THE ALLIANCE HERALD W. 8. RAKER, Publisher. ALLtANCEJ, NEBRASKA. SSSB "y- Wief Telegrams William K. Curtis writoa of tho character of tho czar, who, whllo theoretically all-powerful, is really tho ' tool of designing men in tho court circle H, L Bowdon mado a mile in 0:341-5 in automobllo races on beach at Daytona, Fla. Two others mado bettor time than Vandorbllt'a previous record of 0:39. Tho gonoral assombly-of Colorado adopted a memorial to Congress sup porting Prosldent Roosovolt in his position rogardlng tho regulation of railroad ratos. Tho deadlock in tho Dclawaro sen ate wan brokon by tho eloctlon of A. B. Conner, Union republican, an proBl dent pro tern. This is regarded as a Tictory for Addlcks. Much legislation adverso to Insur ance companies is expected in tho woatorn states this yoar. Many bills already havo been Introduced aiming at tho regulation of tho buBlneaa. "W. J. Bryan hnd a throo-hour con ference with Alton B. Parker in Now York, and explained eomo of tho g causes leading to tho defeat of tho democracy In tho presidential elec tion. Loading republicans in tho senato Joined in opposing tho amendment which would prevent General Miles trom receiving tho full pay of his rank while serving in tho Massachu setts militia. Two masked men held up tho Beau month restaurant In Los Angeles', tak ing about 700 in monoy from tho cash register and a gold watch from tho proprietor, and fired three shots to frighten guests. A resolution was Introduced in tho houso for nn Investigation of chargos of conspiracy, cmbozzlomont and cor rupt conduct against Judge Goojlnow of tho United States consular court at Shanghai. China. Thirty Finns woro shot down in tho streots of Ilelsingfors by Cossacks and pollco during a demonstration. Tho big works in Revnl are all closed find thero are other disturbances In tho, Baltic provinces. Tho Colorado joint legislative com mltteo hoarlng tho Peabody-Adams gubernatorial contest exaralnod more experts, who tostifled thnt in oight boxes they found 721 ballots wrltton Jby two or threo persons. , John Morgan and Carl Wilson, al jlegod to bo Implicated In tho $20,000 diamond robbery at tho Hotol Mary land, Pasadena, Cal., last Friday, were ihcld to tho superior court In $5,000 Ibatl each. Both admitted all of tho I Important facta In tho caso and nro ox pocted to plead guilty In tho higher court Miss Eugenia Ulrlch, a well known Catholic writer and editor, is dead at LlmogOB, France. Word was received by her parents In Sioux City. A short time ago MIbs Ulrlch was placed un der arrofit at Limoges on charge of being a Russian spy, hut wns released after explanation by the American , consul. Soveral witnesses- were introduced , beroro Mastor in Chancery Scoflold at St Louis by tho Prudential Life In suranco company in Its suit to cancel policies hold by iho lato James L. Blair, in an effort to prove that tho Ignaturo of Mrs. Blair on a deed of truBt for 150,000 on "Stancoto," Blair's country homo, was a forgery. The military secretary received a cablegram from Major General, Cor bln, Jn command of tho Philippine dU vision at Manila, telling of tho, death from accidental wood alcohol 'poison-' ing of Contract Surgeon Frederick W. Richardson nt Llgao, Albay. Mr. Rich ardson was a resident of St. Paul, Minn. Negotiations looking to fixing a , tlmo for voting on tho statehood bill havo practically culminated In an agreement to vote on Saturday, Feb ruary 4, Tho opponents of Joint state hood have given their consent to tho date, but It may bo chnnged In order to accommodate somo who may still deslro to speak. Suits for damages aggregating al most $2,500,000 were brought against tho Pennsylvania Railroad company In tho United States circuit court by tho Pennsylvania Coal and Coke com pany and tho Wobster Coal and Coko company, both of Pennsylvania. Tho suits aro baaed on alleged discrimina tion and favoritism shown to compet ing companies. R. A. Crothera and Fremont Older, proprietor and managing editor, re spectively, of th San Francisco Bul letin, havo been cited for contempt of court by Judgo Cook for publishing reflections on his Judicial course. Tho criticism was directed particularly at the ball bond Judge Cook exacted of women taken In grand jury raids'. Tho amount was $20. Western leaders and other big oper ators are credited with precipitating heavy selling orders In th New York Stock Exchange. Tho government has now paid out $186,000 to reimburse confederates for hordes and pistols taken after the Ap pomattox surrondcr. , Tho defeat of the Hungarian gOTy ernment at tho recent election appears to havo been complete. Tho o'pposU tlon secured JJl Beats out of tho 818 iresults so fa'r,-)nown. One hundred iandi eighteen of these aro members of Ul Kossuth party. - . a4 r" LEGISLATURE of NEBRASKA A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gtv era! Session. SENATE Mockctt of Lancaster won n temporary victory over tho Judiciary commlttco on tho 25th in that tho senate voted to place his ill vorco bill on general fllo after tho committee had recommended that It bo indefinitely postponed. Tho Judtclnry commlttco then, over Mockett's pro test, carried a motion to havo tho bill dIscuBsed at once, After an Interest ing debato on tho merits of tho bill, I Mockett secured tho passago of a mo tion to mako tho bill a special order for tomorrow nftcrnoon. S. F. S, by Beghtol, providing that county survey ors shall net as county engineers, to pass on bridges and other public work dono for a county was passed, as was S. F, 35, providing thnt when tho Mis souri river chops off a plcco of Ne braska and lands It in ono of tho bor dor states, it shall become a part of that Btate, together with Its inhabit ants. Thoso bills wero introduced: Providing tho Buprcmo court shall namo threo commissioners to rovlso tho statutes and report to tho next legislature. Amending tho civil codo relating to tho recovery of damages. Providing for tho organization of tho Stnto Banking board and defining tho duties of tho board. Making taxes on personal property a first Hen on tho property for two years. Amending tho law relating to tho recovery of dam ages so thnt In cases of wanton ag gressiveness on tho part of defendant tho jury may award exemplary dam nges. To provide for tho assessment of mortgages as real estate; tho hold er of tho mortgago on real estato to pay taxes on tho mortgago nnd tho owner of tho property to pay on tho assessment of tho properly less tho amount of tho mortgago. To provide that a womn who commits adultery shall bo fined $200 or sentenced to jail for a year; a man, married or unmar ried, to bo sentenced to tho peniten tiary for two years or pay a flno ot $500. HOUSE Tho houso on tho 25th passod tho first bill Introduced this session. Tho bill Is II. R. 1, by Burns of LancaHtor, drawn by tho attorney general, providing for personal surety bonds for stato officers. H. R. 21, by Roberts, was passed. It provides that whero patents have been or may bo issued to a person who has died pre vious to tho issuanco of such patent it shall operate to vest tho title in tho holrs, devisees or assignees of the de ceased patentee Ernst of Johnson In troduced a resolution to send a com mltteo of threo, with u like commlt tco from tho senate, to the Kansas stnto ponltcnttnry to Investigate and roport on tho binding twine plant with a view of getting information useful to tho Nebraska lcglslnturo in passing on tho pending bill to establish n plant at tho Nebraska penitentiary. Tho resolution passed. Bills Intro duced Included: An act to mako open season for prnlrlo chickens, sago grouso September 1 to iNovomber 30; Jack snipe, Wilson snipe, yellow .legs, September 1 to May 1; wild pigeons, doves, plover, Juno 15 to August 1; trout, April 1 to October 1; all other fish, April 1 to November 15; allow ing ono hunter to kill not moro than ten pralrlo chickens In nny ono day in September; makes penalty of $5 flno or ten days In Jail for ehch bird unlaw fully had. An act to prohibit tho play ing of tho game ot footbnu In the state of Nebraska. Flno of $50 to $100 or thirty to ninety days- In Jail for first offense nnd ono to two venrs In tho penitentiary for second offeiiBe. An act to glvo Stato Banking board discre tionary power In granting charters for Btato bnnks when satisfied with char acter and responsibility of officers. An net to empower tho Board of County Commissioners or Supervisors to mako contracts for tho construction nnd re paration of bridges In thejr counties, nnd to nuthorlzo such boards to pur chase tho uecessary brldgo materials and employ tho necessary labor and construct or repair such bridges when, In their judgment, It would bo to the Interest of tho county to do so. SENATE Tho Juvenile court bill, introduced by Senator Mockett of Lancaster, was recommended for pas sage on the 26th. Thero was no de bate. Tho bill provides three proba tion ofllcers In counties having a 'pop ulation of moro than 50,000. In coun ties of less than 40,000 tho Jurisdiction is vested In the county judge. Jn tho cities tho pollco judges have churgo of tho Juvenllo courts, while In the largo counties tho district Judges se lect one of their number to preside. Tho bill makes neglect of children an offense. Parents aro responsible for tho crlmo of having children In evil surroundings. Attorney General Brown believes tho bill is constitutional. "If It Is not, no Juvenllo court bill can bo drawn that Is," ho declared. No. 64, was recommouded for passage. This measuro transfers $18,000 from tho Norfolk asylum fund to the fund of tho asylum nt Lincoln. Senate fllo No. 20, by Senator Yore of Saline, was passed. It provides a penalty of from two to fifteen yoars for persons con victed of poisoning or attempted poi soning. Semite fllo No. 43 was passed. This is a Joint resolution by Senator Meservo of Dixon, approving tho work 'of tho Soutli Dakota-Nebraska boun dary commission. A number of bills wore Introduced, 'HOUSE In the house on tho 2Cth ,', AeUrce number of bills were reported back by tho standing committees and placed on tho general flic. Houso roll No. 8, by Dodgo, to vest nuthorlty ovor tho Omaha water plant in tho munici pal water board, wns reported back without recommendntlon by Chairman Leo of tho commlttco on cities and towns, who then moved its Indcflnlto postponement. This was resented by Dodge, who chnrged bad faith, In thnt It had been agreed In committee that tho bill was to bo allowed to go to tho gcnernl fllo. Leo denied any Intent to tnko an unfair advantage, and with drew his motion, substituting for It another placing tho bill on goneral fllo. This motion prevailed. Tho fol lowing bills wero passed: Houso roll No. 3, by Wlndhnra, providing for six commissioners of tho supremo court; houso roll No. 43, by Smith, providing thnt, whero two or moro persons charged with n crimo aro tried to gether, tho prosecuting attorney shall bo entitled to threo peremptory chal lenges for each; houso roll 45. by Knox, appropriating tho normal school library funds for tho purchase of books for the Peru and Kearney stato normal schools. In commltteo of tho whole houso rolls Nos. 97 to 100 Inclusive, by Clarko of Douglas, woro recommended for passage. Theso aro bar association bills, relative to prac tice In justice court, and provide, respectively, for a chango In tho place of trial on account of bias or pre judice, for Jury trlnl, for Jury fees and for costs on chango of trlnl. Among bills Introduced were tho following: To glvo intcrurbnn electric railroad lines tho right of eminent domain, as enjoyed by steam railroad companies. An net purchasing and authorizing the salo and distribution of Cobbey's an notated statutes or Nebraska; provides that tho stato shall purchase 5,000 sets at $G per Ret for tho use of tho state, and to be sold to counties and citizens at cost. SENATE Aside from tho debato on tho Mockett divorce law In tho scnato nnd tho report of a few com mittees little business was transact ed on tho 27th. Tho Judiciary commit tee, which had been Instructed to pre naro a bill defining what property Is exempt from taxation, reported that a legislatives definition of exemptions would bo of no value, tho Interpre tation both of tho constitution and legislative ennctments being within tho province of tho supremo court Tho committee, quoting tho constitution, reports that portions ot tho section aro self-acting nnd it Is not within tho legislative power to add to or do tract therefrom. Tho following por tion of tho constitution, In tho judg ment of tho committee, is not self acting, but finds expression . only by tho aid of legislative enactment ''And such other property as may bo used exclusively for agricultural and hortl cultural societies, for schools, reli gious, cemetery and charltablo pur poses may bo exempt from taxation, but such exemptions shall bo only by general law." Senate fllo No. 17 was reported by tho Judiciary committee for indefinite postponement, but upon tho request of Gibson of Douglas it was. again referred to tho committee for, further consideration. Tho bill de fines child dependency nnd provides relief. It was tho Idea of tho commit tee that It conflicted with tho juvenile court bill. Bills Introduced Included: Providing for suspended 'sentences In wlfo desertion cases when offender gives bonds to provide for mainten ance of family. Making llfo Insurance companies deposit securities with tho auditor. Providing punishment for thoso who by committing perjury se cure conviction in certain criminal cases, and abolishing capital punish ment HOUSE H. R. 17, by Cnsebeer of Gage, to turn over to tho university tho Morrill nnd university cash Jund or $200,000 from the government was passed In tho houso on tho 27th, with tho emergency clause. It required a call of tho jiouse and lively skirmish ing to get tho pecessary two-thirds, not because of opposition to tho bill, but small attendance. H. R. 31, by Douglas, providing bounties for kill ing wolves, wild cats nnd coyotes, was recommended for passage after a strong nppeal hy Douglas. II. R. 104, by Leo of Douglas, to requlro a phy sician's certificate for tho purchase of cocaine or morphine was recommend ed for passage as was II. R. GO, by Bartoo, requiring ' dentists to bo licensed the eamo ns physicians. The houso went Into commltteo of tho whole and recommended for passage: H. R. 82, by Saddler of Adams, giving as compensation to soldiers' relief commissions In counties 5 per cent of the money distributed; H. R. 61. by Saddler, allowing counties to spend $60 for the burial of a civil war vet eran Instead of $35, nnd prohibiting their burial in paupers' graves. B'llq read for first time: An act to amend section 58, article Iv, cnaptor xvlll. of the Compllod Statutes of Nobraska, ontilled "Taxes" Providing for the number .of mills to be lovlod for town ship purposos. Also providing for the method and manner of how tho road work shall be performed In counties under township organization, and re pealing said original suction. Provides a rate of town tax qn roads of 4 mills; bridges, 2 mills, and other juirposoe, j mills. An act to provide a moro equit able distribution ot tho state common school fund to pay tuition in high schools of pupils not living in districts having high schools. A memorial and joint resolution in relation to tho Ne braska territorial militia, asking con gress for nn act entitling members of such militia to pension, An act re quiring school trustees to submit to voters estlmato of school expenses prior to annual school meeting. Mockett Divorce Bill. Tho Mockett divorce bllL which wns tho subject of n lengthy debnto in tho scnato on tho 25th, and which was mado a special order, in .substance is ns follows: The measure provides that no person shnll bo entitled to a divorce for nny cnusn nrlslnff In this stnto who has not had nctual residence In this state for nt leant ono year noxt before bringing tho milt, with tho intention of vnnHlnff the stato a permanent home; nlso, that no person shall be entitled to n dlvorco for any causo arising out pf tho state unlen.t tho petitioner or defendant shall havo resided within tho Btato for at least two years next before bringing the suit, with tho bona fide Intention of making It his homo. It Is further provided In tho meas ure that a bill for dlvorco, nllmony or maintenance may bo exhibited by a wife In her own name, us well as by a husband; nnd In nil cases tho respond ent may answer bucIi petition or bill without oath. No person shall bo en titled to a vote unless the dofendant shall have been personally served with procesH, if within this state, or with personal notice duly proved and ap pearing of record, If out of this stato. or unless defendant shall have en tered an appearance In tho case; but If It shall appear to tho satisfaction of tho court that tho petitioner does not know the address or residence of tho defendant, and lias not been ablo to ascertain either after reasonable nnd duo Inquiry and search continued for six months, the court or judge In vacation may authorize notice by pub lication. ' Section 3 of tho bill provides that a dlvorco shall not become final or oper ative until six months after trial and decision except for tho purpose of re view by proceedings In error or ap peal, and for such purposes only the decree shall be treated as a final order as soon as rendered. Provided that if Croceedlngs In error or by appeal havo oon Instituted within said six months, tho decreo shall not become nnal until tho proceedings are finally determined. If no such proceedings aro Instituted tho district court muy at nny tlmo within six months vacate or modify tho decree. Concentrated Wisdom. Tho following nddress was deliv ered by a young Indian student on his graduation from tho agency school. Not many whlto pupils could havo condensed tho truths enumer ated Into such small space: "My friends, I do not propose to exclto hostilities by advancing tho proposition that wo stand on tho threshold of llfo. I leavo that to tho pale-faced graduate of a moro athletic curriculum. I came from a town of 300 souls nnd eighteen real estate agents. On my return my kinsmen will stroll out of tho tepeo to greet their brother and ask him whero ho got that hat, while tho dusky daugh ter of Bay-Horso-With-the-Glandere will don her pink waist. All that tho red man is today ho owes to tho pale-face. AVo havo boon so benevolently assimilated that ono measly government agent can round up and herd a whole Indian reserva tion. Tho palo-faco lobster gives us a bottlo of whisky with a string tied to It. And tho string reaches to the federal court room, whero wo Ho around for a couplo of weeks whllo tho witnesses aro cashing In their pay vouchors. Then wo walk homo in a snowstorm. , Tho sun of tho red man is setting In tho west Soon will his copper colored tribes bo assimilated by tho copper trust and .ho will bo extinct. You may put him Into a bicycle suit and tan shoes, but 'ho will continue to yearn for planked muskrat and Ja maica ginger. His days aro number ed. Her Lesson from the Sermon. A clergyman gives somo pertinent instances of tho unexpected to bo mot with In preaching. "At my time ot llfo I ought not. to bo stunned Ly anything, but ono day, after service, a good woman of my flock did man age to tako my breath away. I was preaching about God's wisdom In car ing for us all and I said that the Fathor knows best which of us grows better In tho sunlight and which must havo shade. You know you plant roses In the sun and helio tropes and geraniums, too, but if you put fuchsias to grow you must put thqm in a shady nook. "I hoped tho sermon would bo a comforting ono and after It was over a woman came to mo, her fai:o glow ing with pleasure which was evident ly deep and true. 'Oh, doctor, I am so glad of that sermon,' said she, clasping my hand and shaking it warmly. My heart warmed as I won dered what tender placo I had touched In her soul, but my Joy last ed for a "moment only. 'Yes,' she went on, fervently, '1 nover know bo foro what was tho matter with my fuchsias!" London Interior, Grandmother's Rule6. Always lodk at the porson to whom you speak. "Wlfyn you aro addressed, look straight nt tho porson who speaks to you. Do not forget this. Speak your words plainly; do not mutter or mumble. If words nro worth saying, they nro worth pronouncing distinctly and clearly. Do not say dlsagrecablo things. I" you havo nothing pleasant to say, keep silent. Think threo times before you speak once. Havo you something to do that you find hard nnd would prefer not to do? Do tho hard thing first and get It over with. If you havo dono wrong, go nnd confess It. If your lesson is tough, mastor it If tho garden Is to bo wooded, weed It first and play afterwards. Do first tho thing you don't like to do, and then, with J clear conscience, try tho rost. I Lova Increases by labor. EYE3 ON MOSCOW. Regarded As the Storm Center of Dis turbances. MOSCOW' Thero is complete tran quility within tho boundaries of this city, but the peoplo aro keeping in doors owing to tho official warning. Tho strlko Is spreading gradually, but thus far Is confined to tho smaller mills. Tho larger industrial concerns aro being guarded in order to prevent tho mon employed there from being In timidnted; but it Is the belief that tho strlko wll become general. Thero aro no troops in sight in tho ctly proper. Probably thero will bo no papers to morrow. Tho citizens ore alarmed at tho prospect of an eruption of condi tions of thousands of workmen and de mand tho proclamation of a stato of siege. Tho Moscow garrison Is no moro thnn 20,000, but tho authorities con sider that this Is sufficient for present needs and evidently are Inclined to avoid bloodshed If possible. They dc claro they havo tho situation well in hand. Captain Grove, tho British consul, has called upon M. Roudneff, the as sistant pollco master, who Is acting In tho absence of Chief Volkoff, and re quested an explanation of tho posted telegram from London, alleging that tho disturbances at the Russian dock yards and arsenals were due to Anglo Japanese InBtlgntlon, that both Great Britain and Japan aro spending vast sums of money to prevent tho Russlnn second squadron from reaching tho far east, and adding that "all Russians who strlko aro thereforo in conni vance with tho enemy." M. Roudneff produced tho orlglnnl telegram In evidence of good faith. Captain Grovo stated that ho would report tho matter to tho embassy at St. Petersburg, as ho considered that tho posting of tho alleged telegrams Imperllod tho lives ot subjects ot Grent Britain who aro employed In factories here. M, Roudneff assured him that thero was absolutely no cause for apprehen sion, but assumed tho responsibility for tho publication. M. Roudneff also offered Captain Grovo personal satisfaction in a resort to arms. General Trepoff's appointment to tho governor generalship of St. Peters burg was a surprise hero. It Is rumor ed that Minister SvIatopolk-MIrsky may bo appointed governor general ot Moscow." A squadron of Cossacks this even ing dispersed about 3,000 workmen who were growing obstreperous across tho Moskva. No 'fatalities are reported. This-was tho only event of tho kind during tho day. IMPORTED WHEAT FOR SEED Secretary Shaw Recommends Refund of Duty. WASHINGTON Secretary Shaw has sent tho following letter to both houses of congress recommending tho refund of tho duties ptfld on Imported wheat when used for soed: "This department Is In receipt of a largo number of letters indicating that a scarcity ot suitable wheat for seed ing purposes exists in several of tho northwestern states. By act approved January 15, 1903, the secretary of tho treasury was directed to refund tho duty paid on coal for the period of ono year. ThlB had the effect of tem porarily removing tho duty on coal. I recommend a similar law authorizing tho secretary ot tho treasury to re fund the duty paid on wheat actually used for seed, under rules and regula tions prescribed by him. I think it would be Impracticable to allow wheat Intended for seed to bo entered free of duty. Such a provision would open the door to fraud, but a refund of duty on wheat actuully used for seed un- i der appropriate regulations seoms to mo to bo feasible and ns affording a satisfactory remedy. In view of the de sirability of getting seed wheat at a distance from the placo whero It Is to bo own I sco no reason why this provision should bo limited ns to time." Baseball Agreement Revised. CINCINNATI Tho revised agree ment, which provides for tho regula tion of professional baseball was completed today by the national com mission, and will bo mado public In a few days. Most of tho changes wero agreed upon nt tho recent meeting of tho commission In this city. Increased authority for tho national commission In enforcing tho agreement, and moro open dealing In drafts and selling aro tho most important changes, many amendments being minor. Lincoln Has. a Serious Fire. LINCOLN, Neb. Firo discovered shortly after midnight Tuesday, which is still raging, has completely 'destroyed an entiro block of five story buildings at Thirteenth and P streets, known as tho Halter block and tho Furniture block. Tho loss will bo near $250,000. It was declared at Edinburgh re cently that more fishermen woro drowned from tho custom of woarlng long boots than by all the storms. Agree on Day For a Vote, WASHINGTON Negotiations look Ing to fixing a tlmo for voting on tho statehood bill havo practically cul minated in an agreement to voto on Saturday February 4. Tho oppononts of joint statohood havo given tholr consent to tho dale, but It may bo changed in ordor to accomraodato some v. ho may still deslro to speak. Tho first votq will probably bo on an amendment admitting all tho terri tories as states as they now stand, and tho next eliminating Indian terri tory and Arizona. MR. HAYDETS VIEWS GIVES HIS 6PINI0H OF THE BEBT TREATMENT FOB PAEALYSI8. Declare! That Dr. 'VHl!am, Tlnk IIII llettored the Vie ofllli Limbs When All Other Remedies Failed. Tho premonitory symptoms of paraly sis are: trembling of tho hands; sudden loss of power iu arms or legs, frequently nffcctingonewholosidoof tho body; stag gering; partial or entiro inability to use? tho fingers; distortion of tho features, sometimes nn uncontrollable quivering of tho chin; sovero pains; difficulty in speech. Frequently tho first warning ia n vnguo feeling of headache, vertigo and muscnlnr Weakness. In a recent interview Mr. W. J. Tj. Haytlen. said : " I truly think that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro n great medi cino for they cured mo when physicinus and other remedies hnd failed togivo mo tho slightest roliof. Too close at tention to business brought on an attack of nervousness which flually developed into paralysis. Thero wero times when it was impossiblo for mo to movo my hands or to get up from n chair. Ab other times I had partial control of my lfrabs, but I was afraid to go far from, tho honso for fear I might suddenly be come helpless and havo to bo carried homo. "Whilolwas in this miserable con dition, I was stricken with malarial fevor and confined to bed for four months. I had tho best physicians, but whilo they relieved my fover, their treatment did not outirely drivo tho malaria from my system, and they did not help my par alysis in tho least, "I was well nigh despairing when a friend persuaded mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I had finished ono bor I could sco results that encouraged mo. My condition kept steadily improving, nnd when I had taken seven boxes I was cured of paralysis and tho malaria was completely driven out of my system. For two years now I havo enjoyed tho best of henlth and have attended to bus iucss without any interruption." Mr. Hayden's homo is at No. 252 West 30th street, New York. Dr. Williams Pink Pills havo cured many similar cases of paralysis,- nlso locomotor ataxia. They aro sold by all druggists. A treatment so simple, inexpensivo nnd successful should bo ried by every sufferer from partial paralysis in any of its stages. Respect Your Own Ideas. On tho firm foundation of solid reli ability originality mustt erect a struc ture. To this end you must respect your own Ideas as fully as thoso ofT another. You must accept tho Ideas that como Into your own mind with as much sincerity as you do thoso or an Edison or a Rockefeller. Do not bo limited by tho achievements or others. Uso their knowledge merely to push your own. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA For Instant Relief and Speedy Cure of Raw and Scaly Humour, Itching Day and Night Suffered Months. "I wish you would publish this let ter so that others suffering as I havo may be helped. For months awful sores covered my face and neck, scabs, forming, Itching terribly day and night, breaking open, and running: blood and matter. I had tried many remedies, but was growing worse, when I started with Cutlcura. Tho first application gavo mo instant re lief, and when I had used two cakes, ot Cutlcura Soap and three boxes of Cutlcura Ointment, I was completely cured, (signed) Mlsa Nellie Vander Wiele, Lakeside, N. Y." Origin of the Maxim Gun. Vanity Fair, in tho letterpress ac companying Its cartoons ot Sir Hiram Maxim, says that ho first thought of; the Maxim gun by receiving a jar oa tho shoulder at tho firing of an old rifle. "It seemed a pity that tho kick should bo wasted. Therefore ho put tho recoil to work In automatic load ing and firing at tho rato of a thou sand shots a minute." Mrs. TVInslows Soothing Syrup. ForchtlUrea teething, softens the piraj, redures to CmmtloD , allays pain, cures wind coltu. 23c Untie. Falls Heir to $500,000. A few months ago. In looking up his genealogy, a Londoner discovered that a woman whom ho did not know was using a crest ho had regarded as his own. Ho found sho was a cousin. They became friends and when sho died recently sho bequeathed her es tato, moro than $500,000, to him. When You Buy Starch buy Defiance nnd ffet the best; if ounces for 10 cents. Once used, always used. Tho averago ago of tho Japanese naval crews Is lower than that of tho men In any other -navy. No ono over twenty years old Is accepted for en listment Tho averago height Is 5 foot 4 inches less than that of any other navy. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then uso Defiance Starch; it will keep them white 10 ounces for 10 cents. Ho cannot bo a saint who will not be a servant. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully eTery bottle of CASTOWA, ft safe uid rare remedy for infants and children. and tee that It Hears the &40&T Signature la Uso For Over 30 Years. Tuo Kind You Ua?o Always Bought When you como to say good-by to old Bins It Is unwise to hold a faro well meeting. i Y ''