
until election.
Sbnatok Bukkbtt came to the sixth
district to get material for bis official
staff for the next six years. Burkctt
knows where the best grows.
Lut the various candidates for may
or outline their platform. Tin: Unit
Ai.n columns are free to aspirants for
that purpose. Let the people know
just whurc you stand if you want to bo
mayor of Alliance.
H.wu you noticed any migration of
tin horn gamblers since the mayor's
order of last week was issued? Not
yet! Very good evidence that Alliance
lias no "tin horns" nor citizens without
"visible means of support."
Wiibn the Elks lodge is once estab
lished hero thcic will be mote demand
for hotel room over Sunday, as every
oik within 100 miles will Sunday in
Alliance and attend the weekly meet
ing. Bottur prepare for it now.
Tiikbb colored Housebreakers have
been trapped in the past month by
tho sheriff mid police force. Good!
Lot them keep their traps set, thore is
more gainu in the land. Tho sooner
that class of citizens are behind the
bars the hotter.
Tub screen on top of tho stand pipe
put tharo by tho city to keep out the
birds, was biokou last weak by the
ttluotrict light comiKiuy who liavo the
contract to pump the city water. The
itand pipe whs pumped full and tin ico
in tho pipe broke the screon. Tho city
should sea that tho repairs ate made
by. the eloctrict light comptuiy who did
tho damgu.
Gbt ready to plant a big acreage of
pptatous this voar, Seed is cheap and
tho law of "feast or famine" will doubt
less put the price of potatoes up this
year. 50 bushels of potatoes at 50
cents per bushel, makes 25 per acre.
Vou can grow twice that amouut ou an
acre and then look at your profit. If
The City of
HLLIAKCE is a thriving city of more than 5000 population, pros
perous and slowing prospects for the futuic. 400 miles west
of Omaha, 2j6 miles north of Denver. It is the metropolis of
western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city
hall and fire engine liotiso, first class fire company and apparatus. Two
large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000
school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two
National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its
railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of tliu Burlington
from either Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It
is tho Division headquarter for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da
kota and Montana, the offices of Goneral Superintendent Rhodes having
been recently located here. The western division shops are located
here and more than 600 railroad men are employed here. Its people
are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is honlthful and
invigorating. In short, no town in Nobraska prosonts superior induce
ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within hor
bordora Lettsrs'of inquiry addressed to the Alliance HSRALb will bo
amworod promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand
some twonty-four pnga illustrated Industrial edition, itiwill tell you more
than e conld write you in a month.
you have no othor good job go out and
plant 40 ncrcs of potatoos and you will
make more than you could working for
a salary for the same time.
Mayoh Bowman desorves a chromo
for taxing a traveling palmist and
clairvoynt S5.00 pur day license for
plying bis vocation in the city last
week. Ho would liavo done still better
had ho refused a license to the faker
and advised him to move on.
Cattle Men Ask Relief.
Some weeks ago the Cattlemen's as
sociation met hero as exclusively re
potted in Tub Hbkalh and asked for
relief from the present quarantine reg
ulations. The following Washington
dispatch shows how well they are suc
ceeding: "Senator Millard, at the request of
W. G. Comstock of Ellsworth and E.
M. Searl, Jr., of Ogallnla saw Secre
tary Wilson of the Department of Ag
riculture today to induce him to modi
fy the quarantine regulations regarding
dipping of cattle off the ranges for feed
ing purposes. Under the present reg
ulations cattle intended for slaughter
need not be dipped, but cattle intended
for feeders are compelled to go through
this process, and as there are not
enough inspectors to properly look after
the large ran go 3 of country it works a
hardship. Tho quarantine is asked to
bo modified. Senator Millard believes
that hp will rcccivo a favorable ruling
on his application.
Northwest Nebraska Newspapers.
It looks as though within in a short time
the former hot-bed of populism, northwest
Nebraska, will be without representation
in the newspaper field. The Tribune
started the ball rolling toward expurging
pop papers from this territory when it
bought out Con Lindeman's Crawford
Bulletin last fall. Then along came W. S.
Raker, who purchased Tom O'Keefe's
demo-pop Herald at Alliance and turned
it into a red-hot republican paper. A few
weeks ago Mr. Newlin of the Sun absorbed
the Harrison hybrid, the Press-Journal.
And last but not least, last week Mr. Mayes
of the Rushville Standard, the stalwart
populist organ of Sheridan county, bids
farewell to politics and announces his in
tsntion of running a strictly independent
paper hereafter, supporting for oilice any
one he may bee fit to boost. El Heath
having turned his Cody Cowboy into a re
publican paper, so that at this time there
are only two opposition papers in the
four northwest counties of Nebraska the
Alliance Grip aud the Chadron Times. It
will thus be seen that there is no legiti
mate kick coming against the work of the
lord in tho newspaper field up this way,
Crawford Tribune,
Since the foregoing was written, the
Chadron Times has gone republican and
the Grip hassymptons of getting right.
Experiment Station Report.
The Eighteenth Annual report of tho
Nebraska Experiment Station, just
published, contains some striking re
sults which should interest every farm
er and lead him to send a request to
the Experiment Station at Lincoln,
asking for bulletins as published at
this station. Tho station makes the
following statements regarding a few of
the results of experiments carried on
at the the station.
The wintor wheat production of the
state has increased 10,000,000 bushols
per year, duo largoly to tho work of the
Experiment station.
Klieraon oats, introduced from Rus
sia bv tho Station, outyiold the com
mon varieties by ten bushels per aero in
central Nebraska. Experiments with
corn to secure better adapted varieties
have increased the yield 10,000,000 to
20,000,000 bushols, and will result in
still further inciease.
Experiments at the Station prove
that laud which has boon seeded to
alfalfa will grow from 10 to 25 bushels
more corn per acre than other lands.
Apple scab has been almost perfectly
controlled by spraying with Bordeaux
Alliance J
- - - - D - -
mixture. Cedar rust on npplc tiees
has boon controlled with Bordeaux
mixture. Straw mulches have greatly
increased the yield of garden vegetables
and improved the quality of cabbage,
tomatoefl, beans and cucumbers.
Milk fever has been treated with
practically no loss, by inflating the ud
der of tho cow with air when the first
symptoms of the disease appeared.
Feeding experiments have shown
that alfalfa hay tind corn is the most
economical ration for fattening steers.
This ration gave a profit of S8 per
head more than where corn and prnitie
hay was fed.
Extensive experiments in feeding
alfalfa hay with grain to hogs are now
in progress which show the great eco
nomic value of alfalfa when fed in con
nection with a grain ration.
Eighteen thousand hand separators
have been purchased by farmers in the
last six years, and the number of cows
used for dairy purposes has increased
200,000 in this time.
You can secuie the bulletins of the
Experiment Station free by writing to
the Director of the Agricultural Ex
periment Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
I take this means to announce myself a
candidate for the office of Police Judge of
Alliance, for the ensuing term. I have held
the office for one term, and have tried on
all occasions to act for the best interests of
the city. Having been for thirty yeaj-s
engaged in law business, I think myself
fitted for the position. If chosen to fill the
position, I promise to give the office the
same careful attention which I have given
to it during the term about to close.
L. A. Berry.
Alliance, March 2, 1905.
Passing of a Pioneer.
Jesse Wright, father of Val and
Moso Wright, who was one of the
pioneer settlers of this county, died at
his home in Indian Territory last week
and the remains arrived today on 41
and taken to the home of his son Val
who lives some fourteen or fifteen
miles west of town. The funeral will
take place tomorrow and interment
will occur at the Carpenter cemetery.
The deceased was one of the most pop
ular icsideuts of the early settlers and
was a member of the Masonic order
for 53 years. His widow, three sons,
and four daughters survive him. Mr.
Wright removed to Indian Territory
about four years ago, where ho since
resided. Deceased was 81 years old.
School Notice.
A class for beginners in tho first
primary will be organised next Monday
March Gth. Parents will take notice
to see that the children be at the school
house on the above date.
By Okueu or Superintenokst.
Whereas, Mrs. R
been called home,
W. Gaylord has
after a life well
Resolved, That wo the members of
the Royal Highlanders of Alliance
Castle No. 43, extend our syinuajhy to
our sister, Mrs. Randall, in this hour
of grief.
Resolved, That a copy of these res
olutions be sent to our sister, be pub
lished in the papers and recorded in
the miuutos.
Whoroas, Mrs. John O'Keofe 1ms
boon called to her reward, after a life
well spent:
Resolved, that we tho membars of
the Royal Highlanders of Alliance
Castle No. 43, oxtend our sympathy to
our brother, T. J. O'Keofo in this hour
of griof.
Resolved that a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to our brothor, pub
lished in the papers and recorded in
the minutes. Mrs. F. S. Fielding,
Mr, E. P- Woods,
Dr. J. V. Frey
30c for butter fat for last half of Feb
ruary by Harding Cream Co. B. E,
Johnson, agent, Herningford. W. E,
Spencer, agent, Alliance-
I.nnd Office Notices.
Lund Ofllcont Alliance, Neb.. .Inn. 0, IP05
Notice Is hereby given Hint the following
nnincd wltler lint filed notice of her intention
to make tinnl nrwil In Rumxirt ,.f her claim,
mid that Mild proof will be made Isjforc
Register imd Receiver ut AHIiinee, Neb, on
March 14. 11X, viz
AtTdtTSTA tnimo.
of IImlngford, Nob. one of tlio liulra of
Conriidhio basse., on II. K.. .No. It'll
for tlio net wtlon 11. township Jflu. range 4tfw.
Shu names the following wltnospcs to prove
her continuous residence upon nml cultiva
tion of Mild land, viz: Andrew I.. .lolnison.
Huns llnnswi, Orvlllo Kldwell. Roliert Curry,
nil of Hcuilugford, Nab.
HiiuckUii.Oox. Register.
Lund Otllront Mlliincis Nolir.. Fob. IHtli. IflOfi.
Notice Is hereby ntvn that the followlng
imuied M'ttler lins filed notice of bis lutf-titlou
10 tiiuktj final proof In siipjxH-t of his claim,
and Hint said proof will lit- mndo lieforu
IOftirtcrntid Receiver ut Alliance, Nebr., 011
April HI li"05. Mr
of Hcmlugferd, Nebr, on lloinestcnd entry No.
&H4 for the Sooth East H section 24 township
He mimes tho following witnwtw) to prow
his continuous resldenco uimu and cultivation
of wild hind, vln Wllllimi llollliiriike. John
Kltiscllfi. William llollliirako, Jr., dm.oss llol
linrnke. nllol llcinlugfnrd. Nebr.
Il-il lliiuri: Register.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lund Olllco. Alliance. Nob., .Inn 2C, lltl'i.
A Mifllclcut contest affidavit having been
filed In lids olllen by Frank iievnii con
testant, against Homestead entry No. 343s,
mtido May 11. 1000, for lots .111. 1 t iukI oust",
twrthwostii section 31. township "On. range
(Km, by Vcrney t) Morter. conleslce, In whieh
it Is alleged Hint wild Vcrney I) Mot tor never
resided on Mild truct and bus wholly ulximlnii
ed sumo for more than two years Inst pust
and Hint snld alleged ubseiico from the said
Iniid was not due to lit employment in the
army, imcy or murine coips of the Unlied
Suites UHii private soldier, olllcer seaman or
murine during tbo wur with Hpnln or during
any other wur In which tho Tinted suites
inny bo eiiKiiued, nld iiiirtlcs are hereby noti
fied to appear, respond ntid oHer evidence
touching wild ullcitutlou tit 10 cloelc u m.
on March 21. llMS, before thn ltelsler and
Receiver nt tho t'nlted States Lund Ullice in
Alliance. Nebraska.
Tho snld contestant hnvlnjr. In 11 proper nf
llduWt. tiled Jim. 2S, 1i"i, set forth facts which
bhow Hint ufter line (IIIIkciicc persount hervlce
of the notice can not lie made, It it- hereby or
dered 11 nd directed that such notice lx kIvcii
by due und proper publication.
f) .hill 27. IlliccE W11.COX, Iteglstcr.
Notice to Non Itcsidcnt Defendant.
To Alnxunder II Koss und Mrs. Itoss, first
111111111 unknown, wlfo of defeiident Alet
under II. Koss, non-riMdcnt defcudunts.
Notice is hereby uivett tbuton the llth ilnv
of February, UW. ('. (i Stovens. plaintiff, llled
his petition In the district court of Hot llutte
county. Nebraska, wherein Alexander II
ltoss, und Mrs. Koss. Ilrst ntimo unknown,
wife of defendant, Alexander li. Itoss, The
McKtnloy-l.unnluc Loan und Trust Com puny
V. II. Curniihnu. ltecelver, The
McKinley-I.nnnlnir Ixiun and Trust
C'ouipuny defeiHlitulH, were, tnndo defen
ilnntH, tho object und piayer of
which wild iietltlon Is to forccloou a tax lieu
bused upon ti certificate of tax sale, duted
Nor. fin, lixil. for the delinquent taxes for tho
yeurv. IH'.lT. 1MH, ISWll and 1l0. and HUhscnuent
tuxes paid by plutiitllf for the years, moi.
1IX und KKtt, which certtllcatu of tux sale
wus Issued bv tho treasurer of llox Unite
county. Nebraska, to this plaintiff, for said
taxes, upon the following dt-HCrllied real
estate, situated In the county of Hox llutte,
state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast quarter
01 section 11 111 lowusuip vr or range 47.
mo amount claimed ny piaintin upon saw
tax Hen In tlio Mini of s.:n with Interest
thereon as nrovlded by law from the fith duv
of February, 1005. of which sum W.WI Is for
utioruoy h ice unci -.luuior pumicuuou ot
redemption notice. The prayer of said peti
tion in for a decree declaring tho aforesaid
amount, together lth Interest thereon, attor
ney's fee, redemption notice and eosts, to Ix
a llrst lieu upon tho 11 foresaid real estatoand
that said real estate, mav be hold under 1111
order of the court to sutlnfytlie same, and
iiiui ssiu iicienuaniii no rorurer uarreii ana
foreclosed of all interest or claim in and to
said real cstnte or uny part thereof.
You aro required to answer said Iietltlon on
orberore the 20th day of March. lOtKi
O. C. Stkvkns, Plaintiff.
Hy V. Mitchell, his attorney.
Notice to Nonitcstdcnt Defendants.
To HufusM. Nolf and Mrs. Neff, first name
unknown, wife ot defendant, Kufim M.
Neff. John Doe, real name unknown,
boneflehiry of V. II. Limning, trustee,
dofendaiit, non-resident defendants.'
Notice. 1h hereby given that on the (lth day
of February. lOOo, C, C. Stovens, plaintiff,
filed his petition In tlu district court ot Uox
llutte county, Ncbrasku, wherein Itufus M.
Neff and Mra. Neff, Ilrst name unknown, wife
ir defendant, Itufus M. Neff, W. II. Limning,
Trustee, John Doe. real mime unknown, bene
ficiary of W. II. Ijmulng,
Trustee, defendant, und V. II. Laiinitig
were made defendants, the object
and prayer of which said petition Is to foro
cIoho a tax lieu lasted upon 11 certificate of tax
sale dated 2fith day of November uni, for tlio
delinquent taxes for tho year, 1WW, lfi7. 180:,
Isy.iund UHM and subsequent tuxes paid by
plaintiff Tor tho ears 11)01. 1W2 and IP0.I, which
eertillcate of tux halo was Issued by the treas
urer of Uox llutte county, Nebraska, to this
plaintiff, for sAtd taxes, upon the following
described real estate. situated In the county
of Hox llutte. stale of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of section S3 in township 27
of ran go 47.
The amount claimed bv plaintiff unon said
tux lieu Is the sum of $rt3.2h with Interest
llicrcon iir provided hy law from the Uth day
of February IWj, of which mini SS.U Is for
attorney's feo and S3 00 for publication of
redemption notice. Tho prayer f said peti
tion is for a decree, declaring the aforesaid
amount, togetherwltb Interest thereon, uttor
iicj'k fee, ledeniptlon liotlceand costs, to bo
a Ilrst lien upon the aforesaid real estate and
HiAt cald real estato may bo sold under tin
order of the court to satisfy the suinc. aud
that said defendants lo foreier lurred und
foreclosed of ull Interest or claim In and to
bald real estate or any part thereof,
Vou are required to answer 1 said petition 011
or before tli2itliday of March, 1005.
(. O. STEVH.N8. Plaintiff.
Hy W. Mitchell, hlsiittorney.
Appointment of Administratrix.
State of Nebraska, 1
Hox Hutto County )
At a county court, held ut tlio county court
room, 111 and ror eaiu county, 1 en, u., A.
1)., 11W5.
l'resent, I). K. Spucht, County Judge
In the matter ot the estate ot William J.
Ilrltlos, deceased.
On leading and tiling tlio petition of Lena
Hrltton. praying thai administration of
said estate mav bo gi anted toiler as admin
istratrix. Ordered that March 20. A. I). llXB. at 1
o'clock n. in., is assigned for bearing said iie
tltlon. when all persons interested in snld
matter may appear at a county court to be
held 111 und for said county, and show cause
why tho prajo; of jietltloner should not lio
grunted; and that nolieo of tho ix-ndeney of
wild petition and tiie Hearing tnoreot, oegiien
to all portions interested In mild matter by
publishing a copy of tills onler in Tin: A 11,1
ance lleiiAi.n.a weekly newsnancr nrinted In
said county, for three successive weeks, prior
10 saiti nay 01 Hearing.
1) K. til'ACiiT, County Judge,
(Atrue copy.)
JflKAI.l H-3W.
Special Mnster'.s Sale
Docket V, No. SOI.
In the Circuit Court of tho United status, for
tins nmtrlcl or.MjtjrusivU.
.Tames N. Clarke, Heeelvor of the NoliruskK
Umu & Trust Co., complainant, vs. Henry
Touilliikou, et .. defendants In cliHticury.
rouKCMibriii: or moktoaok.
Public notice is hortibv if I ell tlittl 111 nursu
unco and b virtue of u dejtrtwentertMl in the
alH)o cause on tne sro nay or Mopiemoer, ikw,
1. Umi. II. Thuunnel. Micclul Muster in Cimuc
cry of tlit'Cinult Court of the United muIm
for the District of Nebr.isku, will, oil the llrd
day of Ajiril. UV), at tho hour of :i o'clock
(mountalii time) in t he ttf lorniKiii of sild lu,
ut tUu front door of the Hox llutte county
oonrt bouse iiuliiling in tne utty 01 Alliance,
Hox llutte county, state and district of No
braska mjII ut public auction for cash the fol
limine il.iTilie.1 nroiM.rtv. to-wlt:
Lots tlinssuud four and the east half of the
southwest quarter of section thirty-one t3l in
township twenty-eight lisi north and mnge
lorij-niue uiu woai in iiox iiuiio couuiy,
Nebraska. Heo. II. Thummeu
Bpeclul MiiHter in Chaiicery,
Solicitor for Complalnunt. 11-5
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
if4 - s'iH'
10, 5, 20, 25, 30, 35c UP TO
75c and $1,00 PER YARD.
Dainty Materials for
Confirmation and
Graduating Suits
-t- -d, O. sfW f '. ). (t mtt . .4 .1
-I -I- .v .(, .. ,f. .. .j.
I cgnl Notices.
Notice to Nnn-!ehldeut Defendants.
To.lolin Doe, ri-il name unknown, and Mrs
Doe, rent niime uuklioun. wife of John
Doe. retil tmme unknown, defendlint, non
rosldent defendants.
Notice Is hen Ov ulv 11 Hint on the Ut li dnv
of Febru.irj W,. C. c. Mevuiio, plalatlif.
iiicti ins pei.Tiou in ine oisirici court 01 uox
llutte comity, .Nebraska, .herein Cnrsten
lieuiiliigs anil Mrs. lleimlniis. Ilrst mime
unknown, wife of defendant Ciirsten Heu
nlligs, John Doe. real name unknown, und
Mts. Doe, real name unknown, wife of John
Doc. relil uumo unknown, defendant, weru
made defendant, the objis-t and prajor of
which said petition Is to foreclose a tax lien
haoed upon a certificate of tax stile dated.
July 1'.'. 11X12 for the ilelluiiitent tines for tho
years isor. IMis, isvui and UiH) and siibsispient
taxes paid by plaintiff for the yours l(iii, ltI
and I'.KKl, which eertillcate of tax sale was
Issued hy tlie treasurer or Uox ISntto county,
Nebraska, to this nlainttlf. for said taxes.
Umiii the following described real estate, sit
uated in iiincnuuiy 01 uox nunc, state ot
Nebraska, to-wlt: 3outbwsl quarter of sec
tion 25ln townsbip25 of ratige.v:.
Tho amouut claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lien is the Ninn of $1530 with Infrest
thensm as nrovlded bv law from tho nth day
of I'Vbiuar. lliffi, of which sum $5,:!fl Is for
attorney's co aud SI. 1 5 for publication of
redemption notice. Tlio prayer ot sum peti
tion Is for n decree declaring Hie aforesaid
amount, together with interest thereon, attor
ney's fee. ledemntlon notice and costs, to bo
a first Hen upon the aforesaid real estate and
that said real estate may be sold under an
order ot tho court to satisfy the Ranie, and
Hint said (lereuiltnits lie rorevor Darren auu
foreclosed of nil luturestor claim In and to
said real estate or aiij part thereof.
Vou are requited to answer said petition on
or lierore tho20th dav of March ll05.
C. C .STKVK.Mt, l'laliitllf.
Hy W. Mitchell, his attorney.
Notice to Non-licsidcitt Defendant.".
In tho District Court ot Hox Hutto county,
Nebraska. Alice T, Lannlng. plaintiff, vs.
Mrs. Td. lMunkctt, Ilrst name unknoAii.
QiteeuO. Uilliort, P. Hav Gilbert, heirs of
William Gilbert, deceased. Kil. I'lunkett.
husband of defendant Mrs. Hd. I'lunkett,
ilrsl name unknown, Frances Lyons,
formerly Frances Gilbert, wife of William
Gilbert, deceased. The Diuitublu Lund
Company, The McKlnlcy-Launlug Lean
mid Trust Company and W. II. Carnaban,
receiver, Tho McKlnley-Lannlng Loan
and Trust Company defendant defendants,
Queen G. Gilbert, non-resident defendant.
Will take notice that on tho rlth duv of Feb
ruary 1005, Alice T. Lannlng, plaintiff, herein
filed her petition In the district court of Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, tbo object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed
by William Gilbert, deceased, and his wife,
the defendant, Frances Lyons, formerly
Francos Gilbert, wife of William Gilbert,
deceased, to The McKinley-Luunlng Loan
aud Trust Company and duly assigned by
Tlio MeKInley-Liiunlng Loan and Trust
Company to this plaintiff, who Is tho owner
and holder ot the same, uiiou northeast
quarter ot section 35 In township 28 of range
47 in itox Hutto county, Nebraska, to secure
tho payment of a certain promissory noto or
real estate cotion bond, dated March 1, 18SW.
for the sum of $000.00 due aud pajable five
years after date thereof; and a certain
promissory note or interest coupon, duted
March I, 190, for tho sum of 2.U0, duo and
paiuble March 1, 1805; that there Is now duo
and payable upon said promissory note or
real estate coupon bond; said promissory
note or interest coiiinm and mortgage the
sum of tlS3S.SJ, for which mini, witli Interest
from February 8th. HXB, plaintiff prays for a
ilecieo that defendants bo required to pay
the same or that said premises may lie sold
to satisfy the amount found due,
You urn requested to answer this petition
on or befoie the 20th day of March 1005.
Dated Fob. S, 1IU5. Ai.iciiT. Lannimi, Plain
tiff. llyW. Mitchell, her attorney.
Notice to Non-ltcsldcut Defendants
To the I'likuowii Heirs of Allicrt Iloulund,
deceased. Addle (ook, one of the heirs of
Albert Howland, deceased, and Mr. Cook,
first iiamo unknown, husband of Addle
Co-ik, defendant, one of the heirs of Albert
Howland, deceased, non resident defend
ants: Notice Is hereby given that on the Sth day of
February 1005, Mary K. Iteed plaintiff, filed
her petition fulhodlstiict court of Hox Hut to
county, Nebraska, wherein the unknown heirs
of A lliert Howland, deceased. The MeKliiley
Ltiiinlng Loan und Trust Company, . II.
Cunuihan, tecolver of The McKtiiloy-Lannlng
Loan und l'rust Company, defendant, Francis
Lyons, one of the heirs of Albert Howland,
defeated, Mr. Ljnus, first name unknown
husband of Francos Lions, defendant, one of
the heirs of Albert Howland, deceased. Addle
Cook, one ot the heirs of Albert Howland,
deceased, und Mr. Cook, first name unknown,
husband of Addle Cook, defeiident, one of tbo
heirs of Alliert Howland, deceased, were nuulo
defendants, the object and praier of which
said petition is to foreclose a tax lien based
upon acertlliciito of tax sale dated January
ith, liHrj, for the delinquent taxes for the years
I SIM, 1M1J. 1SV0. 1MI7 und 1KW und subsequent
taxes paid by plaintiff for the enrs 1'JOl aud
11W2, which certificate of tax sale was IshiiciI
by the treasurer of Hox Hutto county, Nebras
ka, to this plaintiff, for said taxes, iifiou the
following described real estate, situated In the
county of Hox Hntte, stuto of Neur.isku,
to-wll: .Southwest quarter of section 25 in
township 2)4 of range 47
The amount claimed by plaintiff upon said
tax lien Is the sum of ts23 with intercut
theieonas provided by law from the 1st day
of March 1101, of which sum iio.jais for attor
ney's fee and i.1.00 for publication of redemp
tion notice. The pruj or of said stltlon Is for
a decree declaring tho aforesaid amount,
together with interest thoieon, attorney's fee,
redemption notice and costs, to bo a first lieu
upon the aforesaid real estate, ami that said
real estate may bo sold under an oidorof the
court to satisfy the samo, ami that said
defendants lie forever barred and foreclosed
of all interest or claim In and to said leal
estate or an) part thereof,
Vou lire required to answer said imtltlen on
or before the 20th day of March Uhav
JIahv E. Heko, 1'luintltr.
Hy Wni. Mitchell, his attorney.
Divorce Notice.
In thn district court of Hox llutte county,
ChwricC foilliufs. Plaintiff
Carrie M. Colllngu, Defendant.
TuCurrleM. Col lings, uoii-rldsnt defend
ant: You are hereby uotiliod that ou the JOUi day
of February, 1W5. Clmrlixi C.Collinns.pliilutlff,
filed u iM'tltioii agulust you In the district
court ot Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, Hut ob
ject and praiur of which are to obUlu a di
vorce from you ou tho gronud of extreme
cruelty, practiced by you u-ward iiluintlrr,
Vou are required to answer said lutltion ou
or beforu Monday, the 27th day of March, liiej.
CIIAHLKS C. COLLINGS, 1'laliitlff.
Hy William Mltcholl, bl Attorney, Feb. 10-1
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There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
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- in
( . 4i . .1 (M f- . .1.
;. .. .. .(. ,f. ,j ,j. . .. .J.
I- -- -fr
Official Directory.
HTfrt. on'iciiiis.
Hon. John II Mickey -Governor.
Hon. V.. G. McGlltou- Lieutenant Governor,
lion. A Galusha Secretary of Htuto.
Hon K M fviirle, ,Ir -Auditor.
Hon. Peter Moru-nsou Tionsurer
Hon. J. L. Mcllrleti .-iiit. Public Instruction.
Hon. Norrls Hmwu -Attorney General.
Hon. H. M. I'.aton Com'r Public Lauds and
Hon. Harry Lliidsni' Slate Librarian.
Hon.S. A. Holeoiub-Cliief Justice.
Hon. Samuel II. SedgaMick Associate Justtco.
Hon John II. Harnos Assot-iate Justice.
Hon. J II. MHIiird-U. S. Senate.
Hon. K. J. Hurkett-U. S.Senalo.
Hon. M .P. ivlnktild Congressman tjixthDlst.
I. s UNO opriot:.
Hrtice Wilcox- lteglster,
W It. Akers-Hecelver.
J. II. H. HewoU-Clerk.
Hon. 1'. M.Curry--ltepresentatlvnfi3rd Dlst.
Hon. Cha. p. Hruseo-S'onator Uth Dlst.
tllSTnltT JUtKIES 15TII ihstiiict.
Hon. W. II. Westover-ltushvlllo.
Hon. .1. J. Harrington-O'Neill.
county ovficehi, nox uutte countt.
.S. M. sjmsor County Clerk, ltecorder, and
Clerk District Court
O. W. Hrpiiiuin rreasurer,
Ira Ilocd-HlicrliT.
I). K. Spaebt-County Judgo.
Ijconi A. Knstln Supt. Public Instruction.
William Mitchell -Comity Attorney.
.1. P. Hazard -County Surveyor.
A.S. Heed Assessor.
G. W. Loer- Commissioner, Chairman,
h rank Calm Commissioner.
L. F. Smith Commissioner.
II. II. llellwood, M. D. County l'liyslclau.
Dr. J.E, Moore Coroner.
city (imoui.s
Dr. L. W. Howman Mayor.
Fred W. Harris-City Clerk.
S. C. Hoon-Chief of Police.
I A. Horry - Police Judge.
H. F. Oilman City Attorney.
Dr. II. H. llellwood -Physician.
Abel Hill- Water Commissioner.
Fred Mollrlng I .,... .....
S.A. FninklInfllr!,tVNnr'''
Charles A. Suow I ,.,.,., i ,,.,
Million Joder ( o,-", ard,
Fred Hrennan Chief Fire Department.
Prof. W. II. Hartz-Sup't. City fachools.
EPISCOPAI Itogular Sunday servlces-s a.m.
11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school ut 10 a.m.
Charles I). Coerr. Hector.
CATIIOLIC-Hegular Sunday servIccs-S a.
in.; 10 a. m.; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school ;it
2 p. in. Father I). I Galvln.
METIIODIST-ltegular Sunday servlce-ll u.
m.i 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m.;
Junior League 2.30 p.m.; Enworth League
0:30 p. in.: Prayer meeting Thursdays,
7:30 p.m. liov. C. W. Hay, Pastor.
F1UBT .PHEHBVTKItlAN-Hcgnlar Sunday
servrt-e-ll a. in.; 7:30 ii. m. ; Sunday hchool
!" V: "?; I'hflstlan Endeavor 5U5p. m.
11. P. V. Uogue. Pastor.
servlce-ll a. m. 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school
10 ?, m,: Y l'- c ,T- 0:30 P. m. Kev. McCon
nell, Pastor.
HAlTIST-Hegular Sunday service 11 a. m.;
7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. in.; Young
Peoples meeting 0:45. Praver meeting
Ihursday, 7.30 p. m. Hov. (i. O. Jeflcrs,
GERMAN LUTHEHAN -Itegular Sunday ser
vice11 a. m ; Sunday school io a. in.;
Evening services twlcoeaeh month. Itev.
Otto Hoehrig, Pastor.
EASTERN Sl'AK-lst and 3id Tuesday
nights Mis Anna Davis, Worthy Matron
ltEHECCAS 2nd und 4th Friday nights.
Mrs Geo Leldy, N G
DEOIJEH 01' IION()Hist and :ird Monday
nights. Mrs A i: Reynolds, C H
HOVALNEIGIIUORS 2nd and 4th Wednes
day nights. Mrs U N Hoskins, Oracle
rirT..'M. -'.ul nml tlh Monday nights. Mis
O II itoeky
LADIES Al'XILIAUV II of R T-2nd and 4th
'Ihursdiiys 2 p m .Mrs U N Iloskius
Ml '.irons
LADIES AUXILIARY H of L K 1st and 3rd
dent l,,,"1m J,r,UI' H'lnls, Presl-
t nihij s 2 p m Mrs W L Austin.
Poole, Noble Grand
A 1' ' Sc A M No 1M-Thursd.iy on or licfore
full moon. S A Franklin, W M
und lth luesday nights. v E Zollingor.
" AAM'i anulrr'n p "l :""d Mo"Ui'' "!l,,s- H
A () C 2nd and 4th Monday nights, h
Huichsenste In. Masti.r ivfi.-,n ,.,. '
M gar Martiu'V c W,'1,mvl-,' nuH',. Ed-
l"!! I'iJ .i..l i ... r.
mi', ii Ti .'.. '"' Sundays, 2::i0 p
m W
! iviilntl), i-
K 'i-'r V- '."a :ira Mllay nights.
.1 H Mil-
VM vi v
"iiiVhi ,Il(.,,,.,L'.AXIM:.IW-'y Tuesday
" 0i'ra!;klin! ij'r8"1 W0,'L'"l'O- - I '
---J-l kUiUIIU. i
n 0,1 '''-Every Friday niglit
O W Tillctt,
O R ('-Every
drews, cc
Tuesday ut
) m J N An-
H of R T- ei ery Tliursday nl;
Chester, Master
:lit. W A Miin-
Shcrifr.s Sale.
No. 155'J.
Hy virtue of tin order of Balo issued bv tho
FyNebnlsl a 'SSSK1 fOUrt of V'te eon! -ly.xeui-usuu,
upHi a ducroo rendeied bv shIiI
court in favor or Fred c. A ml r" son iilalntl t
aiu u.iliut John Arkfeld, Mrl?A "u'l. it
fehl, wife of said John Aikfehl too Obit,
Amlivsou Hardware Co. Job ii liu Vd i VIZ
TXn'r'T'u w""' ,"1'1" M "la
ii . ,.u . '" Allhiiico, iri said ooiinlv sail
the following iler-ibe 1 reai LtMu to-wlt
wliieliiiohVi L"V,K, -"MWest of thosixtli
ill i ' nierldlan, In Hox I idle count v No
Irasku, at public auction tu .tlio Ii g uit bht
the i;;Ur' t"i,!t t'y ? order ofTa'ie in
. , IltA UF.ED.
Smith P Tuttm- ' lf ot !,al" uu,,ty-
Attorney for Plaintiff. n.5
The Alliance Herald and
Nebraska State Journal,
the leading weekly, both
one year for $1.50.
" "s.
Mi IMW " - I VJ