to T' JSf Women in Out Hospitals Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Each, YearHow Women May Avoid Them. uby Musbru Golnp through the hospltjxls in onrnes, slec-plossness, melancholy, "nil largtH'ltlps one isbiirpriMMltolltitlsiieh -oiio"auil "Ham to-twlt'lt-nlciiie'' feel a lurge proportion of the patients lying ings, tlie.x should remember there is one on those Miovv-vvliilu beds viiineii tried and true leinedy. and girls, who are cither awaiting. The fol. owing letters cannot fail to cr recovering from bcrious opera' bring hope to despairing women. ti0-vM , i .1 t ' Mrs., 41S N. 54th Street, W hy should this be the case? Sim- W,.bt Philadelphia, l'a , writes: plv because they have negleeted them-J .. ., ,,, .. solve. Ovnriuu and womb trouble DJ ,, rlm. eondUt.mvvl.en 1 arc certainly on the Increase among, rot ,, r,n.,(vlr. a smloii womb the women of this country they creep )Vi ovuriini trull. until could not currv a upon them unawares, but evcrv one ot child to maturity, mid uns ndvijwl that an those patients in tue Iiospltal beds hal "iteration uasniy imiy nope or recovery, i plenty of warning in that bea-inn- wi'ldnot liwtr to think of goin , U th bospl ctnwn f..,1lnif lviin nt loft ,r ri.rhl ,,f ! tnl. m wrok vou for nihlco I dl.l as you iii dovvn feeling, pain at lelt or right of st t t , uni, look 1yilIa E i.,.,Uhnm the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain m v.umini,i.. i ...,.. i n.,,t i ,.. t nU ., the small of the back, leneorrluea, til - zlness, llatuleney, ilisplueeinentsorihe womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an nii lrealthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by ndangerous operation. "When these symptoms manifest them selves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and sub- j mit to an operation but remember that Lydla 12. Pinlchnm's Vegetable I Cninnnmiil linn k.-ivpi! thousTituls nf I women from surgical operations ' ' When women are troubled i ith ir regular, suppressed or pain fill menstru ation, weakness, leucorrhtea, displace. lucnt or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or llat uleney). general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi tude, excitability, irritability, nervous- Lvilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. There are Many Imitations of and. Bakei Doift be titled to ivfo.uv.T.-Maik Cocoa" or II if I MMtS Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts Highc Take-Down VIMBSSMB. VWiirl ar jc b3 'l"t IfM i Don't spend from $50 to $2C0 for a gun, when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, besides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. FREE i Oar UO-Patje Illustrated Catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. 32 YEARtS SELLING DIRECT We are the latest manufacturers of ing to consumers exclusively. We Have No Agents but ship anywhere for ex amination end approval, euaranteeing safe deliv ery You are out no th ine Knot satisfied as to style, quality and price. Welnal.e 200 styles of vehicles and INo 636, c miiniUoa Buggy it.i extra 65 styles of harness, rtK.kSfMSnlJ.ln ratAwlfrM Prkt Ji,.CiutMn.U cimpletct6t 09. A (tool s tells iuwniorc ElKH&rt Carriage (TL Harness BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH' I SYRUP cures coughs and colds. 5 hiWSeVJ , w,.u wc(,iiiuUHtav.tmt haveubemitifuUmlty 'Khi his months old 1 ndvis nil siek mid Miireiim; women to write you for adv ice, a you units done so titti -h for mo " Miss Huby Mushrush, of , East Chicago, I ml , writes: DarMrs l'lnkhun: " I hiiMilnxmiiLrrcnt MilTorer w ith Irresrulnr iiitisti initioti and o arum trouble, and nWit ., n)ontllsugo ti10 .loctor, nltor using th, x llnr on iiu,nid I lmtl an nbcess on tha ovaries iui.IivouM hae to hive an oxratl(m. Mv niolhtir wnntt-il mo to trv l.wliil I? I'illK- "'': Veket-ihle ComHvnii.l as a lost restn t, ami It not onlv mi"! me from un operation but luiult) mo entlti'JV well." Ijydia 13. V nkhaui's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles. Kefuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. I'inkhnm invites all nick women to write her for advice Her advice and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. oa oco misled by them ! i i BVUiiiir -. on it'iiii'ii !-' a. -- - Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States , Courts; no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Co.'s is en be sold as "Baker's A "Baker's Chocolate" Europe .iid America Repeating Shotguns vehicles and harness in the world sell MVvAy.""AnwJ'irT ClrtCUIcMU Hb. CncDvTooSurtev. Prlreiomtlcl FEEE. 6lliltjrlt. CS, a ewvI mIU lot Iti mme Mftf. Co., dlchart. Indiana, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. News in Nebraska The Uuillnxlon depot nt Stamford wtis totally dost rn) ml 1' Hre. Seprnl ciihos of mnallpov nml piu'tunonln nio reported from IJCRit rlce. John FredorVU, ngod CB yonrs. Is drad at 1'lattmntititli. Hl8 family lltoa In Oermany. Porr PjikIIo Ir now onrrylnt; a rural mnll louto from l-olli, vice J. ,11 Glick. realsnod. The Mtnto oncampmont ot SonR ot Veterans will bo held In Fiumont about February If). C. H. Gllliort wal Injmml wlillo flEhtliiK fire which tlostroyod his car ptnter il)Pii at llrntrleo. (lien llechtel. a Gornmu, whllo serMiiK on tho jury nt Schuyler, sui cided by-hniiKlns himself In his room 12. Whitney of Humboldt linB been nu aided the contract for tho eroction of th ' new $25,000 school bulldln at Geneva. The littlo (ln8litr of Mr. Itall at Grand Island saod hor llfo by lyl"S close to the Rtound as threo frtiluht curs passed over hor. Thousands or qna'l nre ropoilcd to have perished during tho liiosunt cold hpell. Tho snow has covered up their feed and In their weak condi tion they nro unablo to stnud tho In tonne cold. The remains of T. H. Uownian, a former resident of Albtou, weio brought to that placo fiom Arkansas, and burled In lloao 11111 comotory. Mr How mun was thp Ilrsl county treasurer of tho county. AVord has beun locelvcd at Deatrlco from Chicago IndlcatiiiB that .loepti Uathaa,, who I wanted at Webb City, Mo., on .ovaral charges and who recently disappeared from thlH clt, is under utrcst at that place. A house on tho frm of A. P. Aclt ermnu, nine miles so-'ueast of Fio mont, was deployed by lire wlUi a loss of about ?700 on tho building and $:HH on contunt-t. Mr. and Mrs. N'. T. Nelcon lived In the liottso and they were unablo to ae nny thing. SixttH-n carloads of oranges and other liuit while en unite over tho Uurllngton fiom California to Chi cago and other points, were run Into tho shops at Plattsmouth to prevent tho fruit fiom freezing dining tho coldest nignts in that vicinity for ears. .T. D. Cameron of Cambridge sold his ranch near town to a man from Alma, Neb., for $12,500. Tho price paid was-$25 per acre. Cambridge '? on tho boom. The citizens aio ury enthusiastic over tho water works proposition and a system as 111 no doubt bo installed this spring Frank Otto who was formerly em ployed in tho Uurllngton shops at Plattsmouth, but who Is now cm plojcd for the same company In Ueu ver, has Instituted suit against the Denver Tramway company to collect $5,(00 damages" because of his son's death from boiug mil over by the cars. A wreck on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha rnlhoad b" tween Eureka and Tokamah occuiiod "Wednesday. Train No. 15, going south, bioko In two near lOuieka, ami beforo the train crew could ret out and ar for No. 19, which was follow ing, they weie upon them and tho crow baiely escaped with their lives. Tho suicldo of Glen Bochtel, one of tho Jurors on the Wertz-Sprecher li bel case at Schuyler, after it had been on trial two days, caused the case to bo dismissed from tho present term and continued until tho noxt. There is letween $250 and $00 c, ponso now Incuirod that will in all probability be upon the county in any eveut. Geneva Grand Army of the Repub lic gaVe a leception to Mr, and Mrs. Vau Vranken, who aro moving to York. Sheep feeders claim that over 30, 000 of this variety of htock hnvo been fattened in the vicinity of Humboldt this season and In every Instance the feeders made good prollta from tho industry. J. M. Maher, a farmer residing two miles northwest of Fiomont, has le celvcd tho bronze medal which was awarded him by tho Louisiana Pur chase exposition for his exhibit of corn. For. soveral years Mr. Maher has spont CQiifeldorable time In devel oping navv kinds of corn and wheat and has met with good oucco33 with both. Quito an extensive land deal vns closed up at Tablo Itock between G. P. Johnson of that place and 12. K Kentener of Falls City. Tho former gets tho fine farm of the latter three miles east of Humboldt, containing IfiO acres, at $G5 per aero, wlillo the latter takes In part payment four residonco properties of tho former in Table Hock at tho aggregate price of $f,200. Mr, Jamos Watson was badly troen driving from Hebron to Alex andria. 115 missed the road In tho storm, the sloigh boing tipped over four time on the way. Mr. Watson arrived home at .1 o'clock in tho morning with face and hands frozen. The proposed consolidation of tho Fnmont Telephone company and the Hell company is not !iky to go through. The announcement in tho papers aroiuod tho Intonso opposition of the Independent tolepliono com panies throughout tho stata, tho Lin coln company boing ospealally op posed to it. Hot a Cit Tired. ll'tle Rlrl w. vrrv proud of lip lug taken for walk by her father j and, though sometimes tho rambles extended a trlile beyond her strength, she would not have plondud fatigue for worlds. One day, howovor, her father noticed that she was lagging "Tired, Pussy?" he asked. "No. fath or that is, not nsackly tired. I was only wishing I could tako oft my logs and cnny them a llttk hit. that's all." Feminine Confessions. Whether wo are doing th ? London season or n round of country house visits, the enjoyment of most women Is largo) dependent on the amount of opportunities nccorJer to thoni-for filttntion. No matter how Indignantly; some of my sex may deny it, wo all Uiivo on admiration -Ladles' Field. Do Not Make Good Soup, An authority on cooking assorts that England Is a wwplesa country, meaning that Unvllsh cooks cannot niako soup and that soup dooa not appenr on tho menu of an Hngllsli every day dinner Which Is a fact, though soup Is about the llrat form that English 'charity takes. Japanese Servants. A traveler says thai tho, Japanese fiervnnt is n person of social Import i' nee. In the absence of tho mlsii,ojs ' callers aro entertained at tea by the J housemaid, whose knowledge of the stiquette ot tea drinking nml whoso Jtraoe and charm nre often the equal 3f those of her employer. Accepts Small Deposits. A new banking system, which en ibles persons to niako deposits of went -five cents and upward, Inter est being nllowel when tho amount odged reached $5, was adoptt'd by ho National Dank of Ireland leccnt y. Tho bank has seveial branches 'ii London. Sterilized Water for Navy. Dr. Le Mehaut suggoMs that on blench war easels water that has Di'oii sterilized by boat should bo nub Ultuted for tho distilled water nt pres Bnt used, which, in 'his opinion, Is jpen to many grave objections, in jluding excesilve (ostliikss. Lord Mayor's Unique Honor. Only ono man in the city of London Diitbido the Tower possesses the nassword which enables him to an 3vvcr tho challensa of tho sentries it any time. It is tho Lord Mayor, ind tho password in given, to him by authority of tho king. Seeing much, buffering much and studying much are the three pillars of learning. Disraili. rnxsmT'tmrji Ister Vegetable Prcparalionror As similating lUcFooclnntlRegiila ling liicSloinachs and Bowls of Promotes Digcslion.Checrful ncssandRcsLConlains neillter Opium.forpliine norIiiicraI, KOT KiUlCOTIC . J3VV ofeadHrSMfVELmaOR Pumpkin Stt& li-kMUtSJtt- jHiOrturtAStJail .Qirw JtSilnjrvt fUnvr. Apcrfccl RemBtly forConslipa Fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea nndLoss of Sleep. Facsimile SigniUure of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ir- . 1 Idewey s stone i : rr W grfiftwlil & w OMAHA ETIRM no Kvcrythlns In Turnlturo to bo close J out at orcr, rf-"arJl-a o' st. An op inrtunlty worth coming hunJicJa of nillcs to Uo advai tagi' of I NCUBATORS Tti OI,DTBUHTYIn curator are luailc hf JoUi.ou, the rr Mu urliOiiiadc Mjuiilt t re lorentlui hit OLD TKUSTY. A J ror-IUeir lut- ti er Forty Jaj' fre n trial an'l a fl year a guarau tr t or bin free rata l"up, a poultry illua trull. inn, addroM, FY1. M. JOHNSON CO., Box O. T.. Clay Cantor. Neb. LaS PUTNAM tolornoftooods brighter and fatter colon than any Ak iultt or momtIII tend post paid at 10c a packao. HH(fii 1 fl vff rV3?.B I I H.I Mnixw 133i. BISHOP OWES HEALTH AND LIFE TO PE-RU-NA. Ministers of All Denominations Join En Recommending Pc-ru-na to tho People. Public speaking especially exposes the thront and bronchial tubes tn catarrhal affections. Hroatliing the air of crowded runout biles, and the mx'CNsnrv exposure to night air which many preachers must face, make, catarrh especially prevalent among their class. Peruna has become jiMl;, popular i niimtur tlicm. ' Tho Bishop's StronjJ Tribulo to Po-rti-na. , L. IF. Hulsey, HUIiop C, L i. Church, Atlanta, Ga., vvrltess "I have found Peruna t be a groat remedy for catarrh. have suttered with this terrible disease far more than twenty years, until since I have been using Peruna, which hits lelleved me of the trouble. ' i have tried man.v remedies nml spent a great deal ot linrd-earned money for them but I found nothing so effectual In the cure of catarrh as the great medicine, Peruna. feel sure that Peruna Is not only a triumph of medical science, but it la alto a blessing to suffering humanity. "livery Individual w ho milTcrs with respiratory diseases will find F'eruna a magniilccnt and sovereign reined."- L. Jl Ilalsey, Up. C. M. L Church. Peruna is tUe most prompt and sure remedy for catarrh that can be taken. Many a preacher has been able to meet hla engagements only because he keeps on hand a battle of Peruna, ready to meet any emergency that may arise. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years VHS OtNTAVn OWf-(V. MCW TOOK OtTV. KsasayAiasBEa eurnbture go. INESS tPINAL CURVATURE Can be Curto ALSO OThtR DtrORMITItS. Write or call ut offiea for free infonna' Hull libM f i in jirooi ULiitHati s'ii. o, si.d i by tn tans ton iltourl nulyJJoctor. Notiijicstf aitliaiiCfDsuai.'i. Trcaiiliiccuiljl y I ' uiail hit jtara ex; tri.nrr oJheui&flsqvHtGiaiaillcb0rt(MfittflciisL NCOlooaaTco. CI'ithl lii.nuon. I0TO 2 ARLINSTON DLK.. OMAHA. NEU. W, N. U. Omaha. No. 6 1915 pawwEsawsMMHsaBiMMaaiiati.i.'-f.1- I Bears the t Signature vT 1 . fj sv' 3SI IBM 1"N' F S tSr sjbjs; hfk Ufl U lirl ""--" FADELESS DYES t!iftr die. OnetOc wckaos color silk, wool and cotton equally wellendUouaranteedlocieDerlecieiulta. Wnta lor free booklet-How to 0e. Bleach and Mix Com. MJ(KWtCuvuV,i,!l2, 77, fi i 1 - raw iVwfiV 1 1 t ' ' ' rsl'r'OTAsv'tffl I "JAftiA t' . MBOriflK MWMWI I I ( N M ' "' 'I'l'"''" The Friends of Pe-ru-na. Despite the ju-cjudloes of tho inc(ical piufevlou aralnst proprletliry jnedi elnes, the clergy have ulvvnj'H main lained a strong ooulldciteo and friend ship for Peruna. 'I hej havedNi'Oveti'd by pergonal cx jierience that Peruna docs all that is i hi lined for it. Wohave on tllo many letters of recom mendation like the ono given above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast number of grate ful letters Dr. llartman Is constantly re ceiving, in pralso of his famous-catairh remedy, Peruna, Every housewife gloats over finely starched Jlncn and white scoods. Conceit is justifiable nfter using Defiance Starch. It gives a stiff, glossy white ness to the clothes and does not rot them. It is abso lutely pure. It is the most economical because it goes farthest, does more and costs less than others. To be had of all grocers at 16 or. for toe. THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OHAHA. NES. SnlT'pp'R National Oafs Nl flrtatpot oat at the eenturr. Yipldcl In Cma 151. In lllrh. .231. In Jlo 2i3. audio ii.Sukota ell) ta.prr acre. You can beat mat record la VX&. Tor 10c and fids notice wo mall you rrea lots o f farm artd am pica auu oar mg cautlOK, Iik ins an aooul io oat wonatr aoa , thoiihanna nr nthftpiinit. M J0HM A. SALZEn SEED CO. V,1 . w.u -un,. stssa rBMi rvj r'ftm """ rx AXMr sji ZtVSmd $mm and E3&MES I WHEAT LANDS KAliSaS $6 to m Per Aero Kplvudld k ttnni. C ouilitnr t f.rndriii and ai .K roimuir 8U7A to .OU I'er At re. Kau nUirida au t Nrhiuka. On y ime-tauth um Hal land baralDi In VVn ,U. II. A. Mc.Vr.l.A-'l'ICi:. ijiu.l Cnniiulasluuer Mr, II., V. V !., iimnbii .