The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 09, 1905, Image 1
t Kifntfl iUfl LINCOLN NEB t( ' ul 1 omc,a' Jl I 1 11 HIlSEt lallCrlni A I iH Larcsc ":;:;:: u 1 1 ANI r n I? If Ml II rr:r r cmi" n ipiiijyigiiiiigr j iiyiwujfer r, j VOLUME XII. VSS ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1905 ( NUMBER 8 ' ' i i ,, , , lr mr V 4? ?.. jfc 'V f S r IF you aro in need of house furnishings Lock wood's store is the place to go. Prices are right and so is their stock. No mailer what vou want they nave it. YOU Have No Doubt About It "Is Simpkins sure his wife's poodle is dead?" "He must be. I see he is offering $50 reward for it." WANT those pieces of furniture repaired or up holstered to look like new? Bring them to Lockwood's: we have an expert upholster er and repair man. CREDIT Nothing in Comparison Ada (At Jen nie's wedding) She had to wait thirty minutes for the bridegroom. Wasn't that perfectly awful? Lilly Languishingly That's nothing to waiting thirty years. COME SEE US. No Remnant sale at Lock wood's, our Christmas trade cleaned us out. In all departments you will see at once on entering our store, a bright, new stock, just received. We have no old relics or eye-sores left. Everything just the latest designs, unpacked and waiting for your inspection. TO US. We have no tag sale, but everything tagged at prices that will make competitors weep. LOCKWOOD'S BLANKETS. Our blankets are so cheap that it don't pay to buy coal, Keep warm with a pair of our blankets. AND Honeymoon Cookery "And so my lit tle wife cooked this all herself? What does she call it?" "Well, I started it for bread, but after it came out of the oven I concluded I'd better put some sauce on it and call it pud ding." GET a piece of our new Bird's Egg blue enamel ed ware and you will use no other. Hand some and durable. Look in our window and see Jem. IT "Bronson is very ill; he's got to have his teeth extracted." "What are you talk ing about? Bronson's teeth are all false." "I know it. He's swallowed 'em." Friday is Fresh Fruit Day at Glcon's Dclicacyas Store. Nov. 11-tf Lost: Watch fob with locket at tached, containing picture. Finder return to Clayton Reed and receive reward. Valentine day next Sunday. Miller Bros, have the finest collection in town. See'them. 8-1. For Sale: Cheap: Four room brick residence. F. C. Reeves. 409 West Boulevard, -So. Alliance. 6-tf For Sale: House and two Jots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. N. 'Corneal. 6-tf For Sale: Bakery and confection ery in good Colorado town; Cooo peo ple. Steam heat and light. Two wagons. Sales last year 14,256.32 price Si, 800. 00. For full particulars call at Tan Hrrald office. 6-tf, "For Sale The Pearson residence property, opposite High school build ing. T. J. O'Keefe. Burlington February Bullcton. Very cheap one way rates to Cali fornia, Puget, Sound and the North west country, March 1st to May 15th. Cheap rates east to Washington, D. C, for the Inauguration. Send for printed matter and write for information, Describe your trip and let me advise you the least cost. L. W. Waxeley, General Passenger Agent. L. A. Sage, Ticket Agent. St. Matthews' Church. St. Matthews' church, Fob. 12th, 1905. Sixth Sunday ofter Epispanry Holy Communion at S o'clock a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Evening prayer and sormon at 7:30. All are cordially invited. D. Cokrr, Rector. At the M. E. Church. The Rev. Dr. W. C Huntington, Chancollor of the Nebraska Wesloyau University of Lincoln will preach next Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Huntington is one of the most talented and eminent ministers in this country and you will be well paid in hearing him. Ira Reed will ship a car of horses to Perry Iowa, next Tuesday to fill an order he received recently. Modern Woodmen Celebrate. Nineteen New Members InltlntcJ. .Mount ed foresters Pnradc Tuesday was Woodmen day in Al liance. The city was gaily decorated in honor of the occasion and some two hundred Woodmen with thpir wives and sweethearts attended, and much credit is due District Deputy Hamilton for the success of the afiiair. The only thing to mar the pleasure of the occasion was the weather which was too cold for out door music or parades. Before the noon train arrived the mounted Foresters' delegation of local Woodmen and the "goat" all went to the station to meet Head Consul Tal bot and the visiting delegations, and they came, all but Talbot who was de tained on account of illness in his fam ily. In his stead came Hon. Ralph E. Johnson, of Lincoln supreme organizer of the order, and Special Deputy John A. Burgess, and delegations from Hem ingford, Bridgeport, Lakeside and Whitman arrived. Headed by the Camp goat the parade moved through the principal streets and at 3:30 Zbinden hall was comfortably filled to hear the oratory, and no one was disappointed. From 6 to 8 the ladies serve! supper to a host ih tho handsomely decorated assembly room of tho city hall. Promptly at 8:15 the candidates, 19 in number rode tho goat; they were as sisted by the speaker District Deputy Hamilton, H. J, Ellis and the uni formed Foresters, interspersed with music by the Bridgeport uniformed band. The candidates were: W. S. Ridgell Martin E. Young Tlios. Stoops James Strosak A. Baumgardner Carl Rohrman Jules Zbinden Ed Slim Chas Trenkle A. C G. Raemfles Bruce Kohrman J. F. Hollaway Fred E. Johnson E. G. Rouse Herman Frederick W. H. Willis Wllford Grifleth ' "Th'omas TshmaeT " The officers were so well pleased with the Bridgepoit band that an effort will be made to take them to Milwau kee next June, as all but one are Wood men, and Deputy Hamilton says ho will get hand leader Clyde Snanoglc j'ct. Photographer S. A. Wilvert suc ceeded in 'getting some excellent pic tures ol the affair. Passing of Pioneers. Death has claimed two of the pio neer settlers of Box Butte county dur ing the past week in the person of Mr. W. J. Britton, whose funeral occurred Sunday, mention of which is made in our Hemingford department, and Mr. Patrick O'Mara who died Monday eve ning and was but ied yesterday. Mr. O'Mara was eighty-four years of age and had enjoyed good health until a few days ago when he contracted a severe cold and the final summons came suddenly. He resided about eighteen miles north of Alliance, where he settled on a homestead twenty years ago, being one of the first settlers in the county. Mr. O'Mara was a man who has seen much of the world and was universally esteemed by those who knew him. He leaves a wife, daughter, Mrs. Joseph Manion, and two sons, William and John, to whom Tub Her ald extends sympathy. Senator Millard Replies, One of our representative merchants wrote Senators Millard and Dietrich protesting against the passage of the Parcel Post Bill has rcceiyod tho fol lowing reply: United States Senate: Washington, D. C, Jan. 31. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 25th in stant protesting against passage of tho parcels post bill, this day received and referred to the Senate Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads for favor able consideration. Yours, truly, I. H. Millard. For obvious reasons the merchant addressed requested that his name be omitted. Stock Growers Association Meet. On Thursday afternoon of last week the executive officers of the Nebraska Stock Growers association met with Dr. W. A. Thomas, stale vetenarian. The object qf the meeting was to ar- tangc for a modification, or harmoniz ing of the national and state laws with regard to stock dipping before ship ment. The picscnt state law provides that all stock shall he dipped before shipping regardless of any previous dipping. The association's request was to aUdw stock to bo cleared for shipment that had boon previously dip ped, say any time during the spring or summer season, to prevent the ex pense of duplicate dipping as well as a saving of time. Dr. Thomas assured the association that their icquest was just and that ho would endeavor to arrange for such a joint national and state order. Among those present were: E. M. Scarle, Jr., state auditor; A. M. Modisctt, of Rush ville; E. E. Lowe, Hyannis; W. H. Comstock, Elsworth; A. S. Reed, R. M. Hnmpton and John IJrennan of Alliance. TEN NEW NAVAL RECRUITS. Unlisted Here Last Week for Service on l S. N.ITrntntnR Ships. The following list of Alliance boys left here Saturday morning to assume iew duties and become a part of Uncle Sam's Navy: A. J. Wilson. C. N. Matsingcr. I". H. Burris. C. M. Ewlng. W. W. True. A. F. Tuttle. ,W. V, Kennedy. C. A. Mumper. D. Ramsdell. Carl W. Corn well. A class of twenty were examined but ten of them failed to pass the rigid ex aminat.on of the naval officer. The first five will go to Norfolk, Va., where they will ship on the U. S. Steamship "Galveston." The others will go to San Francisco where the)' board the U. S. training ship "Pctisa cola." Carl Cornwell was in chargo of the San Francisco contingent, while the Norfolk delegation will be piloted to their destination by Frank Burris. Lieutenant Schofield 'and Dr. D. Dabncy arrived Saturday morning tp assist the other officers who came l week ago. All were highly pleased with their work at Alliance and prom ise to return here occasionally during the coming year. City Council Meet. At the monthly meeting of the city council Tuesday night; present: Mayor Bowman, Councilmen Mollriiig, Frank lin and loder. v In the absence of Clerk Harris, Police Judge Berry offi ciated. Petition of Zbinden and others for a crossing across Box Butte Ave., from Zbinden's to Watson's corner was granted. Petition of Rev. Bogite and 250 others for the suppresion of gambling was read and discussed b- Rev. Ray, McConnell, Mclntvre, Johnson and others. It was disposed of by the adoption of the following resolu tion. "Resolved: that city Marshal be instructed to report infraction of city oj state laws to the Mayor and council." The ministers threw a number of boquets at Mayor, Bowman for the progress made in enforcing the laws under his administration. The petition and signatures were ordered published. RECEIPTS. Police court fines , ...,$isi.3o Marshal fees t 50.40 Water Commissioner water rents 2oG.4o Collected for sidewalks 35-oo Poll tax collected .12.50 TOTAL.,.,...:.. D1S1IUKSEMENTS. .$435.60 J r. uazaru city map. ...S 10,06 Fred Mollring bedding for jail , S. C. Boon, Chief police salary A. Cardwell police salary Able Hill, water com. salary.. E. A. Feather, meal ticket.... W. N. Corneal, hurrying 5 dogs Frank Jerrott. labor L. J. Lawrence, pumping J0.5O 75.00 S5-oo 65.00 4.C0 1.25 .50 water and electrict lights. .380.12 B, F. Gillman, 3 mo, salary fity attorney 2500 TOTAL $62G 87 Committee on rail road crossiug to South Alliance had no report and City Attorney Gillman was added to com mittee with instructions to act. Married. In Alliance, Feb. 2, 1905, by the Rev. Charles T. Coerr, Rector of St. Matthew's church, Mr. Robert L. Yarbrough to Miss Estelle Basye, both of this city. J LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. St. Valentine's Day next Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Hood returned the first of the week from a visit nt Lead, S. D. The Foresters nvo a ball at Zbin den's hall last night that was a swell affair. Dr. Clough went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to attend a meeting of the State Medical association. II. L. Stirklc, employed in the Bur- Jington tinner shops, is on the re lief as n result of mashing his hand. Mr. Mumper, of north Alliance, who has been laid up with a complication of tomach disorder, is able to ho out. . Miss Elizabeth Wadutn, one of the Alliance teachers who has been on the sick list for sometime, is slowly improv ing. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas But ler, a daughter on SundayFcb. 5, 1905. Mr. Butler is foreman for contractor Burke. Mis. J. R. Phclan, accompanied by her mother Mrs. Davis, returned from an extended visit in Chicago last Sat urday. C. O. Aspi'iwall was called to Har rison, Sioux county Monday on busi ness for the International Harvester company. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lot speich a son, Feb. 6, 1905, and Alvia is one of the proudest fellows you ever saw since he Iwcame papa. Billy King is basking in the sunshine of southern Nevada at present, having gone to Goldfield to look over the situation in the new gold camp. Mr. L. Weaver and Mr. J. Maninch, both of Whitman, were guests at Dr. Barr's Tuesday they having come up to attend the M. W. A. meeting. im s. Ella Phillips arrived from Duj das, 111. today and is the guest of Mrs. C. B. Leech. She is enrouto to her home in Casper to meet her husband. Miss Bessie Stuart, a niece of Mrs. Dr. Barr, who has been visiting Mrs. Barr since Christmas, returned to her home at Deadwood, So. Dak., Sun day. Dave Lee an old time city marshal of Alliance, but now of Sheridan, Wyo., was in town Saturday. He lons to return to hib first love, Al liance. Contractor S. C. Reck who has just completed his work in building the court house at Rushvillc, is in Omaha consulting physicians as to a physical defect which local physicians call ap pendicitis. M. C. Beaumont, H. F. Goodenough, Fred Davison, Ed. Mabin and Chas. Shindler were among those who came from Hemingford to attend the M. W. A. rally Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Keane are happy over the arrival of an eight pound boy at their home on Feb. 0 1905. John is wearing one of those large smiles nnd is passing tho cigars. 1 Mr. Mumper who has been danger ously ill is rapidly recovering under the careful treatment of Dr. Hand who performed a surgical operation which is restoring him to health. Forty recruits for the regular army went through town Sunday enrouto to Ft. McKenzie, where they have been assigned for duty. They wore recruited at Columbus, Ohio. Dr. E. E. Barr, of this city, was called to Whitman Sunday night in consultation with Dr. Ames of that place, to perforin a surgical operation. Dr. Barr was formerly of Whitman. . C. A. Nowberrv loft for Omaha Sun day to attend a mooting of tho retail hardware dealers and will go to St. Joe and Kansas City before rot. lining to make additional purchases ! pie pare his slock for the spring trade Harrison & Boycr the new bottling firm placed an order this week for the latest improved automatic carbonater, and about ?2,ooo worth of machinery and apparatus for their new bottling works to be shipped immediately. A Chicago firm got the order. County Attorney Mitchell, N. C. Sutherland and others interested in the establishment of nn Elk's lodge hero have hoard from District Deputy B. W. Taylor of Omaha, ond they now, feel that very little doubt exists as to the establishment of the order here, which means much for Alliance. Thu Elks keep open house tho year loiind and a largo number of traveling men make their headquarters over Sunday in u town with an Elks club. Various other reasons could be advanced whv Alliance should have an Elk club that will develop later. Every young man or woman who wants to prcpato for .1 bank or Office position of any kind should write tho Grand Island Business and Normal College at Grand Island, Neb., for a catalogue. We understnnd that every student of this school Is placed in n position as soon as he or she graduates and those who prefer may graduate from the College and pay expenses in monthly payments after a position has been secured. President Hargis has been at the head of this school for twenty years and under his manage ment it has grown to be one of the most important institutions in the Western States. The Rev. E. P. Hammond, of Hart ford, Conn., for many years a success ful evangelist both in this country and Europe, will begin a brief series of meetings in the First Presbyterian church, Tursday evening Fcbiuary 16. As Mr. Hammond will bo hero, but three or four day3, the people should prepare themselves to give as much time to these meetings as possible. There will be afternoon meetings at 4 o'clock .for the children, Pnrents should bear this in mind and encourage their children to attend. Jules Zbinden and others have peti tioned the city Council to have a cross Trig puf"in"'on tlurndrtlrsldc- ofDakotaP sheet across Box Butte Ave. Just here The Herald would suggest that the time to continence to lay perma nent crossings is here. A concrete and cement crossing costs a little more now, but it is permanent and never needs repairs if properly put in. This spring is the time to begin permanent crossings. Mr. C. F. Tierney, sister and niece, ol Broken Bow, aro Alliance visitors. The report is current that they came to attend tho wedding of Simon Spry and Mrs. R. E. Mobrc, of Englowood, S. D., who is here with her sister. Tier ney denies this, and Spry pleads not guilty to tho charge and laconically replied:."! wish it were true." drville Owen, one of Alliance's hust ling progressive barbers is distribut ing a handsome leather wallet bill and note hook in convenient pocket size to his friends and patrons. He is tho Alliance agent of the Louisana State Loan and Trust Company of Chicago. So many applicants aro still calling' at The Herald office to answer an advertisement in this paper a few weeks ago for an apprentice, that wo wish to announce that Mr. Earle Enyeart has seemed tho position and has been ap prenticed here to learn tho printing business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baxter an mi tertaining their Grand-daughter Miss Ethyl Calkins this week. Mint Cal kins is an accom"Hshed violinst and. Is enrouto from bet lratne in Cody, Wyo., to Omaha whore she will roaume her musical studios. R. W. Sporry and wife havo gone to Canyon City, Colorado, whore Mr. Sporry will be employed on tho Record.' Ilohas been employed on Tun Herald for somo timo past and has secured a merited promotion. He is a sobor, lionost, up-io-dato printer. Mr. ai d Mrs. Ira A. Gripp, of Thay er, Iowa Trivedoii4i yesterday and will visit seoral weeks with' Mrs. Gripp's sister, Mrs. I. E, Tash. Milton Logan and wife, of Boone, Iowa, are hore to make final proof on hit homostaad, east of Alliance. Tlic Horace BogucSlorc TRADE WINNER s A S . T P U E RD CI AY AL Sj&JXSHl On gents furnishings. bUiro closet 11 p. m. cxcopl Tuesdays ami i-atimluys Business Locals. Co-Lon-Co. Caps toe at Norton's. $10 overcoats $5. Norton's. See Norton's new dress goods Satur day. 100 pounds Bran 90c at the Alliance Grocery Co. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Good 4 room house for rent. P. J. Nolan. 2-3t. Seven bars best Soap 25c. Alliance Gro cery Co. "It's it" Tho Town and Country ladies' waist. Sold only at Norton's. Dr. Koons, dentist, Office upstairs Norton block. Four pounds bulk Raisin Prunes 25c, Alliance Grocery Co. Wanted: something we can't re pair. Lockwood. Norton's first shipment of dress goods ' will be on sale Saturday. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Fancy sweet Naval Oranges, 25c, 35c, 40c per dozen at the Alliance Grocery Co. Just received a new car of Lexington Flour- Geo. W. Young. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Pianos and Organs sold 011 easy payments at Lockwood's. B, & M. Patent flour $1.05 per sack, bast in town, try it Alliance Grocery Co. See Humphrey for picture framing", up holstering and furniture repairing. W. W. Norton has a few 'good rooms for rent over his store. Have your furniture repaired and pictuics framed at Lockwood's. , Skinned Ham 14c; pound Bacon 14c, other cured meats as cheap at the Alliance Grocery Co. Three packages Pancake fiour, Cero Fruto, Norka breakfast food 25c, a snap. Alliance Grocery Co. Hurold B. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb, Bank drafts aro cheaper and more convenient than post office orders. When you want to sond money awav go to The First National Bank, 3-tf Those Town and Couutry ladies' shuts arc making a grout hit. For salo only at N01 ton's. Nearly all the ailments of the human race in those days are caused by the Blood Stomach and Kidneys being out of order There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co hasn't cured. Ask your druggist. Dr. Harneu, of Omaha, will visit Alliance with office at tho Charters Hotal, Thursday the 23d. Dr. Barnes has treated eye in Alliance for years. Call early if convenient. Open till 10 p. in. - ' 8'2. Wo pay 4 per cent on monev left for six months and 5 five per cent on monev loft a year. $5,00 will open a savings account. Begin 1905 right by opening an account with us and saving some money. The First Nat'l. Bank. King No. 512 for full information. We want your trade, Deliver prompt ly on time wav beyond the street car line, South of bank 3rd door. The new Flour and Feed store. Call to day; I want to see you. W. D. Day dson. 6-tf iJt, ut'J? t ipi,',i fr 1PR,