k 1 T 1 1 I Kt ? WQMEN'SNEGLECT SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTY Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydla K. Pinlcham'B Vegetable Compounds llow many women do yon know who aro perfectly well and Btronrr? Wo hearerery day tho same story over and over again. ' I do not feel well ; I an) bo tired all tho timet" More than likely you speak the snmo words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. The cause may bo easily traced to some derangement of tho fe male organs which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctanco to go anywhere, or do anything, backache, bearing-down pains, flatulency, nerv ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhcea. Thcso symptoms aro but warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. The never-foiling remedy for all these symptoms is Lydla E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound, Miss Kate McDonald, of Woodbridgo, N J., writes : Dear Mrs. Plnkham : " I tujnk that a woman naturally dislikes to mako her troubles known to tho public, but restored health has meant so mueh to me that I cannot help from tolling mlno for tho sake of other suffering women. "For a longtime I sulTered untold agony with a uterine- trouble and irregularities, which made me a physical wreck, and no ono thought 1 would recover, but Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has entirely cured mo, and mado mo well and strcng, nnd I feel it my duty to tellother suffering women nhat u splendid medicine it is." If you nre ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound at once, and write to Mrs Plnkham, Ljnn. Mass., for special advice it is free and always helpful. Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will save not only time, bocauso it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. onn full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages, and tho price is tho same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is freo from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because ho has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. Ho knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "10 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and tho annoyance of the Iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Ho is not dead who departs from lifo with a high and noble tame; but ho is dead, even while living, whoso brow is branded with Infamy. Tieck. 80 Do. BIncnronI "Wheat Ter Acre, C00m$& introduced liy the U. S. Depf. of Agr. It is a tremendous cropper, yielding in good land in Win.-, 111., la., Mich., Ind., 0., Pa., N. Y., 80 bu, per acre, and on dry, and lands, Mich as are found in Mont.. Idaho, the Dakotaa, Colo., etc.. it will yield from 40 to CO bu. This Wheat and Bpeltz and Hanna Darley and Bromus Inermia and Billion Dollar Grass, makes it possible to grow and fatten hogs, sheep and cattle wnerever soil is found. jurr bknd 10a and this notice to the John A. Salzcr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and they will send you free u sample of this Wheat and other farm seeds, to gether with their great catalog, alone worth $100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. W. N. U.J Most of us believe that fasting fat tens tho other fellow. TO COKE A COLD IN ONE DAY TakeLaiallte liromo Quinine Tablets. Alt druq. rliu rerun J the money If It fall to cure. K. W. Orore's signature U on each buz. 25c. We find no better feelings in others than wo foster in ourselves. CITC permanently cored. Wo fit or nerrensnesa arte r 1 1 v ant day's um or Or. Kilns'! Ureat Nrrra Heator T. Sand for VUKK SJ3.00 trial bottle and treatise. IN. U. 11. (Out, Ltd., SJ1 Area street, rhUadelphls, Fs Some pain is tho price of any power. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" doe8 not please you, return it to your dealer. If it does, you eet one-third more for tho same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the Iron. Grip is better than graft. 2 Cream Separator FOR S2S.O0) w aall the celt, bratad DUNDEE CREAM 1EPARA TOK.capacltj -K pounds per bouri SuO pounds capacity per Hour tor 29.00: too pounds rapacity per hour for 334. OP. Ouaranltc the equal al Separator th.t retail eerrwhera at Iran 3T0.OO ta tlis.oo. a OUR OFFER. '".!5!S Sf raUr an eur 90 afar' tree trial 1 plan, wlthtbeblndlncundciaUnd- lntc and ayrreemrnt It you do not l,Btlnd by couiparlaon. tret and um iw ,, mat it win aim closer, akltn L.H colder milk, (Mm eaaler, run ilstiMrandeklinone-baKmore nunc man any illlc than any otber Cream Heparator made, jou can re- turntheSeparaterteuaateur expenee and we will Immedi ately return any money reu may hare paid far Srcifht charges er etherarKe. Cut thla ad out at once andmall to ua, and you will rerelre by re turn inall, free, potlnald. our iatest sereiiL reriy SEPARATOR CATALOOUC You will get our bliroaerand our free trial proportion aaiy.a will r.r.1,. Ik, Mlirtn. t.al.alrllkral lra Saparitar .tr.r r beard f. addrras. SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO., CHICAGO. $25 PVfiflfl v 'itavl Wi smm yiyv fiCiiV P ORDERS TO SHOOT TR00P3 MOW DOWN STRIKING WORKMEN AT RIGA. THIRTY KILLED AND WOUNDED Strikers Attack Troops to Disarm Them When Shooting Begins, Whereabouts of Father Gopln Still Remains a Mystery. ST. PBTEnSBURO Although tho strikes in Revnl, Llbnu, Kloff, Odessa and n few smaller placos aro evtond ing tho situation is nowhero acuta. An increasing number of workmen nro out in Moscow, but thero is no gonor al tie-up or disorders, Tho whereabouts of Father Oopon remains a mystery, although it Is said ho Is In Moscow. Tho Russian capital presents almost a normal appearance and tho authorities aro confident that tho strike has been broken. Soma of tho factories and mills havo resumed and a general resumption of opera tions is- expected on Monday. The au thorities oxpect that tho striko hero will havo a discouraging effect on the workmen in other cities to which the troubles havo been spreading and be llovo that thero is no longer danger of a complete suspension of all the industrial concerns of Russia. Interior Minister Sviatopolk-Mlrsky hn8 promised a delegation of editors who called upon him that ho will in vestigate tho arrest of n number of prominent writers who aro now con fined in tho St Peter and St. Paul fortress and socuro tholr releaso as soon as possible. LONDON A dispatch to Renter's Telegram company from Riga confirms tho previous announcement of a colli sion thero between strikrs and troops. Thirty workmen wore killed or wound ed and n substitute chief of police and two soldiers wero mortally wounded, Tho encounter occurred near tho Tukkum railroad station. Tho strikers attacked tho troops and attempted to disarm them, when tho order was given to flro. All tho workshops and factories aro closed. Tho strikers are parading tho streets nnd forcing all workmen to Join in tho procession. A dispatch from St. Petersburg, timed 9:26 p. m., to a news agency reports thnt Palil's factory and a largo cotton mill havo been set on flro and aro burning fiercely. REVOLUTIONARIES AT LONDON. Denounce "All Emperors, Thieves and Other Loafers." LONDON Tho largo east end re sort "Wonderland," which is notorious as a prize fight arena, was tho scone Friday night of a revolutionary demon stration. Tho audlenco numbered 3,000 and was composed largely of Russian Jews. A Russian revolution ary leader presided and made a speech denouncing Emperor Nicholas and tho grand dukes. For the benefit of recent arrivals from Russia ho re peated I1I3 speech In tho Russian tongue. Tho speaker was constantly Inter rupted by cheers for tho Russian rev olution and tho singing of the revo lutionary hymn. This was followed by a speech from a Londoner, who de lighted tho Tuidlenco by denouncing Emperor Nicholas, Emperor William and King Edward, and proposed that tho audience rid themselves of "all emperors, thieves and other loafers." A resolution was passed in har mony with tho temper anil view of the gathering, which was strange and motley, perhaps tho most representa tive of the kind ever seen In London. Policeroent were present in large num bers, but did not interrupt tho pro ceedings. GRAIN RATE WAR IS NOW ON. Eastern Roads Meet the Tariffs Late ly Prevailing Omaha to Gulf. CHICAGO Tho dogs of a real rail road war were let looso Thursday, when tho Chicago gateway and the Gulf of Mexico outlet began to fight In earnest for tho grain trado of the corn belt. Tho western roads, with tho exception of the ClUcago & North western, announced rates of 18'A cents from Omaha to New York, 17 cents to Philadelphia, and 17 cents' to Bal timore for export. Tho Gould lines, with tho other Gulf roads, camo back with nn open tariff of 12 14 cents from Omaha to New Orleans. The action of tho Chicago roads becamo known early in tho day, and boro Immediate fruit In tho securing of a substantial amount of grain thfough Nebraska by Chicago concerns. For tho first time in weeks Chicago shippers- wero able to compete with their rivals, using tho low rates that had been effective to the Gulf of Mexico. Fanners got nearly 4 cents more for their grain than before the reduction was made. Late In the day camo the reply from tho Gulf lines, which met tho open rates of tho Chicago roads by an open tariff 1 cents lower than tho "mid night tariffs" of a fortnight ago. Students Show Disapproval. Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse Three hundred Russian students marched to tho house of the Rusmlan minister, Prinze Koudachew. Tho spokosman for the students- said thov I wished to protest against absolutism. tho war with Japan and tho recont proceedings at St. Petersburg. Tho ' students gavo choers for freo Russia. Tho minlstor replied that last Sunday had been a day, of tho deepest sadnoss because masses of worklngmen had been misled by thoughtless leaders. Th students then quietly withdraw. RUMOR THAT CZAR MAY FLEE Not Confirmed That He Intends Go ing to Copenhagen. ST. PETERSBURG Thero Is' no confirmation of tho report that tho emperor, empress and children aro going to Copenhagen, or, on tho othor band, that tho emperor has decided to appoint a mixed commission of offi cials, employes and worklngmcn to consider tho strikers' demands, not ably tho question of eight hours work per day, and to muko nn Investiga tion of tho shooting of tho strikers. AH sorts of rumors nro circulating in both official circles and among tho worklngmon. A curious report sproad among tho men last night that tho emperor had given In and that three whlto flags had been displayed over tho Winter palace, signifying that ho had con sented lo reduce tho maximum legal hours of work from eleven to olght According to this legend tho emperor would havo displayed a red flag It ho had decided to refuse tho strikers' request. Many worklngmcn, deceived by this rumor shouted "hurrah" In lokcn of victory and this possibly was tho reason that tho strikers, bollcvlng they had already won tho day, re frained from committing excesses yesterday. DO NOT FAVOR ARBITRATION Russia Does Not Like Hay's Sugges tion. ST. PETERSBURG At tho foreign office tho Associated Press was In formed that tho proposition from Sec retary Hay to submit tho question of tho violation of Chinese neutrality to International arbitration had not been received. Tho officials wero rather non-plussed at tho suggestion, declar ing they could not understand how It wns" possible under tho present cir cumstances to adjust such a question by such means. Tho exchange of signatures of tho Russian-American arbitration treaty within a few days Is expected to fol low Foreign Minister Iamsdorff'a reply forwarded today through Am bassador McCormick to Secretary Hay's representations regarding tho risk of difficulty In tho matter of rati fication by tho senate of any treaty departing from tho original Franco British model. The difficulties ns al leged by Mr. Hay aro thoroughly ap preciated and Russia, being anxious to consummate the treaty, haR decided not to insist upon tho form of treaties which sho has already also negotiated with Belgium, Norway and Sweden In addition to tho United States. JAPS LOSE VILLAGE. Russians Occupy Fortified Town In Manchuria after Desperate Battle. ST PETERSBURG General Kouro patkln reports that Russian troops on January 2C, after a dosperato fight, occupied tho village of Sandopas, which had been strongly fortified by tho Japnnese, News of General Kouropatklu's successful repulso of tho Japanese ad vance comes most opportunely. Tho belief ovists that Field Mar shal Oyama sought to tako advnntago of any depression prevallng In tho Russian ranks as the result of tho news fiom St Petersburg by an at tack against General Kouropatkln's right, but tho Russian commander-in-chief seems to havo tin nod the tables'. Infllctlug considerable loss on tho Japanese on Thursday and taking sev eral positions westwnrd along tho plain of tho Hun river. Evidently General Kouropatkln Is following up his victory, the latest dis patches to tho Associated Press from the front, dated G o'clock, In the even ing of January 27, indicating that there is n battle In progress extending along tho center and becoming moro nnd more serious. However, It seems to bo confined to artillery. TALK CONCILIATORY PLANS. Emperor Nicholas Causes Special Council to Be Held. ST. PETERSBURG A special council was held at Tsarskoe Selo, at which it Is said various conciliatory measures wore ddclded on, but no details havo yet transpired. Emperor Nicholas gavo a luncheon Friday at Tsarskoo Selo In honor of the birthday of Emperor William of Germany. Tho empress, the dowager empress, tho German ambassador, Count Lamsdorff and M. Witto wero present. Tho strike continues at Saratoff, Llbau and Lodz. No newspapers have appeared,, In any of thcso cities. At Warsaw tho situation appears to bo getting worse. Tho strike is rap Idly spreading, shops havo been clos ed, there are no newspapers and tele phone service has been stoppd. Dry an at College Dinner. NEW YORK William Jennlngi Bryan was tho principal guest Friday night at the annual dinner of tho New York Alumni association of Syracuse university at tho Hotel Astor. Ho spoko on "Tho Appeal of Democracy to tho Cultured Classes." Main Question Not Touched. WASHINGTON "None of tho pend Ing measures touch on tho main ques tion," said A. C. Bird, vice president of a number of railroads composing tho Gould system, at a hearing Tues day before tho houso committee on interstate and foreign commerce on tho question of giving the interstata commerco commission greater powers. Among tho roadsr represented by Mr. Bird aro the Wabash, Iron Mountain, Mlsaourl Pacific and Texas Pacific, Unreasonable rates, per Be, ho said, havo disappeared COL. BECKWITH SAYS: "I Take Pleasure in Commending Pe-ru-na For Coughs and Colds." COL. P AVL..BECKWTH. Colonel Paul E. Bccltwlth, LL Col., retired, 1st Reg. Mlnuto Men, in a 1 letter from 1503 Vermont nvcnuo, N. W., Washington, D. 0., writes: "From the unqualified endorsement of m&ny of my friends, I ;! 1 tako pleasure la commending your remedies tor coughs and I colds." Paul E. Dcckwttk. ! IN FIELD OR BARRACKS PE-RU-NA IS EFFICACIOUS. Tho constant exposure to tho ele ments experienced in an out-door lifo is not so apt to causo coughs and colds as sedentary habits. Thoso who nro brought face to faco with tho weather every day In octivo lifo aro much less llablo to catarrhal diseases than thoso who aro housed up in Uly ventilated rooms. And yet both of these classes aro more or less subject to catarrh and ALL CLASSES ARE SUBJECT TO CATARRH. catarrhal discuses. Tho soldier as well as tho civilian finds it frequently necessary to uso Peruna on account of coughs and colds. No ono is exempt. Tho strong and healthy aro less llablo than tho weak and ill, but nono entirely escape. DEWEY & ST.ONE fURNITURE GO. . OMAHA RETIRING f ROM BUSINESS Everything in Furniture to bo closed out at onco, regardless of cast. An op portunity worth coming- hundreds of miles to tako advantage of. ' Benefit In Two Meals a Day. Persons who aro tho victims of chronic complaints, and whoso diges tion Is slow nnd feeble, aro often greatly benefited by taking but two meals a day, If they aro cnrerul to eat as much In tho two meals as would ordinarily bo comprised In threo. Tho neuralgic, In particular, will do well to adopt thla.course, but tho first meal should bo somewhat lato and tho sec ond reasonably early. Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch, not alone because thpy get one-third more for the same money, but alro because of supe :lor quullty. Haytl devotes almost one-sixth ot Its revenues to free schools. Defiance Starch la put up 1G ounces in n package, 10 cntn. Ono-thlrd more starch for the same money. tt Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. Croup. Influenza, Whoopinc Cough, Uronchltls nnd Asthma, A crtalu euro for Consumption in 11 rkt itage. and a sum relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You vrH aee tho excellent eflect otter, taking tho Urst dos. Sold by dealers every. where Largo bottles 20 cents and W cents. TKC ONCAT KIONB-V ANO lIVCH OUR nauinarMMrnv'sriuADiTr y. aMillMHW. wnM Cr Am umfi .,.. m vva .mjmwv,, a, a. FreeBook m.i. .... ..-am M.n.. D...I .i ,1.1. 1w.l aublectw 11 be sent with the book. THE L PUTNAM Color rrors ooods brlohter and latter colon than an Ask seller or veiil send post paldatlOc a package. LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER 5t Cliar better Quality than most 10f Clears Year jobber or sUreet from Factory, Peoria. IV Peruna has always been n. great favorite with tho military men, both in tho army and navy. Tho strongcht kind of testimonials aro received from officers of high rank concerning the virtues of Peruna for all catarrhal ailments. Onl v a small per cent, of thcso can bo used for publication for want bf space. Mr. Uarribon L. Deuin, llurusido Post No. 8,' Department of tho Potomac, Colonel encampment No. 09, Union Veterans Legion, Colonel Green Clay Smith Regiment No. 17, U. V. U., De partment of the Potomac, Military Order Loyal Legion, Department of Columbia, Major 34th Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry, writes: "There ta no longer any question aa to the curative qualities ot Peruna In all catarrhal troubles. Its Mucceasful use by many of my friends entitles It to confidence and endorsement" GREGORY'S KRP.nH arc troll tUt you can do pes'! on. OnCrUlogu. VTU. faMMIHT BOS, JUtU.k4, Bu. TWEITY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE Is the record on the Free Home stood Lands of Wostorn Canada for 1904. The ISO 000 fanner from the United Btttei.nrho during tbe pmt iere n jreara bars gone to Canada participate In tut prosperity. Tbe United Statea will xm become an Importer of wheat, (let a free homeitrad or imrcbaie a farm In Western Canada, and become one of tboiewho will help produce It, Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imml rratlon. Ot'awa, Canada, or to authorized Canadian tio eminent ient W. V, llennett, BOt Sew Tork Life Uuildlng, Omaha, Kabra.ka. rieue tar where yon law ttili adTcrtUcment. FARMS and RANCHES WHEAT LANDS KANSAS $6 io $10 Pir Acrt Splendid lectlnm. Combined farming and stock raising. 81.7B toBS.OO I'or Acre. Kansas, Colorado aad Nebraska. Onlr one-tenth cash, nest land bargains In West. Ask D. A. McAL.I.ATi:it. Land Commissioner Uejit. II., U. 1'. It. It. Co., Omaha. Neb. SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Cureo ALSO OTHtR DtrONMITICS. Write or call at office for free Informa tion. Highest testimonials from prom inent statesmen, and physicians. Con huh your family Doctor. No braces o. appliances used. Treated nccesslullj bjr mail. Six years' experience. I he Ulummht fivn-JUitln Ortha wdte tatt. tafyrkjat 1MZ, incorporatcd, cariTAi tas.ooo oo. 10 TO 21 ARLINGTON SILK., OMAHA. NEB. DR. McQRE W For SO years has nindo a specialty Of IHSKASKS OPMKN. Klght-c-rn year In Omaha His llomr Treatment has permunentlj cured thousands. ONLY 1'IVK DOI.I.AHH for two months treniuxiit. Mcdlclnu sent lr plain pacUtfi Uox 'Cd. Ortlct 21S South Ulh-Jtrout, Omaha Neb raska. vffosra PB. H """!""?"" On Deformities and Paralysis will lo sent free postpaid upon reqneit. This book Is of s hundred pices . handsomely Illustrated tnrumtnout and tells nf an experience of over thirty years la the treatment of Crooked Feet, rlplnul DeforuiUln, Infantile I'aralysls, Illp Disease, Deformed Limbs and Joints. lUc. It telle ot the only tnoronly equipped banltarlum In this country derotcd exclusively to tbe treatment ,r fr tt.,tw fn..tH inMntfrtn fhrnrm'tfr tit or loose conditions ana now 'c. McLAIN OHTHOPEDIO SAlMTAHIUM, FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c pictaco eoler silk, wool arx1 cctton equally well end Is quaranteed to, give oerfect results. Write lor Iree booklet-How to Due, Bleach and Mix Colors. JfOMf. tntCu CO., inloitvUit.Miuouri When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. We would tttch tl Buty who buys. Lesson number ov Starch is an extraction of wheat need to stif fen clothes when laundered, Moat starches in tims 'will rot the goods they ' are used to ttifren. They eomlifsi chemiomk.1 Balance Starekl is absolutely pare. It rives hi lift toJ linen. Tt crlv a aatlsftrJ tion or money back. It ells 18 ounces for 19 easts at all grocers. ItkJbeJ rery best, lUMJttCnjKD mr T62 DEFIANCE STARCH CO, OMAHA NEA 1 Follow tho Flag." EXCURSIONS SOUTH DAILY If you uro thinking of a trip S0UTH--S0UT.IEAST--EAST wrlto and let us tell you boat rates, tlmo, routo und uend marked tlmo tabled This saves you worry and an noyance nnd mnkea you tool at itomo all tho way. Call Wabash City Olllco, 1601 Far nam St., or address Harry C. Moores, G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R., Omaha, Neb. 10,000 Plants for I6g. or K.u. .m - - - ;-rr; , S).iM Th.Ml. nudi) rorthls. 1 Ws own orer 6,000 acres for tho pro. IUUVUUH W. u .T iin nniftr to lntiuoa tou loirr mituiw. j--""-- -T -. ::f . .t.. ......m , w maae tou in souvwiu uuy.v- m ce dentad orri Fa IB Oawffs PomtmmU ItOOOBarl. MliaaeiUK4aii IfOOO ri Jlf j Tanlas, r sooo niaacaiai 1117. teoo Ulsk NiurUtlacsi 100a ti:ia (u., .. . looo Bar Ul Hsslelt, lOOO Ul.ria.1r BrIUIaal rtawara. abore saten paekairts contain anftV. 1 cUnt seed to Brow 10 uwpianis, inr. nisnrntr Dosneis or sriiuan flowersandlotaandloUotcnolca TeKetaSies.tOaTecnerwiianurs'rsv.a cmuloBjtalllDij all abous Flower, Hoses, Small Fruits, lo., all for ISO in stamps sina inis suum DUE IM!':' oafcAlug: aviuuv.au, inHM A. SAtlER 1EEI 0. ! W.K.V, La Cronee, Wl. Look for this brand on harness, collars, saddles, horbo blankets, lap robes, etc. Made by Harpham Bros. Co., Lincoln. Neb. I Drop as a card and will mall you a souvenir. INCUBATOR, Tbe OU) TRUSTY In cubators are made by Johnson, the Incubator Man, who made GOMM be fore mventUx hit OLD TRUBTY. A par foHtself hatch er Forty days' free trial and s nve year's gusran tee. tor hlR free cata logue, 300 poultry Illus LTT trations, auarrss. M. M.JOHNSON OO., S-tf it O. T., Clay Center Neb.1 W. N. U. Omaha. No. 51905. tucr uj ua cuiru wnu"va mrjicai unuvu,, ,. tba affliction and Seed 3104 PINE STREET, 8T. LOU I ict perui Ifra'ure bearjng on the MO. Wiii.Hiw-wti.;i Jl LOfitS WlitKt ALL Lb ij Sett CoutfU tfyrup. Tsutet nri hr drutralitt. oastfl'i " w j-iwuHrwisT -', "yy lfsssssyl JlliL f All S. C c Good. rwW