The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 09, 1905, Image 8

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B!'Myl.IJ lPrii5S,
Dr. Uelhvooil of Alliance was here
Monday as medical examiner of appli
cants for life Insurance.
Mrs. L. Snow returned homo from Al
liance Wednesday after a months visit in
that city,
Mrs. H. L. Richardson returned to
Wyoming on Thursdny after a visit with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Richey of
this place.
Henry Brundage came up from Mitch
ell last Thursday.
John Hickey came do-vn from the
ranch Saturday hrinRing his daughter
Miss Mary who began a term of school in
Dist. 01 Monday, Miss Hickey is a be
ginner in pedagogy having taught one
term in this district and gave such good
satisfaction that tho board employed her
for a second torm.
Mr. Getter, a lifo insurance agent was
domiciled at tho Commercial all last week
during tho savage weather. We hear that
he was the getter of a few victims.
'Miss Laura Owen who has been acting
in the capacity of night opej.itor at this
dace for some time, was called to Alliance
Sunday. A young man whose name we I
have not learned is operating in her stead.
That the population of this place is on
the increase, is evidenced by the arrival
of a daughter at tho home of our black
smith Thomas Squibb on the evening of
the 4th inst.
The ice men from a distance who were
running teams ou the ice works here have
all gone homo tho contracts having been
fillpii. Tim sensnn has surlv been a suc
cessful one for the owner. Mr. Gregg as i
there was not a break in the work from
start to finish. .
G. II. Richey is arranging to build an
addition to his hotel which will be 25x25
feet. PerhaDs our little comment on the
need of more hotel accommodations hud J
the desired effect. By the way, another
traveling man had to put up with depot
accommodations the other night.
It's quite funny what a change in mean
ing is caused by one little typograpical er
ror. Last week we said that Carl Toll
man drove a fine mule team a,nd tho com
positor made it read a the mule team.
There was a ''hot time in the old town"
last Friday evening when the B, & M.
pump house went skyward in smoke and
flames. Ii is not known how the fire
started, and it was under such headway
when first noticed that nothing could be
done to save the building, The windmill
tower stands virtually on one leg the other
three having been burned and damaged so
badly as to render them almost useless,
Mr. Newlan a B. &. M. employee and
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windwill doctor came up on Sunday but
refused to ascend tho tower which is not
surprising when it is remembered that
from this very tower that gentleman step
ped through the manhole and after making
two complete summersaults lit on the
ground fifty feet below, breaking a leg
and the wonder is that he did not break
his neck. This happened some two or
three years ago, but the time is not so far
removed but that tho gentleman has a
very vivid recollection of at least one im
portant episode in his life. Other work
mon are on tho ground preparing to lower
the wheel and rebuild the tower. The en
gine and pump has been setup and put to
work without so much as a board to cover
the head of the operator. Workmen are
expected soon to rebuild the structure.
Roy Richey accompanied his sister Mrs.
Richardson as far as Crawford Thursday
returning Friday on the belated 42 which
arrived about 5 p. m.
Peter Allison, proprietor of tho O U
ranch came down Saturday remaining at
tho Commercial until Monday.
Miss Beth Thomas has gone to Alliance
to have an operation performed for tonsi
litis. The stosre in the college went on a strike
Monday morning and the pupils were giv
en a half holiday. Drs. Dyers and Sullen
berger were called in and after consulta
tion administered an emetic. The thing
went off a tooting.
Section foreman Ilunicker had hard
work during the fire Friday to save the
section house and out buildings. The
wind being in the south, burning shingles
were carried several rod., many of which
fell on and around the buildings.
Several recruits for Burk's extra grading
gang arried on 41 Monday and were taken
to the wrks by C. II. Richey,
The section force ar this place has been
cut down to two men.
Dougal McMillan, one of 'tho first set
tler on north table was in town Monday.
He says sleighing is fine on tho table, the
snow being smooth and level,
The Man With a Cow.
Do you kno.v our price for butter fat
firsthalf of February, is 28c per pound?
Do you know this moans Si. 12 to
Si. 25 per hundred for milk?
Do you know during tho winter of
1902 we paid as high as 27c for buttqr
fat; and 25c in 1903?
Do you know those are better pi ices
than dairymen of New York, Wiscon
sin, and other old dairy states who fol
low dairying exclusively, are realizing
for their milk pioduced on farms worth
5 100 and more per acre?
ft -S P -2
Do you know this heats raising dol
lar wheat or fifty-cent corn?
Do you know we paid more money to
the farmers of Nebraska in 1904 than
all other creamery companies operat
ing in the state?
Do you realize what you are losing if
you are not the owner of a. DeLaval
hand separator, and one of our patrons?
Do you know that we sell the De
Laval, the best separator on earth?
Do you know that out of a total of
20,000 separators used in Nebraska
'5,000 are DeLavals?
Do you know, if you arc not one of
our 20,000 patrons, that it will be to
your interest to call on our representa
tive and talk this over?
Blatrich Creamery Co.
We sell separators on easy terms.
A. W. Tyler, agent,
7-2 Lakeside, Nebr.
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
'Phone Alliance,
No. 5. Nebraska.
Do vou like
Oriental Pan Cake Flour
will suit you
Oriental Coffee & Tea Co.
Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders
delivered anywhere.
Phone 44S Alliance, Nebraska
For Fine Boot and Shoe
Also has in stock a new line of GENTS'
SHOES of the best manufacture and at
prices that will suit. Call and examine
the stock before you buy and you will
save money. ,
At R. Madsen's old stand, first
door south of Cigar Factory
For a Full
Line of...
Staple No
it Fancy
Best Cofa,
1 tat Teas,
nor Hours,
That Can't be Beat
In Town,.,,
Enameled ware
:: Undertaking' and . .
:: Embalming- Company
Call ., snswered promptly day or night.
Claude Humphry,
Tlrs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant
Residence phone 269.
New and Second-Hand
Bicycle and' light re
pairing. We buy
and sell second-hand
good. Phone 502.
802 Box Butte Ave.
0 t)
Flour 1 Feed
Is Our Leader. Try It
PHONE 105.
wi:st sun: main
JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor.
Dray, and Transfer Line.
The only spring
Phone 139.
BvilHBEi 'ii i 4 UlnHk. ivMtfi"i.'cBik v' Hhi BKuCHflStjllL ,S9
fc3Q.rr"i&s o e
Of Omaha the eye sight specialist will be
at the Charters Hotel for one day only.
Don't fail to have your eyes examined
and fitted if necessary. Date, Feb. 23, 05.
The Winter Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE' TOWN, don't worry
about what to do with your Household Goods.
S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them
in a nice,,dry and cool place and pack and ship
them wherever desired. Charces reasonable.
dray line in the city
S. A. Miller.