The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 16, 1905, Image 7

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'W. ;
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fe "Pr
iKeltli L. 1'lcrve Is fully tiutliurlml to mv
licit Mibscrlptlons nnd Joli work and collect
and rcculpt fur -mine, mill truusuct ail other
business fn connection with til position its an
accredited representative ot this paper.
See Wildy for lumber and coal. gtf
F. A.Nceland was in town Monday.
Adolph Nikont was in town Wednesday,
'Mrs. Ii. F. Gardiner is very sick with
Wencel Dame made a business trip to
(own Monday.
Miss Mamie Miller spent Saturday and
Sunday in town.
C. li. llurlcigh is the owner of a new
sleigh, which he had made here.
Mrs. Clark Olds has been suffering with
a severe case of the toothache this week.
The M. W. A. passed up their regular
meeting Saturday night pn account of the
severe cold.
Have some fine spelts seed for sale at
market price, also millet seed.
Stf H. L. Bushnell.
1 have a choice lot of rye hay for sale
at reasonable prices. Enquire at my
store in Hemingford. II. L. Hushnell. 8tf
Liquozone has cured several persons
here, will give references. We handle it.
See large ad in all papers.
Hedgecock's Pharmacy.
St, Valentine's day brought its share of
comic valentines and people are either
mad or otherwise, according to the dis
position each is blessed with,
Am selling underwear very cheap.
Have reduced my prices on overshoes, leg
gings and felt boots to a very close price.
No trouble to show goods.-H. L. Bushnell.
James Ilollinrake has joined the local
telephone company. This increases the
membership to 71. There will be 150
members in the association inside of a
couple of years more.
The Hemingford telephone meeting re
adjourned until Saturday, Feb. 18. at 10
o'clock a. m. A committee was appointed
to revise the constitution and by-laws to
report at the adjourned meeting.
There should be a caucus held in the
near future to put in nomination a ticket
to be voted for at the spring election. The
law provides for three trustees to be elect
ed for two years and two for one year this
It. E. Johnson has taken, the agency for
the Harding Cream Co,, of Omaha to buy
cream for them at Hemingford and sell
the Empire Cceam Separators. He will
receive cream on Monday, Wednesday
and Saturday of each week. 9-2
The section force here is reduced to the
foreman and no laborers. It will be
strange if this false economy of the rail
road company and the miserably low
wages they offer for this kind of work
3oes not cause them grief in the shape of
wrecks before spring.
If Editor Broome of the Grip could
have been :n Hemingford this week he
would have found his fondest dreams re
alized. Hemingford was indeed dead.
Every farmer and ranchman was safe at
home and the merchants did not make
enough profit to pay for the fires they
kept. The Grip man should have come
up and paid us a visit last week.
The Man With a Cow.
Do you knoA our price for butter fat
la st half of February, is 28c per pound?
Do you know this means Si. 12 to
Si. 25 per hundred for milk?
Do you know during the winter of
1902 we paid as high as 27c for butter
fat; and 25c in 1903?
Do you know these are bettor prices
than dairymen of New York, Wiscon
sin, and other old dairy states who fol
low dairying exclusively, are realizing
for their milk produced on farms worth
S;oo and more per acre?
Do you know this beats raising dol
lar wheat or fifty-cent com
Do you know we paid more money to
the fanners of Nebraska in 1904 than
all other creamery companies operat
ing in the state?
Do you realize what you are losing if
you are not the owner of a DcLaval
hand separator, and one of our patrons?
Do you know that we sell the De
Laval, the best separator on earth?
, Do you know that out of a total of
20,000 separators used in Nebraska
15,ooo are DeLavals?
Do you know, if you are not one of
our 20,000 patrons, that it will be to
your interest to call on our representa
tive and talk this over?
Beatrice Creamekv Co.
We sell separators on easy terms.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
Ira i:. m'sii.Nixi
Proprietors of the Wf
I Palace Meat Market I
Choicest Fresh and Salt Heats
Always on Hand
Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial
Phone In your orders We have
First door north of Post Office.
St. Valentine gave us a dawn of sun
Our sick are all once more able to be out
and Lakeside is glad.
Rev. Lyons made a business trip to
Ellsworth last Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Nelson was an Alliance bus
iness visitor last week, Tuesday.
How was your thermometer Sunday
morning Mr. Herald? Ours said j( de
grees below.
Lakeside is experiencing a coal famine.
A team was dispatched to Ellsworth this
morning in quest of fuel.
On account of snow drifts and extreme
cold last Sunday, the Sabbath school and
other church services were very poorly
li. A. Lyons seems to be a permanent
fixture at the depot tu Lakeside these days.
He is trying to master the science of light
ening ticking.
We forgot to menton the fact in our
last week's items that sheriff House, of
Rushville, made a business -visit to Lake
side on the 2nd inst.
Chas. Lyons went to Alliance last on 41
night to make final proof on his homestead
just west of town. K. A, Cook and E. M.
Harris went as witnesses.
J. B. Brown, four miles east of town
was reported Sunday morning as quite
sick with a severe cold on the lungs and in
danger from pneumonia, but with care
and no exposure would escape that dread
disease was this morning's report.
There arc some travelers and others
who have not yet learned that our parson
age is no longer a boarding house but fre
quently our pastor or some of his family
are aroused from their slumbers by some
Knight of the Grip seeking a bed or place
to sleep.
J. A. Crowther came up from Ellsworth
on 41 last night to look after the welfare of
his ranch west of town. Chas. and Willis,
his sons' have charge of the ranch and are
caring well for all interests in same during
Mr. Crowther's temporary sojourn in
Judging from some of the sights to be
witnessed on our streets the past few days,
there has been a considerable illegal im
portation of a certain distilled fluid. Here
is a matter of investigation that might not
develop to the entire satisfaction of all our
residents. Each repetition of recent acts
will undoubtedly be implied as an invita
tion to make such investigation. Not all
of our people are blind though they do
not see. Blenkerhoff.
Saturday March 4th '05 at 1 p. m.
Isham Bros, will sell at auction, four
teen head of draft stallions, direct
from their stables at Mazou, Illinois,
consisting of Belgians, I'erchcrons,
Shires and Clydes from three to six
years old and weighing 1,500 to 1,800
each. The Percherons, Shires and
Clydes are bred from iiriported mares
and stallions and a registered pedigree
will be furnished with each Stallion.
The Belgians are grades and will be
sold at prices that you can afford to
turn them loose with your mares.
These stallions will arrive in a spec
ial palace arms stallion car, a few days
before the sale. Come and see them
at the Palace livery bam. They are
the big square blocky kind with a
heavy bone, selected especially for
western Neb. by a western man. If
you are in need of a stallion don't miss
this sale, it is j'our opportunity to buy
at your own price for the3' positively
must be sold to the highest bidder.
No delay on account of weather.
Terms: one-third cash, balance
eight mouths time on approved paper.
Wm. Foskkt, Isham Bros.,
Auctioneer. Mazon, III.
The Alliance Herald and
Nebraska State Journal,
the leading weekly, both
one year for $1.50.
the goods and will deliver them
Land office Notices.
Land Olllcuul Alliance, Nb. Jiiu. 20. Iff XV
Notice H hereby c I veil that the rollowln
mimed settlor hit (licit notice of her Intention
vu nisKo nnui pnioi in support .,r ner mum,
mill tlml wild proof will In- 1 1) mil' lofori
lii'Ktsti'P anil lteo-iver lit Alliance Noli, on
APHPHTA -llllfll
of llcnilnefonl. N'plt.. outs of the helr of
l'onrullm Biiw. iIivphumI. on H, K. No. 1911
n, im- ,11:54 wviiuii i. ii,,viiiii, itll. rillIKe ,ww.
She- linuies the following witnesses to prove
hcri'ontlmums residence, upon nnd cultlvii
tlon of said Intnl. vliti Andrew U .IoIiiim.ii,
lliius Ilanwii, Orvllle Kldtvell, Itolmrt Curry,
nil of Hi'inliiKfnnl, Neb.
HuivE Wtuxix, Hector.
Contest Notice.
t S. Until Ofllof. Alliance. Neli., .Inn 2ft. tins.
A sittllolent contest affidavit hnvtittf been
Med in this ollleo Vj- Frank liovnn con
ti'Matit, upnliiftt llotnesteml entry No. nt:w,
nintlt Mny II. itw, for tot I an. I smiil casus
nnrthweM'f section 31. tnwiiilitp sin. nitiKP
Sow, by Verney U. Mortfr. contest it', In which
tt is nnY'RisI that Mild Verney II Mortor never
resided on wild tract nmi hns wholly nlmmhiii
ed same for tnoru tlmti tint years Inst mst
nnd Umt mild alleged absence from the wild
laud was not duo to Ids employment In the
army, nnvy or marine eorps of the Unit til
States its a tirlvaln soldier, otllcor seaman or
tuiirlnu iltiritiK tho war with PmiIii or tltirltiK
tiny other wnr In which the I'nlted suites
may lie engageO, said parties arc hereby noti
fied to appear, respond nnd offer ovldeiiro
touehliift wild allegation nt 10 o'clock 11. m.
on March Si. 1W5, beforo thn lleulstcr nnd
Hecclrcrut the United States Land Oflleotn
Alliance. Nebraska.
The, said contestant hnvlntr. In n proper nf
lldnvlt. (lied .Ian. r,. IPO V set forth fncts which
tdiow that after duo diligence ixTsonal service
oune 1101 icn can 1101 ue nmac, 11 is nerenv or
dured nnd directed that .such notice bo i-lveii
by due mid proper publication.
fpJnulT. UlurcK Wli-cox. Ilcclstt-r.
Contest Notice
No. ass.
U. S. Ltmd Onict", AUIiinco, Neb., Aujf. IS, iPOi.
A sutllclent contest utiiduiit havlni; Ikicu
film In thin ollicy by August Drews, contestant,
against Homestead entry No. HTCl. nuido Hep,
10, 1HX), for north half southwest quarter
and north half southeast quarter of section
15. township -s, range 4U by ('has. O. King,
contcsteo. In which it is alleged that aalii
(lima. O. King lias not resided upon said tract
since diitti of entry, nor nuido nny Iniprortt
ments thereon. Said nllwhrcd absence,
from tho said land wan not duo to
his employment in tho urtuy, navy or
marine corps of tho United States us a private
soldier, officer, seoman or marine during tho
war with Hpaln or during any other war in
which the United Htaten may be engaged, said
parties are hereby notified Ui appear, respond
and otTer evidence touching said allegation at
iO o'clock 11. m.. on Marcji, 1(1, llXTi, beforo the
Iteglstcr and ltecclver at the I'nlted States
Land Offlcu i:i Alliance, Nebraska.
The. said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, tiled .Innuay 10 UXIV set forth facts
which show that after iluo diligence personal
servlco of this notlco cannot bo made, it ia
ordered nnd directed Unit such notlco Ihj jtlveu
by due nnd proper publication.
fp JuttM llnucu WlM'ox. ItegUter.
Sheriff! Snlc.
No. 15X.
Hy virtue of an order of sulo issued by tho
clerk of the district court of llox Unite, coun
tyNebraska, upon a decree rendered bv said
court in favor of John Lcltli, plain tltr, and
against William (Crimes. Thomas i'ralim, V.
II. Untitling, Trustee, W. II. Limning
defendants. I will, on tho tsth tiny
of February. A. U. WOS, at 10 o'clock
11. m. on mild day. at the wetit front door of the
court house In Alliance. Id said county, sell
the following descrilHtl real estate, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of .section Si, In town
sblpt.7. north of run go 50. west of the sixth
principal meridian, in ilov Iluttu county, Ne
braska, at public auction to thu highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said onler of aalo in
the sum of M.VUW nnd interest, costs anil
nccrultiK costs, taxed ifiW.SO, subleet to nil un
paid tuxes.
Sheriff of snld County.
Smith V. Tnrrf.v,
Attorney Tor I'lalntllT. fp .Tan. SO
Notice to Creditors.
In county Court, within nnd for ilox llutto
county, Nebrnskn. Feby. 2, 1H05. In thu
matter of the estuto of Henry tl. Taylor,
decciised. To the creditors of said estate:
You tire hereby untitled., that 1 will sit at
tint County Court Uooin In Alllanco in said
county, on the 4th day of August,
I IMS, nt two o'clock p m., to receive
nnd examine nil claims against snld
estate, with a view to their adjustment nnd
allowance. The time limited for the pres
entation of claims against said estate is six
mouths, from the 2nd day of reby , A. I). iP0.",
and thellmi! limited for payment of debts Is
0110 year from said 2iul day of February
Witness my bnnit and (he seal of said
county com t. this 2nd day of February, liHVi,
(A True Copy) I). K. Spaciit,
skai" ! p Feb 2-4 w. County .luilgu.
Notice to N'oiiltcsldcnt Dcfenduiits.
Toltufus M. NelTuud Mrs. NelT. first name
unknown, wife of defendant. Unfits M.
Neff. John Doe, real nainu unknown,
benellclnry of W. II. Limning, trustee,
defendant, non-resident defendants.'
Notice Is hereby given that oil the (1th day
of February, 1005, C. ('. Stevens, plalntilr.
riled his petition In tb) district court of llor
Itut to county, Nebraska, wherein Unfits SI.
Nelf nnd Mrs. Nelf, llrst mime unknown, wife
or defendant, ItufusM. Neir, V. II. I.annlng.
Trustee, John Doe. rent name unknown, bene
llulary of W. II. IjhidIiik.
Trustee, defendant, and W, II. Lutiiilng
weio made defendants, the object
uud prayer of which snld petition Is to fore
close a tux lieu based upon 11 cortlllcntoof tax
sale dated 2tlth (lay of November llHJl.forthe
delinquent taxes for the years Is'.tl, Ii7. WH,
lswuud ltiX) nnd subsequent taves paid bv
plalntiirrorthejeurs 1101. llktl and I '.Kit. which
cer tilleuto of tux snle wus issued by tho treas
urer of Ilox llutto county, Nebraska, to this
plaintiff, for said taxes, UKiti the fo'lowlng
described real estate. situated In tho county
of Jinx Iluttc, stale of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of suction 2:1 In towiuhlp27
of riuiKo 4".
Thuninouiit claimed by plnliitllf iiimui said
tax lien Is thu sum of $(.28 with Interest
thereon as provided by law from the (lib day
of February U)."i, of which sum 6.l is for
attorney's feo and $300 for publication of
redemption notice. Thu prayer f said peti
tion Is for a decree declaring tho aforesaid
amount, together with interest thereon, attor
ney's fee, redemption notleouud costs, to bo
a tlrst lion upon the aforesaid real estate ami
that said real estate may be sold under an
order of the court to satisfy tho same, and
that said defendants be forever barred uud
foreclosed of all Interest or claim in nnd to
said real estate or any part thereof.
You tiru required to answer said petition 011
or before tluO'th day of March, 1PU5.
U. O. Stkve.n8, I'lalntllT.
Hy YY. Mitchell, his attorney.
Divorce Notice.
In tho district court of Ilox llutto county,
Charles U Colling, I'lalntllT
Carrie M. Ceilings, Defendant.
To Currlo M, Colllngs, uon-re-ldul ilefend
ant: You uro hereby notified that on the liilli day
of February, 1905, Charles O.ColbngB.pliiintllf,
(lied 11 petition against you in the district
court of Ilox Iluttu county, Nebraska, the ob
ject uud prajorof which uro to obtain a di
vorce from you on thu ground of extreme
cruelty. Practiced bv von toward nlaintlff.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, thu 27th duy of March, ITXC
Ily William Mitchell, hli Attorney.3 Fob. 16-4
The billiard tournament at the M.
& M. hall had the following scores
this morning;:
Gaines Points Av,
L.S.Ellis 6 591 1,58
Roy Beckwith 5 495 .50
H. M, Bullock 0 579 1.41
H.T.Lund 10 931 1,41
W.H.Jackson 9 782 1,11
V. E. Byme 3 416 j.ii
G. L. Mockett 5 419 1,09
Dr. E. C. 1 Koons 4 293 1.04
W, G. Dietlein 5 407 1.00
H, k. uauey.. 5 380 .75
A.C.Johnson 6 384 ,74
b L, O. T. M Meets very firvt and third Frr
dayatEaglo Halt. Visiting Maccabees col
dlally invited, Mim. F- .1. lirmoi,rt, L. C,
Mim. Ammb Yount, It. K,
I.cenl Notices,
Notice to Nott-Ucsldcnt Defendants.
To John Doe. reiil name unknown, and Mrs.
Din, real nnnio unknown, wife of John
Doe. real name unknown, defendant, non
resident defendants.
Notice Is hereby glr n that on the 6th ihiv
of Fibriiiiry. imw O. C. Stevens, plnlntlit.
tiled his petition in the district court of ilox
Unite county. Nebraska, wherein Oars ten
llennlnirs and Mrs. Heunlngs, llrst name
tibkuowii. wire of defcmlanl Citrsteli llen
tilngs John Doe. real name unknown, nnd
Mrs. Doc, real name unknown, wife of John
Doe. real ntimo unknown, defendant, were
ninde defendants, the object nnd pra)cr of
xvhlch salt! petition is to foreclose a tax lien
laisetl upon 11 certlllcnte of tux sale dated
Jul.i 12. lot:. Tor the delinquent tui-s for tho
years Isji;. isns, iswi uud mm and subsequent
taxes imldbyvlalntlft for the yenra lli, IIH
and IWtl, which eertllleiitc of tax sale was
Issued b) the treasurer of Ilox llutto county,
Nebraskn to this plaintiff, for snld taxes,
iHKin the following descrllM'd nvil estate, sh
unted In tho county of Ilox llutto. statu of
Nolimsku, to-wlt t irlotithwwst quarter of sec
tion 25 In township 25 of ranger,-.'.
The amount claimed by plnintltf Umii snld
tux lien Is the stun of Jl.VIfO with IntTCst
thensm usprovldisl by law from the nth day
of February IlKO, of which sum ?5.ntl Is for
attorney's feo nnd $1.15 for publication nf
redemption notice. The prayer of said peti
tion Is for a decree declaring the aforesaid
amount, together with interest thereon, attor
ney's fee. redemption notice mid cost, to Ik)
a llrst Hen tiion the uforesald renl cut ale and
thai suld real estate may I hi sold under 1111
order of the court to satisfy thu same, uud
that snld defendants bo forever barred and
foreclosed of all Interest or claim In nnd to
said real estate or any part thereof.
You aru required to answer said petition on
or lieforu thu 20th day of March lixVi.
c. v. stkvknh, rialntliT,
Hy Y. Mitchell, his attorney.
Notlco to N'oii-Uesldcnt Defendants.
In the District Court of Ilox llutto county,
Nebraska. Alice T l.annlng, plaintiff, vs.
Mrs. Kd. l'liiukett. llrst mwno unknown,
(Jiieeii 0. (llllsTl. F. Hay (lllbt-rt, heirs of
William (llllH-rt.,leceased. Kd. I'lunketl,
husband of defendant Mrs. Kd. I'lunketl,
llrst name unknown, Frances Lyons,
formerly Frances Ullbert, wlfo of llllam
dillx'rt. tietvasetl. TI10 Equitable Limit
Company, Thu McKlnley-LainiliiK Uu
mid Trust Oomiany and W. II. Cnruahau.
receiver. The McKlnley-Laiininii Ihviii
and Trust Compuiiy defendant defendants,
Oucen (1. Gilbert, non-resldenl defendant.
Will tnku notice that tin the 8th day of Feb
ruary 1VM5. AllcoT. lAiinlnir, plalntilT, herein
llltsl her petition In tho district court of Ilox
liutte county, Nebraska. against snld
defendants, tlio objtt't and prayer of which
a ro to foreclose a certain niortiraKeuxei:uted
by William (JlllM'rt, deceasetl, and Ids wife,
the defendant. Frances Lyons, formerly
Frances Ullbert, wlfo of William Ullbert,
deceased, to Tho McICInley-lAiinlng Loan
and Trust Company and duly assigned by
Thu McICInley-l.tuinlng Irfmn nnd Trust
Company to Oils plnliiilir, who Is the owner
and holder of tho same, uikiii northeast
quarter of section So Intownsfilp'JHof rango
47 In ilox llutto county, Nebraska, to seouru
the payment of n certain promissory note or
real estate coupon Isjnd. tinted March I, lW.
for the sum of fVO.W due and napiblo live
years after date thls.H)ft and 11 certain
promissory noto or Interest eouiHin, tinted
March I, IsflO, for tho sum of S2I.03, dim and
pajable March t, 1V: that there Is now duo
and piiyuhlo upon said promissory nolo or
renl estate coupon Isnid: snld promissory
note or Interest coupon and mortgngo tho
sum of tl.2:i, for wlilchsum. with Interest
from February nth. IP05, plnlntlit prays for 11
decree that UcfendautH bo required to pay
tint sumo or that said premises may bo sold
to satisfy thu nmount found duo.
You tire requested to answer til's petition
oil or before theSOth day of March llTO.
Dated Fob. H, IIH15. Ai.tcnT. LANNlNii.l'laln
tilf. Hy V, Mitchell, her attorney.
Notice to Noil ItCHldcnt Defcndaitt.
To Alexander II I toss mid Mrs. Uoss, first
name unknown, wlfo of dofemlent Alex
ander II. I toss, uon-resldcnttlefoiidants.
Notice is hereby given that on Ihu (Ith day
of February. 1105. C. C. Slovens, plaintiff, (lied
his petition In thu district court of Ilox llutto
comity. Nebrnskn, wherein Alexander II.
lioss, uud Mrs. Itoss. llrst mime unknown,
wife of defendant, Alexander II. Itoss, Tho
Mclf Inlcy-Laiiulnic Ixjan and Trust Company
W. II. Curnahaii. Hecelver. The
MclClnley-Liinuiug Loan mid Trust
Company defendants, were made defen
dants, the object nnd prayer ot
which said petition Is to foreclose 11 lax Hen
bused upon 11 certificate of tux sale, dated
Nov. 2d, Inoi. for the delinquent tuxes for the
years, I8U7. IMW. 1KSW anil mm. and subsequent
tuxes paid by plalntitT for thu years. 11(01.
I'.Hti and 100:1, which certificate of tux snle
wus Issued by tho treasurer of Ilox Ilntlit
county. Nebraska, to this plaintiff, for said
taxes, upon the following descrltxsl real
estate, situated in tho county of Ilox Untie,
state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast quarter
of section V In township 27 of miuzo 47.
Tho nmount claimed by plaintiff upon snld
lux lieu In the sum of Sls.m with Interest
thereon us provided bylaw from the nth day
of February, 1005. of which sum 5.ll Is for
attorney's fit' and $3.00 for publication or
redemption notice. The prayer of said iietl
tlon Is for u decree, declaring the uforesald
amount, together with Interest thereon, nttor-nov'-s
fee, redemption notlco uud costs, to l
a llrst lien upon the uforesald real estate and
that said real estate may Imj sold under an
order of thu court to satisfy tho same, and
Hint slid defeilduuts Isi forever barred mid
foreclosed of nil luteiest or claim In uud to
said real estate or nny part thereof.
You uro required to answer snld petition on
or before the 20th day of March. IPT,.
C V. Stkvenb, I'lalntlir.
Ily V. Mitchell, his attorney,
Notieo to Non-Uesldent Defendants
To tho I'nkuown Heirs ot Albert llowlaud,
deceused, Addle Cook, one t)f I ho heirs of
Altiorl llowlaud, deceased, and Mr. Cook,
llrst name unknown, husband of Addle
Conk, defendant, one oft he heirs of Albert
llowlaud, decensed, noti resident defend-
Notlco is hereby given that 011 the Mb duy of
February, 1005, Mury K. Heed, plaintiff, (lied
her petition In thu district court or Ilox llutto
county, Nebriiskn, wherein the unknown hells
of Allien Howlund, diseased. Tho Mclvililey
LuuuliiK Loan itixt Trust Company, W. II.
Cnrnnhan. recclwr of The Molvlnley-Laiuilnt?
Loan mid Trust Company, defendant, Francis
Lyons, one of the heirs or Albert llowlaud,
deceased, Mr. Lyons, llrst name unknown,
husband of Frances Lyons, defendant, one or
1 in, ln,lt-kiif Albert llowland. deceased. Addle
Cook, one of tho heirs of Alliert llowland,
deceased, aud Mr. Cook, llrst name unknown,
liUHottndor AUUlo toon, tieiemieni, ono 01 iiib
heirs or Allien llowland, deceased, were miiile
defendants, tho object nnd pruyer or which
said petition Is to foreclose a tux lieu bused
uiionucertllicHtu of tux salo dated January
till, 1&02. for the delinquent taxes fur the yeura
IS04. 1805. 18IM. 17 and 1K8H nnd sulistsiienl
taxes paid by pluintllf for the years 1WU und
1002. whleli certltlcuto rff tux sulo was Issued
by the treasurer of Itox Iluttc county, Nebras
ka, to this plulntlff, for said taxes, upon tho
following described real estate, situated in the
county of itox Hutte, stuto of Nebraska,
to-wlt: Southwest quarter of section ,25 In
township 2S of raiiKU47. , , . ,,
Thu umount claimed by plaintiff upou said
tax lien is tho sum or Si23 with interest
thereon as provided liy law from 1110 1st uuy
or .Murcli 1P04. or which sum S10.:ci is for attor
ney's feo und 13.00 for publication of redemp
tion notice. The prayer of said petition Is for
a decree declaring thu aforesaid amount,
together with Interest thereon, attorney n fee,
redemption nntlcu and costs, to Ir u tlrst lien
upon the aforesaid real estate, uud that snld
ntul -Kttn niu v bo sold under an order of tho
court to satisfy tho same, und that suid
defendants be lorever barred aud foreclosed
of all interest or clulin in and u said teat
estate or any part thereof. '
You uro rcqulretl to answer said petition on
orticrorotheSOthdayof Marcli 1005. . , ,
AIaiiv K. Kekii, Plulntlff.
Hy Win. Mitchell, his attorney.
J. Rowan
Celebrated Ravenna Flour
At Pilkingioa's old
stand, 'phone No. 71,
Souvenirs . .
Repairing in all its Hail orders promptly
Branches. attended to.
A. O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician,
1 Are You Coming
to Alliance to live? If
anything- you need in
Hardware Line
We guarantee to please
PRICK. Ask our customers about this.
C -&.. 3iTElT?vr"BE3EeE"r.
F. J. Brennan & Co....
Drugs, Perfumes
-""Toilet Articles.
Paints, Oils and
1 BJ I 39 IBBBSkHbh BBjVf
Forest Lumber Company.
.J . ftLLLLXLilim-alp Jfc;
1 !yxQI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Irn r
I H J! 'te
Dierks' Lumber Coal Co,
Also agents for frebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22
Why! Bless my Soul!
Its White House Coffee.
dwinellavriqht co.,
Why Suffer with
a Headache?
Holsten's Headache Tablets
They are safe and sure and leave
no bad after effects.
F. E. Holsten's Drug and Jewelry Store
Hartford Kiro Insurance Company.
North American ot t'lillidelpbla.
I'uoonU ot lilookljrn. New York.
Continental of New York City.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
Now York Underwriters. New York.
CorumercUl Union Avuruuw Do., Loudon
Gold Jewelry,
so, let us fit you out with t
you in QUA.L1TY and I
Wall Paper
Alliance, Nebraska. J
Nothing is moro interesting than tho
manufacturo of high grado lumber. We
buy only of tho best manufacturers and
hence can assure you the best of every
thing in the line of Building Material.
For that small repairing we
have the fixings, Boards for
sidewalk laying, fencing and
the like, can be had, from us
at reasonable price.
I rv
The largest Dealer In the V. S.
I AM am sole agent for this high grade
Coffee and recommend its use. I am
not going to make a display of, cheap bar
gains as jt takes cheap goods for cheap
premiums, Come to the store, I have
the best goods that money can buy and
these will be my bargains to my customers.
For your patronage I thank you.
f t
James uratiam
West of Alliance National Bank.
tilTerpool, London and Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln.
Columbia tire Insurance Company,
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix las. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Offlc Up.Htalrs.Vleteber Block.