6 H ' ) H h SK J i jyjrGsap&jeflzssa&YT Copyright. 1S97. by F. Tennyson Ncely. CHAPTER XIX. Surrounded by Fire. Truer words wore nevor spoken than when Travors declares they had hot work beforo them. As tho otliers comprising the Utile party of defenders come tumbling out of tho compartments which they have defended so bravely, they, too, dis cover the advance of the guerrillas, marked as It Is by a dozen waving flambeaux hastily snatched from the tires. Jack Is by instinct a lender of men. His quick mind grasps a problem nnd almost on the Instant solves It. He seems to know by Intuition, as it appears, just what sort of action hiiits an emergency. Speedily ho places his men whore ihey can do the most execution, nnd in the darkness they crouch along .side the carriage, awaiting the coming tt tho enemy. There Is hardly a breathing spoil be? orc those who come running along the railway track will be close enough 10 Invito an opening of the engage ment. Tho guerrillas of course cannot see ihe cavrlage, since all lights have been extinguished; but knowing the nature of the ground, they aro able to guess Its present position with some degree of certainty. Jack Is there In the van ready to give a good account of himself. He has regulated matters so there may bo no great waste of ammunition. Smlthers nnd himself are to open the ball, and If it becomes necessary, the others will chiino in. Tho two comrades aro close togeth er, and have time for the exchange of a few sentences ero the nearest lorchbearers come within the range whore they have marked an Imagin ary dead line. Then the bnll opens. Doubtless tho advancing guerrillas understand tho situation as soon as tho double flash cleaves the darkness up tho rise, for their savage shouts scorn to increase in volume. Those in tho lead are naturally the ones to suffer when meeting with such an obstacle. Two torches aro seen to plunge downward, and those who carried them will hardly give further trou ble. Still, behind presses a throng; the catastrophe has not dulled their en ihuslnsm, but rather whetted their ap petite for revenge. Again Jnck and Smlthers let loose. They aro as cool and collected as though practicing at wooden targets. Each second Is tho Bignal for a double discharge, and tho regularity of this death dealing report stamps Itself upon tho mind with awful distinct ness. Unseen by Travors, two heads have appeared at tho enrriago window. An overpowering curiosity to see tho na ture of tho danger that hangs over them has influenced Jessie and the Spanish girl to thus endeavor to sur vey tho scene. They discover tho advancing tenches,, and. hear thevhputsot the ,r - . Tl A . It . 1- "'' ly one of tnese gentle hearts Is pray ing for tho safety of tho man who has offered his body as a bulwark be tween thoso desperate devils and her self; for Jessie Cameron has Indeed made a startling discovery, though she does not as yet breathe lla na ture, even to her stepsister. Meanwhile, the fusillnde has borno fruit. Even bravo men might ie coll boforo such systematic firing. The shots continue to ring out as If liy machlno work each discharge Then the ball opens, might bo tho pulsation of a mighty heart capable of sending leaden hail whistling through space. From incarnato rage tho shouts Mend Into cries of alarm yos, even of terror. The advance Is not given up, but a new system of tactics brought Into llay. ' One man gives his torch a toss into Hio surrounding Jungle, Another ets tho point and follows stilt. For a Vlef Intorval tho air scorns filled witn ilamboaux, each describing a parabola and landing In tho thicket. Jack understands wbat it moans, nnd hag no liking for the advance that must follow, since it means tho HMKlble Arrival of the guorrlllaa tt &M1tlf ATAHOnill'CUMNWVR Copyright. m, by Street and Smith, the car, nnd a posslblo hand-to-hand conflict that will work against them on nccount of Inferior numbers. Ho sees many dark forms stumbling forward over tho bodies of those who have fallen; the torches have not gone out, but klndlo Incipient conflagra tions among tho dend leaves. "Fire! Give It to them hot," Is what Squire John exclalniB. With a crash tho others open. Even Ah Sin can do his share, since Jack has no use for u retainer unable to handle a gun, nnd In the early days of their Intimacy taught tho Celes tial how to aim and fire, though tho Chinaman canrot bo broken of gun- shyness, and persists in shutting his eyes each time lie pulls trigger. Such a wholesale dlschargo is enough to qulto finish the business. The advance' hns been fecblo be- fote, but now It ceases entirely. When tho seeds of a panic are sown they germinate with lightning rapidity. From lip to lip tho cries of alarm pass. Perhaps never before In all their experience hnve these barbarians met with such a desperato resistance as this. They melt away, theso fierce guer rillas. In tho dim light their fleeing figures can bo soon in various quarters in desperato flight. The shots continue so long as any aro In sight, nnd while probably lacking in oxecutlon, cer tainly ndd to tho temporary terror of tho mob. Some have sought safely In tho for est, and Jack's attention being called to this fact, ho awakens to a now danger that confronts them. The dead leaves and brush catch flic easily at this time of the year, since tho opening of tho rainy season has been delayed. Already In half n dozen places, where the descending torches nllght ed, can bo seen a rapidly-spreading blaze. The breeze seems to bo in creasing with tho passage of each minute of time, nnd fanning tho flames into vigorous life. Jack knows better than any of the others the full measure of tho now danger menacing them. Still, what can bo done? There is a flro'for evory man, some of them already burning so fiercely that it would tax tho ingenuity of a single Individual to encompass tho de struction of tho blaze. Should they attempt to extinguish the II res that already begin to snap and cracklo ns they greedily seize upon now material, they will natur ally becomo n target for thoso of tho bushwhackers who may still lin ger near. Hence nothing can be done. Tho others begin to notice tho in creasing light. They comment on tho fact that presently they will offer fair targets to tho aim of the enemy; but strangely enough none of them appear to grasp tho most serious part of tho Impending disaster. Even Smlthers, usually so quick to seo such things, makes no mention of it. It is suggested that they sfcek tho 'interior onco inore5fNonfl of tjienrhiro -lo'tiij UWdo so. "lmgunjd,,anMk,h; Sin iflnd an-asylunuklnv thoenitS'tni; pui win-in: tin ui'iurt.vaM - n mt Smlthers appears to dislike this di vision of their forces, and one of his first acts upon entering is to ex amino the partition between. Ills scrutiny appears to satisfy him. for io at onco opens an assault on tho wall, which proves to be a mere shell, and In wretched condition at that; for under the vigorous mea sures brought Into play by tho ener getic agent, there Is an opening made through which tho stbutest of tho party can pass with ease. Don Hoblado nnd Spencer aro keeping watch at ono door, nnd Jack opens the other in order to tako nn observation. Ho Is teally startled and not a llttlo worried at the amazing progress tnado by the fires. They lmvo eaten their way along on that side of tho track until the "Mines of separation lmvo censed to exist, and nil aro united. The flames, fed by dead loaves and hranchos from trees lopped off during the passage of some West India hurricane, now leap hungrily into tho nir, ns though snapping at the branches overhead. Travors cant ot romomber over see ing a fire start with so much vim. And while ho leans there at tho door, his mind endeavoring to plan new methods of meeting the deadly dangers that keep cropping up so continually, ho foels a touch, and ex periences a burning sensation. Some monitor of tho heart, some marvolous Intuition of the spirit tolls him it is tho hand of his Highland lassie thnt tulographs thus to his soul. "Is the dangor over?" she asks, softly. Hoblado and his friend lean out of tho other door and compare notes over tho situation. Smithors has passed into the next compartment to tpoak with the guard, and no one is near but Juanita, Jessie's faithful friend nnd stepsister, who loves hor with the blind affection which tho Aztec worshipers felt for their sun god. "That would bo hard to say," ho replies, softly. "Those men are des perate characters, and although we lmvo temporarily boaton thorn off. they may return. I hopo you will npt bo alarmed, however. Wo 'have been able to hold out this far, and give a good account of oursolves, and,, with the favor ot Heaven, will con tinue to do so." "Wo nro uiutar honvy obligations to you!" sho Rays; nnd Jnck smiles grimly at tho way Fate manages his case. "1 hopo you will not think so. No man could stand by and not lift hla hnnit to defend ladles," is what ho maunges to say. "Pardon you art not a Spaniard, scnor?" Travers suddenly remembers thnt ho no longer holds the pebble in his cheek; ho has been talking in his natural tones. "Only nn American, lady," ho re plies. "I thought so," ho .hoars her say, as though to herself, and Immediately follows by asking nloud: "You ap pear to bo moro anxious than boforo, and I Imagine wo nro threatened with somo new danger. You seo I nm brave. 1 would know the worst. So plense let us understand what Is com ing next." "It will come from tho fire," ho says, quickly. "I understand whnt you moan," slip Kays, as she leans out of the door, ZZxt"f "Id the danger over7" sustained by his arm "tho foroat is afire. Wo aro in danger of being burned allvo. Well, sir. that Is a terrible fate to face, but I had rather meet it than fall Into tho hands of those wretches;" and Jack, remem bering the savago appearanco of tho guerrillas, fully half ot whom were black devils, can heartily say "Amen" to her words deep down in his henrt. What Jessie characterizes as a forest fire has really reached tho dig nity of such a conflagration, for tho flames have seized the brauches, and shoot upward with n vehemence that promises a wonderful result. If tho wind grows stronger It will sweep over tho rldgo anil run a courso of miles until checked by somo stream or savannah. "Can nothing bo done? Tho heat is already becoming so dreadful. Per haps tho carrlago may tako fire, and wo will lose our refuge," is what Juanita says, just behind them. Jack has been considering tho mat ter, and trying to decide which of fwo evils Is tho lesser. Ho realizes that whatever Is done must be accomplished quickly, olso the Intense heat may cause tho old tinder-box ot a railway carriage to lake flre. jgBofore Trevors. tcan,, make any fur JJutjtmiarh; jrpcmKlie subject Jib ;)j.mlthersSa1lm; aloud 'Torgthe it'doctor" in. theylrioIS' comparTme and it suddenly flashes across his mind that It was agreed ho should pass under tho namo of Dr. Jim. Evidently his presence Is needed. Smlthers shows somo traco of ex citement In the tone of his hall, nnd it may bo set down for certain that when he allows his well-trained nerves a little holiday, there Is good reason for alarm. (To be Continued.) PANAMA CLIMATE NOT DEADLY. Temperature and Rainfall Not Worse Than in the United States. Thero is a widespread belief that the climato of Panama Is so fatal that the construction of the canal can only be accomplished at nn enormous sac rifice of human life. Both malaria and yellow fever may bo said to bo to-day practically under control, and thoso nro the two diseases, says tho Scientific Amorlcan, which are most to bo dreaded when tho great con struction camps are assembled and work Is In full swing throughout tho whole length of tho canal. According to (Jen. Abbott, tho records of tho hospital of tho old Panama canal company show that the total death rato among tho laborers was far less than Is commonly supposed, bolng in fact from 44 to 07 per 1.000. It seems, moreovor, that the rainfall has been tho subject of ns gross ex aggeration as tho disoases. It varies from about 130 Inches on the Atlantic to sixty-five inches on tho Pacific, a record that can bo duplicated in the United States, where tho average rainfall on the Atlantic coast is about fifty inches and tho fall on portions of the Pacific coast compares In total precipitation with that of the Atlantic terminus of the canal. Furthermore, It will bo news to many resldonts of our mre northerly latitude to learn that tho temperature ranges at Pana ma from 70 degrees to 85 degrees fahronheit. and that It Is very rarely that the thormometor roaches tho hlgli temperaturo which Is experi enced when a hot wavo passes over the United Status. A poor man may be a crank, but a rich ono is eccentric LEGISLATURE q NEBRASKA A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gta eral Session. SENATE These bills wero read a third time and paged In the senate on tho 14th; S. F. Gl, allowing any one, whether tin officer or not, to seize n seine or net being used Illegally. S. F. 7, to provide that Inebriates nnd those addicted to the "dope" habit bo confined In tlie nsyluni for treatment. 40, providing n penalty for overwork ing n horse or mule nnd for unneces sarily tormenting any other nulnial. S. F. -11, providing that corporations shall net us guni'dluns. trustees, etc. This bill was objected to yesterday because It wns argued thnt It would place all of the probate business ot the state in the hands ot foreign cor porations, but today there was no ob jections to it. A largo numbervif bills were reported tor general file and many recommended for paasase. HOUSE The house, on tho 1-Jtli, took up bills on third rending and passed- To give to cities nnd villa ges the right to foreclose tax sale certlllcatea Immediately ufter their purchase and to provide rates of in terest in such tux salo certificates. Providing for u state accountant at u salary of $2,000 n year. Olvlng to res taurant nnd boarding house keepers the same legal protection ugulnst fraud as Is accorded hotel nnd Inn keepers. Providing for tho payment ot the entire county road tnx In cash. To make the penalty for breaking nnd entering npply to buildings of nil characters, Providing for construction of plank, brick, stono and concreto sidewalks In cities under 50.000 popu lation. Mnking tho open season for deer nnd antelope August 15 to No vember 15; on prairie chickens, sago nnd grouse, Sepember 1 to Noyomlicr 30; ducks nnd other ylld. water fowl, September t to April 15; jacksnlpe and yellow legs, September 1 to May 1; wild pigeons, doves nnd plover, June 15 to August 1; trout, April 1 to October 1; other fish, April t to November 35; prohibiting killing ot qunil during 1905(5-7 nnd fixing open season on them ufter 1907 from No vember 1 to November 30; limiting number of goeso or brant to be killed per day by n single hunter to ten; game birds twenty-five anil prairie chickens ten during the month ot September. The bill Imposes a fine of $5 a bird or sentences of ten days for each for nil birds killed In excess of the legal number. Providing that tho proceeds of inheritance tnx shall be used for the construction of perma nent roads and go into the road fund. Vesting in the State Dunking Board djscretlonnry power us to the Integ rity and responsibility of persons np plying for banking charters. Appro priating the $15,000 balance from the World's Fair state fund to enable Ne braska to pariclpato In tho Lewis nnd Clark exposition In Portland, Ore., and providing for tho nppolntment by the governor of n board of commis sioners to carry out the provisions of this act. A call nf Hip hnnnn wnt,! necessary to secure the twothlrds for an emergency clause. RRMATP I'll,, ?!;rn!l!. r aiffeloctedmomber- bill, prdvfii ijnHTfor .shlDToBTneflcent11, 3f-n-fimt.-t 'V? -SfL8illirin'h'8 com ISItTeTOThlo'lFOTiTehate on the 15th. House roll No 30 was recom mended for pnssage, giving the frater nal societies the right to Incorporate. All the orders wero Included nnd sen nto files Nos. 10 and 12 wero Inde finitely postponed. House roll No. 102. by Ward, to give $3.0f0 to the Smith Bend hntcliprles was recommended for passage. House roll No. 14(5 wns re commended for general file. The bill regulates tho speed of motor cars. Senate file No. Kin, tho Shreck drain ago bill, was recommended for gener al file. House loll No. 128. by House, regulating the payment of lintel bills and providing n ponnlty for neglect thereof was read for the first time in tho senate. Sonato filo No. 7, by Shel don, wns passed without the emer gency clause. Tho bill provldos a 1 mill levy to pay tho stato debt. Sennto file No, 21, by Vore. to regulate tho passage of traction engines over bridges was recommitted to tho com mittee. Senator Giflln'f; reapportion ment bill wns recommended. LUHUUI nn: ill HOUSE When tho house met on tho 15th Jones of Polk called up his resolution calling for nn investigation of tho action of tho stato board of public lands nnd buildings for having usod, to build cottages at tho Norfolk asylum, $100,000 that was appropri ated two years ago to rebuild the west wing of tho asylum, which had been destroyed by fire. A motion to tablo tho resolution was defeated. House roll No. 133, by Jouvenat, to provido n guaranty deposit fund on Interest bearing deposits, lu stato banks, by an annual tax of one-fifth of 1 per cent on deposits, to be paid by the banks, was defended by its introducer and .opposed by Howo of Nemaha, Perr'ar of Hall, Wilson of Pawnee nnd other members. The bill was recom mended for lndeflnlto postponement. Thoso bills were introduced: To per mit stato officers, in case of emer gency, to purchase stationery costing less thnn $25 without intervention of the state printing board. To rodlstrict Nobrnska Into senatoilal and repre sentative districts. To nmond chapter 43 of the Compiled Statutes of the statu of Nebraska of 1003, by adding a now section. To prohibit tho stealing of, or attempting to steal, rldoa on trains, engines or cars, or any part or portion thereof, or climbing thereupon while stationary or In motion, nnd to provide n penalty nnd punishment not exceeding sixty days In jail and $25 fine. Authorizing county boards to ac quire title to land to be used for pub lie road purposes. To nmend sections ti nnd 45. chapter 28, or tho Compiled Stntutes of Nebraska for the year 1903, relating to the fees ot sheriffs, nnd other county ofllclnls. Fixing tho snlarles of sheriffs and tho manner of appointing and paying their deputies. To fix tho minimum numbor of trains nnd rogulato tho running time on rail roads In tho state of Nebraska. SENATE Tho sennto got busy on engrossed bills on the morning of tho 16th nnd passed these measures: S. F. 107, transferring $2,04(5.15 from tho penitentiary special labor uind to tho general fund. S. F. 101, allowing coun ty courts to dispense with administra tion of estates nnd to enter decrees In certain cases. S. F. 128, providing when n husband or wlfo Is competent to testify for or against each other. S. F. 113. o prevent tho Illegal ex penditure of public runds. S. F. 123, to repeal the statute providing for tho appointment of county attorneys, s. F. UU5, to transfer $(5,030.45 rrom tho In heritance tnx fund to the general fund of tho stnte. S. F. 120, to provide for susponded sentences In cases of wife desertion. S. F. 8(5. district clerk feo bill. S. F. 11(5, providing for tho pay inent of road tnjeos In cash or labor. A motion by Sheldon of Cuss wns adopted to not consider II. R. 4D, pro viding for tho establishment of n tilndlng twine factory at tho atnto pen Iteiitlary until the iippropilntlnn bills hnd nil been considered. HOUSE In the hoiiso on tho lfitlt II. It. 20. by Hlchnrdson of Mndlson, appropriating $35,000 for general re pairs at the Norfolk lusano nsyluni, Including the rebuilding of tho qld wing, was favorably nctod on, dosplto the protest of Jones of Polk', who wnnted tho bill to lny over until tho Investigation committee appointed un der his resolution yesterday repotted. II. It. (52, by Ernest of Johnson, pro voked much discussion, being nn ap propriation bill. It provided $10,000 for nn agricultural pavilion nt tho Stato fair. It wns recommended for passage. II. It. 110, Junkin's nntl-trust bill, was amended so ns to have suits brought under this net for Its enforce ment in tho state nnd not county courts. Tho bill lias been recommend ed for passage. II. It. 105, by Bouse ot Hall, requiring saloonkeepers to give guaranty bonds of $5,000, wnB rocom mondod for passage, but Hortou moved to except it from the commlttoo's re port and hnve the bill recommended for Indefinite postponement, Burns moved to except 11. U. 1C9, his bill to nllow university regents to condemn land for university purposes, which had been reported for Indefinite post ponement, and recommended It for passngeASF, 198,-byEirpcrson -oC; ClayinndMsaervoof JCnox-To, eatnli-, llsh' nv sEnginoerj.-nmlt)inR boardaSJFUlftf), by Gllllgan.o'f Hoit--. To nmend nn net to rogulato tho pur chase of supplies and to create a Hoard of Control therefor. The Board Is composed of tho members of tho Board of Public l-nnds nnd Buildings nnd is authorized to purehnso supplies In wholesale quantities. S. F. 200. by Cady, by request To allow tho Etato board to grant certificates to osteo paths when latter hnvo diploma from a school of osteopathy. SENATE On tho 17th S. F. 00. In creasing tho Salary of tho game wnr don nnd fish commissioner, was pass ed. Standing committees- reported as follows, for tho general file: 8. F. 181, allowing a township, road district or precinct to vote n tax of 25 mills for the improvement of public roads. S. F. 51, making stnte warrants draw 4 por cent fnterosf; school district war rants, 5 per cent; warrants of town ships or siib-divlslojis less than a county to draw 7 per cont Interest. S. F. 50, 51, 52 nnd 53, bills to nmond tho prosent decedent law. II, It. 52, legalizing tho use of voting machines. II. H. 29. to pay to former Attorney General Front $240 which ho paid for u bond. 11. It. i)8, to provide Jury trials In Justlco courts. H. It. 97, to provido for u chnngo of venuo where cases aro to bo tried in justice courts. II. H. 100, to provido for payment ot cost in chnnges of venuo from ono justice court to another. H. H. 99, to fix foos for Jurors In cases tried in Justlco courts. Among now bills woro tho fol lowing: Establishing n standnrd for stato printing. To labol penitentiary made goods and to rogulato the salo thereof. A Judicial apportionment bill, recently printed herewith. To mako Justlco of tho peace outside of towns overseers for the poor nnd to compel county boards 4o employ physicians for country districts, to be paid not moro thnn $200 yearly. To authorlzo tho leasing of tho homo for tho friend less when vacated. To fix tho salaries of deputies to stato officers at $1,800. The present law provides that tho de puty secretary- of stato nnil deputy stato superintendent shnll each re ceive $1,500' ,i' yoar. Each Is now get ting $1,700. HOUSE On the 17lh II It 111 br Copsoy of Cnster providing for tho distribution of the temporary school fund on the basis of tho numbor of school districts Instead of population, was indefinitely postponed. Jackson ot Antelope made a strong plea for tho. bill, urging thnt it. wns ncodod lu tho western port ot tho stnte, whore tho sparsely sotllcd communities did not get their Just share of this fund. Ono lt?m of business wns to hear nnd net on committee reports on forty bills'. Tho general file, containing forty three bills, wns entirely cleaned up. All tho bills which sirted through tho strainer of tho committees go direct ly to the gonornl file, Cascboei of, Ongo won Ills fight to compel mem bers to sign uppllcnttons for supplies before receiving nny nt tho first t onch session. Tho bill provides' that nt the end ot onch session the Stato Board of Public Lauds and Buildings shall Invoice loglsintlvo proporty loft over and hold It for the noxt session, nnd thnt no member shnll ho supplied until he shall lmvo made written ap plication on regular blanks furnished for that purpose. McClny's bill, appro priating $10,000 to rc-lmburse T. P. Konnnrd, was recommended for pas sage. The bill says M. Konnnrd, ns socrotary of stnte under Governor Fur nas, expended out of his own pocket $10,000 In tho prosecution of claims on tho sale of Indian lands. He was to receive 50 per cont of tho money thus collected. Tho hoiiso ravenuu committee reported forlndeilnlto post ponement tho fusion cnucus revenue bill nnd the report was confirmed by tho house. The bill was rather volum inous nnd mnde sweeping changos in the present revenue law. Senatorial Districts. Tho apportionment bill Introduced, by Glllln of Dawson wns nmended by tho steering comtnlttoo as follows and plnced on general file, on the l".'h. Following nro the sennlorlnl districts ns arranged by tho measuro: District No. 1 shnll consist nf tho counties of HIchardMm mid Pawnee nnd be entitled to one menu tor. DIstilct No, 2 shnll consist of thn counties of JoIiiimim, Otiie, Cnss anil Ncninlm and be entitled to ono semi tor, lJUltk't No. 2 shnll consist of the counties nf tinundtrs ulld Harpy and be entitled to ono senator. District No. 4 shall consist f th county of Douglas ami bu untitled u four senators. District No. 5 shnll constat f the' counties ot (Miming nnd Hurt nnd lie entitled to one wimtnr. District No. G snail consist of the counties or Thurston, Dakota, Dlvoti and Wayne nnd be entitled to oim senator. District No. 7 xlinll consist of I ho counties of Plorcc, Madison nn-1 Htan ton nnil be entitled til tthq Humitor. Dlsltlct No. 8 shnll eoilflfM of the counties of Cedar, Knox and ltity.1 nntl shall be entitled to one senator. District No. n shall consist nf tln counties of Holt, Wheeler, GaiOfManil Antclupo nnd be entitled to one sena tor District No. 10 shnll consist nf the counties of Bonne, Merrick nnd Nance and bo entitled to one senator. District No. 11 shall cnnsNt of tin counties of Dodge nnd Washlngtnn nnd be entitled to one senator. District Nn. 12 shnll -consist nf the counties nf Platte nnd Colfax and b entitled to one senator. District No. 13 shnll cnnslst nf the cnuntles or Hall, Howard and Greeley and be entitled to one senator. . Dl&tirt No. it shall consist of th counties ot Polk mid York and bo cn tltlod to ono senator. District No, 15 shall consist of the counties of Butler and Reward and bo entitled to one Hcnntnr. District No. 10 shall cnnslst of tho county nf Lancaster and be en' III"'' tOv tVU senators. , Distijct No. 17 shnll consist of t ti county vi uugc nnu ue emit ;mmi I WhAtArr lShn!l cnnsT counties of Jefferson nnd Thnj-it ami bo entitled to ono senator. District No. 20 shall consist of tin counties of Hamilton and fluy und lie entitled to one sonator. District No. 21 shall consist nf th counties of Adams pnd Kcarm-y and be entitled to nno senator. District No. 22 shall uinslst of the counties or Finnklln. "Webster en 1 Nuckolls and be entitled to ono sena tor. District No. 23 shall consist nf tho counties of Phelps, Harlan, Gosper nnd Furnas nnd be entitled to one (fenittt. DIstilct No. 24 ihull consist nf tin comities or Frontier, Hod Willow, Hitchcock, Hayes, Chase nnd Dumly and be entitled to nno tienatnr. DIstilct Nn. 25 shall consist nt tho counties of Buffalo and Dawson and be entitled to ono senator. Dlhtrlct No. SG Khali consist of tho counties of Sherman, Vnlloy, Cn-to, Loup nnd Blaine mill he entitle 1 to one senator. District No. 27 shall consist of ih counties of Hock, Brown. Keya P ,h i. Cherry, Hhcrlduu, Box Butte, Dawna nnd Sioux and ho entitled to one sena tor. District No. 28 shnll consist of thn counties of Lincoln. Porlilns. Ki'h. Deuel, Cheyenne, Kimball, Bun Scott's Bluffs, MoPherson. Logan, Grant, Hooker and Thomas and be en titled to one se. ntor. Force of Dynamite. Dynamite explodes so rapidly thnt Its force is exerted in the direction from which the greatest prosur comas. Thut Is, if tho dynapilt" b placed on tho ground, the oxplolv-i forco Is down; If it bo hung as n r a wall Its forco attacks the wall; 'f It be hung under an objoct Its force U upward. Cost of Capital Punishment. France was on the verge of nhe'h Ing capital punishment because of tht expense. Yet the salaries of the exe cutioner and his assistants nmount to only $3,800 a year, with fees of $4 for oach execution outside of Paris, nnd It cost $300 a your to "stnble" the guillotine. London Births. Tho average of births in I.oniUn li 11,000 a month. It is computed that ;i single month's births ot male 'liable would nearly suffice to repine t'i men lost by England' pn the Bo -r battlefields. led to on- istftE&rfll-IIS. aluuQjnMtfZ5!f- )fiRl Mlu SJB L " THf a-. S J vt-.i WfcW..V, 5fwfctwiffi--