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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1905)
"- hit 1 iiiTniTimrtmrrtnftifi n. Is PS r.. fgFe BKsM Iff-fft- Sh H.' TIME TABLE. Alliance. Ncbr. n in in 1 1 LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITV, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITV PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, and .nil points enst and all points et und -MlUtll. TllAINR LEAXT. AH TorXOWP, MOUNTAIN TlMB: 2x0.41 I'ussungur dully. Demlw xi, Hillings, all points north unci , yust 19:33 n.ui. Mo, 42 rasscnsor dally, Lincoln, Omaha. Chicago and nil points east 2:45a.m. No. 301 PaosciiBfr dally, for Uunvur KUt,n,!?nlt i.iikc, San Fran -clsco and all liiturinoillatn Mints, iloparts nt . 2:45 si.ui. jSo. WW I'liHtuiiKor dally from Donver and all lntcrnicdltilo points, . airlvos at 10:43a.m. ISo.305D.illy, cxfcn Sunday, for points boutli and wcbt, de parts 12:50 n. in No. 30l It.illy, except Sunday, from Mutli and west, arrives 4:53p.m. Sleeping, dlnlnu and twllnlng chair cars (neaU freo) on throns;h t nil lis. Tickets sold mid Imiftnigo checked to any pojnt in the United .Status or Canada. I'or Information, tln'o tables mid tickets call on or write, to L. 8. Sauk. Agent, or I V. Wakhldv, (Jen. oral I'usHungtir Agocit, OmaliR, Nebraska. lohgr nntr.rTiiifv. . Ol' It. T. llardstniRRlc Lodge, No. 012 Mots every Sunday afternoon at 2., Hell's hall. Visiting brothers welcome. J. A. Dunnino, W. M. M. HAitGRAVEs, Sec'v. L. O. T. M Meets every first and third Frr day at KukIo JIall. Visiting Mnocabees col dlally Invited. Mits. K. J. iin zoi.n, h. C. JIhh. Asmk YOt'.VT, It. K. UnvAti llinili.A.vmms Alllunco Castle No. 43 meets very bocond and fourth Thursday evenioB In V. O. W. Hull. Vlsltlnc Olansmun cordially Invited. E. l. Wootis. CJ. W. Leiiiv, Scc'y. L. I". LOCAL HAPPENINGS General and Personal News of Alli ance and Vicinity. Tin: HmtALD and the Weekly State -Journal both one year for Si. 50, The M. B. A. will hold a basket so cial at their lodge rooms tonight. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ru bottom a son, on Sunday Jan. 29, 1905. The Alliance brass band will meet hereafter at the City hall on Monday and Thursday nights of each week. S. T. Black .of the machine shops left Tuesday morning for a ten days visit with relatives at Vallisca, Iowa. Bert Bvshnell visited his brother here the first of the week, on his re turn to Hemingford from Omaha where lie has been learning the barber trade. Ignatius J. Lawrence, the chief mogul of the Alliance Electric Light Co., was in Denver first of the week on business for the company and visiting his mother and sweetheart. Sheriff Ed Housh of Rushville was in town yesterday on business connect ed with his office. He advised us that Judge Westover was holding a special term of court at Chadron this week. , All week night services of the M. E. church have been called off on account of the revival services being held at the Baptist church. They are having splendid meetings. Come out every body and let the Master use you. County Judge Spacht, wife, daugh ter Grace and son Ray returned Mon day from Sargent, Nebr., where he attended, the wedding of his niece. Word reaches us trom that place that he not only kissed the bride and all the bridesmaids, but furnished the 'music for the wedding dance on his violin. The Queen Esther society gave a "mum" social at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Allen last Friday evening, Jan. 25th. About fifty guests were pres ent and paid their fines for calking and then they certainly used the privelege to great advantage. The social was a success financially as well as socially over twelve dollars being taken in. 48fc ia 1:. nrsiiNni.1. i:nxr.8T c. oliuy r I BUSHNELL & OLDAY 3Jj Proprietors of the $ 1 Palace Meat Market f & Choicest Fresh and Salt Heats kft & Always on Hand & FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON Z. Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial -Of. phone In your orders We have it. first aoor norm 01 rose umce. w'wllwSww'wW John Wit-ns employed in Hughes' ice gang is laid up as a result of falling on a cake of ice and hurting his back. E. W. Ray who works for Wilson the secotid-hnudiuan has been laid up for more than n month past with a lame foot. The Inter-national Harvester Com pany have secured the sorvlcos ,of Miss Lula H addon of Hastings, as stenographer. R. D. Pine, of Ashland, Nobr., is, in the city the guest of his niece Mrs. Sloat. He is curoute to Livingston, Mont., where ho will engage in busi ness. Mr and Mrs. B. K. Lockuood have tcmovcdvto the corner of Cheyenne Ave., and Idaho stieet, and are now tit home to their friends in thoir elegant new quarters, W. D. Rumcf returned Monday from a weeks trip to Chicago and other eastern markets, where lieu cut to buy a new up-to-date spring stock for the big Rumor store. Miss Anna King of Angora, was suc cessfully operated on for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital at Omaha Fri day. She was accompanied there by Dr. Bellwood of this city. Sheriff Reed is catrying his arm-in a sling, the result of a slip and a fall in front of the Capitol hotel in I .incoln Sunday evening where he had gone with aa insane patient to the hospital. Services -us usunl-ut the M. E. church next Sunday. Morning subjec: The Measute of Righteousness. Even ing subject: Fear God and Kcop HiB Commandments. Sunday school at 10 a. m. We regret to chronicle the death of the onl child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hamilton, aged eleven months of bronchitis. The remains were shipped to Aurora, Nebr., this morning for in terment. George Olcson of the Alliance Cash Shoe store returned Monday after a weeks absence in eastern markets, nnd already dray loads of new shoes are arriving to supply the spring trade at the big shoe store. Wni, M'cIJridc, a son of Mrs. L. H. Mackey of this city, has just recovered from a month's illness and will leave for his home in Sarpy county for a va cation. He has been employed in the Burlington shops here. Chaplain E. W. White of Jackson, Michigan, is conducting a series of re vival meetings at the Baptist church. Our reporter did not learn of what in stitution he was chaplain but suppose it is the Jackson penitentiary. Sunday about three inches of snow fell and Monday everybody had a sleigh ride including the small boy with the handsleds, and the girls too. Sleighing is so rare in these parts that sleighing is indulged in on the slighest provocation. Next Thursday night Messrs. Rid gel!, Reickstein, Brown, Wikre, and Gilmanr, will leave for Denver to take part in the Overland Milwaukee-Denver bowling contest. Here's hoping they will return with more laurels than they brought home from New Castle. Sam Willets and wife are here from Parks, Nebr., where Sam has been en gaged in the mercantile business. He was formerly employed at the Rumer store and later was with Superin tent Phelan. He is the guest of Fred Har rison the candy Kitchen man. Wil lets says it is his intention to make Al liance his future home. The evangelistic services now in progress at the Baptist church, are go ing forward with spirituality and pow er under the direction of Chaplain E. W. White, D. D., of Jackson, Mich. Very rarely does an Alliance audience have the privelege of listening to so forceful and logical a speaker as Dr. Whits. He has a master's grip on the sword of the Spirit and wields it with a two-edged effectiveness. No one can afford to miss a single service. Services begin promptly each evening at 7:30. No collections are taken and everybody made welcome. the goods and will deliver them rnwim ui A New Orleans Wine Cellar. A lady newly arrived In Washing ton, of great wealth, was nt n dlnnor a few nights ngo and ntuazed everybody by tolling tho brand nnd vintage of a rnro wlno without seolng the bottle or label. . "How can you do It7" sho was asked. "Oh," sho replied, "I was born In Now Orlenns, you know, and was raised there. When I was n slip of n girl my father usod to tnko mo down Into his great wlno collar undor tho house and show me tho dusty bottloa. Ho taught mo all about wlnos down In those gloomy envos." After tho dlnnor tho hostess said to her husband: "Wasn't It Interesting to hear Mrs. So-ancI So teil about her father's wlno collars?" "Groat!" replied the brutal hus'vind. "Absolutely great! It was simply fine. You know thcro Isn't a collar In .Now Orleans." Washington Correspond ence New York World. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, the leading weekly, both one year for $1.50. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Ilox llutto county, Nohriskti. l'etiv. 2. IftVi In the matter of the estate of Henry (I Tax lor. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Youiu-i'liorouyiiotlllcd. that 1 will sit at tho County cjourt Hoom In Alliance in said county, on the Uh day of August. lflo:, at two o'clock i in., to reeelvo and examine nil claims njriilnst said ostate. xvlth a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tho time limited for tho pres entation of claim against said estate Is hIx months, from Hip 2nd day of tr-hy . A II. 1P05. and thettmo limited for navmont of dohts Is one, year from said 2nd day of Kohruary lira. Wltnoss my hand nnd tho senl of said county court, this Slid day of 1'elirnary, UHX'. (ATrno('oiy) D, K. Si-acht, sr.Ai.l Kp l'eb L'-lw. County Judgp. Land Office Notices. hand Olllceat Alliance, Neb., dim. M. Iiw:. Notice Is hereby rIx-oii t hut tho follonliitf named settler has tiled notlco of her Intention to make tiiiill proof la support ,f her claim, and that until proof will lie made before Kejrlstor and Keeciver at Alliance, Neb , on Match 11. HHtt, viz AUOITSTA I'lllUO. of Hrmincford, Neb., one of tho heirs of Conradlne llasso. uYccaKcd, on II, I. No. toil for the uo'i section t. township ?lii. ranee 4lw 8 he names the following XYlinesces to prove hor continuous residenco upon nnd r-nltlx'u-tlon of said land, x-i: Andrew U .lohnsou, Hans Hausfi), Orvlllo Kid well, Uoborl Cuiry, all of HcuilliKford, Neh. HniK'K XVn.uix, Itpjjlsler. Contest Notice. IT. S. Land Ofilee. Alliance. Neh., .Inn 20. lOtfi, A sullicleut contest allldavlt having been filed In this ollice by Frank ltevau coii testmit. against Homestead entry No. ,1US, made May II, Itm, for lots 1 , in. 1 2 mid cast'; norlliHcsHf sectloa 31. township 'jSn, miism BOwr, by Verney U, .Morter. contestee, in which Itlsnllegrd Umtsiild Verney 1) Morter mixer resided on said tract and has wholly almiuhm ed same for more than txM years last past and that said alleged absence from the said laud was not duo to hlf employment in tho army, navy or tnariuo corps of tho United States as a prtvnto soldier, olllcer seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any otliur xvar In which tho United States majr bo engaged, said parties aro hereby noti fied to appear, respond and otTcr evidence, touching said allegation at 10 n'clock a, in. on March 21, lpto, heforo the Kcglstor and Receiver at tho United States Land Olllcoln Alliance, Nebraska. Tito said contestant having. In n proper af fidavit, filed .Ian. 2.", 11W5. set forth facts which show that uftur due diligence personal service of tho notice can not ho niftdo, It Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice 1m given by due and proper publication. fp.lan2T. uiiucic Wilcox, ltcglster. NUT1UK. Edwin L. Johnson, Victor Johnson, Mr. Johnson, first nanm unknown, brother of OharloB J. Johnston, deceased, Mrs. Jqhnson, first name unknown, mother of Uharlc J. Johnson deceased, heirs of Uharles J. Johnson, deceased and unknown heirs of CharlcnJ John sou deceased, defendants will take notice that on tho 28 day of Ueccmtier UKM. John II. Shirk, plalutifl herein. OleJ his petition in the dis trict court of Itox liutte county. Nebraska against said defendants, the object and praer of which aro to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the Mild Charles J. Johnson, de ceased, to Gottfried Itclmalin nnd bv him Cold and asglgued to plaintiff upon the S. H.Hot m. ix . '4 section , . loxvnsinp -zi, range in, in sam secure thuriment of a promissory note dated February IS. IMU, for the sum of f 150 duo February 5,1KSG. Thattherols now due upon Raid noto and mortgage the sum off.Xtj for which sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants bo required to pay the same or that said prom ises mav bo sold to satisfy tho amount found due. You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 'j"th day of February 1005. John II. SmnK, IMalntllf. Dated Jan. 19, llWj. fp 20 Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of an order of salo issued by tho clerk of thidlstrlctx:ourtof liox Iluttn coun ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by said court In favor of James K. Skinner, plain tiff, and against U S. Morgan, defendant. 1 will offer on tho 14th day ofFchruury. A. D. 1W5, at la o'clock u. m. on said day. ut tho west front door of tho court House in Alliance, in said county, sou the following described real estate, to-wlt: Northeast Quarter, of section 17, In Town ship 25, none linngo 4t, xvest Cth I'. M. In ilox llutto county, Nebraakn, ut public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to sat tsly said order of salo.ln tho sum of $.80417 and Interest, costs and accrrlnir costs subject to all unpaid taxes. IHA UK EI). BMITH 1'. TDTTI.E. M1CII.I 1 sail! COUntV Attorney for Plaintiff. F 1 Jan. 0 Sheriffs Snlc. No. 15.15. Hv virtue of an order of ualo Issued liv tlin clerk of the district court of Ilor llutto conn- ly.Nennuskn, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of John Lolth. plaintiff, and against William Grimes. Thomas Frahra, W. H. Lanning, Trustee, W. H. Lmnitng defendants. I will, on tho "rith dnv of February, A. I). 1D05. it 10 o'clock u. in. on said day, at tho west front door of tho court hoaso In Alliance, In said county, sell tho following described real estate, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section 2Tt, In town ship 27. north of range 50. uest of tho sixth principal meridian, In ilox li'ilfo comity, Ne braska, at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of hkIo In tho sum of $158.68 and Interest. co,i and accruing costs, taxed, suhlout to all un paid taxes. 1IIA XIEED. Sheriff of said County. Smith I. Thttlf, Attorney for Plaintiff. fp Jan. 20 Contest Notice' No. 308. IT H. Land Olllce, Alliance. Neh., Au,t. 18, 1001. A sullicleut contest atlidavlt having been filed In this ollice by August Drews, conUstunt. against cut rj No. 373X made Bop. 10. 1000, fof- north half southwest quarter anil north half southeast quarter of section 15, township 28. range 4' by Chas. O. King, contest. In xrlilch it Is alleged that said Chas. C. King has not resided upon said tract slncodato of entry, nor mado any Improve ments thereon Said alledged absence, irom mi saio tana xvas not duo to his employment In tho army, navy or marine corpwof the United Statu as u private soldier, orlicer, seaman or marine during tho war with Hpaln or during any other war in which the United States may bo engaged, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at JO o'clock a. m.. on March, 16, llWS, before the lteglster and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Alliance, Nebraska. Tho said contestant haxlng. in a proper aHldavit, Hied Januay 1C llKfi, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot bo made, it is ordered und directed that such notice be given by doe and proper publication. fp Jbbso Hnocx Wimxx. llovUter. Stock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Nebraska. Nebraska Stock firoxxcr s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modlsett, president, ltushvlllo) It. M. Hampton, vice-president. Alliance; H. M Searle Jr , secretary-treasurer, Ogalalla. IJ.M'cntlvo committee--K. P. Mypis, Loiuis U. 11. Ivincnld, lllughnm; John Iirciiuiiu, Afllaucei.l. 1!. Vanllosktrk, Alliance; K. 15. Lowe, Hjaiiiilsj John M. Adams, Potlur; H. M. Allen, Ames; It. LUco, Lodgopolo; l'.vert Kldred, Orlando; K. C. Harris, Chadiou; L. W. Ulckell, Klmbsll; Itohert Graham. Al ll.'ince.lolm Conxxiiy, Dunning; ,1. It, Oxik, Agate; A. S. Heed, Alllanro. MOSLRIt .V TULLY, Joss, Neb. Stock hnuuled ns shown on cut on either sldo. Also J-Oon eith er sldo. Toxvnshl p 'i&j)N-, ami ran'i) t.i. CUltltAN IIUOS Canton, Sioux county, Neb. (Cross II Cross) on lort bide. Also 1 1 1 on left thigh. Unders lopo on left ear. Horses branded same nscattls on left Jaxr and u on left tdioulder. J. UOWD, Alliance, Neb. .'I S connected any pluco on left side. Kongo on head of Pine Creek, Hherhlali onnty. POINT-OF-KOCKS HANOI!. JOHN O'KIXFi: Si SONS. Alliance, Neb. Cattle branded OK on left shin: also ok. and OK on left side. sciull irnos., Sclilll, N'eb. Cattlo branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27, range 45,Hherldan county.- STOIUI LAKE ItANOII, ItOUEHT OKAIIAM, Cleman, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. 'Horses branded O on loft jaw. E. MADIN, Hemingford, Neh. Cattlo branded flying horseshoe on right hip, as incut. Home ranch sec 25-27-50. Horse ranch in 28-4P. A. HILLING. Hox Huttc, Nob. Oattlo branded us 1) cut on left hip, also with tho bar over Instead of under brand. Alsoonleft side R'nchnwVti L,.. !.... 17 In townsuip -'7. range w. II A. ALLISON. Lakeside, Neh. Oattlo branded N ou right hip. ltango In Twp. 20. range 45, Slier- dan county. W. M. FOSKETT -aA-'ULCtlorLeer 1 Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or I BY THE DAY. 3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neh. 00000Ot0 Fire- Insurance. IlEMIrlGFORD, Nebraska. Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, xvhlch Insures town property only, and tho Colum bia, which Insuren town and farm property and Uvo stock. I loth are reliable old line com panies Notarial Work, JLJ I 1 ,s5ai LX-T wSftfifflltiSteFth rUSt'SSSSL S T. .az: TJtAjJ.vat,x Jvl fjlL ffii!fjapwfi aw.-itc n?siL- jti fivt stiarfr7 f ". . " ?I ft AV I H. m) f-N- 3(r jKK&v5BF 0VsO00OO0OO J)iamonds, i e Souvenirs o o Repairing in ail its . Branches. -n A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. --- -- Are You Coming to Alliance to live-? If so, let us fit ypu out with anything1 you need in the Hardware Line We guarantee to please you in QUALITY and PRICE. Ask'our customers about this. a. -A-. 2srE"vr:3E3se,ir. -- -- ',' . M-J 11 VlHIClil -?J. WVt 4 t f, DEALERS IN vix Paints, Oils and Wall Paper ! Sank bloona1. Alliance, Nebraska. t j..X.j...H-K'': Forest Lumber Comply. If I I V Vi i V J v r Dierks' Lumber Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 Palace Livery Barn S. II. OJCSC. Prop. oni: ULOCii wi:st of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: Ni:w zniNDEN . , juid courteous treatment to all has won for us the Hi'il.niNO. 'I'hono 72 excellent patronage xve enjoy. Trv us. Whyt Bless my Soult Its White House Coffee. DW1NELL-WRIQHT CO., BOSTON. CIIICAOO. ROLSTEFS PHARMACY..'.. Best Quality SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $35 Special Prices on Larger Lots at Holsten's. READ m t llll) Watches, Mft. -.Gold Jewelry, a e Hail orders promp,Uy attended to.- Drugs, Perfumes md Toilet Articles. 1 I'KOM Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing iu the line of tiulldlne Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 ,'i For that smj$L repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, ca,ri be had from us at reasonable priqe. Trv BOSTON CHICAGO The largest Dealer In the U. S. I AM am sole agent for this high grade Coffee and recommend its use, I am not going to make a display of cheap bar gains as it takes cheap goods for cheap premiums, Come to the store, I havw the best goods that money can buy and these xvill be my bargains to my customers. For your patronage I thank you. James Graham West of Alliance National Bank. mum Ai&-