The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 09, 1905, Image 2

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    . Jfcrtf8fitnj.
W. S. RAKER, Publisher.
News in Brief
Tiro dnntroyed ono ontiro block in
tho business Bcction ot I'cabody, Kas.,
entailing a loss of 150.000.
Naval bill, carrying an appropria
tion of J100 070.079, has been
brought beforo tho house.
Rev Father Edwnfd S. Wolcb, who'
died in Washington a fow weeks ago,
Ijequoathed $ 100,000 to Boston col
lego. Tho president has promised ex
Judge John It. Thonins to visit
Iuskrgoe next spring on his way to
After twenty years of Bcrvlco as
United States commissioner of la
bor Carroll D. Wright has retired
from that ofllco.
W. U. ll'ddle, frolght trafllc man
pger of tho Santa Fo railroad, has
boen appointed third vice president
of the Hock Island.
Prof. Willis L. Moore, chief of tho
Vnlted States weather bureau, has
been elected president of tho nation
ul geographic society.
Itallroads have organized a power
ful lobby at tho national capital in
view of tho clamor vhlch has been
raised for rate legislation.
District Attornoy Jcromo Bays ho
will preparo a chart of tho gambling
liouHtH In New York, locoing exactly
where the tiger Is to bo found.
An effort will bo mado 10 establish
a 510.000 endowment of President
Scott, who has had actlvo chargo of
Franklin college, La Porto, Ind., fov
thirty-six years.
Tho Cuban scnato has passed tho
Mil providing for n government con
tribution toward sanitation for all
municipalities at tho annual rato of
?2.1G 2 II per head of population.
Representative W, I. Nolan of Min
neapolis 1ms Introduced In tho lower
houso of Minnesota a bill establish
ing tho whipping post na a means of
punishment for wlfo beaters.
Tho houso committee on irrigation
of arid lands authorized a favorable
roport on tho senato bill providing
for tho Klamath lako irrigation pro
Joct in Oregon and California.
President Roosevelt has mado n
substantial contribution to tho Hnnna
memorial chair association which
was organized for tho purpose ot es
tablishing a chair nt the Wostorn Ro
tiorvo university ot Clovcland.
Tho houso commlttco on merchant
marine, and fisheries today favorably
reported tho bill to removo discrimi
nations ngalnst Amorlcan sailing ves
hols engaged In tho coasting trado.
Second Lieutenant David J. Gil
mer of the Philippine scouts has
been acquitted by court-martial at
Manila of tho charges of embezzle
' ment and wrongful disposition of
government property.
Georgo S. Nixon, who Is to suc
ceed Senator Stowart as senator
from Nevada, is a Californlan by
birth and has earned ills own living
from tho time ho was 13 years of
Tho national firemen's convention
will bo hold in Kansas City August
29, 30 and 31, next, and it is stated
that there will bo 3,000 delegates
present from all parts of tho United
Tho house commltteo on immigra
tion and naturalization authorized a
favorable report on tho Adams bill
to prohibit tho entry Into this coun
try of more than 80,000 persons from
tiny one country in auy ono fiscal
By order of tho president tho for
estry division of tho general land of
flees has been abolished and its work
will bo continued by tho bureau of
forestry of tho dopartmont of agri
culture under Chief Forester Glffard
Mrs. Lucy Ann Crandnll, a pioneer
of Denver, died within two hours af
ter a jury had pronounced her in
capablo of managing her business af
fairs. She had property valued at
$400,000 and tho lunacy proceedings
wero instituted by relatives.
According to newspapers published
in tho fnr east Goncral Stocsscl, de
fender of Port Arthur, Is of Jowlsh
origin. His grandfather, Abraham
Stoessel, a goldsmith by trade, went
to St. Petersburg from Moravia
about 1835.
Tho Ynqul outbreak In Mexico Is
very serious. Thero cro probably
S00 Yaquls out divided Into from
twolvo to eighteen bands. Tho In
dians aro well armed and nre killing
Americans and Mexicans without
Scna'or Lodgo Introduced a bill
authorizing tho striking of bronzo
medals of honor to bo awardod to
persons displaying conspicuous cour
age or undergoing groat danger In
snviug llvos In railroad wrecks or in
presenting such wrecks.
American Board of Foreign Mis
'ons issued a statement doecrlblng
conditions of destitution in Eastern
For the six months endod Decem
ber 31, last. i00.0C3 emigrants wero
admitted to tho United States,
against 323,041 for tho corresponding
period in 3002, and 403.9CC for tho
corresponding time In 1903.
Senator Dietrich is tho author of a
1)11 for the better government of
Alaska. He tears that tho measure
will not get full consideration at this
cession owing to tno Swayno case
find other pressing matters.
Signal for End or Services.
It was lato in tho afternoon whon
tho Scotch mlnlstor arrived at tho
fnrmhouso. Tho hnusewlfo suggested
that porhapo ho would llko a cup ot
tea beforo ongaglng in "exorcises'
"Na, no," said ho, "I ayo tak' my tea
bettor when my work is done. I'll
just bo gaun on. Yo can hlng tho
pan on, and loavo tho door apar, nn'
I'll draw to a closo in tho prayer whan
I hear tho haam uzzln'."
Indian Serpent Worship.
Serpent worship still survives in
India and a good snako shrlno is said
to bo as much an attraction in a
houso on tho Malabar coast as a gar
den Is in tho enso of n country homo
In tho United States. Serpents arc,
however, most unobtniBlvo and un
less ono wnlks uolsoloss and bare
footed in tho dark, as Hindoos do,
snako bit is an improbable contin
"That dress is becoming, my
dear," said tho man who thinks ho is
a diplomat. Sho looked at him cold
ly for a moment and then replied:
"Yes, It is becoming threadbare."
Liverpool (Eng.) Mercury.
Makes Bank Notes.
A man has been arrested in Paris
whoso method was to, tear a different
plcco off each of a number of bank
notes and then, placing tho pieces tq
gcther, produce a completo bank note,
which ho was ablo to pars.
Dodd's Kidney Pills build up Run
down People. They make healthy
Kidneys and that means healthy
people. What Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Duffey say:
Nora, Ind., Fob. Cth. (Special)
That tho suro way of building up
run-down men nnd women Is to put
their kldneyB in good working order is
shown by tho cxpcricnco of Mr. and
Mrs. Josoph L, Duffey of this place.
Both wero weak and worn and dls
spirited. They used Dodd's Kidney
Pills and today both enjoy tho best
of health.
Mr. Duffey Bays: "I was very weak
and almost past going. I tried every
thing which pcoplo said was good but
got no benefit till I tried Dodd's Kid
ney Pills. They holped mo in every
way and I am strong and well now."
Mrs. Duffey says'. "I wa's so bad
that if anybody would lay down a
string I felt I could not step over it.
Sinco taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I
can run and jump fences."
Hoalthy kidneys insure pure blood;
Dodd's Kidney Pills insure healthy
Physical Sunshine.
By paying duo rcgnrd to wnole
soiuo dlot, cleanliness nnd proper
habits, tho denying tho power of tho
desires of tho flesh to ovorcmo the
higher calls of minds well stocked
and moral natures keenly allvo to
Joyous duty, wo go far toward mak
ing ourselves truo sons of God, true
brothers to man.
Itching, Blind, lllecdlng or I'rotrudlug l'llc.. Your
druggist will refund money ir FAZO OlSTJtUNT
falls to cure you la 0 to ii days. r0c.
Welch Tombstone.
On a flat stono In Conway church,
Wales', is tho following inscription:
"Hero lyctn tho body ot Nicholas
Ilookcs of Conway, gont., who was
tho forty-first child of his father, Wil
liam Hookes, Esq., by Alice, his wife,
and father of twenty-seven children,
who died tho 20th day of March,
Steal Church Statue.
Thieves have carried off from tho
Church of Sauvct-t, In tho French do--partment
of Puy-dc-Domc, a mdsslve
and artistic copper statuo of tho Vir
gin, which is said to dato from 1319.
"Dr. nnvltl Kennri!.r'a fnTorlto Itemcdr
attnl my life I 1 had ili'ila and kidney tlUease.
U-Snator Albert ltvrrm, t'urk rincc, N, . II UtUu.
Is This Unconscious Humor?
Arthur S. Laws, who has been liv
ing in Pendleton wlta his mothor-In-law,
Mrs. Anson Bright, has gone to
Taconia for a six months' rest. Pon
dletou (Ore.) Blade.
Most Northern Railway.
Tho Ofoten railway, the most
northern railroad in tho world, is
now carrying immense quantities of
iron ore from tho great Norwegian
mining districts to tho coast. -
How to Win In Advertising.
Tho spurty horso is a poor sort of
animal for a long hill. In advertising
tho winner Is tho man who strikes a
bait ho can hold nnd keeps moving.
Profitable Advortlhlng.
Little Destitution In Japan.
There is said to bo no real destitu
tion In Japan. Though some rro very
poor, yet all seem to bo well fed,
clothed and housed nnd are invurinbly
choortul and. what is moro surprising,
Invariably clean.
Stoam has by nn means mado sail
ing vessels obsoloto. Tho total num
ber of them In the world Is still GS.DZl
as against only 30, Ml steamers.
To liato 1b to waste your time
twice, for while you're linting you
could bo loving. Chicago Record
Herald. The clgaretto trmle in India has in
creased 90 xr cent la lour yoara. The
amount of cigarette tobacco Imported
last year was 2,2-10,200 pounds.
Men may differ on tholr theories ot
eunspots, but they agree on tho sunshine.
Wnygtx TV
hSvjyF v J Bite? IsBsww J .
W& A $ J-k OC TIT
Villi v Wtk'
IrVbJ sH R ml MfAnA v L jfa TV
B f M J U If 11 1 1 1 jw 'J I tig
U .... uu,-M. ggq
Something now is doing this year
in tho way of valentines. Tho old
Stylo of thing, in tho line of Cupid's
missives appropriate to the season,
has gono out rather suddenly, and has
been succeeded by an entirely novel
In tho first place, tho long familiar
comic valentines havo "gono out"
entirely. Of course, ono may buy
thorn at tho "penny stores" on alley
corners, and, in all probability, .blml
lar ones will bo sold in such places
centuries hence. But they aro only for
tho vulgar and tho very vulgar at
that. Tho verses printed on them are
usually abusive and often nasty, and
persons who send them through tho
malls are commonly inspired by mo
tives of malice.
The now style of humorous valentine
appeals to tho tasto of decent people.
It is really funny, and not calculated
to injure anybody's feelings. Their
only purposo seems to bo to engender
cheerfulness and merriment, and such
verses as accompany them aro not
turned in a spirit of ridicule. They
mako no fun of tho old maid favorite
object of tho old-fashioned "comic"
and aim no envenomed shaft at the
physical peculiarity or moral weak
ness of this or that recipient.
Some of these new comic valentines
aro pasteboard jiugle-jacks, cleverly
designed, which nro made to undergo
amusing contortions by tho pulling of
a string. There Is a German hoy
jlnglo Jackg with a satiBago In ono
hand and a pretzel in tho other; an
Irishman Jlnglo Jack, a schoolgirl Jln
glo Jack with a slate In her hand, and
a Topsy Jlnglo Jack carrying a slice
of watermelon. Each ot ttyom bears on
its breast a heart, with the Inscription,
"To my Valentine."
A delightfully comic goose, wear
ing a nightcap and a shawl, with an
umhbrclla of the "Gamp" pattern
under Its wing, bears tho Inscription,
"If you say no, and lot mo loose,
you will be a great big goose." In an
other valentine two pussy cats, at
tired as howling swolls in pantaloons
and dross coats, aro making lovo to
a fashionably drcssod young Tabby in i
skirts. This is called "Tho Rivals," !
and is particularly cute. i
"Love's Telegrams" aro decidedly a
novelty In tho line of valentines. They !
aro got up much after tho stylo of
renl tolograms, nrd a printed warning
at tho top state, that if thero bo any
doubt as to tho accuracy of tho mes
sage, "it can bo repeated verbally by
tho sender on receipt of ten kisses."
A flguro of Cupid carrying a pen
thrust through a pair of hearts adorns
tho telegram, which Is, as a mnttor of
oouritj, written In verso, for oxamplo:
To Jlv Valentin :
Wire date can't wait be quick;
I.ove-8lok no Juki- -heart broke.
Quito as amusing lu its way Is the
Valentino passport, which is got up in
tho style, of tho documents lsauod by
the department of state in Washington
for the convenience of American citi
zens going abroad. Tho seal on it
bears tho words, "Department of
Love." with a )air of hearts thrust
through by an arrow. This kind of
passpprt, is granted by tho Union of
Ilenrts, and is nddrcssed to "My Sweet
Valentino." At is signed by Hymen,
and reads as follows:
"I, the undersigned, secretary, of
state of the Union of Hearts, do here
by request nnd require, lu tho name
of St, Valentine, that you allow
(blank) to pass freely through tho
realms of Love-; also that you afford
to her (or him) every protection and
encouragement lu the furtherance of
her (or his) objects.."
Then follows a description of the
person addressed (eyes, mouth, hair
and complexion), which Is filled In by
the sender. Tito document Is given
by Hymen "under my baud and seal
on this Hth day of February, in the
year of grace 1905."
If tho character of tho comic valen
tines has changed, the pretty nud rela
tively serious ones aro equnlly differ
ent from what they used to be. Fill
gro paper and other long familiar in
cidentals of tho old-stylo designs have
disappeared and have been replaced
by really artistic bits of color printing
and decorative work. The old themes
remain, but aro "illustrated," as one
might say, in a new manner.
In one of tho prettiest of the new
valentines for this year a cupId Is
shown in tho act of unlocking with'
a big key1 a heart which takes the
form of a largo padlock. It is a
dainty conception, implying a hopo
on tho part of thq bender that his
particular key will provo a lit. An
other winged child is riding on the
back of "a dove, which carries In its
beak an arrow. Tho paint of tho
arrow Is 'inscribed, "Sweotheart, be
ware!" and on tho other end are tho
words: "Thy charms uro many, my
merits few; yet I veuturo to offer my
homago true.".
A valentine Is hardly complete,
whatever its design may be, without
a cupjd. In ono of tho new ones Lovo
is-playing on a mandolin and looking
un at two doves billing. In another
tho winged god la painting a picture
on a heart-shaped plaque. Above his
head aro hung on a line several simi
lar plaques, each of them bearing the
portrait of a pretty woman. Perhaps
tills volentlno Is meant to bo sent to
a young man accused of fickleness.
A big heart of violets lnc.loses the
Obviously for a young man is a
henrtshaped Valentino bearing tho
words "Good luck" and ornamented
with pictures of cigarettes and play
ing cards. Thus playfully are tho
llttlo masculine woaknosaos touched
up, and In no spirit of unamlablo criti
cism. Designs with colorod cuplds wing
ed plpkaninnios with their wool done
np In llttlo twists are moro than half
humorous. But nono of the new
stylo of comic valentines have any
suggestion of malice In them, or even
of rldtculo. They nro Just pleasant
and friendly greetings, appropriate to
tho anniversary of the good saint
who is supposed to be especially the
I patron of lovers
The Great Nonesuch Remedy
Poisons Known to Science.
Tho effect of every poisonous drug
on the human body has been so care
fully and exhaustively studied by tho
toxlcologlst that ho can, in cases of
suspected poisoning, not only verify
the suspicion, but determlno the drug
used and even Its method ot adminis
tration. The- modern physiological
laboratory would lmvo mndo s,hort
work of tho Borglas, Toffanas and
$100 Reward, $100.
The mitftot thti piper will ho pleased to lera
that tbcre l at leutt one dreaded dtneate that science
haa been able, to cure In all Ita ataiten. and that !
Catarrh. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure la the only pmlttve
cure now known to the medical f ralernUy. t atarrn
belne a conitltutlunal rtleue. require! a cunatltu
tlonal treatment. Ilall'a Catarrh lure t taken In
ternally, actlnir directly upon the Mwrt ilnd muconr
aurfarea of the amem. thereby dettrvylnit the
foundation nf the dleaae. and Hiring the patient
trenjth by Ijilllillng up the cunttltutlon and
Init na'ure In dolnit Ha work. The pnprleiora hare
fo mtirhfallh lu Ita curmepuer that they offer
One llundrfrt Dollars for any caau that It fall to
cure, bend for Mat uf testimonials,
Addreaa F. .1. CIIKNKY 4. CO., Toledo, 0.
Hold br all tlniRclatt.TSr.
Take IUU'i Family l'llli for conatlpatloa.
The most hopeless task is that of
saving tho world with a scowl.
A Well Deserved Tribute.
The awarding of the Gran J 1'rUe to the Winchester
repealing Anna Co.. New llmcn. Conu.,a: thebt.
Ioula KxpofHlon, confera'upon title company the
highest mark of dlatlnctlon attained' by auy tnanii
facttinr of fruna or nuimunltlon In the Morld.
Althousha great number of medal were chen to
Ihla cla-a of inanufacturera. tho only nuuitl of a
Grand 1'rlr.e waa to the Winchester Kepcutlu-- Anna
ro, i and (then It Wa lu competition !i)i the lead
ingmanufacturcra ot all tcttlllcaln a
Wat decided way to tho superiority of Wlncbeater
rifles, shotguns and ammunition over all other makes.
The success attained by the Winchester ltcpeatlng
Arms Co. at this exposition Is simply In lino 1th tho
honors received In the pa.t. At the PHrlJ.xpumon,
Winchester arms and ammunition recefwd tho
(.rand l'rlxt and nhcrcver they ha-o been exhibited
theybavo nlnj been given tho lilghe-t posllIo
prlrcs. This latest rccignltlon of superiority la tho
natural reault of thirty yeara of careful and success
ful endeavor In mulntalnlng the high qtiallty of
Winchester rifles, suutguna uud ammunition.
Three tons of Epson salts and
1,000,000 pills were used lu the hos
pitals of Loudon last year.
Don't you know that Defiance Starch,
besides being absolutely superior to
any other, is put up lfi ounces In pack
age and follw At same price a3 "12
ounce packages of other kinds?
A stono house is not so durablo as
ono of brlc-K. A brick house, well con
structed will outlast one built of gran
ite. 36.00 per M. Lewis' 'Slnglo Biudcr,"
straight rc cipar, costs the dealer some
more than other 5o clirars, but tho higher
price cnnblos this factory U use higher
grado tobacco. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, III.
Picking Haws in the church will not
patch your own conscience. -
Dealers ay .that as noon as a cus
tomer tries Deilanco Starch It is Im
possible to soil them nny other cold
water starch. It can be used cold or
bolted. '
The nimble nickel does not make
tho lively church.
Storeki't-pors report thrtt tho extrn
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Deliance Starch makes it
next to Impossible to t,cll auy other
brand. t
Mra. tVlnalow-H Soothing Ryrup.
For children teethtnu, Mjftcus tlie iruras, rrjurrs ft
tlammatlou , allays pain, cures wind colli,. USu a bottle.
The string that is
gives forth no strains.
not stretched
T mini'. A f!OI.l IV ONK DAY
'Take Laxative llronui (Julalne Tablets. All ilrtiz- ri-nirm tae ttuni-y it 11 lans to cure. r.. i
Ciruvo's signature la ou each bux. 23v.
Money can do everything except
the things wo want It to do.
I do not believe Visit's Cure for Consumpt or
has an ornial for coughs unit colds. Jour V
Uoteu, Trinity Sprititf!., Ind., I-cb. 15, 1800
Whatever is right where God Is.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior uulity of De
liance Starch Is fast taking place of all
other brands. Others say they cunnot
sell any other utarch.
The work itself Is the best wage.
If you arc thinking Jf a trip
'Aito and let ub tell you best ratos
time, routo and send murked Uruo
titbit- .
ThU aves you worry and an
nounce and make you tec-1 at
homo all the way
Call WibH'. City OHlce. 1001 Far
nam .St.. or uUdrt.
Harry E. Moores,
G. A. P, D. Wabash it. R Omaha, Neb.
Hir-lalThempson's Ey Watir
" Follow tho Flad." J
The old monk cure, strong,
straight, sure, has for a largo
part of a century battled with
and conquered
Aches ana Pains
the world over,
and 50c.
Price 25c.
In Englnnd and Wales about ono in
four of' the population hns an account
In tho postofllce savings bank, In Ire
land ono In ten, and in Scotland ono
in eleven.
If yon don't net the biggest nnd best
It's yjnur own mult. Detlunce Starch 1
Tor Mile everywhere, and there la posi
tive? nothing to equal it In quality or
H VriKaf f Wl K arVi
tt Cures Colds. Cough". Sore Throat. Croup,
Influenza. Whooping Cough, llroncliitls nncl
Asthma. A certain euro for Consumption In first
tngc,uniln.Hurcrellfcf in nilvuncea stages. Use
at once. You will sec tho excellent cflcct ntler
mkim; the tirst dose. Sold by Ucnlfrs every
where. Largo bottles 23 cents una 60 cents.
"The World's Urrjest Seller"
&T'T 'TT"T 'TTt'TvT'Ty' T 'TTT 'V 'T'T '"'
That'i ill II witl
roil to rtt on of
our lttO-evr In
cutiatori commute,
11 t down t your
rallrovl lUtion, ill
fretf hi charz prt
I'Ald ha other ex
iiAfif nec'iiary.
All rtvW tnoirH.t
iro the world's Ln.lir.l Incubators. Thi walls CalKor
lilt rflwowl A.bMlca llnnd throughout. C' pi- b' t wttf-f
liatlns system Us tquara Inches heating lurfarc v tUf
n iter, only inirtycenu worm oicuretjuiren loraneicn.
All Machines sold en fiO I'uya' Krce Trial, tllinit ru
trr urortanitr lu be eure yon ere riptit, Lvery mechlna
carrief a & yean yuirtntee. You Ule no rlik with the
M;itl'. HATCH -the mechlne that l.u (tool the teitol
time. tend for free lxll.t2S0. II you live cut 0( Musis
slrpl Bir utitrwe Indlsnarolli; It we it. CUT Tenter.
'blllK JIATC11 lAUL'lliTiiH, C'OUl'AMT
SJUy CVnlcr. Neb. 1-iOlanuBolls. Ind.
Three. ereaTl pursuits haTe nsaln shown wonder'at
results ou the Free Homestead Lands ut Western
Canada this rear.
Maimlflcent climate fanners plowing; In their shirt
tlecTes Jn the middle of No ember.
"Allare hound to be more thr.r. pleased wjth tho
final reeu't: sf I'ue past season's hsnests. hxtract.
t'oal, wood, water, hay In abundance, bchools.
Churches, markets convenient.
Apply for Information to Superintendent nf Imrai
oration., Canada, or to authorised Canadian
"oTfrntnent Airent-W. V. llcnnctt, 801 Sew YorlC
Life llulldlnt;, oinaha, Nebraska.
rjaise ray v i-ere y-n saw this advertisement.
Kansas City, Ko., Omaha, Ncb Etoux foils, S.S.
Sea nearest dealer cr write for circular.
"..' iLl-i.
.'S'i TiSy?)
fifed MvrVsjTITlitvG CO F
v7i"'lfnr (lift
ro J2S.00 s a'l the celt,
S-4 pounds rutuiilty ,r liour for
329.001 M0niids rapar Ity per
hour tor S34.00. Ouarantccsl
tha equal el atparatara that
all srsarrwhere at tram 5TB. 00
to size. OO.
H iv5r
y w
rfi rater en our 30 dart-free trial
VA P'n wlthtliebliHllniruudaraUud.
ail A i.naJ" apreernf nt If jou do o3
Sf.rt nnd ty ii1-(ju. ten and u
SI 5'. O'at It will aklm tlowr. tllm
folilr tntllr .Lin. u.i.. .
llKliterandskliuonr I ia 1 1 mora
milk than any otlitr Crcom
F"paratnr ni-lc, jrtu can rs
turntht Jeraratcrtousatour
capensa and we will Immcdk
alcly return any money you
ma haae paid lor freight
ch.rtes or elhcrwlae Out
this ad out at nm r ami mall to
ua, and you t.l iv tut by re.
turn mall, f rr. fMttlialil. our
SEPARATOR CATALOOUC You will fret our blir r.tferand
our frea trial proposition udja IM rr.l.ikf axliiui.
l.h1aKlrllbtraMr. Niarsur i-ffcr nr acanlar. A.ldrraa.
Guarantood SEEDS
Urow uu.1 Mf 1 rce rtaloirue.
J, J. H. Gregory & Son, MirblehtcU. Mass.
LjURtS riMtHt Alt
w Ues
Beat Cough tfjruy. T ie6uud. Dae
tltir. (AILS.
m uihb. POIU OT Qriltfglnta.
"ii ci y