The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 02, 1905, Image 1

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    Stato Historical Society
Publication of
Box Butte
Circulation of
any Alliance
i dim
1 WBs
Sr WW ntl,e
LV'. iaTdoubt
f' f08 Friday.
! -
you arcfin need of house furnishings Lock
wood's store is the place to go. Prices are
right and so is their stock. No matter
what vou want they have it.
Have No Doubt About It "Is Slmpltins
sure his wife's poodle is dead?" "He must
be. I see he is offering $50 reward for it."
those pieces of furniture repaired or up
holstered to look like new? Bring them to
Lockwood's; we have an epert upholster
er and repair man.
Nothing in Comparison Ada (At Jen
nie's wedding) She had to wait thirty
minutes for the bridegroom. Wasn't that
perfectly awful?
Lilly Languishingly That's nothing to
waiting thirty years.
SEE US. No Remnant sale at Lock
wood's, our Christmas trade cleaned 113
out. In all departments you will sec at
once on entering our store, a bright, new
stock, just received, We have no old
relics or eye-sores left. Everything just
the latest designs, unpacked and waiting
for your inspection.
US. We have no tag sale, but everything
tagged at prices that will make competitors
BLANKETS. Our blankets are so cheap
. that it don't pay to buy coal, Keep
warm with a pair of our blankets.
Honeymoon Cookery "And so my lit
tle wife cooked this all herself? What
does she call it?"
"Well, I started it for bread, but after
it came out of the oven I concluded I'd
better put some sauce on it and call it pud
ding." GET
a piece of our new Bird's Egg blue enamel
ed ware and you will use no other. Hand
sotrfoand durable. Look in our window
and see 'em.
"Bronson is very ill; he's got to have
his teeth extracted." "What are you talk
ing about? Bronson's teeth are all false."
"I know it. He's swallowed 'em."
Dick Watkins Weds.
The announcement of the marriage
of Richard Watkins, the well known
cattle man of this city, comes as a sur
prise to his host of friends here, but
all unite in wishing him a happy time.
The bride is a Mrs. Hill, formerly of
Missouri. The nuptials were eclcbrat
' cd at Long Branch, California, Jan
uary 27. Dick left here less than a
; month ago to spend the winter in
' California and his warmest friends
never suspected him of forsaking his
1 However, since we come to think of
lit, it was just a year ago when Dick
'Jtiftook advantage of the weather to gi e
a lady menu a sletcn nue. It was such
yt&W&riii limiQiml nrnirntmn
unusual occurance for him, that
Spry, Billy King and others
j0 hired a bunch of street urchins to catch
the sleigh and get in if possible; for
i j&. which each arab succeeding in getting
w "T . .
, into the tne sleign was to receive ten
T -.cents. The fact that it cost Spry and
W ,7 King about S 10 each to pay the kids,
i'.v- Y3,tells how well they succeeded. The
'S.EHyhole town turned out to see the fun.
t , iEor a time Dick was nad hut seeing it
; jSwas po use, decided to take it as a
ll&J'joke. That cured him of heitig bashful
jfnUin the presence of ladies, which no
accounts for his actions last
Talbot Will Speak.
To the citizens of Alliance, greetings:
In behalf of Box Butte Camp No.
iJitSS 733 Modern Woodmen of America, we
2-fl. ..AvfnTirl ir -rn on nrirnnf invitnlirm t
' hear Hon. A. R. Talbot, head consul
3 f 1
.'' i of the order, who will address the citi-
$ zens of Allianc and vicinity in Zbin-
&X den hall, Tuesday, Feb. 7U1, at 3:30 p.
t" rh. If you want a treat friends, come
out and fill up the hall.
)' r Bv ordek or Committee.
', Cheap Rates to Denver and Return.
- A rate of one fare plus $2. to Den-
t'L ver and return will be in effect Thurs-
day Feb. g, good to return Sunday,
" Feb. is, on account qf the Alliance-
4 Denver bowling match, providing ten
j persons go. If you want to go leave
i word with Ridgcll at the Bowling Alley.
Henry Knipple, age 19, and Miss
Katie Sider, age 16, were married Sun-
ijp - day, January 29th. The Rev. Otto
s Roehrig, pastor of the German Luth
,. eran church, performed the ceremony.
T For Sale The Pearson residence
. ...... 1 I L 11
property, opposite mgu scnooi ouuu-
ing. T. J. O'Keefe.
for New
ItnllronU In WjoinltiR. Now
Homestead Hit! Ily
Pi ess dispatches of yesterday con
tained the following interesting infoiin
ation: Articles of incorporation of the Big
Horn Railway company have been
filed in Wyoming, the incorporatois
being General Manager George W.
Holdrcge of the Burlington; G. W.
Loomis, his assistant; W. P. Dinkcc,
auditor; A. D. Alice, assistant auditor;
and J. E. Kclby, solicitor. The capi
tal stock will bo $5,000,000.
The Big Horn Railway is the branch
of the Burlington planned to run
through Big Horn and Fremont coun
ties, Wyoming. This branch will ex
tend south from the Burlington's lines
in Northern Wyoming, and will be a
rival of the branch to bo built by the
Northwestern from its main line at Cas
per to the Shoshone reservation.
The opening of this reservation will
probably take place next summer, and
both the Burlington and Northwestern
will begin building as soon as the bill
providing for the segregation and sale
of the northeastern section of the res
ervation has been passed by congress.
New Hoincstcnd Hill.
Congressman Kinkaid today intro
duced a bill giving preferential right to
a certain class of cntrymen under the
640-acie act, commonly known as the
Kinkaid act, to those settlers who were
deprived of their settlement by icason
of lands bciuir withdrawn under the
irrigation act and now turned back to
He also introduced a bill giving
entrymen under the Pathfiiuder irriga
tion project in Nebraska until May,
1907, to commence residence. This,
bill is in effoct amendatory to the
national irrigation act wherein entry
men have only six months to commence
residence. As the Pathfinder project
is not expected to be completed for
several years, Judge Kinkaid believes
it will woik a hardship upon those per
sons locating along the canal to take
up their residence when there is no
water in the stream. His bill extends
the time of commencing residence and
if passed will give those who have
already located 011 the land the right to
obtain leave of absence from the local
land office until May, 1907.
During the past year there has been
a decided effort made to start school
libraries in Nebraska. Richardson
leads as the banner county have in
vested over $1,700.00 in the past year.
Box Butte has made a beginng, there
being several good libraries in the
county schools, and many teachers are
interesting themselves in the good
work this winter. The first entertain
ment this winter for that purpose was
given last Friday night at the iiome
of Mr. Brower in district No. 1 same
being a box social, at which a very
pleasant evening was spent by those
present, every one enjoying the enter
tainment offered by the teacher Miss
Fanny McCoy and pupils. Ten dol
lars were received which will at once
be invested in good 'library books for
the school.
The Lolspeich brothers near Hyannis
who have been hunting a couple of
gray wolves for the past week, have at
last killed one of them. It is the larg
est ever heard of in that vicinity,
weighing a hundred and twenty-five
pounds. The two wolves had been in
the neighborhood for the past three
months killing calves, cows and horses
to the value of $500 or ?6oo for the
boys. On one occasion they even kill
ed one of their dogs. There is a largo
bounty on wolvos in that county and
especially on these two. A number of
men are still on the trail of the second
Fred Mollring has succeeded to the
business of Mollring Bros,, and will
conduct the business on his own
account in the future. He has recently
purchased a complete new stock that is
on the road now. He proposes to con
duct a modern up-to-date business,
Miss Mary Basse came down from
Hemingford Thursday evening and vis
ited hef many friends,-returning on 41
New Bottling Works.
Alliance is to have a now industry.
Boycr & Harrison will be the stylo of
the new firm. E. Boycr and Fred
Harrison have formed a co-partnership
fot the manufacture and sale of
carbonated bottled goods ns well as ice
cream for the wholesale trade. They
will commence business ns soon as
their machinery and material arrives,
which will be sometime in March.
The new firm will manufacture every
known kind of temperance drinks: Pop,
ginger ale, soda water, birch beer,
seltzer and all kinds of catbonatcd
drinks in quantities sufficient to supply
not only the home demand, but also
the demauds of dealers in that class of
goods throughout the entire west.
Only distilled water will be used, which
insures the purity of their product.
Mr. Hnnison is past master in the art
of making high grade ice cream. The
firm will be prepared to supply all the
local cateicis as well as church, lodge,
and other societies with ice cream in
an quantities on short notice.
Dealers who desire to serve their
customers with the highest grade of
goods will do well to reserve orders for
the new firm.
Entertaining Opera.
Alliance theatre-goers were afforded
an opportunity to see one of the best
opera companies last Monday and
Tuesday nights that has visilt 1 Al
liance tor a long time. me I vnr
Prince company is certainly one o' v
best that visits cities of the rin.d 1 1
class and the large and appreufct'
houses both nights in Alliance r.
the company feel that it will rc(ui.e
a great deal of persuasion to convince
them that Alliance-should be "passed
up" during their next trip west. Man
ager Broome is certainly to be congrat"
ula'tcd on Ins success in securing such
a strong company.
Sold His Dairy Business.
Enoch Boyer has sold his dairy busi
ness to N. A. and D. L. Sturgeon who
will assume the management thereof
March i&t. Besides all the dairy fix
tures, seventy head of cows were in
cluded in the sale and a three years'
lease of the ranch. The new proprie
tors are known as men of integrity and
will aim to maintain the reputation of
the Boycr dairy for reliability and high
class service. The Sturgeon dairy will
retain the Boyer 'phone number 262
and Mr. Boycr will conduct the busi
ness till the first of March, when he
will move to town.
George Darling, the furniture man,
leaves Saturday night for Chicago and
Grand Rapids to buy a new stock. T.
J. Threlkcld, a licensed embalmer, will
have charge of his undertaking depart
ment, so there will be no excuse to put
off dying until George returns.
St. Matthew's Episcopal church
Sunday, Feb. 5th, fifth Sunday after
Ephiany. The Litany and Holy
Eucharist at 11 a. in. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Sunday evening prayer
and song service 7:30 p. in. All are
cordially invited to attend. Chas. B.
Coerr, rector.
What 10c Will Buy at
China and Notion Store
Hat Rack
Whittemores Polish
Granite Soap Dish
Large Screw Driver
3-Piece Kitchen Set
Dish Pan
Lamp Shade
Tea Boll
Eye Shade
Pair Sido Combs
Men'b Garters
Williai.10 Shaving Soap
Toilti Soap
Large """owel
Leathrr Watch Chain
Gem Pan
Cuttiug Plieis v
Large Dippar
Rubber Balls
Only a Small List of Our Bargains
Wont n n 5 5(1 Conscience
Hurts Thief
Some two weeks ago J. B. Gray sent
a valuable suit of underwear to' his
washer woman together with his grist
of laundry. When she caino to got the
wash Iroiu the line, some miscieant
had stolen the underwear valued at
57.50. The poor woman bemoaned her
sad fate and prepared to icp.iy her
patron today. Imagine her amaze
ment this morning, when she found
the missing garments at her door, with
the following note pinned to them
written in a legible hand, hut with no
name signed. "I have couchiJcd to
return these goods and ask forgiveness.
I believe it better to work hatder and
enjo le&ti bodily com fot tn than to
cnduic compunction of conscience, to
say nothingof what else might follow.
You may wonder if the Preaching at
the Baptist Chinch, had anything to do
with it. and it is but Justice to say IT
If any one doubts the efficacy of
prayer, or the good results of revival
meetings, let him forever hold his
peace. And yet Mr. Gray, his land
lotd and the washer-woman are scepti
cal, prefeiring to believe that the thief's
"what might follow" to be fear of cap
ture, rather than rcpentctice. Another
sceptic said ho believed tho suit was
returned because the thief was not
largo enough to fill it. But Gray and
the laundress are happy, just the same.
destroying Prairie Dogs.
file Nebraska Experiment Station
has just issued Bulletin No. 86. It
contains a report of experiments pre
viously conducted in the use of poisons
for destroying prairie dogs, and the
results obtained recently in fumigating
with some very cheap substances.
The bulletin may be obtained free of
cost by residents of Nebraska upon
writing to the Agricultutal Experiment
Station, Lincoln, Nehr.
Tiik Herald appears one day earlier
this week as promised in our last issue,
and should reach subscribers one day
earlier. This will enable all our read
ers to get their papers not later than
Saturday in the future, no matter where
they reside. If j'our paper is not
promptly delivered and correctly ad
dressed we will be pleased to have you
advise ns.
Jules Zbindcn returned from Sweet
water Tuesday after an absence of ten
days looking after his elevator and
store interests there, at the same time
visiting his aged patents who reside
there. He reports more snow there
than here and says farmers are having
difficulty in marketing their crops on
account of it.
The milk wagon team belonging to
Ed Young ran away Monday but had
not gone far when they run into
O'Connor's delivery wagon and bread
and milk poultices filled the air and
street. Aside from the loss of some
good grub no serious damage was
Finishing Braid
A good Hammer
Large Coal Shovel
Spring Scales
Set Tea Spoons
Coffee Pot
Ladies Garters
WJHisk Broom
Cuptand Saucer
Men's Tie
Cloth bound Book
Fine Handkerchief
Towel Rack
Pair Shears
Bread Pan
Shoe Brush
Eight Alliance Boys Enlist.
The Naval lociuiting officois here,
icpoit that so fnr they have eight
applicants for enlistment. Four sea
men apprentices, two coal ' handlers
apprentices and two wireless tjclogra
phy nppronlices. The iininoH of the
applicants aro not yol ready for publi
cation, as the final medical examination
will not ha hold until Saturday of this
Tho lecruitiiiR officers are well
pleased with Alliance, having come
hoie direct from Cheyenne and Doug'
las, Wyo. At tho former place they
secured two recruits, at the lattqr
place only out'.
Under a icceut niling of tho Navy
depailmont, naval iccruits arc per
mitted twice rach vctir to tako exami
nation for cjuiiiisiiouud offices. Those
officers now being recruited from the
ranks of tho enlisted men, by competi
tive examination.
Tho office closes hero Saturday night,
going from hero to Boulder, Colo.
Woodman Day, Tuesday, Feb, 7th
all members of Box Butte Camp No.
733 and visiting neighbors will meet at
Zbindcn Hall at 12 o'clock sharp.
From hall to depot meeting No 41;
Line up.
tst. Mounted Uniformed Foresters.
2nd. Alliance Cornet Baud.
3d. Carriage containing Head Con
sul Talbot.
4th. Bridgeport Cornet Band.
5th. 500 Woodmen in line.
6th. Camp Goat.
At 3:30 p. in. Ileiijd Consul A, R.
Talbot speaks at Zbindcn hall.
From 6 to 8 p. in. Ladies of' Royal
Neighbors will servo Banquet to Royal
Neighbors and Woodmen and candi
dates at City Hall. .... v,
8:15 Lodge work at hall. '
Messrs. Martin Solbcrg, John Barn
stead and John Kiusella, all substantial
and well known citizens from the north
part of tho county, transacted btisi.
ncss in Alliance Saturday and made
this office a pleasant visit. The two
first named gentlemen, who are ardent
republicans, took occasion to 'remark
that they hoped Tun Hkrald under
the new management would retain the
friendship of as many democrats as it
has always enjoyed from republicans
and this is 4he desire of the publisher.
Mr. and Mis. Ed Mollring will leave
this week for Kearney, their future
home. Last Friday night they were
entertained by the Cheese and Cracker
club at the home of Mrs. Koons and
and were tho recipients of a handsome
cut glass bcrrry bowl tendered by tho
club as a memento of the high esteem
in which they .arc held. Universal re
gret was expressed on account of the
club loosing such prominent members,
C. J. Wildy, of Hemingford is pre
paring to ship hix car loads of Box
Butte potatoes this week that will go
on the eastern maiket as Gieely pota
toes, which command tho highest
price of any tuber on tho market. We
might add that these potatoes were
grown at a good profit to tho farmer
and arc now being sold at a good profit
to the shipper, and were grown without
The Alliance Herald reaches our
desk now under the new control, Bio
TJ. O Keefe having sold out to W. b.
Raker. We regret to lose Bro. O Keefo
who has many friends among those
who differ with him politically. The
Herald again passes into the hands of
an able printer and editor, who will
conduct the same as a lepublican pa
per. Shake Bro. Raker. The name
sounds familiar. Rushville Recorder.
Saturday morning word reached
here that the Weston University at
Quindaro, Kansas, had burned, to
gether with all the effects of the twe
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. N,
Corneal who are attending school thore.
Mrs. Corneal left on tho first train for
that place with a new wardrobe for the
girls. ww
Mrs. Richardson who recently sold
her restaurant property to W. M. VH
son who is occupying it with his stock
of second hand goods, has bought a
stock of second hand goods at Mitchell
and will make that her future home.
Flio Horace BogucSlore
of Kid Gloves
rrm -jll z
Per cent
on all Gloves
DoiVt Miss It
btoro elirtCN (i i. m. oxroiit Tuusnnys
una Rntuntiiyt)
Business Locals.
Co-Lon-Co. -
100 pounds Bran 90c at the Allianco
Grocery Co.
Dr. Allan, dentist; opera house.
Good 4 100111 house for rent. P.
J. Nolan. 2'3t.
Seven harshest Soap 25c. Alliance Gro
cery Co.
' Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
Four pounds bulk Raisin Prunes 25c,
Alliance Grocery Co.
Wanted: something we can't re
pair. Lockwood.
Go to tho Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Have your final proof notice printed
at Tim HitKAi.D office.
-Fancy sweet Naval Oranges."'-25c, -35c,
40c pernozen at tne Alliance Grocery Co.
Just received a new car of Lexington
Flour. Geo. W. Young.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Pianos and Organs sold on easy
payments at Lockwood's.
B. & M. Patent flour 51.65 per sack,
best in town, try It. Alliance Grocery Co,
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Have your furniture repaired and
pictures framed at Lockwood's.
Skinnea Ham 14c, pound Bacon 14c,
other cured meaU as cheap at tho Alliance
Grocery Co.
For Sale: Cheap: Four loom brick
residence. F. C. Reeves. 409 West
Boulevard, So. Alliance. 6-tf
Three packages Pancake flour. Cero
Fruto, Norka breakfast food 25c, a snap.
Alliance Grocery Co.
Hnrold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Home rendered leaf lard tic per
pound. Gaurantecd pure. Bubhnell
& Olday, proprietors Palace meat
market. 3-tf,
For Sale: House and two lots, two
blocks east of First National bank.
Enquire at the house or saloon W.
N. Corneal. G-tf
Bank drafts are cheaper and more
convenient than post office orders.
When you want to send money aivay
go to Tho First National Bank. 3-tf
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Cc-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist,
For Sale: Bakery and confection-
ery in good Colorado town; 6000 peo
ple. Steam heat and light. fTwo
wagons. Sales lasjt year $14,256.32:
price Si, 800.00. For full particulars
call at Tub Hrrald office. 6-tf.
We pay 4 per cent on money left for
six months and 5 five per cent on money
left a year. S5.00 will open a savings
account. Begin 1905 right by opening
an account with us and saving some
money. The First Nafl. Bank.
Ring No. 512 for full information.
We want your trade. Deliver prompt,
ly on time wav beyond the street car
line. South of bank 3rd door. The
new Flour and Feed store, Call to
day; I want to bee you. W. D. Dav
idson. 6-tf